
Opinion | Why Crying Is Healthy - The New York Times

Opinion | Why Crying Is Healthy - The New York Times


Have You Considered the Benefits of Crying?
A teacher travels across Japan to encourage adults to cry more.


Tears Teacher
A teacher travels across Japan to encourage adults to cry more.

Have you cried recently? When was the last time you cried? Do you mind telling me? You don’t remember. You haven’t cried in a while. I see. Yes, yes. The Ladder Café is open. Let’s go. Until I started this job, I wasn’t able to cry. But crying therapy has changed my body. It’s more emotional now. I don’t catch colds anymore. Crying has boosted my immune system. Good morning. Nice to meet you. When I was talking to people, I used to hide a little. But getting used to crying has helped me express my opinion more, be more myself. I’m Nakajima... I’m Yoshida, nice to meet you. [omit] Are you by yourself? Yes. There’s a camera today, they are doing a documentary about me. [writes: ‘Crying therapy’] Today, I am going to introduce you to crying therapy. Crying therapy is making yourself cry on purpose, 2-3 times a month, to detox your heart. So let me ask you: have you cried recently? Try to remember. Who cried yesterday? Last week? How about last month. No one! Last year? Japanese society doesn’t approve of tears. Men shouldn’t cry. You shouldn’t cry in public. Holding back tears is considered a virtue. But we now understand that crying is good for the body. People who weren’t crying want to try, and they ask me to teach them to improve their health. I play a variety of videos: about families, animals, sports… It could be an athlete winning a gold medal. For me, I like videos about grandmothers. Just seeing a grandmother makes me well up. It’s my weak spot. It hits home. It can be anything. That you are tired, or whatever stresses you out. Just write it down. Now put your complaints in this weeping box. My grandpa passed away three years ago. Whenever I was going through a rough patch, he’d always look out for me. Thank you for having my back. I want to make this cafe a crying cafe. It would be open all day and all night. Having been a tears teacher for 5 years, I’ve realised that there’s many people who want to cry. They come to me asking for a place to weep. I’m thinking of making a special Tears cocktail for the cafe, something blue. Above all, I want to make men in their 40s cry. I am myself 43, and I feel like men my age are really suffering. At work, they’re under pressure from older and younger colleagues, and stress builds up. My friend actually died from overwork. He kept saying how stressful his job was. I hadn’t started crying therapy yet, but I can’t help but think that if I’d given him time and space to cry, he would maybe still be alive. My dad? Yeah, he’s seen me at work. I needed a helping hand and asked him to attend a workshop. I was embarrassed, but he did say he was proud of my work. I looked at him after the workshop, but he turned away. He was crying. I think he was ashamed of crying in front of his son. Those are fake glasses. Do I look different? I don’t look like a weirdo? What’s different? I don’t know. But when I wear these, my state of mind changes. I need a different mindset to go outside and teach. I put on my public persona. I don’t have children. But if I ever do, I would teach them how meaningful crying is. You grow emotionally when you cry. In Japan, we say “a child who cries grows up healthy”. I think that when you cry, you learn about yourself. It’s important for people to stay vulnerable to live a fulfilling a life. When I have kids, I’ll teach them to cry regularly. Maybe we’ll watch movies together. That’d be nice.

Tears Teacher
A teacher travels across Japan to encourage adults to cry more.CreditCredit...Noemie Nakai
Video by Noemie Nakai

Ms. Nakai is a filmmaker.

This film is part of a special Op-Docs series of short documentaries from the 2021 Sundance Film Festival.

It’s safe to say we all have more to cry about this year. Gone, for the most part, are the days when shedding tears around other people was derided as inappropriate or embarrassing: Even leaders are crying in public. And that’s OK: Crying can be really, really good for you.

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KIMO commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
The day that President Obama gave the press briefing regarding the Sandy Hook school shooting, he couldn't hold back tears.  He wiped at his eyes several times.  Seeing a leader express authentic emotions in responding to those horrible acts by the shooter is what leadership is.

Many of us were crying too.  Displaying and sharing in our grief is leadership.

I was gad to see a world leader respond with tears because it is an appropriate response.

Tears are a healthy response and should not be held back.

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Barb Davis commented July 28, 2020
Barb Davis
July 28, 2020
July 23rd is my crying day.  It marks the day my young son died from a horrendous freak accident.  Twenty five years later my grandson was born on that very date.   I go to what my son termed the kissing tree where I would kiss him goodbye before he walked the rest of the way to school every day.  I touch the tree and empty my heart of all the joy and pain that has collected during the year.

4 Replies103 RecommendShareFlag
Chauncey Gardner commented July 28, 2020
Chauncey Gardner
The Great Flyover
July 28, 2020
I served my country in Vietnam. A stupid war and I didn’t want to go, but I did. I figured I owed somebody something for the good life I had been given. I, and some of my veteran buddies, stayed up the night Trump was declared the winner. Couldn’t believe it. It took a while to sober up but I knew that we were in trouble. So, now, I look at the condition my country is in and, it breaks my heart to say, this isn’t my country anymore and it hasn’t been for a long time. I live here because I refuse to go someplace else. Trump will not run me off. I’ll vote for Biden on November 3rd. But, I have no reason to believe that anything will be different on November 4. What the hell is wrong with us?

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Ceeside commented July 28, 2020
Eastern Shore of Virginia
July 28, 2020
I have shed more tears over the last 5 months than ever before in a continuous manner. I don't weep over my misfortunes (as a small business owner I am fortunate to barely survive). I weep for those less fortunate who are striving to keep their heads above the rapidly rising waters of economic disaster. 

Personally, I don't know the answer to all this turbulence except vote your conscience November 3 and show your love for the United States of America and the Constitution.

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Justin commented July 28, 2020
the Moon
July 28, 2020
I don't like crying in public but when I came back from Afghanistan sometimes the tears would come late at night. It eased some of the pain and helped make the transition from war to peace easier. Want to bring tears to my eyes...then play "The Green Fields of France" from the Dropkick Murphys (there may be other versions but the Murphys do it amazingly). A beautiful song.

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Frantzie Couch commented July 28, 2020
Frantzie Couch
July 28, 2020
My daughter texted me a story recently, which I see as related, however tangentially, to this movement in Japan.  She wrote: Theme parks in Japan have banned screaming on roller coasters, because it spreads coronavirus, The Wall Street Journal reports, and advised riders, "Please scream inside your heart."  My daughter added: What a perfect summation of how I'm moving through this whiplash world: I'm screaming in my heart." That's what you and a lot of us are doing: screaming in our hearts. So, scream on. And cry if you feel like it!!!

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TM commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
During this era of instability, disorientation and suffering, crying is particularly important.  I once read a study that suggested the composition of tears of joy was different from the composition of tears of sorrow. I can believe that.

I have cried at the dedication of the front-line workers, the sorrow of the families of victims of Covid 19, the fear in the eyes of the virus's victims, the inability of POTUS to experience or express one bit of grief, the selflessness of humans, as well as their hard-hardedness.

An image of the Tetons on TV the other night reduced me to tears.

It takes courage to cry, to openly acknowledge suffering, that of yourself and others. It gives you courage to go on and to take whatever action you can to help.

As someone once said, it is the most profound form of prayer.

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Ben commented July 29, 2020
Berkeley, CA
July 29, 2020
Sometimes, to avoid crying -- or even experiencing sadness -- a person will get angry instead.  This is truly unfortunate, and has caused a great deal of suffering in the world.

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Beatrice Pinch commented July 28, 2020
Beatrice Pinch
Los Angeles, California
July 28, 2020
I was only now weeping my eyes out for my country, as I watched Bill Barr (who I long to see dis-Barred) bully his way through testimony to the House of Representatives.  These are sad times.

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alyaly commented July 29, 2020
Ft. Collins, CO
July 29, 2020
When we moved my mother at age 83 out of her home of 23 years into a continuing care retirement facility, she was crying often each day.  I was certain that she was probably clinically depressed and took her to see her family doctor.  After talking to her and examining her, her doctor told me that she was simply mourning the life she left behind.  He then told me it was OK to cry, and that he cried almost every week.  He was right, of course. My mother adjusted to her new home, and lived an independent and fulfilling life there into her 95th year.

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Dominic Gonzalez commented July 28, 2020
Dominic Gonzalez
San Antonio
July 28, 2020
Teaching a kid not to cry is like telling them to throw away the blue crayon. A developed palette of emotions blends our perspectives into nuanced schemes.

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Sue commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
If you are female you better never, ever cry at work.  You will be called emotional and perhaps much worse and your judgement may even be called into question.

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Alice commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I’ve always been a person who cries easily.  It’s genetic really: my dad’s the same way, so were his mother and sister.  I cry probably every day.  I once couldn’t hold back tears of joy at a baseball game when they announced that a pitcher from a team in another city had pitched a perfect game.  (“What a great game this is.  He worked so hard, no one deserves it more.”). My husband commented wryly “usually it takes something sad, like someone drops their pizza.”  I’m comfortable with this in myself, but truly, it’s not always a good thing. 
I often experience that my tears trigger unpleasant emotional responses in others.  They may feel angry, as if I’m doing something shameful in public.  They may feel manipulated.  They may feel I am “acting like a child.”  They may feel responsible for rescuing me — from the emotional catastrophe that crying would represent for them.  (I don’t have tears because of emotional catastrophe, I seem to have tears with day-to-day emotions, quite often the good ones actually.). Please stop crying right now, you’re distressing ME!
So yes — if you can’t, it’s good to learn to let them come.  But it’s also good to be aware that tears impact others in ways you’re not expecting or may not like.

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Linda commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I've had depression and anxiety since childhood,  partly from becoming a member of the 'me,too' club at age 6.  Even then, my profound love of animals was evident, as my abuser told me he would make me watch him kill the animals in my care if I told anyone what he was doing to me. I didn't tell anyone in my family about the abuse until I was nearly 40.  
It has taken me years to figure out that, as painful as the things were that he did to my body, what was most distressing was the thought that anyone would intentionally hurt an animal.  Considering humans' ongoing destruction of the natural world, I cry nearly every day, partly out of sorrow for the animals, partly because I see plants and animals as miracles that most people take for granted,  never taking the time to ponder how awesome and mysterious they are.
I also weep reading about the amazing things that have happened in the BLM protests, like Patrick Hutchinson, the Black man in London who pulled a right-wing, white man to safety after he was knocked down.  I weep reading about John Lewis and his steadfast belief in the Divine Love that we all have within.  
I weep because I see all living things as part of Something  perfect and awesome, just wrapped in different flesh.
I weep because we destroy the very things that could be our salvation.
I weep. I accept tears as part of my life, and try to not fight them. We have been given tears to shed for a reason, even if we are not sure what that reason is.

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Kathy Lollock commented July 28, 2020
Kathy Lollock
Santa Rosa, CA
July 28, 2020
Tears are nature's way of opening up those vents of internal pressure, much like a pressure cooker.  But it is more than a release of tension, of stress, of sadness.  Crying is human; it is empathetic.  It shows others we care, we understand; we have compassion.  For us women, society has, for the most part, accepted our tears of grief or tears of joy.  But this American societal paradigm has been unfair toward men.  They are looked upon as weak, unmanly, "girlie," if even one tear is shed.  Paradoxically, the most internally strong men I have had the honor of knowing have not been ashamed of shedding tears...my dear dad, my wonderful husband, and even politicians like President Obama.  These are men who are secure in their own skin, who have self-esteem, and self-respect.   These are the people whom I want to be part of my life.

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American2020 commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I'm in recovery and for the past 32 years I've learned that I don't get to choose which emotions to stuff. 
It all comes out in the wash...tears, joy, and sometimes for survival, numbness. 
I've been in some dark places in life. Danced with Mr D. many times but I have to say, it has taken every skill I possess to accept this turn of events...a global pandemic and the misery my fellow humans are experiencing. 
I am an unashamed crier or I would go mad.

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Mollyo commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
When I was going through a rough patch, I went to therapy, and the best advice she gave me was to put my hand over my heart and say to myself that this is hard.  What I'm going through is hard.  I think crying is part of taking care of your heart, which gets neglected sometimes!  As Rosie Greer sang, "It's all right to cry. It might make you feel better."

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Eveline Sperling commented July 28, 2020
Eveline Sperling
Chevy Chase, MD
July 28, 2020
Being aware and feeling our emotions is so important! I developed chronic pain and illness (Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS) and luckily I found Dr. John Sarno's work and almost recovered now.  I did tons of emotional work (cried every day for over a year) and other work to get out the stress response that was always on overdrive and I have gone from almost bedridden to walking a couple miles a day. When we block too much emotion the stress response comes on and it comes out as chronic pain and other symptoms like IBS, Migraines, skin conditions, tinnitus, and more.

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Andris commented July 29, 2020
Quakertown, PA
July 29, 2020
As an elder Boomer guy who hasn't cried much ever, I doubt if I could learn how. But I sure would love to just howl at the state of America right now.

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Chauncey Gardner commented July 28, 2020
Chauncey Gardner
The Great Flyover
July 28, 2020
Oh, yeah...between crying and drinking, I have a fair shot of reaching November 3rd.

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H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020
Again, much thanks for this incredible wisdom.

The last time I had a good cry, I was crying for joy.

A train was passing by, and I gave the engineer, thumbs up.
The engineer blasted his horn, in response, as the train came. 

I started to cry, with joy, and my heart felt like it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as the train kept coming.

I just allow myself to cry, more, to gain motivation.
Much thanks

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David_60 commented July 28, 2020
Austin, Texas
July 28, 2020
I cry all the time as it is.  I guess I'm ahead of the game.

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Sheltered In Place commented July 28, 2020
Sheltered In Place
Dripping Springs Texas
July 28, 2020
I’m good at crying. If it was ever discouraged I have no memory of it. I’m one of those cry at the drop of a hat kind. 

My husband is not. But after 40 years together I’ve learned three things. One is being watchful, and intuiting when he needs the release of tears. Second which one of the handful of songs I know are guaranteed to bring him to tears best fits this moment? And third, to be his safe space where the release is welcome and acknowledged, and needs no explanation. 

Sometimes, though, it’s the laughters that are called for, because they are very different! I can usually get those going in a heated moment when I remind him that we agreed 40 years ago that there would be no divorce in this house! 

Murder? Maybe...

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Deborah Lusk commented July 28, 2020
Deborah Lusk
Portland Oregon
July 28, 2020
I’ve often seen a small child throwing a fit in the market or at the park and the screaming and crying ensues. Instead of thinking, I wonder what’s wrong or why don’t they stop, I think, wow, how lucky they are to be able to do that. To get it all out. Whatever they need to do to get it out. I think if we took time to throw a tantrum and cry as adults, as long as we don’t freak others out, so maybe privately, how much better we’d feel.

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Suzy Sandor commented July 29, 2020
Suzy Sandor
July 29, 2020
Crying is great relief, it just feels very good but how does an adult make it happen, our eyes are dried our emotions buried deep down so as not to feel much.

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Sutter commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Most of the time I can't cry. I wish I could for relief/release.

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Blanche White commented July 29, 2020
Blanche White
South Carolina
July 29, 2020
Crying is simply the body spontaneously reacting to cleanse itself of a situation it has determined that the mind has no control over and cannot fix. When the mind/ego tries to prevent the body from such expression, scarring results whether it is visible or not.

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Jim Anderson commented July 29, 2020
Jim Anderson
July 29, 2020
I never needed to learn how to cry. All I had to do was grow up in the United States. That was enough to bring out the tears.

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Sally commented July 28, 2020
Where The West Begins
July 28, 2020
Conversely - Laughter is also an important part of expressing one's emotions.  It can help clear your head (and heart) of negative thoughts too.  Give a good cry.  AND give a good, long and loud laugh.  For a few minutes.  It's infectious!  Pun intended.

Stay well and keep the love and support going in all directions!

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jazz one commented July 28, 2020
jazz one
July 28, 2020
@Barb Davis 
I am so sorry for your son's tragic death. The kissing tree ritual is very wise of you; I hope you find some comfort and healing in that. It is very resilient of you to find such an outlet and you have my admiration.

That your grandson was born on that same date 25 years later is so interesting.

After much much much personal trauma in our family -- the first grandchild born into our very small clan arrived on the same date as her great-grandmother's death 18 years prior. 
It was the first really 'good news' in long stretch of pain.

We all saw -- and continue to view -- it as kind of a 'heavenly exchange' -- as the granddaughter has so much of her departed great-grammy in her. 

I hope you feel your young son's presence often in the light and energy of your grandson.

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Jane commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
how incredibly beautiful. how incredible — your grandson! and how profound is loss. i am sorry you lost your son. thank you for sharing this.

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Matt Morley commented July 29, 2020
Matt Morley
Matt Morley
Chevy Chase, Md
July 29, 2020
@Observer I don't think it's an anti-laughter movement at all.

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Don Salmon commented July 28, 2020
Don Salmon
asheville nc
July 28, 2020
There are many kinds of tears.

There are tears of empathy and compassion (as one commenter mentioned, the tears shed by President Obama after Sandy Hook)

Then there are the tears that are shed when a child doesn't get his way (and when the child wishes to exact revenge on those he thinks stood in the way of his getting what he wanted).

Those are VERY different.

Then there are the tears that are shed in wonder at the beauty, the mystery and awesome-ness of life, of the universe.

Perhaps those tears are the source of all other tears, but separating ourselves out as some sort of special entity, deserving of special favor, distorts their expression.

(PS: If you notice that the first two kinds of tears are reflective of world leaders who are, well, in some way associated with each other, you may not be entirely wrong)

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Kathy Lollock commented July 28, 2020
Kathy Lollock
Santa Rosa, CA
July 28, 2020
@Barb Davis Barb, thank you for your beautiful and poignant words.  God bless you.

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U.C. Graduate commented July 28, 2020
U.C. Graduate
Los Angeles
July 28, 2020
It's interesting to see how cultures change over time. Just a couple of decades ago, it would have been unimaginable to see a Japanese man who goes around the country teaching people how to cry. After the bubble economy and the lost decade, the films of Akira Kurosawa and the novels of Haruki Murakami, the Asian Financial Crisis and Fukushima Disaster, and COVID-19 and the delay of Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Japanese have many reasons and pathways to get in touch with their inner-selves and private emotions. The only solace during this time is the palpable feeling that all of this will lead to a new beginning.

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Lynn commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
@Bob Krantz  I don't agree that anyone should try to 'overcome' emotions.  I mean, our feelings are our feelings.  I also don't agree with 'not always trusting our feelings', for the same reasons.

Rather, we need to stop and consider our feelings... where are they coming from, etc.  This is all the more true when those feelings have a negative impact on us, i.e., anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and especially when those feelings are impinging on our day-to-day lives, our ability to function at a healthy level, etc.

But to actually shed tears?  Seems pretty clear to most of us that it's a perfectly natural response...and a healthy one at that...just like sneezing, coughing, etc.  Far too many cultures have stigmatized crying in and of itself, just as they have mental illness for example.  That can obviously be very damaging, and can stunt personal/emotional growth.

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The Pessimistic Shrink commented July 29, 2020
The Pessimistic Shrink
Henderson, NV
July 29, 2020
"Crying is a language – a primitive one, but nevertheless a very human one. The history of neurosis is the history of misery and the need to cry out this misery. Crying is not only an expression of general hurt; it is also a vehicle that carries us back through time to those specific traumas that were buried long ago by the processes of repression. It is tears that break down those barriers and help us on that voyage through time when we were hurt and could not cry. Tears wash away our pain and unmask the unconscious. This is not a metaphor but a biological fact.

“Tears of early loss are the solution that dissolves the walls of the unconscious and liberates encapsulated pain." (Arthur Janov, The New Primal Scream)

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NP commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
My coauthor and I wrote about using movies to get in touch with your emotions and cry them out in our Cinematherapy book series. You start with crying about what's going on in the movie and soon, you're just releasing your own emotions. Go for the tearjerkers (or as we called them, Copious Weepers).

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Andrea R commented July 29, 2020
Andrea R
Andrea R
July 29, 2020
The video itself made me cry. Beautiful!
Sometimes when I have the feeling inside that I need to get out some tears, I watch videos about animals or other cute things, or really inspiring things. I always feel so much better after crying.
I kid around that I sometimes need to watch some "cry porn".

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Carolyn Waller commented July 28, 2020
Carolyn Waller
July 28, 2020
My doctor advised me that crying was good for us under the present circumstances. I have only cried twice since the virus took over our minds, bodies and souls, but maybe I will try it. The price is definitely right.

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Usok commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
It doesn't seem to have sufficient scientific proof that crying more can increase or improve ones immune system.  

But crying does seem to release emotion or pressure a bit.  People feel better or more relax afterward.  According to Chinese theory, "chi" will flow more smooth internally and body tends to heal itself better.

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Mm commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I don't know if I consider crying good.  I was a female who was emotional at work.  I blame hormones. 

The two times I cried in extreme despair because of a great loss I feel that something in me physically broke and was never the same again.  I don't know if I consider that good.

I wish humans did not have to face so much despair during our lives.

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PJS commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
@Sue - That was never my experience as a woman who couldn’t control my tears a couple of times at work.  One or two of my colleagues witnessed it and comforted me during that time.  In a way, I think that I was respected more as they got to see a side of me that was very human and I don’t regret that one bit.  I would imagine that if anyone, male or female, cried too much then I could see that being problematic.  But the mere act of crying does reveal a tender vulnerability that makes us more alive and really connects us all as humans.  

At the end of the day I was still respected by my colleagues and the sight of me crying had no negative effects on my career.

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Kathleen Imanishi commented July 28, 2020
Kathleen Imanishi
Seattle, WA
July 28, 2020
Thank you for such a lovely, heartwarming story that reminds us crying is a good thing.  I’ll never forget the time I reached out to hug my Dad after he started crying in front of his doctor and my siblings.  He wouldn’t let me.  I understood why at the time, but to see him struggle with his own emotions made me so sad.  Your message surely will inspire others to shed tears more often regardless of the time, place or situation.

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pardon me commented July 28, 2020
pardon me
Birmingham, AL
July 28, 2020
There do seem to be many kinds of crying, just as there are many types of laughing. I worry most about people who don't seem moved to tears even when confronted with stories or images of sadness and horror.

1 Reply8 RecommendShareFlag
Jarl Forsman commented July 28, 2020
Jarl Forsman
Sausalito, CA
July 28, 2020
@Bob Krantz This is not really about expressing your emotions, it's about acknowledging what you truly feel and allowing yourself to feel the emotion, not act on it, but feel it. If we allow ourselves to actually experience our true feelings, they are free to dissolve. If we repress them, they will come out later, often at inappropriate times or cause us to act in a way that recreates the same feeling. We don't need to overcome our emotions, we need to acknowledge the truth of how we feel. Otherwise, they will overwhelm us and cause us to act irrationally. It's only when we've acknowledged our true feelings that we can then act from a place of balance and authenticity. I think you're mixing up acknowledging and allowing ourselves to actually feel our feelings with acting on them or expressing them to others. Our emotions are an inside job. Crying is just allowing ourselves to feel authentically and then get on with life.

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JNan commented July 28, 2020
Arlington, VA
July 28, 2020
I’m having flashbacks to the scheduled crying of Holly Hunter’s character in the movie Broadcast News!

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Viseguy commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Don't hold in your sneezes. Let them out, loud and ostentatious. To do otherwise is not good for you -- your eardrums, your nasal passages, your lungs. I've been saying that to my wife for 37 years.

Likewise, tears. Let them out -- it's good for your soul, and all the organs your soul embodies.

Sneezes are easier than tears, I can tell you from experience.

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Art Likely commented July 28, 2020
Art Likely
Art Likely
Out in the Sunset
July 28, 2020
@Sheltered In Place The end of your post didn't bring me to tears, but it did stimulate my laughter muscles.  Thanks! :)  (Married 39 years here.)

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Vivian Chomel commented July 28, 2020
Vivian Chomel
Vivian Chomel
July 28, 2020
@pardon me 
Trump should be crying on national television for all the pain and loss he has caused during this initial Covid-19 Crisis.  His lack of compassion is beyond anything I have ever seen in any president while in office.

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BBzadeh commented July 28, 2020
Washington, DC
July 28, 2020
If you look at the Shia Muslim culture of Iran, you will find a strong culture of crying at religious events when worshipping Shia saints.   It is universal: men, women, the top of the religious hierarchy, leading politicians, blue collar people - they all cry.

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Rhonda commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I am really happy to hear about this.

As a college student in the early 90s working weekends in the campus library, before Pokemon became a thing, I found friendship and acceptance among the Japanese.

It saddens me still that one of my first Japanese acquaintances committed suicide a few miles from campus before I got to really know her. It was a shock, as my initial impression was that she was calm and pleasant, not stressed and/or depressed.

Over the years, those who would become my friends would often confide in me privately--they trusted me with their fears, concerns, and to use a term some would use to describe more serious situations--failures. 

Sometimes they would talk about fears with respect to one another. I noticed a pattern that while many shared similar feelings and concerns, almost no one was willing to share these feelings with their Japanese friends or family.

I asked, "Why? What would be the worst thing that would happen?"

One said, "Even if other people have the same concerns, we'll never really know because no one would want to admit it, because it's a weakness. To be the first means to face rejection."

These days, my kids watch anime, with no influence from me. The characters are often highly dramatic and emotional, whether male or female.

I've often wondered if this was a result of finding a more socially acceptable way of displaying or venting emotions or if it was to present emotions as absurd.

I don't know who I'd ask.

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Fozzy Bear commented July 28, 2020
Fozzy Bear
July 28, 2020
I used to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I was taught it was perfectly OK to feel my feelings and I took that seriously for a long time. And while I haven't given up on that commitment to emotional integrity, I have hardened like a plant. I cried a little while reading Sebastian Junger's book "Tribe," about PTSD and the military last month. But I've seen too many things or come close to seeing such disaster that I am a dried up well. I wish I could cry, but trouble calls and I must guard the cave. When one slips through, I get disappointed but I'm basically dried up and numb––no crying.

7 RecommendShareFlag
N J commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Our decades-long list of misdeeds as an empire should give us all cause to weep.  If, collectively, we never come to understand this, our inevitable decline will only be more severe.

7 RecommendShareFlag
David D commented July 29, 2020
David D
Central Mass
July 29, 2020
Literally cried just watching this

7 RecommendShareFlag
Sues commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I don't cry much. Wish I did. Whenever I do cry, I feel better for it.

This short film was food for thought.

6 RecommendShareFlag
sg commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
@Barb Davis  So sorry for your pain, and thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Wishing you peace on every July 23rd, and all the days in between. Enjoy that blessed grandson!

4 Replies5 RecommendShareFlag
M S J commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Check out "Re-evaluation Counseling".   Crying (discharging) is encouraged.  It's been around for decades and has helped a lot of people.

5 RecommendShareFlag
Majd commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
A great book on the subject 
A great to book, that digs deep into how crying unlocks 
the necessary human elements needed to accept one's vulnerability and let go into the tears.


5 RecommendShareFlag
Observer commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Some years ago "forced laughing out loud" was marketed as the cure for unhappiness and related psychosomatic illnesses. It was popularized in India and spread all over the world. CBS's 60 Minutes reported it. People in groups are laughing themselves silly in parks as their daily exercise. 

So the anti-laughter movement is the latest fad from Japan. Perhaps after a good cry people can go to the park and laugh their heads off. Then go home and cry some more. There are plenty to cry about these days.

Does it sound like lunacy?

1 Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Arvay commented July 28, 2020
Fairbanks, Alaska
July 28, 2020
Definitely good for hay fever!

I've been watching a lot of online concerts. Pandemic concerts tend to be emotionally heavy. It's great for cleaning the eyes and sinuses!

4 RecommendShareFlag
Juliet commented July 28, 2020
Memphis, TN
July 28, 2020
It seems to me that there are many kinds of crying. My husband cried tears of joy when our first baby was born and I get teary eyed every time I see a baby born on TV. There are movies that can make one cry; certain music even. And there is crying from sadness, like when a love affair has ended, or someone has died. All of those seem acceptable, understandable. But what about crying because someone reprimanded you at work? That has happened to me a couple of times and it is very embarrassing because it seems childish and therefore unacceptable. I have always been a person who cries easily and it is a trait that I dislike. I would love to talk to the Japanese crying therapist about that.

1 Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Bob Krantz commented July 28, 2020
Bob Krantz
SW Colorado
July 28, 2020
Sure, there are benefits from expressing emotions, especially in extreme situations.

But there are also important benefits in overcoming emotions, and not letting our feelings overwhelm rational, objective thinking, again especially in extreme situations.

Do not always trust your feelings.

4 Replies4 RecommendShareFlag
Jay Orchard commented July 28, 2020
Jay Orchard
Miami Beach
July 28, 2020
Given the choice between crying and laughing I would go for laughing each time.

4 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020

Thanks, so much. This reminds me when I cried for joy.

On "Bastille Day", July 14, 2017, I watched a passing train. As the train approached, from below, I gave it 2 thumbs up.

All of a sudden, the engineer blew the train whistle, twice.
Surprised, I started to cry for joy, and I could not stop. 

My heart started to beat and I was afraid it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as I tried to calm down.

It was a wonderful feeling, but since then, I am not crying.
Watching this film, may help me to cry again, now.

(My interest is student motivation and this may help)

Thank you so very much       www.SavingSchools.org

4 RecommendShareFlag
Vivian Chomel commented July 28, 2020
Vivian Chomel
Vivian Chomel
July 28, 2020
I know about the “crying events at work”, never pleasant though it plagued me through all of my jobs until one famous day I simply quit working.  I was lucky I guess.  Some of us just don’t perform our best on the job and it’s really not all our fault.  We take things much too personally and perhaps a little medication would have solved a part of the problem.  So is life.

4 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020
Again, much thanks for this incredible wisdom.

The last time I had a good cry, I was crying for joy.

A train was passing by, and I gave the engineer, thumbs up.
The engineer blasted his horn, as the train came. 

I cried, with joy, and my heart felt like it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as the train kept coming.

I must allow myself to cry, more, to wake up, more!

(My interest is student motivation and crying may help)
Much thanks

4 RecommendShareFlag
Diane Kravif commented July 29, 2020
Diane Kravif
Los Angeles, CA
July 29, 2020
I found this video intriguing but frustrating.  It left so many obvious questions unanswered.  How did Mr. Yoshida become interested in this subject and what are his qualifications for teaching it? How does he teach people to cry?  How can people learn to force themselves to cry?  What health benefits does crying have, and have these benefits been confirmed through medical research?

4 RecommendShareFlag
Blanche White commented July 29, 2020
Blanche White
South Carolina
July 29, 2020

Roy Orbison can be thanked for giving men his musical permission to cry and making it feel ok and even natural.

4 RecommendShareFlag
Upstate NYer commented July 28, 2020
Upstate NYer
Canandaigua NY
July 28, 2020
What does one do if one no longer knows how to cry, and hasn't done so in >50 years?

2 Replies3 RecommendShareFlag
Bob Krantz commented July 28, 2020
Bob Krantz
SW Colorado
July 28, 2020

With all respect, people who always give in to emotion might not be the most reliable in dire situations.  Perhaps almost a cliche, but I am pretty sure what Chesley Sullenberger accomplished required him to overcome some strong emotions.

And people who always trust their feelings are likely to be often wrong, or at least regret decisions they made without stopping to think more rationally.

Finally, we all need to build stronger resistance to feelings and emotions that others can induce.  If we demand a world safe from emotional distress, we will spend all our time policing what others say, and imagine they might think.

(I do agree that crying should not be stigmatized.  But I also would not encourage people to cry all the time about trivial things.)

3 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020
Again, much thanks for this incredible wisdom.

The last time I had a good cry, I was crying for joy.

A train was passing by, and I gave the engineer, thumbs up.
The engineer blasted his horn, as the train came. 

I cried, with joy, and my heart felt like it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as the train kept coming.

I must allow myself to cry, more, to wake up, more!

(My interest is student motivation and crying may help)
Much thanks

2 RecommendShareFlag
Gem commented July 29, 2020
Northern Calif. Coast
July 29, 2020
@Eveline Sperling 

Can you recommend Sarno’s books which helped you to cry?

2 RecommendShareFlag
margot brinn commented July 29, 2020
margot brinn
ithaca, new york
July 29, 2020
@Upstate NYer I think if you find a friend who you trust, who can welcome your feelings, not try to stop them, or jolly you out of them, and take turns listening to each other, you will reclaim the ability.

2 RecommendShareFlag
Peter commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
@Dominic Gonzalez  a perfect analogy.  All the more so because blue is my favourite color.

2 RecommendShareFlag
BBzadeh commented July 28, 2020
Washington, DC
July 28, 2020
If you look at the Shia Muslim culture of Iran, you will find a strong culture of crying at religious events when worshipping Shia saints.   It is universal: men, women, the top of the religious hierarchy, leading politicians, blue collar people - they all cry.

7 RecommendShareFlag
Rhonda commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I am really happy to hear about this.

As a college student in the early 90s working weekends in the campus library, before Pokemon became a thing, I found friendship and acceptance among the Japanese.

It saddens me still that one of my first Japanese acquaintances committed suicide a few miles from campus before I got to really know her. It was a shock, as my initial impression was that she was calm and pleasant, not stressed and/or depressed.

Over the years, those who would become my friends would often confide in me privately--they trusted me with their fears, concerns, and to use a term some would use to describe more serious situations--failures. 

Sometimes they would talk about fears with respect to one another. I noticed a pattern that while many shared similar feelings and concerns, almost no one was willing to share these feelings with their Japanese friends or family.

I asked, "Why? What would be the worst thing that would happen?"

One said, "Even if other people have the same concerns, we'll never really know because no one would want to admit it, because it's a weakness. To be the first means to face rejection."

These days, my kids watch anime, with no influence from me. The characters are often highly dramatic and emotional, whether male or female.

I've often wondered if this was a result of finding a more socially acceptable way of displaying or venting emotions or if it was to present emotions as absurd.

I don't know who I'd ask.

7 RecommendShareFlag
Fozzy Bear commented July 28, 2020
Fozzy Bear
July 28, 2020
I used to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I was taught it was perfectly OK to feel my feelings and I took that seriously for a long time. And while I haven't given up on that commitment to emotional integrity, I have hardened like a plant. I cried a little while reading Sebastian Junger's book "Tribe," about PTSD and the military last month. But I've seen too many things or come close to seeing such disaster that I am a dried up well. I wish I could cry, but trouble calls and I must guard the cave. When one slips through, I get disappointed but I'm basically dried up and numb––no crying.

7 RecommendShareFlag
N J commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Our decades-long list of misdeeds as an empire should give us all cause to weep.  If, collectively, we never come to understand this, our inevitable decline will only be more severe.

7 RecommendShareFlag
David D commented July 29, 2020
David D
Central Mass
July 29, 2020
Literally cried just watching this

7 RecommendShareFlag
Sues commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
I don't cry much. Wish I did. Whenever I do cry, I feel better for it.

This short film was food for thought.

6 RecommendShareFlag
sg commented July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
@Barb Davis  So sorry for your pain, and thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Wishing you peace on every July 23rd, and all the days in between. Enjoy that blessed grandson!

4 Replies5 RecommendShareFlag
M S J commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Check out "Re-evaluation Counseling".   Crying (discharging) is encouraged.  It's been around for decades and has helped a lot of people.

5 RecommendShareFlag
Majd commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
A great book on the subject 
A great to book, that digs deep into how crying unlocks 
the necessary human elements needed to accept one's vulnerability and let go into the tears.


5 RecommendShareFlag
Observer commented July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Some years ago "forced laughing out loud" was marketed as the cure for unhappiness and related psychosomatic illnesses. It was popularized in India and spread all over the world. CBS's 60 Minutes reported it. People in groups are laughing themselves silly in parks as their daily exercise. 

So the anti-laughter movement is the latest fad from Japan. Perhaps after a good cry people can go to the park and laugh their heads off. Then go home and cry some more. There are plenty to cry about these days.

Does it sound like lunacy?

1 Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Arvay commented July 28, 2020
Fairbanks, Alaska
July 28, 2020
Definitely good for hay fever!

I've been watching a lot of online concerts. Pandemic concerts tend to be emotionally heavy. It's great for cleaning the eyes and sinuses!

4 RecommendShareFlag
Juliet commented July 28, 2020
Memphis, TN
July 28, 2020
It seems to me that there are many kinds of crying. My husband cried tears of joy when our first baby was born and I get teary eyed every time I see a baby born on TV. There are movies that can make one cry; certain music even. And there is crying from sadness, like when a love affair has ended, or someone has died. All of those seem acceptable, understandable. But what about crying because someone reprimanded you at work? That has happened to me a couple of times and it is very embarrassing because it seems childish and therefore unacceptable. I have always been a person who cries easily and it is a trait that I dislike. I would love to talk to the Japanese crying therapist about that.

1 Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Bob Krantz commented July 28, 2020
Bob Krantz
SW Colorado
July 28, 2020
Sure, there are benefits from expressing emotions, especially in extreme situations.

But there are also important benefits in overcoming emotions, and not letting our feelings overwhelm rational, objective thinking, again especially in extreme situations.

Do not always trust your feelings.

4 Replies4 RecommendShareFlag
Jay Orchard commented July 28, 2020
Jay Orchard
Miami Beach
July 28, 2020
Given the choice between crying and laughing I would go for laughing each time.

4 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020

Thanks, so much. This reminds me when I cried for joy.

On "Bastille Day", July 14, 2017, I watched a passing train. As the train approached, from below, I gave it 2 thumbs up.

All of a sudden, the engineer blew the train whistle, twice.
Surprised, I started to cry for joy, and I could not stop. 

My heart started to beat and I was afraid it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as I tried to calm down.

It was a wonderful feeling, but since then, I am not crying.
Watching this film, may help me to cry again, now.

(My interest is student motivation and this may help)

Thank you so very much       www.SavingSchools.org

4 RecommendShareFlag
Vivian Chomel commented July 28, 2020
Vivian Chomel
Vivian Chomel
July 28, 2020
I know about the “crying events at work”, never pleasant though it plagued me through all of my jobs until one famous day I simply quit working.  I was lucky I guess.  Some of us just don’t perform our best on the job and it’s really not all our fault.  We take things much too personally and perhaps a little medication would have solved a part of the problem.  So is life.

4 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020
Again, much thanks for this incredible wisdom.

The last time I had a good cry, I was crying for joy.

A train was passing by, and I gave the engineer, thumbs up.
The engineer blasted his horn, as the train came. 

I cried, with joy, and my heart felt like it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as the train kept coming.

I must allow myself to cry, more, to wake up, more!

(My interest is student motivation and crying may help)
Much thanks

4 RecommendShareFlag
Diane Kravif commented July 29, 2020
Diane Kravif
Los Angeles, CA
July 29, 2020
I found this video intriguing but frustrating.  It left so many obvious questions unanswered.  How did Mr. Yoshida become interested in this subject and what are his qualifications for teaching it? How does he teach people to cry?  How can people learn to force themselves to cry?  What health benefits does crying have, and have these benefits been confirmed through medical research?

4 RecommendShareFlag
Blanche White commented July 29, 2020
Blanche White
South Carolina
July 29, 2020

Roy Orbison can be thanked for giving men his musical permission to cry and making it feel ok and even natural.

4 RecommendShareFlag
Upstate NYer commented July 28, 2020
Upstate NYer
Canandaigua NY
July 28, 2020
What does one do if one no longer knows how to cry, and hasn't done so in >50 years?

2 Replies3 RecommendShareFlag
Bob Krantz commented July 28, 2020
Bob Krantz
SW Colorado
July 28, 2020

With all respect, people who always give in to emotion might not be the most reliable in dire situations.  Perhaps almost a cliche, but I am pretty sure what Chesley Sullenberger accomplished required him to overcome some strong emotions.

And people who always trust their feelings are likely to be often wrong, or at least regret decisions they made without stopping to think more rationally.

Finally, we all need to build stronger resistance to feelings and emotions that others can induce.  If we demand a world safe from emotional distress, we will spend all our time policing what others say, and imagine they might think.

(I do agree that crying should not be stigmatized.  But I also would not encourage people to cry all the time about trivial things.)

3 RecommendShareFlag
H Pearle commented July 28, 2020
H Pearle
Rochester, NY
July 28, 2020
Again, much thanks for this incredible wisdom.

The last time I had a good cry, I was crying for joy.

A train was passing by, and I gave the engineer, thumbs up.
The engineer blasted his horn, as the train came. 

I cried, with joy, and my heart felt like it might burst.
The crying lasted for minutes, as the train kept coming.

I must allow myself to cry, more, to wake up, more!

(My interest is student motivation and crying may help)
Much thanks

2 RecommendShare

Amazon.co.jp: 「近代の超克」と京都学派 近代性・帝国・普遍性 : 酒井 直樹, 磯前 順一: Japanese Books

Amazon.co.jp: 「近代の超克」と京都学派 近代性・帝国・普遍性 : 酒井 直樹, 磯前 順一: Japanese Books

「近代の超克」と京都学派 近代性・帝国・普遍性 Tankobon Hardcover – November 30, 2010
by 酒井 直樹 (編集), 磯前 順一 (編集)
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368 pages

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酒井直樹(さかい なおき):1946年生まれ。シカゴ大学人文学部極東言語研究学科博士課程修了。現在,コーネル大学教授。著書に,『日本思想という問題』(岩波書店)『過去の声』(以文社)『希望と憲法』(以文社)など多数。 〈br〉 磯前順一(いそまえ じゅんいち):1961年生まれ。国際日本文化研究センター准教授。東京大学大学院博士課程中退。著書に、『記紀神話と考古学―歴史的始原へのノスタルジア』(角川学芸出版,2009年),『喪失とノスタルジア―近代日本の余白へ』(みすず書房,2007年),『近代日本の宗教言説とその系譜―宗教・国家・神道』(岩波書店,2003年),その他。
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 30, 2010
Language ‏ : ‎ Japanese
Tankobon Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 368 pages

#2,221 in Introduction to Eastern Philosophy

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5.0 out of 5 stars 「外縁部を持たない空間のうちにこそ余白あるいは残余といったものは見出しえるのだ」(磯前順一、P.357)Reviewed in Japan on June 6, 2020
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新型コロナウイルス関連で少々。2020年6月1日(月)の朝日新聞朝刊1面、2面に「アベノマスク」関連で「布マスク「質より量」 迷走」(1面の題名)として特集記事がありました。その中で、2面に下記のような文章があります。


ちょっと前に、「NHKスペシャル 戦慄の記録 インパール」を2~3回視聴しました。戦闘中の死傷者よりも作戦中止が決まった後の撤退のなかでの死傷者(河での溺死、マラリア等での病死や餓死、自決した者、等々)の方が圧倒的に多く、牟田口廉也(インパール作戦の責任者?)に仕えた斎藤博国少尉の日誌も「効果的」に使われていて、その「無謀さ」が骨身にしみました、日本軍上層部の無責任さも同様に。しかし、アジア・太平洋戦争中の各種作戦に関して、「計画」&結果ともに「無謀」で無かったものがあるのでしょうか。満州事変に始まり(もっと前からでしょうが)、日中戦争、ノモンハン、ミッドウェイ、サイパン、ガダルカナル、朝鮮半島・沖縄・満州・樺太、そして、戦艦大和の「海上特攻隊」、「本土決戦」等々等々。

「新学期9月開始」も撤回のようです、馬鹿丸出しで、弱ったものです。それ以外にも、補正予算のなかに、安倍一族関連企業(ex. 電通やパソナ等々)を儲からせる算段が目白押しのようです(各種「トンネル法人」(官僚の天下り先法人)もあるようです、「持続化給付金」関連で「一般社団法人サービスデザイン推進協議会」という組織とか、「幽霊会社」みたいですが)。そして、第二次補正予算のなかに、安倍晋三が「フリーハンド」で使える金を、10兆円も潜り込ませているとか、とんでもないことです、「馬鹿につける薬」です。東日本大震災の復興予算を、復興とは関係ない道路事業等々に大量に「横流し」したのと全く同じ構図です。安倍一族自民公明党の政治屋連中、「高級」官僚、経団連のいつもの「手」です、「血税」の使いたい放題です。新型コロナ専門家会議の議事録がない、という問題もあります、これも大変な問題です、証拠隠滅・改竄・焼却等々以前の問題です。

「戯言」はこれくらいにしないと、「馬鹿」に「感染」してしまいますので、止めにします。本書(『「近代の超克」と京都学派 ―― 近代性・帝国・普遍性』(酒井直樹・磯前順一編、2010年11月30日初版第1刷発行、2010年12月20日初版第2刷発行、以文社))の引用紹介をします。傍点、傍線、まるぼしは、≪ ≫で代替します。引用文全体は、【 】で囲みます。引用文中の引用は、< >で囲みます。


●「序 パックス・アメリカーナの下での京都学派の哲学 酒井直樹、高橋原訳」(P.3 ~ P.28)

■「1 「近代の超克」と京都学派」(P.29 ~ P.122)
●「「近代の超克」と京都学派 ―― 近代性・帝国・普遍性 磯前順一」(P.31 ~ P.73)
●「座談会「近代の超克」の思想喪失 ―― 近代とその超克をめぐる対立 藤田正勝」(P.75 ~ P.94)
●「西谷啓治と近代の超克(1940 - 1945) J.W.ハイジック」(P.95 ~ P.122)

■「2 三木清と帝国の哲学 ―― 普遍性をめぐって」(P.123 ~ P.180)
●「東亜共同体論と普遍性をめぐって ―― 主体的技術論序説 酒井直樹」(P.125 ~ P.162)
●「「近代の超克」と「中国革命」 ―― 戦後日本思想史における二つのモメント 孫歌」(P.163 ~ P.180)

■「3 「近代の超克」と「世界史的立場と日本」 ―― 帝国の役割」(P.181 ~ P.232)
●「「近代の超克」思想と「大東亜共栄圏」構想をめぐって 鈴木貞美」(P.183 ~ P.210)
●「同化あるいは超克 ―― 植民地朝鮮における近代超克論 金哲」(P.211 ~ P.232)

■「4 総合研究:日本における西洋近代の経験」(P.233 ~ P.349)
●「近代との格闘 ―― ジェイムズ・カズンズと日本・インド・脱植民地の文化 ゴウリ・ヴィシュワナータン、三原芳秋訳」(P.235 ~ P.264)
●「西洋の針路の喪失/東漸の終焉と脱ヨーロッパ化 ヘント・デ・ヴリース、苅田真司訳」(P.265 ~ P.320)
●「「西側」近代性に対する抵抗と、「東洋的」沈潜への誘惑と 稲賀繁美」(P.321 ~ P.349)

●「あとがき ―― 討議の後で 磯前順一」(P.350 ~ P.357)

●「執筆者紹介」(P.358 ~ P.359)




●「あとがき ―― 討議の後で 磯前順一」(P.350 ~ P.357)

【 「 幕末の西洋世界への開国がもたらした不平等条約によって、植民地化という大きな圧力の下に日本は置かれていた。そういった状況の中で、日本人は一方では西洋になりたいのだが、他方では西洋に反発するといった、相反する欲求の葛藤を抱えるようになる。ただし、日本が国家の独立を達成するために西洋諸国と競わなければならないという限りでは、こういった二重の欲求もまた基本的には西洋化によって規定された状況が生み出したものであった。このような文脈のなかで、日本あるいは東洋と西洋といった表象が相互依存的なかたちで人々に想像されるようになっていったのだ。さらに日本以外のアジア地域もまた、一方では日本によって植民地=文明化されるべきものとして、たとえば1910年の韓国併合のように、日本がアジアを侵略していった明らかな事実があるにも関わらず、アジアは日本とともに西洋に立ち向かうべきものとして、そこでも二重性を帯びた存在として表象されていった。すなわち、日本はアジアに対しては西洋であり、西洋に対してはアジアであったのだ。



興味深いことは、このようなセルフ・オリエンタリズム的表象は、戦中期に京都学派の哲学者をはじめとする日本の知識人が西洋に対抗するなかで自ら作り上げた言説であったのだが ―― むろん、同時に西洋の知識人もまた日本を否定的な形で特殊化することで自文化を同質なものとして表象していったわけだが ―― 、戦後になると今度は西洋の知識人が京都学派の哲学を肯定的に特殊化し、自らの西洋的伝統を批判するために日本の京都学派の研究者と協調していったことである。京都学派は叡智に満ちた神秘的哲学といったふうに。それは西洋中心主義に対する批判としては一見有効に見え、論じられた当の日本人にとっては自分たちが西洋の限界を乗り越えた東洋の叡智と名指されるだけに、そのナルシシズムをくすぐられるといった効果を生み出してきた。しかし、戦中期の京都学派がそうであったように、西洋と日本が異質なものであるといった二分法をつくりあげ、実際の他者のあり方を無視した、現実離れした排他的表象を幻想的に作り上げてしまう点に根本的な問題がある。そこには自己のナルシシズムに亀裂を入れるかたちで、他社に出会うという機会がまったく逸せられてしまっているのだ。


安易に「近代を超克する」や「世界史の普遍性」といった言説に同化されることなく、このような近代の抱えるアポリアのなかに身を置いて思考していくこと。それはけっして西洋近代という空間の外部に自分たちが立ちえるのだ、あるいは近代を「超克」し得るのだというような幻想に陥ることなく、その内部からさまざまな二項対立的な境界線を脱臼させていく抵抗の試みを模索していくことを意味しよう。外縁部を持たない空間のうちにこそ余白あるいは残余といったものは見出しえるのだ。それが日文研の討議だけでなく、京大や立命館の企画を通じて、その参加者たちにもたらされた共通認識であったように思われる。そのなかで、普遍性と特殊性、抵抗と同化、帝国と国民国家、あるいは日常を異化する働きとしての宗教や哲学の可能性、これらの主題を考え続けていくことが、今日の思想状況にとってもなお大きな課題であり続けていることが確認されたのである。」(P.354 ~ P.357) 】


●「序 パックス・アメリカーナの下での京都学派の哲学 酒井直樹、高橋原訳」(P.3 ~ P.28)


【 「 奇妙なことだと言ってよいと思うが、これまで「陰影礼賛」はノスタルジックな文化主義をおおっぴらに支持するものとして評価されてきた。しかし、注意深く読んでみれば、この随筆が日本文化を崇め奉る文化主義の滑稽さを描いてみせたものであることもわかる。これはいわば「立ち小便の姿勢から奏でられた日本文化論」ということになるだろう。伝統というものに期待されるようなあらゆる生真面目な特質を、古風な日本家屋の暗く汚辱な部分と結びつけ、谷崎は笑いを誘うようなちぐはぐな感じを生み出し、古きもの、不便なもの、歴史的なものを愛でるエキゾチズムを笑い飛ばしているのである。このユーモアに満ちた随筆をサイデン・ステッカーは、ご丁寧にも、日本の伝統の礼賛と読み込んだのである。他の作品にも概して見られることだが、谷崎は並外れた批判精神の持ち主であり、しばしば性的な立場性という視点から二項対立の機能を寓話化することによって、近代対伝統だとか、西洋対東洋といった包括的な二分法に疑問を投げかけることができた文学者であった。谷崎は権力関係において性がきわめて重要であることを理解していた戦前日本の数少ない文学者の一人であったといってよいだろう。」(P.6)

「 京都学派が目指しているような種類の哲学は「土着の」(ただし、そもそも私はいかなる「土着の認識論」という観念にもきわめて懐疑的であるが)知識から決定的に切り離されている。そのかぎりにおいて、京都学派の哲学を研究する際の第一の課題は、そのテキストにおける哲学的構造と概念的一貫性を理解することである。同時代の日本社会についての知識が問題となるのは、歴史的評価と社会-政治的含意の検討という第二の課題に取り組むときである。たしかに、第一の課題の領域を第二のものと区別することが困難なのは事実である。しかし、第一の課題をこなせなければ京都学派についての理のかなった研究はできない。いわゆる日本専門家と称する者たちはたいてい第二の課題を得意としているが、第一の課題に対して勤勉に取り組んでいるとは限らない。彼らのなかには第一の課題を行う能力に欠けている者が多くいるというのが実情ではないか。」(P.16)

「 私自身の教室での経験からいえば、たとえ「日本文化」について非常に限られた知識しか持たなくても、日本人でない学生が腰を据えて綿密に哲学的に読解するように指導されれば、議論の概念的連関を厳密に理解できる例は少なくない。漠然と「民族文化」に通じていることよりもはるかに重要なのは、いかに上手に辞書に当たり概念的に議論の一貫性を一歩一歩追っていけるかということなのである。どんなに日本語に習熟していても、概念的労働を行う準備のない者は、京都学派のテキストに「日本文化」や「東洋宗教」、「禅精神」などといったステレオタイプを押し付けて、京都学派の哲学者がいかに「西洋人」とは違った思惟様式をもっているかを強調しようとする。しかし、このような「東洋」や異文化を持ち上げる者に限って、西ヨーロッパや北アメリカの哲学や社会思想の概念的な構成を丹念に追う準備を欠いている場合が多い。自らを「西洋人」と自認する割には、彼らの「西洋思想」の読解力はお粗末な場合があまりに多くみられる。京都学派の哲学を批判的に理解するために決定的なのは、「東洋精神」についてのエキゾチックな空想を捨て、テキストに語られていることを、その時代にヨーロッパやその他の地域で論じられていた知的問題と関連づける能力なのである。」(P.17) 】

●「「西側」近代性に対する抵抗と、「東洋的」沈潜への誘惑と 稲賀繁美」(P.321 ~ P.349)


【 「 ここでことさら柳宗悦に言及するのは、孫歌が竹内好を論ずる際に問題とする「アジア式近代の矛盾」 paradox of Asian Modernity に、柳が思わぬ照明を与えているからだ。竹内の「周作人から核実験まで」(1965)を孫歌はこう要約する。東アジアは欧州の近代を模倣することによっては、近代に達することはできない。なぜならば、ほかならぬ先生(西欧)が武力に訴えることで、学生(アジア)が自分(西欧)を模倣することを妨げているからだ。ここに竹内は矛盾を見る。その結果として、欧州は人間の尊厳を唱えるけれども、東アジアは、人間の尊厳を実現するために、その欧州と闘わねばならない運命を背負っているのだ、と。


柳の議論に照らしてみると、竹内好のいう矛盾は、その論理的妥当性の脆弱さを晒すことになる。というのも竹内は、議論が中華人民共和国の政治的決定に抵触する地点に達するや、それより先に進むことを自らに禁ずるからだ。そもそも竹内の理屈は、事の最初から、中華人民共和国の核実験は是が非でも正当化せねばならないという、時局の要請を合理化するために構築されており、その前提ゆえの限界を免れない。イデオロギーの次元を離れ、論理の次元に限定するならば、皮肉にも竹内の中国正当化の理屈は、若き竹内が参画した大東亜共栄圏正当化の理屈を、奇妙にも反復するような軌跡を描いていることに気づかされる。」(P.329 ~ P.330)

「 だが、さらに恐るべきことは、日本がオウム真理教とその教祖を根絶やしにしようとする、その姿勢にあった、と筆者は考える。なぜなら善良な日本人たちは、麻原たちが説教したお祓い purification の理屈をそのまま踏襲して、麻原とその危険きわまりない教団を、毒蜘蛛同様に一掃し、浄化され汚染から無縁な日本の再建を望んだからだ。「祓い給へ清め給へ」の過敏性潔癖症といってもよいが、新型インフルエンザの世界的流行(2009年5月現在)という事態のもとで、これと変わらぬ浄化への強迫神経症は、健全に保存され、罪悪感もないまま順調に再生産され、完璧な無菌室よろしき日本列島の安全確保に、めでたくも貢献している。ここで「近代の超克」の討論会(1942)に戻るならば、そこにもまた、西欧列強による「文化的侵略」に対抗すべく、純粋日本の自己防御と自己閉塞に努めようとする本能が、躁鬱症的な傾向を帯びて蔓延し、大東亜共栄圏の夢想へと異常肥大を遂げた有様が窺える。」(P.339 ~ P.340)

「 純粋にして無垢、汚れなき日本という虚構の核をなすのが、伊勢神宮だろう。式年遷宮は20年の周期で社の木造構造を代替わりさせる仕来たりであり、その反復によって歴史性を否認するものだが、しかしその起源は西暦690年に確定できる。天武・持統の治世に制度化された式年遷宮は、大陸中国や朝鮮半島の圧倒的な文化的影響に対する対抗反応として、日本の古代王朝が想像上の日本的文化同一性を擬制として導入する政治的意思を表明した時点を記しづける。そしてそれが近代において象徴的に再評価されるには、ブルーノ・タウトに代表される、外からの(期待される)視線の介入が大きな役割を果たし、太古より歴史的に不変で恒常なる日本美学という神話的観念の涵養に貢献した。これまた二階建ての構造の反復だ。

古代にあっては中国や朝鮮からの使節の眼が、日本に純粋日本なる虚構の立ち上げを促進させ、近代においては西洋からの視線が、伊勢神宮の象徴的価値の確立を嵩上げさせた。さらに伊勢神宮は、西洋的な「個」や「全体性」の観念に疑義を呈する。式年遷宮は物質的な継続性を犠牲にした、精神性のみの非物質的継承の永続性に価値を授ける。これが西欧近代社会で発達した保存修理の理念とは対極をなすことに、西欧の専門家は気づかされた。すでに不在となった原型からの引用と複製のみからなる、定義からしてオリジナルを欠いた、掘っ立て柱の萱葺き小屋は、個を犠牲とした全体性を、万世一系という天皇家の家系に重ね合わせ、循環のうちに永続させる。そこにはそもそもの始めから、ヴァルター・ベンヤミンの呼ぶような意味でのアウラは存在していなかっただろう。実際、ジャン・ボードリヤールの表現を借りるなら「オリジナルなきシミュラクール」でしかない伊勢神宮は、その複製の再生反復のなかに、霊のアウラを宿す。それはヘーゲル学者コジェーフ呼ぶところの「純粋なるスノビズム」の具現として、歴史―後の楽園 post-historical paradise を生きている。」(P.340 ~ P.341) 】

2 people found this helpful
「근대의 초극」과 교토학파 근대성・제국・보편성 Tankobon Hardcover – November 30, 2010
by 사카이 나오키 (편집), 이소마에 준이치 (편집)
5.0 별 5개 중 5.0개    2 등급
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인쇄 길이
출판사의 댓글

아시아·태평양 전쟁 중 1942년의 좌담회 “근대의 초극”을 둘러싼, 일본, 구미, 아시아의 연구자에 의한 국제 심포지엄.

아시아·태평양 전쟁의 사이, 1942년의 좌담회 “근대의 초극”을 둘러싼, 일본, 구미, 아시아의 연구자에 의한 국제 심포지엄. 「근대의 초극」의 좌담회에는 참가하지 않았던 미키 기요시도 포함해, 니시다 기타로로부터 타나베모토를 거쳐, 제3세대의 미키나 니시타니 게이지에 연결되어 가는 교토 학파는, 특히 신칸트파, 마르크스 , 헤겔, 푸사르, 하이데거를 정성껏 읽고 서양 근대 사상의 수용에 큰 성과를 올리는 것과 동시에 일본 특유의 '문화'라는 언설을 창출해 왔다. 그 장대한 경위를 비판적으로 재검토하는 국제 심포지엄.

저자 정보

사카이 나오키(사카이 나카키):1946년생. 시카고 대학 인문학부 극동 언어 연구 학과 박사 과정 수료. 현재 코넬 대학 교수. 저서에, 「일본 사상이라고 하는 문제」(이와나미 서점) 「과거의 소리」(이분사) 「희망과 헌법」(이분사) 등 다수. <이소마에 준이치(이소마에 준이치):1961년생. 국제 일본 문화 연구 센터 준 교수. 도쿄 대학 대학원 박사 과정 중퇴. 저서에 『기기신화와 고고학-역사적 시원에의 노스탤지어』(카도카와 학예 출판, 2009년), 『상실과 노스탤지어―근대 일본의 여백에』(미스즈 서방, 2007년), 『근대 일본의 종교 언설과 그 계보-종교·국가·신도”(이와나미 서점, 2003년), 그 외.

저자 약력 ( "BOOK 저자 소개 정보"에서)
1946년생. 시카고 대학 인문학부 극동 언어 연구 학과 박사 과정 수료. 현재 코넬 대학 교수

이소마에 / 준이치
1961년생. 문학박사(도쿄대학). 현재, 국제 일본 문화 연구 센터 준 교수(본 데이터는 이 서적이 간행된 당시에 게재되고 있던 것입니다)
출판사 : Yiwenshe, 초판 (2010년 11월 30일)
발행일 : 2010년 11월 30일
언어 : 일본어
Tankobon 하드커버 : 368 페이지
우리 고양이
별 5개 중 5.0개 「외연부를 가지지 않는 공간 가운데 여백 혹은 잔여라고 하는 것은 찾아낼 수 있는 것이다」(이소마에 준이치, P.357)
작성일: 2020년 6월 6일 일본
신형 코로나 바이러스 관련으로 조금. 2020년 6월 1일(월)의 아사히 신문 조간 1면, 2면에 「아베노 마스크」관련으로 「옷감 마스크 「질보다 양」 미주」(1면의 제목)로서 특집 기사가 있었습니다. 그 중 2면에 아래와 같은 문장이 있습니다.

"마스크 확보에 관여한 정부 관계자 중 한 명은 이렇게 되돌아 본다. "'마스크를 어떻게든'이라는 관저의 목소리가 큰 사람이 말한 대로 무리하게 무리를 거듭했다". 관계자들 사이에서는 이번 배포 계획은 제2차 세계대전 중인 일본군에 의한 '임팔 작전'에 비유되고 있다고 한다. 사령부가 엉성한 작전을 강행해 많은 희생자를 내고, 「대전 중 가장 무모」라고 불린 작전이다(나카타 아야코, 아이하라 료)」 얼마전에, 「NHK 스페셜 전율의 기록 임펄」

을 2~3회 시청했습니다. 전투 중의 사상자보다 작전 중지가 정해진 후의 철퇴 속의 사상자(하에서의 익사, 말라리아 등에서의 병사나 아사, 자결한 사람, 등등)가 압도적으로 많아, 무타 입구야(임펄 작전의 책임자?)를 섬긴 사이토 히로쿠니 소위의 일지도 「효과적」으로 사용되고 있어, 그 「무모함」이 골신으로 삼았습니다, 일본군 상층부의 무책임도 마찬가지로. 그러나, 아시아·태평양 전쟁중의 각종 작전에 대해서, 「계획」&결과 모두 「무모」로 없었던 것이 있습니까. 만주사변으로 시작(더 전부터일까요), 일중전쟁, 노몬한, 미드웨이, 사이판, 가달카날, 한반도·오키나와·만주·가타, 그리고, 전함 야마토의 “해상 특공대”, “본토 결전” 등등등등 .

아베 신조의 각종 정책·만든 법률 등은 모두 「무모」 그 자체입니다, 신형 코로나 바이러스 관련으로 시작된 것은 아닙니다. 그의 정책은 모두 「대본영 발표」입니다, 즉 가짜 뉴스라고 하는 것입니다만, 사회에 묻힌 「지뢰」이기도 합니다. 마찬가지로. 과거의 법률도 이해하지 않고, 헌법도 이해하지 않고, 「독재」의 하고 싶은 무제한입니다. 그것을 용서하는 국민이 많이 있기 때문에, 처치 없이는 있습니다만.
「신학기 9월 개시」도 철회인 것 같습니다, 바보 돌출로, 약한 것입니다. 그 이외에도, 보정 예산 속에, 아베 일족 관련 기업(ex. 덴츠나 퍼소나 등등)을 돈으로부터 시키는 산단이 눈에 띄는 것 같습니다(각종 「터널 법인」(관료의 천하선 법인)도 있는 것 같습니다, 「지속화 급부금」관련으로 「일반 사단법인 서비스 디자인 추진 협의회」라고 하는 조직이라든가, 「유령 회사」같습니다만). 그리고, 제2차 보정 예산 속에, 아베 신조가 「프리 핸드」로 사용할 수 있는 금을, 10조엔도 잠입하고 있다든가, 터무니 없는 것입니다, 「바보에 붙이는 약」입니다. 동일본 대지진의 부흥 예산을, 부흥과는 관계없는 도로 사업 등등에 대량으로 「횡류해」한 것과 완전히 같은 구도입니다. 아베 일족 자민공명당의 정치상자 중, 「고급」관료, 경단련의 평소의 「손」입니다, 「혈세」의 사용하고 싶은 무제한입니다. 신형 코로나 전문가 회의의 회의록이 없다, 라고 하는 문제도 있습니다, 이것도 힘든 문제입니다, 증거 은멸·개축·소각 등등 이전의 문제입니다.

「희언」은 이것 정도로 하지 않으면, 「바보」에 「감염」해 버리므로, 멈춥니다. 본서(『근대의 초극』과 교토학파 2쇄 발행, 이분사))의 인용 소개를 합니다. 접점, 꺾은선, 마루는 ≪ ≫로 대체합니다. 인용문 전체는 【 】로 묶습니다. 인용문의 인용은 < >로 묶습니다.

우선은, 본서의 제논고의 제목과 저자명 등을 아래에 합니다.

● "서 팩스 아메리카나에서 교토 학파의 철학 사카이 나오키, 타카하시 원역"(P.3 ~ P.28

) 122)
●「「근대의 초극」과 교토
학파 과 그 초극을 둘러싼 대립 후지타 마사카츠」(P.75 ~ P.94)
●「니시타니 케이지와 근대의 초극(1940 - 1945) JW 하이직크」(P.95 ~ P.122)

■「2 미키 기요 과 제국의 철학 ―― 보편성을 둘러싸고」(P.123 ~ P.180)
●「동아 공동체론과 보편성을 둘러싸고―― 주체적 기술론 서설 사카이 나오키」(P.125 ~ P.162)
●「 근대의 초극」과 「중국 혁명」 ―― 전후 일본 사상사에 있어서의 2개의 모멘트 손가」(P.163 ~ P.180)

■「3 「근대의 초극」과 「세계사적 입장과 일본」 ―― 제국의 역할」(P.181 ~ P.232)
●「「근대의 초극」사상과 「대동아공영권」구상을 둘러싸고 스즈키 사다미」(P.183 ~ P.210) ●「동화 혹은
초 극 ―― 식민지 조선에 있어서의 근대 초극론 김철」(P.211 ~ P.232)

■「4 종합 연구: 일본에 있어서의 서양 근대의 경험」(P.233 ~ P.349)
●「근대와의 격투 ―― 제임스 카즌스와 일본·인도·탈식민지의 문화 고우리·비슈와나탄, 미하라 요시아키역”(P.235 ~ P.264)

● 「서양의 침로의 상실 / 동점의 종말과 탈유럽화 헨트 데 브리스, 칸다 신지역 」에의 유혹과 이나가 시게미」(P.321 ~ P.349)

●「나중에 토론 후 이소젠 준이치」(P.350 ~ P.357)

●「집필자 소개」(P.358 ~ P .359)

상기의 논고 중, 우선 이소 전 순일의 「후퇴」로부터, 약간 길게 인용합니다. 이것이, 알기 쉽게 구별되고 있기 때문에. 그리고, 사카이 나오키의 논고와 이나가 시미의 논고로부터 인용합니다. 그 이외에도 인용하고 싶은 문장은 여러가지 있습니다만, 사카이·이나가 논고만으로도 엉덩이 끊김 잠자리가 될 것 같기 때문에, 하는 방법 없습니다.

절반 이상의 저자가 서평자에게는 처음이며 논고 중에 나오는 인물 이나 에마뉘엘 레비나스, JA 하이직의 니시타니 게이지, 등등.니시야 케이지나 레비나스는, 이름은 알고 있습니다만, 그 저서는 읽지 않습니다)에서도 모르는 인물이 다수 있습니다. 그러나, 다소 어려운 내용으로 이해가 잘 안 되는 면도 많이 있습니다만, 각각 매우 공부가 되어 향후의 서평자의 「본 읽기」의 참고가 됩니다.

그럼 인용 소개를 시작합니다.

●「나중에 ―― 토의 후에 이소젠 준이치」(P.350 ~ P.357)

【 “막부 말의 서양 세계에의 개국이 가져온 불평등 조약에 의해, 식민지화라고 하는 큰 압력하에 일본은 놓여져 있었다. 그러한 상황 속에서, 일본인은 한편으로는 서양이 되고 싶지만, 다른 한편으로는 서양에 반발하는 등 상반되는 욕구의 갈등을 안게 된다.다만, 일본이 국가의 독립을 달성하기 위해서 서양 제국과 경쟁해야 한다면, 이러한 이중의 욕구도 또, 기본적으로는 서양화에 의해 규정된 상황이 만들어진 것이었다.이런 문맥 속에서, 일본 혹은 동양과 서양이라고 하는 표상이 상호 의존적인 형태로 사람들에게 상상되게 되었다 또한 일본 이외의 아시아 지역도 한편으로는 일본에 의해 식민지 = 문명화되어야 할 것으로서 사실이 있음에도 불구하고, 아시아는 일본과 함께 서양에 맞서야 할 것으로서, 거기에서도 이중성을 가진 존재로서 표상되어 갔다.즉, 일본은 아시아에 대해서는 서양이며, 서양에 대해서 는 아시아였던 것이다.

이런 의미에서 '근대의 초극' 혹은 '세계사의 철학'이라는 언설은 본질적으로 애매함을 포함하는 것으로서 다를 수 없었다. 그러나 그것이 일본 제국에 의한 타민족의 포섭이라는 정치적 과제를 안고 있는 상황 속에서 생긴 것이기 때문에, 이러한 언설은 일종의 보편성, 즉 제국의 지배하에 놓여진 다른 민족과의 공존을 지향하는 성질을 띠는 것은 피하기 어려운 것이었다. 경우에 따라서는 일본인 미즈카라가 제국에서의 일본 민족의 위치를 ​​탈중심화하는 계기를 포함할 수밖에 없었던 것이다. 전후의 교토 학파를 둘러싼 논의의 대부분은, 교토 학파에 속하는 자 자신의 주장도 포함해, 전후의 일본 사회가 단일 민족의 국민 국가라고 하는 옷차림을 모으게 되었기 때문에, 한때 미키 키요와 타나베 모토가 사고한 것 같은 타민족과 공존해, 그들을 통합할 수 있는 제국으로서의 세계사규모에서의 보편성의 논리의 모색을 포기해 버렸다고 할 수 있다. 오늘날 이슬람과 기독교와 같은 이종교 간의 문제뿐만 아니라 새로운 자국 내 이민자와 내지 식민지의 백성으로 정치적으로 동화되어 버린 마이너리티 사람들과 같은 국내외의 다른 사람들과 의 공존의 윤리가 급무로 되는 사회에 있어서는, 한 번, 전전의 교토 학파가 안고 있던 보편성의 문제를, 공존의 윤리에 길을 여는 것과 동시에 타자에게의 폭력 행위로 변할 수 있는 위험성으로 재검토해 나갈 필요가 있을 것이다.

그리고 좌담회 '근대의 초극'과 같이 서양중심주의를 비판한다는 행위는 그 안티테제로서 동양이라는 언설을 고정적인 실체로 시작할 수도 있어 전형적인 셀프 오리엔탈리즘 의 표상회로로 우울해 가는 위험을 겪고 있었다. 즉, 서양에 대항하여, 자문화를 비서양적인 특수성의 논리하에 표상하는 것은, 확실히 서양을 비판하기 위해서는 유효한 수단일 수 있지만, 동시에 자문화를 배타 적인 본질주의화하게 되기도 하고, 결국은 <서양 대 일본 혹은 아시아>라는 이항 대립적인 표상을 고정화하게 된다. '근대의 초극'이란 이런 이항 대립적 사고를 시작하는 언설에는 없었다. 그러한 이야기하에 더 이상 일본이 서양 근대화라는 놓치지 않는 공간의 내부에 있다는 것을 잊어 버렸고, 마치 그 공간 외부에 독자적인 특수 문화로서 일본 문화 혹은 아시아의 문화권이 불립 하고 있는 것 같은 착각을 낳는 것이다. 일본 제국의 논리가 결국, 타자에 의한 자기 변혁을 전제로 하는 보편성이 아니라, 동질화된 자기의 특수성을 타자에게 밀어붙이는 보편주의로 끝나버린 것은, 서양에 대항한다 자문화 측의 단위를 아시아 측에 조치했음에도 불구하고 그 광역권을 동질적인 특수성하에 일원적으로 파악하려는 욕망이 이겼기 때문이다.

흥미로운 것은, 이러한 셀프·오리엔탈리즘적 표상은, 전중기에 교토 학파의 철학자를 비롯한 일본의 지식인이 서양에 대항하는 가운데 스스로 만들어낸 언설이었지만―― 물론, 동시에 서양의 지식인 역시 일본을 부정적인 형태로 특수화함으로써 자문화를 동질적인 것으로 표상해 갔는데――, 전후가 되면 이번에는 서양의 지식인이 교토학파의 철학을 긍정적으로 특수화하고 스스로의 서양적 전통을 비판하기 위해 일본 교토학파의 연구자와 협조해간 것이다. 교토학파는 지혜로 가득한 신비적 철학이라고 하는 식으로. 그것은 서양중심주의에 대한 비판으로서는 일견 유효하게 보이고, 논의된 당 일본인에게 있어서는 자신들이 서양의 한계를 뛰어넘은 동양의 지혜로 명지되는 만큼, 그 나르시시즘을 간질거리는 효과를 만들어 왔다. 그러나 전중기 교토 학파가 그랬듯이 서양과 일본이 이질적인 것이라는 이분법을 만들어 실제 타인의 모습을 무시한 현실 떨어져 있는 배타적 표상을 환상적으로 만들어 버리는 점에 근본적인 문제가 있다. 거기에는 자기 나르시시즘에 균열을 넣는 형태로 타사를 만나는 기회가 전혀 빗나가게 되어 버린 것이다.

이러한 일본과 서양 혹은 아시아와 서양을 이항 대립적으로 파악하는 사고의 마력은, 「근대의 초극」이나 「세계사의 철학」이라고 하는 일본인의 언설을 피식민자의 측에 유용해 라고 저항의 언설을 읽으려고 한 한반도 지식인도 또 도망치기 힘든 것이었다. 그러나 아마도 대만과 만주를 포함한 일본의 지배하에 놓여진 동아시아 지식인은 근대의 초극과 세계사의 철학 논의를 읽어 일본문화의 특수성을 정당화하기 위해 대신 그 지배에 대한 저항의 논리로서 혹은 전향이라고 불리는 적극적인 동화행위를 통해 동화대상인 일본제국의 정체성에 이질성이나 변용을 가져오는 시도를 하고 있었다. 그 과정에서 서양과 조선 혹은 일본과 조선과 같은 이항대립적인 표상의 도식 자체가 탈구되려고 했던 것은 충분히 생각할 수 있을 것이다.

안이하게 「근대를 초극한다」나 「세계사의 보편성」이라고 하는 언설에 동화되는 일 없이, 이러한 근대가 안고 있는 아폴리아 속에 몸을 두고 사고해 나가는 것. 그것은 서양 근대라는 공간 외부에 자신들이 서있을 수 있거나 근대를 '초극'할 수 있다는 환상에 빠지지 않고 그 내부에서 다양한 이항 대립적인 경계선을 탈구시켜 가는 저항의 시도를 모색해 나가는 것을 의미하자. 외연부를 가지지 않는 공간 가운데 여백 혹은 잔여라고 하는 것은 찾아낼 수 있는 것이다. 그것이 닛분켄의 토의뿐만 아니라 쿄다이와 리츠메이칸의 기획을 통해서 그 참가자들에게 가져온 공통 인식이었던 것 같다. 그 가운데 보편성과 특수성, 저항과 동화, 제국과 국민국가, 혹은 일상을 이화하는 일로서 종교나 철학의 가능성, 이러한 주제를 계속 생각해 나가는 것이 오늘의 사상 상황에 매우 큰 과제가 계속되고 있는 것이 확인된 것이다. (P.354 ~ P.357)]

사카이 나오키의 논고에서 3 개소, 이나가 시게미의 논고에서 3 개소, 인용 소개합니다.

●「서 팩스 아메리카나 아래 교토 학파의 철학 사카이 나오키, 타카하시 하라역」(P.3 ~ P.28) 타니자키 준이치로의 「음영 예찬」의 「평가」에 관한 문장, 교토 학파의 「

보편성 에 관한 문장(2곳)을 인용합니다.

【 「기묘한 일이라고 말해도 좋다고 생각하지만, 지금까지 「음영 예찬」은 노스탤직한 문화주의를 오피라에게 지지하는 것으로 평가되어 왔다. 그러나 주의 깊게 읽어보면 이 수필이 일본문화를 숭배하는 문화주의의 윤활함을 그려보인 것임을 알 수 있다. 이것은 말하자면 "서서 소변의 자세에서 연주된 일본 문화론"이 될 것이다. 전통이라고 하는 것에 기대되는 것 같은 모든 진지한 특질을, 고풍인 일본 가옥의 어둡고 오욕적인 부분과 연결해, 타니자키는 웃음을 초대하는 치구하구나 느낌을 만들어 내고, 옛 것, 불편한 것, 역사적 뭔가를 사랑하는 이국주의를 웃으며 날리고 있다. 이 유머로 가득한 수필을 사이덴·스티커는, 정중하게, 일본의 전통의 예찬이라고 읽어들인 것이다. 다른 작품에도 일반적으로 볼 수 있는 것이지만, 타니자키는 뛰어난 비판 정신의 소유자이며, 종종 성적인 입장성이라는 관점에서 이항 대립의 기능을 우화화함으로써 근대 대 전통이라든지 서양 대동양이라는 포괄적인 이분법에 의문을 던질 수 있었던 문학자였다. 타니자키는 권력관계에 있어서 성이 매우 중요하다는 것을 이해하고 있던 전전 일본의 몇 안되는 문학자의 한 사람이었다고 해도 좋을 것이다. "(P.6)

「교토학파가 목표로 하고 있는 종류의 철학은 「토착」(다만, 원래 나는 어떠한 「토착의 인식론」이라고 하는 관념에도 극히 회의적이지만) 지식으로부터 결정적으로 분리되어 있다. 그 중 교토 학파의 철학을 연구 할 때 첫 번째 과제는 텍스트의 철학적 구조와 개념적 일관성을 이해하는 것입니다. 동시대의 일본사회에 대한 지식이 문제가 되는 것은 역사적 평가와 사회-정치적 함의의 검토라는 제2의 과제에 임할 때이다. 분명히 첫 번째 과제의 영역을 두 번째 문제와 구별하기가 어렵습니다. 그러나, 제1의 과제를 해내지 않으면 교토 학파에 대한 이론적인 연구는 할 수 없다. 이른바 일본 전문가라고 칭하는 자들은 대부분 제2의 과제를 자랑하고 있지만, 제1의 과제에 대해 근면하게 노력하고 있는 것은 아니다. 그들 가운데에는 제일 과제를 하는 능력이 부족한 자가 많다는 것이 실정이 아닌가. "(P.16)

“나 자신의 교실에서의 경험으로부터 말하자면, 비록 “일본 문화”에 대해서 매우 한정된 지식 밖에 갖지 않아도, 일본인이 아닌 학생이 허리를 잡고 면밀하게 철학적으로 독해하도록 지도되고 그렇다면 논의의 개념적 연관을 엄격하게 이해할 수있는 예는 적지 않다. 막연히 '민족문화'에 통하는 것보다 훨씬 중요한 것은, 어떻게 잘 사전에 있어서 개념적으로 논의의 일관성을 한 걸음 한 걸음 쫓아갈 수 있는가 하는 것이다. 아무리 일본어에 익숙해도 개념적 노동을 할 준비가 없는 자는 교토학파의 텍스트에 '일본문화', '동양종교', '선정신' 등 스테레오타입을 밀어붙여 교토학파 철학자가 어떻게 '서양인'과는 다른 사유양식을 가지고 있는지를 강조하려고 한다. 그러나 이러한 '동양'과 이문화를 들어올리는 자에 한해서 서유럽과 북아메리카의 철학과 사회 사상의 개념적인 구성을 정성껏 쫓을 준비가 부족한 경우가 많다. 스스로를 '서양인'이라고 자인하는 것에 비해서는 그들의 '서양사상'의 독해력은 어색한 경우가 너무 많다. 교토 학파의 철학을 비판적으로 이해하기 위해 결정적인 것은 '동양 정신'에 대한 이국적인 공상을 버리고 텍스트에 말한 것을 그 시대에 유럽과 다른 지역에서 논의되었다 지적 문제와 관련시키는 능력이다. "(P.17)]

●""서쪽"근대성에 대한 저항과, "동양적"침잠에의 유혹과 이나가 시미"(P.321 ~ P.349) 인용 소개하는 개소는, 타케우치 호(

혹은 손가), 앵무새 진리교, 이세 신궁 등에 관련된 문장입니다.

["여기서 말하자면 야나기 무네요시를 언급하는 것은 손가가 타케우치 호를 논할 때 문제로 하는 '아시아식 근대의 모순" paradox of Asian Modernity에 야나기가 생각하지 않는 조명을 주고 있기 때문이다. 타케우치의 「주작인부터 핵실험까지」(1965)를 손가는 이렇게 요약한다. 동아시아는 유럽의 근대를 모방함으로써 근대에 도달할 수 없다. 왜냐하면, 다름없는 선생님(서유럽)이 무력에 호소하는 것으로, 학생(아시아)이 자신(서유럽)을 모방하는 것을 방해하고 있기 때문이다. 여기에 타케우치는 모순을 본다. 그 결과 유럽은 인간의 존엄을 주장하지만 동아시아는 인간의 존엄을 실현하기 위해 그 유럽과 싸워야 할 운명을 짊어지고 있다고.

생각했던 것처럼 비슷한 딜레마는 일찍이 도쿠가와 시대의 유학자, 야마자키 암사이(1619-1682)에 의해 정식화되어 있었던 것이 아닐까. 야마자키 암사이는 묻는다. 만약 중국이 공자를 총대장으로, 맹자를 군사로 일본에 몰입한 경우, 일본인은 어떻게 대응해야 하는가. 유학이 전하는 인 즉 인간의 존엄의 이름에서 일본은 공자와 맹자에 대해 전단을 열어야 하는가. 아니면 유학의 가르침에 충실한 일본인으로서는 선생님인 공자와 맹자가 만약 침략자가 되었을 경우라도 鉾을 섞지 않고 그 군문에 내리는 것이 유교에 대한 충성을 나타내는 행위일까 우카. 중세 스코라학과 비슷한 책상 공론을 우회하는 방향도 있을 것이다. 하지만 이 봉화는 1910년대 일본에 의한 한반도 병합 이후 조선에서 봉기가 발생한 때 야나기 무네요시가 다룬 질문이었다. 야나기가 말밖에 암시하려고 했던 것은 분명할 것이다. 만약 일본에 공자·맹자의 군대를 격퇴할 권리가 있다면, 이것에 못지않게 같은 이굴로, 조선의 백성이 일본에 대하여 봉기하는 것도, 인의에 이루어진, 인간의 존엄에 적합한 도의 된다. 둘 다 유교의 길에 비추어 의인인 행동이기 때문이다.

버드나무의 논의에 비추어 보면, 타케우치 호가 말하는 모순은, 그 논리적 타당성의 취약함을 노출하게 된다. 라고 하는 것도 다케우치는, 논의가 중화인민공화국의 정치적 결정에 저촉하는 지점에 이르자, 그보다 앞으로 나아가는 것을 스스로 금지하기 때문이다. 원래 타케우치의 이굴은, 일의 시작부터, 중화인민공화국의 핵실험은 꼭이라도 정당화해야 한다는, 시국의 요청을 합리화하기 위해서 구축되고 있어, 그 전제 때문에의 한계를 면해 아니. 이데올로기의 차원을 떠나 논리의 차원에 한정한다면, 아이러니하게도 타케우치의 중국 정당화의 이굴은, 젊은 타케우치가 참가한 대동아공영권 정당화의 이굴을, 기묘하게도 반복하는 궤적 를 묘사하고 있음을 깨닫습니다. "(P.329 ~ P.330)

"그러나, 더 두려워하는 것은, 일본이 앵무새 진리교와 그 교조를 근절시키려고 하는, 그 자세에 있었다, 라고 필자는 생각한다.왜냐하면 선량한 일본인 이들은 마하라들이 설교한 아련 purification의 이굴을 그대로 답습하고, 마하라와 그 위험이 없는 교단을 독 거미처럼 일소하고 정화되어 오염으로부터 무연한 일본의 재건을 원했기 때문이다. 급에 청정급에」의 과민성 결버증이라고 해도 되지만, 신형 인플루엔자의 세계적 유행(2009년 5월 현재)이라고 하는 사태 하에서, 이와 변함없는 정화에의 강박 신경증은, 건전하게 보존되어 죄책감도 없는 채 순조롭게 재생산되어 완벽한 무균실 요로시키 일본 열도의 안전 확보에 힘차게 공헌하고 있다. 여기서 '근대의 초극' 토론회(1942)로 돌아가면 거기에도 서구 열강에 의한 '문화적 침략'에 대항하기 위해 순수 일본의 자기 방어와 자기 폐색에 노력하려고 한다 본능이 조울증적인 경향을 갖고 만연해 대동아공영권의 몽상으로 이상비대를 이룬 유양이 엿볼 수 있다. "(P.339 ~ P.340)

"순수하고 무구, 더러워지지 않는 일본이라는 허구의 핵을 이루는 것이 이세 신궁일 것이다. 식년 천궁은 20년의 주기로 사의 목조 구조를 대체하게 하는 구조이기도 하고, 그 반복에 의해 역사성 하지만 부인하는 것이지만, 그 기원은 기원 690년에 확정할 수 있다. 일본의 고대 왕조가 상상의 일본 문화 동일성을 의제로 도입하는 정치적 의사를 표명한 시점을 기록한다. 밖에서의 (기대되는) 시선의 개입이 큰 역할을 하고, 태고보다 역사적으로 불변으로 항상 있는 일본미학이라는 신화적 관념의 풍양에 공헌했다.이것 또한 2층건물의 구조의 반복이다.

고대에는 중국과 조선으로부터의 사절의 눈이 일본에 순수 일본이 되는 허구의 시작을 촉진시키고, 근대에서는 서양으로부터의 시선이 이세진구의 상징적 가치의 확립을 부피시켰다. 또한 이세신궁은 서양적인 '개'나 '전체성' 관념에 의의를 보인다. 식년천궁은 물질적인 연속성을 희생한 정신성만의 비물질적 계승의 영속성에 가치를 부여한다. 이것이 서구 근대사회에서 발달한 보존수리의 이념과는 대극을 이루는 것에 서구 전문가는 깨달았다. 이미 부재가 된 원형으로부터의 인용과 복제만으로 이루어지는, 정의로 해 오리지날이 부족한, 파고 기둥의 萱葺 오두막은, 개를 희생으로 한 전체성을, 만세일계라고 하는 천황가의 가계에 거듭해 합치고 순환 중에 영속시킨다. 거기에는 원래 시작부터 발터 벤야민이 부르는 의미에서 아우라는 존재하지 않았을 것이다. 실제로, 장보드 리얄의 표현을 빌린다면 '오리지널 없는 시뮬라 쿨' 밖에 없는 이세진구는 그 복제의 재생 반복 속에 영의 아우라를 담는다. 그것은 헤겔 학자 코제프 부르는 "순수한 스노비즘"의 구현으로 역사-후의 낙원 post-historical paradise를 살아있다. "(P.340 ~ P.341)]
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