
Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World - Taylor, Steve.

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World - Kindle edition by Taylor, Steve. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World Kindle Edition
by Steve Taylor  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.5 out of 5 stars    57 ratings
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from $9.99
It is often assumed that there are two ways of interpreting the world: 
  • a rational scientific way, or 
  • an irrational religious way. 
Spiritual Science offers a third alternative: 
  • a spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion
  • and answers many of the riddles that neither can explain. 

The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. 

But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things.

Steve Taylor puts forward the evidence for a spiritual view of reality, drawing on the insights of philosophers, physicists, mystics, as well as spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures. 
He systematically shows how a ‘panspiritist’ view can explain many puzzling aspects of science and the world, including evolution and the origins of life, and a wide range of other phenomena such as quantum physics, the placebo effect, precognition and neuroplasticity.

Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. After showing how the materialist worldview demeans the world and human life, Spiritual Science offers a brighter alternative – a vision of the world as sacred and interconnected, and of human life as meaningful and purposeful.

Spiritual Science explains how the standard materialist model of reality developed, and turned into a belief system. This belief system can only function by denying (or explaining away) a whole range of phenomena that are part of human experience. It is possible to be scientific without adopting this belief system – in fact, it is much more rational to do so.

4.4 out of 5 stars 65
Kindle Edition
Editorial Reviews
"With elegance and lucidity, Steve Taylor explains why spiritual science is the only hope for humanity. A science based on the superstition of matter as fundamental reality could lead to our extinction but a science grounded in the understanding of consciousness as a fundamental reality - as described by this book - could be our saving grace."

—Deepak Chopra, MD Chopra Foundation

"Materialism is dead. It just doesn't know it. Spiritual Science shows the mechanistic worldview is passé and that the science that once seemed to support it has well and truly moved on. Steve Taylor's book is a very readable and inspiring guide to where we are heading as a culture."

—Gary Lachman Lost Knowledge of the Imagination

"As I read this book, I kept sighing with relief. At long last, a thoughtful and accessible treatment of the false divide between science and spirituality. By exploring a series of puzzles, Taylor shows how the pieces of our world fit together, if we are willing to take a breath and look at it anew."

—Dr Julia Mossbridge, author of Transcendent Mind and The Premonition Code

"In this important book, Steve Taylor convincingly argues that the materialist paradigm has run its course and that the evidence from anomalous experiences must be acknowledged. Taylor shows how a panspiritist approach not only eloquently explains anomalous phenomena but can lead to exciting possibilities for the evolution of humankind and the planet. These issues affect each one of us; it is time we all sat up and took note."

—Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences

"This is the best book on the mind-body problem I have yet to read. If you care about the plight of the human condition, and ever wondered about the mysteries of the human mind...not to be missed."

—Michael Grosso, PH.D author of The Man Who Could Fly 

"In his acknowledgments Steve Taylor generously describes himself as being inspired to write a popular version of our book Irreducible Mind. In fact he has accomplished much more than this. In a highly readable account of some of the issues and "rogue phenomena" we discuss in our book, he also takes on difficult new topics such as altruism and evolution, making crystal clear why our struggling postmodern civilization so urgently needs an expanded scientific worldview compatible with human spirituality."

—Edward F. and Emily W. Kelly, lead authors of Irreducible Mind

“A brilliant and eloquent book that is essential reading for our times.”

-David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer.

“A world-changing opus, a great book… Scientific materialism has foisted highly effective blinders on our world-at-large. Future historians will likely be incredulous at the century-long gap between the advent of investigation into quantum physics and any meaningful assimilation of its revelations into the mainstream scientific culture. Spiritual Science expertly argues the evidence for the primacy of consciousness, an inevitable realization that will engender the greatest revolution in the history of human thought. Science will ultimately ripen through the influence of our spiritual nature. Highly recommended!”

-Eben Alexander, MD, Neurosurgeon, author of Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe.
About the Author
Steve Taylor is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, and the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality. For the last six years he has been included in Watkins Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of the ‘100 most spiritually influential living people.’ His books include Waking From Sleep, The Fall, Out of the Darkness, Back to Sanity, and his latest book The Leap (published by Eckhart Tolle). His books have been published in 19 languages, while his articles and essays have been published in over 40 academic journals, magazines and newspapers, including Philosophy Now, Tikkun, The Daily Express, The Journal of Humanistic Psychology and others. He regularly appears in the media in the UK, and has recently been featured on BBCRadio 5, BBC Radio Scotland, BBC World TV, and BBC World Service radio. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Product details
File size : 858 KB
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 273 pages
Publisher : Watkins Publishing (September 18, 2018)
Publication date : September 18, 2018

Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars

Top reviews from the United States
5.0 out of 5 stars What a gift!
Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2018
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Steve Taylor has presented the results of a staggering number of experiments to show us that the world is permeated with the Sacred - that our true nature is joyful, altruistic and that our minds are more intelligent and powerful than present-day science dares to let us know. Our culture is rife with a materialistic science, which gives permission to a few to thrive at the expense of the many. The results of this selfish science are all around us - there's mayhem in our political and economic systems, environmental degradation and our own growing sense of mental unease. It's time for us to undo this damage, and this book shows us how.

If you are someone who wants to know about your own God-given magnificence, supported with the latest research, I highly recommend this book to you! I never expected scientific knowledge to fill me with joy - yes, with facts about how to manipulate the world around me - but joy? It shows us what is most beautiful inside the human mind and its extraordinary abilities to heal and create - that's pure delight!
12 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars An exhilarating and liberating view of the cosmos
Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2019
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This is a bold and groundbreaking reassessment of the validity of materialism—the contemporary cultural and scientific assumption that matter alone is the reality of the universe, that is, everything has a physical origin and can only be explained on that basis. The author sets for an alternative view that a greater and higher force is at work in the world.

Taylor's examination of the dynamics of the cosmos is fresh and illuminating. It is bound neither by the imperious ideology of modern science nor the myopia of religious tradition. Instead, it is founded on the profound understanding that a higher, all-encompassing consciousness is the animating force of the universe. With courage and clarity, the author uncovers the "missing link" that is conspicuously absent in a materialistic accounting of the universe. This is not merely philosophical or intellectual muscle flexing. It is a purposeful exploration of new territory that can add to human knowledge and bring about a fundamental shift in our comprehension and disposition toward our world.

This is a book at the cutting edge of present understanding. Like all harbingers of new ideas, it will punch at comfortably entrenched assumptions and thus draw ridicule and scorn. Summon the courage to read it for it has the potential to alter narrow and rigid perspectives of the world and to profoundly shape the well-being of humankind and the universe we inhabit. Discover here a cosmic perspective that is both startlingly radical yet satisfyingly rational.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Another potent unmasking of the myth of materialism
Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2019
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Steve Taylor has written an important book - one that complements the debunking of the exploitative paradigm of materialism by thinkers such as Bernardo Kastrup. Even for those who have not had an awakening experience, as written about in this book and others by Taylor, the logic and evidence presented for a consciousness model of reality is compelling. If you've had an experiential awakening to the primacy of conciousness, this book simply reflects what is ontologically obvious. There are areas of inquiry that could deal more fatal blows to materialism that are not raised here, but I'm certain that Taylor will get to these in due course. But I'm glad that he's brave enough to take on Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins, and others like them - the high priests of materialism - who are really simply foolish clowns not a whit different to the religious fundamentalists that they oppose. Taylor shows they're all of the same ilk. Asleep. But dangerous.
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Puneet Handa
5.0 out of 5 stars Very well-written book!
Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2020
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Really well written book. Clear, understandable, concise!
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Love the Point of View
Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2019
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Great book, finished it from beginning to end.
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Nice book :)
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2020
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Nice book :)
Sheryl Glick, RMT, host of Healing from Within
5.0 out of 5 stars Science Meets Spirituality for Truth and Results
Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2019
Steve Taylor, in an amazingly cohesive way approaches merging science and spirituality as life cannot be understood or lived in accordance with true personal and collective growth without merging both disciplines. READ THIS BOOK to learn about the materialist paradigm that has run its course and discover how a panspiritist approach can explain anomalous phenomena and can lead to exciting possibilities for the elevation of humankind and the planet. Most people believe it is the role of science to explain how the world works. However, there is a fundamental spirit or consciousness that is ever present and in everything and has great explanatory power. Understanding materialism or scientism along with ancient beliefs in panspiritism allows us to find our human/divine essence. Taylor shares an understanding of healing, hypnosis and the brains ability to adapt to injury, as well as an understanding of ancient beliefs, indigenous people and a force that is not only a metaphysical speculation but a tangible reality. An interesting look at history, science, mystical experience and psychic abilities for knowing our human/divine connection. Excellent!
6 people found this helpful
Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Required reading for lovers of science AND spirituality
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 25, 2019
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Not to be too fanciful but a while ago I put it to the universe to direct me to books which bridged the gap between science and spirituality. I love studying both but am depressed at how fashionable and "cool" it seems to be amongst some in the scientific community to blank and deride the inexplicable as "woo woo".
Since my search began I've been richly rewarded and lately it's led me to Steve Taylor.
Meticulously researched, this book elegantly presents a persuasive alternative to the still prevailing paradigm of materialism: the belief (and belief it is) that reality can only be measured in terms of physical particles and that humans are little more than selfish machines with no purpose other than to replicate.
Having had an inexplicable spiritual experience as a child, I've always known there's more to reality than meets the eye (or measuring instrument) and Steve Taylor presents a wealth of material to back such experiences up.
There's so much to get your teeth into in this book, I wanted to read it twice and the second time learned even more! In essence it shows how science and spirituality can in fact be complementary in solving the ancient mysteries of why we're here and where we're going and how the two should be working in harmony to solve the myriad crises faced by humanity. I do hope the book will be discussed in the mainstream media.......
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Andrew G Batten
5.0 out of 5 stars Answers the titular question and so much more!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 3, 2019
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“This is the most important issue of our time”, it says on the last page of this splendid book - a bold claim but each page weaves compelling arguments that navigate the reader through science, spirituality and evolution, with a theory that apparently unifies these. Despite the weighty topics, it is pleasingly easy to read and accomplishes a great feat of exposition covering mainstream science, its limitations and how they may be overcome. It seems extremely comprehensive but fits into 232 pages as it is written with a light touch and lively tone - just the right pitch of explanatory detail and brevity. It is well-referenced and I enjoyed jumping off into selected texts to learn more about unfamiliar areas. It is not every day one feels that one is doing justice to the faculties we possess, but reading this was a genuinely nourishing experience that leaves me with a strong sense of encouragement and optimism for the future of not only science, but the human race and beyond.
15 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars A new metapsychical framework for a post-modern age
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 23, 2018
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Steve Taylor's new book "Spiritual Science" is a tour de force. A major work that will provoke people into arguing from both sides of the fence. Leaving no stone unturned. Awaiting inspection and further investigation from those who hold these matters dear.

In Taylor's previous books he focused on different aspects of his main research inquiry that examined the psychology of octimal adaptive human functioning. This is better known as what Steve Taylor defines as experiences of temporary and permanent states of spiritual awakening. Exploring within his decade long vocational work, themes such as, "the sleep state", "emotional turmoil experiences" that lead to life transformations, and categorising different types of "spiritual awakening experiences".

Like no one else within the scientific research community Steve Taylor has put spiritual awakening on the map as a serious and important subject to research and study. And the implications of Steve Taylor's work has the capability of promoting more fullfilling and meaningful lives for the many people in the world today who are searching for something that our modern athetist and materialist culture seems to lack and can never provide. That is, purpose, meaning and values, which can guide us on our path until we realise our full humanity and fully conscious state in this world.

In Spiritual Science Steve Taylor gives us in a revolutionary and pioneering spirit a new metaphysical perspective as a framework to guide our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This Steve Taylor defines as "Panspiritism". This is in contrast to the two better known metaphysical perspectives described as "materialism/scientism" and "dualism". By introducing this radically original and novel framework into modern metaphysics terminology Steve Taylor has constructed a framework of explanation and meaning for many people who may identify themselves as either being religious or spiritual. In relation, when psychoanalysis and behaviourism ruled modern psychology in the 1960s - Humanistic Psychology appeared as the third force within psychology as a modern academic discipline. In terms of modern metaphysical frameworks that dominate around the early 21st century Steve Taylor has done something equally noteworthy in articulating the much needed panspiritism perspective.

But what is Panspiritism? It is has similarities with panpsychism. However, panpsychism argues that mind is primary, whereas panspiritism proposes that spirit-force or universal consciousness is primary. In other words, everything is spirit essence, while both matter and mind are derived from spirit essence. Taylor demonstrates this isnothing new, but something he recognises throughout human history. For example, within the lives of people from indigenous cultures, mystical traditions and the work of the great poets. However, what is new is how Taylor has provided us with a framework to interpret and understand this with a clarity and simplicity not often creatively brought to life in writing.

Steve Taylor in his new book has the boldness -or some may say- the audacity -to take on some of the Atheist big guns in his new book. For example, Huxley, Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett - to name a few. However, a stand out feature in his book is the chapter on psychic phenomena. A subject that few scientists or researcher psychologists would dare speak up about in such a contraversial way. More than likely out of fear of being shunned or alienated because of their views by the mainstream academic and scientific community. However, Steve Taylor is no shrinking violet. He should be commended or even appauded for the well thought out and reasoned arguments he puts forward in openness and support of the potential validity of psychic phenomena. Furthermore Steve Taylor even holds out an olive branch out to the collossus of new age spirituality, philosophy and transpersonal psychology Ken Wilber. By Taylor using Wilber's Pre-trans fallacy concept to eloquently describe psychic phenomena in a way that amplifies a more nuanced and refined understanding - when previously such psychic phenomena has been cast off in a bin simplified and undifferentiated in terms of its illuminating complexity.

Steve Taylor can hold his head up proud when he set to work at what he wanted to achieve in this new book. A description and analysis of the two main metaphysical perspectives of how we understand ourselves and the world. Also he has developed a fresh and novel metaphysical framework to provide a source of meaning and understanding not currently known or updated for many people living in the modern world. An analysis of what a materialist perspective cannot provide in explanation, whereas a panspiritism perspective can and does provide through the use of a greater sophistication in thinking and reasoning. The type of spiritual perspective I feel that can only arise out of a less limited conception of reality, and is only born out of a genuine yearning for something more and expansive. Something subtle, yet not yet known.

Thank you, Steve Taylor. A voice in the darkness that reached out towards the light.

Joe Bartholomew
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14 people found this helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Doubts Real Science in Order to Make Faith Claims
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 24, 2019
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//The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things.//

This is from the introduction and it is just plain wrong. Science has given us reasonable explanations for almost all of these phenomena using evidence. And if the evidence is scant or still spotty then science admit it, we don't start making up mythical tales about them.

Spirituality uses faith and quasi scientific explanations to bolster up its claims, but the scientific method is just simply the best way to get at the facts of a matter.
5 people found this helpful
Graham Mummery
5.0 out of 5 stars What a Spirituality Might Bring to Science
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 10, 2019
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Steve Taylor already has published a number of interesting books connected with psychology and spirituality. He is a researcher and academic who argues from the viewpoint of transpersonal Psychology which is a psychology that includes the spiritual in its study. I make that last point because though transpersonal psychology includes spirituality, it is not solely about the spiritual. Even within it there are those who argue about the extent it should talk about the spiritual.

Taylor has argued more for transpersonal psychology as a spiritual psychology. He remains also interesting because he is one of the few writers within the field who also has made an impact as a writer outside it with a number of well written books there. He also has maintained a career in "conventional" academia as a lecturer at a university, though as he points early in the book people are surprised that he is able to hold such views there. He also is not affiliated with any religion, indeed he voices scepticism about conventional religion and is on record as describing himself as an atheist.

In this elegantly written book he explores what a spirituality might bring to science. Again Taylor's view is not that science is wrong about everything or invalid, but that it is wrong to adopt a version of materialism as a sole measure of reality. In the book he points to places where the materialistic paradigm is shown to be lacking in its descriptions and even at times ignoring aspects of experience such as consciousness and psychic phenomena as well as whether it is better to look at things from a viewpoint of spirit.

Taylor analyses many of the ideas of materialism and finds them lacking. His arguments, though possibly not yet mainstream, is thoughtful and coherent. As to who it convinces, I will leave that to readers. What is offered here is sane, intelligent and well grounded, As a guide to how science might learn from a spirituality, readers could not be in better hands.
4 people found this helpful
Spiritual Science
by Steve Taylor
 4.38  ·   Rating details ·  42 ratings  ·  7 reviews

Spiritual Science offers an alternative, spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion, and answers many of the riddles that neither can explain. The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things. Steve Taylor puts forward the evidence for a spiritual view of reality, drawing on the insights of philosophers, physicists, mystics, as well as spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures. He systematically shows how a ‘panspiritist’ view can explain many puzzling aspects of science and the world, including evolution and the origins of life, and a wide range of other phenomena such as quantum physics, the placebo effect, precognition and neuroplasticity. Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. After showing how the materialist worldview demeans the world and human life, Spiritual Science offers a brighter alternative – a vision of the world as sacred and interconnected, and of human life as meaningful and purposeful. Spiritual Science explains how the standard materialist model of reality developed, and turned into a belief system. This belief system can only function by denying (or explaining away) a whole range of phenomena that are part of human experience. (less)

Kindle Edition, 273 pages
Published September 20th 2018 by Watkins

Darren Cockburn
Jan 19, 2019Darren Cockburn rated it it was amazing
I recently purchased a copy of the new book 'Spiritual Science'. I’d previously read one of Steve Taylor's earlier books titled ‘The Leap’, which helped me (and many others) to frame some of my own spiritual experiences.

I’ve always known that there’s more than what we can evidence with conventional science. A subtler intelligence or force that lies beyond the atom. It’s what I call the spiritual dimension. Like many others, I’ve referenced this in my writing and teachings without necessarily backing it up with evidence and proof.

Spiritual Science provides a comprehensive portfolio of evidence that supports the existence of this dimension. For example, near-death experiences, psychic phenomena and how the mind changes the brain and body. At times, I was both positively shocked by what Steve presented, whilst feeling that my beliefs were being reaffirmed. The book describes a 'panspiritist' view of reality - arguing that spirit-force pervades everything.

When you examine the bibliography, you’ll see quite how much work has gone into researching and linking out to other materials. This really adds to the credibility of the book and reassured me that what was presented had been thoroughly investigated and challenged. This is a great book that you can use as an overall reference guide for spiritual experiences and then follow up with references in the bibliography should you wish to explore a particular area further.

It took me a while to read this book. It was partly to give time to integrate Steve’s findings, and also to cherish the reading experience. Reading Steve’s work always takes me into a state of mindfulness and presence. It’s enjoyable! His style is very accessible, interesting and engaging.

As well as opening my mind up in so many ways, this book also contained many useful practical pointers. Spiritual and psychological truths that you can integrate and benefit from right away.

In summary, this is a ground-breaking book, which I believe will contribute greatly towards helping folk see beyond conventional science. It will help more people realize that spirit, consciousness, presence, whatever you might like to call it, is indeed real! (less)
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Aug 18, 2019Eben rated it it was amazing
Scientific materialism has foisted highly effective blinders on our world-at-large. Future historians will likely be incredulous at the century-long gap between the advent of investigation into quantum physics and any meaningful assimilation of its revelations into the mainstream scientific culture. "Spiritual Science" expertly argues the evidence for the primacy of consciousness, an inevitable realization that will engender the greatest revolution in the history of human thought. Science will ultimately ripen through the influence of our spiritual nature. I highly recommended Steve Taylor's brilliant book. Combined with Mark Gober's "An End to Upside Down Thinking" and Alexander/Newell's "Living in a Mindful Universe", the pathway forward for the science of consciousness studies and quantum physics is becoming clearer, for the benefit of all of humanity. (less)
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Claire Pickin
Aug 28, 2019Claire Pickin rated it it was amazing
Such an amazing book - a really good balance of spiritual aspects viewed through a scientific lens. Prooving the two are not mutually exclusive. Highly recommended for anyone on a spiritual path or even just curious about living a more spiritual life but in a practical and accessible way. Highly recommended.
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Nov 01, 2020Yameen rated it really liked it
A very analytical & scientific approach to understanding concepts such as consciousness, altruism & the need for spirituality in a materialistic world.

A great read, especially for those rationally minded & inclined towards materialism
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Stephen Batty
Apr 24, 2020Stephen Batty rated it liked it
Most of what the author writes is good universalism, but stretched a bit far for me by unsupported and irrelevant claims. Not great poetry nit great science, but interesting enough.
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Lawrence Rook
Sep 21, 2020Lawrence Rook rated it it was amazing
A very informative, easy to read and accessible break down of the materialist world view.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition) - Kindle edition by Taylor, Steve, Tolle, Eckhart. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition) - Kindle edition by Taylor, Steve, Tolle, Eckhart. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition) Kindle Edition
by Steve Taylor  (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Introduction)  Format: Kindle Edition

The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening Rev. Taylor, Steve, Tolle, Eckhart

The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition): Taylor, Steve, Tolle, Eckhart: 9781608684472: Amazon.com: Books

The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition) Paperback – February 15, 2017
by Steve Taylor  (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Foreword)
4.5 out of 5 stars    196 ratings
Part of: An Eckhart Tolle Edition (4 Books)
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from $10.45
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What does it mean to be enlightened or spiritually awakened? 
In The Leap, Steve Taylor shows that this state is much more common than is generally believed. 
He shows that ordinary people ― from all walks of life ― can and do regularly “wake up” to a more intense reality, even if they know nothing about spiritual practices and paths. Wakefulness is a more expansive and harmonious state of being that can be cultivated or that can arise accidentally.

 It may also be a process we are undergoing collectively. Drawing on his years of research as a psychologist and on his own experiences, Taylor provides what is perhaps the clearest psychological study of the state of wakefulness ever published. Above all, he reminds us that it is our most natural state ― accessible to us all, anytime, anyplace.

Editorial Reviews

“Life always gives you what you need, and right now it has given you this book to use as a guide or companion through challenging times. It contains a great deal of precious wisdom, expressed in the straightforward, clear, and down-to-earth language that Steve Taylor is so good at.”
― from the foreword by Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now and A New Earth

“A wonderful synthesis of modern research and timeless wisdom that makes the mysterious process of spiritual awakening more comprehensible than ever before.”
― Peter Russell, author of From Science to God

“This book is both insightful and inspiring. Building on the foundations of his previous books, Steve Taylor’s expertise and profound understanding of awakened states shine through and culminate in his proposition of an evolutionary leap that awaits humankind. For anyone who is interested in or has experienced an awakening, this book is not to be missed, as Taylor eloquently conveys an in-depth understanding of this fascinating phenomenon. It’s an excellent book that everyone should read.”
― Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences

“It’s high time we got clearer on what enlightenment is and isn’t. The Leap is readable, important, and long overdue. It offers a thorough portrait of this long-mysterious state with care and love.”
― Dr. Robert K. C. Forman, author of Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be and Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness

“In The Leap, Steve Taylor takes a radically new approach to spiritual awakening, suggesting that the experience is more common than one might suspect, is not bound to any religious or spiritual tradition, and may be playing an essential role in human evolution. The Leap is filled with provocative statements, some of which you may agree with and some you may disagree with ― but you can be sure that this is a book you will never forget. It establishes Steve Taylor as a major spiritual author and teacher, whose lucid and articulate writing will evoke wonder and wisdom among readers.”
― Stanley Krippner, PhD, Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University

“A wonderfully detailed demystification of awakening within and without traditions that is a pleasure to read and offers hope for our dangerous times.”
― Claudio Naranjo, author of Healing Civilization and designer of the SAT Programs for personal and professional development

About the Author
Steve Taylor, PhD, is the author of several books on spirituality and psychology, including The Fall and Waking from Sleep. He has also published two books of poetic spiritual reflections, including The Calm Center. He is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University in the United Kingdom. Since 2011, he has appeared annually in Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of the world’s “100 most spiritually influential living people.”

Product details
Item Weight : 1 pounds
Paperback : 320 pages
Publisher : New World Library (February 15, 2017)
Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5 out of 5

Top reviews from the United States
George Ochsenfeld
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Explains Awakening and Enlightenment; You May be More Awake Than You Think!
Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2017
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If you’ve been wondering what ‘spiritually awakened’ or ‘enlightenment’ means, this book is a must read. If you’ve made progress on the path of awakening, this book will validate your journey. If you’re having intense spiritual experiences, confusion, and dark nights of the soul, this book could save your life.

Steve Taylor explores the awakened state of consciousness from a psychological perspective in simple, crystal clear language. The book is based on his scientific study of hundreds of people who had various awakening experiences, on his vast knowledge of ancient spiritual traditions, and on his own personal journey.

His approach is free from archaic terminology, dogma, and cultural baggage which sometimes obscure the spiritual brilliance of ancient teachings. His model of psychological awakening can be helpful to practitioners on any spiritual path as well as to fervent atheists who are having awakening experiences.

Taylor says that ordinary adult consciousness is a state of deep sleep characterized by a sense of separateness, discontent, anxiety, and constant mental chatter. To escape this discomfort, we pursue happiness through money, success, power, etc., or sedate ourselves with compulsive entertainment or mind altering substances. It doesn’t work.

The author distinguishes between awakening experiences and the awakened state. Awakening experiences are temporary episodes of spiritual uplift, which can range from mild awe, reverence, and harmony to full blown mystical ecstatic union with an all pervading spiritual force. Most people have had at least the mild versions, often from nature or artistic beauty. Taylor goes more deeply into temporary awakening experiences in his book, Waking From Sleep.

The Leap, however, focuses on the awakened state, which is permeant wakefulness. Taylor says that with permeant wakefulness, a new, higher-functioning self-system emerges, which often feels like rebirth.

The author provides a list of characteristics commonly seen in people who are spiritually awake. The intensity of these traits corresponds to the intensity of the person’s wakefulness. I’ll mention just a few: serenity, reduced mental chatter, ability to live primarily in the present moment, emotional wellbeing, pleasure in simple activities, empathy, compassion, altruism, and an enjoyable oneness with nature, other people, and a spiritual force. He describes these characteristic and many more in fascinating detail.

Of particular importance, this list of characteristics can be used to evaluate the authenticity of spiritual teachers who claim to be enlightened. Unfortunately, some ‘perfect masters’ are self-deluded, or simply fraudulent. As a result, followers get injured.

Awakened people are far more common than most people realize, says Taylor. Most live ordinary lives and are not spiritual teachers in any formal sense. Many do not comprehend what happened to them as they awakened from the normal adult sleep state. Taylor reports rare instances of people who are naturally awake, who never completely succumbed to adult drowsiness. He describes others who awakened gradually, often through spiritual practices. But the majority of people he studied had sudden, unexpected awakenings, triggered by extreme psychological turmoil and suffering. He gives brief case histories portraying a variety of awakening experiences.

One of my favorite chapters is The Natural Wakefulness of Children, which discusses similarities between the consciousness of young children and of spiritually awakened adults. They share such characteristics as spontaneity, curiosity, openness, present moment orientation, freedom from excessive mental chatter, joy in living, vitality, dynamic creativity, and felt connection to the external world. However, since children lack an adult self-system, their wakeful traits are often overridden by impulsive selfish desires.

In a great quote, Taylor says, “Sometimes, when I discuss childhood wakefulness in talks or lectures, I joke that children are a combination of enlightened beings and narcissistic monsters.” He then asks, “But isn’t that a good description of some spiritual teachers?”

Taylor then cracks open eleven myths about the awakened state or what some call enlightenment. His discussion as to why these commonly held beliefs are incorrect is based on his empirical research, his knowledge of ancient scriptures, and his extraordinarily powerful insight. In addressing these myths, he summarizes most of the important points in the text. This chapter is worth the price of the book!
Here are the eleven beliefs he demythologizes: Myth 1: Wakefulness is exceptional and extraordinary. Myth 2: It’s not possible to live in a continuous state of wakefulness. It would make it impossible to live in the world on a day-to-day basis. Myth 3: You are either enlightened or not. There is no middle ground. Myth 4: Wakefulness is the end point, the culmination, of our development. Myth 5: Awakened people live in a state of continuous bliss and ease, free from all suffering and difficulty. Myth 6: Awakened individuals are incapable of behaving improperly. Myth 7: Awakened Individuals are detached from the world. They become indifferent to worldly affairs and are content for the world to remain as it is, without interfering. Myth 8: Awakened individuals—or mystics—are passive or inactive. They just sit and meditate all day, immersed in their own blissfulness. Myth 9: In wakefulness, the world is revealed to be an illusion. Myth 10: In wakefulness, the self disappears. There’s literally “no one there.” Wakefulness is a state of selflessness. Myth 11: You can’t make an effort to wake up.

In the final chapter, The Evolutionary Leap: A Collective Awakening, Steve Taylor suggests that the evolutionary force that has been driving life on earth toward increasing complexity for billions of years, is nothing less than the universe seeking to become more fully awake and aware of itself. By aligning ourselves with that force, humanity may be able to leap into a new world of collective wakefulness. Planetary turmoil may hasten the process. Taylor makes the case that that is exactly what is happening worldwide as increasing numbers of people are awakening. He cautions, however, that there is no guarantee that we will successfully make the leap rather than self-destruct.

This book could easily become a classic on awakening with the staying power of Cosmic Consciousness (1901) by Richard Maurice Bucke, Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) by William James, and Mysticism (1911) by Evelyn Underhill. That’s assuming humankind awakens from the nightmare produced by the constricted consciousness currently driving us to annihilation. Again, this book gives abundant hope that we will.

Eckhart Tolle supplies an excellent forward to the Leap. To my mind, no one explains ‘be here now’—the essence of the awakened state—better than Eckhart. But when it comes to providing empirical data and explaining the psychological details of spiritual awakening, no one is better than Steve Taylor. And I am making these statements as someone who is not a newcomer to the spiritual rodeo.

Nearly 50 years ago, I had a powerful but fleeting awakening experience and since then have studied everyone from D.T. Suzuki to Suzuki Roshi; Ramakrishna to Krishnamuriti; Gopi Krishna to Muktananda; Ramana Maharshi to Maharishi Mahesh; Allan Watts to Allen Ginsberg; Chogyam Trungpa to Rajneesh (Osho); Timothy Leary to Ram Dass; Patanjali to Yogananda; Thich Nhat Hanh to Peace Pilgrim; Ken Wilbur to Michael Washburn; Aldous Huxley to Stan Grof; Houston Smith to Jean Houston; Meister Eckhart to Eckhart Tolle; Carl Jung to Joseph Campbell; Jack Schwarz to Jack Kornfield; St. Teresa of Avila to St. John of the Cross; Walt Whitman to Gary Snyder; Annie Besant to Charlotte-Joko Beck; St. Hildegard to Thomas Merton; Evelyn Underhill to June Singer; Matsuo Basho to William Blake.

And again, to my mind, no one describes the psychological details of spiritual awakening better than Steve Taylor. Take The Leap home and enjoy.
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M. Scorelle
5.0 out of 5 stars Review of "The Leap" by Steve Taylor
Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2017
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Review of "The Leap" by Steve Taylor
I enjoyed this book. It is about Non-Duality but written in a rational style rather than revelatory or inspirational. It's an easy read. I like the theory that Waking Up is a part of the scheme of evolution. He offers a good definition of awakening: "an experience of clarity, revelation, and joy in which we become aware of a deeper or higher level of reality, perceive a sense of harmony and meaning, and transcend our normal sense of separateness from the world." He outlines some of the typical conditions with which awakening occurs, and differentiates between temporary glimpse and permanent awakening. He has a nice section on wakeful states in various world spiritual traditions. He aligns the permanent wakefulness with sahaja samadhi which I think is correct. He gives some beautiful examples of awakened artists, Walt Whitman, D.H.Lawrence. He surprised me on Lawrence. Also Peace Pilgrim and some other average folk culled from Taylor's own research and work. There are some really interesting case histories. He also covers the aftermath of awakening with examples and stories, always fun to read. This book has something of the style of the Near Death Experience literature, some case histories, some theory, something of a social topological map. He has a helpful summary of the characteristics of wakefulness and the awakened personality in life. One of my favorite parts is listing the common misunderstandings about waking up. I liked Satyam Nadeen's list also in "From Seekers to Finders." I found it helpful when just starting out. If you are used to shocking counter-intuitive pointers to enlightenment, the world is an illusion, there is no self, "there's just what's happening to no one," "There is no teacher, no student," this book does not take that approach. It is rational, comforting and down to earth. A good read.
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21 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Overview and Summary of the Experience of Awakening and Enlightenment
Reviewed in the United States on April 30, 2017
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An excellent overview and summary of the teachings and experience of awakening (aka enlightenment). The book gets to the core of mystical teachings from many traditions, religions, and ideologies, and then simple explains the information in a format the is very clear and accessible to the reader. Often the book is more easy to understand than the great religious texts from which these very ideas are expressed and drawn from. An great companion book to all inquiry into the basic experience of spirituality as opposed to the ideology of spirituality. I would call it an overview of the perennial experience of spirituality found at the core of all mystic teachings. There is a catch 22 in that to understand some of the concepts you must have had at least a little direct experience with them yourself. The good news is that most people have had touched on this experience even if only briefly. This book may help reinforce the taste of awakening that some people have experienced and help it grow and expand into a higher, deeper experience of awakening.
12 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars So good...
Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2017
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Just finished The Leap and have to say, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" to Steve Taylor for giving this to the world. Everyone pulled by that mysterious something inside that keeps insisting that "something greater exists, and it's powerful and wonderful," should read this.
I'd assumed the really "important" trans-personal experiences were "given by a guru," but he made me realize that my own experiences earlier in life were just as valid...indeed, PART of the path of awakening toward the greater level of human expression that WE ALL are intended to embody, guru or not. "Awakening" isn't confined to religion at all, it's a human race-consciousness-evolution. This book covers every question I had, and in every chapter I learned things. If anything, it's made me realize the importance of my relationship with the Universe as ONE of its very beloved expressions. This was one great book that should find a wide and grateful audience.
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Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars 5 stars.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 9, 2018
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I would recommend this book to anyone interested in spirituality. The book describes what awakening is, and gives anecdotal accounts and stories from people who have experienced some kind of awakening. Previously I've read books by Eckhart Tolle and the Dalai Lama. It has greatly complemented my own understanding of awakening, and as I find myself with a terminal illness, the book gave me some guidance and comfort. I am not too hard on myself now.....
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P. Brisk
5.0 out of 5 stars A fresh and important contribution to the subject of consciousness and spiritual awakening
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 31, 2017
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This is the first of Steve's books that I have read but it certainly will not be the last. Very well researched and very well reasoned - and also engagingly personal at times. Steve is a gifted writer as well as an insightful psychologist and philosopher of consciousness, making this an enjoyable as much as an extremely informative read. I can see I will now need to work my way through all his other books. I urge others with an interest in this field of study to do so too!
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Mark Kawecki
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is amazing
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 2, 2018
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Ordered this book after a chance noticing of it whilst casually browsing in Waterstones, was drawn in by the ‘Ekhart Tolle edition’ written on the cover.
Took this book with me on a month long hiking & camping trip in the back country of the US Pacific Northwest and Canada. Excellent location of solitude and nature to be able to absorb into the content fully, align with the writers ideas & intent and meditate/reflect on the meanings.
Simply reading this book took my awareness and consciousness to a higher level.
The fact the the author teaches at my hometown university, (I discovered this after purchase), added an extra connection. The empirical stories could really be felt deeply, understood and subsequently integrated into my own being.
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3.0 out of 5 stars Only half the story
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 1, 2017
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If I'd had this book in 1985 it would have explained what happened to my mind during my awakening and saved me a lot of confusion. An excellent book for those people who have experienced an awakening and want a psycho-spiritual explanation. However, only 3 stars because Steve reckons that the physical brain has nothing to do with the awakening experience, an attitude that I feel seriously limits his understanding of the process.

This book is an interesting starting place, but in my view, incomplete.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Valuable overview, till it veers to the speculative
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 29, 2020
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This publication offers a comprehensive framework for identifying what constitutes ‘awakening’ (often termed ‘enlightenment’), the means and circumstances through which it is attained, who attains it, and to what degree of intensity and duration. In this, it offers considerable value to those simply curious about what ‘awakening’ is really about, and to those who, whereby deliberately or inadvertently, are already engaged in a process of waking. Due to these elements, this work is indeed ‘enlightening’ and a strong recommendation to read it can be made.
Of course, some of the author’s contentions on the key characteristics of ‘awakening’ are open to debate. But that is a not a great problem. It is well established that one of the characteristics of ‘awakening’ is indeed the commitment to investigation. (For example, classical Buddhism offers a list of seven ‘awakening factors’ of which #2 is ‘investigation’.)
What is a problem is that an author with a background in scientific research, and who makes claims to ‘demythologise’ (notably in chapter 15), should be so prone to ‘mythologise’. He perpetuates the myth of a ‘golden age’, purportedly occurring in two periods. One was in the past, with a ‘Fall’ from the awakened state, some 10,000 years ago. The other, predicted for an indeterminate future, is an ‘evolution’ to a higher consciousness for the human species as a whole. Thus the ‘Leap’ in the book’s title has at least two aspects, individual awakening and collective awakening. Whilst the book documents the former very ably, its treatment of the latter involves a leap into speculation. There is no proof of a golden age in the very distant past – we simply have no records. Likewise, we can know very little about what the future holds – the human species will probably ‘evolve’, but whether forwards or backwards is uncertain, and it may disappear altogether.
Further, in espousing the ‘New Age’ idiom, the author seems to be overlooking – or at least underestimating in this publication – two invaluable lines of inquiry. One is to ask what ‘evolution’ has actually occurred over the past 5,000 years or so of relatively well-recorded history. (Of course, this topic is usually treated under the term not of ‘evolution’ but ‘civilisation’ in a copious literature to which the author may be disinclined to add, for understandable reasons.) The other is to document whether, going forwards, the propensity to awaken is increasing, decreasing or static. In other words, does the proportion of the population that is awake or awakening change over time? And if so, to what degree and for what reasons? Are some factors and methods stronger - more effective and/or more reliable - than others? Can the best methods be further refined, and just how do we do that? At the moment, all we do is to guess and proceed on the basis of (often individual) trial and error, because we do not have a historical baseline for comparison. Indeed, perhaps all our generation can do, through the good offices of researchers such as Steve Taylor is to establish a baseline in relation to the present day which can be utilised over the longer term to discover in what direction we are going, individually and collectively, and why. That research project is a lot more modest than New Age myth-making, but it is potentially a greater gift and legacy to future generations. Though it calls for significant resources, it does seem within reach.
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The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening

The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening
by Steve Taylor, Eckhart Tolle (Foreword)
 4.16  ·   Rating details ·  268 ratings  ·  35 reviews
Many assume that enlightenment is the result of arduous effort — self-denial such as fasting, travel to far-flung places, encounters with teachers thought to be enlightened themselves. But here, Steve Taylor shows that ordinary people — from all walks of life and every age and place — can and do regularly experience the kind of life-changing moments many of us seek. Taylor ...more

May 16, 2017Janet rated it liked it
Shelves: self-help-spiritual
Great overview of what it means to be awakened. I don't know exactly how awakened I truly am, but this is certainly accurate: "Awakened individuals love doing nothing. They love solitude, quietness, and inactivity." "We can rest contentedly within our own being because there is no turbulence or discord inside us. We don't need to constantly do things just for the sake of it or constantly supply ourselves with distractions. Rather than fear quietness and inactivity, we enjoy them deeply because they allow us to touch into the radiance of our own well-being." (less)
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Sep 03, 2018Jennifer rated it really liked it
This was a really informative and fascinating read. Only a couple things held me back from giving it five stars: one of the earlier chapters on religions and spiritual practices was major information-overload and could turn some people off early (it's the only chapter that feels really dense and could easily be skipped), and often the book reads like a dissertation which may be unexpected for some. I personally enjoy reading research material so the style was fine for me. Overall, a really great explanation of our spiritual awakening as a species, particularly due to its layout and the order in which concepts are presented to the reader. (less)
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انتصار فضل
Dec 26, 2019انتصار فضل rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
" القفزة " / ستيف تايلور.

ما الذي يعنيه أن تكون مستنيراً أو مستيقظاً روحياً؟ في “القفزة” يبيّن “ستيف تايلور” أن هذه الحالة أكثر شيوعاً مما يعتقد عموماً. كما يبيّن أن الناس العاديين من جميع مناحي الحياة، يستطيعون ويطبقون “الاستيقاظ” بانتظام إلى واقع أكثر كثافة، حتى لو كانوا لا يعرفون شيئاً عن الممارسات والمسارات الروحية. إن اليقظة التامة هي حالة أكثر توسعاً وتناغماً كونها حالة يمكن أن تغرس أو تنشأ عن طريق الخطأ. قد تكون أيضاً عملية نخضع لها على نحو جماعي. بالاستناد إلى السنوات التي قضاها في أبحاث ...more
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Mar 31, 2017Sonia rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
This book answered my many questions about awakening. I was curious ever since learning about Eckhart Tolle. I assumed it was a rare occurrence but have since learned differently. This is also the first book that I've read that adequately addresses kundalini awakening. We as a species are on the leading edge of another evolutionary moment and it's astounding.
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سارّه ..
Aug 25, 2019سارّه .. rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
يتحدث هذا الكتاب عن علم نفس الإستيقاظ الروحي كما هو مكتوب في غلافه. يصف كل نوع/ حالة من اليقظة ويحللها مستعيناً بتجارب أشخاص مرّوا بها.
يصف كل حالة، وخصائصها، وأسبابها، وكيف تحدث.
أعجبني من حيث استعانته بتجارب الآخرين واضعاً صورة واضحة لمن يمر بتجربة الإستيقاظ لتعزيز وفهم تجربته.
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May 25, 2017Lyn rated it it was ok
I expected it to be easier to read. It got bogged down after the first couple chapters
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Dyana Sahiouni
Mar 13, 2020Dyana Sahiouni rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
عندما نستخدم مصطلحات مثل اليقظة التامة والاستيقاظ، يكون من المهم أن نفهم ماهو الشيء
الذي نستيقظ منه.
فإن ما نستيقظ منه هو في الأساس حالة من الغفلة، حالة من التعقيد، الوعي المحدد، التناقض، والمعاناة.
إن السبب الرئيسي وراء هذه الحاجة إلى الهوية والانتماء هو شعور الضعف والهشاشة الناتج عن انفصالنا،
انفصالنا عن الطبيعة، نشعر أننا مهددون ونحتاج إلى بعض الدعم، كي نشعر أننا جزء من شيء أكبر منا، يوفر لنا الملاذ والأمن والحماية.
فإنه يخلق بالتوازي حاجة قوية للقبول.
إنه يجعلنا حريصين على أن نكون ملائمي ...more
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Johnny Stork, MSc
May 13, 2017Johnny Stork, MSc rated it it was amazing
We are all on a similar path in life. Regardless of our professional, personal or relationship goals, ultimately we all strive to be happy and "successful" in our lives, however we define it. Most of us also strive to become the "best" we can become as a person, a spouse or excel through some sort of creative or athletic activity. The psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of human needs which determine what motivates us through our lives starting from basic food and shelter needs at the bottom all the way to "Self Actualisation" as the final pursuit or motivation in one's life. Self Actualisation is basically the pursuit of realising our highest potential, our greatest talent, our ultimate meaning or experience of life. In many religious traditions there is also a similar notion or pursuit of some ideal state of existence or state of mind. Some optimal state of consciousness and experience of life which transcends our "normal" day-to-day lives. This state of mind has many names in different religious traditions ranging from "Nirvana", "Enlightenment", "Buddha Mind", "Moksha", "Liberation" and of course "Awakening". Although it is not uncommon to associate these transcendent and "awakening" experiences with a religious practice, Steve's extensive research (and multiple books) into the 'awakening" state has reinforced similar research which demonstrates that these awakened states are NOT uncommon and are NOT always associated with a religious or spiritual practice of any kind. In other words, the joyful, exhilarating, compassionate and grateful state of mind and acceptance which also contributes to feelings of purpose and meaning in life, is available to EVERYONE.

"I define an awakening experience as “an experience of clarity, revelation, and joy in which we become aware of a deeper (or higher) level of reality, perceive a sense of harmony and meaning, and transcend our normal sense of separateness from the world.”" (Steve Taylor)

Steve Taylor in The Leap, does an exceptional job of outlining his theory that human civilisation was once in a more "awakened" state due to our direct connection to, and dependence upon, our natural environment. At some point in our evolutionary history we had a "Fall" into the "sleep state" we find ourselves in now. However, once we understand this "awakened" state is actually our normal and foundational state, we can re-awaken this dormant and transcendent state of existence. The Leap also covers a great deal of ground describing real-world examples of ordinary non-religious persons who have clearly gone through an awakening experience which transformed their lives in deep and meaningful ways.

I can highly recommend The Leap for every person on any spiritual or religious path, or none at all and who are simply seeking a better way of living and some direction as to how to find happiness and meaning in their own lives. A renewed motivation to pursue activities and ideas which will re-awaken your dormant and awakened self.

"In many ways, awakened individuals experience a higher-functioning state that makes life more fulfilling, exhilarating, and meaningful than it may appear in a normal state of being. As a result of this internal shift, they often make major changes to their lives. They begin new careers, hobbies, and relationships. They feel a strong impulse to make positive contributions to the world, to live in meaningful and purposeful ways, rather than simply trying to satisfy their own desires, enjoy themselves, or pass the time." (Steve Taylor)

"Awakened individuals have little or no sense of group identity. They see distinctions of religion or ethnicity or nationality as superficial and meaningless. They see themselves purely as human beings, without any external identities, who are no different from anyone else. As a result, they don’t put members of their own group before others, but rather treat all people equally. They don’t feel any pride in their nationality or ethnicity; they feel just as connected to “foreigners” as they do to their own “people.” (Steve Taylor) (less)
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Tristy at New World Library

Feb 06, 2017Tristy at New World Library rated it it was amazing
Shelves: spirituality, philosophy

“Life always gives you what you need, and right now it has given you this book to use as a guide or companion through challenging times. It contains a great deal of precious wisdom, expressed in the straightforward, clear, and down-to-earth language that Steve Taylor is so good at.”— from the foreword by Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

“The Leap establishes Steve Taylor as a major spiritua ...more
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Jennifer Precious
Oct 28, 2017Jennifer Precious rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Essential spiritual reading

This book was above all, encouraging. He describes wakefulness (enlightenment) in terms that are more humanly recognizable than the traditional view of an enlightened person being somehow super human and magical. In fact, it is an evolutionary impulse that we are headed for as a species and that we can all cultivate through stillness, mindfulness, appreciation of the natural and artistic world around us and through practicing empathy and altruism. I won't say where I a ...more
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Heidi Nobantu
Oct 25, 2017Heidi Nobantu rated it really liked it
Shelves: psychology, non-fiction, spiritual-mystical
Demythologizing Wakefulness - A book to read if you have been on a 'path' in life ~ explored a variety of ways to go in terms of religion or spiritual quest... or not. Or if you simply have not been able to buy that there is only 'one right way' to be 'saved' and get to heaven, so to speak. This is a thoughtful and a scientific look at what it means to 'wake up,' from the ways it can look and feel to a comparison/exploration of common traits across religions and in wakeful individuals themselves ...more
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Apr 11, 2017Donnell rated it it was ok
The number of stars are NOT an indication of the value of this book, which I consider quite high. It offers valuable info on the awakening process and gaining this info could actually move the process along for the reader.

To sit down and read the book through, though, is a bit tough. I had to stop, actually, about mid way through and then jump to a skim of the "myths" about awakening and a read of the "Appendix: An Inventory of Spiritual/ Secular Wakefulness", which is particularly valuable."

On ...more
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Nov 03, 2017Timbrel rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Validated my experiences

This book is an unbiased collection of data presented in an intelligent and efficient fashion that anyone can read and understand it. I am grateful it was available to read because it was nice to finally see that my experience was normal (lol well, normal for someone awakening anyway). It would be a good read for everyone, from seeker to someone who has already found.
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Karen Kerrigan
Jun 19, 2017Karen Kerrigan rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition

A very detailed account of awakening as well as the different religious groups perception of wakefulness. Deep and thorough but ultimately a great read. It gave me insight into some things that I didn't know and validated many of the feelings that I've been having over the past few months. How wonderful it is to be awake with peace and wholeness!!! Thank you Steve for your inspired research and genuine effort.
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Apr 05, 2017Trudy rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition
I was only a few pages into this when the left wing political lecturing started. I should've known better, but I'd somehow overlooked the name, Eckhart Tolle on the cover. Then I remembered he's Oprah's approved arbiter of spirituality. Oh, well. It was an interesting concept. Maybe someday somebody will write this book without politics, that would REALLY be something!
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Feb 03, 2018lucho rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Good Book

Nice detailed review of the types of Spiritual Awakenings posible in humans, why, how and when they occur. The overall need at a personal and for the overall evolution of our specie. Nicely Done !! Loved the way you explained why all this is happening, not as a personal as a much as it is related to our evolution.
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Alis Anagnostakis
Jun 27, 2018Alis Anagnostakis rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Must-read for those on a path of self-transformation

Beautiful perspective on what living an “awakened” life means, on why the crises of pur lives might actually be triggers of deeply transformaritve processes. A great read on your journey of personal growth.
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Feb 04, 2019Nsns2hotmail.com rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
كتاب عجيب .. عبارة عن بحث لحالات الاستيقاظ الروحي ..
يصف الكاتب عملية الاستيقاظ الروحي كتجربة
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Teren  Hanz
Jan 17, 2020Teren Hanz rated it it was amazing
This book is a mind opener. We think, keeping our eyes open is enough but I think keeping your mind open teaches you the art of being conscious, consciously. But what does that mean? It simply means - inner growth. We may think, it is not easy but it is not as difficult as one may think. This book provides answers to somethings that you may have been pondering over decades. Its an easy read if the subject is of interest but only if you keep your mind open. I think, as human beings we tend to chase our life goals and relationships without knowing ourselves. Unfortunately, neither of the two can be achieved to an A level without a spiritual path. Some do, but, at some point, one will come around to explore the real meaning of life. When you read some of the stories with examples in this book, one will understand what I mean. At some point, it may not make sense and you might find it too much but don't give up. I skipped a few pages which were heavy and then came back to them later. Just read bits that you easily understand, reflect and read again and then it will start making sense and provide you innner growth and precious wisdom. This is what makes us realise our ulitmate potential which in other words is 'self actualisation'. Its a book that must be in every home to be read, whenever you get a few minutes, which will remind you of your unexplored inner potential. (less)
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Riccardo Scafati
Mar 03, 2020Riccardo Scafati rated it really liked it
Veramente ammirevole l'impegno di Taylor nello strutturare in maniera completa e chiara quel processo a tratti misterioso, a tratti assolutamente naturale, del risveglio e della crescita interiore (anche se probabilmente quest'ultimo termine non piacerebbe all'autore).
Ho apprezzato in particolar modo le continue analogie tra le religioni e discipline tradizionali nel loro volgersi ad aspetti di risveglio: Taylor traccia i punti in comune tra induismo, buddismo e scuole mistiche delle religioni tradizionali e li mette in rapporto con gli aspetti pratici ed esistenziali di casi studio reali. (less)
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T Love
Jun 14, 2017T Love rated it it was amazing
Easy to read and simple to understand. While the psychology of spirituality is not new, the way in which Dr. Taylor uses simple explanations, through stories and examples, is. This work provides the reader fully clarity on not only how to get to an awakened state but what life is like along the way. I found this work fascinating and comprehensive. Whether just starting out on the path to awakening, or well into the journey, I believe this book will prove greater expansion and growth to one’s awakening experience. (less)
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Dec 11, 2019Mahdikhazaee rated it it was amazing
Excellent book, useful for those who are awakened and don't know exactly what has happened to them.\
the best thing about this book, is its simplicity in lexicon usage and nice subtle simply used grammatical structure that has made this book really easy to understand.
Characteristics of awakened people are described in this book, and important ways to being awakened and present are listed. easy to understand for foreign readers.
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Jul 30, 2020Rebecca added it
Shelves: read-in-2020, spirituality
really interesting and illuminating book. i'm not sure if it's the nature of the topic, but after the first 40% or so, it felt like the same points were being repeated in different words. but either way, it was really helpful.
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Jul 17, 2017Nsns2hotmail.com rated it it was amazing
I started reading this book 2 weeks ago .. I'm surprised and affected by the truth that Steve had mentioned it in the book through stories of real awakening happened for human being .. I feel enthusiastic to read his other books.
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Peter Gyulay
Jul 22, 2019Peter Gyulay rated it it was amazing
A very thorough study of the phenomenon of spiritual enlightenment. This book gives the spiritual seeker a framework with which to understand their journey and also a mirror to reflect their experiences.
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Mar 22, 2018Eric rated it it was amazing
Wonderful book taking a factual look at enlightenment/awakening and pulling it out of the mists of religion and gurus. Establishes that, in fact, enlightenment is a real process and much more common than one would think. One of the best books on spirituality I have read.
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May 02, 2018Meagan rated it liked it
By reading only the last chapter, you can get all the value of this book. Worth a read, if only for the ending.
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Jim Ewing
Jul 19, 2017Jim Ewing rated it it was amazing
An absolute belter of a book, just what I needed.
A MUST READ for anyone with an interest in the evolution/raising of consciousness.
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Anna Baran
Jan 19, 2018Anna Baran rated it it was amazing
Beautifully written book about spiritual emergence
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Feb 09, 2019Dusica rated it it was amazing
A book I have been looking for for a long time to explain ‘consciousness shift’ occurring in daily existence. Indeed, a must read for anyone on a spiritual path.

에크하르트 톨레의 메세지 - 『보통의 깨달음』을 독자들에게 소개하며 : 네이버 포스트

에크하르트 톨레의 메세지 - 『보통의 깨달음』을 독자들에게 소개하며 : 네이버 포스트

《보통의 깨달음》 ─ 에크하르트 톨레 추천책!

에크하르트 톨레의 메세지 - 『보통의 깨달음』을 독자들에게 소개하며

판미동 I 민음인
2020.11.18. 10:2367 읽음

삶은 우리에게 언제나 필요한 것만 준다.
그리고 지금은 이 책을 주고 있다.
-에크하르트 톨레

『보통의 깨달음』을 독자들에게 소개하며
에크하르트 톨레

우리는 ‘인간 존재(human being)’다. 이 두 단어는 우리가 특정 생물종에 속함을 보여 준다. 그런데 좀 더 깊이 들어가 보면, 이 말은 우리 정체성을 이루는 두 가지 성격을 하나씩 드러낸다.

먼저 ‘인간(human)’은 형태 수준에서 우리가 누구인지 말해 준다. 그러니까 우리 몸과 마음을 말해 준다. 우리 형태의 이 두 측면은 조건화된 자아와 관계가 있다. 이 자아는 유전, 환경, 그리고 과학적으로 아직 규명되지 못한 요소들에 의해 조건화된다.

반면 ‘존재(being)’는 형태 없고 조건화되지 않은 영원한 의식으로서의 우리 본질을 말해 준다. 인간 그리고 존재, 이 형태와 본질은 대양과 그 표면의 파도가 그렇듯 궁극적으로 서로 연결되어 있다. 파도는 대양과 또 다른 파도들로부터도 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 관계다. 다만 서로 분리된 것처럼 보일 수는 있을 것이다.

이 ‘존재’, 다른 말로 ‘순수 의식’은 모든 생명의 보편 원천(혹은 신)으로부터 나왔다. 마치 빛이 태양으로부터 터져 나오듯 그렇게 터져 나왔다. 하지만 태양과 달리 이 원천은 우리가 사는 시공간에는 없는 듯하다. 보이지 않으므로 상상할 수 없고, 묘사도 할 수 없다. 하지만 우리의 의식은 이 원천에서 나왔고, 지금도 나오고 있으며, 따라서 이 원천과 결코 떨어질 수 없다. 태양빛이 태양과 떨어질 수 없는 것과 같다. 사실 이 원천은 우리가 사는 시공간 차원의 우주 전체에 스며 있고 퍼져 있다. 이 원천이 배후의 지성으로 작용해 물리 우주의 진화를 이끈다. 그러므로 인간 존재를 포함한 이 우주는 먼 과거에만 창조된 것이 아니라 지금도 창조되고 있다. 이른바 과정 중에 있는 것이다.

이 책을 이해하고 큰 도움을 받으려면 이런 기본적 전제들을 알아야 한다. 스티브 테일러(《보통의 깨달음》 저자)에 따르면 진화는 옛날 일이기도 하고 미래의 일이기도 하기 때문이다.

나아가, 테일러도 설명하듯이, 이 세상의 주류 문화가 믿고 있는 것과 달리 이 진화의 과정에는 분명 방향과 목적이 있다. 하지만 그 방향이 구체적으로 어디로 향할지는 지금으로서는 상상하기 어렵다. 우리가 말할 수 있는 것은 이 진화의 과정 그 배후의 원동력이 바로 우리의 ‘의식’, 더 정확하게 말하면 ‘우리 의식의 성장’이라는 것뿐이다. 우리가 사는 물리적 우주는 (무의식에서 벗어나) 좀 더 의식적이 되는 방향으로 성장하고 싶어 한다. 그리고 우리 삶의 주요 목적이 그런 우주적 목적과 함께하게 될 것이다.

물론 더 높은 관점에서 보면 존재하는 모든 것들은 이미 다 그 목적과 함께하고 있다. 지금 그 목적에 반하는 것처럼 보이는 것은 단지 우리가 아직까지는 무의식적으로만 그 목적과 함께하고 있기 때문이다. 우주의 그 목적과 의식적으로도 함께하는 때가 되면 그때 비로소 진화적인 큰 도약 하나가 완수될 것이다.

그렇다면 진화의 현재 단계에 있는 인간 존재에게 ‘좀 더 의식적으로 된다는 것’ 즉 ‘깨어난다는 것’은 과연 무슨 의미일까?

‘좀 더 의식적으로 된다는 것’
즉 ‘깨어난다는 것’은 과연 무슨 의미일까?

간단명료하게 말하면 더 이상 자신의 생각에서 ‘자신의 정체성을 찾지 않게 되는 것’이다. 머릿속에서 끊임없이 이어지는 강박적인 생각들, 그 목소리가 ‘내’가 아님을 알 때 ‘나’는 깨닫기 시작한다. 그때 의식이 새로운 차원으로 들어가면서 순간을 살고, 알아차리고, 깨어난다. 생각에 빠지지 않고 생각을 넘어선 것이다. 그러면 생각에 이용당하지 않고 오히려 생각을 이용할 수 있다. 머릿속 수다, 생각, 피상적 느낌 등에서 정체성을 찾다가 이제는 내면에 살아 있는 존재, 의식 그 자체에서 정체성을 찾게 된다.

다시 말해 ‘인간’ 그 배후에 있는 ‘존재’를 깨닫는다. 조건화된 인격을 초월하고 조건화 없는 의식 그 자체로서의 본질적인 정체성을 깨닫는다. 그럼 “네가 세상의 빛이다.”라고 했던 예수의 말이 사실임을 스스로 증명하게 될 것이다.

이 책은 깨어남에 대한 개념을 정리해 주고, 그 의식적 전환을 직접 경험한 사람들에 대한 흥미로운 이야기들을 들려준다. 머릿속 산만한 생각과 개념들을 극복한 후 스스로 깨닫지 않는 한 깨달음의 의미를 진정으로 이해할 수는 없지만, 깨달음 개념들은 제대로 이용될 경우 깨달음을 위한 지표로서 매우 유용하다. ‘깨달은 상태’와 같은 개념들을 확정된 것으로 믿지만 않는다면 말이다.

그런 의미에서 이 책은 이미 깨달음의 과정을 지나온 사람 혹은 그 어떤 위기, 상실, 정신적 격변의 시기를 거친 후 깨달을 준비가 된 사람들에게 실질적으로 큰 도움이 될 것이다. 특히 의식 전환 초기 단계에서 동반되곤 하는 혼란에 잘 대처하고 싶고 자신에게 벌어지고 있는 일을 이해하고자 하는 사람에게 유용하다. 이 책을 통해 자신이 이미 깨달은 바 있음을 알게 될 사람도 있을 테고, 그동안 잘 몰랐지만 자신이 조금씩 깨달아 왔음을 알게 될 사람도 있을 것이다.

인류가 머지않은 미래에 거대한 문제에 봉착하게 될 것이 거의 확실해 보인다. 아직 깨어나지 못한 의식의 그 이기성이 자초해 온 문제들 말이다. 아직까지 우리 대다수는 그 이기성에 집착하고 있다. 하지만 그렇다고 인류가 깨어날 일은 앞으로도 없을 거라고 단정해서는 안 된다. 오히려 그 반대일 것이다. 우리가 현재 경험하고 있는 위기와 앞으로 오게 될 큰 격변의 시기가 의식의 집단적 전환에 촉매로 작용할 것이다.

스티브 테일러의 말을 빌리면 “지금처럼 문제들이 심각해지기 전부터 이미 진화적 도약은 시작되었다. 그리고 이 문제들 때문에 도약은 더 강력해져 왔고, 지금도 더 강력해지고 있다.”

‘문제’란 모든 진화에 없어서는 안 되는 것으로, 인간으로 치면 피와 살 같다. 식물부터 동물과 인간에 이르기까지 모든 생명체는 문제에 직면한 후 도전을 거듭하면서 진화해 왔고, 지금도 진화하고 있다. 안전한 곳에만 있을 때 영적 깨달음은 일어나지 않는다. 물론 우리의 에고는 다른 주장을 할 것이다.

하지만 어떤 사람을 만나기만 하면, 어떤 곳에 가고 어떤 물건을 갖기만 하면 만족하고 행복할 거라고 믿고 있다면 실망만 거듭하게 될 것이다. 세상을 향해 “나를 행복하게 해 줘!”라고 말하지 말라. 그것은 불가능한 요구이고 끝없는 좌절을 자초하는 일이다. 그보다는 좀 더 알아차리는 데 세상을 이용하자. 삶이 던져 주는 모든 문제나 장애가 있기에 현재에 살 수 있고, 깨어날 수 있고, 최소한 현재의 상태를 심화할 수 있다.

우리가 직면하는 개인적이고 집단적인 수많은 도전들은 ‘나’에 의해서든 타인에 의해서든 인간의 무의식이 만들어 낸 것들이다. 우리의 행복이나 자기실현을 가로막는 것처럼 보이는 것들은 모두 활짝 열린 대문 같은 것이다. 그 문만 넘으면 현재의 이 순간으로 들어올 수 있다!

이제 문제가 생기면 다르게 반응하자. 그리고 어떤 일이 일어나는지 보자. 우리의 삶은 우리에게 일어나는 일이 아니라 그 일에 우리가 어떻게 반응하느냐에 따라 달라진다. 미디어나 정치권이 조장하는 집단 무의식에 선동되거나 기여하지 않는 것이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 우리가 만나는 모든 사람, 직면하게 되는 모든 문제에, 심지어 페이스북 포스팅에도 무의식이 아닌 의식의 빛을 전달하자!

삶은 우리에게 언제나 필요한 것만 준다. 그리고 지금은 이 책을 주고 있다. 삶이 우리에게 이 책을 안내자 삼고 친구 삼아 어려운 시대를 잘 살아 내라고 말하는 듯하다. 곳곳에 포진해 있는 통찰들, 스티브 테일러의 강점인 직설적이고 솔직하고 간명한 언어가 돋보이는 책이다. 나는 이 책이 어떤 기적을 일으켜 미디어와 정치권에 있는 사람들조차 바꿀 것 같다는 느낌이 든다. -에크하르트 톨레, 『보통의 깨달음』 서문 중에서

보통의 깨달음

저자 스티브 테일러

출판 판미동

발매 2020.11.18.
보통의 깨달음   
스티브 테일러 (지은이),추미란 (옮긴이)판미동2020-11-18원제 : The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening (2017년)


깨달음은 종교인이나 구도자에게만 일어나는 특별한 일일까? 깨달았다는 영적 지도자들은 왜 잘못된 행동을 저지르는 것일까? 생태·환경운동, 채식주의, 심플라이프 등 사회적 관심과 변화는 깨달음과 무슨 관련이 있을까? 깨달음이 보통 사람들에게도 흔하게 일어나는 일이라면 그것은 무엇을 의미할까?

‘깨달음’을 종교와 수행의 관점이 아닌 보편적인 심리학적 관점으로 접근해 보통 사람들의 일상에서 일어나는 깨어남 현상의 실체를 밝히는 『보통의 깨달음』이 판미동 출판사에서 출간되었다. 세계적인 영성가 에크하르트 톨레가 읽고 찬사를 보내며 자신의 이름을 내건 ‘에크하르트 톨레 에디션(Eckhart Tolle Edition)’으로 출간한 책이다.

저자 스티브 테일러는 영국 리즈 베켓 대학교의 심리학과 부교수이자 세계에서 가장 영향 있는 생존 영성가 100인 안에 꾸준히 선정되어 온(《MIND, BODY, SPIRIT》지 선정) 인물로, 그 자신도 영적 수행의 길을 걸어가는 동시에 영성의 본질을 이성적·학문적으로 이해하려는 노력을 병행해 왔다. 오랜 연구와 취재의 결과물이 집약된 이 책에는 깨어남을 촉발하는 원인들 / 자연적 깨어남, 단계적 깨어남, 급작스러운 깨어남 등 깨어남의 여러 형태 / 깨어날 때 우리 존재나 정신에서 실제로 일어나는 일들 / 깨어난 사람의 세계관, 인간관계, 가치관, 삶의 목적 / 사기꾼 구루와 진짜 깨어난 사람의 차이점 등이 상세히 담겨 있다.


『보통의 깨달음』을 독자들에게 소개하며 | 에크하르트 톨레 -6

들어가는 말 -14

1장 잠에 빠지다, 깨어나길 열망하다 -31
2장 다양한 문화에서 말하는 깨어남 -53
3장 자연적 깨어남, 깨어난 예술가 -83
4장 자연적 깨어남, 혼란과 통합의 과정 -113
5장 전통 안에서의 단계적 깨어남 -139
6장 전통 밖에서의 단계적 깨어남 -163
7장 급작스러운 깨어남, 혼란 끝의 변형 -191
8장 급작스러운 깨어남, 쿤달리니 각성 -229
9장 급작스러운 깨어남, 향정신성 약물이나 테크놀로지 -249
10장 깨어난 후 찾아오는 영적 위기 ?277
11장 폭풍 뒤에도 남아 있는 특성과 문제적 스승 -309
12장 깨어남의 의미: 새 세상, 새 자아 -325
13장 깨어남의 의미: 새 정신, 새 인생 -355
14장 자연적인 깨어남 상태에 있는 아이들 -389
15장 깨어남에 대한 신화들 -417
16장 집단 깨어남, 그 진화적 도약 -445

감사의 말 -478
부록 | 종교적/일반적 깨어남 특성 항목표 -479
주 -482
참고 문헌 -496
자료 -504
깨어남, 깨어나기 같은 용어를 쓸 때 어디로부터 깨어나는지를 아는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다.
P. 21 사실 이 책을 비롯한 내 연구들의 목적 중 하나가 깨어남 상태의 특성들을 명확히 규명해 가짜 깨달음과 진짜 깨달음을 구분하는 지표들을 제시하는 것이다. 영적 지도자들에 대한 규제가 없기 때문에, 자칭 구루라고 하는 자기 망상에 빠진 사람들이 나약한 신봉자들의 삶을 파괴하는 문제들이 심심찮게 일어난다. 깨어난다는 것이 실제로 어떤 의미인지 명확하게 알고 있다면, 그런 망상에 빠진 사람 혹은 사기꾼 지도자를 좀 더 쉽게 알아볼 수 있을 것이다.  접기
P. 28~29 이 책의 주제인 ‘그 상태’를 설명하는 데 어떤 용어를 써야 할지 오랫동안 고민해 보았다. 처음에는 ‘깨달음(enlightenment)’이라는 말을 고려해 보았지만, 나는 이 말이 늘 조금 불편했다. 원래 불교 용어 보리(bodhi)에서 나온 말인데, 그 번역이 부정확하다는 게 그 한 이유다. 19세기 불교 경전 번역가들이 보리를 깨달음이라고 번역했다. 하지만 보리는 팔리어 동사 부드흐(budh)에서 나온 말로 사실은 ‘깨어난다(to awaken)’라는 뜻이다. 그러므로 보리를 직역하면 ‘깨어남(awakening)’에 더 가깝다. 게다가 사람들은 깨달음을 모든 문제와 잘못이 사라져 축복만 넘치는 편안한 상태로 보고, 따라서 완벽하게 긍정적인 용어로 보는 경향이 있다. 이것은 내가 인터뷰했던 사람들 대다수가 깨달음 후에도 이런저런 문제들을 겪었음을 고려할 때 적절하지 않은 듯하다.  접기
P. 281~282 깨어남은 기본적으로 ‘경험’하는 것인데, 그 상태의 개념적인 이해가 중요하다고 하면 이상하게 들릴지도 모르겠다. 어떤 의미에서 개념적인 이해가 깨어남에 장애가 되는 것도 사실이다. 개념이라는 것이 우리로 하여금 세상을 그 자체로 보지 못하게 하므로 결국 우리가 초월하려고 하는 게 아닌가? 흔히 지성, 관념, 믿음 같은 것들에 사로잡혀 있으면 안 된다고 하지 않는가?
사실이 그렇긴 하지만 깨어남에 대한 아주 기본에 해당하는 개념들은 반드시 이해하고 있어야 한다. 지도는 길을 갈 때 방위를 찾고, 내가 어디 있는지 어디로 가야 하는지 알기 위해서 꼭 필요하다. 지도는 순간의 세상을 경험하지 않고, 길 가는 내내 그것만 붙잡은 채 내가 어디를 지나왔고 어디로 가고 있나만 생각할 때 문제가 된다. 깨어난 사람이 자신이 지금 통과하고 있는(혹은 이미 통과한) 과정을 이해하지 못한다면 거듭 의구심이 들 테고, 심지어 깨어남 상태를 억압하려 들지도 모른다.  접기
P. 323 다만 이 장에서 마지막으로 강조하고 싶은 것은 바로 깨어남이 상태가 아니라 과정이라는 것이다. 깨어남은 끝이 아니라 다른 여정의 시작이다. 깨어남은 길의 끝에 도달했다는 뜻이 아니라 다른 길로 옮겨 갔다는 뜻이다. 비유를 좀 더 확장하면 그 다른 길은 좀 더 높은 산길이다. 그 길에서는 더 넓은 전망을 볼 수 있고, 풍경이 더 아름답고 더 생생하다. 시공간이 더 넓어지고 여정이 더 고요해지면서 동시에 더 신난다. 하지만 그럼에도 여전히 길은 길이라서 그곳에서도 움직임이 있고 변화가 있다. 진화의 가능성도 여전하고 (일부 구루들의 경우처럼) 퇴화의 가능성도 있다. 문제도 직면해야 한다.  접기
P. 346~347 에고는 자연과 분리되어 있는 대도시와도 같아서, 도시 밖의 자연과 그 빛을 감지하지 못한다. 하지만 깨어난 자아 체계는 대도시보다는 환경친화적인 작은 에코 타운 같아서, 섬세하고 자연을 침해하지 않으며 머릿속 수다가 만들어 내는 안개로부터 대체로 자유롭다 보니 자연과 그 빛을 감지할 수 있다. 이때 우리 존재의 영적 에너지가 우리를 관통하며 자유롭게 흐른다. 우주에 편재하는 영적인 힘과 본질적으로 같은 바로 그 에너지 말이다.  접기
“삶은 우리에게 언제나 필요한 것만 준다. 그리고 지금은 이 책을 주고 있다. 삶이 우리에게 이 책을 안내자 삼고 친구 삼아 어려운 시대를 잘 살아 내라고 말하는 것 같다. 곳곳에 포진해 있는 통찰들, 스티브 테일러의 강점인 직설적이고 솔직하고 간명한 언어가 돋보이는 책이다.” - 에크하르트 톨레 (<NOW> <지금 이 순간을 살아라>의 저자) 
“깨달음이라는 전통적 지혜와 현대의 과학적 연구가 아름답게 조우했다. 덕분에 영적 깨어남의 신비한 과정을 드디어 이해할 수 있게 되었다.” - 피터 러셀 (물리학자, 저술가) 
“통찰력이 대단하고 영감으로 가득한 책이다. 전작들에서도 빛나던, 깨어남에 대한 깊은 이해와 전문 지식이 마침내 이 책으로 그 꽃을 피웠고, ‘인류가 곧 진화할 것이다.’라는 성명으로 그 정점을 찍었다. 깨어남에 대해 관심이 있거나 깨어남을 경험한 사람이라면 꼭 읽어야 할 책이다. 그 흥미진진한 현상에 대한 깊은 이해가 돋보이는 책이다. 사실 모두가 읽어야 할 훌륭한 책이다.” - 페니 사토리 
“『보통의 깨달음』에서 스티브 테일러는 영적 깨어남에 대한 급진적인 접근법을 선택했다. 이 책에 따르면 영적 깨어남은 생각보다 흔한 일이고, 종교적 전통들과 별도로 일어나며, 인간 진화에 중요한 역할을 한다. 이 책은 도발적인 성명으로 가득하다. 동의할 수 있는 것도 있고 없는 것도 있을 테지만, 이 책이 하는 말을 잊어버릴 수는 없을 것이다. 이 책으로 스티브 테일러는 다시 한번 뛰어난 영성서 작가이자 영적 지도자로 우뚝 섰다. 명쾌하기 그지없는 이 책이 많은 생각과 지혜를 끌어낼 것이다.” - 스탠리 크리프너 (세이브룩대학 심리학과 교수) 
“종교 안팎에서 깨어남을 낱낱이 그리고 아름답게 탈신화했다. 재밌게 읽을 수 있고 위험한 시대에 희망을 갖게 한다.” - 클라우디오 나란조 
“이제 깨달음이 정확하게 무엇인지 알아야 할 때가 왔다. 『보통의 깨달음』은 읽기 쉬운 책이며, 이미 한참 전에 나왔어야 하는 아주 중요한 책이다. 오랫동안 미스터리였던 깨달음을 스티브 테일러가 사랑하고 걱정하는 마음으로 완벽하게 파헤쳤다.” - 로버트 K. C. 포먼 (전 뉴욕 시립대학교 종교학과 교수) 
저자 및 역자소개
스티브 테일러 (Steve Taylor) (지은이) 

영국의 리즈 베켓 대학교에서 부교수로 학생들에게 심리학을 가르치고 있다. 어릴 때 ‘자연스러운’ 깨달음을 경험하고 방황한 끝에, 영적 수행의 길을 걸으면서 동시에 수행과 영성의 본질을 이성적·학문적으로 이해하려는 노력을 꾸준히 병행해 왔다. 그의 연구는 《자아초월 심리학 저널(The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology)》, 《인본주의 심리학 저널(The Journal of Humanistic Psychology)》을 포함한 여러 학술지에 실렸고, 《가디언》, BBC와 같은 유력 매체에 특별 보도되기도 했다. 영성에 대한 통찰력과 인류를 대하는 따뜻하고 균형 잡힌 시각으로 현재 세계에서 가장 영향 있는 생존 영성가 100인 안에 꾸준히 이름을 올리는 등 큰 주목을 받고 있다. 지은 책으로는 『자아폭발』, 『조화로움』, 『제2의 시간』, 『잠에서 깨어나기』, 『고요한 중심(The Calm Center)』 등이 있으며, 전 세계 20여 개 언어로 번역되어 소개되었다. 그중에서도 이 책 『보통의 깨달음』은 세계적인 영성가 에크하르트 톨레가 삶을 깨우는 데 강력한 도움을 주는 책을 직접 선정하고 독자들에게 추천하는 ‘에크하르트 톨레 에디션’에 포함되어 있다. 접기
최근작 : <보통의 깨달음>,<조화로움>,<제2의 시간> … 총 88종 (모두보기)