
Christianity is a lifestyle


Quaker Theology Group
Jim Fussell · osrtSodpen0hatlifh7tl213gcJ1: 9tlh34gt64y031 8 h5tt0utu61fc1 ·

Let’s discuss this:

All reactions:37Kerry O'Regan and 36 others


Keith Braithwaite

Pretty much. There's a good case to be made that Christianity went off the rails when it stopped being about building the Kingdom of God in this life and started being about "saving souls" for the next life. The religion OF Jesus is a continuation of the Pharisee programme: trying to make everywhere holy, not just the Temple; to make every day holy, not just those days on the Priests' calendar.
The religion OF Jesus is Judaism carried to it logical conclusion, and also back to its very root and foundation—"’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
But what most of the Christian world has is a religion ostensibly ABOUT Jesus, but OF empire. And see where that's got us.

Jade Eaton

This Friend speaks my mind.

Bee Birch

Keith Braithwaite Amen.

Ron Braithwaite

Robbie Cloud


April Vanlonden

This reminds me of the statement Parker Palmer made when he spoke at ESR recently. Quakerism is a movement not an established religion. Yet so many Friends are desperately trying to save their shrinking meetings.

George Amoss Jr

And yet no one sells all their possessions and gives the money to the poor, stores up no treasure on earth, or takes no thought for what they shall eat or wear.

Nathan Shroyer

We may be able to get beyond the virtue signals and narrative hoarding of the past 75 years by returning to integrity, community, and peace testimonies. The Friends alignment in recovery from schism parallels Israel/Palestine and individualism of white supremacy in mainstream white power structures and institutions and leads us astray from the unifying stories in the three twined religions of Abraham and our Great Spirit more broadly. Gaia 2.0 return is the synthesis. Simulacra and simulacrum of Quake faith and practice today is to our Return to Living in Biblical TImes .... in my lived experience among friends