
緩和ケア病棟の看護師における死の捉え方に関する考察 ─死生観形成への影響について─


林  祐子*
A Study on Perceptions of Death by Nurses Working in Palliative Care Units:
Impact on the Formation of Life and Death Views

Nurses who have been working for a long time in palliative care units face deep into the lives of the
patients and their families. Despite the various stresses and dilemmas, they never run away. They find
great value in keeping close to patients and their families. They have found great value in continuing
to keep close, viewing this as a positive way of dealing with stress. They view the significance of their
work not only as nurses who face the lives and deaths of their patients but also as people of sensibility
who are able to accumulate the realization that they have gained growth and learning.
In response, it has been shown that there is a major transformation in the formation of their views
of life and death and in the attitudes of their hearts. This study will clarify the above-mentioned process
and suggest the possibilities of:
1) basic nursing education and the significance of the promotion of death education from early
2) postgraduate guidance in the ways of viewing life and death education and practical assistance to
patients in the terminal stages of illness and their families.
The study suggests that such measures may contribute to raising the quality of end-of-life care
across a range of circumstances, not limited to particular diseases such as cancer and to patients in
palliative care units.
Keywords:Palliative care unit, nurse, stress, worth doing, transformation, End-of-life care