
알라딘: 세속주의를 묻는다- 종교학적 한국종교문화연구소

알라딘: 세속주의를 묻는다

세속주의를 묻는다 - 종교학적 읽기  | 한국종교문화연구소 종교문화비평총서 11
김재명,이진구,장석만,조성환,최정화,존 몰리뉴 (지은이),최정화 (엮은이),
한국종교문화연구소 (기획)모시는사람들2024-01-15




종교와 세속의 이분법을 넘어서서, 세속주의의 형성 과정과 세속주의가 다루어지는 다양한 방식에 대한 종교학적 연구사를 정리하고, 앞으로의 연구 방향을 제시한다. 특히 인류학, 정치학 등의 인접 학문 분야에서의 세속주의 연구들을 종교학적 시선으로 종합하고 분석하면서 현대 사회에서 세속주의가 미치는 영향, 그 역할을 탐구한다.

이 책의 내용은 한국종교문화연구소 심포지엄의 발표를 기반으로 하며, 6명의 저자가 쓴 10편의 글들이 다양한 관점을 포괄한다. 종교학과 세속주의에 대한 이론적 접근, 한국의 종교와 세속주의, 세속주의의 국가별 전개, 그리고 세속주의와 현대 사회의 관계를 다룸으로써, 종교학 연구자뿐만 아니라 다양한 학문 분야의 연구자들에게 다양한 사회적, 문화적, 정치적 맥락에서 세속주의가 어떻게 작용하는지에 대한 통찰력을 제공한다.

''When my father found out I wanted to divorce my husband he was really upset.


Humans of Amsterdam

Snpoesrdtoua5g0gmr 7to 5m662g06c75mhtb01m2gu9ca0211a216e0fOm ·

''When my father found out I wanted to divorce my husband he was really upset. He suggested I would travel to India so we could talk things through. I wasn’t planning on changing my mind but in order to get my divorce settled I would have to go to India. 

My manager at Nike gave me two weeks off and I flew back home. When I arrived, my family was mostly emotional and angry with me for making the decision to get a divorce. Later that week we traveled to the other side of the country to my husband’s house to discuss the situation. I remember sitting in a circle in his living room and everyone was looking at me. For hours my family and his family were trying to convince me to not go through with the divorce. This went on for hours and hours and at some point I was so exhausted I had to go to sleep. 

That night I slept in his house. Just being there reminded me of all those terrible months. I woke up the next day and I noticed that my bag with my passport, phone and credit cards was missing. I panicked and confronted my in-laws. They said that they had nothing to do with my missing bag and that someone must have broken in and stole it. Slowly I started to realize how serious the situation was. My two weeks off were almost finished and I had to get to my job in Amsterdam. To get a new passport in India it takes at least 3 months and a signature of your father or husband. I have never felt so hopeless in my entire life but I wasn’t about to give up. 

I emailed my boss and I told him I was in a serious emergency and that I needed 2 more weeks to fix it, luckily he agreed. The image of my life back in Amsterdam was what kept me going. Meanwhile I was trying to figure out how to get my documents back. With the help of my sister I sneaked out of the house and went to a government building. I was neatly dressed and somehow I managed to enter the building. The security must have thought that I was a government official. I walked into the building and a young female officer approached me and asked if she could help me. I noticed that she trusted me and I told her I had lost my bag in a mall and I had to get back to Amsterdam. I wanted to be honest but I couldn’t tell her the truth. She immediately called her friend who was working at the passport office and made an appointment for for me the next day. She gave me a letter of recommendation and the next day I went to the passport office. I sat there for 10 hours and when it was my turn they told me that in order to get a new passport I would need a signature of my father or husband. Again, I lied and said they were out of the country. I ended up convincing her and she gave me an approval. If I had been honest I would have never gotten it. 5 days later I could pick up my passport at the post office. Now I had my passport but I still didn’t have my residency card for The Netherlands. I called up the Embassy of Netherlands in Amsterdam and explained my situation. They were very helpful and emailed me a recommendation letter. They told me I had to fly to New Delhi which is on the other side of the country. I was running out of money but somehow there was a sale going on and I managed to find a cheap ticket to New Delhi. I got my residency card the next day and I immediately booked a flight to Amsterdam, it was a miracle. During this entire time I was scared. Scared that someone would recognize me and that I would get send back to my husband’s house.''

''When the airplane took off I could finally breath again. When I landed in Amsterdam I took the train from the airport to my house. I didn’t cry, I couldn’t believe all that had really happened. I felt as if I finally had woken up from a bad dream. I had been gone for 45 days in total. The next day I found out that I had lost my job at Nike. I could have hired a lawyer and fight it but I needed peace. They didn’t know what I had gone through so couldn’t be mad at them. I said goodbye to my colleagues and I now had 3 months left to find a new job. I wasn’t scared or sad, I had never felt so strong in my entire life. After all I had been through I knew I could handle any kind of situation. I took a deep breath and I started to apply for jobs. It took me 17 days to find work. All of this happened in the beginning of this year. Unfortunately, I am still not divorced but I’m never going back to India. I do talk to my parents but I find it really hard to trust them. I work as a software engineer at a highly reputed company and I’m happy. Amsterdam is magical, this is where I want to be. This is my home and my friends are my family.'' 

(Part 2 of 2) Nike Cognizant #nike #nikeamsterdam
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— with Deepak Wood.

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AuthorHumans of Amsterdam

As Haritha mentioned in the story she was never mad or upset with Nike. However I personally think this is a great opportunity for them to read the story of one of their former employees. Shall we each tag Nike by using @ nike? • guys it's better to us…
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Humans of Amsterdam replied
283 replies

Murdoc Codrum

Amazing story. Thank goodness this was all the hardship you faced during this episode. There have been too many stories that ended up much worse.
In foresight, you should have told your manager at Nike what was really going on.
Life is not easy, but th…
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Nitaj Kumar

I am sure that all sensible men,women calling her 'Empowered Woman' have no sensitivity to husband who she left, for her ambition and desire to stay abroad to be alone, free from responsibilities after marriage after realizing no love between them.
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Chithra Sunil

Well, when she does actually file for divorce and her husband decides to fight in court (oppose the petition), she will realise how long the court will take to give the verdict. From meeting a lawyer, communicating with him/her, preparing the brief,to …
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Divya Srinivasan

@Haritha - We are so proud of you!!!!! Women should be bold. Education empowers women. Hope you are a happy free bird now.... Wish you all success and happiness in your life. I felt bad that your parents weren't supportive.....They should be proud abou…
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Wayne Leonard John Throssell

A little white lie to a government official, and your life was forever changed. You owned the shit out of your life. That's truly amazing. And to live it in such a beautiful city like Amsterdam. You deserve it.


Sachin Joneja

Before trying to apply a salve to our own conscience by asking Nike to do something, maybe we ask the young lady in question what SHE actually wants? Maybe she is happy in her new company now? And as she herself says, since she could not tell Nike the …
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Maryam Tariq

You give me hope, Brilliant :)I recently decide to call off my engagement to the one I loved but it was a very hard decision for me without even thinking what everyone would be thinking about me ! Luckily my family was very very supportive, but people …
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Sarah Dee

This story is so amazing and inspirational! You have a beautiful spirit! I would've been frozen with fear in your situation if my documents came up missing but you handled it beautifully and flawlessly like a pro! The fact that the husband or father ha…
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Fakiya Meseret Adam

Good luck with your future endeavors. Glad you were quick on getting the documents you needed and got out of that situation. I still cant believe your family let that happen to you but I am glad you still communicate with them. I hope they see how grea…
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Upaashna Mahboeb-Chigharoe

I anxiously waited for part 2. Because I already thought you might be heading back to India. Thank god you got safely back again. Wish you loads of happiness!

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Sinead O'Mahoney

Wow her bravery and cool thinking is amazing, thank goodness for her sister helping her out.

Kate Connolly

I'm so saddened that your family treated you like this. You are a lovely young girl with the world at your feet. Enjoy your life #respect

7 y
7 years ago




Deidre Gubbels

Omg, what a terrifying story. I'm so glad you at least have more freedom. It's so unfair that you're still not completely free. I hope that day does come for you.

Katerina Kote

Your story is very inspiring and touching Haritha Khandabattu! I am sure a great future is awaiting you


카미노데산티아고 - 위키백과

카미노데산티아고 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

 유네스코 세계유산 
유럽 내의 산티아고 순례길
영어명*Routes of Santiago de Compostela: Camino Francés and Routes of Northern Spain
프랑스어명*Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle : Camino francés et chemins du nord de l’Espagne
등록 구분문화유산
기준ii, iv, vi
지역**유럽 및 북아메리카
지정 역사
1993년  (17차 정부간위원회)
세계유산목록에 따른 정식명칭.
** 유네스코에 의해 구분된 지역.
산티아고 순례길 (프랑스)
 유네스코 세계유산 
영어명*Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France
프랑스어명*Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en France
등록 구분문화유산
기준ii, iv, vi
지역**유럽 및 북아메리카
지정 역사
1998년  (22차 정부간위원회)
세계유산목록에 따른 정식명칭.
** 유네스코에 의해 구분된 지역.

카미노데산티아고(스페인어Camino de Santiago갈리시아어Camiño de Santiago라틴어Peregrinatio Compostellana)는 스페인 갈리시아 지방 산티아고데콤포스텔라의 순례지이다. 주로 프랑스 각지에서 피레네산맥을 통해 스페인 북부를 통과하는 길을 가리킨다.

이 길은 9세기 스페인 산티아고데콤포스텔라에서 성 야고보의 유해가 발견되었다고 알려져 유럽 전역에서 많은 순례객들이 오가기 시작했던 길이다. 산티아고 순례에 관한 배경에는 당시 이슬람군대의 위협에 이베리아반도의 마지막 보루를 지키고자 했던 정치적인 목적이 강했다. 성 야고보를 스페인의 수호 성인으로 모시게 되면서 오늘날 순례길이 생겼다.

러시아, 핀란드, 이탈리아, 포르투갈 등 각지에서 산티아고로 가는 여러 갈래길 가운데 가장 알려져 있는 '프랑스 길'은 프랑스 남부국경 생장피에드 (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port)에서 시작해 피레네산맥을 넘어 스페인 산티아고 콤포스텔라까지 이르는 800km 여정으로 프랑스인들이, 프랑스에서부터 오는 길이라는 뜻으로 붙여진 이름이다. 하루에 20여 킬로미터씩 한달을 꼬박 걸어야 한다. 연금술사의 파올로 코엘료가 걸어 더욱 유명해졌다. 2010년 27만명이 방문하였다.

천주교 순례길


최종 목적지가 산티아고데콤포스텔라 대성당인 산티아고 순례길은 로마, 예루살렘과 함께 중세시대에 기독교 순례자들의 매우 중요한 순례길 중에 하나였다. 교리상의 죄에 대한 보속으로 주어진 대사 중에 산티아고 순례도 있었다. ;[1]

전승에 따르면 야고보는 이베리아 반도까지 다녀갔다는 기록이 있어, 갈리시아에 이장되었는데 후일 그의 유골함이 놓인 도시를 성인의 이름을 따와 산티아고데콤포스텔라라 부르게 되었다. 전통적인 순례 방식은 본인의 집에서 시작하는 것이지만, 주요 경로로 간주되는 몇몇 길이 있었고, 중세시대에 번성하던 길은 흑사병과 종교 개혁의 물결에 쇠퇴해 갔다. 1980년대가 되자 매년 겨우 수백명의 순례자들만 찾는 매우 한적한 순례길이 되었다. 1987년, 유럽평의회가 첫번째 유럽 문화길로 산티아고 순례길을 선정하면서, 순례붐이 일게된다.[2] 유네스코 세계 유산 등재는 세계 각지의 순례자들이 현대에 순례길을 다시 찾는 계기가 되었다.

성 야고보 축일과 일요일이 겹치면 교황의 칙령에 따라 성스러운 해 또는 희년이 선포된다. 윤년 여부에 따라 5,6,11년마다 돌아오게 되는데, 이 시기는 순례객이 더 늘어난다. 다음 희년은 2021, 2027, 2032년이다.[3]



조개는 12세기부터 세례성사의 표상으로 사용되었으며, 순례의 상징이다. 예수의 12사도의 하나인 야고보는 스페인에 최초로 파견된 사도였다고 알려져 있지만 그 활동에 대한 구체적인 기록은 없다. 산티아고 순례길에는 길가는 도중에 조개 표식이 세워져 있다. 순례길을 모방한 제주도 올레길은 제주도 특산물인 조랑말을 형상화 하여 길 곳곳에 표시하고 있다.

필그림 패스포트

필그림 패스포트

대부분의 순례자들은 스페인 관광청이 몇유로에 판매하는 필그림 패스포트(순례자 여권)를 휴대한다. 길을 따라 걸으면 스탬프를 찍는 장소가 나오며, 패스포트에 스탬프를 찍어 본인이 그 길을 걸은 순례자임을 인증한다. 제주도 올레길도 동일한 패스포트를 도입했다.

같이 보기



  1.  Kent, William H. “Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Indulgences”. 위키인용집 (영어). 2019년 5월 20일에 확인함. This entry on indulgences suggests that the evolution of the doctrine came to include pilgrimage to shrines as a trend that developed from the 8th century A.D.: "Among other forms of commutation were pilgrimages to well-known shrines such as that at St. Albans in England or at Compostela in Spain. But the most important place of pilgrimage was Rome. According to Bede (674–735) the visitatio liminum, or visit to the tomb of the Apostles, was even then regarded as a good work of great efficacy (Hist. Eccl., IV, 23). At first the pilgrims came simply to venerate the relics of the Apostles and martyrs; but in course of time their chief purpose was to gain the indulgences granted by the pope and attached especially to the Stations."
  2.  “Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes”. Council of Europe. 2019년 5월 20일에 확인함.
  3.  “Holy Years at Santiago de Compostela”. 16 September 2014에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 6 March 2014에 확인함.

외부 링크


