
[일요서비스] #116. 새로운 형태의 영적 공동체들_이재형


[음악] [박수] [음악]
안녕하십니까 반갑습니다 그리 학생들 잘 지냈습니까
지금 지금 새를 맞아서 연말 연초를 지내면서 어
대단히 많은 일들을 경험하면서 지금 새로운 사이클을 만는
거 같습니다 서울에서는 지금 우리 센터가
옮겼고 도울 센터가 그리고 지금 1년
만에이 디프닝 코스라고 우리가 세 번째 세 번째 단계 코스인데 그게
지금 열리고 있습니다 지금 디프린 코스에는 명이 지금
참여하고 있고 지금 패컬티 스태이 11명이 지금 함께 하고
있습니다 아 오늘 두 가지 에피소드를 먼저
나누려고 합니다 오래전에 제가 회사에 다닐 때
신입사원을음 뽑았는데 한번은 제가 그 신입사원들 에세이를 채점하는 일을
맡아서 한 적이 있었습니다 그 아주 내용이 굉장히
다양해서 그 점수를 주는 것이 쉽지 않았어요 그런데 어떤 한 친구의
글을 보니까 그 내용이 너무나 마음에 드는 거예요 그래서 제가 최고점을
줬습니다 제가 최고점수를 줬다고 하니까 그 당시 이제 그 그 책임자로 계셨던 분이 인사담당
부사장 이셨는데 그분이 어 그 애 한번 봅시다 하고 해서
이제 주었어요 그런데 그분이 이렇게 보더니 휙 공주로 던져 버리는 거예요
에이 어떻게 이것이 최고점이 에이 하번 휙 던져 버리는
거예요 그분은 나를 굉장히 아끼는 분이었어요 그런데 그분이 하는 자기가 이걸
보니까 당신한테도 실망했는데 그 거요 근데 그분이 지적한
것은 그 에세이에 앞부분에 한자 하나가
틀렸다는 거예요 틀리 었다는 거 그런데 이런
거 어떻게 스가를 줄 수가 있느냐 이런 틀린 자를 쓴
건데 그러니까 그분은 전체 맥락이나 내용을 내용이 중요한게
아니라 글씨를 정확히 썼는가 이게 이게 중요했던
거예요 근데 저는 그 전체 내용 맥락이 너무나
창의적이고 너무나 신선해서 톱 스카를 줬는데 이번에 글자 하나 틀렸다고
이건 그럴 가치가 없다 이렇게 판단을 한 거죠 오케 또 다른 이야기 하나
우리가 잘 아는 분 이야기예요데 그분은 아침에 일어나서
세수할 때마다 거울에 비친 자신의 얼굴을 보면서 소술 하차 놀란다고
그래요 저주가 어떻게 이렇게 완벽하게 창조하셨을까 자기 얼굴을
보면서 여러분들 아침에 세수할 때 얼굴 보면서 그런 경험이 있어요
그러면서 그분 이야기가이 세상에는 경기를 일으킬 만한 놀란만은 것들로 가득차
있는데 사람들은 감탄할 줄 모른다 그
하면서 사람들에게 굳어 있는 마음을 지적하는 것이었습니다이 두 가지 예를든 건데
이것은 우리가 어떤 것을
보면서 그걸 어떻게
느끼는가 하는 것을 이야기하고 싶어서입니다 우리가 오감을
통해서 들어오는 정보를 가지고 무엇을
보는가 하는 것은 우리의 의식이 어디에 있는가에 따라
달라집니다 같은 것을 보더라도 나의 상태 상태에 따라서 전혀 다른 것을
보고 느낄 때가 많죠 그리고 주의를 집중해서 볼 때와
스쳐 지나가듯 볼 때 우리는 전혀 다른 것을
감지합니다 제가 전에 미스리 처음 만났을 때 이야기를 나눈 적이
있습니다 오늘 좀 다시 그 이야기를 좀 다시 나누고 싶어요 제가 m 3를 만난
초기에 외국 출장을 자주 그때 다니 다니고 있을 때였는데
그때 그 출장지에 가면은 그곳에 근처에 있는 그 에미서리 친구들을
만나고 싶어서 그때 그 여러 곳에 이렇게 살고 있는 그 에미서리 리더들
디렉토리가 있었어요 주소록이 있었어 상당히 두꺼운 주소록이 있는데 그 디렉터리를 가지고 다니면서가 연락을
해요 거기 남아 있는 그 지역에 그래 가지고 필요하면 일정을
조정해서라도 그걸 만나고 했었죠 그때 이제 미소리 초창기였던
그때 어떤 시간이 지나면서 제
의식이 완전히 달라지면서 세상과 모든 것이
달리 보이기 시작했어요 그래서 그 전에 그렇게
재미 재밌있게 읽던 수많은 책들이 있었어요 여러 분야의 책들이 있었어요
그런데 그 모든 것이 재미가 하나도 없는 거야
그리고 그때 읽을 수 있는 것은 그 에미서리 자료들과 그때 메일링이라고 하는게
있었어요 매달 두 번씩 메일링이라고 하는게 왔었는데 그 메일링을 통해서
받아보는 그 에미서리 서비스 녹취로 그리고 성경 그 위에는
아무것도 읽을 수가 없었어요 너무나 재미 없어서 그런데 그런 새로운 의식과
시각을 나눌 수 있는 사람을 거의 주변에서 찾지 못
못했어요 그래서 그 당시 우리가 조그 조그만 모임을 하고
있었는데 그 모임에서 만나는 그 소수 사람들과 만나는 시간이 그렇게
좋았고 그 시간보다 더 의미 있게 느껴지는 시간이 없었어요
그리고 당시 미국과 캐나다에 있는 두 공동체에서 1년에 한
번씩 잡지가 나왔어요 각각 이든밸리 뉴스라고 하는 것과 노던 라이트라
잡지가 나왔었죠 근데 그 잡지 내용을 거의
빼지 않고 다 읽었고 그 잡지에 등장했던
사람들이 그냥 그 잡지에서 사람들이 만나지도 않았던 그런데 친형제보다 더
가깝게 느껴지는 거예요 그리고 그 사람들 이름을 지금도 많이 기억하고 있어요 한번 만
그뒤로도 만난 적이 없는 사람들까지도 그리고 그 잡지에서
이제 알게 된 그 당시 리더십이 계셨어요 그 젝트 카운슬 그 멤버라고
하는 그 마틴 주변에서 이렇게이
함께 일하는 그 리더십 그룹들이 있었어요 그분들을 이렇게 보면서
사진을 보면서 그분들 이름을 다 외웠어요 그리고 매일
저녁 자기 전에 그분들을 떠올리면서 그분들 한분
한분에게 축복을 보내고 그분들과 연결이 보이지 않는 속에서 제
나름대로 연결을 시도하고 했었죠 지금 생각해
보면은 이런 영적 형제들이라고 할 수 있는 분들을
만나고 싶어서 얼마나 목말라 했는지 그때에 그때 기억이
떠올라요 그래서 외국 출정을 갈 때면 그런 분들을 만날 수 있는 기회를
놓치고 지않 았던 것이죠 그래서 만나면 처음 만나
만났지만 수십년 만난 친구보다 더 가까운 점을 느끼게 하는 거예요
만나서 그냥 온전히 만나는 거예요 온전히 그냥 아무것도 몰라도 그 사람
백그라운드는 뭐 하고 있는 사람인지 뭐 아무것도 몰라도 그냥 만나서 그냥
만나지는 거예요 이게 이제 대단한 경험이었죠 그러니까 그런
사람들을 만나고 싶었던 거죠 출장 다니면서도 왜냐면 한국에서 그런 사람들을 만날 수가
없었어 이게 참 어떤 지금 생각해
보면 그게 물질적인 만남이라 보다도 그 외적 외적인 만 만남이라 보다도
깊은 내적인 영적인 만남이지 않았을까 이런 생각을 하는
것이죠 아 지금 리프 닝이 진행 중인데 울 아까 이야기한 것처럼 아마
그 지금 거기서 만나고 있는 분들 거기서 경험이 아마 이러한 만남의
경험일 거예요 유지 님께서도 그전에 서비스에서 그 미리
공동체를 처음 방문했을 때 어떤 분이 유지 님을 만나서 당신은 천사예요 했다는
이야기를 했었죠 기억나요 예
예 유지 님에게도이 이것이 아주 결정적이 중요한 첫경험이 또 이야기
하셨죠 근데 우리는 지금 이러한 경험을이 세상에 줄 수가
있습니다 지금 세상은 점점 더 살벌해지고
있죠 이 세상은이란 말을 해 줄 수 있는 사람들이
필요하죠 그런데이란 말은 그냥 나올 수 있는 말이 아니죠 이미 그런 말을 할 수 있는
진동 속에 있는 사람만이 자연스럽게 그러 표현을 할
수가 있는 것이죠 앞에 예로 이야기 소개했던 한 분은 그 제 제가 가끔 이야기했던 그
돌문화공원 백단장이 있데 그분 말과 같이 우리의 가장
높은 의식 속에서 주의를 모아서 보면이 세상은 경 경이로움으로 가득차
있습니다 그분 표현대로 경기를 일으킬만큼 놀란만한
것으로 가득차 있는 것이죠 그리고 사실은 우리
자신을 생각해 봐도 우 우리 각자가
얼마나 놀라운 존재인지 몰라요 이야기를 제가 시 학생 여러분께 여러
번 했는데 알고 보면 우리
각자는 신비 어입니다 생명 현상 자체가 인간의 지각으로 다 풀어낼 수
없는 신비라고 전에 말씀하 말씀드렸죠 그런데
사람들은 그 를 보거나 느끼지 못하고 의식의 대부분이 부족함이가
있죠 무엇이 부족한가 그래서 그것을 들추어내고
그것을 바탕으로 판단하고
비판하지 제가 앞서 예를 들었던 그 회사의 부사장
가 그런 전형적인 그런 예인 것이죠 아 이게 없네 이게 부족하네 뭐가
있는가를 보는게 아니라 뭐가 없네 이게 부족하잖아 이거가 먼저 잡힌다는
거죠 지난번 유지님 서비스에서 우리가 지니고 있을 수
있는 방어된 가슴에 대한 이야기를 하셨죠 그것은 우리가 붙잡고 있는
무엇이 있 때 때문에 때문인데 그것은 과거의 기억
특히 상처의 기억 억울함의 기억 그걸 의식 무식으로 붙잡고 있다고
했습니다 그리고 특히 그 억울함 안에는 원망이
있고 그 원망 안에는 미움이 있고 그 안에는 복수심이 있다고
했습니다 그리고 그걸 붙잡고 있다는 것이 그런데 그걸 놓치지 않고 붙잡고 있을
때 그 대가는 어마어마하다라고 하였죠
그리고 그 조그만 거 조그만 복수심 그걸 붙잡고 있는
것에 대가는 나를 온전히 살 수 없다고 했습니다 경기를 일으킬
만한 놀란 것들이 가득찬 세상에서 살면서도 그것을 의식하지 못하고
부족한 것만 보면서 그 부족한 세상에서 살게
된다는 것이죠 최근 그 데이비
바스에서 더 그 코스미 스토리에 올린 마틴 서비스가
있습니다 그 서비스가 이것과 관련이 있어서 그 서비스
내용을 좀 나누고 싶습니다 좀 좀 길게 나누
나누겠습니다 천국의 육체 라는 제목 써 있습니다 천국은 우리가
알고 있는 지상 왕국만큼이나
실제합격자 훨씬 더 실제다 말할 수
있습니다 우리의 경험은 물질적인 육체의 경험입니다 우리에게는 육체가 있고 그
육체와 함께하고 있는 의식이 있기 때문에 우리는이 땅의 왕국을 알고
있습니다 더 미세한 물질의 세계인 하늘나라에 대한 의식이 거의 없거나 전혀 없기
때문에 우리는 땅의 왕국이 그 자체로 완전한 것처럼 살려고 노력해
왔습니다 그리고 그것이 우리가 할 수 있는 전부인 것처럼 보였습니다 그런데 누구나 천국을 알
수 있는 유일한 방법은 그 수준에 사람이 되는
것 즉 천국의 육체를 갖는 것입니다 천국에는 뚫을 수 없는
회장이 있기 때문에 아무도 들어갈 수 없습니다 천국은
실제하는 그곳에 거할 때 실제하는 것을 알 수 있습니다 천국 시민을
특징짓는 다양한 특성이 있습니다 인간적인 의미에서 여러분이 알았든
몰랐든 여러분은 질 육신을 태어나기 전부터 하늘의 성품을 지니고
있었습니다 천국의 특징 중 어느 정도 분명한 것 중
하나는 우정입니다 천국에 구하는 사람들은
친구입니다 그들은 우정을 울 키울 필요가 없습니다 그것은
천국의 자연스러운 조건입니다 우리는 우정의 실체를 발견하게
되는데 우 는 반드시 지상 왕국에서 인간의 우정 개념과 일치하는 것이
아닙니다 지상 왕국에서 우정에 대한 인간의 개념은 단순히 지상 왕국의
시민이었다 사람들의 성격에 기반을 두고 있습니다 그들은 지상 왕국에
존재하는 것을 기반으로 선호함 선호하고 좋아하는 것 것과 싫어하는
것 그리고 서로 간의 친밀감을 가졌습니다
그런데 인간들이이 사람한테 뭔가 느꼈어라고 경험하는 것은 대부분 땅의
왕국에서만 존재하는 감정 요소일뿐입니다
주님께서 천국에서는 장가도 시집도 가지 말라고 하셨습니다
말씀하셨습니다 그 자연스러운 교제 상태가 이미 하기 때문에 그럴 필요가
없습니다 영적인 육체를 가지고 그곳에 도착하기 전까지는
아무도 그곳에 있다는 것을 그러 것이 있다는
것을 알지 못합니다 그것에
가야만 그렇다는 것을 알 수가 있는 것이죠 천국에
있어야만 천국에 살아야만 아 그렇구나 하는 것을 알고 있 알 수 있다는
것이죠 그렇다고 천국에 사는 모든 사람이 아 우리 우리 서로 친구야
친구 친구 하고 그렇게 한다는 말이
아닙니다 단지 올바른 우정의 관계가 있을 뿐이며 그 종류가 아주 다양한
것이죠 진정한 정체성 차원입니다 그렇다고 해서 우리가이 땅에서
벗어나는 것이 아니라 여전히이 땅에 살고 있습니다 그리고 우리가 우리는 하늘과
땅이 분리되어 있지 않다는 것을 매우 잘 알게 됩니다 하늘의 경험에 미세한 실체의
존 미세한 실체는 존재하며 지상의 경험의
육체에 스며들어 있습니다 어때요 여러분 지금 하늘에 사시나요 하늘에
하늘의 왕국에 사시나요 땅의 왕국에서만 사시나요 어제
아침에 영타 스님이라고 하는 분이 전화를 주셨어요 상당히 아침 일찍인
전화를 하셨어 그러면서 하시는 말씀이 나를 떠올 떠올릴 때마다
항상 미소가 떠나지 않는 얼굴이 떠올린다는
거예요 여러분도 그래요
그러면서 그에 대해서 감사함을 한 번도 표한 적이 없었구나 하면서 전화를 하셨다는
거예요 그리고 이제 또 하시는 말이 그는 오랫동안 공동체에 대한
염원을 품고 평생을 살아 왔는데 그 영혼을 이루지 못한 그
미련이 항상 남아 있었다는 거예요 그런데 한 두 어 달 전에
윤중 선생님이라 한는 분을 만나면서 그 생각이 깨졌다 이런
이야기를 하시는 거예요 그때 그 영타
스님이 저와 도원 님과 또 여기 계시는 최선아 선생님 그 윤중
선생님이랑 같이 만난 적이 있었어요 근데 저희는 일찍 떠나왔고
윤준 선생님 최선아 선생님 그 용타 선생님만 만난 적이 있었어요 그때
이제 만난 이야기를 하시는 거예요
그런데 그 윤준 선생님을 만나서 어떤 이야기를 들으면서 그 그 생각이
깨졌다이 이게 영타 스님한테 굉장히 큰 일이다 하는 거예요 그것이 계속 남아 있었는데
그게 사라졌다 그 형태적인 어떤 공동체에 대한 집착이 있었다고
하시면서 그 생각을 내려놓게 됐다 그런 말씀을
하셨습니다 사실 우리는 다양한 공동체를 이루면서 살고
있습니다 제가 그런 야기 한번
했죠 저녁 자기
전에 성화 시간에 먼저 기도를
드리고 그리고 제 의식 속에 있는 사람들을 한 사람 한 사람 떠올리면서 축복의 시간을 갖는다 이런
이야기를 했습니다 사실은 내 의식 속에 있는 그 사람들이
이미 공동체를 이루고 있는 나의 부족인 셈입니다 여러분 한 사람 한 사람도
여러분 의식 속에 들어와 있는 사람들이 있을 거예요
그리고 그 사람들이 여러분을 중심으로
한 그 부족 다시 말하면 공동체 예 이런
들이에요 그래서 우리 학 한 사람 한 사람이
이미 공동체를 형성하고 있는
존재들이죠 보이지 않는 차원에 공동체를 형성하고 있는 한 사람 한
사람 존재들인 것이죠 그리고 여러분은 여러분 한 사람 한
사람은 여러분 내면 의
경이로움이라는 존재가 있죠 그리고 그
경의로운이는 또 더 높은 차원에 우리가 주님 중에
주님이라는 분과 연결되어 있습니다 그리고 그 주님 중에 주님은
또한 그 위차 원에 [음악]
있는이 의주의 주님이라고 할 수 있는 뭔가 또 연결돼 있죠 그리고 그 그 주님 그 큰
주님은 또 그보다 더 더 큰 차원이 주님과 연결되 있습니다 여러분 각자를
통해서 그렇게 큰 깊은 존재들과 다 연결되어
있습니다 그러면서 여러분은 지금 나라고
하는 그러한 자리에서 이루는 그 공동체의 중심에
자리하고 있습니다이 보이는 세상에서
그리고 여러분 혼자가 아니라 그와 비슷한 다른 존재가 또
옆에 있고 또 다른 존재가 있고 하면서 필이 짜지는 것이죠
그래서 여러분은 여러분 중심에 있고 여러분 주위로 동심원이
그려지면서 어떤 공동체가 형성되어 있는데 그 동심원 큰 동심원을 이룬
그 공동체들이 서로 피력이 짜진다
말이죠 그러면서 더 큰 공동체가 형성되는
것이죠 우리가 성경에서 요란 다께 제일 성스러운
학교라는 이야기를 하셨습니다 아브라함으로부터 시작된 제일 성스러운 학교 그때는 육체적
차원이라는 이야기를 했습니다 그래서 그 당시에는 공동체가
어떤 실제이 그런 물질적인 공동체라고 할
수 있죠 실제 실제 이제 겉으로 드러나는 형태의 공동체라고 할 수 있겠죠
그리고 제의 성수로 학교 그건
예수님께서이 땅에 오셔서 시작하실 수밖에 없는 그러한 것을 제의 성수로운
학교라고 하셨는데 그것은 어 정신적인 차원의 학교라고
했었습니다 그런데 지금
우리가 우리가 지금
있는 차원을 제 3성 학교라고 이야기를 합니다 요란 다께
그렇게 말씀을 하셨는데 이것은 육체적 정신적 다음에 영적
표현의 차원이라고 했습니다 그러니까 우리가 형상하는
공동체는 영적 공동체 일 수 있다 이렇게 이야기할 수 있습니다
그런데 이게이 형태적인 공동체 또 정신적인
공동체를 제외한다는 것이 아닙니다 그게 다 포함되 있습니다 제일 선수학
교회에 있었던 그 형태적인 공동체 제일 성학 교회에 있었던 정신적인
공동체 그다음 영적 공동체 이것이 다 다 포함되 있는
것이죠 그러니까 우리가 지금
여러분들이 아마 그걸 느낄 수 있을 거예요 우리가 그전에 가이 한 자리에
있지 않으면은 함께 하기가 쉽지
않았어요 이게 한 20년 전만 하더라도 뭐 거의 전화선 연결 정도
아니면 할 수가 없었어요 근데 지금은 이렇게 줌으로 연결해서 지금이 공 체
같이 한 서로서로 죽어 보면서 바라보면서 이렇게 함께 모 모이고
있잖아요 그래서 지금 제삼 성스 학교에서 드러날 수 있는
공동체에 맞는 그런 기술들이 엄청나게 발달되고 있는
것이죠 우리가 지금 그걸 경험하고 있는 것이죠 오늘 아침에이 줌이
열리기 전에 지금 디프닝 하고 있는 분들이 열고 연결을 시키는 시킬 때
제가 만났어요 이건 옛날에 상상할 수도 없죠이
팬데믹이 가져다준 그 축복은 엄청나죠
그때서부터이 세상이 완전히 바뀌지 시작했잖아요 전혀 다른
세상을 가져다 준 겁니다
어 한 7시에 에서 들어오면서 하늘을 보니까 너무나 하늘이 맑아요 그러면서
별이 그렇게 청청이 떠 있는 걸 볼 수가 있었어요 여러분들 어제 저녁에
별 봤어요 오 너무 엄청 엄청 많은
별들이 떠 있죠 겨울에 예 겨울에 지금 그리고 지금 그
별자리가 가장 잘나는 별자리예요 어려 어려운 자가 떠 있고 그 주변에 있
있는 등성이 제일 많을 때에
하늘에 그 수많은 별자리를 별들을
보면서 도원 님한테 먼저 들어가라고 하고 전 바깥에서 한참 남아서 그
하늘의 별자리를 봤습니다 그러면서 아이 수많은
별들이이 은하계의이 귀퉁이에 있는 이이
태양계에 조그만 행성 위에 있는 우리 인간들을 바라보고
있구나 그러면서 축복하고 있구나 그런 생각의
생각이 들 또 그리고
우리는 그 하늘의 별들을 바라보면서 그
별들을 축복하고 있구나 이 축복을 주고
주고받으면서이 모든이 하늘에 있는 별들이 존재 우주의 존재들과
우리가 결국 모두 하나로 연결되어 있는 거 아닌가 그러면서 어제 카톡에
올라온 여덟 다섯 살 되시는 김영 갈망이라는 분 내
2024년 새 소망이 떠올랐습니다 김영 그분은
그 미국에서 활동했던 목사인데 미국 그 보스턴에서 미국
보스턴에서 미국의 감 주로 백인들이 다니는 감리교의 목사로 오랫동 활동한
분입니다 그런데 그분이
나는 원조에
닷컴으로 인생 산막을 열겠다 이렇게 표현하였습니다
그러면서 그것 원 원은 경탄
원더 그다음에 조 조는 즐거움 기쁨
조이 그다 앱 앱은 appreciation 감사
감사함 그러면은
사랑 그래서 나는이 원앱
.com을 열겠다 그렇게 해서
노래와 춤과 사랑으로 나를
표현하면서 평화의 도구로 살겠다 이것이 내 새해 소망이다
이렇게 썼어요 그분은 제가 새로
어 제가 새로 만난 저의 공동체 저의 부족의 한
분입니다 내 공동체 멤버들이 그렇게 새롭게 늘어나는 거죠 새롭게 커지고
있죠 여러분들도 마찬가지일 겁니다 우리 그래서 우리의 공동체
멤버들이 늘어나는 것이죠 그리고 우리가 서로 짠 그
필유을 통해서 이루어진 우리의
공동체 그 우리의 공동체를 통해서 드러나는
그 핵심 사랑의
메시지 이것이 제가 전에 있었던 그
코아 핵심 품성입니다 그래서 우리
각자가 우리 각자가 그한 공동체를 이루고 사실은
그 공동체의 코아가 그 사랑이죠 그리고
그 사랑의 사랑이 필력으로 짜지고 그래서 더 큰 사랑의 드러남이
있고 그리고 그 그렇게 들어나는 그 사랑 핵심이
사실은이 세상의 중심이고 우주를 이루고 있는 모든
것의 중심이죠 그래서 우리 각자를 통해서 바로 그 코와 에센스가
드러나게 되어 있는 것이다 그 야기 그런 우리가 얼마나 엄청난
존재예요 자 제 말씀을 여기서 마치겠습니다
감사합니다 우리가 함께 오늘 우리가 나눈 이야기들이
굉장히 많이 이렇게 더 커져가는 것을 여러분 경험했죠 제가
최근 최근 어떤 사진들을 찾았어요 원님이
찾았는데 그게 어 거의 30년 된 사진이에요 1995년
이니까 그니까 19년 됐나요 28 9년 정도 전
사진인데 그 사진이 어떤 사진이냐 그은 어 제가 그때 미국 축장 중에
아틀란타에 들릴 일이 있었어요 그래서 그 아틀란타에 가서 그때 아틀란타에서
활동하고 있는 그 에미서리 그룹들을 만났어요 그래 그때 찍은
사진이에요 그런데 지금 그 데이비드가 지금 하는 템 라이트 서비스 내가
다음 주에 나나 이제 도님 같이 할 그 서비스에 지금 참석하고 있는 분들이
아틀란타에서 많은 분들이 참석하고 계세요 그래서 그분 중에 한 분에게
제가 그 그 사진들을 보내면서 지금 라이트 서비스 참석하는 분들이 이중에
있을 텐데 몰라 보겠어요 왜냐면 거기 있는 사람들은 다은 사람들이야
그데 그때 참석하는 사람들은 다 머리가 히끗히끗 하고 다 머리가 나가지
빠졌고 제처럼 그래서 누가 누군지 잘 분간이
안 간다이이 사람들이 누구냐 혹시 지금도이 사람들하고 연락하고 있냐 하고 제가 그 편지 그 편지를 써서
그 사진들을 보냈어요 답장에 왔어요 그 답장은 다음 이야기할게요
데드가 밀리한 보내 보라 해서 이제 보낸 거죠 그랬더니 지금
그 사진에 나와 있는 사람들 이렇게 이야기 하는데 거기에 내가 보냈던
밀리도 있고 또 스티브 톨라 있고 캐롤도
있고 여러 사람 있는 거예요 그래서 자세히 누군가 이제 그 사람이 누굴까
하고 찾아봤더니 지금 조금 남아 있어 그 그때는 굉장 젊었는데 지금은 이제
다 하얀이 됐고 그고 그거 이제 나도 그 사진
가운데 있었는데 밀리가 나도 이제 템퍼 라이트 서비스에 가끔 나타나니까 어 지금 내 얼굴 알 텐데 그때 내
얼굴은 밀지도 못 하아 왔지 그리고 그 연결 그 오래된
연결이 지금도 어 밀리가 그때 그 당시에 이렇게 우리가 그 공동체를
이루어서 살고 있었던 그것이 지금도 그대로 있다 거의 변하지 않았다
이렇게에 답을 줬어요 너무나 반가웠어요 그리고 이제 아 아틀란타
다시 한번 와라 초대를 하시더라고요 그래서 한번 기회를 만들어서 가겠다
제가 그렇게 이야기했습니다 우리가 아까 나님께서
이야기했듯이 이러한 오랫동안에 이러한 인연들 우리가 함께
이렇게음 이렇게 생성해 갔던 그 그 사랑의 연결
연대 이것이 계속 잘하고 확대되고
지속되고 있죠 그래서 지금 오늘 함께한
여러분들 또 벽시 학생 여러분들 지금 가지고 있는이 연대 이것이
여러분들이 흰머리 날 때까지 나같이 머리 빠질 때까지
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Spiritual Israel - by Doug Batchelor & Steve Wohlberg

Spiritual Israel - by Doug Batchelor & Steve Wohlberg | PDF | New Covenant | Bible Prophecy

Spiritual Israel - by Doug Batchelor & Steve Wohlberg

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on Jun 20, 2013
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Visit: www.amazingfacts.org www.lastdaystruth.blogspot.com www.bibletruthspot.blogspot.comFull description

Spiritual Israel
Two Jews reveal the secret 
behind Modern Israel

Another Brood Parasite 2
A Foundation of Sand 4
It’s Happened Before! 5
The Name “Israel” 7
Israel, God’s Son 8
Matthew’s Amazing Revelation 10
More Striking Evidence! 12
A New Nation 13
Double Vision 14
God Looks on the Heart 15
Eating with the Patriarchs 18
The Road to Building a New Temple 18
A Spiritual House 20
The New Testament Perspective 22
All Israel Saved? 25
Israel’s Purpose 27
Prophetic Applications 29
Conclusion 30



Einstein on cosmic religion : and other opinions and aphorisms : Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Einstein on cosmic religion : and other opinions and aphorisms : Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Einstein on cosmic religion : and other opinions and aphorisms
by Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Publication date 2009
Publisher Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications
Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks
Contributor Internet Archive
Language English


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Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

Einstein on Cosmic Religion and Other Opinions and Aphorisms Paperback – 23 April 2009
4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars 113 ratings

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Einstein's essays explore science as the basis for a "cosmic" religion, embraced by all who share a sense of wonder in the universe. Additional topics include pacifism, disarmament, and Zionism. Science and religion are compatible, declares the famous physicist. In these essays, Einstein views science as the basis for a "cosmic" religion, embraced by scientists, theologians, and all who share a sense of wonder in the rationality and beauty of the universe. In the course of his career, Einstein wrote more than 300 scientific and 150 nonscientific publications. These essays date from the 1930s and 40s. In direct, everyday language the author develops a coherent view that transcends both the antiquated religion of fear and the modern religion of ethics. His concept of cosmic religion combines science and religion, with science forming the basis for a more enlightened religion. In these essays and aphorisms, Einstein also reflects on pacifism, disarmament, and Zionism. In addition to a brief biography of the author, this volume includes a warm appreciation by George Bernard Shaw. AUTHOR: In addition to conducting the research that culminated in his acclaimed theories of relativity, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) taught and lectured at universities around the world. Einstein received numerous awards and honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine, and philosophy, and he remains a towering symbol of intellectual and imaginative achievement.
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About the Author
In addition to conducting the research that culminated in his acclaimed theories of relativity, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) taught and lectured at universities around the world. Einstein received numerous awards and honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine, and philosophy, and he remains a towering symbol of intellectual and imaginative achievement.
It's All Relative
Around 1950, Hayward Cirker, Founder and President of Dover Publications, wrote to Einstein and asked his approval to proceed with a Dover paperback reprint of the 1923 collection of original papers on relativity by Einstein himself and others (H. A. Lorentz, H. Weyl, and H. Minkowski), which had originally been published in England. Einstein was reluctant, wondering how much interest there could possibly be in this relic of his work from 30 or more years earlier. Cirker persisted, and Einstein finally agreed -- the Dover edition of The Theory of Relativity has been in print ever since and has been followed by many other Dover books on relativity.

The papers reprinted in this original collection will always be for the serious student the cornerstone of their Einstein library: Michelson's Interference Experiment (H. A. Lorentz); Electromagnetic Phenomena in a System Moving with any Velocity Less Than That of Light (H.A. Lorentz); On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (A. Einstein); Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy Content? (A. Einstein); Space and Time (H. Minkowksi with notes by A. Sommerfeld); On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light (A. Einstein); and The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity (A. Einstein) found on pages 109-164 of this text; Hamilton's Principle and The General Theory of Relativity (A. Einstein); Cosmological Considerations on the General Theory of Relativity (A. Einstein); Do Gravitational Fields Play an Essential Part in the Structure of the Elementary Particles of Matter? (A. Einstein); and Gravitation and Electricity (H. Weyl).

In the Author's Own Words:
"How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?"

"What nature demands from us is not a quantum theory or a wave theory; rather, nature demands from us a synthesis of these two views which thus far has exceeded the mental powers of physicists."

"Do not be troubled by your difficulties with Mathematics, I can assure you mine are much greater." -- Albert Einstein

Critical Acclaim for The Theory of Relativity:
"This book constitutes an indispensable part of a library on relativity." -- Nature

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Dover Publications (2 March 2012)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 549 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 114 pages
Best Sellers Rank: 700,837 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
569 in U.S. Fiction Anthologies
7,606 in Specific Philosophical Topics
41,768 in Science, Nature & Maths
Customer Reviews: 4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars    113 ratings
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Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (1879–1955) was born in Germany and became an American citizen in 1940. A world-famous theoretical physicist, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics and is renowned for his Theory of Relativity. In addition to his scientific work, Einstein was an influential humanist who spoke widely about politics, ethics, and social causes. After leaving Europe, Einstein taught at Princeton University. His theories were instrumental in shaping the atomic age.

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2.0 out of 5 stars Waste of paper
Reviewed in Canada on 21 April 2024
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The information presented in the book is good, but not worthy of a full book. It’s maybe worthy of a blog post or two. The layout and spacing shows the author clearly put it together quickly to try to make money under Albert Einstein’s name. Pretty gross. Would not recommend purchasing.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Its a good reading, but is also a old book in new clothes
Reviewed in Brazil on 27 March 2023
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Its a republication of a 1930's book on Einstein views in some polemic topics including religion, politics and the Jewish situation around the time. Would be a better buy if some new chapters were added, with a critic view on these same topics.
Robert Welch
5.0 out of 5 stars Einstein, the Deist
Reviewed in the United States on 11 January 2023
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This short collection includes the most lucid explanation of Deism's ("cosmic religion's) chief tenets I have read yet.

My own ruminations" have shown me the truth of God, who gave humans the powers necessary (the sciences) to understand His very mind (the universe). Once He delivered those two things, God moved on to other work. We are left to unravel the mysteries and to preserve or destroy our world without any further involvement by our Maker.

The man who wrote this little book will always be the first mortal to have glimpsed the mind of God and pointed the sciences in entirely new directions. It is a must-read for anyone uncomfortable with the scriptures written by Jews and Christians.
3.0 out of 5 stars Promising beginning, but got uncosmic fast.
Reviewed in Germany on 22 December 2017
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Einstein in Cosmic Religion - wow. I hab to give this book a go. The first few page where delivering, and showed how clear Einstein was thinking and writing. But quickly he changed from cosmic perspective to advocating for a Jewish state. Which is fine, but not what I expected, so I did not even bother to finish the book.
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Jeanette Braithwaite
5.0 out of 5 stars Not just a bomb inventor
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 December 2013
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Discover his philosophy not his connection to the atom bomb. He invented that to bring an end to war, he obviously didnt realise how mad some men had become. His philosophic thoughts are sweet though and full of wisdom particularly about working to live a noble life but not overdoing it!
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Internet Archive: Einstein, Albert

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine


Relativity, the special and the general theory; a popular exposition
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Relativity : the Special and General Theory
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Sidelights on Relativity
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Bite-size Einstein : quotations on just about everything from the greatest mind of the twentieth century
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Essays in science
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Ideas and opinions
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Ideas and opinions
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Ideas and opinions. Based on Mein Weltbild
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The meaning of relativity
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Einstein on cosmic religion : and other opinions and aphorisms
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Essential Einstein
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The essential Einstein : his greatest works
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Ideas and opinions : based on Mein Weltbild
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Letters to Solovine
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Teorii͡a otnositelńosti : obshchedostupnoe izlozhenie
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The ultimate quotable Einstein
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Relativity : the special and the general theory : a popular exposition
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Relativity : the special and the general theory : a popular exposition
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The collected papers of Albert Einstein : English translation
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The collected papers of Albert Einstein
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

La relativité : la théorie de la relativiré restreinte et générale, la relativité et problème de l'espace
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The meaning of relativity
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The meaning of relativity
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

O fizichesko prirodie prostranstva : Perevod s niemetskago G.B. Itelsona
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Out of my later years. [Essays]
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The theory of relativity, and other essays
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

The world as I see it
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Xiang dui yuan li ji qi tui lun
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Ideas and opinions
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
Einstein, Albert 1879-1955 Verfasser

Mir, kakim ︠i︡a ego vizhu
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955, author

Essays in humanism : Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 : Internet Archive

Essays in humanism : Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

Essays in Humanism Paperback – 27 January 2016
by Albert Einstein (Author)
4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 201 ratings

The great thinker reflects on such topics as nuclear weapons, world poverty, and international affairs in this Wall Street Journal bestseller.

Nuclear proliferation, Zionism, and the global economy are just a few of the insightful and surprisingly prescient topics scientist Albert Einstein discusses in this volume of collected essays from between 1931 and 1950. Written with a clear voice and a thoughtful perspective on the effects of science, economics, and politics in daily life, Einstein’s essays provide an intriguing view inside the mind of a genius addressing the philosophical challenges presented during the turbulence of the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the dawn of the Cold War.

This authorized book features rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Essays in humanismby Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Publication date 1983Topics Humanism -- History -- 20th century, HumanismPublisher New York : Philosophical Library : Distributed by KampmannCollection inlibrary; printdisabled; marygrovecollege; internetarchivebooks; americanaContributor Internet ArchiveLanguage English

122 pages ; 22 cm

The world recognizes that Albert Einstein, the outstanding scientist of the twentieth century, was fifty years ahead of his time. These Essays in Humanism (1931-1950) are more relevant today than when he conceived them. We feel privileged to offer them to the public with hardly any editorial change - a moving document of the workings of a conscientious, profound, and deeply humane mind

Originally published: New York : Philosophical Library, 1950

Why socialism? (1949) -- The negro question (1946) -- Science and society (1935) -- Towards a world government (1946) -- The way out (1946) -- On receiving the one world award (1948) -- Science and civilization (1933) -- A message to intellectuals (1948) -- Open letter to the General Assembly of the United Nations (1947) -- Dr. Einstein's mistaken notions -- an open letter from Sergei Vavilov, A.N. Frumkin, A.F. Joffe, and N.N. Semyonov (1947) a reply to Soviet scientists -- For an organization of intellectual workers (1945) -- "Was Europe a success" (1934) -- At a gathering for freedom of opinion (1936) -- Atomic war or peace (I-1945; II- 1947) -- The war is won but peace is not (1945) -- The menace of mass destruction (1947) -- The schools and the problem of peace (1934) -- On military service (1934) -- Military intrusion in science (1947) the military mentality -- International security (1933) -- Isaac Newton (1942) -- Johannes Kepler (1949) -- Marie Curie in memoriam (1935) -- Max Planck in memoriam (1948) -- Paul Langevin in memoriam (1947) -- Walther Nernst in memoriam (1942) -- Paul Ehrenfest in memoriam (1934) -- Mahatma Gandhi (1939) -- Carl von Ossietzky (1946) -- Why do they hate the Jews? (1938) just what is a Jew? where oppression is a stimulus -- The dispersal of European Jewry (1948) -- Let's not forget (1934) -- Unpublished preface to a blackbook (1945) -- The goal of human existence (1943) -- Our debt to Zionism (1938) -- To the heroes of the battle of the Warsaw ghetto (1944) -- Before the monument to the martyred Jews of the Warsaw ghetto (1948) -- The calling of the Jews (1936) -- Moses Maimonides (1935) -- Stephen Wise (1949) -- To the University of Jerusalem (1949) -- The American Council for Judaism (1945) -- The Jews of Israel (1949)

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Leith Campbell
5.0 out of 5 stars His cognitive power
Reviewed in Canada on 8 August 2023
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A great read, what an incredible man.
5.0 out of 5 stars 満足
Reviewed in Japan on 2 May 2018
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Mary Ann Bergman
5.0 out of 5 stars A great scientist's thoughts about world politics and human society
Reviewed in the United States on 17 October 2011
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Einstein: Essays in Humanism (1933-1949)

Albert Einstein was undoubtedly the most famous and revolutionary scientist of the 20th Century, known especially for his special and general theories of relativity, his explanation of the photoelectric effect, his realization that matter could be converted into immense amounts of energy, and his studies in cosmology. But he also had wide-ranging beliefs about politics and social affairs. This book, now available as a Kindle e-book, is a collection of 43 essays and talks that were written for specific occasions. They cover a variety of topics that interested him and in several cases provide useful lessons for our own time.

The first part of the collection, through Essay 20, is concerned with pre- and post-World War II concerns. Einstein, himself a lifelong pacifist, argued for a world government that shared a common pool of armaments and was capable of keeping the peace among fractious national governments. He didn't think that the United Nations, as constituted with a Security Council and permanent-member veto power was going to work in the long run. He recommended a world government where delegates were directly elected by the people on a proportional basis. He recognized the great danger of atomic and nuclear weapons and advocated their strict control by the world government.

In politics, Einstein was a socialist and strongly advocated for such things as a planned economy, free education at all levels, and regulation of capitalist ventures. Today, he would be branded a Marxist, but he disapproved of the Soviet system as being too rigid and corrupt.

He advocated an active role for scientists in society and that science should help to shape government policies. He distrusted the military and spoke of the danger of a military takeover of science in order to use it for war-making purposes. In that, he anticipated Eisenhower's farewell address about the dangers of a military-industrial complex.

The next set of essays are brief descriptions of the scientific achievements of several famous scientists: Newton, Kepler, Marie Curie, Max Planck, and less well-known others. There is also a eulogy to Mahatma Gandi.

The final part of the book is devoted to Jewish issues and Zionism. Although Einstein was not religious in a traditional sense (his beliefs were strongly influenced by Spinoza), he nevertheless supported Zionism, with some misgivings, and was greatly concerned with the future of European Judaism after World War II and the Holocaust. Interestingly, he originally thought that it would be a mistake for Jewish refugees to migrate to Palestine and hoped that the U.S.would see fit to accept them. Then, he was initially opposed to carving out a separate Jewish state in Palestine, but advocated rather naively that Jew and Arab live side by side in peace in a unified Palestine. Later, he modified these views in light of actual developments. He was offered the mostly ceremonial position of President of Israel, but he declined.

Finally, there is an appended biography of Einstein, along with photographs taken at various stages of his life, and a list of acknowledgements.

I found this book to be fascinating to read, both for its historical perspective on problems of his day and for insights into problems that continue into our time. Einstein was a good writer and had a good grasp of English, so I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that he wrote all these essays himself. Occasionally, the writing is somewhat convoluted and not as clear as it could be for a modern reader, but mostly it is quite readable. Those who would like to know how a great scientific mind looked at problems of human society will value this collection of essays.

Footnote, added 6 Sept 2012: Another collection of writings by Einstein, "Out of My Later Years," published about the same time as "Essays in Humanism," contains most but not all of these essays in the four sections titled Public Affairs, Science and Life, Personalities, and My People. "Out of My Later Years" also contains several of Einstein's scientific papers and essays, with some earlier ones translated from German.
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J. Hughes
4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting Take...
Reviewed in the United States on 10 March 2013
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I won't claim to agree with many of the ideas that Einstein sets forth in this small collection of essays, but I will say that they were well laid-out and certainly provided fodder for deeper reflection. I think that everyone knows who Einstein is but like me, have spent little time getting to know Einstein. The internet is rife with supposed quotes from Einstein leaving people to wonder what Einstein actually said and thought. If this is you then I suppose this book will begin to help you resolve those questions as you get to know Einstein's political and moral convictions in a very clear and concise manner. Some of his thoughts were things I would have expected to read based on the little bit that I knew about him while others left me a little surprised and amused. Again, the arguments are well-laid out but they are not bulletproof and there are a few things he said which I felt expressed a naivety concerning human nature. Nevertheless, in the context of his own time and place in history they made sense. This is certainly a piece that reflects the era it was written in, yet many of the messages are relevant for the modern world.

Einstein was first and foremost a socialist and I am curious now to know how much of a backlash he felt about this in an era of the "McCarthy Kangaroo Trials." To my knowledge this did not have any serious repercussions even though I am not sure how he avoided it during the Cold War period. He thinks that socialism is the answer to economic disparity and believes that it is a step towards genuine progress. There is a marked difference in his generation vs. ours because many in our time reject the notion of progress while Einstein thought that it was attainable. Einstein thinks that human have contradictory elements to their nature that makes them self-centered while also socially dependent. He felt that it was the workers who created the goods and services and that these very people feel that they have been robbed by the capitalist who ultimately steals it and exploits for his own benefit. In addition to economic issues Einstein discusses the relationship between races in America and the benefits and woes that scientific development has upon society at large. While he understand that technology has the power transform society it also has a dark side that could result in catastrophic proportions.

A majority of the work has Einstein discussing the pertinence of a supranational organization that will ultimately trump the authority of individual nations. He does briefly acknowledge the danger of such a power but dismisses it because he feels that individual nations and the threat of war pose a much greater danger than a supranational group that overseas the governments of the world. Again, Einstein is living in the era of time where Russia and America are engaged in serious hostility. He urges America to be willing to move toward this existence citing that Russia will follow their lead once it is clear that America is not seeking to harm Russia but to live in world peace. There is an exchange written in this book between a Russian scientist and Einstein. The Russian resisted Einstein idea of a supranational organization citing that this would be a way that America seek to impose capitalism on the world at large. Einstein of course, was sympathetic to this because he himself did not believe in capitalism. However, he stands firmly for America and seems to have a favorable opinion of the nation that took him in and made him one of her own.

Einstein's greatest concern was the issue of the bomb and it becomes very clear that he feels that he has a sense of responsibility to insure that the bomb is not used. The creation of bomb he saw as necessary because he understood that this could have been developed and used by Germany during WWII, but he laments that it exists in the present and is essentially being used to create tensions as well as distrust throughout the world. This was one of the central reasons that he thought that a supranational organization needed to exist. Einstein thought that patriotism was very harmful and was something to government could use to advance their own agendas. Essentially, Einstein sees a world without class, social, or national distinctions. That does not mean that he thinks that there should be one language or culture yet he never actually explains how that it suppose to work. Culture itself is something that would need to be more homogeneous in order to relieve any and all tensions and this does not even account for tensions caused by religious interests. This is one of the reasons I suggested that there was some naivety on his part. He fails to take into account the force and power that culture plays upon individual groups and society at-large. His greatest fear is that the bomb will be used to eradicate some sector or all of humanity and perhaps he did not consider that the bomb is its own restrainer. That is, the threat of the bomb has been enough to deter it from being used through the cold war and into the modern period.

Einstein addresses a number of other less important issues that prove to shine a light on the soul of Einstein and give us a window into his thought life. Some of the articles are addresses about Scientists and friends who made a significant impact in his life and in the world. He discusses their research and sometimes expresses personal feelings or thoughts about the individual. As far as I could tell, each individual was someone who was already deceased at the time of the essay, and only some of them were people that Einstein actually knew. He also talks about the importance of the role played by Zionism in the Jewish community. He praised it as a powerful force in keeping the community together and keeping the Jewish people alive. He supported a return to the homeland but he did not necessarily support a Jewish nation and thought that if Jews did the right thing they would do their best to work together and co-exist peacefully with the Arabs who lived in Palestine. He saw the creation of the Jewish state as something that was detrimental and a step backwards in the development of humanity. This had to do less with the Jews and more to do with the fact that Einstein thought that the way to insure peace was to promote the idea of a global community and he saw individual nations as a deterrent to that process.

Overall, this book was well-worth reading. Many of the conclusions that Einstein reached were ideas that did not resonate with me. I am not a socialist, I do NOT believe in supranational organizations, I do believe in individual nations and the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine. However, I am not afraid to read an opposing opinion and give it some consideration. I think that Einstein had noble intentions and was looking at things from the angle of one who participated in the creation of the world's most dangerous invention. He lived in a different time, a different place, and had seen humanity at its best and its worst. I think we can all share Einstein's apprehension about the bomb and should recognize how important it is for nations to cooperate and make the world a safer place. Even now, our eyes have turned toward North Korea as they test their own nuclear power capabilities and we see the horrible possibilities that the bomb could release upon the future. Einstein had some good points that have to be taken into consideration. Again, this is a refreshing book with an interesting view point and agree or not one thing is certain: Einstein cannot be easily dismissed.
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Trent P. McDonald
5.0 out of 5 stars A Great Read
Reviewed in the United States on 7 January 2012
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I remember as a teen reading a biography of Einstein. I came away with the idea of a person who was clueless in everyday matters and, though I didn't know the term, Asperger's. Reading this collection of writings and speeches I would came to very different conclusion. Einstein cared deeply about people and the world around him. He was very empathetic to the plight of others.

As written in another review, this is divided into broad subject matters. I had to smile at the more political writings since they read like the current Occupiers: the biggest problem with the US is that the majority of the economic power is in the hands of a very small percentage of the people.

I had 2 problems. Since this is a Kindle book I couldn't easily jump back to the bibliography as I started each new essay. I was always curious about the date and circumstance. On a rare occasion it was included in the text, but most of the time I had to guess. The other problem is there was a lot of repetition. The writings came from different sources - he often said pretty much the same thing but aimed at different people.

OK, those are very minor problems. Over all I found the essays fascinating. Einstein was a very good writer and these essays were easy to read yet put a lot of information in their few words. Highly recommended as a way to see a different side of Einstein.
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Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives eBook : Rubin, Gretchen: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives eBook : Rubin, Gretchen: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

18 pages

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Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives Kindle Edition
by Gretchen Rubin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 3,686 ratings



Most of us have a habit we'd like to change, and there's no shortage of expert advice. But as we all know from tough experience, there is no magic 'one-size-fits-all' solution for everything from weight loss to personal organisation. In Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin explores her theory of 'The Four Tendencies' dividing people into four basic groups: Upholder, Obliger, Questioner and Rebel. She answers the most perplexing questions about habits with her signature mix of rigorous research and engaging storytelling (and a personality quiz to establish which of the Four Tendencies fits you):

- Why do we find it tough to create a habit for something we love to do?
- How can we keep our healthy habits when we're surrounded by temptations?
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Rubin reveals the true secret to habit change: first, we must know ourselves. When we shape our habits to suit ourselves, we can find success- even if we've failed before.

Whether you want to eat more healthfully, stop checking your phone, or finish a project, the invaluable ideas in Better Than Before will start you working on your own habits - even before you've finished the book.


The Four Tendencies: the indispensable personality profiles that reveal how to make your life better


Outer Order Inner Calm: declutter and organize to make more room for happiness


Happier At Home: a year-long experiment in making the everyday extraordinary
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321 pages                

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"We are totally comfortable calling Gretchen Rubin's new book, Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, life-changing."
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"It's exciting to find a self-help book that's not only full of eye-opening insight but also provides practical tips to help you procrastinate and stress less, exercise and eat more healthfully, and spend time on activities that matter. We're really glad that Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, decided to investigate her affinity for habits, because in the process she's come up with a great guide to help us lay the foundation of a more satisfying life. Best of all, Better Than Before is a really fun read--Rubin's friendliness, candor, and humor mirror a lively conversation with a best friend." --Apple iBooks

"The Happiness Project lays out life's essential goals...Her new book, Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, serves as a kind of detailed instruction manual on how to achieve them." --New York Times Sunday Book Review

"In Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, Gretchen Rubin picks up where [William] James left off, integrating a wealth of insight from psychology, sociology, and anthropology in an illuminating field guide to harnessing the transformative power of habit in modern life."
--Brain Pickings

"Change can be good. Particularly if it helps us live longer, healthier, indeed, happier lives -- the objective of Rubin's latest project."
--Chicago Tribune

"Author Gretchen Rubin says most people fall into one of four motivation types. Knowing yours is key to taking on new habits."

"Gretchen Rubin... [is] lighthearted and inviting--full of insights that sound familiar and advice that sounds less like what you should do and more like what you want to do.... With her focus on taking first steps and creating early successes, this is a refreshing take on how to change stubborn patterns that limit what we can enjoy about our lives." --Audiofile Magazine

"Do you have a bad habit you're trying to shake, or a good one you wish you could cultivate? Gretchen Rubin is one of the most charming and erudite authors of her generation. Here, she uses her gifts to help you eat right, sleep well, stop procrastinating, and start enjoying all that life has to offer."
--Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author of Quiet

"Gretchen Rubin combines deep research and observations from her own life to explain how habits emerge and--more important--how they can change. It's indispensable for anyone hoping to overhaul how they (almost unthinkingly) behave."
--Charles Duhigg, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Habit

"Filled with insights about our patterns of behavior, Better Than Before addresses one of life's big and timeless questions: how can we transform ourselves? In a way that's thought-provoking, surprising, and often funny, Gretchen Rubin provides us with the tools to build a life that truly reflects our goals and values."
--Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post and New York Times bestselling author of Thrive

"Is there a habit in your life you'd like to change? If so, here's your first step: Read this book. It's loaded with practical, everyday tips and techniques that will guide you to success."
--Dan Heath, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Made to Stick, Switch, and Decisive

"Almost everyone wants to be 'better'--slimmer, smarter, better looking, more interesting, more productive--and we want to know we're improving, we want the reinforcing evidence. Gretchen Rubin's new masterpiece, Better Than Before, shows us how. Unlike other books on habits, Rubin's book gives us the specific tools and a blueprint for getting back on track--the fast track."
--Brian Wansink, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Slim by Design and Mindless Eating

"With bold and original insights, Gretchen Rubin reveals the hidden truths about how to change our habits--from resisting junk food and hitting the gym to ending procrastination and saving money. Better Than Before is a gem, and the first habit you should form is reading a chapter every night."
--Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

"Gretchen Rubin's superpower is curiosity. Luckily for us, she's turned her passionate inquiry to the topic of making and mastering habits. Weaving together research, unforgettable examples, and her brilliant insight, Better Than Before is a force for real change. It rearranged what I thought I knew about my habits, and I'm better for it."
--Brené Brown, New York Times bestselling author of Daring Greatly andThe Gifts of Imperfection

A lot of us would like a Rubin in our lives - The Times Magazine

Gretchen Rubin's thesis is fascinating, persuasive - Guardian

Just read this book... It's about the psychology of habit and is an addictive and pleasing read (even for someone who is in the habit of reading a lot of such books about, er, changing habits). I strongly recommend it if you are looking to make some permanent changes in your life... It's excellent - Viv Groskop

If you need a helping hand to make over your bad habits, American self-help author Gretchen Rubin is your woman. Better Than Before is full of practical advice and strategies on how to build healthier and happier ways of living that last - Good Housekeeping

brilliantly addictive, fascinating and transformational - Cathy Rentzenbrink, The Bookseller

Do you have a bad habit you're trying to shake, or a good one you wish you could cultivate? Gretchen Rubin is one of the most charming and erudite authors of her generation. Here, she uses her gifts to help you eat right, sleep well, stop procrastinating and start enjoying all that life has to offer. - Susan Cain, bestselling author of QUIET: THE POWER OF INTROVERTS IN A WORLD THAT CAN'T STOP TALKING

Filled with insights about our patterns of behavior, Better Than Before addresses one of life's big and timeless questions: how can we transform ourselves? In a way that's thought-provoking, surprising and often funny, Gretchen Rubin provides us with the tools to build a life that truly reflects our goals and values. - Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post and bestselling author of THRIVE
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Two Roads; 1st edition (17 March 2015)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1603 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 321 pages
Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 1444768999Best Sellers Rank: 185,435 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)166 in Creativity Self-Help
588 in Creativity (Books)
646 in HappinessCustomer Reviews:
4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 3,686 ratings

About the author
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Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is one of today’s most influential and thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature.

Her previous books include the #1 New York Times bestseller THE HAPPINESS PROJECT, as well as the bestselling books BETTER THAN BEFORE, HAPPIER AT HOME, THE FOUR TENDENCIES, and OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM. Her latest book is LIFE IN FIVE SENSES.

She’s the host of the popular, award-winning podcast "Happier with Gretchen Rubin," where she and her co-host (and sister) Elizabeth Craft explore strategies and insights about how to make life happier. As the founder of The Happiness Project, she has helped create imaginative products for people to use in their own happiness projects.

She has been interviewed by Oprah, eaten dinner with Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman, walked arm-in-arm with the Dalai Lama, had her work reported on in a medical journal, been written up in the New Yorker, and been an answer on Jeopardy!

Gretchen Rubin started her career in law, and she realized she wanted to be a writer while she was clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Raised in Kansas City, she lives in New York City with her family.

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Top reviews from Australia

Karl Ullrich

5.0 out of 5 stars Must read BEFORE any self help advice-based book!Reviewed in Australia on 31 August 2016
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I wish I had've read this book 300 self help/personal development books earlier!! I've wasted so much time on guru's "systems" that were simply "you too can be like me... even though you're nothing like me!" Now I have a much better idea of who I am and consciously look for the people and strategies that best reflect me, instead of trying to contort my nature to fit someone else's version of who I should be! Can recommend highly enough. Take the stress and guilt and failure out of habit formation - and read this book!

2 people found this helpful


helen kubenk

4.0 out of 5 stars Four StarsReviewed in Australia on 17 September 2015
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Clear ideas on how to form a habit and stick to it.



5.0 out of 5 stars Understand how to improve your habits and lifeReviewed in Australia on 21 August 2017
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Such great simple life advice that is easy to understand and implement and makes a big difference. I loved reading this book and listening to the podcasts online too. I recommend this book to anyone interested in improving their lives through understanding what lies being their choices and behaviours


Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars This book really helped meReviewed in Australia on 6 September 2020
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THe stuff about habits is so intersting. Really recommend this book


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5.0 out of 5 stars Better than beforeReviewed in Mexico on 15 January 2021
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Los ejemplos y tipos de situaciones y personas te ayudarán a comprender ampliamente lo que es la formación de hábitos. Lectura fácil y dinámica.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Worth your timeReviewed in India on 3 July 2020
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I read about a book per week and this book struck me as really useful (and u only review when I mean it!). I like her personal style, and her anecdotes. Yes it is more what she did and not like other self help books, but that's what I liked. Also , learning for me:. Reading non fiction on the Kindle app made it super easy to take and see notes and what I liked when highlights (since I hate doing it on paper books,I never make notes there , so this helps)

3 people found this helpfulReport

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy it!Reviewed in Spain on 3 February 2019
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It’s a must-read for sure.

Amazon Kunde
5.0 out of 5 stars Great to read.Reviewed in Germany on 14 December 2016
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I ordered the Happiness Project before and I was in love with the writing style so I thought I have to buy another one.
And what can I say.. this book is amazing as well. It is mostly easy to read ( german 18 year old) and there is always a thing you can laugh about in the chapters.

I recommend this book to people who usually don't enjoy reading thick novels or any other who enjoys reading different things than twilight or thriller.

I enjoyed reading it !

3 people found this helpfulReport

5.0 out of 5 stars Great advice, gently givenReviewed in Canada on 29 September 2015
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This is the style of 'self help' book I like. Full of personal anecdotes and get real advice. She doesn't suggest we all go out and be 'the best possible you!' ad nauseum, but she talks about identifying your own tendencies and working to make small changes. She talks about 'failure' in a positive light - 'this new habit wasn't worth the effort, so I decided to let it go!'. How refreshing is that!!? I felt an affinity for her even though our tendencies are clearly different: she's an upholder, and I'm a rebel! This advice is very accessible and down to earth. And she presents it in a gentle manner. I would highly recommend this book.

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Happier at Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of Everyday Life eBook : Rubin, Gretchen: Amazon.com.au: Books

Happier at Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of Everyday Life eBook : Rubin, Gretchen: Amazon.com.au: Books

44 pages

Happier at Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of Everyday Life Kindle Edition
by Gretchen Rubin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 1,156 ratings

In the spirit of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin embarks on a new project to make home a happier place.
In The Happiness Project, she worked out general theories of happiness. Here she goes deeper on factors that matter for home, such as possessions, marriage, time and parenthood. How can she control the cubicle in her pocket? How might she spotlight her family's treasured possessions? And it really was time to replace that dud toaster. And what does she want from her home? A place that calms her, and energises her. A place that, by making her feel safe, will free her to take risks. Also, while Rubin wants to be happier at home, she wants to appreciate how much happiness is there already.
So, starting in September (the new January), Rubin dedicates a school year - September through May - to making her home a place of greater simplicity, comfort and love.
Each month, Rubin tackles a different theme as she experiments with concrete, manageable resolutions - and this time, she coaxes her family to try some resolutions, as well.
With her signature blend of memoir, science, philosophy and experimentation, Rubin's passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire readers to find more happiness in their own lives.
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Print length

289 pages
Product description

PAGES OF JOY: Gretchen Rubin reveals how small changes at home can cheer us up, in her inspiring new book, Happier at Home (Woman and Home)
From the Publisher
Gretchen Rubin is the author of several books, including the #1 New York Times and international bestseller, THE HAPPINESS PROJECT, an account of the year she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, the current scientific studies, and the lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. On her well-known blog, The Happiness Project, www.happiness-project.com, she reports on her daily adventures in the pursuit of happiness. Gretchen Rubin started her career in law, and she was clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor when she realised that she really wanted to be a writer. She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

About the Author

Gretchen Rubin is one of the most influential writers on the linked subjects of habits, happiness, and human nature.
She's the author of many books, including the New York Times bestsellers, Better Than Before and The Happiness Project. A member of Oprah's SuperSoul 100, Rubin has an enormous following, in print and online; her books have sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, in more than 35 languages; and on her popular daily blog, gretchenrubin.com, she reports on her adventures in pursuit of habits and happiness. She also has an award-winning podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin.
She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

gretchenrubin.com | twitter.com/gretchenrubin | facebook.com/GretchenRubin | instagram.com/gretchenrubin
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ John Murray One (13 September 2012)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1418 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 289 pagesBest Sellers Rank: 285,855 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)1,040 in Happiness
1,867 in Personal Transformation (Kindle Store)
3,203 in Self-Help for HappinessCustomer Reviews:
4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 1,156 ratings

About the author
Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations.


Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is one of today’s most influential and thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature.

Her previous books include the #1 New York Times bestseller THE HAPPINESS PROJECT, as well as the bestselling books BETTER THAN BEFORE, HAPPIER AT HOME, THE FOUR TENDENCIES, and OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM. Her latest book is LIFE IN FIVE SENSES.

She’s the host of the popular, award-winning podcast "Happier with Gretchen Rubin," where she and her co-host (and sister) Elizabeth Craft explore strategies and insights about how to make life happier. As the founder of The Happiness Project, she has helped create imaginative products for people to use in their own happiness projects.

She has been interviewed by Oprah, eaten dinner with Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman, walked arm-in-arm with the Dalai Lama, had her work reported on in a medical journal, been written up in the New Yorker, and been an answer on Jeopardy!

Gretchen Rubin started her career in law, and she realized she wanted to be a writer while she was clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Raised in Kansas City, she lives in New York City with her family.

Top reviews from Australia


5.0 out of 5 stars Very enjoyable, lots of ideasReviewed in Australia on 11 December 2014
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I'm surprised at some of the negative reviews of this book - I really enjoyed it.
I like Gretchen’s writing style – I feel I know her from her writing. I like her practical ideas for increasing happiness which can be worked in around a normal life and are quite quirky. I’ll happily re-read this book and would recommend it to others – there’s so many ideas in here, you can pick and choose what works for you.

2 people found this helpful



5.0 out of 5 stars Another good readReviewed in Australia on 3 October 2017
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I always enjoy the secrets of adulthood - wisdom distilled for any audience. I'm thinking about my own happiness project

One person found this helpful


Rachelle Douglas

5.0 out of 5 stars Very useful guide on how to feel happierReviewed in Australia on 1 June 2017
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Enjoyed this book, it's a simple approach to happiness that anyone can benefit from. Lots of interesting research throughout the book.


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5.0 out of 5 stars Encouraging and Positive ReadReviewed in Canada on 3 June 2020
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Full of lots of ideas to help anyone have a happier home life. Definitely enjoyed it and found it very helpful. Loved her idea that now is now. And our ordinary lives/homes are where we can find happiness. Very practical and easy to read.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great book!Reviewed in Germany on 3 April 2020
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Love the book! Gives an energy boost right when you need it! Made me and my husband definitely happier at home.

5.0 out of 5 stars Love itReviewed in Mexico on 16 December 2017
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De mis escritoras favoritas, que placer es leer sus libros, nunca los quiero terminar de leer.
Definitivamente BUY IT
Too much inspo❤️
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5.0 out of 5 stars IntéressantReviewed in France on 13 January 2019
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Donne de bonnes idées pour améliorer la qualité de vie. Tout le monde est différent, et il ne s'agit bien sûr pas de tout adopter à la lettre, mais plusieurs de ses idées me plaisent beaucoup.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent guidelines for self-reflection and building a happier home lifeReviewed in the United States on 25 February 2013
Vine Customer Review of Free Product( What's this? )Verified Purchase

Gretchen Rubin's first book, The Happiness Project, focused on her efforts to build a more fulfilled, joyful life. So naturally some readers may wonder: why a second book on happiness? But this time around she takes some of the principles from The Happiness Project and narrows it down. This doesn't mean the information is "watered down" in any way. Instead, as Rubin writes (taking a quote from William Morris), "The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life." And one of those details is life at home.

The book was spurred by a sudden yearning not to take daily family and home life for granted. Yes, she'd learned how to be more joyful in general but what about taking some of the same principles - and adding new ones - to the elements that truly mattered for her family and home? So she decided to create a year's worth of resolutions, focusing on a different one each month (but there are only 9 chapters so some resolutions must have taken longer than a month to achieve)

The topics covered were: possessions, marriage, parenthood, interior design, time, body, family, neighborhood, and living in the present. Rubin realized that major changes had to come primarily from within herself, not by expecting her family to change in the same ways she did. Otherwise, everything could backfire and she'd become a nagging control freak. A guiding motto was "First, do no harm."

The parts of the book which resonated most with me were the sections on appreciating present joys as well as interior design. I have trouble slowing down and appreciating the daily gifts of life, large and small. Instead, I think about what still needs to be accomplished. But Rubin helped me to step back and refocus. I now make space for quiet moments and deep appreciation for all that I have.

Then there is the part of the book on interior design - but not in the conventional sense, not room decor. Rubin's idea of interior design was to renovate herself, her spirit, her perspective. She decided to resist the impulse to take her happiness completely from her husband and children. Yes, she cared about their joy but she also knew that she had to "dig deep" to create her own built-in happiness. That way, her positive outlook was more likely to contribute to her family's happiness - as well as her own.

There is far too much to cover in a reasonably brief review but I want to stress that this book went beyond the type of self-help books which contain general platitudes. There is specific and detailed information about how Rubin approached each resolution. There is also a section called "Your Happiness Project" at the back of the book. This is useful as a starting point for readers who want to start a Happiness Project of their own. Instead of instructing readers exactly what to do, Rubin offers a set of questions and beliefs. Examples of questions include: what makes you feel good? What makes you feel bad? Is there any way you don't feel right about your life (job, city, family situation, etc? I found much helpful info here.
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