
1893 Inazo Nitobe "The Imperial agricultural college of Sapporo, Japan"

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Imperial Agric. College of 
Sapporo, Japan. (Englisn 



3M hfll 


MAkN LJi3- 
















THE War of Restoration over, the Japanese Gov- 
ernment turned its attention to more peaceful pur- 
suits. It began to divert the overflowing energies 
of the warrior class and the superabundant strength 
of the oppressed peasantry into new channels of 
industrial warfare and conquest. A field well suited 
for enterprises of this kind was not wanting. For 
some years preceding the Restoration (1868) foreign 
relations had been forced upon Japan ; and the 
contact with Russia in diplomacy brought vividly 
to mind the fact that the northern extremity of 
our Empire touched one end of the Czar's vast 
dominion. The northern islands of Japan, vaguely 
called Yezo, were for centuries a terra incognita 
among the peopl : all that was told about, and 
unfortunately most readily accepted by them was 
that the region was the abode of a barbarian folk 
known as the Ainu, and that it was a dreary waste 
of snow and ice, altogether unfit for inhabitation 
by a race of higher culture. 

To Yezo, then, at once the northern frontier of 
the Empire and a land endowed with magnificent 
natural resources as yet untouched by human hand, 


the new Imperial Government wisely began to ex- 
tend its fostering care. A colonial office, entrusted 
with the work of developing the resources of the 
Islands (thereafter, i.e. from the 23rd of August, 1869, 
denominated the Hokkaido) and of defending them 
against possible attack from a foreign power, was 
organized on the 16th day of August, 1869, under 
the name " Kaitakushi." Appointed Vice-Governor 
in the summer of 1870, General Kiyotaka Kuroda, 
now Count and Minister of Communications, soon 
proved himself the de facto governor. He was 
charged with the task of setting the new office in 
motion. A man of great insight and of indomitable 
will, be betook himself to the work with character- 
istic zeal and earnestness. Two mouths after his 
appointment, in his reply to His Imperial Majesty's 
question as to his colonial policy, he dwelt upon 
education as a most potent factor in advancing the 
interests of the Hokkaido. Again three months 
later, he dwelt elaborately and emphatically upon 
the same theme, and prevailed upon the Govern- 
ment to send abroad some young men, in order that 
they might be prepared for the undertaking of civil 
service and pioneering labor. He saw that the fertile 

I virgin soil could be made to yield its richest treasures 
only under wise management. But where should he 
seek for wisdom ? Japan had long since forgotten 
the art of breaking up new land ; her agricultural 
system was too intensive to be applied to a newly- 
opened country ; her mining operations were too 

^"primitive to be followed on an extensive scale. In 
General Kuroda's mind there was one source whence 
he could expect wisdom and knowledge pertaining to 


new settlements; and that was America. Thither, 
therefore, he himself proceeded in the fall of 1870. J 
He studied the rapid and wonderful progress of 
colonization in that country, and thought that the 
modus operandi at work there might well produce 
similar results in Japan. The simple adoption of 
American methods without trained hands to rightly 
direct them, would merely amount to an apish trick. 
His appreciation of education now rose higher than 
ever. What particularly struck him as a remark- 
able trait in American civilization was the immense 
influence which women wielded there, and the 
healthy tone it imparted to the society in general. 
Returning in July, 1871, lie presented a memorial to-i 
the Government, to the effect that the work of pio- I 
neering was not confined to the opening of rivers, 1 
and mountains, nor even to the augmenting of popu- 
lation, but that it must take cognizance of the all 
important labor of fostering human talents, of train- 
ing youthful minds in one word, that the first great 
aim never to be lost sight of in founding a new colony, 
must be to provide itself with men and women, pro-^ 
perly equipped to become the leaders of a pioneering 
population. He closed his memorial with a sugges- 
tion to send abroad some young girls, who might 
some day become mothers in the infant colony. The 
suggestion was carried into practice, and several 
girls were taken over to America. 

Pursuant to his plan of education, General Kuroda 
started a germ of a school in Tokyo under the pat- 
ronage of the Kaitakushi. On the 21st of June, 1872, 
it was ready to receive students. It provided two 
courses, a general and a special. The latter embraced 

_ 4 

the rudiments of knowledge, the former included 
departments in Physics, Mechanics, Mining, Geo^ 
logy, Architecture, Surveying, Chemistry, Botany, 
/ Zoology and Agriculture. It was the design of the 
/ Kaitakushi to engage foreign specialists as instruct- 
ors. This comprehensive scheme of scientific edu- 
j cation reminding one of a polytechnic institute 
was, however, not carried out. Agriculture was 
""" really added to the curriculum for the first time in 
1874, while the rest of the sciences enumerated 
above were never pursued to any extent. Most 
of the young men, who had been sent abroad, and 
who might have become teachers, came sadly short 
of the general expectation. 

The introduction of Agriculture was an earnest 
of the future development of the school into an 
Agricultural College. Interesting as the task may 
be, we can not follow in this place the career of the 
Girls' School, which had also been opened in Tokyo 
since October, 1872. Suffice it to remark that in the 
year 1875 both schools were removed to Sapporo. 
This town counting then a population of not more 
than eight thousand, had been newly laid out in 
regular squares after American fashion, and was to 
be the capital of the Hokkaido. Sapporo is situat- 
ed in a fertile plain of the valley of the Ishikari 
River, a branch of which, the rushing stream named 
the Toyohira, runs through the eastern portion of the 
town, supplying it with all the needed water. West 
of the town stretches an irregular mountain-chain, 
Affording a pleasing break in the otherwise monoto- 
nous scenery ; for on every other side the eye sweeps-' 
over one wide expanse, unbroken for miles until it 

,can catch of a clear day the summit of the Optate- 
shike Range glimmering far away in the east. The 
atmosphere of this portion of Japan is clearer and 
drier than that of the main islands ; the climate is 
bracing and salubrious. Mother Nature here is well 
calculated to nurture youthful souls, and to endue 
them with the love of study and the love of work. 
Removed to the new surroundings, the school (let 
it be noted here in passing that the girl's school is 
ow out of our consideration) did not remain long 
an institution of a secondary grade, as the sequel 
of our narrative will show. 

When General Kuroda visited America, he was 
given authority by the Imperial Government to ne- 
gotiate with the Government of the United States 
for the services of any one, whom he might choose 
<as counsellor in his work. The choice fell upon 
General Capron, the Commissioner of Agriculture 
at Washington. Satisfactory arrangements being 
made, Horace Capron, with the title of Commis- 
sioner and Adviser to the Colonial Office, followed 
General Kuroda to the Hokkaido. It was through 
his instrumentality that so many American crops, 
animals, machines, etc., were introduced into, and are 
still used in, the Island. What nearly concerns us 
at present in his career, is the fact, that under date 
of January 2, 1872, in what he calls a preliminary 
.^report, drafted soon after his arrival, he suggests 
the establishment of an agricultural college in Sap- 
poro. He says; "It should be the endeavor of 
this Government to establish by e very possible ef- 
fort, scientific, systematic and practical agriculture. 
In no way can this be done more effectively or eco- 


nomically than by connecting with the gardens at 
this place (Tokyo) and also with the farm at Sap- 
poro, institutions at which shall be taught all the 
different branches of agricultural science. These 
institutions should have well appointed laboratories, 
and should be supplied with professors of acknowl- 
edged ability in their several specialities." 

This recommendation so exactly coinciding with 
his own educational plan, strengthened the General 
in his determination to make his idea a reality at 
an early date. The Japanese Minister in Wash- 
ington was asked to secure the service of a man 
thoroughly competent to equip and manage an ag- 
ricultural institution of high grade. Hereupon the 
State Agricultural College at Amherst, Mass., being 
considered the best conducted of its kind, its Pres- 
ident, William Smith Clark, was nominated for the 
work of organizing a sister institution in Sapporo. 
The trustees of the College in Massachusetts kindly 
consented to loan their President for a year. Presi- 
dent-Clark and his two assistants arrived in Sapporo 
in the summer of 1376. He went immediately into 
his work with his wonted energy, revising the curri- 
culum of the school and raising it to the level of 
what would correspond to an average American col- 
lege. The institution was, as it were, reborn and 
christened " The Sapporo Agricultural College." 

It was auspiciously opened on the fourteenth day 
of August, 1876, with twenty-four students, repre- 
senting all the main islands of the Empire. The 
faculty consisted of the Hon. Hirotake Dsusho as 
Director, of Wm. S. Clark, Ph. D., LL. D., as Pres- 
ident of the College and Director of the College 

- 7 

Farm, Wm. Wheeler, C. E., as Professor of Mathe- 
matics and Civil Engineering, David P. Penhallow, 
B. S., as Professor of Botany and Chemistry, Seitaro 
Hori, Secretary and Interpreter, and of K. Yoshida 
as Farm Overseer. The arrival soon after of Wil- 
liam Penn Brooks, B. S., as Professor of Agriculture 
and successor to Dr. Clark as Superintendent of the 
Farm, was an important addition to the teaching 

The number of students was restricted to fifty on 
account of the limited appropriations made by the 
government. All the successful candidates were to 
be educated at government expense, board, room, 
clothing and stationary all included. Such an ar- 
rangement was necessary at the time, seeing that 
the life and work in the Hokkaido offered but little 
attraction in the form of any immediate return. 
Moreover, as the primary aim of the institution was 
to train select young men for civil service and as far 
as possible to make their residence in the Island sure, 
an obligation was in this way imposed upon them. 
As to the mere number of students, therefore, it was 
only of subsidiary moment. The successful candi- 
dates for admission were required to sign an agree- 
ment with the authorities to serve in the Colonial 
Office for five years after graduation, and to transfer 
their domicile from their respective provinces to the 
Hokkaido. The course of study (which will be 
given in details in another part of the paper) cover- 
ed four years, and comprised those branches of 
knowledge which were deemed necessary to make 
efficient officials and exemplary pioneers. As pub- 
lished in the Plan of Organization, " It was the aim 


of tlie College to qualify its students for intelligent 
and effective work in the administration of business, 
and in those departments of industry and technical 
science pertaining to agriculture and the develop- 
ment of natural resources, manufactures, and the 
maintenance of an advanced civilization ; also to 
promote conceptions of their relations to the state 
and to society, and of self-culture befitting their 
prospective stations." As thus defined, the College 
was by no means strictly agricultural ; and to have 
called it so was nothing short of misnomer. Its 
real object was, as we see, much broader and ap- 
proached in fact to a school of cameralistic science, 
which was so eagerly pursued in Germany during 
the latter part of the last, and the beginning of this 
century. Did Frederick William I., the " Economic 
King," institute special chairs of cameralistic sci- 
ence at Halle and Frankfurt chiefly from the motive 
of training public servants for the economical man- 
agement of royal estates, so did Count Kuroda found 
at Sapporo a College with the similar intention of 
preparing officials for rightly husbanding the re- 
sources of public domains. In both cases the start- 
ing point was the watchful solicitude for the public 
economy of the country. In neither case did the 
cameralistic science long continue a distinct and 
independent branch of learning: in Halle it was 
dissolved into Agriculture and Dendrology, Admi- 
nistration and Political Economy, while in Sapporo 
it was concentrated to Agriculture. This is not to 
be wondered at, when we remember that the main 
aim and value of the cameralistic science was es- 
sentially of practical character, and what must be 

practical has widely different interests from what 
is to be scientific. An education, in order to be of 
practical use in a new country, must needs be more 
comprehensive than profound : it can afford to be- 
come special only as that country grows older. 
This truth is well illustrated in the development 
of our College curricula, as will be evident from a 
glance at the list of College studies of 1876, given 
elsewhere in this paper. 

Attached to the College, and forming an integral 
part of it, was the Preparatory Department, where 
boys over twelve years of age might be admitted 
and prepared for the collegiate course proper. 

An important adjunct to the College was a tract 
of some two hundred and fifty acres of government 
land lying a mile north of the College. Nearly one 
half of this area had been opened before it came 
under the direct control of the College, while the 
rest consisted of wild and forest land. Experiments, 
scientific and practical, could be made on this ground. 
President Clark caused to be erected on it, a model 
barn which was the first of its kind not only in the 
Hokkaido but in the whole Empire. The building 
was of spruce wood, the foundation being of season- 
ed timbers from oak and elm trees, which were 
abundant in the vicinity. The ground floor was in 
dimensions 100 x 50 feet, the hight of the posts from 
the ground to the eaves 25 feet. No efforts were 
spared to make it an object worthy of imitation 
among the farmers of the country. The barn was 
provided with a well constructed cellar, over which 
was the floor for horses and cattle, while the floor 
above was to serve for the storage of hay. Much of 


the Hokkaido being possible of development as a 
fine grazing country, and the weakest feature in 
Japanese agriculture lying in its disregard of stock 
husbandry, the erection of a model barn was a 
stroke of practical wisdom on the part of Dr. Clark 
deserving of all praise. It was soon supplied with 
native horses and cattle, and several Shorthorn 
cows. Vehicles, machines and implements, as well 
as seed corn and grass seed of different varieties, 
were ordered from America. 

Having brought to satisfactory consummation the 
two main duties, which he had undertaken, namely, 
the organization of the first Agricultural College in 
the Orient, and the erection of the first barn in the 
most approved American style, Wm. S. Clark left 
Sapporo in the spring of 1877 to resume his post in 
Amherst. President Clark's work in Sapporo did 
not end in merely inaugurating the College and 
constructing the barn. Far from it ! He left behind 
him a memory not easily to be effaced. That manly 
spirit he instilled into young students at the age 
when they were most susceptible of external in- 
fluences, was not to be easily forgotten. Of lasting 
benefit to those, who came in close personal contact 
with him, was that invincible energy, which was his 
and without which, it is said, neither circum- 
stances nor talents can ever make of a two-legged 
[ creature a man. 

Dr. Clark's two colleagues and assistants remained 
behind to carry on the work he had so ably initiated, 
in the lines he had marked out for them. Professor 
Wheeler, upon whom the presidential mantle fell, 
rendered to the Colonial Government, besides the 


performance of his College duties, valuable services 
in surveying and engineering. Professor Penhallow 
was instrumental in improving the process of tan- 
ning ; he studied also most assiduously the different 
kinds of textile fibers produced in the Hokkaido. 

In the course of the second academic year (1877 
-78), the chemical laboratory was completed and 
furnished with the necessary apparatus and speci- 
mens. In this year, too, an important acquisition 
was made to the College in the form of the Plant 
House, which had been built and managed under the 
Agricultural Bureau of the Kaitakushi, and from 
which it was now transferred. Professor Brooks, 
who had arrived in the meantime, carried on various 
improvements on the College Farm, building a corn 
barn, draining the cellars, and so forth. It was 
about this time, also, that the nucleus of a museum 
of Natural History was first formed from specimens 
collected by the professors and students during their 
vacation excursions. Almost simultaneously was 
founded a more pretentious museum in another part 
of the town under the direct auspices of the Colonial 
Office. Later on, as we shall see, these two re- 
positories were combined and the result was a more 
excellent institution. 

The third academic year (1878-79) opened with 
the full number of students, which the College could 
well accomodate namely fifty. It was memorable 
for the completion of the so-called Military Hall, the 
dedication of which took place on the sixteenth of 
October, 1878. This building afforded in its upper 
floor room for a drill hall and an armory, while its 
ground floor served for a museum and the wings for 


lecture rooms. It was also furnished with a tower 
and clock which served the purpose of a municipal 
horologe. A complete outfit of physical apparatus, 
a large purchase of chemical instruments and re- 
agents, the acquisition of a fine microscope and 
spectroscope, important additions to the library, the 
accession to the faculty of John C. Cutter, M. D., as 
Professor of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy, 
of Cecil H. Peabody, B. S., as Professor of Mathe- 
matics and Mechanics, of Lieutenant Kato as Military 
Instructor, of Michimasa Mij^azaki, B. S., as Chemi- 
cal Assistant, all these, to borrow the words of 
President Wheeler, were a proof that " the material 
needs of the College for carrying out the routine of 
study and training, prescribed under the present 
system, have been, in the main, provided for." 
" The institution " he continues " has passed the 
formative stage, and is now possessed of all the im- 
portant requisites for its legitimate work." 

It is interesting to note that in this the third year 
of its existance the first change was made in the 
curriculum of the College. The time devoted to 
Zoology, during the first term of the Junior Year, 
was increased from three to six hours per week, and 
that given to English composition and elocution 
reduced from four to one hour each week. These 
changes, perhaps not so very important in them- 
selves, were significant of the spirit and inclination 
of the institution to eliminate whatever was not vital 
to its sphere as an Agricultural College and to grow 
more and more true to its name, until it should 
attain its specific character. 

Another feature of the same period worthy of our 


notice, was the first attempt made at the publication 
of a College Journal. The " Sapporo Nogakko 
Hokoku-sho" was a small monthly bulletin, edited 
by the students and published under the patronage 
of the College, with the laudable object of diffusing 
scientific information relating to agriculture. Nor 
must we omit to mention in connection with the 
College work the first agricultural fair ever held in 
the Hokkaido occurring in October, 1878, at the 
instance of Professor Brooks. It proved a decided 
success and gave an impetus towards the holding of 
like exhibitions in subsequent years. 

During the succeeding collegiate year (1879-80),' 
another step in the differentiating process of the 
College curriculum was taken, in that Mental and 
Moral Science was dropped from the course to be 
replaced by History of Philosophy; but for lack of 
adequate text book, Philosophy of History was 
chosen to take its place. From the latter to the 
Political History of Europe was an easy transition. 
General History played an important part in the 
curriculum until the year 1891, when it gave place to 
History of Agriculture. 

By far the most material change in the plan of 
the institution was made about this period. Up to 
this time the number of students had been limited 
to fifty, and the expense of education entirely de- 
frayed by the Government ; but the reformed plan 
was to the effect that the number of students should 
not be limited, and further that they should be 
responsible for their own expenses. Provision was 
made at the same time for assisting such young men 
of limited means as were worthy, by the Govern- 


ment advancing the needed money, on condition that 
they should return, after graduation, the debt so 
incurred in regular instalments. This liberal pro- 
vision was of wide application, and was eagerly 
taken advantage of. But as the dormitory, the 
chemical laboratory, the lecture rooms, etc. were 
constructed to accommodate not more than fifty, the 
actual number of attendants at any one time could 
never exceed that total to any large degree. No new 
admission of students had been made until the pio- 
neer class was graduated in the summer of 1880. 
This class originally twenty-four strong, dwindled 
to thirteen by the time they reached the end of their 
collegiate career. Upon them was conferred the 
degree ef " Nogakushi," literally "Batchelor of 
Agriculture," and they were soon employed by the 
Kaitakuslii in different capacities according to their 
varied aptitudes, but all of them connected with 
agriculture, engineering and education. This band 
of young educated officials, the first fruits of the 
institution, was reinforced the following year by a 
fresh supply of ten graduates, who, too, found their 
calling awaiting them in civil service. 

The only fact worth mentioning in particular in 
the record of the year 1881, was the promotion of 
Genzo Mori to fill the chair of Director vacated by 
the resignation of the Hon. Dsusho. Mori remained 
in office until 1886. !Let it be stated here that the 
Presidency was successively assigned after Wheeler 
to Penhallow and Brooks ; the latter occupying that 
position from August, 1880, until the day when that 
office was absorbed in 1886 in that of Director, j 

The history of the College since 1882 has been 


one of varied experiences. Originally a creation and 
ever since a protege of the local Government of 
the Hokkaido, the College had to undergo the same 
vicissitudes, to which the local administration might 
be subject. We shall now proceed to cast a cursory 
glance at the changes, which followed one after 
another in quick succession in the experimental ad- 
ministration of the Island. 

Judged by the fruits of its labors, covering a 
period of more than a decade, the further continu- 
ance of the Kaitakushi was deemed unnecessary ; 
and it was decided by the Government that this 
unprofitable branch of administration should be re- 
moved. This decision was welcomed by the people, 
very few of whom really knew what had been done 
in the Hokkaido, and scarcely any of whom had any 
notion what pioneering meant. The Kaitakushi 
expired formally in February, 1882. The College 
survived this political catastrophe, having been 
adopted, as it were, for the time- being by a bureau 
in the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. 
It was arranged that this Department, which liad its 
headquarters in Tokyo,, should look after the agri- 
cultural interests of the Island, while the general 
administration was to be attended to by the three 
prefectures (Kens) now established in Sapporo, 
Hakodate and Nemuro. A year later, i. e. in Feb- 
ruary of 1883, a subdivision in the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce was created under the 
name of Kanri-Kyoku (Bureau of Supervision), and 
the College was placed in its charge. It so conti- 
nued, until its new protector was consigned to an- 
nihilation in the summary reforms of 1886, whereby 


the Kens vanished to give place again to a uniform 
administrative organ, the Hokkaido Clio. The Col- 
lege was then placed under the new authority. 

At last by an Imperial Ordinance issued in Decem- 
ber, 1886, the College was put on a firmer footing ; 
but its position was a unique one, since it was placed 
under the joint jurisdiction of two authorities. As 
far as the business part of the institution was con- 
cerned, it was to be directed by the Governor of the 
Hokkaido ; but as relating to the personnel of the 
faculty and the instruction, the Department of Pub- 
lic Instruction was to exercise the right of super- 

P In March of the following year, Shosuke Sato, 
Ph. D., who had been appointed Professor four 
months before, was made to act as Director until a 
person be found to fill the latter position. Dr. Sato 
was well calculated to occupy the chair of Acting 
Director, being himself a graduate of the College in 
the pioneer class, and having afterward pursued his 
agrarian studies in the Johns Hopkins "University, 
Baltimore, U.S. While in America, he distinguish- 
ed himself by a monograph in English on the 
"Land Question in the United States." Under his 
administration, the College saw great and important 
changes. The field of its instruction was so enlarged 
as to include different collegiate courses and dif- 
ferent grades of agricultural study. The two main 
courses or rather departments of the College proper 
were those of Agriculture and Civil Engineering, 
leading respectively to the degree of Nogakushi 
(Batchelor of Agriculture) and Kogakushi (Batchelor 
of Engineering). The Preparatory Department was 


continued with a few changes which made its course 
higher and more comprehensive. There was also 
formed a Practical Course in Agriculture, to train 
some of the younger generation of Hokkaido farmers 
in the use of improved machines, the care of live 
stock, the rudiments of agricultural science, etc. 
Any more detailed account of these different courses 
of instruction necessarily relates to the present stand- 
ing of the College, and we will defer it until we shall 
have treated in chronological order the events, that 
i transpired between 1886 and 1892. 

To briefly enumerate, then, the main events of 
the period, great improvements were made since 
1886 in the museum and the Botanic Garden, both 
of which were assigned to the College the previous 
year. The former is a nice two-story frame build- 
ing erected independently of the College Museum in 
1832, and has been the repository of a rich mineral- 
ogical collection made by Benjamin S. Lyman, of 
specimens of Ainu relics and utensils, and of a large 
number of stuffed animals representing the fauna of 
the Hokkaido. The Botanic Garden, beautifully 
situated in the westerly part of the town, consists of 
grounds with a gently undulating surface, through 
which meanders a murmuring brook of the freshest 
water. Here and there are still standing in their 
pristine dignity Bvjme solitary elm trees, majestic 
survivors of the forest primeval that once covered 
the Island. The whole garden with an area of over 
thirty acres, serves at present as a public park. A 
part of it is laid out in parallel rectangular beds 
planted with different kinds of trees and herbs, ar- 
ranged in natural order, so as to give an excellent idea 


of the general characteristics of the Hokkaido flora. 

Among the events of the year 1.886, mention may 
be made of the departure of two of the graduates, 
Kingo Miyabe of the class of 1881 and Sho 
Watase of the class of 1884, for America. Destined 
to become Professors of the College, they had both 
been sent to the Imperial University in Tokyo to 
further prosecute their studies in Natural Science. 
They were now dispatched, the former to Harvard 
to study Botany under Farlow and Goodale, the 
latter to Johns Hopkins to complete his zoological 
researches under Martin and Brooks. It is but just 
to mention that they did credit to their alma mater 
b} r the service they rendered to their respective 
sciences. Miyabe, who received the degree of 
" Doctor of Science/" in Cambridge, published the 
result of his investigations in the two papers, " The 
W Life-History of Macrospo/ium parasiticum, ThXin.," /'* 
and " The Flora of the Kurile Islands." Watase, 
Ph. D., of the Johns Hopkins, now Assistant in the 
new Chicago University, made his work public in 
several scientific publications, y&nong which we may 
-// note here the principal ones, which are " On the 
Anal and Caudal Fins of Gold Fish," " Observations 
-'on the Development of Celopholopods," "On the 
Morphology of the Compound Eyes of Arthropods;"/ / 
" On Cartfyokinesis," etc. 

To make the faculty still more complete, two more 
young men were the following year commissioned 
to prepare themselves for future Professorships. 
They were Isami Hiroi and Inazo Nitobe, graduates 
of the class of 1881, both of whom were in America 
at the time of their appointment. Hiroi had been 


engaged for several years in engineering work in 
America, for some time as a momber of the Mis- 
sissippi River Commission in St. Louis, and at an- 
other time in the Iron Bridge Works at Edge 
Moore, Delaware. Appointed Associate Professor 
of the College, he was now ordered to complete his 
engineering studies in Germany. He studied in the 
Royal Polytechnic Institutes of Karlsruhe and 
Stuttgart : in the latter he took the academic degree 
of " Civil Engineer." The other, Nitobe, had been 
studying successively after his graduation in the 
Imperial University and in the Johns Hopkins, his 
inclination being towards History and Economics. 
While lie was studying in Baltimore, the appoint- 
ment came, together with the order to proceed at 
once to Germany, there to devote three years to the 
study of Agricultural Economics and Administration.* 
He studied in Bonn, Berlin and Halle, taking his 
degree of A.M. and Ph. D. in the last mentioned 
University. His published works are, besides maga- 
zine articles, a German monograph on the Landed 
Property in Japan, and a book written in English 
on the Intercourse between the United States and 
. his country. 

It would be some years before these young men 
conld be ready for efficient work. Meanwhile the 
College had to go on in the lines it had marked out 
for itself. Other specialists must be engaged to 
carry on the programme. Accordingly in the spring 
of 1887, Giyemon Sudo, a graduate in Veterinary 
Medicine of the Komaba Agricultural College, was 
called to Sapporo to fill the chair vacated at Dr Cut- 
ter's return to America. The two years' contract of 


H. E. Stockbridge, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry 
and Geology, expiring in the spring of this year, it 
was renewed for another fifteen months. 

The changes in the Faculty were not the only fea- 
tures of this period. Material acquisitions of no 
mean proportion were made to the College. A re- 
spectable lot of two hundred and twenty-five acres, 
including an unusually picturesque pasture land, 
had formerly been a Government Seed Farm. It 
was now appropriated to College use. 

But by far the most important, indeed the epoch- 
making event of the collegiate decennium (1887-88) 
was the commencement of the Engineering Depart- 
ment. It was inaugurated with no more than five 
applicants, and instructors temporarily appointed. 
At this crisis there was a dearth of properly qualified 
Professors in this Department ; for the College had 
just lost in the resignation of Kano Tachibana, B.A., 
for over five years in charge of Mathematics, an 
efficient teacher and engineer. A foreign professor 
was, however, soon engaged to take charge of 
Mathematics and Physics/ Milton Haight, B.A., 
was a graduate of the Toronto University, and had 
afterward pursued his mathematical studies in the 
Johns Hopkins under Rowland and Newcomb. He 
arrived in Japan in 1888, and continued at his post 
as late as 1892, when he left for Canada. The same 
year that Haight arrived saw Brooks leave for his 
alma mater, where he was appointed Professor of 
Agriculture. Professor Brooks stayed altogether 
more than ten years in Sapporo. It was with re- 
luctance on the part of College authorities, that his 
connection with the town, with the growth of which 

lie Lad so identified himself, was severed ; but the 
valuable service he rendered, as well as the integrity 
and judgment he manifested in his work, is still 
held in high esteem. 

The College had thus far been without a Director: 
but late in this year (18S8) Bunzo Hashiguchi, an 
official in the Hokkaido Government, was appointed 
to the office, whereupon Dr. Sato was released from 
the Acting Directorship. 

Brooks' successor had immediately to be secured. 
A proper person being found and a satisfactory con- 
tract signed, he was soon on his way to Japan. 
Professor Arthur A. Brigham arrived with his family 
in Sopporo early in 18S9. A graduate of the Massa- 
chusetts Agricultural College, he was for several 
} r ears engaged in practical farming, dividing his 
time between his farm and the State Legislature, of 
which he was a member. His contract came to end 
in 1891 ; but it was renewed and he is still at his 
post. Dr. Stockbridge left for America in 1889, and 
his place was filled by Toyozo Yoshii, a graduate of 
the Komaba Agricultural College in Agricultural 
Chemistry, and for a while Assistant in that institu- 
tion. In this year the College welcomed the return 
of two of its graduates, Hiroi and Miyabe. The 
former was called back ere the appointed term of 
his stay in Europe came to end, as the Engineering 
Department was in sad plight for want of instructors. 
He slightly reorganized the Department, and added 
to the staff the following year Bunzo Sugi, C.E., a 
graduate of Cornell. The year we are considering 
witnessed two more developments in the plan of the 
College. One was the establishment of the Military 


Department in the College proper for the benefit of 
the Colonial Militia, which had its headquarters in 
Sapporo. The other was a considerable addition to 
College land, as a tract of some 3273 acres was re- 
served for its use out of the Government forest in 

While the College had been thus advancing step 
by step toward perfection from which, let it be 
observed, it is still afar off large forces were at 
work, which might one day impede its steady pro- 
gress. Whatever the new Imperial Parliament, 
which was to meet for the first time in 1890, might 
or might not do, this much, it had been expected 
and feared, it would not fail to contend, namely, the 
reduction in taxes. Its policy was in brief : If any 
Government Institution can be dispensed with, let 
it go ; if not, let its expenses at least be cut down. 
Foreseeing this possible attack on all the state in- 
stitutions of the country, a company of the College 
alumni met to discuss the ways and means, whereby 
to mitigate or if possible to avert such action against 
their own alma mater. "We believe," so runs the 
resolution in substance, "that our alma mater is an 
institution essential not only for the Hokkaido but 
for Japan at large, filling a unique position in the 
educational system of the Empire. It stands for 
the upholding of higher 'technical and practical edu- 
cation. It aims to train men for developing the 
physical resources of the country. In an age like 
this, when people only talk, and politics and law 
engross the attention of the rising generation, in a 
land like this (meaning the Hokkaido), which hides 
within its bosom inexhaustible treasures, technical 


education is of inestimable value; and an institution 
equipped for this special purpose, must either be 
created anew or, better still, maintained if haply one 
already exists. Should, however, the public, more 
especally the Parliament fail to recognize the 
worth of our alma mater, and make any encroach- 
ment upon its appropriations, we must have where- 
upon to fall back for the source of its revenue." At 
this juncture it happened that, according to the 
policy of the Hokkaido administration begun by 
Governor Iwamura and continued by his successor 
General Nagayama, many a factory and farm 
originally started and for a time controlled by the 
Government was given away or loaned to individuals 
under certain specified conditions. The guiding 
motive for this new departure was to encourage in- 
dividual and private enterprise. Taking advantage 
of this liberal policy, the Alumni Association applied 
for the College Farm and an additional land. From 
the moment the Association became possessed of 
property, it assumed its present importance and 
character. Till then from the time it was first or- 
ganized on the return of Dr. Sato from America in 
1886, it had been no more than an informal company 
of young men, who were wont to meet together 
occasionally for " social chats," to refresh their 
memory of the merry careless days^they had spent 
within the walls of the College or on the campus, to 

" remember all that one 

Could wish to hold in recollection ; 

The boys, the joys, the noise, the fun, 
But not a single Conic Section." 

Indeed, how genial the very name of "Common 


Hearth Club " sonnds ! For such is the Japanese 
rendering of the "Alumni Association." 

But as has been hinted above, the possession of 
property brought with it grave responsibility and 
care. The piece of land, which was assigned to the 
College in its earliest days with the model barn 
upon it, including the stock, machines, etc., was 
handed over to the Association on condition that the 
same be kept as a model. Some money was like- 
wise granted to aid in carrying on the work of im- 
provement. Other lands lying in the neighborhood 
of Sapporo were also given. The Association was 
henceforth to hold and improve the estates, until the 
College should become empowered to own property 
on its own account, which provision is absolutely 
necessary to place education without the bounds of 
politics, and to assure science of its independence. 
As long as an educational institution is identified 
with political or any other interests, so long must it 
be liable to constant disturbance and hindrance. A 
change in the Cabinet may be followed by another 
in the Governorship, and this in turn may bring 
about undesirable changes in the faculty. 

Notwithstanding some disadvantages under which 
the College had now to work, important changes 
were made during this year (1891). The reforms in 
the curriculum were a decided step in the differenti- 
ation of the College. Several branches of general 
knowledge were now relegated to the Preparatory 
Department. The reforms were far from being 
radical or complete ; the ideal would be reached, if 
in the College proper only such knowledge as was 
essentially and organically connected with Agricul- 


ture or Engineering were taught. In other words, 
let Political Economy be eliminated from the course, 
and Economics of Agriculture and of Transportation 
be put in its place. If literature is desirable, let us 
have, not miscellaneous belles-lettres, however well 
written or elevating, but rural essays and pastoral 
poems for the Agricultural Department. Such a 
specialization of the course is to be realized, if strict 
conformation to the name of the institution out- 
weighs other and no less important, nay perhaps 
more important, considerations. A homely English 
proverb says, " Call one a thief and he will steal." 
Might we not say, " Call a school agricultural and it 
will turn out plowmen " ? One is almost tempted to 
insist with Walter Shandy that there is much, in 
fact almost all, in names. 

We have been tracing the gradual process, operat- 
ing for over a decade and quarter, by which the 
Sapporo Agricultural College developed into a hete- 
rogeneous, specially technical institution, from a 
homogeneous condition which we have boldly sug- 
gested might be called cameralistic. How far the 
specialization has progressed, is evident from the 
table of curricula we have appended elsewhere. 

From the curriculum of the Collge proper, that of 
the Preparatory Department may be judged with 
more or less precision. This Department aims at 
two objects one of preparing young men for the col- 
legiate course, and the other of imparting such 
general knowledge as is given in the Ordinary 
Middle Schools of the Empire ; hence its curriculum 
is arranged only a little lower than that of the so- 
called Higher Middle Schools. 


Having thus made a somewhat detailed examina- 
tion of the past of the College, it behooves us now r 
before we close, to take a bird's eye view of its pre- 
. sent condition, in as concise a manner as we can. 
The chief items of interest may be summed up : 

Firstly ; the Faculty in the two Departments con- 
sist of 


Shosuke Sato, Nogaknsld (Sapporo), Ph. D. (Johns 
Hopkins), Acting Director, Agricultural Econo- 
mics and Colonization. 

Arthur A. Brigham, B.S. (Mass. Ag'l College), Agri- 

Isami Hiroi, Nogakusld (Sapporo), C. E. (Stuttgart), 

Civil Engineering. 
Kingo Miyabe Nogakmld (Sapporo), S.D. (Harvard), 

Botany, Phytopathology and Microscopy, Su- 

perir^dent of Botanic Garden. 
Inazo Nitobe, Nogakusld (Sapporo), B. A. extra or- 

dinem (Johns Hopkins), A.M. and Ph. D. (Halle), 

Political Economy, History and Agrarpolitik, 


Bunzo Sngi C.E. (Cornell). Civil Engineering, 

Takajiro Minami, Nogakusld (Sapporo), Principal of 

the Practical Department, Director of College 

Farm, Agriculture. 

Masatake Oshima, Nogakusld (Sapporo ), Principal of 
the Preparatory Department. 

Toyozo Yoshii, Nogei Kwagakusld (Komaba),"- Che- 


Jitrro Teshima, Nogaknshi (Sapporo), Mathematics 
and Surveying. 

Tatsusaburo Sase, Nogakusld (Sapprbro), Chemistry, 
Physics and English. 

hiji Kodera, Nogakusld (Sapporo),; English and 
Zoology," Curator of the Museum. 


Hifoslii Yamazaki, 


**Sagoro Hashimoto, Nagakushi (Sapporo), Agriculture 
and Entomology. 

Teiji Isliikawa, Noyakushi (Sapporo), Geology. 

Sojiro Yokoyama, Nogakus/u (Sapporo), 

Sergeant Gengoro Makiwo, Military Drill. 

Toranosuke Yokoyama, 

Yosliishiro Tanaka, Practical Agriculture. 

Buryo Suzuki, ,, ,, 

Tokuji Terui, 

Masachika Komuro, 

Sojiro Murata, 

Bunkichi Okazaki, Kogakmld (Sapporo), Mathematics 

and Engineering. 

Micliimasa Nagata, Japanese. 

Saburo Hatakeyama, Drawing. 


Mototaro Aclachi, Nogakushi (Sapporo), Sericulture. 
Shunjiro Nozawa, Nogakushi (Sapporo), Fishery 

and Zoology. 
Toragoro Qbata, Veterinarian (Komaba), Veterinary 


Secondly, The present number of students n \ 


Ag'lDcp't Kngi: 

- fcep't 

1st year 21 * 1 

2nd year ...jr.. 11 Sp 

3rd . . "% 

r 4th V-;iEjfc I/ 
5th ye 


together jflier<]Q arj?^" theaMfcre/ two liunc 


Thirdly ; The annual expenses of running the 
Institution have been in round numbers thirty-eight 
thousand yen ; but lately there have been constant 
and appreciable reductions. 

Fourthly ; There were graduated from 

Ag'l Dep't Engineering Military Practical 
Dep't Dep't Dep't 

.in 1880 13 












.. 17 



1890.. . 

... . 






24 21 

2 23 

2 18 23 

128 4 42 114 

Fifthly and lastly comes the most important ques- 
tion, " What have the graduates done " ? " What 
are they doing " ? In other words, " What has the 
College done ? " k< To what extent has it justified its 
own existence " ? 

We have already remarked that the first two gra- 
duating classes were immediately employed in civil 
service. It will be remembered that, when the third 
calss was graduated, the Kaitakushi was no more. 
The Kens could hardly afford to engage the young 
graduates, as they naturally demanded more re- 
muneration than ordinary clerks. Only a part of the 
class remained in the Hokkaido, arid the rest found 
their calling in other parts of the Empire. This ex- 


oclns, as it were, took a more decided turn, when the 
next class came out ; for with this class, as we saw, 
the students ceased to be Government cadets. They 
and the classes following them, instead of being 
educated at Government expense, only borrowed 
money to be returned in instalments. They owed 
to the Administration of the Hokkaido not a moral 
but only a financial obligation. They needed not to 
stay in the Hokkaido : they needed not to serve in 
its government. The whole world was open before 
them. They could go wherever they desired. The 
wide range of studies they pursued, if it lacked pro- 
fundit} r , gave them a broad basis for action. It fur- 
nished them with clear enough notions of the 'world, 
science and letters, wherewith they could adapt 
themselves td all conditions and requirements. 
Especially useful to them was the knowledge of 
English, which enabled them to gain access to an 
inexhaustible store of knowledge. In all depart- 
ments of activity and in all parts of the Empire, are 
their names to be met with. . While those who are 
in Kens are chiefly identified with educational work, 
such as are in Tokyo betake themselves to official 
careers, journalism and education. Not a few have 
made their names in the domain of authorship. A 
long list of works might be cited covering the field 
of Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry , Botany , Engineer- 
ing, History, Zoology, Fishery, Geograph} T , Travels, 
Economics and Literature. 

If a single town and a single province of knowl- 
edge is to be pointed out, where the graduates are 
found in largest number, it is naturally and fitly the 
town of Sapporo and the province of Industrial Arts. 


Here in the center of the Island are laboring be- 
tween thirty and forty young men, i. e. fully one- 
third of all the alurnni (excluding the graduates of the 
Military and Practical Departments, who are with 
scarce an exception resident in the Island) in dif- 
ferent branches of the Administration, education, 
colonization, agriculture, forestry, fishery, engineer- 
ing and geological survey. Though their individual 
names are hidden in a mass of paper by the wonder- 
ful working of red-tape machinery, yet any careful 
and impartial observer will never fail to recognize, 
that some ef the most substantial work of the Hok- 
kaido Government was primarily the fruit of their 
exertions. The town of Sapporo reaps no small 
benefit from their presence; for they take a leading 
part in the chief local concerns of an intellectual 
nature. As the College was instrumental in first in- 
troducing into Sapporo some elements of material 
civilization, the bakery, the shoe-shop, the tailor- 
ing establishment, etc., so are its sons now become 
pioneers in the sphere of less material nature. The 
Society for the Advancement of Agriculture, the 
Fishery Association, the Natural Science Society, a 
body called the Friends of Learning, the Pomologi- 
cal Society, the Economic Club, the Young Men's 
Christian Association, the Temperance Society, the 
Silk Culture Association, and many other minor or- 
ganizations all oount among their most active mem- 
bers and promoters the graduates of the College. 
Notwithstanding all this it must still be admitted 
that her ripest fruits have not yet been borne. 
President Oilman, speaking of the results achieved 
by a university, named a generation as " the briefest 

period for a fair review." "With little modification 
can the same be affirmed of a lesser educational in- 
stitution than a university. 

The college has often been charged with having 
come short of its mark, in th&'t it has turned out but 
few practical farmers. This point has been more 
than once touched upon and explained in the course 
of our narrative. It is hoped that, the fact that the 
training of practical agriculturists was neither the 
exclusive nor the main object of the college, has been 
made sufficiently clear. Even if some of the gradu- 
ates were by nature or association inclined to pursue 
rural callings, few of them were provided with suffi- 
cient capital to enter into it at once. Unlike law or 
literature, a tongue and a pen are not enough to 
start a young man in the business of farming. 
Neither could they utilize what agricultural knowl- 
edge they acquired, by becoming directors on large 
estates, simply because the native system of small 
farming left no room for sach functionaries. The 
alternative for those who would resort to agriculture, 
was either to choose a post in civil service or to 
" dig and delve " with hoe and spade. For the lat- 
ter they either possessed too much self-respect or 
too little self-sacrifice. 

Irrespective of the College in Sapporo, it is not to 
be wondered at, that higher agricultural schools in 
general, whether in Europe or America, have not 
always turned out agriculturists. About the only 
question which is settled in regard to Agricultural 
Science, is that such a study is essential: the rest be- 
longs to the domain of inquiry. What should an 
agricultural course include and what should it ex- 


elude ? How far should practice enter in forming an 
ideal course ? Should or can an agricultural college 
be separate from a university ? "Which social class 
should an agricultural institute chiefly keep in view 
to educate ? Should the study of agricultural science 
be content with demonstrating scientific truth, re- 
gardless of their practical application or applicability, 
or should it aim over and above all to discover and 
improve practical methods ? 

All those and many other points have been mooted 
and hotly discussed pro and con without being 
solved. Yet it is obvious that a rational system 
of agricultural instruction can ensue only after these 
queries are satisfactorily answered. That delicate 
adjustment between Science and Practice is by far 
the hardest point to settle : for between the profit- 
seeking Practice and the truth-seeking Science there 
lies a wide gulf in interests. While this looks for its 
leward in the long future, that must reap its im- 
mediate fruit. While the one is fearless of its 
consequence, the other is only anxious of its result. 
The Practice and the Science of Agriculture do not 
always harmonize in their demands: and as long as 
an educational scheme is bent upon combining the 
two, without defining their respective proportions, 
there can be no uniform and universal system 
adaptable to all cases. It is likely that for years to 
come an agricultural course will not acquire that 
uniformity, which is observable in other departments 
of scientific knowlege. It is more probable that 
each agricultural institution will develope a character 
peculiar to itself, imparting to it an individuality 
of its own. One may excel in pomology, another in 


agricultural engineering, a third in extensive farm- 
ing, a fourth in horticulture, and so on, according 
to the needs of the time and the place, and the 
spirit of the faculty. Consciously or unconsciously, 
it feels its way and ascertains what the world around 
it expects of it. An organization, no less than 
an organism, can not last long without adapting 
itself to its environment. Such a transition takes 
place but slowly and cautiously. Let no undue 
pressure of the outside world be exterted upon it to 
hasten the process. Politics must never meddle 
with an educational institution : for the kingdom of 
Science must never tolerate the rule of politics or 
pander to the fickle wants of public opinion. 



(Ihe numerals denote number of hours for each week.) 


Freshman Year. 

At Present. 

Term. Introduction 
to Agriculture and Soils, 
3 ; Agricultural Practice, 
3 ; Inorganic Chemistry 
and Anatysis, 7 ; Vege- 
table Histology with 
Laboratory Work, 5 ; 
Geology, 4 ; Surveying 

6 ; English, 2 ; German, 
2 ; Military Drill, 2. 

Second Term. Soil Impro- 
vement and Agricultural 
Machines and Imple- 
ments, 4 ; Agricultural 
Practice, 6 ; Organic 
Chemistry and Analysis, 
5 ; Cryptogumic Botany 
with Laboratory Work, 

7 ; Physics, 5 ; English, 
2 ; German, 2 ; Military 
Drill, 2. 

First Term. Algebra, in- 
cluding Logarithms, 6 ; 
Chemical Physics and 
Inorganic Chemistry 6 ; 
English, 6 ; Japanese, 4 ; 
Military Drill, 2 ; Manu- 
al Labor, 6. 

Second Term. Geometry 
and Conic Sections, 6 ; 
Organic and Practical 
Chemistry, 8 ; Agricul- 
ture, 4 ; English, 2 ; 
Elocution, 2 ; Freehand 
and Geometrical Draw- 
ing, 3 ; Military Drill, 
2 ; Manual Labor, 0. 

Sophomore Ytar. 

Firat Term. Agricultural 
and Analytical Chemis- 
try, 8 ; Botany, 3 ; Hu- 
man Anatomy and Phy- 
siology, 3 ; English, 2 ; 

Fir*t Term. Drainage and 
Irrigation, 4 ; Agricul- 
tural Practice, 6 ; Agri- 
cultural Chemistry, 5 ; 
Vegetable Physiology, 


Elocution, 2 ; Agricul- 
ture, 4 ; Military Drill, 
2 ; Manual Labor, 6. 

Second Term. Trigonome- 
try and Surveying, 6 ; 
Quantitative Analytical 
Chemistry, 8 ; Botany, 
4 ; Agriculture, 2 ; En- 
glish and Japanese 
Translations, 2 ; Mathe- 
matical Drawing arid 
Plotting, 3 ; Military 
Drill, 2 ; Manual Labor, 

4 ; Zoology with Labo- 
ratory Work, 5 ; Phy- 
sics, 5 ; German, 2 ; Mi- 
litary Drill, 2. 

Second Term. Manures 
and Crop Rotation, 4 ; 
Agricultural Practice, 
6 ; Agricultural Chemis- 
try, 2 ; Vegetable Pa- 
thology, 5 ; Zoology 
with Laboratory Work, 
6 ; Political Economy, 
H ; German, 2 ; Military 
Drill, 2. 

Junior Year. 

First Term. Mechanics, 
6 ; Zoology, 3 ; Botany, 
3; Fruit Culture, 3; 
English, 4 ; Japanese, 
2; Military Drill, 2; 
Manual Labor as re- 

Second Term. Astronomy 
and Topography, 6 ; 
Stock and Dairy Farm- 
ing, 3 ; History of En- 
glish Literature, 6 ; 
Landscape Gardening, 
3; English and Japanese 
Compositions and Trans- 
lations, 3 ; Military Drill, 
2 ; Mechanical ami To- 
pographical Drawing, 3. 

First Term. Farm Man- 
agement and General 
Crops, 4 ; Japanese Ag- 
riculture, 2 ; Agricul- 
tural Practice, (> ; Zoo- 
logy with Laboratory 
Work, 5 ; Forestry," 3 ; 
Agricultural Economy, 
4 ; German, 2 ; Military 
Drill, 2. 

Second Term. Special 
Crops and Fruit Cul- 
ture, 5 ; Japanese Ag- 
riculture, 2 ; Agricul- 
tural Practice, 6 ; Ani- 
mal Feeding, 3 ; Ento- 
mology and Sericulture, 
6 ; Fishery, 3 ; History 
of Agriculture, 1 ; Ger- 
man, 2 ; Military Drill, 



Senior Year. 

First Term. Physics, G ; 
Veterinary Science and 
Practice, 6 ; Geology, 4 ; 
Bookkeeping, 4 ; Extem- 
pore Debate, 2 ; Micros- 
copy, 3 ; Military Drill, 

tiecond Term. Roads, Rail- 
roads and Hydraulic En- 
gineering, G ; Mental 
Science, 4 ; Political Eco- 
nomy, 4 ; Original De- 
clamations, 1 ; Military 
Drill, 2. 

First Term. Special Crops 
and Stock Farming, 4 ; 
Agricultural Practice, G ; 
Agricultural Technolo- 
gy, 2 ; Veterinary Medi- 
cine, 4 ; Agrarpolitik, 4 ; 
Military Drill, 2 ; Gra- 
duation Thesis. 

Second Term. Stock Farm- 
ing, 3 ; Agricultural 
Practice (as required) ; 
Veterinary Medicine, 3 ; 
History of Colonization, 
2 ; Military Drill, 2 ; 
Graduation Thesis. 




First Year. 
First Term. Analytical Geometry, 5; Descriptive 

Geometry, 8 ; Inorganic Chemistry and Analysis, 

7; Geology, 4; English 2; German, 2; Military 

Drill, 2. 
Second Term. Differential Calculus, 5 ; Surveying, 

3 ; Surveying Field-work and Draughting, ; 

Physics, 5; English^ 2; German, 2; Military 

Drill, 2. 

Second Year. 

First Term. Integral Calculus, 5 ; Surveying, 3 ; 
Surveying Field-work and Draughting, ; Phy- 
sics, 5; Astronomy, 3; German, 2; Military 
Drill, 2 ; 

Second Term. Applied Mechanics, 5 ; Graphical 
Statics, 7; Materials of Construction, 3; Physics, 
2; Road Constructin, 5; Political Economy, 3; 
German, 2; Military Drill, 2. 

Third Year. 
First Term. Applied Mechanics, 3 ; Geodesy, 3 ; 

Railway Construction, 11; Transportation, 2; 

German, 2 ; Military Drill, 2. 
Second Term. Bridge Construction, 9 ; Masonry 

and Foundation, 9 ; Architecture and Building 

Construction, 6 ; Machine Element, 3 ; German, 

3 ; Military Drill, 2. 

Fourth Year. 

Fir si Term. Bridge Construction, 8 ; Hydraulic 
Engineering, 10; Sanitary Engineering, 3; Mili- 
tary Drill, 2, 


Second Term. Sanitary Engineering, 3 ; Electrical 
Engineering, 2 ; Engineering Designs, 8 : Gra- 
duation Thesis ; Military Drill, 2. 


First Year. 

Ethics, 1 ; Japanese, 2 ; Chinese, 3 ; Japanese and 
Chinese Composition, 2; English, Reading and 
Translation, 4 ; Spelling and Writing, 4 ; Uni- 
versal Geography, 2 ; Japanese History, 1 ; 
Chinese History, 1; Arithmetic, 4; Gymnastics, 


Second Year. 

Ethics, 1 ; Japanese, 3 ; Chinese, 3 ; Japanese Com- 
position and Dictation, 1 ; English, Reading 
and Translation, 4; Grammar and Composition, 
3 ; Universal Geography, 2 ; Universal History, 2 ; 
Arithmetic, 2; Algebra, 3; Freehand Drawing, 1; 
Gymnastics, 2. 

Third Year. 

Ethics, 1 ; Japanese, 1; Chinese, 3; Japanese Com- 
position, 1; English, Reading and Translation, 
4; Grammar and Composition, 3; Universal 
History, 2 ; Algebra, 3 ; Geometry, 2 ; Plrysics, 
1 ; Chemistry, 1 ; Hygiene, 2 ; Freehand Draw- 
ing, 1; Mechanical Drawing, 1.5; Gymnastics, 2. 
Fourth Year. 

Ethics,!; Chinese, 2; Chinese Composition, 1; 
English, Reading and Translation, 4; Composi- 
tion and Declamation, 2 ; Ancient History, 2 ; 
Algebra, 2 ; Geometry,:' ; Botany, 3 ; Physical 


Geography, 2 ; Physiology, 1 ; Freehand Draw- 
ing, 1 ; Mechanical Drawing, 1.5 ; Gymnastics, 

Fifth Tear. 

Ethics, 1 ; Chinese, 2 ; Chinese Composition, 1 ; En- 
glish Literature, 4 ; Logic,!; English Composi- 
tion, 1 ; Modern History, 2 ; Trigonometry, 4 ; 
Zoology, 3 ; Mechanics, 2 ; Chemistry, 3 ; Free- 
hand Drawing, 1 ; Mechanical Drawing, 1.5 ; 
Gymnastics, 2. 


First Year. 

First Term. Practical Exercises in the use of Horses 
and Cattle, Agricultural Implements and 
Machines, Animal Management, Preparation of 
Fertilizers, Cultivation of Grain and Vegetables, 
Harvesting and Storage of Crops, Drainage and 
Breaking of new Land, Seed-beds Prepapation 
and Transplantation, Hay-making. Lectures on 
Agricultural Machines, Y^getable Physiology 
and Outlines of Chemistry. 

Second Term. Practical Exercises in the use of 
Horse and Cattle, Construction of Agricultural 
Machines, Animal Management, Preparation of 
Fertilizers, Cultivation of Crops, Butter-making, 
Making of Maple-Sugar, Seed-bed and Trans- 
plantation. Lectures on Fertilizers, Soils, Soil 
Improvement, Vegetable Pathology, Fruit Cul- 
ture, General and Special Crops. 



Second Year. 

First Term. Practical Exercises in the use of Ani- 
mals, Agricultural Machines, Animal Feeding, 
Fertilizer Preparation, Crop Kaising, Storage 
and Preservation of Crops, Butter-making, 
Milking, Fruit Preservation, Brewing, Charcoal 
Burning, Manufacture of Vinegar and Miso, 
Wool Shearing and Cleaning. Lectures on 
Farm Management, Animal Physiology, Survey- 
ing with Practice, Practical Entomology. 

Second Term. Agricultural Machine Construction, 
Kepair of Harness, &c., Animal Feeding, Fer- 
tilizer Preparation, Crop Raising, Poultry keep- 
ing, Butter-making, Milking and Salting of 
Meat, Hemp and Flax Manipulation, Starch 
Manufacture, Bread-baking, Indigo Prepara- 
tion, Manual Training. Lectures on Stock 
Farming, Veterinary Practice, Surveying, Horse- 
shoeing with Practice, Rural Economy. 


Gaylord Bros. 

Syracuse. N. Y. 

PUT. JAN. 21. H08 

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1932 Izazo Nitobe "Japan and the Peace Pact"

Full text of "Japan and the Peace Pact"

OCT 2 1 1932

Japan and the Peace Pact 

With Special Reference 
to Japan^s Reaction 

Mr. Stimson's Note 

Regarding the Pact 



This is the unabridged address broadcasted over 
the Columbia System, New York, on the evening of 
August 20, 1932. The author was kindly given the 
privilege of more time than is usually allowed to 
a speaker. But in limiting himself to twenty-six 
minutes, he was obliged to omit several phrases 
which are included in the present brochure, and 
which will, he hopes, make his meaning clearer. 

Ladies and Gentlemen : 

A llow me to state at the outset that I propose to 
speak this evening in a -wholly private capacity on a 
certain phase of the foreign relations of Japan which 
must be of special interest to the American public — 
namely, on Secretary Stimson’s Note regarding the Treaty 
for the Renunciation of War, or the so-called Briand-Kellogg 
Pact, otherwise known as the Non-War or Peace Pact. I shall 
confine myself to Mr. Stimson’s Note, with no reference to 
the so-called Hoover Doctrine which the President himself 
enunciated and which strikes me as somewhat different from 
Mr. Stimson’s. 

When the Peace Pact came up for discussion in the 
Japanese Diet during its session of 1929, there was a heated 
debate as to the incongruity of Monarchical Japan’s subscrib- 
ing to a Treaty which began with the words, “In the name of 
the people.’’ This phrase bears more than one interpretation, 
and, in whatever way it is interpreted, does not affect the 
contents and substance of the Treaty. It finally passed the 
Diet with a proviso that the said phrase was not to be under- 
stood, as far as Japan was concerned, in a literal sense. 

When, a few weeks later, the same Treaty was presented 
in the Privy Council, which is our highest consultative body 
on matters of international relations, only one member, a 
jurist of high standing, raised the question whether a reserva- 
tion had been made regarding Manchuria. It was answered 
that there could be no fear on that score, since some govern- 
ments had already made reservations implying the non-appli- 
cation of the Pact in certain spheres of interest, not even 
specified. The Japanese Government, therefore, took it for 
granted, that in those regions where she had paramount and 
vital interests, she, too, would naturally be exempt from the 
obligation of the Non-War Pact. 

It was not, however, solely implicit faith in the fairness of 
other Powers that led the Japanese Government to accept the 
Treaty in good faith. Tokyo had previously corresponded with 
Washington as to the legitimacy and right of self-detense. 

Mr. Kellogg himself said that “there is nothing in the 
American draft of an Anti-War Treaty which restricts or im- 
pairs the right of self-defense. The right is inherent in every 
sovereign state and is implicit in every treaty.” He added 
that “each state alone is competent to decide whether circum- 
stances require recourse to war in defense.” As to what con- 
stituted self-defense, the answer was given by Mr. Eiihu 
Root, who, in speaking of the Monroe Doctrine, defined it as 
“the right of every sovereign state to protect itself by pre- 
venting a condition of affairs in which it will be too late to 
protect.” Another high American authority on international 
law. Professor Bassett Moore, a former justice of the World 
Court, compares self-defense to what is known in private 
law as “the abatement of nuisance.” 

Mr. Stimson disposes of the subject of self-defense, which 
he calls “the only limitation to the broad covenant against 
war,” rather summarily by stating “its limits have been 
clearly defined by countless precedents,” suggesting no new 
doctrine on this point and approving of “countless precedents,” 
many of which are of notoriously ambiguous nature and 
open to dubious interpretation. Still he seems to rely for facts 
substantiating self-defense on the “journalistic condition of 
today.” Yet how misleading journalistic reports are is a mat- 
ter of common knowledge. The information obtained through 
the “Black Chamber,” where were decoded the secret tele- 
grams of friendly foreign powers to their representatives in 
Washington, served the State Department, until a few years 
ago, more than the press. With all my respect for the journal- 
ism of today, may I not say that whoever builds his policy 
on newspapers builds only a house of paper? It scarcely 
seems fair that Japan’s reasons for self-defense are miscon- 
strued, doubted and ignored. Is self-defense legitimate only 
in cases of attack by force? Is there to be no defense against 
personal insults, against wholesale violations of treaty rights, 
against an uncontrolled menace to life and property? Is na- 
tional honor incapable of defense? Is there no defense against 
the boycott, which, when America suffered in 1905 at the 

hands of the Chinese, the State Department stigmatized as 
“a form of coercion designed to blackmail concessions out of 
our (American) country, a conspiracy in restraint of our 
trade, a treaty violation and an hostile act, carried on under 
official guidance”? If, as Leibnitz said, “absence of war is 
not peace,” neither does the absence of warlike measures al- 
ways spell peace. A sword wrapt in brocade is still a sword. 
Boycott, when it assumes the form, or attains the proportion 
that it does in China, is practically, and not rhetorically, war- 
fare. It even resorts at times to the free use of physical 
violence. Mr. Castle has rightly compared an official boycott 
to “gas attack from the air on undefended cities and towns.” 

If boycott is not immediately as bad as open warfare, 
there is little doubt that it is a sure step toward war. “If 
there is anything more likely to lead to war than a blockade,” 
says an eminent statesman of this country, “I have yet to 
hear of it.” Boycott is war in its incipient stage. 

A voluminous report has recently come from the press of 
the Kiel University, which shows how interdependent and 
mutually supporting nations are — that trade is the life-blood 
of nations. This is most emphatically true of a nation like 
Japan, which has a large population and a small extent of 
arable land. Industries and trade keep alive more than half 
of our 65,000,000, in a country smaller than California. If a 
Chinese army should invade our territory they might slaughter 
thousands; but if the Chinese people resort to a boycott, they 
can starve millions. Is the man with a sword always an ag- 
gressor and the man with a plow the aggrieved? A child 
reading Shakespeare can tell which is the greater offender : 
Othello with his dagger or lago with a dainty handkerchief 
and an evil tongue. 

If we would outlaw war, wc must outlaw war in all its 
forms, with or without weapons. We must indeed define war 
itself. And if we would resort exclusively to pacific means for 
settlement of disputes, we must exclude from them means that 
are to all intents and purposes warlike. If we would punish 

an aggressor, we must take into account other criteria than 
the mere use of arms. War is a serious, not infrequently a 
fatal, disease of the body politique and it cannot be cured by 
plaster of Paris. Indeed, tinkering with paper remedies may 
aggravate it. 

Moreover, is it fair to bind a signatory to a treaty by 
interpreting it in a way of which it was not warned and to 
which it may not have consented? The Peace Pact was signed 
August 27, 1928. Three years and a half later, namely on 
January 8, 1932, Secretary Stimson comes out with a sudden 
declaration of the Non-recognition Doctrine and claims for it 
canonical authority. Seven weeks later (February 23rd) he 
amplifies the explanation, and then in a recent speech in New 
York (August 8th) he expands the interpretation of the Pact, 
drawing from its text consequences which were not explicitly 
contained therein — namely, that no country should “recognize 
any situation, treaty or agreement which may be brought 
about by means contrary to the covenants and obligations of 
the Pact of Paris.” 

From the context in his speech and from the circumstances 
closely connected with his repeated declarations, it is pretty 
clear that Secretary Stimson intends to apply this new doctrine 
to Japan with reference to Manchuria. Can it exercise a retro- 
active power and be applied to the Manchurian situation, 
which took place nearly half a year before his declaration? 
Suppose it can be argued that it can be legitimately applied to 
Manchuria, the true lovers of peace, those who would realize 
lasting peace on earth, would think twice and thrice before 
putting it to that test. In the early days of the League of 
Nations, the Council was exceedingly chary of taking up large 
questions for settlement, for they had to proceed most cauti- 
ously with the infant institution. The success of the League 
may be largely attributed to the gradual accretion of con- 
fidence and power — even to its hesitation to confront the 
major problems of world politics. Remember, for instance, 
how the Assembly declined to discuss the Tacna-Arica dispute 

in 1921. I, for one, shall be most sorry to see the Kellogg 
Pact fail utterly or function lamely in its first contact with a 
live problem. I have faith in its ultimate triumph, but triumph 
cannot be forced by hair-splitting legal interpretations. Tri- 
umph can come only as a moral suasion befitting a real situ- 

Mr. Stimson shows his noble idealism in looking to the 
sanction of public opinion for the success of the Non-War 
Pact. He wisely addresses himself to the League and to the 
public, and waxes eloquent on this theme, the force of public 
opinion; and he will have, and should have, the support of 
all right-thinking and right-feeling men and women through- 
out the world. But the world as a whole is not yet advanced 
enough to accept and abide by his interpretation. Rome was 
not built in a day, though the warlike materials out of which 
it was reared were near at hand. To build a city of peace, 
one must begin with quarrying stones and baking bricks. 

The Non-War Pact is certainly a gigantic stride toward 
the realization of world peace. The ideals of the Pact must be 
developed and the Pact itself should be clarified and imple- 
mented. The signatories are committed to “put teeth” into it. 
But I fear that it will 'be some time before the dental oper- 
ation is completed, and if we hurry the process we shall get 
only artificial teeth, ill-fitting and easily broken, needing to be 
mended over and over again. Am I too cynical in thinking 
that the nations are paying only lip-service to the Peace Pact, 
that they are still thinking of it in terms of war? Their con- 
ception of peace is martial. They do not as yet free them- 
selves from war mentality. That I am not cynical is testified 
by disarmament conferences, and even by pacifists whose 
psychology is militant. Call it economic sanction, call it coer- 
cion by the “severance of all trade and financial relation,” 
“prohibition of intercourse among nationals” — all these are 
war measures, punitive to the “aggressor” and provocative of 
further aggression on the part of the so-called “covenant 
breaking state” in the name of self-preservation. For, before 
the urge of self-preservation, all peace functions will stagger. 

An energetic nation asserting its right to live, when its claims 
are contested or resisted, will assert itself the more vehem- 
enly if for no reason than dire need or desperation. No 
people will commit suicide in order to uphold a clause in a 
treaty. Individuals may, but nations will not offer themselves 
for martyrdom for an interpretation of a pact. Any engage- 
ment that overlooks the realities of life cannot be final, 
though it may be imposed for a while. Germany, crushed to 
earth by the Versailles Treaty, will, in a generation, tear that 
document to pieces, like a “mere scrap of paper.” The Jewish 
race, persecuted, exiled and slaughtered, still thrives like a 
chosen child of God, while their persecutors have vanished 
from history. Unless the world takes cognizance of a nation’s 
will and right and power to live, and opens the way for her 
to live, I fear that all treaties and agreements will prove 
futile as a means of insuring lasting peace. All theories are 
powerless when confronted by facts. Japan’s advance — not 
necessarily by military methods, I should say- — in search of a 
life-line, is as irresistible an economic force as the westward 
march of the Anglo-Saxon empires. We, therefore, admire 
Mr. Roosevelt’s far-seeing statesmanship, when he favored 
Japanese expansion in Manchuria and cautioned his official 
successor against meddling in that part of the world. 

A few months ago, when a faint rumor reached Japan 
that the League may enforce Article XVI of the Covenant 
and that America may join hands with her in so doing, the 
more thoughtful of our people could not believe this possible ; 
but those who did think this might be, instead of fearing the 
consequences, showed resentment in a way which indicated 
that an actual decree of sanctions would have brought about 
real war with China, in which case the Japanese fleet might 
even now be bombarding Chinese ports. Professor John 
Dewey was right when he said : “Japan is probably the only 
country in the world on whom such fear (i.e. fear of economic 
loss) would have the least deterrent effect” — and this, in 
spite of the fact that trade with China is so essential to her. 
Here again, I am not passing moral judgment; I am only re- 

lating a fact. Certainly within the country itself there exist 
all shades of opinions from a mediaevalistic right to an ex- 
treme left; but when there is a threat or show of threat from 
outside, all differences merge into one compact nationalism. 
Thus, in the present imbroglio with China, liberal ideas in 
Japan would have exercised far more influence if the matter 
had been left to be settled between the two countries. The in- 
terference of a third party made confusion worse confounded, 
especially when there was a shadow of threat in the inter- 
ference. The Liberals were not in favor of military operations 
in Manchuria; but when menace came from abroad, they 
turned against it in defence of their country’s honor, giving 
up the pettier conflict with their militaristic fellow country- 

Japan is grieved to be called a violator of the Peace 
Pact. She maintains that she has acted within its provisions. 
She resorted to unpacific means not “as an instrument of na- 
tional policy,” but as an instrument of self-defense. The 
Japanese nation would be grieved to see the Pact rendered 
null and void. Even though it was not signed or ratified “in 
the name of the people,” it had the endorsement of the people ; 
and they will welcome the practical application of its prin- 
ciples as understood and accepted by them, but not as inter- 
preted afterward, and that is no friendly attitude toward 
Manchukuo. They will even welcome its further elucidation 
and implementation in the future. In order to make it ef- 
fective it must be interpreted in consonance not with its let- 
ter and legal notions but with facts and actual conditions, 
cultural and economic, as well as political and diplomatic. 
We cannot introduce a new order in diplomacy in utter dis- 
regard of other factors of national life. The strict observance 
of the Peace Pact will be possible only when China reaches 
a certain degree of political unity and renounces anti-foreign 
diplomacy as a means of national policy, or when Japan is 
allowed access to vital resources of her food and industrial 
supply, or when Russia shall be checked from further enroach- 
ment on Chinese soil. 

That Manchukuo was established with the help of Japan, 
no one denies. It is a common experience of new countries 
to be founded with the help of others. The example of Panama 
is too recent to be forgotten. The Republic of Outer Mongolia 
is not yet ten years old. If one studies the events which led 
up to the establishment of the Nanking Government, one sees 
the help, material and immaterial, of Soviet Russia. It is 
argued that all these instances belong to the period prior to 
the new dispensation announced to the world by the Peace Pact. 
Does the new dispensation provide that if a new state is born, it 
must receive no help from a midwife? Certainly the assistance 
which the Japanese Army gave to Manchukuo was conspicu- 
ous, because it was not given clandestinely, as has often been 
the case under similar circumstances. The chaotic conditions 
under which the new state came into existence — namely, the 
sudden suspension of all authority, civil and military, in 
Manchuria, due to the flight of Chinese officials after the in- 
cident of September 18th — lend to it an appearance of being 
a mere puppet of the Japanese Army. I can very well under- 
stand how such things can be, because I have heard of similar 
instances in other places. Where similar conditions prevail, 
similar methods are adopted and similar results follow. Rarely 
is man original. East and West, under similar circumstances, 
he thinks and acts much the same, and will so continue to do. 

There are wide regions not yet politically delimited. 
Central and South America and Africa will henceforth furnish 
many problems. Will Mr. Stimson’s doctrine be applied to 
these peacefully and justly? If I am correctly informed, Mr. 
Stimson has renounced the application of the theory of non- 
recognition to Latin America. Is the theory right in one place 
and wrong in another? Trade considerations alone are suf- 
ficient to dictate and justify the policy of recognition. Man- 
chukuo proclaims a policy of open door and equal oppor- 
tunity. Its virgin resources invite the investment of American 
capital. Its increasing population opens a market for Amer- 
ican produce. Trade should link more and more closely the 
nations of the earth. 

If Mr. Stimson’s idea should be carried out — and I hope 
it will not be, for the sake of his own country — will not the 
future historian regard his policy as another instance of the 
infamous interference which robbed Japan of her legitimate 
rights after her war with China? I know America well enough 
to believe that she will not follow the steps taken by Russia, 
France and Germany in 1895 ; but the logical application of 
Mr. Stimson’s theory to Manchuria might well give rise to 
such criticism. 

Japan must of course be prepared for the worst. She 
stands alone — a small country, face to face with China, Russia 
and America, three of the giant nations of the earth. Japan 
stands alone for her right to live — not for conquest, as is so 
often alleged, but for the preservation of that life with which 
God has endowed her. One may at least give her credit for 
her courage. 

But what I fear most for China and ultimately for the 
world, in case Manchukuo fails of recognition, is this : Man- 
churia will then become a province of China, and between the 
provinces of China any sort of war is tolerated, be it the most 
bloody and devastating, by the League and by the United 
States. Manchuria will fall into the hands of a war-lord and 
he can indulge in warfare with impunity. When General 
Chiang dealt a blow upon the communists in Kiangsi, ten 
million people fled from that province, and 100,000 homes were 
destroyed. When General Feng quartered his armies in Shansi 
and Shensi, in 1931, five million people were starved to death. 
As an old saying is: “One warrior wins a name and ten thou- 
sand skulls whiten the field.” In the last civil war, according 
to Lin Yu-tang, the casualties were twenty million in killed 
and wounded. Now, what has this to do with the recognition 
of Manchukuo? 

Let there be a few zones in China where people can en- 
joy peace and security. Such zones are afforded by Shanghai, 
Tientsin and other treaty ports under foreign protection and — 
by Manchuria. Thanks to the presence of the Japanese Army, 

this province has for many years been the only province 
where civil war did not penetrate. Banditry and maladminis- 
tration there always were, but it was preserved from an at- 
tack by neighboring war-lords. 

Let us not look at Manchuria as merely a law case. The 
present issue is too big for that. Look at it from the view 
point of a statesman, and from that of world politics. Law- 
yers may find satisfaction for their logic and idealists foi 
their conscience, by adhering to the new interpretation of the 
Pact; but such intellectual satisfaction means the loss of mil- 
lions of lives and hastens the disintegration of that mighty 
and venerable civilization which we call China, and the loss of 
China is a loss to the whole world. The salvation of China 
lies in her cooperation with Japan. Japan’s future is bound 
up with that of China. It is Manchuria that links the two 
peoples together. Weak and disordered, Manchuria will fall 
an easy prey to Bolshevist Russia. I very much fear that 
Mr. Stimson’s policy will end in making a present of Man- 
churia to Russia and creating in the Far East a perpetual 
storm center. In the name of humanity, then, let us exercise 
a litle patience, study the Pact, implement it, make it practical 
and applicable to realities — so that the new dispensation may 
bring lasting peace to the Far East and to the world. 

[ 10 ] 

Internet Archive Search: uchimura kanzo

Internet Archive Search: uchimura kanzo

Uchimura, Kanzo, 1861-1930
Uchimura, Kanzō, 1861-1930
Uchimura, Kanzo, 1861-1930
Uchimura,Kanzo 内村,鑑三 (1861-1930)
Uchimura, Kanzo, 1861-1930
Uchimura, Kanzo, 1861-1930
Uchimura, Kanzo, 1861-1930
Kanzō Uchimura
Kanzō Uchimura
Kanzō Uchimura
Ishiguro, Tadaatsu, 1884- ed