
유관순 열사 키운 우리암 선교사 아시나요 휴심정 한겨레

유관순 열사 키운 우리암 선교사 아시나요 : 뉴스 : 휴심정 : 뉴스 : 한겨레

유관순 열사 키운 우리암 선교사 아시나요

등록 :2022-08-10

조현 기자 
공주영명학교 세운 프랭크 윌리엄스
1940년 일제 강제추방…2년 뒤 폐교

미국 12개 도시 사는 후손 27명 초청
8·15 광복 77돌 특별 감사 연합예배

프랭크 윌리엄스, 한국 이름 우리암 선교사. 한국선교유적연구회 제공

일제강점기에 서양 제국주의자들은 선교사들에게 독립운동과 같은 현실참여를 못 하도록 교회에서 정교분리 원칙을 지킬 것을 명했다. 이때 나라 잃은 조선 사람들을 남몰래 도운 선교사들도 있었다. 충남 공주영명학교를 1906년 설립해 1940년 강제추방(1942년 폐교)될 때까지 교장을 지낸 프랭크 윌리엄스(1883~1962·한국 이름 우리암)와 그의 아들 조지 윌리엄스(1907~1994·한국 이름 우광복) 부자가 대표적이다. ‘나라와 민족을 위해 몸 바치는 애국자를 기르자’를 교훈으로 내건 우리암 교장은 앞서 영명여학교를 세운 사애리시(샤프) 선교사와 함께 2학년까지 다닌 유관순 열사가 서울 이화학당으로 편입하도록 주선해주기도 했다..

윌리엄스 부자의 헌신과 사랑을 잊지 않고, 그들의 후손들을 초청하는 보은 행사가 펼쳐진다. 한국선교유적연구회는 오는 12일부터 22일까지 10박11일 일정으로 미국에 거주하는 우 선교사 부자의 후손 27명을 초청해 다양한 감사 행사를 진행한다.

공주대 총장을 지낸 뒤 한국선교유적연구회를 통해 기독교 선교 유적을 과학적으로 보전하고, 나아가 유네스코 세계문화유산 등재 운동을 펼치고 있는 서만철(67) 회장은 “부자 선교사의 헌신이 알려지면서 의정부와 공주의 기독실업인까지 나서 미국 12개 도시에 흩어져 사는 두분의 자손들을 초청해 두분을 기리고 보은하기로 했다”고 밝혔다.

1937년 일제강점기 공주영명학교 출신들이 우리암(앞줄 오른쪽 다섯째) 선교사를 기리기 위해 흉상 제막식을 한 뒤 기념 촬영한 모습. 한국선교유적연구회 제공

1940년 일제에 의해 강제추방되기 직전 공주영명학교 교사·학생들과 기념 촬영을 한 우리암(앞줄 왼쪽 여섯번째). 이어 1942년 학교는 문을 닫았다. 한국선교유적연구회 제공.

서 회장은 “우리암 선교사는 1940년 일제에 의해 강제 추방된 뒤 인도 가지아바드에 농업학교를 설립해 5년간 머물렀는데, 이때 인도에 있던 영국군사령부에서 광복군들을 상대로 영어교육을 했다”고 증언했다. 이어 그는 “당시 버마(미얀마) 전선에서 영국군에 배속된 광복군이 일제 통신을 감청하는 업무를 수행할 수 있도록 우리암 선교사가 뒷받침했다”고 전했다. 그는 이어 말을 덧붙였다. “우리암의 막내 아들인 로버트 윌리엄스(한국 이름 우귀복)가 미국에 보낸 서신을 보면, 1937년 공주영명학교 출신들이 우리암 선교사를 기리기 위해 3·1운동 민족대표 33인을 상징하는 33개의 돌을 깎아 받침대를 만들고, 그 위에 우리암의 흉상을 세웠는데, 태평양전쟁 때 일제가 포탄을 만들기 위해 이 흉상까지 공출해갔다”고 그는 덧붙였다.

아버지에 의해 ‘우리나라의 광복’을 의미한다는 뜻의 이름을 얻은 우광복은 공주영명학교에를 다니다 14살 때 미국 콜로라도로 돌아가 의사가 되었고, 1945년 광복이 되자 미 해군 군의관에 자원해 다시 한국에 왔다. 그때 우리암 선교사도 함께 돌아와 미군정청 농업 고문을 지냈고, 우광복은 하지 사령관의 통역 등 사실상 비서실장으로 활동했다고 한다. 특히 우광복은 하지 사령관의 요청으로 미군정과 함께할 한국인 50명을 추천했는데, 이 가운데 48명이 기독교도였다. 이런 이유로 그는 미군정 시절 소수파였던 기독교가 남한에서 실권을 얻는 데 주요한 기여를 한 인물로 손꼽힌다.

지난해 9월 영명학원과 ‘우리암·우광복 선교사 기념사업’을 위한 협약식을 체결한 한국선교유적연구회와 기독실업회 회원들. 한국선교유적연구회 제공

두 선교사 부자의 후손들은 오는 14일 오후 2시 공주영명중·고 교내 영명학당에서 ‘8·15 광복 77주년 기념 특별감사연합예배’를 드리고, 다음날인 15일 오후 2시 부산 해운대구 벡스코에서 기독실업인 3000여명이 참석한 가운데 열리는 ‘우리암·우광복 선교사 후손 초청 감사 행사’에 참석한다. 부산 벡스코에서는 전국 기독실업인 행사가 열리는 오는 15~16일 이틀간 ‘우리암·우광복 선교사 사진전’도 개최된다.

1910년대 공주에서 살던 시절의 우리암(뒷줄 왼쪽) 선교사 가족. 맏아들 우광복(앞줄 가운데)과 딸 올리브(앞줄 오른쪽)은 공주선교사묘역에 잠들어 있다. 공주시 제공

후손들은 16일 공주제일교회와 공주선교사묘역 등을 순례한다. 공주선교사 묘역엔 우광복 선교사와 그의 여동생 올리브가 나란히 묻혀있다. 우광복 선교사는 1994년 미국에서 별세하기 전 한국에서 11살 때 세상을 떠난 여동생 올리브의 곁에 묻어달라는 유언을 남겼다. 후손들은 17일 공주영명중고에서 ‘프랭크 윌리엄스 학술대회’와 사진전에 참석한 뒤 18일엔 유관순 유적 등을 돌아본다. 이어 19일 서울로 이동해 국회와 세브란스와 판문점 등을 구경하게 된다.

지난해 9월 영명학원과 업무협약을 체결한 한국선교유적연구회와 기독실업인회의 충남연합회·의정부지회·공주지회 등은 ‘우리암·우리복 선교사 기념사업’을 위해 앞으로도 기념 사업을 함께해 나가고, 선교사 묘역과 선교 유적도 공동 관리해가기로 했다.

조현 종교전문기자 cho@hani.co.kr

연재조현의 휴심정


Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism Mcrae, John R

Amazon.com: Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism: 9780520237988: Mcrae, John R.: Books


Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism Paperback – January 19, 2004
by John R. Mcrae (Author)
3.8 out of 5 stars 19 ratings

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The tradition of Chan Buddhism―more popularly known as Zen―has been romanticized throughout its history. In this book, John R. McRae shows how modern critical techniques, supported by recent manuscript discoveries, make possible a more skeptical, accurate, and―ultimately―productive assessment of Chan lineages, teaching, fundraising practices, and social organization. Synthesizing twenty years of scholarship, Seeing through Zen offers new, accessible analytic models for the interpretation of Chan spiritual practices and religious history.

Writing in a lucid and engaging style, McRae traces the emergence of this Chinese spiritual tradition and its early figureheads, Bodhidharma and the "sixth patriarch" Huineng, through the development of Zen dialogue and koans. In addition to constructing a central narrative for the doctrinal and social evolution of the school, Seeing through Zen examines the religious dynamics behind Chan’s use of iconoclastic stories and myths of patriarchal succession. McRae argues that Chinese Chan is fundamentally genealogical, both in its self-understanding as a school of Buddhism and in the very design of its practices of spiritual cultivation. Furthermore, by forgoing the standard idealization of Zen spontaneity, we can gain new insight into the religious vitality of the school as it came to dominate the Chinese religious scene, providing a model for all of East Asia―and the modern world. Ultimately, this book aims to change how we think about Chinese Chan by providing new ways of looking at the tradition.
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Print length

224 pages


University of California Press

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
John R. McRae is Associate Professor of East Asian Buddhism in the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ University of California Press; First edition (January 19, 2004)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 224 pages
3.8 out of 5 stars 19 ratings

“Seeing through Zen’ is a book that will likely provoke students to rethink the way they understand Chan Buddhism, and McRae should be thanked for writing an excellent primer for classes on Zen. . . . The book is splendidly produced, with a full bibliography, and a helpful character glossary.”—George A. Keyworth Journal American Academy Of Religion/ Jaar
“For the teacher, Seeing Through Zen represents a welcome addition indeed! . . . Written in a lively, engaging style, it is sophisticated in its analysis and creative in drawing on analogies from research as far afield as ecology. . . .McRae has done a remarkable job balancing scholarly criteria with accessible presentation. . . . This is a remarkably well written and well conceived work.”—Albert Welter Philosophy East & West
“This book is ideal for anyone seeking an accessible update and a critical reading of the images of Chan history produced by older Western scholarship and by influential Japanese Zen traditions themselves. The book never gets bogged down in the arguments of specialists, instead breezing through highly debated subject matter with a straightforward and refreshingly confident style.”—Eric Reinders, Emory Univ. Religious Studies Review

Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
McRae’s Rules of Zen Studies

1. Looking at Lineage: A Fresh Perspective on Chan Buddhism
2. Beginnings: Differentiating/Connecting Bodhidharma and the East Mountain Teaching
3. Metropolitan Chan: Imperial Patronage and the Chan Style
4. The Riddle of Encounter Dialogue: Who, What, When, and Where?
5. Zen and the Art of Fund-Raising: Religious Vitality and Institutional Dominance in the Song Dynasty
6. Climax Paradigm: Cultural Polarities and Patterns of Self-Cultivation in Song-Dynasty Chan

Character Glossary

Customer reviews
3.8 out of 5 stars
3.8 out of 5
19 global ratings

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5.0 out of 5 stars The title of this book may suggest it is meant ...Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2015
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The title of this book may suggest it is meant to debunk Zen, but that did not seem to be the intention. I found that it made me more enthusiastic about practice again. Any religion that survives through the centuries has successfully come to support the power structure of its time - in the case of Zen, Japanese feudalism. In a practice so subtle and tinged with such a culture, how do you find the true core of understanding? This book takes us to the time of the religion's introduction into Chinese society and describes the beginnings of political accommodation. To me, it was inspiring and it led me to read more about the early Chinese masters and also about Taoism, and to start developing aspects of self in ways free from overtones of peasant farmer or samurai.

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James Kenney

4.0 out of 5 stars Well worth reading for a practitioner who has begun to "see through" the veil of what we are taught as studentsReviewed in the United States on October 11, 2015
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As a long time practitioner of Zen, I found this a refreshing confirmation of what I have increasingly come to accept: that much of what is taught in the Zendo is parochial, historically inaccurate and a distorted version of what Buddha taught. McRae attacks this primarily through his deconstruction of the validity of Chan/Zen lineage charts, and as a consequence, the idea of "transmission" of some "special understanding" is a metaphor for maintenance of authority and structure within Buddhism.
McRae's book is not easy reading, but is well worth it for a practitioner who has begun to "see through" the veil of what we are taught as students, and wishes for "corrective lenses" to help him or her pierce through the idea of authority in Zen Buddhism, whether in the form of our own teacher, or in the form of the stories that have accreted themselves to the practice of Chan meditation over millennia.
While this book could be of use to a scholar of religion, and may well have been intended for such, it can also be helpful for Zen students whose doubts might well lead them to stop practicing. The "content" of Zen is beside the point. Enlightenment is beside the point. The essence of Zen is inner exploration through quiet meditation.

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Daniel M. Kaplan

4.0 out of 5 stars Zen Students BewareReviewed in the United States on August 9, 2004
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I didn't get too far into this book before getting pissed off. And that's a GOOD thing! John McRae , as a zen student, has taken on the task of looking at the history and hagiography of zen and tried to sort out fact from fiction, uses of the fiction, implications for practice, and much more. As you read this book, if you are a zen student like I am, you will find some of your most cherished beliefs challenged in regard to zen. I find this a refreshing book. The early part on lineage is particularly interesting as most zen groups I am aware of place heavy emphasis on lineage and "proving" how they are descendant from Shakyamuni himself. This was a very rewarding read and I look forward to reading more by this author on Northern school of Zen.

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Lily Penny

3.0 out of 5 stars Informative, but a slow readReviewed in the United States on April 20, 2010
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In this book John McRae intends to write a history of Chan Buddhism in a manner different from his predecessors. He begins with a short list of rules he has come up with for studying Zen. These rules involve reading stories for content instead of truth, being untrusting of lineage assertions, taking facts and details as tell-tale signs of inaccuracy, and reading stories through realism. These rules create the basis for how he will write the rest of the book, and help lead him to his conclusion and main point at the end of the work. He takes the entire book to lead up to his main point, which is finally stated in full in the last chapter, "Climax Paradigm". In this chapter he pieces together all of the history and stories he has told throughout the book to claim that it was in fact the Song-dynasty instead of the Tang (which most writers assert) that was the climax and ultimate stability of Chan.

Not being a scholar on Chan or really any other Asian history, I cannot evaluate McRae's conclusions and assertions based on historical accuracy. I wish to merely look at whether he follows his own rules which he laid out before the book began. For this we will need a good break-down of what he does in his first five chapters, the ones leading up to his argument and conclusion. In chapter one he discusses Chan lineage and how to properly use it to view Chan history. One of his biggest claims in this section is that we must avoid the "string of pearls fallacy" (McRae 9), which means not telling simply in terms of a list of important people and what they did. He says we need to look at the bigger picture of ideas and overall changes.

In the second and third chapters he talks about Chan in different historical time periods and the developments and changes made during those times. He discusses which people were important to that time and what they did. The fourth chapter diverges from this slightly, in that it follows one type of structure in Chan, which is encounter dialogue. He follows this type of practice through the people who developed it, and the ways it was used with each person and time period. In the fifth chapter he discusses "Zen and the Art of Fund-Raising", which really turns out to be a discussion of the political connections that allowed Chan to flourish above other forms of Buddhism in the Song-dynasty.

I think McRae's final chapter did a great job of showing Chan Buddhism and a different light than previous writers (at least based on what he says other writers did). He shows reasons why the Song-dynasty was the peak of Chan's influence, power, and stability with specific reason as well as larger concepts. His argument is well-formed and coherent. My problem, however, is with the first five chapters of the work. For the most part, he does not even follow his own rules when writing. He repeatedly gives specific details in his stories, which he originally claims implies inaccuracy. In addition, he takes the time to explain the "string of pearls fallacy" and then commits this very crime throughout the book. The simple fact is that there is no way to tell a history without talking about the individual important people involved. It seems that he was simply trying to make his book appear different from others at the beginning in order to make his argument at the end stronger. This is unnecessary; his argument is already strong, and he does not to prove himself to anyone by trying to make the rest of his book appear new and innovative as well.

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5.0 out of 5 stars GoodReviewed in the United States on March 11, 2019
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Mafia Queens of Mumbai - Wikipedia

Mafia Queens of Mumbai - Wikipedia

Mafia Queens of Mumbai

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Mafia Queens of Mumbai: Stories of women from the ganglands is an Indian 2011 non-fiction crime novel written by Hussain Zaidi with original research by reporter Jane Borges.[1] It tells 13 true stories of women who were involved in criminal activities in Mumbai. Rajkummar Rao, Radhika Apte and Kalki Koechlin provided their voice for its audio book for audible.[2]
Mafia Queens of Mumbai
First edition
Author Hussain Zaidi
Jane Borges
Country India fiction
Language English
Publisher Tranquebar

Publication date 15 April 2011
Media type Print (paperback, hardback)
Pages 290



Matt Daniels of Mint wrote, "These are a handful of women who lived fearlessly, and Mafia Queens celebrates their spirit. But the real heroes are Zaidi and Borges, who ventured undaunted into the dark corners of the city to illuminate them."[3] Zara Murao of Hindustan Times reviewed: "It’s hard to tell how much of Mafia Queens is apocryphal, given that each of the 13 stories is pieced together from official documents, case reports and anecdotes from the subject’s family and acquaintances. The account, though, vibrates with drama, intrigue and unexpected pathos."[4]

J. Srinivasan of The Hindu Business Line noted that it was "really fascinating to read how these women slip into different roles so effortlessly and efficiently."[5] Alpana Chowdhury of Daily News and Analysis mentioned, "From the choice of the women they have portrayed, to the racy style of writing, everything is calculated to make the book a page-turner."[6] Kankana Basu of The Hindu felt, "Mafia Queens, by virtue of its very stark simplicity is a revelation, a rare treat for the discerning lover of crime stories."[7]

Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali announced a film titled Gangubai Kathiawadi which is based on the chapter of Gangubai Kothewali from the book.[8] The film, starring Alia Bhatt in the title role, released on 25 February, 2022.[9]
^ "Mafia Queens Of Mumbai: Stories of Women From The Ganglands". Rediff.com. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "Rajkummar Rao: Content is the new entertainment". The Indian Express. 15 November 2018. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ Daniels, Matt (8 April 2011). "Mafia queens of Mumbai: The life of gangster girls". Mint. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "Review: Mafia Queens of Mumbai". Hindustan Times. 16 April 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "Done-it-all gangster women". The Hindu Business Line. 19 May 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "'Mafia Queens Of Mumbai' is peppered with titillating details". Daily News and Analysis. 5 June 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "Queens without crowns". The Hindu. 3 September 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
^ "Alia Bhatt begins shooting for Gangubai Kathiawadi, shares pic of her trailer:'Look what Santa gave me this year'". Hindustan Times. 27 December 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi: Alia Bhatt reveals she will start Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film in just few days". Bollywood Hungama. 6 December 2019. Retrieved 16 December 2019.
External linkEditMafia Queens of Mumbai at Goodreads

Gangubai Kothewali - Wikipedia

Gangubai Kothewali - Wikipedia

Gangubai Kothewali

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For the film, see Gangubai Kathiawadi.

Gangubai Harjeevandas,[a] better known as Gangubai Kothewali[3][b] or Gangubai Kathiawadi,[3][c] was an Indian social activist, prostitute and madam of a brothel in the Kamathipura area of Mumbai during the 1960s. Gangubai did a lot of work for sex-workers and for the well-being of orphans.[5] She gradually ended up operating her own brothel and is known to also have lobbied for the rights of commercial sex workers.[6]

Gangubai Kothewali

Gangubai Kothewali, a social activist, prostitute and a Madam.
Ganga Harjeevandas

Kathiawar, British India
(present-day Gujarat, India)
Died 8 September 1977[1]

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Other names Gangubai Kathiawadi
Sex worker



She was sold into prostitution at an early age by her suitor, Ramnik Lal, after running away from home to Bombay. She came to be known as the Madam of Kamathipura for being an influential pimp in the city with underworld connections, peddling drugs. Later in life (presumably between 1947–64), she met Jawaharlal Nehru to discuss the plight of sex workers and improve their living conditions.[7][8]

Mafia Queens of Mumbai (2011) by Hussain Zaidi contains information on the lives of thirteen women who influenced Mumbai. In it, Zaidi also gives information about Gangubai. According to this, Gangubai was from a highly educated family and was obsessed with working in films and was a fan of Dev Anand. Gangubai, 16, and her husband Ramnik Lal, 28, fled to Mumbai and got married. Within a few days of the marriage, her husband sold her in a kuntankhana (brothel) for ₹1,000. Reluctantly, Gangubai started working as a prostitute. In a short time, Gangubai became the head of some kuntankhanas. A goon named Shaukat Khan Pathan started exploiting her financially and physically. Gangubai went to the then underworld don Karim Lala to complain about Pathan. Lala assured her of help and was tied a rakhi in return. After this, Shaukat Khan was warned and roughed-up by Lala.

Since then, Gangubai's repute as Karim Lala's supposed sister grew during the 1960s. St. Anthony's Girls' High School, which was established in Kamathipura in 1922, started a campaign to clean up the area of "bad influence". This led to an order to move the brothel. Gangubai vehemently opposed this and effectively presented her case to the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and as a result, the brothel was not moved.[citation needed]

During this time Gangubai was also working for various issues of orphans and women in the prostitution business. Gangubai counseled and sent back many young women, who had fled their homes for working in films and got stuck in prostitution. For this reason, everyone used to respectfully call Gangubai Ganga Maa (mother). After her death, her photographs and statues were erected in brothels of the area.[citation needed]
In popular cultureEdit

Her life was documented in the 2011 book, Mafia Queens of Mumbai, by writer and investigative journalist Hussain Zaidi.

The 2022 Indian Hindi-language Netflix film Gangubai Kathiawadi is based on the life of Gangubai Kothewali and a chapter of Zaidi's book, and directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali with actress Alia Bhatt playing the titular character.[9][10]

  1. ^ The honorific suffix bai, lit. 'lady', is often added to the names of women in India.[2] The name here itself being Gangu or Ganga.
  2. ^ Kothewali literally means a prostitute. From kotha (brothel) and wali, which showcases her status as the madam of a brothel.[4]
  3. ^ Indicating her origin from Kathiawar (Saurashtra) in western India.
  4. ReferencesEdit
  5. ^ "Gangubai's daughter speaks to outlook". YouTube. Outlook. 3 March 2022. Retrieved 31 March 2022. See 0:22 onwards
  6. ^ McGregor, R. S. (1993). The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary. DSAL. Oxford University Press. p. 719.
  7. ^ a b Jain, Vaishali (2 May 2022). "Alia Bhatt's Gangubai Kathiawadi earns rave review from Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan; read here". India TV News. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  8. ^ McGregor, R. S. (1993). The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary. DSAL. Oxford University Press. p. 216.
  9. ^ Taneja, Parina (16 January 2020). "Who is Gangubai Kathiawadi, whose husband sold her at a brothel for Rs 500?". India TV News. Retrieved 4 April 2022.
  10. ^ Shaikh, Zeeshan (23 February 2022). "Explained: Who was Gangubai Kathiawadi? Why is Alia Bhatt's film on her facing legal troubles?". The Indian Express. Retrieved 4 April 2022.
  11. ^ "Know Gangubai Kothewali, The Legendary Brothel Madam Alia Bhatt Will Be Playing In SLB's Next". Desimartini. 22 September 2019. Retrieved 21 January 2020.
  12. ^ "गंगूबाई कोठेवाली-पति ने ₹500 में बेचा था,भंसाली उनपर फिल्म बनाएंगे". Quint Hindi (in Hindi). 25 September 2019. Retrieved 21 January 2020.
  13. ^ "Alia Bhatt begins shooting for Gangubai Kathiawadi, shares pic of her trailer:'Look what Santa gave me this year'". Hindustan Times. 27 December 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  14. ^ "Who was Gangubai Kathiawadi: The real woman behind Alia Bhatt's latest character". Vogue India. 15 January 2020. Retrieved 21 January 2020.

Film Gangubai Kathiawadi - Wikipedia

Gangubai Kathiawadi - Wikipedia

Gangubai Kathiawadi

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For the person, see Gangubai Kothewali.

Gangubai Kathiawadi is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language biographical crime drama film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and produced by Jayantilal Gada and Bhansali. The film stars Alia Bhatt as the titular character while Shantanu Maheshwari, Vijay Raaz, Indira Tiwari and Seema Pahwa play pivotal roles with Ajay Devgn featuring in an extended cameo appearance.
Gangubai Kathiawadi

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Screenplay by Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Utkarshini Vashishtha
Dialogue by Prakash Kapadia
Utkarshini Vashishtha
Story by Hussain Zaidi
Produced by Jayantilal Gada
Sanjay Leela Bhansali

Alia Bhatt
Shantanu Maheshwari
Vijay Raaz
Indira Tiwari
Seema Pahwa
Cinematography Sudeep Chatterjee
Edited by Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Music by Score:
Sanchit Balhara
Ankit Balhara
Sanjay Leela Bhansali

Bhansali Productions
Pen India Limited
Distributed by Pen Marudhar Entertainment

Release dates
16 February 2022 (Berlinale)
25 February 2022 (India)

Running time 154 minutes[1]
Country India
Language Hindi
Budget ₹100–160 crore[2][3]
Box office est. ₹209.77 crore[4]

The film is loosely based on the true story of Ganga Jagjivandas Kathiawadi, popularly known as Gangubai Kothewali, whose life was documented in the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai written by S. Hussain Zaidi. The film depicts the rise of a simple girl from Kathiawad who had no choice but to embrace the ways of destiny and swing it in her favour.[5][6][7] Gangubai Kathiawadi premiered at the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival on 16 February 2022, and was released in theatres on 25 February 2022.

Gangubai Kathiawadi garnered widespread critical acclaim with praise drawn to Bhatt's titular performance.[8][9] The film earned ₹209.77 crore globally in its theatrical run and emerged as a commercial success.[10] Gangubai Kathiawadi is the third-highest grossing Hindi film of 2022 so far.[11]


Learn more

This section needs an improved plot summary. (March 2022)

A young girl named Madhu is forced into prostitution against her will. She refuses to become a prostitute, so she is tortured by brothel madame Rashmibai. Later, she is suggested to ask Gangubai to persuade Madhu. Gangubai meets Madhu and tells her own story to her.

Born into an affluent family in Kathiawad, Ganga Jagjivandas Kathiawadi, daughter of a barrister aspired to become a Bollywood actress. At the tender age of 16, she eloped with her boyfriend Ramnik Lal to Mumbai as Ramnik promised Ganga a film career under the tutelage of his aunt Sheela. But her whole life turns upside down as he sells her to a brothel owned by Sheela Masi in Kamathipura for Rs 1000 where she forcefully had to start prostitution. She later changes her name to Gangu

While there, she befriends a woman named Kamli. A man named Shaukat Abbas Khan visits the brothel and attacks Gangu. She goes to mafia leader Rahim Lala for justice, and he becomes her sworn brother after he hears her plea. Gangu becomes the madame of her brothel after Sheela Masi dies, renames herself Gangubai, and goes on to become a powerful political figure.

After listening to Madhu, she frees her from the brothel and sends her home safely. Gangubai later falls in love with a young tailor, Afsaan Razzaq who also loves her. But she gets him married to Roshni, daughter of a fellow prostitute Kusum to save Roshni from prostitution as she can't marry Afsaan due to her being a sex worker. 

She runs in the Kamathipura presidential elections against Razia and wins after showing movies during Razia's speech to draw people away. In this new role, she advocates for women's rights. While in office, Gangubai calls her family for the first time in 12 years and finds out that her father has died and her mother has not forgiven her for running away. 

Later, Gangubai finds out that a Ward secretary intends for everyone in Kamathipura to be vacated during a meeting with Rahim Lala. The secretary wishes to build skyscrapers in the neighbourhood with the support of a school which accuses Kamathipura of being a site of immorality. Rahim Lala rejects the secretary's deal and warns Gangubai to prepare to be sued and brought to court. 

Gangubai walks into a meeting with a journalist and school principal with the children of the brothel. There, she offers five years' fees for all 8 girls and states that children from a brothel deserve an education. The girls are enrolled in front of the journalist, Mr. Faizi. However, the children are hit and thrown out of the school on their first day. At the same time, Kamli suffers an intense illness after giving birth and dies. Gangubai takes in Kamli's child, Pammi. 

Mr. Faizi prepares a speech on education for prostitutes for Gangubai to read at a rally, but she does not follow the script. Instead, she asks the audience why prostitutes are the target of discrimination when they do not discriminate when providing services. Plus, she says that she will fight for prostitutes' children to receive an education and for prostitutes to be given respect in society. After her speech goes viral, Gangubai receives Mr. Faizi and a local politician in her brothel. 

The politician asks for her votes and informs her that the school which wants her brothel vacated has submitted a petition to the Supreme Court. Gangubai prepares a trip to New Delhi to meet with the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Gangubai asks the Prime Minister to legalize prostitution, but he refuses. After discussion, the Prime Minister eventually agrees to set up a committee on the matter. He also agrees to block the brothel and Kamathipura from being vacated. While prostitution was not legalized, Kamathipura celebrates its continued existence thanks to Gangubai Kathiawadi.


Alia Bhatt as Ganga Jagjivandas Kathiawadi aka Gangubai Kathiawadi, a female mafia don and madame of a brothel in Kamathipura
Ajay Devgn as Rahim Lala, a don and Gangubai's sworn brother (extended cameo;character based on Karim Lala).[12]
Shantanu Maheshwari as Afsaan Badr-ur-Razzaq
Vijay Raaz as Raziabai
Indira Tiwari as Kamli
Seema Pahwa as Sheela Maasi
Varun Kapoor as Ramnik Lal [13]
Jim Sarbh as Journalist Hamid Fezi
Rahul Vohra as Prime Minister (character based on Jawaharlal Nehru)[14]
Anmol Kajani as Birju
Prashant Kumar as Badri
Raza Murad as Lala's Guest
Chhaya Kadam as Rashmibai
Mitalee Jagtap as Kusum
Pallavi Jadhav as Rama
Kruti Saxena as Nimmi
Sonal Sagore as Banno
Lata Singh as Lata
Ekta Shri as Ekta
Abhirami Bose as Abhirami
Chum Darang as Chum
Baldev Trehan as Tailor
Jahangir Khan as Shaukat Abbas Khan
Faiz Khan as Liaquat
Rakesh Bhavsar as jugunu
Roshan chatterjee as pinku
Huma Qureshi as Dilruba, a Qawali singer (in a special appearance in the song "Shikayat")[15]

The news about an adaptation of one of the chapters of Hussain Zaidi's book Mafia Queens of Mumbai first came out in June 2017 with Priyanka Chopra attached to star as the leading character.[16] The film's earlier title was Heera Mandi.[17] In March 2019, Chopra confirmed that she was working on a project with Bhansali, who also confirmed that he was making Gangubai Kathiawadi with Chopra.[18] However, in September 2019, media reported that Alia Bhatt, who was supposed to do a different film, titled Inshallah, by Bhansali was going to replace Chopra after Inshallah got shelved.[19] Principal photography begun in Film City,[20]Mumbai on 27 December 2019.[21][22]

The film marks the Bollywood debut of television personality Shantanu Maheshwari, who portrays Gangubai's boyfriend Afsaan.[23] and TV actor Varun Kapoor to debut as the grey role of Ramnik Lala.[24]

Production was put on hold in March 2020 due to the lockdown ordered by the Indian government owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, when the film was 70% complete.[25] Bhatt resumed work on 6 October 2020, and Ajay Devgn who is playing a cameo joined sets on 27 February 2021.[26] The film was wrapped up on 26 June 2021.[27][28][29]
Gangubai Kathiawadi
Soundtrack album by
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Released 18 February 2022[30]
Recorded 2021
Studio Sonic Bliss Studio
Genre Feature film soundtrack
Length 45:20
Language Hindi & Telugu
Label Saregama Music
Sanjay Leela Bhansali chronology

(2019) Gangubai Kathiawadi
(2022) TBA

Official audio
Gangubai Kathiawadi - Full Album on YouTube

The music of the film is composed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali with lyrics written by A. M. Turaz, Kumaar and Bhojak Ashok "Anjam".[30] The Hindi version of the chours singer includes Tarannum Jain, Dipti Rege, Aditi Pradhudesai, Aditi Paul, Kalpana, Ruchna, Pragti.[31]

All music is composed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Hindi VersionNo.TitleLyricsSinger(s)Length
1. "Meri Jaan" Kumaar Neeti Mohan 3:58
2. "Dholida" Kumaar, Bhojak Ashok "Anjam" Janhvi Shrimankar, Shail Hada 2:59
3. "Jab Saiyaan" A. M. Turaz Shreya Ghoshal 4:07
4. "Shikayat" A. M. Turaz Archana Gore 4:09
5. "Muskurahat" A. M. Turaz Arijit Singh 4:37
6. "Jhume Re Gori" Kumaar Archana Gore, Tarannum Jain, Dipti Rege, Aditi Pradhudesai 2:50
Total length: 22:40

The Telugu version of the chours singer includes Sahithi Komanduri, P. Sathya Yamini, Harini Ivaturi, Aswhini Chepuri, V. Pavani.[32]

All lyrics are written by Chaitanya Prasad.
Telugu Track listingNo.TitleSinger(s)Length
1. "Meri Jaan - Telugu" Neeti Mohan 3:58
2. "Dhole Ra" Uma Neha, Saketh Komanduri 2:59
3. "Chelikaade" Deepthi Parthasarathy 4:07
4. "Sukhamulone Untu" Kalpana Raghavender 4:09
5. "Navvunu Aapaku" Vijay Prakash 4:37
6. "Aadene Pori" Sahithi Komanduri, P. Sathya Yamini, Harini Ivaturi, Aswhini Chepuri, V. Pavani 2:50
Total length: 22:40


Gangubai Kathiawadi had its premiere on 16 February 2022 at 72nd Berlin International Film Festival,[33][34] at the Berlinale Speciale Gala Section.[35][36] The film was released in cinemas on 25 February 2022.[37] Earlier, the film was scheduled for release on 30 July 2021 but it was postponed due to the rising cases and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.[38] It was then scheduled for worldwide release in theatres on 6 January 2022 but to avoid clash with S. S. Rajamouli's RRR, the release has been changed to 18 February.[39] Later, the date was pushed back by a week to release on 25 February 2022.[40]

The film was released in Hindi along with the Telugu-language dubbed version.[41]
Home mediaEdit

The film is now streaming on Netflix from 26 April 2022.[42] In June 2022, the film became the most-watched Indian film on Netflix.[43]
Box officeEdit

Gangubai Kathiawadi earned ₹10.50 crore at the domestic box office on its opening day. On the second day, the film collected ₹13.32 crore. On the third day, the film collected ₹15.30 crore, taking total domestic weekend collection to ₹39.12 crore.[10]

As of 14 April 2022, the film grossed ₹153.69 crore in India and ₹55.56 crore overseas, for a worldwide gross collection of ₹209.25 crore, recovering its budget and emerging as commercially successful.[10] The film grossed over ₹209.77 crore (US$26 million) worldwide, becoming the third highest grossing Hindi films of 2022.[44] Bollywood Hungama and Box Office India stated that the film's box-office verdict as "hit."[45][46][47]

Additionally, it also became Bhatt's second women-driven film to earn more than ₹100 crore after Raazi (2018), making Bhatt the first Indian actress to have two women-driven films enter the ₹100 crore club.[48]

Critical response

Gangubai Kathiawadi received critical acclaim with praise towards the performance of Bhatt, visuals and Bhansali's direction.[49][50][51] Sushri Sahu of Mashable gave the film a rating of 4.5/5 and wrote "Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' starring Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn and others is an absolute crowd-puller.[52] Mugdha Kapoor Safaya of DNA India gave the film a rating of 4/5 and wrote “The film's narrative is such that you will empathise with Gangu, root for her and cheer for her with every small victory, but never pity her.”[53] 

Jagadish Angadi of Deccan Herald gave the film a rating of 4/5 and wrote "Alia Bhat as Gangubai is exceptionally brilliant.The linear storytelling effectively highlights multiple conflicts of Gangubai.[54] 

Wendy Ide of The Guardian gave the film a rating of 4/5 and wrote "The hard-hitting story of a sex worker who rises through the ranks of 60s gangland Mumbai is powered by a magnetic performance from Alia Bhatt".[55]

Ronak Kotecha of the Times of India gave a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote “With whatever is packed into this drama, there are enough moments that will draw you into this world where nights seem endless and the lights never fade.”[56] 

Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "The visually sumptuous character study, more baroque than 1950s Bombay, is at once sweeping and intimate".[57] 

Tushar Joshi of India Today gave a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Gangubai Kathiawadi’s camera work, background score and dialogues are the three pillars that take it from being just another gutsy biopic to a film that creates a massive impact. Gangubai is a solid risk for both Bhansali and Alia. A risk that pays off beautifully for both the director and his muse".[58] 

Prathap Nair of Firstpost gave a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Written by Bhansali and Utkarshini Vashishtha, it flips the narrative by handing out extraordinary concessions to the female lead at its heart, not entirely a frequent occurrence in Bollywood".[59] 

Bollywood Hungama gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Alia Bhatt starrer Gangubai Kathiawadi is a powerful saga and is embellished with terrific moments and a career best performance by Alia Bhatt. At the box office, it has bright chances to score with the multiplex and female audiences".[60] 

Stutee Ghosh of The Quint gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Gangubai Kathiawadi is a Sanjay Leela Bhansali canvas and a complete Alia Bhatt show".[61]

Sukanya Verma of Rediff gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Something in Alia has surely changed after Gangubai.Her entire performance is about proving to herself and not to the world what she can do, feels Sukanya Verma".[62] 

Sanjana Jadhav of Pinkvilla gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote "Alia Bhatt and the cast performance, Bhansali's visuals and a sneak peek into this brutal world makes it a definite watch".[63] 

Devesh Sharma of Filmfare gave the film a rating of 3.5/5 and wrote " SLB has again given us a film which keeps us glued to our seats for close to three hours".[64]

Shubhra Gupta of The Indian Express gave the film a rating of 3/5 and wrote "Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s latest is the kind of old-fashioned dialogue-heavy, sentiment-on-sleeve film which Bollywood is forgetting how to make".[65] 

Monika Rawal Kukreja of The Hindustan Times wrote "Alia Bhatt...has given a superlative performance as Gangubai".[66] 

Anuj Kumar of The Hindu wrote "This is easily Bhansali at his best as he has been able to marry craft with content; here, he attempts a Pakeezah for the millennials and almost succeeds".[67] 

Sonia Dedhia of News18 wrote "Alia Bhatt practically disappears into the character of Gangubai Kathiawadi. There's a hard-to-miss intensity in her eyes, and tenacity in her voice".[68]


AwardDate of the ceremonyCategoryRecipientsResultRef.Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 14 August 2022 Best Film Sanjay Leela Bhansali Pending [69]
Best Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali Pending
Best Actress Alia Bhatt Pending

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^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Review: Check the Movie Critics, Bollywood Actors and Netizens Reaction to Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Alia Bhatt film". JagranTv. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "'Gangubai Kathiawadi' Review: Come For The Sanjay Leela Bhansali Show, Stay For Alia Bhatt's Whistle-Worthy Act". Mashable. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "'Gangubai Kathiawadi' movie review: Alia Bhatt owns the screen, delivers her best performance yet". DNA India. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
^ "'Gangubai Kathiawadi' movie review: Sensible portrayal of darkness, survival, existence, battle". Deccan Herald. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi review – gutsy Indian true crime drama". The Guardian. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie Review : A visual treat, but there's a lot about Gangu's story left to be told". Times of India. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Review: Alia Bhatt Puts Doubts To Rest With Marvellously Lively Performance". NDTV. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie Review: Alia Bhatt's biggest career risk pays off". India Today. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi first impression: Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial is worth every pandemic-fatigued film lover's salt". Firstpost. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
^ "Movie Review: Gangubai Kathiawadi is a powerful saga that boasts of a career best performance by Alia Bhatt. The film has the potential to bring audiences back to the theatres". Bollywood Hungama. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "'Gangubai Kathiawadi' Review: Alia Bhatt in One of Her Finest Performances". The Quint. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Review". Rediff. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Review: Alia Bhatt owns the show in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's ruthless world". Pinkvilla. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie Review". Filmfare. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi movie review: Alia Bhatt makes this Sanjay Leela Bhansali spectacle real". The Indian Express. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi movie review: Alia Bhatt shines in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's tale of pain and rage turned into victory". The Hindustan Times. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ Kumar, Anuj (25 February 2022). "'Gangubai Kathiawadi' movie review: Alia Bhatt shines in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's eloquent take on sex workers". The Hindu. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie Review: Alia Bhatt Puts Up Brilliant Act in Sanjay Leela Bhansali Film". News18. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
^ "Alia Bhatt's Gangubai Kathiawadi, Ranveer Singh's 83 bag nominations at IFFM 2022. Full list here". India Today. 2 August 2022. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
External linksEditGangubai Kathiawadi at IMDb
Gangubai Kathiawadi at Bollywood Hungama
Gangubai Kathiawadi at Rotten Tomatoes

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L'Origine du monde - Wikipedia "The Origin of the World" Gustave Courbet in 1866

L'Origine du monde - Wikipedia

L'Origine du monde

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L'Origine du monde
ArtistGustave Courbet
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions46 cm × 55 cm (18 in × 22 in)
LocationMusée d'Orsay, Paris

L'Origine du monde ("The Origin of the World") is a picture painted in oil on canvas by the French artist Gustave Courbet in 1866. It is a close-up view of the vulva and abdomen of a naked woman, lying on a bed with legs spread.


Identity of the model[edit]

Putative upper section of L'Origine du monde

Art historians have speculated for years that Courbet's model for L'Origine du monde was his favourite model, Joanna Hiffernan, also known as Jo. Her lover at the time was the American painter James Whistler, a friend of Courbet.[1]

Jo, la belle Irlandaise (Jo, the beautiful Irishwoman) by Courbet: Joanna Hiffernan, possible model for L'Origine du monde

Hiffernan was the subject of a series of four portraits by Courbet titled Jo, la belle Irlandaise (Jo, the beautiful Irishwoman) painted in 1865–66. The possibility that she was the model for L'Origine du monde[2][3] or that she was having an affair with Courbet might explain Courbet's and Whistler's brutal separation a short while later.[4] In spite of Hiffernan's red hair contrasting with the darker pubic hair of L'Origine du monde, the hypothesis that Hiffernan was the model continues. Redhead Jacky Colliss Harvey puts forward the idea that the woman's body-hair suggests a more obvious candidate might be the brunette painted with Hiffernan in Courbet's Le Sommeil; and that the identification with Hiffernan has been greatly influenced by the eroticised and sexualised image of the female redhead.[5]

Constance Quéniaux, possible model for L'Origine du monde

In February 2013, Paris Match reported that Courbet expert Jean-Jacques Fernier had authenticated a painting of a young woman's head and shoulders as the upper section of L'Origine du monde which according to some was severed from the original work. Fernier has stated that because of the conclusions reached after two years of analysis, the head will be added to the next edition of the Courbet catalogue raisonné.[2][6] The Musée d'Orsay has indicated that L'Origine du monde was not part of a larger work.[7] The Daily Telegraph reported that "experts at the [French] art research centre CARAA (Centre d'Analyses et de Recherche en Art et Archéologie) were able to align the two paintings via grooves made by the original wooden frame and lines in the canvas itself, whose grain matched."[2] According to CARAA, it performed pigment analyses which were identified as classical pigments of the 2nd half of the 19th century. No other conclusions were reported by the CARAA.[8] The claim reported by Paris Match was characterized as dubious by Le Monde art critic Philippe Dagen, indicating differences in style, and that canvas similarities could be caused by buying from the same shop.[9]

Documentary evidence however links the painting with Constance Quéniaux, a former dancer at the Paris Opera and a mistress of the Ottoman diplomat Halil Şerif Pasha (Khalil Bey) who commissioned the painting.[10] According to the historian Claude Schopp and the head of the French National Library's prints department, Sylvie Aubenas, the evidence is found in correspondence between Alexandre Dumas fils and George Sand.[11] Another potential model was Marie-Anne Detourbay, who also was a mistress of Halil Şerif Pasha.[11]


Halil Şerif Pasha (Khalil Bey), an Ottoman diplomat, is believed to have commissioned the work shortly after he moved to Paris. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve introduced him to Courbet and he ordered a painting to add to his personal collection of erotic pictures, which already included Le Bain turc (The Turkish Bath) from Ingres and another painting by Courbet, Le Sommeil (The Sleepers), for which it is supposed that Hiffernan was one of the models.[10]

Halil Şerif Pasha (Khalil Bey) commissioned the painting.

After Khalil Bey's finances were ruined by gambling, the painting subsequently passed through a series of private collections. It was first bought during the sale of the Khalil Bey collection in 1868, by antique dealer Antoine de la Narde. Edmond de Goncourt hit upon it in an antique shop in 1889, hidden behind a wooden pane decorated with the painting of a castle or a church in a snowy landscape. According to Robert Fernier, who published two volumes of the Courbet catalogue raisonné and founded the Musée Courbet, Hungarian collector Baron Ferenc Hatvany bought it at the Bernheim-Jeune gallery in 1910 and took it with him to Budapest. Towards the end of the Second World War the painting was looted by Soviet troops, but later ransomed by Hatvany. Hatvany left Hungary, which was on the brink of a Communist takeover, in 1947. He was allowed to take only one art work with him, and he took L'Origine to Paris.[12]

In 1955 L'Origine du monde was sold at auction for 1.5 million francs, about US$4,285 at the time.[13] Its new owner was the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. He and his wife, actress Sylvia Bataille, installed it in their country house in Guitrancourt. Lacan asked André Masson, his stepbrother, to build a double bottom frame and draw another picture thereon. Masson painted a surrealist, allusive version of L'Origine du monde.[14][15]

The New York public had the opportunity to view L'Origine du monde in 1988 during the Courbet Reconsidered show at the Brooklyn Museum; the painting was also included in the exhibition Gustave Courbet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2008. After Lacan died in 1981, the French Minister of Economy and Finances agreed to settle the family's inheritance tax bill through the transfer of the work ("Dation en paiement" in French law) to the Musée d'Orsay; the transfer was finalized in 1995.[10]

Provocative work[edit]

During the 19th century, the display of the nude body underwent a revolution whose main activists were Courbet and Manet. Courbet rejected academic painting and its smooth, idealised nudes, but he also directly recriminated the hypocritical social conventions of the Second Empire, where eroticism and even pornography were acceptable in mythological or oneiric paintings.

Courbet later insisted he never lied in his paintings, and his realism pushed the limits of what was considered presentable. With L'Origine du monde, he has made even more explicit the eroticism of Manet's OlympiaMaxime Du Camp, in a harsh tirade, reported his visit to the work's purchaser, and his sight of a painting "giving realism's last word".[16]

L'Origine du monde in the Musée d'Orsay

By the very nature of its realistic, graphic nudity, the painting still has the power to shock and triggers censorship.

Although moral standards and resulting taboos regarding the artistic display of nudity have changed since Courbet, owing especially to photography and cinema, the painting remained provocative. Its arrival at the Musée d'Orsay caused high excitement. According to postcard sales, in 2007 L'Origine du monde was the second most popular painting in the Musée d'Orsay, after Renoir's Bal du moulin de la Galette.[17]

Some critics maintain that the body depicted is not (as has been argued) a lively erotic portrayal of a female but of a corpse: "L'Origine does not represent a full female body but rather a slice of one, cut off by the frame [...]. The pallidness of the skin and the mortuary gauze surrounding the body suggest death."[18]


The explicitness of the picture may have served as an inspiration, albeit with a satirical twist, for Marcel Duchamp's last major work, Étant donnés (1946–1966), a construction also featuring the image of a woman lying on her back with her legs spread.[19]

In 1989, French artist Orlan created the cibachrome L'origine de la guerre (The Origin of War), a male version of L'origine du monde showing a penile erection.[20]

Brazilian artist Vik Muniz created two versions of the famous painting. "The first [1999] is a photograph made of dust or dirt, which plays with the common moralist association between female genitalia and filth. In the second piece [2013], Muniz remakes L'Origine from an assemblage of journal clippings that are reminiscent of the anatomic and artistic procedure of cutting that produced [...] the female body."[21]

Two Origins of the World (2000) by Mexican artist Enrique Chagoya "recycles L'Origine du monde as a spectral backdrop behind three solid black, blue and white squares of canvas in three of the corners of the painting. In the foreground of the bottom right corner, an indigenous man sits at a fourth canvas, this one on an easel, apparently 'interpreting' the Courbet painting."[22]

In 2002, American artist Jack Daws created an homage to the painting. Entitled Origins of the World, it is a collection of various photographs of vulvas, taken from pornographic magazines, and framed in montage.[23]

The British artist Anish Kapoor created an installation in 2004 called L'Origine du monde, which references Courbet's painting. The piece is in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in Japan.[24]

The image is also referenced as inspiring Catherine Breillat's filming of the female genitalia in her 2004 film Anatomie de l'enfer (Anatomy of Hell).[25]

The Serbian performance artist Tanja Ostojić parodied the work in a poster in 2005, informally called the "EU panties" poster. Like Courbet's painting, the poster proved controversial, and was ultimately removed from the art exhibition in which it was originally displayed.[citation needed]

The French artist Bettina Rheims closes The Book of Olga (2008) with a photo of protagonist Olga Rodionova depicting L'Origine du monde almost completely. The few differences represent the evolution of tastes from the 19th to the 21st centuries: perfectly depilated genitalia with clitoral piercing jewelry and an intimate tattoo of Olga Rodionova, in comparison to natural hairy look of Constance Quéniaux.[26] The controversial book gained wide fame and became the subject of a legal fight in Russia. On 23 February 2009 in Braga, Portugal, the police confiscated the book Pornocratie by Catherine Breillat, displayed in bookshops using L'Origine du monde as its cover.[27] A great deal of controversy was sparked by the police action. The reason given was the need to maintain public order. Also, the book title incorrectly hinted at pornographic content. Portuguese law forbids public displays of pornography.[citation needed]

In 2010, British composer Tony Hymas composed De l'origine du monde a musical suite dedicated to the picture as well as relations between Courbet and the Paris Commune, based on texts by Courbet himself, Charles Baudelaire and Pierre Dupont.[citation needed]

The German-born Turkish artist Taner Ceylan has painted a work named 1879 (From the Lost Paintings Series) (2011) in which a veiled Ottoman noblewoman stands before the framed canvas of L'Origine du monde.[28][29]

On 29 May 2014, a Luxembourg performance artist, Deborah De Robertis, sat on the floor in front of the painting and mimicked the view of the subject. This resulted in security guards closing the room and her arrest.[30][31]

US artist Candice Lin recreated L'Origine du monde in a video of her an audiovisual sculpture Hunter Moon / Inside Out (2015). In it, Courbet's L'Origine du monde with eyes "looks back at the onlookers." From a feminist point of view, Lin's work challenges "the asymmetry of power [...] between those who look and those who are seen."[32]

Censorship and legal battles[edit]

In February 1994, the novel Adorations perpétuelles (Perpetual Adorations) by Jacques Henric [fr] reproduced L'Origine du monde on its cover. Police visited several French bookshops to have them withdraw the book from their windows. A few proprietors maintained the book, but others complied, and some voluntarily removed it.[citation needed]

In February 2011, Facebook censored L'Origine du monde after it was posted by Copenhagen-based artist Frode Steinicke, to illustrate his comments about a television program aired on DR2. Following the incident, many other Facebook users defiantly changed their profile pictures to the Courbet painting in an act of solidarity with Steinicke. Facebook, which originally disabled Steinicke's profile, finally re-enabled it without the L'Origine du monde picture. As the case won media attention, Facebook deleted other pages about the painting.[33][34]

In October 2011, again, a complaint was lodged against Facebook with the Tribunal de grande instance de Paris (Paris court of general jurisdiction) by a French Facebook user after his profile was disabled for showing a picture of L'Origine du monde. The picture was a link to a television program aired on Arte about the history of the painting. As he got no answer to his emails to Facebook, he decided to lodge a complaint for "infringement of freedom of expression" and against the legality of Facebook's terms which define the courts located in Santa Clara County, California, as the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all litigating claims.[35] In February 2016, the Paris court ruled that Facebook could be sued in France.[36]

In 2018 the French court ruled that Facebook had been wrong to close his account. Facebook has changed its policies to allow naked images in art works, and made a donation to a French street art association.[37][38] [39]


  • Jean Paul Fargier, L'Origine du monde, 1996, 26 minutes[40]



  1. ^ Jones, Jonathan (25 September 2018). "Who posed for the 'Mona Lisa of vaginas'?"The Guardian. Retrieved 5 October 2018.
  2. Jump up to:a b c Henry Samuel (7 February 2013). "Amateur art buff finds £35 million head of Courbet masterpiece"The Daily Telegraph.
  3. ^ Noël, Benoit; Hournon, Jean (2006). "Gustave Courbet – L'Origine du Monde, 1866". Parisiana – La capitale des peintres au XIXème siècle (in French). Les Presses Franciliennes. p. 37. ISBN 9782952721400.
  4. ^ Dorothy M. Kosinski (1988). "Gustave Courbet's The Sleepers The Lesbian Image in Nineteenth Century French Art and Literature"Artibus et Historiae, Vol. 9, No. 18 , p.187
  5. ^ Colliss Harvey, Jacky (2015). RED: A History of the Redhead. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal. pp. 119–120. ISBN 978-1-57912-996-5.
  6. ^ "L'Origine du monde: Le secret de la femme cachée"Paris Match (in French). 7 February 2013. Archived from the original on 15 April 2013. Retrieved 7 February 2013.
  7. ^ "Has the head of The Origin of the World been found?"The Telegraph. 10 February 2013. Retrieved 11 February 2013.
  8. ^ "Summary of analytical report – Painting on canvas, portrait of a woman" Archived 2015-02-17 at the Wayback Machine, Centre d'Analyses et de Recherche en Art et Archéologie, 7 February 2013
  9. ^ Ruadhán Mac Cormaic (9 February 2013). "Art collector claims to have found top part of Courbet's Origin of the World"The Irish Times. Retrieved 11 February 2013.
  10. Jump up to:a b c Dickey, Christopher (31 December 2018). "The Muslim Playboy Behind Paris' Most Scandalous Painting". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 9 January 2019.
  11. Jump up to:a b "Mystery solved? Identity of Courbet's 19th-century nude revealed"the Guardian. Paris. Agence France-Presse. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  12. ^ Konstantin Akinsha (1 February 2008). "The Mysterious Journey of an Erotic Masterpiece"ARTnews.
  13. ^ "Measuring Worth – Relative Worth Comparators and Data Sets"www.measuringworth.com.
  14. ^ Lacan and the Matter of Origins by Shuli Barzilai, p. 8
  15. ^ "courbet – origin of the world"www.lacan.com.
  16. ^ Du Camp 1878, p. 190.
  17. ^ Hutchinson, Mark (8 August 2007). "The history of The Origin of the World"The Times Literary Supplement. London.
  18. ^ Uparella & Jauregui 2018, p. 95.
  19. ^ "Femalic Molds", The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal (toutfait.com), 1 April 2003/5 May 2016
  20. ^ "ORLAN: L'origine de la Guerre"The Eye of Photography. 21 December 2014. Retrieved 22 October 2018.
  21. ^ Uparella & Jauregui 2018, pp. 103–105.
  22. ^ Uparella & Jauregui 2018, p. 105.
  23. ^ "Jack Daws Sculpture"Greg Kucera Gallery, Inc. Retrieved 22 October 2018.
  24. ^ "金沢21世紀美術館"金沢21世紀美術館.
  25. ^ "Catherine Breillat, cinéaste" Archived 2009-10-04 at the Portuguese Web Archive, interview by Laurent Devanne, Radio libertaire (1 February 2004)
  26. ^ Bettina Rheims. The Book of OlgaTASCHEN Books (Limited ed.).
  27. ^ Lusa (23 February 2009). "PSP apreende livros por considerar pornográfica capa com quadro de Courbet" (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 25 May 2009. Retrieved 24 February 2009.
  28. ^ Harris, Garreth (12 September 2014). "Up front and personal: Turkish artist Taner Ceylan"Financial Times. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
  29. ^ "Taner Ceylan 1879 (FROM THE LOST PAINTING SERIES)". Sothebys. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
  30. ^ Uparella & Jauregui 2018, pp. 82–83.
  31. ^ "An artist has been arrested (again) for a nude stunt in a Paris gallery"Independent.co.uk. 18 January 2016.
  32. ^ Uparella & Jauregui 2018, p. 85.
  33. ^ Emily Greenberg "Facebook, Censorship and Art" Archived 2011-11-05 at the Wayback MachineCornell Daily Sun, 8 March 2011
  34. ^ Dépêche AFP du 17/02/10 "L'Origine du monde de Courbet interdit de Facebook pour cause de nudité"
  35. ^ "L'Origine du monde assigne Facebook en justice"Le Point, 24 October 2011
  36. ^ "Facebook in landmark censorship case after banning user who posted naked artwork"The Independent. 13 February 2016.
  37. ^ "Facebook finally settles censorship dispute over Courbet 'vagina painting'"Dazed. 6 August 2019.
  38. ^ Harris, Gareth (6 August 2019). "Long-running Facebook battle over censored Courbet painting gets happy ending"The Art Newspaper.
  39. ^ Stapley-Brown, Victoria (16 March 2018). "French court makes mixed ruling in Courbet 'censorship' case"The Art Newspaper.
  40. ^ "Documentaire de Jean-Paul Fargier" (in French). arte tv. 2 November 2007. Archived from the original on 29 December 2008. Retrieved 14 July 2008.


  • Dagen, Philippe (21 June 1995). "Le Musée d'Orsay dévoile L'Origine du monde". Le Monde.
  • Dagen, Philippe (22 October 1996). "Sexe, peinture et secret". Le Monde.
  • Du Camp, Maxime (1878). Les Convulsions de Paris (in French). Vol. II: Épisodes de la Commune. Paris: Hachette.
  • Lechien, Isabelle Enaud. James Whistler. ACR Édition.
  • Guégan, Stéphane; Michèle Haddad. L'ABCdaire de Courbet. Flammarion.
  • Noiville, Florence (25 March 1994). "Le retour du puritanisme". Le Monde.
  • Savatier, Thierry (2006). L'Origine du monde, histoire d'un tableau de Gustave Courbet. Paris: Bartillat.
  • Schlesser, Thomas (2005). "L'Origine du monde". Dictionnaire de la pornographie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Teyssèdre, Bernard (1996). Le roman de l'Origine. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Uparella, Paola; Jauregui, Carlos A. (2018). "The Vagina and the Eye of Power (Essay on Genitalia and Visual Sovereignty)"H-Art3 (3): 79–114. doi:10.25025/hart03.2018.04.

External links[edit]