
** Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism (Abridged) Os Cresson – 넌테이스트프렌즈.org 2016

Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism (Abridged) – Nontheistfriends.org


Presenting the work of Quaker atheists, agnostics, humanists, and others who practice Quakerism without supernatural beliefs


Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism (Abridged)

This abridged version of “Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism” was compiled for the convenience of students of Quaker nontheism. 

An ellipses ( . . . ) or brackets ([ ]) indicate where material has been omitted. 

The original is a chapter in Quaker and Naturalist Too (Morning Walk Press of Iowa City, IA, in 2014, is available from www.quakerbooks.org). 

The chapter includes text (pp. 65-103), bibliography (pp. 147-157), source notes (pp. 165-172), and references to 20 quotations that appear elsewhere in the book but are not in this abridged version.


Part I: Roots of Quaker Nontheism

This is a study of the roots of Quaker nontheism today. Nontheist Friends are powerfully drawn to Quaker practices but they do not accompany this with a faith in God. Nontheism is an umbrella term covering atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, pantheists, wiccaists, and others. You can combine nontheist with other terms and call yourself an agnostic nontheist or atheist nontheist, and so on. Some nontheists have set aside one version of God (e.g. as a person) and not another (e.g. as a word for good or your highest values). A negative term like nontheism is convenient because we describe our views so many different ways when speaking positively.

Many of the Quakers mentioned here were not nontheists but are included because they held views, often heretical in their time, that helped Friends become more inclusive. 

  • In the early days this included questioning the divinity of Christ, the divine inspiration of the Bible, and the concepts of heaven, hell, and immortality. Later Friends questioned miracles, the trinity, and divine creation.
  • Recently the issue has been whether Quakers have to be Christians, or theists. 

All this time there were other changes happening in speech, clothing, marriage practices, and so on. Quakerism has always been in progress.

Views held today are no more authentic because they were present in some form in earlier years. However, it is encouraging to Quaker nontheists today to find their views and their struggle prefigured among Friends of an earlier day.

In the following excerpts we learn about Quaker skeptics of the past and the issues they stood for. These are the roots that support the flowers of contemporary Quaker nontheism. . . .

 First Generation Quaker Skeptics

Quakers were a varied group at the beginning. There was little effective doctrinal control and individuals were encouraged to think for themselves within the contexts of their local meetings. Many of the early traditions are key for nontheists today, such as the emphasis on actions other than talk and the injunction to interpret what we read, even Scripture. All the early Friends can be considered forerunners of the Quaker nontheists of today, but two people deserve special mention. 

Gerard Winstanley (1609–c.1660) was a Digger, or True Leveller, who became a Quaker. . . . He published twenty pamphlets between 1648 and 1652 and was a political and religious revolutionary. He equated God with the law of the universe known by observation and reason guided by conscience and love. 

Winstanley wrote,

“I’ll appeal to your self in this question, what other knowledge have you of God but what you have within the circle of the creation? . . . For if the creation in all its dimensions be the fullness of him that fills all with himself, and if you yourself be part of this creation, where can you find God but in that line or station wherein you stand.” [Source Note #1]

Winstanley also wrote,

[T]he Spirit Reason, which I call God…is that spirituall power, that guids all mens reasoning in right order, and to a right end: for the Spirit Reason, doth not preserve one creature and destroy another . . . but it hath a regard to the whole creation; and knits every creature together into a onenesse; making every creature to be an upholder of his fellow.” [#2]

His emphasis was on the world around and within us: “O ye hear-say  Preachers, deceive not the people any longer, by telling them that this glory shal not be known and seen, til the body is laid in the dust. I tel you, this great mystery is begun to appear, and it must be seen by the material eyes of the flesh: And those five senses that is in man, shall partake of this glory.” [#3]

Jacob Bauthumley (1613–1692) was a shoemaker who served in the Parliamentary Army. . . . His name was probably pronounced Bottomley since this is how Fox spelled it. In 1650 he published The Light and Dark Sides of God, the only pamphlet of his that we have. This was declared blasphemous and he was thrown out of the army, his sword broken over his head, and his tongue bored. After the Restoration he became a Quaker and a librarian and was elected sergeant–at–mace in Leicester. For Bauthumley, God dwells in men and in all the rest of creation and nowhere else. We are God even when we sin. Jesus was no more divine than any person is, and the Bible is not the word of God. He wrote,

I see that all the Beings in the World are but that one Being, and so he may well be said, to be every where as he is, and so I cannot exclude him from Man or Beast, or any other Creature: Every Creature and thing having that Being living in it, and there is no difference betwixt Man and Beast; but as Man carries a more lively Image of the divine Being then [than] any other Creature: For I see the Power, Wisdom, and Glory of God in one, as well as another onely in that Creature called Man, God appears more gloriously in then the rest. . . . And God loves [?] the Being of all Creatures, yea, all men are alike to him, and have received lively impressions of the divine nature, though they be not so gloriously and purely manifested in some as in others, some live in the light side of God, and some in the dark side; But in respect of God, light and darkness are all one to him; for there is nothing contrary to God, but onely to our apprehension. . . . It is not so safe to go to the Bible to see what others have spoken and writ of the mind of God as to see what God speaks within me and to follow the doctrine and leadings of it in me.” [#4]

Eighteenth Century Quaker Skeptics

There were skeptical Quakers who asserted views such as that God created but does not run the universe, that Jesus was a man and not divine, that much of theology is superstition and divides people unnecessarily, and that the soul is mortal.

An example is John Bartram (1699–1777) of Philadelphia. . . . He was a farmer and perhaps the best known botanist in the American colonies. Bartram had a mystical feeling for the presence of God in nature and he supported the rational study of nature. In 1758 he was disowned by Darby Meeting for saying Jesus was not divine, but he continued to worship at that meeting and was buried there.

In 1761 he carved a quote from Alexander Pope over the door of his greenhouse: “Slave to no sect, who takes no private road, but looks through Nature up to Nature’s God.” In 1743 he wrote, “When we are upon the topic of astrology, magic and mystic divinity, I am apt to be a little troublesome, by inquiring into the foundation and reasonableness of these notions” In a letter to Benjamin Rush he wrote, “I hope a more diligent search will lead you into the knowledge of more certain truths than all the pretended revelations of our mystery mongers and their inspirations.” [#5] . . .

Free Quakers

These Friends were disowned for abandoning the peace testimony during the Revolutionary War. The Free Quakers cast the issue in more general terms. They supported freedom of conscience and saw themselves as upholding the original Friends traditions. They wrote:

“We have no new doctrine to teach, nor any design of promoting schisms in religion. We wish only to be freed from every species of ecclesiastical tyranny, and mean to pay a due regard to the principles of our forefathers . . . and hope, thereby, to preserve decency and to secure equal liberty to all. We have no designs to form creeds or confessions of faith, but [hope] to leave every man to think and judge for himself…and to answer for his faith and opinions to . . . the sole Judge and sovereign Lord of conscience.” [#6]

Their discipline forbade all forms of disownment: “Neither shall a member be deprived of his right among us, on account of his differing in sentiment from any or all of his brethren.” [#7]

There were several Free Quaker meetings, the longest lasting being the one in Philadelphia from 1781 to 1834.


. . . Hannah Barnard (1754–1825) of New York questioned the interpretation of events in the Bible and put reason above orthodoxy and ethics over theology. She wrote a manual in the form of a dialogue to teach domestic science to rural women. It included philosophy, civics, and autobiography. Barnard supported the French Revolution and insisted that masters and servants sit together during her visits. In 1802 she was silenced as a minister and disowned by Friends. She wrote,

“[N]othing is revealed truth to me, as doctrine, until it is sealed as such on the mind, through the illumination of that uncreated word of God, or divine light, and intelligence, to which the Scriptures, as well as the writings of many other enlightened authors, of different ages, bear plentiful testimony. . . . I therefore do not attach the idea or title of divine infallibility to any society as such, or to any book, or books, in the world; but to the great source of eternal truth only.” [#8]

Barnard also wrote, “under the present state of the Society I can with humble reverent thankfulness rejoice in the consideration that I was made the Instrument of bringing their Darkness to light.” [#9] On hearing Elias Hicks in 1819, she is said to have commented that these were the ideas for which she had been disowned. He visited her in 1824, a year before she died.

[Also mentioned in the original version of this essay are Job Scott (1751–1793), Abraham Shackleton (1752–1818), Mary Newhall (c.1780–1829) and Mary Rotch.]


The schism that started in 1827 involved many people but it is instructive to focus on one man at the center of the conflict. Elias Hicks (1748–1830) traveled widely, urging Friends to follow a God known inwardly and to resist the domination of others in the Society. He wrote,

“There is scarcely anything so baneful to the present and future happiness and welfare of mankind, as a submission to traditional and popular opinion, I have therefore been led to see the necessity of investigating for myself all customs and doctrines . . . either verbally or historically communicated . . . and not to sit down satisfied with any thing but the plain, clear, demonstrative testimony of the spirit and word of life and light in my heart and conscience.” [#10]

Hicks emphasized the inward action of the Spirit rather than human effort or learning, but he saw a place for reason. He turned to “the light in our own consciences, . . . the reason of things, . . . the precepts and example of our Lord Jesus Christ, (and) the golden rule.” [#11]

[Also mentioned: Benjamin Ferris (1780–1867).]

Manchester Free Friends

David Duncan (c.1825–1871), a former Presbyterian who had trained for the ministry, was a merchant and manufacturer in Manchester, England. He married Sarah Ann Cooke Duncan and became a Friend in 1852. He was a republican, a social radical, a Free Thinker, and an aggressive writer and debater. Duncan began to doubt Quaker views about God and the Bible and associated the Light Within with intellectual freedom. He developed a following at the Friends Institute in Manchester and the publication of his Essays and Reviews in 1861 brought the attention of the Elders. In it he wrote, “If the principle were more generally admitted that Christianity is a life rather than a formula, theology would give place to religion . . . and that peculiarly bitter spirit which actuates religionists would no longer be associated with the profession of religion.” [#12] In 1871 he was disowned and then died suddenly of smallpox. Sarah Ann Duncan and about 14 others resigned from their meeting and started what came to be called the Free Friends.

In 1873, this group approved a statement which included the following:

“It is now more than two years and a quarter since we sought, outside of the Society of Friends, for the liberty to speak the thoughts and convictions we entertained which was denied to us within its borders, and for the enjoyment of the privilege of companionship in “unity of spirit,” without the limitations imposed upon it by forced identity of opinion on the obscure propositions of theologians. We were told that such unity could not be practically obtained along with diversity of sentiment upon fundamental questions, but we did not see that this need necessarily be true where a principle of cohesion was assented to which involved tolerance to all opinions; and we therefore determined ourselves to try the experiment, and so remove the question, if possible, out of the region of speculation into that of practice. We conceived one idea in common, with great diversity of opinion amongst us, upon all the questions which divide men in their opinions of the government and constitution of the universe. We felt that whatever was true was better for us than that which was not, and that we attained it best by listening and thinking for ourselves.” [#13]

Joseph B. Forster (1831–1883) was a leader of the dissidents after the death of David Duncan. (For another excerpt, see pp. 17.) He wrote, “[E]very law which fixes a limit to free thought, exists in violation of the very first of all doctrines held by the Early Quakers,—the doctrine of the ‘Inner Light’.” [#14]

Forster was editor of a journal published by the Free FriendsIn the first issue he wrote,

“We ask for [The Manchester Friend] the support of those who, with widely divergent opinions, are united in the belief that dogma is not religion, and that truth can only be made possible to us where perfect liberty of thought is conceded. We ask for it also the support of those, who, recognizing this, feel that Christianity is a life and not a creed; and that obedience to our knowledge of what is pure and good is the end of all religion. We may fall below our ideal, but we shall try not to do so; and we trust our readers will, as far as they can, aid us in our task.” [#15]

[Also mentioned: George S. Brady (1833–1913).]

Progressive and Congregational Friends

The Progressive Friends at Longwood (near Philadelphia) were committed to peace, and the rights of women and blacks, and were also concerned about church governance and doctrine. . . . Between 1844 and 1874 they separated from other Hicksite Quakers and formed a monthly meeting and a yearly meeting. They asked, “What right had one Friend, or one group of Friends, to judge the leadings of others?” [#16] They objected to partitions between men’s and women’s meetings and the authority of meeting elders and ministers over the expression of individual conscience and other actions of the members. There were similar separations in Indiana Yearly Meeting (Orthodox) in the 1840s, Green Plain Quarterly Meeting in Ohio in 1843 and in Genesee Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) in northern New York and Michigan and in New York Yearly Meeting in 1846 and 1848.

A Congregational Friend in New York declared,

“We do not require that persons shall believe that the Bible is an inspired book; we do not even demand that they shall have an unwavering faith in their own immortality; nor do we require them to assert a belief in the existence of God. We do not catechize men at all as to their theological opinions. Our only test is one which applies to the heart, not to the head. To all who seek truth we extend the hand of fellowship, without distinction of sex, creed and color. We open our doors, to all who wish to unite with us in promoting peace and good will among men. We ask all who are striving to elevate humanity to come here and stand with us on equal terms.” [#17]

In their Basis of Religious Association Progressive Friends at Longwood welcomed “all who acknowledge the duty of defining and illustrating their faith in God, not by assent to a creed, but lives of personal purity, and works of beneficence and charity to mankind.” They also wrote,

“We seek not to diminish, but to intensify in ourselves the sense of individual responsibility. . . . We have set forth no forms or ceremonies; nor have we sought to impose upon ourselves or others a system of doctrinal belief. Such matters we have left where Jesus left them, with the conscience and common sense of the individual. It has been our cherished purpose to restore the union between religion and life, and to place works of goodness and mercy far above theological speculations and scholastic subtleties of doctrine. Creed–making is not among the objects of our association. Christianity, as it presents itself to our minds, is too deep, too broad, and too high to be brought within the cold propositions of the theologian. We should as soon think of bottling up the sunshine for the use of posterity, as of attempting to adjust the free and universal principles taught and exemplified by Jesus of Nazareth to the angles of a manmade creed.” [#18]

Between 1863 and 1874 many of the Friends at Longwood were taken back into membership by their meetings. By the time of the birth of modern liberal Quakerism at the turn of the century, many Friends in unprogrammed meetings had become progressives.

Quaker Free Thinkers

Liberal religious dissenters in the nineteenth century were called Free Thinkers. Lucretia Mott (1793–1880) worked for abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, and temperance. . . . 

  • Her motto was “Truth for authority, and not authority for truth.” 
  • She refused to be controlled by her meeting but also refused to leave it.

 Her meeting denied permission to travel in the ministry after 1843 but she went anyway. Mott was a founding member of the Free Religious Association in 1867, when she told them, “I believe that such proving all things, such trying all things, and holding fast only to that which is good, is the great religious duty of our age. . . . 

  • Our own conscience and the Divine Spirit’s teaching are always harmonious and this Divine illumination is as freely given to man as his reason, or as are many of his natural powers.” 
  • She also said, “I confess to great skepticism as to any account or story, which conflicts with the unvarying natural laws of God in his creation.” [#19] . . . 

In 1849 Mott said,

“I confess to you, my friends, that I am a worshipper after the way called heresy—a believer after the manner many deem infidel. While at the same time my faith is firm in the blessed, the eternal doctrine preached by Jesus and by every child of God since the creation of the world, especially the great truth that 

  • God is the teacher of his people himself; the doctrine that Jesus most emphatically taught, that the kingdom is with man, that there is his sacred and divine temple.” [#20]

On another occasion she said, “Men are too superstitious, too prone to believe what is presented to them by their church and creed; they ought to follow Jesus more in his non–conformity. . . . I hold that skepticism is a religious duty; men should question their theology and doubt more in order that they might believe more.” [#21]

Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote in her diary that Mott said to her,

“There is a broad distinction between religion and theology

  • The one is a natural, human experience common to all well–organized minds. 
  • The other is a system of speculations about the unseen and the unknowable, which the human mind has no power to grasp or explain, and these speculations vary with every sect, age, and type of civilization. 
  • No one knows any more of what lies beyond our sphere of action than thou and I, and we know nothing.” [#22] . . .

Another Free Thinker was Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906). She was an active supporter of rights for women, abolition of slavery, and temperance. Raised a Quaker, she considered herself one even after she joined the Unitarians because her meeting failed to support abolition. Her friend, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, called her an agnostic. She refused to express her opinion on religious subjects, saying she could only work on one reform at a time. In 1890 she told a women’s organization,

“These are the principles I want to maintain—that our platform may be kept as broad as the universe, that upon it may stand the representatives of all creeds and of no creeds—Jew and Christian, Protestant and Catholic, Gentile and Mormon, believer and atheist.” In a speech in 1896 she said,

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. . . 

나는 하나님께서 그들에게 원하시는 것이 무엇인지 너무나 잘 안다는 사람들을 불신합니다. 왜냐하면 그것이 항상 그들 자신의 욕망과 일치한다는 것을 알기 때문입니다. . .]

What you should say to outsiders is that a Christian has neither more nor less rights in our association than an atheist. When our platform becomes too narrow for people of all creeds and of no creeds, I myself can not stand upon it.” When asked in an interview in 1896 “Do you pray?”, she answered, 

“I pray every single second of my life; not on my knees, but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me. I know there is no God of the universe made happy by my getting down on my knees and calling him ‘great’.” 

In 1897 she wrote, “(I)t does not matter whether it is Calvinism, Unitarianism, Spiritualism, Christian Science, or Theosophy, they are all speculations. So I think you and I had better hang on to this mundane sphere and keep tugging away to make conditions better for the next generation of women.” Anthony said to a group of Quakers in 1885, “I don’t know what religion is. I only know what work is, and that is all I can speak on, this side of Jordan.” [#23]

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902) was a leader of the women’s suffrage movement for fifty-five years and one of the most famous and outspoken Free Thinkers of her day. She was a member of Junius Monthly Meeting, a Congregational meeting in upstate New York, during their first ten years after splitting off from Genesee Yearly Meeting in 1848. As a child she was terrified by preaching about human depravity and sinners’ damnation. Later she wrote, “My religious superstitions gave place to rational ideas based on scientific facts, and in proportion, as I looked at everything from a new standpoint, I grew more happy day by day.” [#24] She also wrote,

“I can say that the happiest period of my life has been since I emerged from the shadows and superstitions of the old theologies, relieved from all gloomy apprehensions of the future, satisfied that as my labors and capacities were limited to this sphere of action, I was responsible for nothing beyond my horizon, as I could neither understand nor change the condition of the unknown world. Giving ourselves, then, no trouble about the future, let us make the most of the present, and fill up our lives with earnest work here.” [#25]

[Also mentioned: Maria Mitchell (1818–1889).]

Modern Liberal Friends

. . . Joseph Rowntree (1836–1925) was a chocolate manufacturer and reformer of the Religious Society of Friends and of society in general. He helped craft the London Yearly Meeting response to the Richmond Declaration of 1887, when he wrote, “(T)he general welfare of the Society of Friends the world over will not be advanced by one Yearly Meeting following exactly in the footsteps of another, but by each being faithful to its own convictions and experience. This may not result in a rigid uniformity of either thought or action, but it is likely to lead to something far better—to a true and living unity.” [#26]

The conference of Friends in Manchester in 1895 was a clear declaration of their views, as was the first Summer School (on the British model) at Haverford College in 1900, the founding of Friends General Conference in 1900 and American Friends Service Committee in 1917.

William Littleboy (c.1852–1936) and wife Margaret Littleboy were among the first staff at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. 

  • William Littleboy was an advocate of ethical living as basis for religion, and of opening the Religious Society of Friends to skeptics. 
  • In 1902 he wrote to Rufus Jones urging consideration be given to Quakers who do not have mystical experiences, and 
  • in 1916 he published a pamphlet, The Appeal of Quakerism to the NonMystic

In it he wrote,

  • “We know that to some choice souls God’s messages come in ways which are super–normal, and it is natural that we should look with longing eyes on these; yet such cases are the exception, not the rule. . . . 
  • Let us then take ourselves at our best. [Non–mystics] are capable of thought and care for others. We do at times abase ourselves that others may be exalted. On occasion we succeed in loving our enemies and doing good to those who despitefully use us. For those who are nearest to us we would suffer—perhaps even give our life, because we love them so. . . . To the great non–mystic majority [the Quaker’s] appeal should come with special power, for he can speak to them, as none other can whose gospel is less universal.” [#27]

This influenced the young Henry Cadbury who many years later said, “I am sure that over the years [William Littleboy’s] perceptive presentation of the matter has brought real relief to many of us.” [#28]

[Also mentioned: Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882–1934), Joel Bean (1825–1914) and Hannah Shipley Bean (1830–1909).]


Some Friends worked their entire lives to bring together dissident branches of the Religious Society of Friends. Examples are Henry Cadbury and Rufus Jones. 

They based their call for reunification on the same grounds that nontheist Friends rely on today. 

These included an emphasis 

  • on practice rather than beliefs; 
  • the idea that Quakers need not hold the same beliefs; 
  • describing Quaker beliefs in the meeting discipline by quoting from the writings of individuals; 
  • the idea that religiously inspired action can be associated with many different faiths; 
  • the love of diversity within the Religious Society of Friends; 
  • the view that religion is a matter our daily lives; and 
  • the emphasis on Jesus as a person rather than doctrine about Jesus.

These bases for reunification among Friends also serve to include nonmystics, nonChristians, and people of other faiths including nontheist faiths.

  • 일부 친우들은 친우 종교 협회의 반체제 지부를 하나로 모으기 위해 평생을 일했습니다. 그 예로는 헨리 캐드버리(Henry Cadbury)와 루퍼스 존스(Rufus Jones)가 있습니다.
  • 그들은 오늘날 무신론자들의 친구들이 의지하는 것과 동일한 근거에 통일을 요구했습니다.
  • 여기에는 강조점이 포함되었습니다.
    • 신념보다는 실천에;
    • 퀘이커교도가 동일한 신념을 가질 필요는 없다는 생각;
    • 개인의 글을 인용하여 모임 규율에 대한 퀘이커 신앙을 설명합니다.
    • 종교적으로 영감을 받은 행동이 다양한 신앙과 연관될 수 있다는 생각;
    • 친우종교협회 내의 다양성에 대한 사랑;
    • 종교는 우리의 일상생활의 문제라는 견해; 그리고
    • 예수에 관한 교리보다는 인격체로서의 예수를 강조합니다.

NonChristian Friends

At regular intervals during the history of Friends there is discussion about whether we have to be Christian to be Quaker. This is often in the form of an exchange of letters in a Quaker journal. One such flurry was prompted by two letters from Watchman in The Friend in 1943 and 1944 (reprinted in 1994).

In 1953 Arthur Morgan proposed inviting people of other faiths to join Friends. In 1966 Henry Cadbury was invited to address the question in a talk given at the annual sessions of Pacific Yearly Meeting. In his view Quakerism and Christianity represent sets of beliefs from which individuals make selections, with no one belief required of all. Quaker universalists have raised the issue many times (for example, John Linton in 1979 and Daniel A. Seeger in 1984). [#29]

Universalist Friends

The Quaker Universalist Group was formed in Britain in 1979, and the Quaker Universalist Fellowship in the United States in 1983. Among the founders were nontheists John Linton and Kingdon W. Swayne. It is a diverse movement. 

For the early Friends universalism meant that any person could be saved by Christ. Today, for some Friends universalism is about accepting diversity of religious faith. For others it is an active searching for common aspects of different faiths. Universalism can also mean an effort to learn from each other and live together well and love each other, differences and all.


Over the years, many Quakers stood against the doctrinal views of their times. They represent a continual stream of dissent and a struggle for inclusiveness that started with the birth of our Society. What was rejected at one point was accepted later. Much of what Friends believe today would have been heresy in the past.

Through the years, certain traditions in the Religious Society of Friends have supported the presence of doctrinal skeptics. This included being noncreedal, tolerant, and universalist; concern for experience rather than beliefs; authority of the individual as well as the community, interpreting what we read; and the conviction that Quaker practice and Quaker membership do not require agreement on religious doctrine.

Many Quaker practices are typically explained in terms of God, Spirit or the Inner Light, such as worship, leadings, discernment, the sense of the meeting, and continual revelation. Nontheist Friends embrace the practices without the explanation.

청심도기공(氣功), 청심선원 네이버 블로그 : 네이버 블로그

청심도기공(氣功), 청심선원 네이버 블로그 : 네이버 블로그

청심도기공(氣功) 3개의 글

알라딘: 따주기 대백과 청월 2009

따주기 대백과 
청월 (지은이) 예나루 2009-04-01

스님들 사이에 은밀히 전해져오던 따주기 요법을 청월스님이 현대인에 맞게 재구성한 책. 모두 4개의 장으로 구성하였다. 먼저 기(氣)와 경락(經絡)에 대한 기본 이해를 돕기 위해 그림으로 자세히 설명하고 있다. 이 책 하나만으로 기와 경락에 대해 이해할 수 있고, 몸에 있는 모든 혈자리를 파악할 수 있도록 했다.

기와 경락에 대한 이해를 마치면 이 책의 주제인 따주기에 들어간다. 따주기의 원리와 효능, 그리고 장점에 대해 자세히 풀어준다. 50여개의 병증을 따주기 요법 하나로 다스릴 수 있도록 되어 있다. 병증에 대한 설명도 서양의학과 한방적 해석을 함께 해놓음으로써 누구나 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 되어 있다.

증상에 따라 어느 부분에 따주기를 할 것인가에 대해서도 고민할 필요가 없다. 병증에 대한설명과 함께 컬러사진으로 따줄 부분에 대해 정확히 표시해놓고 있다. 또한, 따주기에서 한 걸음 더 나아가고 싶은 분들을 위해 사암침법에 대해서도 자세히 소개하고 있다.


Ⅰ기(氣)와 경혈(經穴)
1. 기(氣)란 무엇인가? .16
2. 경락(經絡)이란? .18
3. 혈(穴)이란? .19
4. 12정경(正經) .20
1) 수태음폐경(手太陰肺經) .21 2) 수양명대장경(手陽明大腸經) .23
3) 족양명위경(足陽明胃經) .25 4) 족태음비경(足太陰脾經) .28
5) 수소음심경(手少陰心經) .30 6) 수태양소장경(手太陽小腸經) .32
7) 족태양방광경(足太陽膀胱經) .34 8) 족소음신경(足少陰腎經) .38
9) 수궐음심포경(手厥陰心包經) .40 10) 수소양삼초경(手少陽三焦經) .42
11) 족소양담경(足少陽膽經) .44 12) 족궐음간경(足厥陰肝經) .48
5. 기경팔맥(奇經八脈) .50
1) 임맥(任脈) .51 2) 독맥(督脈) .53
3) 대맥(帶脈) .55 4) 충맥(衝脈) .56
5) 양교맥(陽?脈) .57 6) 음교맥(陰?脈) .58
7) 양유맥(陽維脈) .59 8) 음유맥(陰維脈) .60

Ⅱ 따주기 요법
6. 따주기란? .62
- 따주기란 무엇인가? .62
- 따주기의 원리 .64
- 따주기의 효능 및 장점 .64

7. 상응점의 형태로 본 진단법 .66
8. 손의 인체상응도 .68
9. 증상에 따른 치료법 .70
- 급체(急滯) .70 - 두통 .72
- 낙침 .74 - 견비통 .76
- 요통 .78 - 무릎 통증 .80
- 늑간신경통 .82 - 좌골신경통 .84
- 발 바깥쪽 저림 .86 - 발 안쪽저림 .88
- 발이 냉할 때 .90 - 손 바깥쪽 저림 .92
- 손 안쪽 저림 .93 - 뇌졸중 .94
- 소아경기 .96 - 심인성(心因性) 정신 혼미 .98
- 심계항진 .100 - 감기 .102
- 탈모증 .104 - 편도선염 .106
- 갑상선염 .108 - 목적안통(目赤眼痛) .110
- 결막염 .112 - 백내장 .114
- 혓바늘 .116 - 치통 .118
- 입이 부르틀 때 .120 - 축농증, 비염 .122
- 이명, 중이염 .124 - 오심구토 .126
- 당뇨병 .128 - 대장 질환과 치질 .130
- 변비 .132 - 전립선염 .134
- 다이어트 .136 - 금연 .138
- 금주 .140 - 머리 좋아지는 법 .142
- 키가 크고 싶을 때 .144 - 여드름 .146
- 아토피 피부염 .148 - 멀미 .150
- VDT증후군 .152 - 불면증 .154
- 숙취 .156 - 몸살 .158
- 화병(火病) .160 - 정력 약화 .162
- 생리불순 .164 - 생리통 .166

Ⅲ 사암침법
10. 사암도인(舍岩道人) .170
11. 오수혈(五輸穴) .173
1) 정(井) .174 2) 형(滎) .174
3) 유(兪) .174 4) 경(經) .175
5) 합(合) .175
12. 원혈(原穴) .176
13. 낙혈(絡穴) .179
14. 극혈(隙穴) .180
15. 모혈(募穴) .181
16. 배유혈(背兪穴) .182
17. 팔맥교회혈(八脈交會穴) .183
18. 각 혈위표 정리 .184
19. 육경론(六經論) .185
1) 태양경(太陽經) .185 2) 양명경(陽明經) .187
3) 소양경(少陽經) .188 4) 태음경(太陰經) .189
5) 소음경(少陰經) .190 6) 궐음경(厥陰經) .191
20. 사암침법(舍岩鍼法) .193
1) 수태음폐경(手太陰肺經) .193 2) 수양명대장경(手陽明大腸經) .195
3) 족양명위경(足陽明胃經) .198 4) 족태음비경(足太陰脾經) .200
5) 수소음심경(手少陰心經) .203 6) 수태양소장경(手太陽小腸經) .205
7) 족태양방광경(足太陽膀胱經) .207 8) 족소음신경(足少陰腎經) .209
9) 수궐음심포경(手厥陰心包經) .212 10) 수소양삼초경(手少陽三焦經) .214
11) 족소양담경(足少陽膽經) .216 12) 족궐음간경(足厥陰肝經) .218

Ⅳ 한국을 넘어 세계로
21. 세계의 한의사 제도 .232
1) 미국 .232
(1) 미국의 한의학 현황 .234 (2) 미국의 한의사 시험 제도 .236
2) 중국 .237
(1) 중의대 현황 .237 (2) 입학 및 조건 .238
(3) 학제 .238 (4) 중의사(中醫師) 시험 .239
(5) 중의사의 향후 전망 .239
3) 캐나다 .241 4) 영국 .241
5) 스페인 .241 6) 브라질 .242
7) 아르헨티나 .242 8) 터키 .242
9) 독일 .243 10) 프랑스 .243
11) 이탈리아 .243 12) 러시아 .244
- 참고서적 .245
- 인터넷자료 .245
- 청심선원 강좌 안내 .246

저자 소개
지은이: 청월
저자파일 신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <무통괄사>,<염력혁명>,<따주기 대백과> … 총 3종 (모두보기)

대일외국어고등학교 재학 때부터 많은 기인이사들 을 통해 기공을 수련했고, 건국대학을 졸업한 후, 기 공의 과학적 체계화를 위해 미국으로 건너가 사우스 베일로 한의대를 졸업하고 로메리카 불교대학을 마 쳤다.
한의사로 일하며 이주홍 원장(美 라이프한의원)에게서 수기(手技)치료지압을 배웠고, 리진평 선생을 만나 중국황실에서 전해져오던 황제지압을 전수받았다. 이를 바탕으로 일본의 시아추, 한국의 전통 수기요법, 서양의 카이로프락틱 등 동서양의 수기법 등을 통합, 치료개념으로 발전시켜 EPH(Energy Point Healing)를 창안했다. 또한 美 괄사협회 이건일 회장 에게 괄사요법을 전수, 한의학적으로 체계화 시킴으로써 무통괄사요법을 창안하고, 국내에 먼저 소개하게 되었다.
서울 종로와 강남, 아일랜드에 청심선원을 운영하고 있으며, 해외에도 적극적으로 진출, 영국, 아일랜드, 일본 등에서 힐링센터 설립을 진행하고 있다.

<염력혁명>, <따주기 대백과>

출판사 제공 책소개

누구나 할 수 있는 응급처치법
부작용이 없는 안전한 치료법

위급한 상황은 누구에게나 찾아온다. 고혈압, 뇌졸중으로 쓰러질 수도 있고, 사지가 마비될 수도 있다. 119에 연락할 시간조차 없을 때는 어떻게 하는가?
이럴 때 따주기 요법을 알고 있다면 걱정할 필요가 없다. 따주기는 위급한 상황에서 환자의 상태가 악화되는 것을 막거나, 소중한 생명까지 살릴 수도 있다.
이런 가운데 눈에 띄는 책이 출간됐다. 탁월한 기공능력으로도 널리 알려진 청월스님이 펴낸 '따주기 대백과'가 그것이다. 이 책에는 전신 경혈경락도가 첨부되어 있어 벽에 걸어놓고 활용할 수 있으며, 따주기 대응점을 손쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 휴대용 따주기 상응도, 침법을 직접 시술할 수 있는 사혈침까지 들어있다.
'따주기 대백과'는 스님들 사이에 은밀히 전해져오던 따주기 요법을 청월스님이 현대인에 맞게 재구성한 것이다. 이 책은 모두 4개의 장으로 구성되어 있다. 먼저 기(氣)와 경락(經絡)에 대한 기본 이해를 돕기 위해 그림으로 자세히 설명하고 있다. 이 책 하나만으로 기와 경락에 대해 이해할 수 있고, 몸에 있는 모든 혈자리를 파악할 수 있도록 되어있다.
기와 경락에 대한 이해를 마치면 이 책의 주제인 따주기에 들어간다. 따주기의 원리와 효능, 그리고 장점에 대해 자세히 풀어준다. 50여개의 병증을 따주기 요법 하나로 다스릴 수 있도록 되어 있다. 병증에 대한 설명도 서양의학과 한방적 해석을 함께 해놓음으로써 누구나 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 되어 있다.
증상에 따라 어느 부분에 따주기를 할 것인가에 대해서도 고민할 필요가 없다. 병증에 대한설명과 함께 컬러사진으로 따줄 부분에 대해 정확히 표시해놓고 있다. 이제까지의 책들이 그림으로 표현되어 있어 정확한 지점을 알기 어렵다는 단점을 극복한 것이다.
따주기에서 한 걸음 더 나아가고 싶은 분들을 위해 사암침법에 대해서도 자세히 소개하고 있다. 이 책은 사암침법을 일반인도 손쉽게 배울 수 있도록 혈자리 하나하나에 대해 사진을 촬영, 누구나 익힐 수 있도록 구성되어 있다.
마지막으로 이 책의 저자는 해외에서 의사와 동일한 대우를 받는 침구사로 진출할 수 있는 방법을 알려주고 있다. 1년 침술을 익힌다면 의사 못지않은 대우를 받고 살 수 있다는 것이 저자의 주장이다. 취업에 고민하는 한국의 젊은이에게 희망이 될 만한 정보가 아닐 수 없다.

청심도 기공과 EPH수기법을 소개하는 블로그

* 침구학과 기공의 세계화 -기고의 글 : 네이버 블로그

청심도 기공과 EPH수기법을 소개하는 블로그입니다.


염력혁명 : 청월스님 2009

염력혁명 : 네이버 도서



염력혁명 청월스님의 NEW 시크릿
저자 청월스님
출판 예나루
발행 2009.11.25.

『염력혁명』에서 업장(業障)을 소멸하고, 잘못된 생활 습관과 부정적인 생각을 바꾸고, 염력을 기르는 필연의 원리를 과학이론과 접목하여 풀어내고 있다. 이 책은 ‘가다보면 알게 될 것이다’, ‘포기하지만 않으면 누구나 성공한다’는 식의 막연한 주장은 하지 않는다. 현대인들이 누구나 이해할 수 있는 과학적 자료를 토대로 기와 성공의 비밀을 풀어주고 있다. ☞ 특별부록 1. 생명의 기운이 방사되는 신비의 육각형 2. 청월 스님의 초염력을 봉입한 파워- CD * 상기 품목은 출판사의 사정에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.


책 소개

『염력혁명』에서 업장(業障)을 소멸하고, 잘못된 생활 습관과 부정적인 생각을 바꾸고, 염력을 기르는 필연의 원리를 과학이론과 접목하여 풀어내고 있다. 이 책은 ‘가다보면 알게 될 것이다’, ‘포기하지만 않으면 누구나 성공한다’는 식의 막연한 주장은 하지 않는다. 현대인들이 누구나 이해할 수 있는 과학적 자료를 토대로 기와 성공의 비밀을 풀어주고 있다.

☞ 특별부록
1. 생명의 기운이 방사되는 신비의 육각형
2. 청월 스님의 초염력을 봉입한 파워- CD

* 상기 품목은 출판사의 사정에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
교보문고에서 제공한 정보입니다.

출판사 서평

기(氣)와 성공의 비밀
은 두 가지 부분에서 이전의 기공 서적들과는 확연히 다른 책이다.
첫째, 기(氣)를 과학적으로 해석, 짧은 시간에 고차원의 능력을 얻을 수 있는 방법을 제시했다는 점이다.
둘째, 기(氣)를 응용하여 성공으로 이르는 길을 제시했다는 사실이다.
이 책은 ‘긍정적인 생각=성공, 부정적인 생각=실패’라는 단순구도를 펼치지 않는다. 저자는 이 책에서 업장(業障)을 소멸하고, 잘못된 생활 습관과 부정적인 생각을 바꾸고, 염력을 기르는 필연의 원리를 과학이론과 접목하여 풀어내고 있다.
이 책은 ‘가다보면 알게 될 것이다’, ‘포기하지만 않으면 누구나 성공한다’는 식의 막연한 주장은 하지 않는다. 현대인들이 누구나 이해할 수 있는 과학적 자료를 토대로 기와 성공의 비밀을 풀어주고 있다.

과학으로 풀어낸 기(氣)
이 책의 저자 청월스님은 이미 여러 언론매체와 매스컴에서 차세대 기공능력자로 알려져 있는 인물이다. 사실 기공계는 ‘비(非) 과학’, ‘무(無) 효과’, ‘부(不) 작용’로 인해 불신을 자초해온 측면이 없지 않다.
그런데 청월 스님은 대일외고를 졸업하고 미국 유학을 마친 경력에 걸맞게 과학적인 기(氣)를 말한다. 기공 수련의 효과도 마찬가지다. 매스컴을 통해 진가를 보인 청월 스님의 발공 능력은 신선한 충격을 주고 있다. 스님의 기운에 약 80~90%의 사람들이 온 몸이 흔들리고, 정신이 혼미해지는 것을 느끼며, 예민한 사람이라면 10여 미터 이상 밀려나간다.

주화입마(走火入魔), 빙의(憑依)가 없다
부작용도 없다. 호흡을 강조하는 수련과는 달리 주화입마(走火入魔), 빙의(憑依) 등의 부작용이 없다. 수련방법도 간단하다. 초차원의 영적 파장을 형성한 스승이 제자의 몸에 고파동의 에너지를 직접 방사해 준다. 스승이 세슘관을 직접 개혈시켜 주면 단기간에 높은 성취를 이룰 수 있다고 한다.
스님으로부터 세슘관을 개혈한 김한승 씨는 “스스로 열어 나가라는 기존 단체들과는 달리 스님은 직접 몸의 경맥을 열어 준다. 10년 이상 수련한 효과를 한 달 만에 볼 수 있었다.”고 털어놓는다.

세슘관 개혈로 초단기간 성취
청월 스님은 호흡에 대해 강조하지 않는다. 지금까지 수많은 단체들이 호흡법을 강조해왔지만, 그 결과는 신통치 않은 것이 사실이다. 스님이 중시하는 부분은 척추선이다. 척추는 인체의 근본적인 에너지원이기도 하며, 세슘관이라고 부르는 에너지라인이 같이 위치하고 있다. 척추선이 강한 전도체가 될수록 주위의 생체전자기장도 강해진다고 한다. 엄청난 기(氣) 에너지를 우주로부터 끌어와 목적한 곳에 쓸 수도 있으며, 몸과 마음의 파워는 물론 운명까지 변화시킬 수 있는 파워를 증폭시킬 수 있게 된다는 것이 스님의 설명이다.

운명력 강화로 성공에 이르는 수련법
청심수련법을 통해 인체의 파동을 자유자재로 조절할 수 있다면 운명력도 변화시킬 수 있다고 한다. 수련을 통해 자신의 원하는 대로 파동을 만들어내게 되면 뭘 해도 안 되던 일들이 술술 풀려나가게 할 수 있다는 것이다.

출판사 서평 접기
교보문고에서 제공한 정보입니다.

미주선학대 침구학과, 한국 한의학 연수 - 원불교신문 2023

미주선학대 침구학과, 한국 한의학 연수 < 국제 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 원불교신문

미주선학대 침구학과, 한국 한의학 연수
기자명 이현천 기자
입력 2023.08.16
호수 2131

원광대학교·원광제약·보화당한의원·성지순례 등으로 원불교 이해 높여
“한국 연수 통해 여러 치유법 직접 본 만큼 더 열심히 배워 많은 이에게 도움 줄 것”

[원불교신문=이현천 기자] 한국을 찾은 미주선학대학원대학교 침구학과(이하 미주선학대 침구학과) 학생들이 한의학 연수를 통해 한의학의 과거와 현재, 미래를 살폈다. 7월 17~27일 이뤄진 연수는 원광대학교 한방병원, 원광대학교 장흥통합의료병원, ㈜원광제약, 보화당한의원, 영산·익산성지 순례 등으로 진행됐다.

미주선학대 침구학과의 한국 연수는 원기101년(2016)부터 시작됐다. 코로나19 팬데믹 기간에는 잠시 휴식기를 가졌다가 올해 6번째 연수를 재개하게 됐다. 이번 연수에는 침구학과 석·박사과정 학생들과 졸업생, 교수진들이 참여했고, 인솔은 박인선 교무(미주선학대학원대학교)가 맡았다.

7월 25일 원불교 익산성지를 방문한 연수단은 이성택 원로교무에게 원불교의 역사와 교리, 한의학과 원불교에 대한 이야기를 들었다. 이들은 특히 아름다운 성지 풍경에 감탄을 표했다.

이어 연수단은 원광제약을 방문해 한방 의약품이 제조되는 과정을 살피며 “약재는 한국산만 사용하나, 아니면 외국산도 혼용하나”, “제약에서 유통까지의 기간은 얼마나 걸리나”, “한방 의약품의 유통기한과 기한을 지나 먹었을 때 효능은 어떤가” 등 다양한 질문을 했다.

또 원광대학교 한의과대학에서 진행된 본초학(한의학약을 통틀어 연구하는 학문) 강의시간에 학생들은 약재를 직접 만져보기도 하고, 달여진 약재를 시음하며 한의학 지식을 쌓았다.

코로나19의 팬데믹을 겪으며 남과 자신의 치유에 도움 되는 길을 찾아 침구학과에 진학했다는 메간 씨(침구학과 2학년)은 “한국에 직접 와서 보니 한의학이 넓고 깊게 펼쳐져 있어 놀라웠다”며 “이번 연수를 통해 다양한 기술적 방법이 있음을 알았고, 또 환자에게 적용할 수 있는 뜸과 족욕 등 여러 치유법을 직접 본 만큼 앞으로 더 정진해서 많은 이들에게 도움을 주고 싶다”는 소감을 전했다.

[2023년 8월 9일자]


오원선 미주선학대학원대학교 신임총장- “다양화되고 포용 필요한 지금- 원불교신문

[특별인터뷰] 오원선 미주선학대학원대학교 신임총장- “다양화되고 포용 필요한 지금… 원불교 빛 발할 시기” < 특별인터뷰 < 인물 < 기사본문 - 원불교신문

[특별인터뷰] 오원선 미주선학대학원대학교 신임총장- “다양화되고 포용 필요한 지금… 원불교 빛 발할 시기”

기자명 이여원 기자
입력 2023.07.07

[원불교신문=이여원 기자] 원불교 미주선학대학원대학교(이하 미주선학대) 제3대 총장으로 취임한 오원선 미주선학대 신임총장(법명 도훈, 강남교당)은 “미국원불교 교화에 있어 꼭 필요한 일을 우리 학교(미주선학대)가 해야 한다”고 말했다. 그리고 무한한 포텐셜(Potential, 가능성·잠재력)이 ‘충분히 있다’고도 했다.

오원선 미주선학대학원대학교 신임총장

그가 구상하고 있는 미주선학대의 모습은 ‘종합 치유힐링센터’다. 좌선·명상·음식으로 치유하고 한의학을 통한 치료를 더해 많은 사람에게 유익을 주는 일. ‘학문은 실용적으로 모든 사람을 이롭게 하는 것을 전제로 한다’는 그의 명확한 소신은 여기에 닿아있다.

소신만큼 실천 의지 또한 명확하다. ‘교법에 바탕한 특화된 치유프로그램’을 생각하고 있는 그는 미주선학대 고문국 초대 총장의 뜻을 이은 연구소 개설과, 인적자원을 통한 학교의 네임벨류 상승 등 순차적 걸음을 내디딜 예정이다. 미주선학대의 도약을 이끌 오 신임총장을 신규 캠퍼스인 글로벌 다르마 빌딩(Global Dharma Building)에서 만났다.

제3대 총장으로 취임한 소감은.
“인생을 살아가며 가끔은 정해진 길이 있다고 생각합니다. 지난해에 25년간 근무하던 경기대학교에서 정년퇴직하고 미주선학대 총장으로 추천을 받게 됐습니다. 한번도 가본 적 없는 새로운 길에 대한 두려움이 우선 앞섰고, 너무나 익숙한 한국 생활을 떠나 새로운 환경으로의 진입은 쉬운 일이 아닌 것은 틀림없습니다. 하지만 새로운 시도에 대한 도전은 인생 후반부에 들어서는 저를 재조명하고 성장시키는 기회가 될 것입니다. 두려움을 극복하고 새로운 가능성을 위해 총장의 임무를 충실히 하겠습니다.”

미국에서 미주선학대가 고등교육기관 인증을 취득한 것은 어떤 의미인가.
“미주선학대는 2001년 펜실베니아에 설립된 원불교 교단의 유일한 해외 교육기관으로서 원불교 일원주의와 세계주의를 전파하는 ‘선두 기러기’ 역할을 하는 기관입니다. 이소성대의 정신으로 성장한 학교는 원불교학과를 시작으로 침구학 석사, 한의학, 침구학 박사과정을 개설하며 발전해 왔습니다. 이러한 양적 성장과 더불어 중요한 것이 고등교육기관으로서 교육의 질에 관한 것입니다. 지난해 침구학과는 평가결과(ACAHM) 7년 인증을 받았으며, MSCHE 평가는 올해 5월 현장 실사 후 결과를 기다리고 있습니다. 우리 학교가 평가기관으로부터 인증을 받았다는 것은 고등교육기관으로서 학생들에게 양질의 교육을 제공할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 이는 학생모집과 지원에 유용한 지표로 사용될 수 있습니다.”

합리적인 미국인을 위한 체계적인 프로그램과
언어의 장벽을 뛰어 넘은 교화인재를 발굴하며
현지인 교역자를 양성하는 것 또한
중요 과제라고 생각합니다.

영어권 교화 등 교화 패러다임 변화의 중심에 미주선학대의 역할이 클 텐데.
“저는 우리 학교의 기능이 교육·연구·봉사에 있다고 봅니다. 현장에서 교화에 힘쓰는 교무님들께 교재, 프로그램, 인재를 제공하는 것이 우리 학교의 역할이라고 생각합니다. 점점 다양화되고 서로 간 포용이 필요한 지금이야말로 원불교 가르침이 빛을 발할 시기라 생각합니다. 합리적 사고에 젖은 미국인들에게 보다 체계적으로 접근하기 위한 프로그램을 개발하고, 언어의 장벽을 뛰어넘어 소통이 가능한 교화인재를 발굴하고 현지인 교역자를 양성하는 것 또한 중요 과제입니다.”

중요과제 실천을 위해 비중있게 생각하는 점이 있다면.
“우리가 양성하고자 하는 인재는 정신수양·사리연구 등 원불교의 가르침을 바탕으로 한 전문인입니다. 도학과 과학을 병행시킨 프로그램을 운영해 원만한 인재를 양성하여 병든 사회를 치유하는 리더 역할을 할 수 있게 길러내고자 합니다.”

6월 26일 미주선학대학원대학교를 방문한 전산종법사와 함께.

어려운 현안이나 향후 과제는 무엇인가.
“미주선학대는 현대 사회에 필요한 건강한 몸과 마음을 형성하는 데 필요한 대체의학적 접근인 명상, 침, 한약 등의 과정을 운영하며 지역사회에 공헌하고 있습니다. 현대의학으로는 치유하기 어려운 마음의 병을 치유하고, 원래의 자신을 발견하며 회복할 수 있는 종합적인 웰니스 센터(Wellness Center)로서의 역할을 기대해봅니다.”

미국원불교 교역자 교육에 대한 특별한 서원이나 경영 소신을 전한다면.
“교화·교육·자선의 원불교 3대 사업을 통해 원불교의 가치를 미국사회에 알리며, 학문과 교육의 선도적 소임을 수행하고자 합니다. 지난 시간 쌓아온 경험과 지식을 바탕으로 서로 다른 문화와 종교 간 상호이해와 대화를 촉진하고, 원불교의 가르침을 전하기 위해 다양한 교육과정과 연구역량을 발전시켜 나갈 것입니다. 무엇보다 겸손한 자세로 미국문화를 이해하고 새로운 지식과 기술을 습득해 저 자신의 성장과 발전도 지속적으로 도모하겠습니다.”

신앙의 지표로 삼는 마음속 법문은.
“강남교당에서 ‘천불불사 비전’을 추구할 때 항상 마음에 새겨 두었던 대산종사의 ‘끝까지 구하라 얻어지나리라, 진심으로 원하라 이뤄지나니라, 정성껏 힘쓰라 되나니라’라는 ‘세 가지 되어지는 진리’로 모든 어려움을 극복하며 정진하고자 합니다.”

[2023년 7월 5일자]


* 침구학과 기공의 세계화 2011

* 침구학과 기공의 세계화 : 네이버 블로그

* 침구학과 기공의 세계화

70년대 한국의 태권도 사범들이 고유무술인 태권도로 무장하여 세계로 나아가 국위선양을 했습니다. 그리하여 한국을 세계에 알렸고 경제발전의 전초기지 역활과 20세기 선진 민간외교에 한목을 단단히 하였습니다.

한국은 중동과 같은 화석원료인 기름이나 기타 풍부한 지하자원, 그리고 넓은 땅도 없는, 그야말로 전무한 땅입니다. 그러나 조상은 귀중한 유산으로 뛰어난 손재주와 명석한 두뇌를 주셨고, 한국인에 가장 적합한 유일의 유산인 세계8대 불가사의한 "침구술"을 물려 주셨습니다. 후손에게 이 땅에는 아무것도 없으나 잘 먹고 잘 살아라. 하고 섬세한 손기술을 물려 주셨습니다. 젓가락으로 어려서부터 머리카락도 집을 수 있도록 완전하게 준비를 시켰고, 그 손을 이용하여 정교한 침술로 세계에서 잘 먹고 잘 살수 있도록 주셨던 것입니다.

일제 강점기에 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화등 모든 방면에 유린을 당하였고, 침술도 쟁이로 비하되어 피폐 당했습니다. 그러나 그들은 침술의 위대함을 인식하고 자국에 도입하여 침구대학등을 설립 하였습니다. 그리고 현재 유럽등 세계로 젊은 침구사들이 활발하게 진출하고 있습니다. 

그렇다면 그들은 세계의학계의 후진국인가요?

5.16혁명 후 국가 비상사태시 국가재건위원회에서 의사가 주장하여 침술이 전근대적인 미신적인 행위로 간주되었고, 혹은 일부 업계의 이익을 위해 침구사를 말살하였습니다. 의사 한명을 배출하는데 10여년의 세월과 수억원의 교육비 ,그리고 병원시설등 천문학적인 의료비용을 모두 국민이 부담하게 되어 있습니다. 그러나 침구사는 소정의 교육과 단기간의 집중교육으로 준비된 인재를 양성할 수 있는 세계의료의 보고입니다. 세계 각국의 의료비용을 획기적으로 줄일 수 있는 정책인 것입니다. 그리하여 세계보건기구에서도 한국에 침구학의 세계화지원을 아끼지 않았었으나, 어찌된 일인지 한국은 세계의학조류에 동참을 하지 않는것 같습니다. 아니 침구사법이 엄연히 살아 있는데도 2년 마다 국가침구사 시험을 시행하지 않고 직무유기를 하고 있습니다.

한국의 젊은 인재는 세계로 나아가야 합니다. 그런데 해외로 진출할 때 우리는 무엇을 갖고 나가야 할까요? 자원과 자본이 없는 우리는 현대의학인 서양의학을 배워서 진출하면 성공할까요? 아니면 다시 태권도로 시작할까요? 이제는 무엇으로 세계를 상대로 단독으로 우리가 싸워 이길 수 있을까요?

국가는 대한민국의 장래를 위해서 그리고 후손들을 위해서 어떤 간절한 고민과 지원을 하고 있는지 진실로 묻고 싶습니다. 세계에서 젊은이들의 자살율이 최고인 한국을 어떻게 보고 있는지요. 대한민국 정부가 인정하는 침구사 종이 한 장이면 세계 각국에 자랑스럽게 진출하여 젊은 청춘들이 희망과 꿈을 이룰수 있는데 그것이 그렇게 어려운 것인지?

국민을 위한 국회에서는 도대체 무엇을 하고 있는지 모르겠습니다. 한국에서는 현재형편상 안 되더라도 외국에서만이라도 통용될 수 있는 그 허상의 종이 한장이 그렇게 어려운 것인지...

만약 한국의 의사가 해외로 진출했을 때 한국의 의사에게 서양의사가 묻습니다. 당신은 현대의학을 누구한테 배웠느냐고? 서양의학이니 당연히 서양의사한테 배웠는가? 묻겠죠. 만약 아니다. 라고 하면 속으로 그들은 동양사람인 "당신이 서양의학을 얼마나 알겠어!" 하면서 고개를 갸우뚱거리겠죠. 그러면 우리도 우리의 고유의학인 전통 침뜸, 기공침, 사암침술 등을 갖추고 세계로 나아가 존경받고 혼자서 우뚝 설 수 있는 것입니다.

그러면 우리도 해외로 진출하여 그들이 동양의학을 할 때 우리도 그들에게 묻습니다. 당신들은 과연 한국사람에게 침술을 배웠는가? 라고요. 물론 그렇지 않겠죠. 그러면 답은 자명한 것입니다. 제자로 가르치고 또한 종주국인 한국에 가보고 싶어할 것이고 체류하여 돈을 쓰면서 체험도 해보고 싶겠죠. 그리고 다시 자국으로 돌아갈 때에는 수료증 정도의 종이 한장 주면 되는 것입니다. 그것이 교육사업이고 우리의 조상이 물려주신 유산을 통하여 국가경제 활성화를 이루는 하나의 창조경제라고 생각합니다. 태권도로 세계를 놀라게 했었던 것처럼 말이죠.

세계의 현대의학은 세계1차, 2차 대전을 치르면서 방사선등의 의료기기 개발과 진통제, 항생, 항염제등의 외과술이 전쟁과 함께 급속도로 진보한 것입니다. 또한 첨단과학으로 무장한 천문학적인 비용과 인력을 쏟아 부었음에도 한계에 부딧치고 있는 것이 현실입니다. 고인이 말했던가? "약이 십리를 쫓아가면 병은 천리를 도망간다." 20세기 세계는 새로운 대안으로 동양침구학, 양자의학, 기공학 등을 앞다퉈 연구하고 있는 실정입니다.

세계인들이 자존심으로 대체의학이라는 미명하에 앞다퉈 한의학을 배우고 연구하고 있습니다. 그런데 도대체 무엇이 대체의학이란 말입니까? 약 5,000여년의 한의학 역사가 있는데, 겨우 기껏해야 3~4백년된 서양의학이 그 위대한 현대과학의 미명하에 "대체"라는 경우에 없는 말을 함부로 하고 있는 것입니다. 주객이 전도 되어도 한참 잘 못 되어가고 있는 것입니다. 따라서 세계의학계는 지금 우리가 설 자리를 빼앗고 있습니다. 우리가 오직 우리만의 것을 갖고, 태극기를 목에 걸고 세계로 나아간다면, 다시 태권도와도 같은 새로운 획기적인 영화를 누릴 수 있다고 자신합니다.

박정희 대통령 정권시 세계각국에서 무엇을 하는 한국 사람들이 가장 잘 먹고 잘 살고 있는가? 를 조사해 본 적이 있었는데, 수년간 침구사들이 1등으로 보고된 적이 있었다고 합니다. 그렇다면 정부는 그것을 추진해야 하지 않나요? 그런데도 침구사법은 여러 법적인 제한과, 일부 업계의 이기심으로 인하여 사장되고 말았던 것입니다. 그러는 사이 20세기 세계의학은 동양의학을 대안으로 삼고, 수십개의 침구대학을 설치하는 등 미래의 국가전략 정책으로 무한 발전하고 있습니다. 그런데 한국침구사법은 아직도 혼수상태에서 깨어나지 못하고 있는 것입니다. 업계는 작은 우물안에서 넓은 세상으로 나아가길 두려워하고 있는 것은 아닌지...

그리고 보건복지가족부는 결국 혼수상태였던 유사의료법 침사법 법령도 아예 2009년 8월 31일자로 영구히 삭제시켰습니다. 호흡기마저 매정하게 떼어버린 것입니다.

유일하게 맹인침구사만 모법을 없애고 안마사법에 귀속시킨 것입니다. 세계는 동양의학을 앞다퉈 연구하고, 어떻게 하면 국민을 위해 새로운 대안을 모색할 것인가에 혈안이 되어있는데, 한국은 조상의 위대한 유산을 못죽여서 한인 것입니다. 보건복지가족부는 2009년 8월 31일자로 유사의료법 침사, 구사, 안마사의 법안을 영구삭제함으로써 그 보습을 여실히 보여 주었습니다.

한국의 11개 한의대와 한의사는 훌륭합니다. 전통을 이어왔고 수십년 어려운 국민보건에 지대한 공헌을 하였습니다. 또한 이제는 세계로 나아갈 수 있는 인재들이 몰려 실력이 세계 최고임을 자부하고 있습니다. 

그러나 세계의 의학계는 공통적으로 "침구사" 로 통용되고 있는 것입니다. 
한의사제도는 동양의 몇개 국가들만 국한되어 있었습니다. 물론 미국에도 상당히 한의학과 한의사가 활성화 되었다고는 하나, 아직도 세계는 침구사로 인식하고 진정한 동양의 신비는 동양의학의 경락이 신경학적 개념과 연관하여 "침술"에 있다고 하는 것입니다. 

그렇다면 한국도 세계에서 침술의 종주국으로서의 주도권을 잡고 업계를 이끌려고 한다면, 하루 바삐 어떤 상응하는 세계적 대안을 갖고 있어야 할 것입니다. 그것이 꿈을 갖고 있는 후손들에게 경제전쟁에서 아사하지 않도록, 부모가 자식에게 먹고살 수 있도록 교육을 시키는 책무와도 같은 것이라고 생각합니다.

우리가 가장 잘 할 수 있는 것을 해야 세계에서 인정받고 살아 남을 수 있을 것입니다.
대안은 받드시 있습니다. 하지 않는 것입니다. 책임지기 싫고 아무도 하려고 시도를 하지 않는 것입니다. 그리하여 경제가 도탄에 빠지고 수백만의 젊은이들은 절망의 수렁으로 빠지고 있는 것입니다. 그것이 기성세대의 바라는 바는 아닐 것입니다.

지금이라도 늦지 않았습니다. 기공과, 수기술, 그리고 침구학을 배워 세계에서 통용될 수 있는 실력을 갖추고, 세계로 하루라도 빨리 나아가야 합니다. 세계가 모두 시장인데 좁은 이 땅에서 서로 경쟁할 필요가 없다고 봅니다. 누구누구 할것없이 재야의 침구사이거나 기공사는 물론 모두 국가와 민족 그리고 후손들의 미래를 위해 발판이 되도록, 국가가 인정하는 산하모기관의 명칭으로라도, 단기간의 소양교육을 이수하고 "대한민국침구사" "양자기공사" "수기사" 등의 종이쪽지 하나를 들고 하루라도 빨리 나아가야 할 것입니다.

그렇지 않으면 법이 필요없는 "기공침" 으로 새로운 업계를 창조하여 "새 술은 새 푸대에" 라는 속담처럼 새로운 땅에서 "시간이 안 되면 공간을 옮겨라" 와 같이 새 땅을 발판으로 세계를 장악할 수 있는 확신을 갖고 새 꿈을 펼쳐야 할 것입니다.

미국 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터(TOP Doctor) 선정된 박인선 교무 - 원불교신문 2023

[여기, 은혜로운 당신] 미국 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터(TOP Doctor) 선정된 박인선 교무- 서구사회 종교성… ‘내 마음 찾는 곳’으로 향한다 < 여기, 은혜로운 당신 < 인물 < 기사본문 - 원불교신문

[여기, 은혜로운 당신] 미국 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터(TOP Doctor) 선정된 박인선 교무- 서구사회 종교성… ‘내 마음 찾는 곳’으로 향한다
기자명 장지해 기자
입력 2023.08.10

[원불교신문=장지해 기자] 1980년대 초, 호주로 이민 가는 사람들을 보며 (이미 전무출신을 다짐하고 있던) 한 소녀는 생각한다. ‘원불교도 해외로 가야겠구나. 내가 가서 해야 되겠네?’ 그리고, 그 서원에 자연스레 덧붙은 생각 하나가 더 있었다. ‘한의학을 함께 할 수 있다면, 마음과 몸을 함께 치유해주는 좋은 도구가 되겠다.’

그 생각이 씨앗이었을까. 박인선 교무는 교무가 된 지 20여 년 후 한의학 공부를 본격 시작하게 되고, 최근에는 침구사로서 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터(TOP Doctor)로 선정됐다. 현재 미주선학대학원대학교(이하 미주선학대)에 근무하며 교무이자 한의사로 미국인들의 몸과 마음을 함께 살펴주고 있는 그. 어릴 때 가졌던 해외교화 서원은 한 번도 변함이 없어서, 박 교무는 첫 발령 딱 1년만 빼고 31년째 미국에서 활동 중이다.

몸과 마음 함께 치료하는 의사

“어안이 벙벙해요. 저도 모르게 선정된 거라 얼떨떨한데, 주위에서 많이 좋아해 주시네요.”
박 교무는 ‘탑 닥터’로 선정된 소감을 ‘얼떨떨하다’고 표현했다. 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터 선정은 의료서비스를 경험한 환자들을 대상으로 평가를 진행해 이뤄지기 때문에 ‘환자들이 선정한 최고 의사’라는 상징성을 갖는다. 그러니 그 의미가 더 클 수밖에.

  • 그는 현재 미주선학대학원대학교에서 행정 업무를 담당하면서 학교 내 클리닉 진료를 겸한다. 그의 진료 원칙은 환자 한 명당 최소 30~40분을 쓰는 것이다. 
  • 꿈자리가 뒤숭숭해 제대로 잠들지 못하는 사람들에게는 영주나 청정주를 알려주고, 
  • 안정이 필요한 사람에게는 선이나 단전호흡을 하도록 권하면서 충분한 대화를 통해 몸 치료와 마음 치료를 병행하게 한다. 
  • 이러한 치료법에 환자들은 미주선학대에서 운영하는 지역사회 선방으로 합류하게 되고, 
  • 그렇게 원불교 교리와 마음공부법에 젖어든다고 했다.
어릴 적 세운 ‘해외교화’ 서원… 32년째 미국 근무
교무이자 한의사로 ‘몸과 마음’ 함께 치유케 해
미국 펜실베니아주 환자 평가 통해 ‘탑 닥터’ 선정

무엇이든 ‘공심’으로

한의학 공부를 시작한 건 나이 50을 코앞에 두고서였다. 어릴 적 누가 시킨 것도 아니었는데 자연스럽게 ‘교화의 도구’로 한의학을 마음에 품은 지 30여 년만이었다. 한 해 두 해, 발령받은 임지마다 최선을 다해 살면서도 왜인지 ‘한의학’에 대한 생각은 마음 한편에 남아있었다. 

미국 땅에 발 디딘 후 그는 ESL 프로그램부터 시작해 학부로 사회학, 석사로 종교학을 전공했다. 전공을 선택할 때마다의 기준은 명확했다. ‘어떻게 하면 교화에 도움 되는 학문을 할까.’ 교당 경제에 도움이 되고자 네일아트 자격증도 따고, 간호사 과정도 밟았다. 간호사 과정은 모두 마치지 못했지만 그렇게 하나하나 준비하고 노력해온 시간이 있어 어느 순간보니 침구학과 입학에 필요한 자격이 모두 갖춰져 있었다.

오래 품은 또 하나의 서원이었지만, 시작을 앞두고는 선뜻 용기가 나지 않았다. ‘내가 과연 할 수 있을까.’ 하지만 2014년 미주선학대 침구학과에 입학하는 순간 고민은 저절로 사라졌고, 무엇보다 시작을 하고 보니 끝이 보였다.

그는 무엇이든 ‘공심’으로 한다고 했다. 뭔가를 한번 시작하면 대충하는 법도 없다. 원광대 원불교학과에 진학하고자 마음먹었을 때도 ‘실력이 없어서 원불교학과에 가는 것’이라는 말을 듣기 싫어 악착같이 공부했다. 남들보다 조금 늦은 나이에 시작한 침구학 공부도 그랬다. 그냥 하면 침침해 잘 보이지 않던 글자들도 운동하면서 보면 선명해졌다. ‘공부를 하게 됐다’는 기쁨은 영어나 새 도전에 대한 두려움을 저절로 떨치게 했다. 좋은 동기들을 만난 것도 그에게는 큰 은혜였다.

원불교와 한의학 가교역할에 보람

미주선학대 침구학과 학생들은 2016년부터 매년 한국으로 한의학 연수를 온다. 이들을 인솔해 올 때마다 박 교무가 하는 생각이 있다. 바로 ‘내가 이 공부 하기를 정말 잘했다’이다. 교무이자 한의사로서 원불교와 원광대학교가 가진 우수한 자원과 인프라를 서구사회 사람들에게 전달하는 가교역할을 할 수 있음이 무엇보다 큰 보람으로 와닿는 것이다.

실제로 침구학과 학생 중에는 한국과 한국의 원불교를 경험한 후 원불교에 관심이 높아지는 경우가 많다. 일정 중 익산·영산 성지순례도 겸하는데, 이를 통해 현지인 학생들은 “뭔가 더 깊어지는 체험을 했다”며 “원불교에 대해 더 배우고 싶다”는 감상을 전해온다. 이에 미주선학대 침구학과에는 최근 원불교 개론 강의가 개설됐고, 두 학과는 상호 교류와 협력을 통해 ‘영육쌍전’ 정신을 함께 실현해 나가고 있다. 최근 7월 17~27일 진행된 연수 기간 내내 비가 왔지만, 학생들은 ‘비를 잊을 정도로 행복한 시간’이었다고 말했다.

올해로 미주선학대에서 근무한 지 16년에 접어든 박 교무는 이전에 미국 내 5개 교당(시카고·뉴욕·마이애미·리치몬드·맨하탄)교화 경력 15년을 거쳤다. 그러니 미국 교화에 대한 애정도 남다를 터. ‘현지 교화 인재 양성’이라는 미주선학대의 사명과 현지에 맞는 교화를 위한 여러 노력에 함께 힘을 쏟는 이유다.

서구사회에서 원불교의 미래 비전에 대해 그는 “심플한 상징(일원상)과 ‘네 마음이 곧 부처’라고 하는 가르침이 굉장한 매력으로 다가가는 것 같다”고 설명했다. 오랜 기독교 사상에서 내재된 ‘종교성’이 교회와 성당을 벗어나 ‘자신의 마음’을 찾는 곳으로 향하고 있다고도 말했다.

무던히 전하지만, 30년 넘는 세월에 힘듦이 없었을 리 없다. 하지만 그런 사연은 말로 하지 않아도 눈빛과 마음으로 전해져 그냥 알게 된다. 박 교무가 말한다. “네일샵에서 일할 때, 사실은 남들의 손·발톱 밑 때를 빼는 일을 하는 건데… 그 일을 하면서 생각했어요. ‘나는 지금 부처님의 발을 씻는 일을 하고 있다’고요. 제가 미국으로 떠날 때 저의 은모님(故 유장순 대봉도)께서 해주신 말씀을 항상 마음에 새기고 살아요. ‘어디에서 무슨 일을 하던지 출가자는 세계 사업을 하는 것이다.’”

[2023년 8월 9일자]

관련기사미주선학대 침구학과, 한국 한의학 연수

1980년대 초, 호주로 이민 가는 사람들을 보며 (이미 전무출신을 다짐하고 있던) 한 소녀는 생각한다. ‘원불교도 해외로 가야겠구나. 내가 가서 해야 되겠네?’ 그리고, 그 서원에 자연스레 덧붙은 생각 하나가 더 있었다. ‘한의학을 함께 할 수 있다면, 마음과 몸을 함께 치유해주는 좋은 도구가 되겠다.’

그 생각이 씨앗이었을까. 박인선 교무는 교무가 된 지 20여 년 후 한의학 공부를 본격 시작하게 되고, 최근에는 침구사로서 펜실베니아주 탑 닥터(TOP Doctor)로 선정됐다. 현재 미주선학대학원대학교(이하 미주선학대)에 근무하며 교무이자 한의사로 미국인들의 몸과 마음을 함께 살펴주고 있는 그. 어릴 때 가졌던 해외교화 서원은 한 번도 변함이 없어서, 박 교무는 첫 발령 딱 1년만 빼고 31년째 미국에서 활동 중이다.


한의학 공부를 시작한 건 나이 50을 코앞에 두고서였다. 어릴 적 누가 시킨 것도 아니었는데 자연스럽게 ‘교화의 도구’로 한의학을 마음에 품은 지 30여 년만이었다. 한 해 두 해, 발령받은 임지마다 최선을 다해 살면서도 왜인지 ‘한의학’에 대한 생각은 마음 한편에 남아있었다. 

미국 땅에 발 디딘 후 그는 ESL 프로그램부터 시작해 학부로 사회학, 석사로 종교학을 전공했다. 전공을 선택할 때마다의 기준은 명확했다. ‘어떻게 하면 교화에 도움 되는 학문을 할까.’ 교당 경제에 도움이 되고자 네일아트 자격증도 따고, 간호사 과정도 밟았다. 간호사 과정은 모두 마치지 못했지만 그렇게 하나하나 준비하고 노력해온 시간이 있어 어느 순간보니 침구학과 입학에 필요한 자격이 모두 갖춰져 있었다.


미주선학대 침구학과 학생들은 2016년부터 매년 한국으로 한의학 연수를 온다. 이들을 인솔해 올 때마다 박 교무가 하는 생각이 있다. 바로 ‘내가 이 공부 하기를 정말 잘했다’이다. 교무이자 한의사로서 원불교와 원광대학교가 가진 우수한 자원과 인프라를 서구사회 사람들에게 전달하는 가교역할을 할 수 있음이 무엇보다 큰 보람으로 와닿는 것이다.


서구사회에서 원불교의 미래 비전에 대해 그는 “심플한 상징(일원상)과 ‘네 마음이 곧 부처’라고 하는 가르침이 굉장한 매력으로 다가가는 것 같다”고 설명했다. 오랜 기독교 사상에서 내재된 ‘종교성’이 교회와 성당을 벗어나 ‘자신의 마음’을 찾는 곳으로 향하고 있다고도 말했다.]

Riddles in Hinduism by B. R. Ambedkar 1954- Wikipedia

Riddles in Hinduism - Wikipedia

Riddles in Hinduism

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Riddles in Hinduism: An Exposition to Enlighten the Masses
AuthorBhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
SeriesDr Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches (BAWS)
SubjectCriticism of Hinduism
PublisherEducation Department, Government of Maharashtra
Publication date
ISBN978-93-5109-064-9 Series ISBN

Riddles in Hinduism is an English language book by the Indian anti-caste activist and politician B. R. Ambedkar

aimed at enlightening the Hindus, and challenging the sanatan (static) view of Hindu civilization and "Brahmanic theology". 

Ambedkar quotes various Hindu texts to criticize the "Brahmanic theology" of Hinduism. He discusses a variety of topics, including the contents, the authority, and the origin of the Hindu texts such as the Vedas; the absurdities, the contradictions, and the changing nature of the Hindu beliefs; and the discriminatory varna and the caste system, among other topics.

 The title of the book refers to questions ("riddles") that Ambedkar asks at the end of each chapter, encouraging the reader to think for themselves.

Ambedkar wrote the book during 1954-1955, but delayed its publication because he could not find a photograph that he wanted to include in the book. Ultimately, he could not publish the book because of lack of funds. After his death in 1956, the manuscript of the book remained at his residence in Delhi, and ultimately came in the possession of the Government of Maharashtra. The Government published the book in 1987 as part of the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches (BAWS) series.

The contents of the book, especially an appendix titled The riddle of Rama and Krishna, led to a political controversy, with some Hindu organizations calling them derogatory to Hindu gods. In Ambedkar's home state Maharashtra, the Hindu-centric party Shiv Sena organized protests demanding the removal of the appendix, and the Maratha Mahamandal held a burning of the book. The Government withdrew the book temporarily, leading to counter-protests by Ambedkarite groups. Ultimately, the Government resumed the publication, with a disclaimer that it did not endorse the contents of the appendix.

Publication history[edit]

In September 1951, Ambedkar resigned from the Nehru cabinet because of impasse over the Hindu Code Bill, leaving him without any official secretarial staff. He spent the last years of his life at 26 Alipur Road, a bungalow rented from the former ruler of the Sirohi State. There, Nanak Chand Rattu, a central government employee, worked for him after office hours, and typed several of his works, including the Riddles in Hinduism.[1]

According to Rattu, Ambedkar wrote Riddles in Hinduism between the first week of January 1954 and the end of November 1955. Ambedkar asked Rattu to make four "press copies" of the manuscript, concerned that Hindu-owned presses would destroy the copies.[2] Rattu states that the book was complete but its publication was delayed because Ambedkar was waiting for two photographs to be included in the book. The first photograph was that of India's first President Rajendra Prasad drinking water with which he had washed the feet of Brahmins at Varanasi in 1952. The second was that of India's first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru attending a yajna performed by Brahmins of Varanasi on 15 August 1947, to celebrate a Brahmin becoming the first Prime Minister. Ambedkar was able to find the photo of Prasad, but not the photo of Nehru.[3]

During the last days of his life, Ambedkar wanted to publish seven books, including the Riddles in Hinduism, but did not have money to do so. He sought financial help from some industrialists and the government, and prioritized the publication of the Buddha and His Dhamma, which was published shortly after his death.[4]

After Ambedkar's death in 1956, his wife Savita continued to live at 26 Alipur Road. Several papers containing Ambedkar's writings remained in a storeroom, and Rattu would dust and fumigate them occasionally. In 1966, a man named Madan Lal Jain purchased the bungalow, and rented two rooms to Savita Ambedkar. However, on 17 January 1967, he served her an eviction notice, and on 20 January, while she was away, entered her rooms accompanied by bailiffs and musclemen. These men dumped all of Ambedkar's papers in a yard, and several of these papers were destroyed in rain that night. Subsequently, Ambedkar's surviving papers came into the possession of the custodians of the Delhi High Court, and were later transferred to the Administrator General of the Government of Maharashtra.[5]

Ambedkar's writings remained unpublished for several years. J.B. Bansod, a Dalit advocate, filed a lawsuit against the Government of Maharashtra, requesting access to Ambedkar's papers in order to publish them.[6] In 1976, the Government established the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Source Material Publication Committee to publish the papers.[7] The Riddles in Hinduism was published in 1987, as part of the Volume 4 of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches (BAWS) series. The published text was based on manuscripts of the book's chapters found bundled in a file, with Ambedkar's handwritten alterations. The final manuscript, if any, has not survived. Ambedkar mentions the title Riddles in Hinduism in his introduction to the book. Ambedkar's original plan for the book included 24 "riddles", which changed often in blueprints. The manuscript file includes a table of contents, which does not match with the actual contents of the file. For example, the file has a chapter titled Riddles of Rama and Krishna, which is not mentioned in the table of contents.[8]

In 1988, Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan translated the book into Hindi language as Hindu Dharma Ki Riddle.[9] In 1995, the Government of India's Dr. Ambedkar Foundation published a Hindi translation by Sitaram Khodawal, as part of Volume 8 of the Hindi translation of the BAWS series.[10] In 2016, author-publisher S. Anand and historian Shobhna Iyer published an annotated critical edition, based on the BAWS text.[8]


As suggested by the book's subtitle - An Exposition to Enlighten the Masses - Ambedkar intends to enlighten the Hindus.[11] The Hinduism discussed by Ambedkar is "a complex congeries of creeds and doctrines" that has "no definite creed".[12] According to Ambedkar, the Brahmin writers' works on Hinduism lack rational thinking, while Riddles in Hinduism appeals to the rational side of the Hindu mind.[13] Ambedkar recognizes that the Hindus are capable of rational thinking, and ends each chapter with questions ("riddles") that provoke the reader to think for themselves.[14]

The surviving manuscript contains over 170,000 words. It features several incomplete notes from Ambedkar and chapters with missing text. It comprises 24 "riddles" and 8 appendices, categorized as religious, social, or political.[15]


If the Hindu intellect has ceased to grow and if the Hindu civilization and culture has become a stagnant and stinking pool, this dogma [of the infallibility of the Vedas] must be destroyed root and branch if India is to progress. The Vedas are a worthless set of books. There is no reason either to call them sacred or infallible.

B.R. Ambedkar in Riddles in Hinduism[16]

In the introduction, Ambedkar describes the book as "an exposition of the beliefs propounded by what might be called Brahmanic theology".[11] He states that he aims to encourage rational thinking among Hindus, and to show how the Brahmins have deceived and misguided the Hindus.[17][18] He also states that the objective of the book is to challenge the sanatan (static) view of Hindu civilization propagated by European scholars and Brahmanic theology.[12] He asserts that the Hindu civilization is not unchanging (sanatan): as an example, he states that the Brahmins stopped worshipping the Vedic gods when such worship became unprofitable for them, unlike the Jews who held on to their beliefs despite persecution.[17][18] By challenging the characterization of the Hindu civilization as sanatan, Ambedkar intends to show that the Hindu society has seen radical changes in the past, and is capable of seeing more radical changes in the present and the future.[19]

Ambedkar describes the Vedas - generally considered among the most sacred of the Hindu texts - as "worthless". He describes the Purusha Sukta as an interpolation in the Vedas, and states that the only reason the Brahmins portray the Vedas as infallible is because this hymn grants them superiority over others.[20]

Ambedkar states that he is well aware of the risk of writing such a controversial book, but asserts that this is necessary to liberate the Hindu mind.[21]

Part I: Religious[edit]

Riddle No. 1: The difficulty of knowing why one is a Hindu[edit]

Ambedkar discusses the vagueness of the term "Hindu": one cannot be called a Hindu for following a certain set of beliefs, because Hindu beliefs and practices vary widely (for example animal sacrifice and non-violence). He states that the Christians and the Muslims have more in common than the Hindus have in common with each other. Hindus include monotheistspolytheists and pantheists; even monotheist Hindus do not worship the same god. Several Hindus worship Muslim figures such as Pirs and Christian figures such as Mant Mauli. Ambedkar further states that the observance of the caste system does not make one a Hindu, because many Indian Christians and Indian Muslims also observe the caste system.[22]

Riddle No. 2: The origin of the Vedas: The Brahmanic explanation or an exercise in the art of circumlocution[edit]

Ambedkar questions the origins of the Vedas, and discusses the Manusmriti commentator Kulluka Bhatta's description of the Vedas as "eternally pre-existing" (sanatana). According to Kulluka Bhatta, when the universe is dissolved in a pralaya, the Vedas are preserved in the memory of Brahma, and reproduced at the beginning of the each new era (kalpa). Ambedkar states that the Vedas could not have come into being ex-nihilo, and questions why the Brahmins do not openly state who created them.[23]

Riddle No. 3: The testimony of other Shastras on the origin of the Vedas[edit]

Ambedkar states that the various Hindu texts offer 11 different mythical explanations for the origin of the Vedas, tracing their origin to different sources including PurushaPrajapatiIndra and others. In his support, he quotes passages from several texts, including the Rig Veda samhita, the Atharva Veda samhita, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads, the Manu Smriti, and the various Puranas. Ambedkar asks why the Brahmin authors of these texts provide multiple "incoherent and chaotic" explanations about the origin of the Vedas.[24]

Riddle No. 4: Why suddenly the Brahmans declare the Vedas to be infallible and not to be questioned?[edit]

Ambedkar states that the Brahmins describe the Vedas as apaurusheya (not man-made) and infallible texts, whose authority cannot be questioned. He then quotes various Dharma Sutras to illustrate that the Vedas were not always considered the sole infallible authorities. In the surviving text, Ambedkar intends to present a quote from the Shatapatha Brahmana, but the quote and the subsequent discussion is missing.[25]

Riddle No. 5: Why did the Brahmans go further and declare that the Vedas are neither made by man nor by god?[edit]

Ambedkar states that the Vedas cannot be apaurusheya (not man-made), since the Anukramanis provide a list of sages who composed the various Vedic hymns. He also quotes some hymns from the Rig Veda, in which various sages describe themselves as composers of the hymns. He quotes ancient philosophers who considered the Vedas as authoritative because they were a product of competent and intelligent humans, thus confirming their non-divine origin. Ambedkar then discusses Jaimini's "absurd" explanations for the claim that the "Vedas are eternal and not made by man, not even by God." He questions why did the Brahmins like Jaimini make such "desperate" attempts to establish "a desperate conclusion".[26]

Riddle No. 6: The contents of the Vedas: Have they any moral or spiritual value?[edit]

Ambedkar questions the ethical and spiritual value of the Vedas, quoting various scholars, including Charvaka and Brahaspati, according to whom the Vedas are simply the means of livelihood for priests who are devoid of knowledge and manliness. He presents various quotes from the Rig Veda about incestsoma intoxication and violence. Ambedkar states that he has not quoted many obscene verses from the Vedas, but urges the interested readers to check them: Rig Veda 10.85.37 (conversation between Surya and Pushan), Rig Veda 10.86.6 (conversation between Indra and Indrani), and the Ashvamedha section of the Yajur Veda. He then presents an extract of the table of contents of the Atharva Veda, stating that three-fourths of the text is about black magic and sorcery. He states that even the Rig Veda contains black magic and sorcery, presenting quotes in his support. He concludes that the Vedas contain nothing "spiritually or morally elevating", and questions why the Brahmins present them as sacred and infallible texts.[27][28]

Riddle No. 7: The turn of the tide, or how did the Brahmans declare the Vedas to be lower than the lowest of their Shastras?[edit]

Ambedkar questions why certain Hindu texts such as the Veda samhitas were classified as shruti (revelation), while the others were not. First, he discusses the Smriti texts, stating that originally they were not recognized as part of the Dharma Shastra literature, but later, the Brahmins gave them a status equal or even superior to that of the Vedas. In his support, Ambedkar quotes historian A.S. Altekar, presenting examples where the Vedas and the Smritis are in conflict (for example, the Vedic texts prohibit suicide, but the Smritis support the custom of Sati).[29]

Ambedkar discusses the various "artificial, ingenious and desperate" arguments provided by Brahmin scholars to support the high status of the Smritis (for example, Kumarila Bhatta's theory that the Smritis may have been based on a lost Shruti text). Ambedkar then presents quotes from the various Puranas declaring their equality with or superiority over the Vedas. Finally, Ambedkar discusses the Tantra texts, whom certain sects consider equal or superior to the Vedas. Ambedkar questions why did the Brahmins grant higher status to other texts over the Vedas.[29]

Riddle No. 8: How the Upanishads declared war on the Vedas?[edit]

Ambedkar questions the belief that the Vedas and the Upanishads are complementary texts from a single system of thought. He quotes various sources to show that the Upanishads were originally not considered a part of the Vedic literature. He then quotes various Upanishads to show that they were often in opposition to the Vedas, and even considered the Vedas as inferior. Ambedkar states that at one time the Vedic Brahmins held the Upanishads in low esteem, quoting the Dharma Sutras of Baudhayana in his support.[30]

Riddle No. 9: How the Upanishads came to be made subordinate to the Vedas?[edit]

The original title of this chapter was "Jaimini versus Badarayana" after two ancient scholars. Ambedkar describes Jaimini as an upholder of the Vedas, and Badarayana as an upholder of the Upanishads. Ambedkar quotes Shankaracharya's commentary on their works to explain their opposing views. Jaimini declared that a man's self can go to heaven only if he performs Vedic ritual sacrifices. Badarayana states that the performance of sacrifices (karma-kanda) is necessary only for those who believe in the Vedas; it is not necessary for those who have the knowledge of the self (jnana-kanda) from the Upanishads. While Jaimini denounces Badarayana's beliefs as false and delusional, Badarayana concedes that Jaimini's beliefs have scriptural authority while insisting that his beliefs also have scriptural authority. Ambedkar criticizes Badarayana for his weak response, and asks why did he not question the infallibility of the Vedas.[31]

Riddle No. 10: Why did the Brahmans make the Hindu gods fight against one another?[edit]

Ambedkar states that the concept of Trimurti suggests that the Hindu gods BrahmaVishnu, and Shiva work collaboratively. However, the various legends manufactured by the followers of these gods show them engaging in feuds. For example, in a Skanda Purana story, Shiva cuts off Brahma's fifth head in support of Vishnu's claim that he was the first born among the gods. In a Ramayana story, Brahma creates enmity between Vishnu and Shiva, and in the end, the gods and the sages declare Vishnu to be superior. Ambedkar states that the concept of avatars was first associated with Brahma, and was appropriated by Vishnu's followers. Brahma's cult declined in India because of defamatory attacks from the followers of the other gods. For example, the Vaishnavite text Bhagavata Purana accuses Brahma of committing adultery with his own daughter, resulting in admonishment from sages. The Puranas are full of propaganda and counter-propaganda by Vaishnavites and Shaivites aiming to prove the supremacy of their favorite god. According to Ambedkar while the existence of polytheism in the Hindu society is understandable, the existence of combats and feuds among the various gods requires explanation.[32]

Riddle No. 11: Why did the Brahmans make the Hindu gods suffer to rise and fall?[edit]

Poor creatures, they became nothing more than mere toys in the hands of the Brahmins. Why did the Brahmins treat the Gods with so scant a respect?

B.R. Ambedkar on the Hindu gods, in Riddles in Hinduism[33]

Ambedkar briefly discusses two common criticisms of Hinduism, idolatry and polytheism, comparing these to the similar practices in other faiths. For example, he mentions that unlike Buddhists (who are also idolatrous), the Hindus endow an idol with the functions of a human being using the prana-pratishtha ceremony. According to him, instead of idolatry and polytheism, Hindus should be criticized for not being loyal to their gods: they regularly abandon their old gods and start worshipping the new ones.[34]

Ambedkar states that an earlier hymn of the Rig Veda accords equal status to all the gods, but later hymns variously name IndraSoma, or Varuna as the greatest god. The Shatapatha Brahmana similarly states that originally all the gods were alike, but later Agni, Indra and Surya became superior. A list of various sects prevalent in India, given in the Buddhist text Chula Niddesa, suggests that many ancient gods were abandoned and replaced by other gods in the later period. According to Ambedkar, the literature of the Brahmins does not explain why new gods such as Shiva and Vishnu replaced the older gods such as Agni and Indra.[34]

Quoting a Bhagavata Purana legend about Shiva's destruction of Daksha's yajna, Ambedkar states that Shiva was originally an anti-Vedic god. He then quotes Chhandogya Upanishad and its commentary to assert that Ghora Angiras taught anti-Vedic doctrine to Krishna. Ambedkar points out that Rama is not mentioned in the Vedas, and wonders what was the necessity to start his cult at a later stage. He then states that even the relatively newer gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva - were later ranked lower than a goddess, as attested by Devi Bhagavatam.[34]

Ambedkar then discusses Rama and Krishna, stating that the stories of them being incarnations of Vishnu were probably invented to confer godhood on men. He then quotes various passages from the Mahabharata (including the Bhagavad Gita) to assert that the text variously declares Krishna to be superior or inferior to Shiva. He then quotes the Ramayana, stating that there was an attempt to degrade Rama below the Brahmin hero Parashurama.[34]

Riddle No. 12: Why did the Brahmans dethrone the gods and enthrone the goddesses?[edit]

This chapter was originally titled Vedic and non-Vedic Goddesses. Ambedkar states that the Hindus have worshipped goddesses since the beginning, listing several goddesses from the Rigveda. He then lists various goddesses from the Puranas, and quotes several Hindu texts to point out that these are variously considered to be either distinct goddesses, or different names or forms of the same divinity.[35]

According to Ambedkar, the Vedic goddesses were worshipped out of courtesy, simply because they were wives of the gods. Although the Vedic literature describes several conflicts against the asuras, the goddesses do not participate in these conflicts. Ambedkar then cites various Puranic stories to assert that the Puranic goddesses were worshipped in their own right, for performing heroic deeds such as killing asuras. Ambedkar asks why the Puranic goddesses were assigned more powerful roles compared to the Vedic goddesses. He also asks why certain Puranic goddesses such as Sarasvati and Lakshmi do not participate in the conflicts against the asuras.[35]

Ambedkar then quotes the Markandeya Purana to state that the Brahmins made their gods look imbecile cowards, whose wives had to rescue them against the asuras. Ambedkar asks if the Brahmins started the worship of the goddesses to put "a new commodity on the market".[35]

Riddle No. 13: The riddle of the ahimsa[edit]

In the table of contents of Ambedkar's manuscript, the Riddle No. 13 was originally titled "How the Brahmans who were once cow-killers became the worshippers of the cow?"[36]

Ambedkar states that various vices were common among the Vedic Aryans, such as gambling; "loose" sex relations (including incestwife sharingprostitution, and bestiality); and drinking. He quotes sacred texts and cites examples to support this assertion. He then states that the biggest change that has taken place in the Hindu society is the diet: several Hindus now practice vegetarianism, or follow other dietary restrictions such as not eating the cow flesh. According to Ambedkar, no Hindu kills animals for food, and the non-vegetarian Hindus rely on Muslim butchers: even the untouchable Hindus who eat beef do not kill a cow, and only eat the flesh of a dead cow. He cites various texts to assert that the ancient Vedic Aryans - even Brahmins - ate meat of all kinds of animals including cow.[37]

The rest of the text is missing from the manuscript.[37]

Riddle No. 14: From ahimsa back to himsa[edit]

The previous chapter, incomplete in the surviving manuscript, presumably described how the Hindu society moved from himsa (violence) to ahimsa (non-violence). In Riddle No. 14, Ambedkar describes the alleged reversal of this process. He refers to the Tantric concept of pancha-makara, in which meat and alcohol are part of the worship. He discusses the prevalence of Tantric worship in India, and states that the Brahmins promoted it despite its non-conformance to the Vedas and the Manusmriti. For example, Kulluka Bhatta, a commentator on Manusmriti, states that the Shruti (revelation) is of two types: Vedic and Tantric. Ambedkar then quotes the Matrika Bheda Tantra, in which Shiva tells Parvati that the Brahmins need to drink wine to achieve salvation. Ambedkar asks why did the Brahmins start drinking alcohol and eating flesh.[38]

Riddle No. 15: How did the Brahmans wed an ahimsak god to a bloodthirsty goddess?[edit]

Ambedkar states that after approving the consumption of alcohol and meat, the Brahmins wrote the Puranas advocating animal sacrifices. He quotes the Rudhir Adhhyaya ("The Bloody Chapter") of the Kali Purana, which recommends animal and human sacrifice to please the goddess Kali. As an example of the prevalence of animal sacrifice among the Hindus, Ambedkar mentions the Kali Temple in Calcutta, stating that hundreds of goats are sacrificed there daily. He further states that the Hindus practised human sacrifice in the past, quoting historian Rajendralal Mitra. Ambedkar then quotes the Asvalayana-grihya-sutra to state that the Hindus used to sacrifice bull to appease Shiva. He states that the Shaivites later became non-violent, but started characterizing Shiva's wife Kali as violent. He asks why the Brahmins did such a thing.[39]

Appendix I: The riddle of the Vedas[edit]

This appendix consolidates the matter of the riddles 2-6. Ambedkar discusses the authorship and the changing authority of the Vedas.[40]

Appendix II: The riddle of the Vedanta[edit]

This appendix consolidates the matter of the riddles 8-9. Ambedkar states that the Hindus today regard Vedanta (the philosophy of the Upanishads) as India's most important contribution to the world's philosophical thought. However, originally, the Vedanta was considered "repugnant and hostile to the Vedas", and the Upanishads were not considered a part of the Vedic literature. He provides several quotes, including from the Upanishads, in his support. Ambedkar then quotes Charvaka and Brahaspati, and asks why the Vedic Brahmans compromised with the Vedantists but not with these scholars. Finally, he discusses the opposing views of Jaimini and Badarayana over the authority of the Upanishads.[41]

Appendix III: The riddle of the Trimurti[edit]

This appendix consolidates material from Riddle No. 10-11. Ambedkar provides a list of various sects prevalent in India in the past, from the Buddhist text Chula Niddesa. He discusses the decline of older gods and the rise of new cults, and also discusses the possibility of Shiva originally being a non-Aryan god.[42] Ambedkar then states that in the Taittiriya Samhita of the Yajur VedaRudra (later identified with Shiva) is described as the king of thieves and robbers, and asks why the Brahmins accepted him as their supreme god. He then states that Rudra was a violent god, but the Brahmins made his adaptation Shiva a non-violent god. Next, Ambedkar quotes Indologist R.N. Dandekar's essay Vishnu in the Veda to assert that phallus worship was originally associated with Vishnu, and was later appropriated for Shiva in the Puranas.[42]

Ambedkar then discusses a legend about the birth of the god Dattatreya. In this story, the wives of the Trimurti gods - SarasvatiLakshmi, and Parvati - each claim to be the most chaste woman. Sage Narada recounts their acts of adultery, and describes Anusuya as the most chaste woman instead. Feeling humiliated, the three women convince their husbands to try seducing Anusuya, in order to prove Narada wrong. The husbands fail to do so, and instead their bodies fuse together resulting in the formation of Dattatreya. Ambedkar states that this "immoral" story illustrates that the three Trimurti gods had equal status at a time.[42]

Ambedkar then cites various mythological stories to assert at the Brahmin devotees of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva engaged in a "systematic campaign of vilification and degradation" against each other, resulting in the decline of the Brahma's cult. He asks if the Brahmins engaged in such sectarian conflicts for political reasons.[42]

Appendix IV: Smarth Dharma and Tantrik Dharma[edit]

The Hindu religion is nothing but worshipping so many Gods and Goddesses, worshipping so many trees, visiting so many places of pilgrimage and making offerings to the Brahmins. Was the religion formulating for enabling the Brahmins to earn their living?

B.R. Ambedkar in Riddles in Hinduism[43]

This appendix is divided into three parts, but several of its pages are missing. The surviving manuscript has pages from Part II - Smarth Dharma and Part III - Tantrik Dharma. Part I was presumably about Shrauta Dharma (the religion of the Shrauta texts).[44]

In Part II, Ambedkar discusses the dogmas of the Smarth Dharma (Smarta tradition), whose sacred literature consists of the Smritis or the law books. He mentions the first two dogmas: the belief in the Trimurti, and the recognition of the Sanskaras (rites). The next few pages are missing from the surviving manuscript. Next, Ambedkar discusses the god Yama, whom the Puranas assign the role of punishing the wicked after the death. He asserts that the Shrauta Dharma does not assign such powers to Yama. According to Ambedkar, in the Pauranik Dharma (the religion of the Puranas), a sin refers to the non-performance of ritual performances rather than performance of morally wrong deeds, and the Puranas offer expiation for such sins.[44]

In Part III, Ambedkar describes the Tantrik Dharma (Shaktism or the religion of the Tantras) as an extension of the Pauranik Dharma, but centered around goddesses. He states that originally different goddesses, including consorts of the male gods, were worshipped; later, these were all consolidated and described as the different manifestations of Shakti, the female energy of Shiva. Ambedkar discusses the concepts of MahavidyasMatrikasNayikasYoginisDakinis, and Sakinis. He then describes Kali as the most terrible manifestation of the Shakti. The next two pages are missing, after which Ambedkar states that the Tantrik worship considers "the fullest satisfaction of the carnal desires of man" as the best form of worship, and is very different from Shrauta or Pauranik worship. He then discusses the immorality of the pancha-makara rituals, which involve drinking and sexual intercourse.[44]

Ambedkar mentions that religion started with questions on topics such as the nature of the self, the creation of the universe, the definition of good life that pleases the god etc. However, these questions have now been "taken over by theology, metaphysics, philosophy and ethics". In particular, Hinduism has been reduced to a means for the Brahmins earn a living.[44]

Appendix V: The infallibility of the Vedas[edit]

Ambedkar presents passages from the Shatapatha Brahmana and the Manusmriti, which glorify the Vedas as authoritative texts to be read every day. The rest of the chapter is missing in the surviving manuscript.[45]

Part II: Social[edit]

The riddle of women: Why did the Brahmins degrade the Indian women?[edit]

The BAWS editors excluded this chapter from the Riddles in Hinduism, because it was already included in BAWS Series 3 as Chapter 17: The Woman and the Counter-Revolution.[46] In this chapter, Ambedkar quotes Manusmriti to state that Manu had a low opinion of women, and wanted to deprive them of the freedom they had under the Buddhist rule. Ambedkar mentions several examples of Manu's misogyny, such as according slave-like treatment to a wife in the matter of property, allowing a husband to beat his wife, and prohibiting women from reading the Vedas.[47]

Ambedkar states that before Manu, Indian women were considered equal to men in status, were highly respected, and had access to the highest learning and education. In his support, he cites the writings of various scholars including Panini and Patanjali, and provides examples of ancient women such as Gargi and Maitreyi, among others. He quotes the Arthashastra and other texts to assert that before Manu, Indian women married after reaching puberty; monogamy was generally considered ideal; women could seek divorce; the widows could remarry; and women were economically independent. Ambedkar questions why Manu made laws restricting such rights of women.[48]

Riddle No. 16: The four varnas: Are the Brahmans sure of their origin?[edit]

Ambedkar describes the varna system as a core feature of Hinduism, considered to be a divine order. He then discusses various explanations for the origin of the varnas, quoting passages from the Rig Veda (Purusha Sukta), the Vajasaneyi Samhita and the Taittiriya Samhita of the Yajur Veda, the Atharva Veda, the Shatapatha Brahmana, the Taittiriya Brahmana, the Manusmriti, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Vishnu Purana, the Harivamsa, the Bhagavata Purana, and the Vayu Purana.[49]

He notes that these texts offer different explanations for the origin of the varnas; in fact, some of these texts offer multiple, contradictory explanations. Ambedkar asks why the Brahmins could not give a uniform and consistent explanation about the origin of the varnas. Moreover, the different texts disagree about the equality of the varnas. Ambedkar states that the Brahmins concocted the theory of the varnas and inserted it into the Rigveda, contrary to established traditions, resulting in this "chaos". He questions the motive of the Brahmins who did this.[49]

Riddle No. 17: The four ashramas: The why and how about them[edit]

Ambedkar discusses the ashrama system which divides the life of an individual into four stages: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (forest-dweller), and Sannyasa (renunciate). He describes three features of the ashrama system mentioned in the Manusmriti: (1) it is not open to the Shudras and the women (2) the Brahmacharya and Grihastha stages are compulsory (3) one must follow the four stages in sequence. Ambedkar questions the need for this system, pointing out that the Vedas do not mention it.[50]

Ambedkar then quotes the Vashistha Dharma Sutra and the Gautama Dharma Sutra, which unlike the Manusmriti, state that a person can enter any of the ashramas without needing to go through the previous stages. He states that a Brahmachari who did not wish to marry immediately had the option of becoming an Aranas (or Aranamanas) in order to continue his studies. Manu removed this option, and dictated that a Brahmachari must pass through the subsequent stages to enter the Sannyasa stage. According to Manu, a man who seeks the final liberation without having children "sinks downwards". Ambedkar questions why Manu "made escape from marriage impossible".[50]

Ambedkar also questions the need for the Vanaprastha stage, stating that it overlaps with the Grihastha and the Sannyasa stages.[50]

Riddle No. 18: Manu's madness or the Brahmanic explanation of the origin of the mixed castes[edit]

The caste of Chandala is said by Manu to be the progeny of illegitimate intercourse between a Shudra male and a Brahman female. Can this be true? It means that Brahmin women must have been very lax in their morality and must have had special sexual attraction for the Shudra. This is unbelievable. So vast is the Chandala population that even if every Brahmin female was a mistress of a Shudra it could not account of the vast number of Chandalas in the country.

B.R. Ambedkar in Riddles in Hinduism[51]

Ambedkar discusses the various categories of castes mentioned in the Manusmriti, and then focuses the discussion on the mixed (sankara) castes. Manusmriti gives a list of various combinations of mixed-caste parentage, and classifies them as anuloma (acceptable) or pratiloma (condemned). For example, the child of a Vaishya father and a Kshatriya mother is called "Magadha" and is classified as pratiloma. Later authors have made several additions to the list.[52]

Ambedkar notes that Manu does not list all the possible combinations of mixed-caste parentage, and wonders if he was afraid of mentioning certain combinations for some reason. He also states that some of the mixed-caste names in the list appear to be fictitious. Plus, Manu and other authors disagree over several mixed-caste combinations. For example, the child of a Vaishya father and a Kshatriya mother is called "Ayogava" in Aushanas Smriti and "Pukkasa" in Brihad-Vishnu Smriti.[52]

Ambedkar describes Manu's explanation of the origin of the mixed castes as historically inaccurate, giving several examples. For example, the Magadhas were the residents of the Magadha region, not people of mixed Vaishya-Kshatriya origin. Ambedkar accuses Manu and later authors of perverting history and defaming respectable tribes as bastards. He questions the reason behind this "madness", stating that the Brahmins' attempts to impose the varna system rules against mixed-caste marriages must have failed, and Manu had to invent explanations for the existence of a large number of castes that did not fit in any of the four varnas. Ambedkar states that if Manu is right in ascribing the origin of the populous Chandala caste to illegitimate sexual intercourse between Shudra males and Brahman females, such forbidden relationships must have been very common. Ambedkar wonders if Manu realized that he was assigning "an ignoble origin to a vast number of the people of this country leading to their social and moral degradation."[52]

Riddle No. 19: The change from paternity to maternity: What did the Brahmans wish to gain by it?[edit]

Ambedkar discusses the eight types of marriage and the 13 types of sons recognized in the Hindu law. He describes many of these relationships as "euphemisms for seduction and rape"; for example, the Paishacha marriage is a euphemism for rape, and described as lawful for a Vaishya and a Shudra. He also states that the existence of these categories shows that the Brahmin attempts to restrict the society to only certain types of permissible marriages had failed.[53]

Ambedkar states that Manu made a few changes to the prevalent social norms while establishing rules about various types of marriages and sons. For example, Manu excludes certain types of sons (such as those born out of Shudra women) from inheritance. Ambedkar also states that before Manu, only the varna of the father determined the child's varna. Moreover, the male head of the family - not the biological father - owned the illegitimate children of his wife. Ambedkar wonders why Manu changed the traditional law.[53]

Riddle No. 20: Kali Varjya or the Brahmanic art of suspending the operation of sin without calling it sin[edit]

Ambedkar discusses the dogma of Kali-varjya ("Kali Varja"), which is codified in the Aditya Purana. According to this dogma, certain practices are forbidden in the Kali Yuga (the current age), but permissible in the other yugas. Ambedkar lists several examples of such customs, including widow remarriage and sacrificial killing of cows (gomedha). The Kali-varjya dogma forbids these practices but does not condemn them or provide any reason for forbidding them. Ambedkar states that these practices are not immoral, sinful or otherwise harmful to the society, as evident from the fact that they are allowed in the other yugas. He asks why did the Brahmins came up with "this technique of forbidding a practice without condemning it."[54]

Appendix I: The riddle of the Varnashrama Dharma[edit]

These explanations [justifying the existence of the varna system] are like effusions of the imbeciles. They show how hard the Brahmins were put to for the defence of the varna system. The question is why were the Brahmins not able to give a consistent and uniform unimpeachable, convincing and rational explanation of the varna system of which they have been such strong protagonists?

B.R. Ambedkar on the varna system, in Riddles in Hinduism[55]

This appendix consolidates the matter or Riddles 16-17. Ambedkar discusses the varna system and the ashrama systems, collectively called the Varnashram Dharma. Ambedkar asks why Manu prohibits a Brahmachari from entering the Sannyasa ashrama without going through the life of a householder. He states that compulsory marriage without any consideration to wealth or health of a person would lead to personal and national ruin, unless the state guaranteed subsistence to everybody.[56]

Ambedkar quotes various texts on the origin of the varna system, and discusses the explanations offered for the existence of the varna system, including the one attributed to Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. He dismisses these explanations as absurd, and concludes that the Brahmins have been unable to offer any reasonable explanation on the topic.[56]

Ambedkar then discusses the ashrama system, and criticizes it as a stupid attempt at a planned economy, saying that it cut off old men from their families.[56]

Appendix II: Compulsory matrimony[edit]

This appendix overlaps with and supplements the Riddle No. 17 and Appendix I. Ambedkar criticizes Manu for making marriage compulsory for a Brahmachari, and questions the need for the Vanaprastha ashrama.[57]

Part III: Political[edit]

Riddle No. 21: The theory of Manvantara[edit]

Ambedkar describes the concept of Manvantara as an undemocratic government run by a corporation comprising an officer called Manu, an officer called Indra, and the seven sages (Saptarishis). He then quotes Vishnu Purana passages describing the past, the current, and the future Manvantaras. He notes that according to the Vishnu Purana, Brahma created Svayambhuva Manu (the first Manu) and his wife Shatarupa from himself: Ambedkar asks if this means that Brahma was a hermaphrodite, and if the first Manu married his sister. Ambedkar then quotes Manusmriti passages that describe the creation of the world, and the creation of the sacred law by Svayambhuva Manu. He asks if Svayambhuva was the only Manu who created the eternal law, or if each Manvantara had its own laws.[58]

Riddle No. 22: Brahma is not Dharma: What good is Brahma?[edit]

Ambedkar mentions the various forms of Government, and discusses different definitions of democracy. He intends to quote John Dewey's Democracy and Education, but the surviving manuscript is missing the actual quotes. Ambedkar states that a democratic government can succeed only in a democratic society: if a society is divided into groups such as castes, and the citizens promote interests of their own group over the interests of the society, the democratic government will fail. According to Ambedkar, a democratic society is not possible without fraternity (as the French revolutionists call it) or "maitri" (as the Buddha calls it).[59]

Sample of BR Ambedkar's handwriting from the Riddles in Hinduism manuscript: "What is more ridiculous is the teaching of the Great Shankaracharya. For it was this Shankaracharya who taught that there is Brahma and this Brahma is real and that it pervades all and at the same time upheld all the inequities of the Brahmanic society. Only a lunatic could be happy with being the propounder of two such contradictions."[60][61]

Ambedkar states that religion of a society is the main source of its fraternity. Hinduism, instead of teaching fraternity, promotes the division of society into classes (varnas). Ambedkar then discusses the Hindu philosophical concept of "Brahmaism", according to which everything and everyone is "of the essence of Brahma". According to him, this concept suggests that all persons are equal, since all are parts of Brahma. He states that Brahmaism had greater potential than the idea of fraternity to produce a social democracy, but Brahmins did not allow that to happen because they did not support equality between the various social classes and the genders.[59]

Riddle No. 23: Kali Yuga: Why have the Brahmans made it unending?[edit]

Ambedkar describes the concept of Kali Yuga, stating that its characterization as the immoral age has a psychological effect on the people's mind. He discusses various theories about the original meaning of the term yuga, and the different dates proposed for the start of the Kali Yuga. Quoting Garga's Siddhanta, the Mahabharata, and the Vishnu Purana, Ambedkar argues that the Kali Yuga lasted for 1000 years and ended in the 2nd century CE. He states that Brahmins later claimed that Kali Yuga has not ended, and invented various explanations to support their claim; for example, they say that it is supposed to last for 1000 divine years, with 1 divine day being equal to 1 human year.[62]

Ambedkar states that the Vedic religion was "full of barbaric and obscene observances" such as human sacrifice, worship of the genitals (skambha), and the Ashvamedha rite of inserting the penis of a dead horse into a queen's vagina. He portrays the ancient Aryan society as immoral, giving examples of gambling (such as the Pandavas putting their wife Draupadi at stake); alcoholism (including Soma intoxication); and promiscuity (including incest, sale of women, polygamy and polyandry, and niyoga). Ambedkar quotes several texts in his support, stating that even Brahmins, Rishis, and Devas engaged in these vices (according to Ambedkar, the Devas were a human group similar to the Aryans and the Dasyus, not supernatural beings).[62]

Ambedkar states that all these instances of immorality had taken place before the start of the Kali Yuga, which looks better from a moral perspective. Ambedkar asks if the Brahmins extended Kali Yuga to blackmail Shudra kings by destroying their subjects' faith in their rule in a purportedly immoral age.[62][63]

Riddle No. 24: The riddle of the Kali Yuga[edit]

Quoting various texts, Ambedkar discusses various Hindu units of time. Ambedkar states that the names of the four yugas derive from gambling-related terms, and their meaning changed over time. Ambedkar asks why did the Brahmins invented the theory of Kali Yuga, and described it as the age of degradation. He states that according to Brahmins, only the Brahmin and the Shudra varnas exist in the Kali Yuga. He also discusses Kali-varjya, earlier described in the Riddle No. 20. Ambedkar asks why the Brahmins invented these concepts.[64]

Appendix I: The riddle of Rama and Krishna[edit]

Part I: Rama[edit]

Ambedkar summarizes the story of Valmiki's Ramayana, stating that Rama's birth was marked by "general debauchery". According to the Ramayana, Rama's father Dasharatha performed a Putreshti yajna ritual, in which the sage Shringa ("Shrung") gave pindas to Dasharatha's wives. The god Vishnu was born as Rama to one of the wives as a result. Ambedkar describes this birth as unnatural, and states that the story is possibly a euphemism for Shringa being the biological father of Rama (see niyoga). He states that according to the Ramayana, its various characters (such as the vanaras) were born when, at Brahma's command, the gods engaged in "wholesale acts of fornication" with apsaras (whom Ambedkar describes as prostitutes), unmarried women, and wives of other beings.[65]

Ambedkar states that according to Valmiki's Ramayana, Rama's wife Sita was found by a farmer in a field as a baby, and presented to king Janaka, who adopted her. Ambedkar finds this story unconvincing, and instead refers to Buddha Ramayana (Dasaratha Jataka), according to which Sita was a sister of Rama. He states that the Buddha Ramayana story seems more "natural and not inconsistent with the Aryan rules of marriage": if true, the incestuous marriage of Rama and Sita should not be regarded as an ideal.[65]

Ambedkar disputes the Ramayana's characterization of Rama as a virtuous and illustrious man, stating that he is not worthy of deification. He calls Rama's modern characterization as a monogamous man incorrect, stating that Valmiki refers to many wives of Rama in the Ayodhya Kanda 8.12.[65]

Ambedkar discusses Rama's character as an individual, describing his mistreatment of Vali and Sita. He describes Rama's killing of Vali as a cowardly act and an unprovoked, premeditated murder. Ambedkar notes that after killing his wife's captor Ravana, Rama did not immediately visit her, instead spending time on other tasks such as the coronation of Vibhishana. When he finally met Sita for the first time in several months, he told her that he had killed Ravana to recover his honour and not for her sake. Rama then doubted Sita's chastity, stating that Ravana would not have failed to have sex with her. A dejected Sita declared that she would have committed suicide before meeting him if she was aware of such thoughts of Rama. After Sita proved her chastity by a fire test, Rama took her back to his capital Ayodhya. When Sita became pregnant, Rama abandoned her because of public rumors that she was carrying Ravana's child, although he was personally convinced of Sita's chastity. According to Ambedkar, Hindus cite this incident to portray Rama as a democratic king, arguing that he cared about the public opinion; however, it only proves that he was a cowardly and weak monarch who cared more about his name and fame rather than doing the right thing as a king and a husband. Rama then tricked Sita into visiting the hermitage of Valmiki, and had Lakshmana abandon her there. Sita gave birth to his two sons there, but he never visited them. After 12 years, he invited many sages to a yajna, but did not invite Valmiki. Nevertheless, Valmiki arrived there, and introduced him to his two sons. Later, Sita also visited him, but preferred to die by burying herself into the earth rather than returning to Rama. Ambedkar describes Rama's treatment of Sita as cruel.[65]

Next, Ambedkar discusses Rama as a king. Ambedkar states that Valmiki's detailed descriptions of Rama's daily life do not suggest that he was involved in administration or attended to public affairs. Instead, Rama spent time on religious rites, enjoying company of court jesters and women, drinking and eating (including flesh). In his support, Ambedkar cites Uttara Kanda 42.27, 43.1, and 42.8. Ambedkar states that Ramayana mentions only one instance of Rama listening to a public grievance: the episode of Shambuka. According to this story, a Brahmin blamed the premature death of his son on a sin committed in Rama's kingdom. After consultations, Rama concluded that this sin was the performance of sacred tapasya by Shambuka, a Shudra. According to the sacred law (dharma), only the upper class twice-born people could perform such tapasya, and Shudras were restricted to serving them. Rama then condemned and killed Shambuka, and the Brahmin's dead son came back to life. The gods and the sage Agastya praised Rama for this deed. Ambedkar calls this "the worst crime that history has ever recorded".[65]

Part II: Krishna[edit]

Ambedkar then discusses Krishna, describing him as the hero of the Mahabharata. According to him, the Mahabharata originally contained only the story of the Pandavas, and Krishna's story was inserted into the text at a later stage. Ambedkar disputes the characterization of Krishna as a god, and discusses various legends about him from texts such as the Mahabharata, the Harivamsa, and some Puranas. He describes the vastra-harana episode as obscene: according to this legend, Krishna seized the clothes of Gopis while they were bathing in the Yamuna River, and forced them to come out naked and beg to him for returning the clothes. He describes Krishna's Rasalila as "illicit intimacy" with young women, dismissing its interpretation as pious love to god. Ambedkar calls Krishna's relationship with Radha as his most indecent act, stating that Krishna was married to Rukmini while Radha (according to some texts) was married to another man.[66]

Ambedkar describes Krishna's acts as a warrior and a politician immoral, presenting summaries of various legends about him. For example, Ambedkar states that Krishna instigated Arjuna to carry off Subhadra without waiting for a husband-choosing ceremony (svayamvara), and instigated Bhima to unfairly strike Duryodhana below the navel in a combat. Ambedkar then describes Krishna's life as the ruler of Dvaraka, referring to episodes of drunken singing and dancing with women, which modern Brahmins would find objectionable. Ambedkar states that after Krishna's own sons were killed during a drunken fight, he joined the fight and killed a large number of his own people.[66]


Soon after the publication of the book as part of the BAWS Volume 4 in 1987, its content - especially the appendix The riddle of Rama and Krishna - led to a political controversy.[67] Madhav Gadkari, the editor of the Marathi language newspaper Loksatta, wrote in his column Chaufer that the appendix maligned Rama and Krishna.[68] Through his columns, Gadkari campaigned for the controversial appendix to be deleted from the book.[69]

Shiv Sena, a Hindu-centric political party, rioted in Mumbai asking for the appendix to be removed from the book. As a result, the Government of Maharashtra withdrew the book. This led to counter-protests across Maharashtra by thousands of Dalits.[67] The Dalit Buddhist followers of Ambedkar and Buddhist monks wrote protest letters and newspaper articles, and participated in a march that was popularly called the "Bhim March".[70] The controversy united various Dalit groups, who sought to protect Ambedkar's legacy.[71]

The disturbances in Mumbai resulted in to damage to private and public properties, and the defacement of the Martyrs' Memorial at the Hutatma Chowk. The Government deployed policemen to prevent defacement of Ambedkar's statues across the city.[71] As a compromise, the Government resumed the publication with a disclaimer that that it did not concur with the views expressed in the chapter.[67]

The publication of the book became a major issue in the 1987 Vile Parle by-poll, which was a turning point in the Hindutva politics. Shiv Sena, which was not formally recognized by the Election Commission at the time, fielded Ramesh Prabhoo as an independent candidate. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - which later came to be identified with Hindutva - supported a Janata Dal candidate who championed secularism. The Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray made several controversial speeches, seeking votes in name of religion. In one such speech, he complained, "Though this country belongs to Hindus, Ram and Krishna are insulted." Prabhoo won the election, and Thackeray described the result as the victory of Rama and Krishna and as a licence for the formation of a Hindu Rashtra. The defeated Indian National Congress candidate Prabhakar Kunte argued that Thackeray's communal speeches amounted to corrupt practices under the Representation of the People Act, 1951. He took the matter to the Bombay High Court, which declared the election void. The Supreme Court upheld this decision, and the Election Commission banned Thackeray from voting for 6 years. Nevertheless, Shiv Sena continued its Hindutva politics, winning the Aurangabad civic body elections. Shiv Sena's success encouraged BJP to focus on the Hindutva politics as well.[72]

In January 1988, the Maratha Mahamandal held a burning of the book at the organization's meeting in Amravati.[67] Shashikant Pawar, the President of Maratha Mahasangha, condemned the Government's publication of the book.[73]

S. V. Raju, in his Freedom First editorial (April 1988), criticized Shiv Sena for trying to suppress the freedom of expression. He stated that Ambedkar had cited "unimpeachable" sources to criticize Rama and Krishna, and Ambedkar's criticism was "mild" compared to what some others have said about Rama and Krishna. At the same time, Raju argued that the government should not have published the book, as the duty of the government is to govern not to publish books.[71]

Raju pointed out that Rama's mistreatment of Vali, Shambuka and Sita has been criticized by many others, including C. Rajagopalachari who called it "disgraceful".[71] Similarly, Gunvanthi Balarama, in an article in Bombay (December 1988), stated that various other leaders of Maharashtra had been "no less critical" of Hindu epics than Ambedkar; these leaders included Bal Thackeray's father Prabodhankar Thackeray.[74]

Based on an analysis of Ambedkar's drafts, American academic Scott R. Stroud (2022) states that the book shows "Ambedkar's potential as an innovative thinker in the global history of rhetoric."[75]

In 2023, Hamara Prasad, the founder of the Hindutva organization Rashtriya Dalita Sena stated that he would have shot Ambedkar for hurting Hindu sentiments by writing the Riddles in Hinduism.[76][77] This led to a controversy, and the Telangana Police arrested him, charging him under the hate speech laws.[78]


  1. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 8.
  2. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 11–12.
  3. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 12.
  4. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 12–14.
  5. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 8–9.
  6. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 10.
  7. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 11.
  8. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 7.
  9. ^ Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan (2005) [1988]. "Do Shabd (Foreword)". हिन्दू धर्म की रिडल (Hindu Dharma Ki Riddle). Gautam. ISBN 9788187733836.
  10. ^ B.R. Ambedkar (1995). Kailash Chandra Seth; Mohan Dass Naimishray (eds.). हिन्दू धर्म की पहेलियां (PDF). डॉ. अम्बेडकर सम्पूर्ण वाङ्मय. Vol. 8. Translated by Sitaram Khodawal. Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, Government of India. ISBN 978-93-5109-157-8. Retrieved 2022-11-29.
  11. Jump up to:a b Ankit Kawade 2021, p. 180.
  12. Jump up to:a b Roshni Babu (2021). "Tending Immanence, Transcending Sectarianism: Plane of Mixed Castes and Religions"Caste: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion2 (2): 359–374. doi:10.26812/caste.v2i2.230.
  13. ^ Ankit Kawade 2021, pp. 180–182.
  14. ^ Ankit Kawade 2021, p. 182.
  15. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 15.
  16. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 8.
  17. Jump up to:a b Vasant Moon 1987, p. 5.
  18. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 51–54.
  19. ^ Ankit Kawade 2021, p. 177.
  20. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 8–9.
  21. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 9.
  22. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 58–65.
  23. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 16–17.
  24. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 19–24.
  25. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 25–27.
  26. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 28–36.
  27. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 37–52.
  28. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 66–84.
  29. Jump up to:a b Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 53–61.
  30. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 62–66.
  31. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 67–70.
  32. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 70–79.
  33. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 98.
  34. Jump up to:a b c d Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 80–98.
  35. Jump up to:a b c Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 90–107.
  36. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 50.
  37. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 85–97.
  38. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 98-1-3.
  39. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 118–127.
  40. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 128–150.
  41. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 151–160.
  42. Jump up to:a b c d Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 161–175.
  43. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 182.
  44. Jump up to:a b c d Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 176–182.
  45. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 183–186.
  46. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 187.
  47. ^ Hari Narke 1987, pp. 429–431.
  48. ^ Hari Narke 1987, pp. 432–437.
  49. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 105–128.
  50. Jump up to:a b c Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 129–138.
  51. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 154.
  52. Jump up to:a b c Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 139–154.
  53. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 155–165.
  54. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 232–235.
  55. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, p. 250.
  56. Jump up to:a b c Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 236–261.
  57. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 261–271.
  58. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 275–280.
  59. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 166–179.
  60. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 348–349.
  61. ^ Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 179.
  62. Jump up to:a b c Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 180–216.
  63. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 288–306.
  64. ^ Vasant Moon 1987, pp. 307–322.
  65. Jump up to:a b c d e Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 217–232.
  66. Jump up to:a b Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, pp. 232–246.
  67. Jump up to:a b c d Shobhna Iyer et al. 2016, p. 14.
  68. ^ Urmila Pawar (2009). The Weave of My Life: A Dalit Woman's Memoirs. Columbia University Press. p. 273. doi:10.7312/pawa14900-014ISBN 9780231149006.
  69. ^ Jyoti Punwani (2022-06-17). "Journalism loses one of its tallest giants"Mumbai Mirror. Retrieved 2022-11-24.
  70. ^ Gopal Guru (1991). "Appropriating Ambedkar". Economic and Political Weekly26 (27–28): 1698. JSTOR 4398126.
  71. Jump up to:a b c d S.V. Raju (April 1988). "Ambedkar, Hinduism and the 'Riddles' controversy"Freedom First. Retrieved 2022-11-24.
  72. ^ Radheshyam Jadhav (2021). "Modi Vs Thackeray"Trail of the Tiger - Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray: A Journey. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9789389867367. Retrieved 2022-11-24.
  73. ^ S. M. Dahiwale (1995). "Consolidation of Maratha Dominance in Maharashtra". Economic and Political Weekly30 (6): 340. JSTOR 4402382.
  74. ^ Linda Hess (1999). "Rejecting Sita: Indian Responses to the Ideal Man's Cruel Treatment of His Ideal Wife". Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Oxford University Press. 67 (1): 3. JSTOR 1466031.
  75. ^ Scott R. Stroud (2022). "Excessively Harsh Critique and Democratic Rhetoric: The Enigma of Bhimrao Ambedkar's Riddles in Hinduism". Journal for the History of Rhetoric25 (1): 2–30. doi:10.5325/jhistrhetoric.25.1.0002S2CID 248595384.
  76. ^ Balakrishna Ganeshan (2023-02-10). "Hindutva leader says would have shot Ambedkar, BSP Telangana chief demands action"The News Minute. Retrieved 2023-02-22.
  77. ^ "'Would've shot Ambedkar like Godse': action sought on Hindutva leader"Madhyamam. 2023-02-10. Retrieved 2023-02-22.
  78. ^ Abdul Basheer (2023-02-10). 'Would have killed Ambedkar if he were alive': Telengana man arrested after video sparks rowIndia Today. Retrieved 2023-02-22.


External links[edit]