
알라딘: 장자로 읽는 행복 박혜순

알라딘: 장자로 읽는 행복
장자로 읽는 행복 
박혜순 (지은이)


장자의 사유를 통해 현대인의 자유와 행복을 이야기한다. 장자의 다채로운 이야기로 현대사회의 다양한 병폐를 꼬집으며 무엇에도 구속되지 않는 온전한 삶의 길로 안내한 책이다. 

장자철학에서 자유는 행복의 전제 조건이자 절대 조건이다. 
행복한 삶에 이르기 위해서는 인식의 한계로부터 자유로워져야 하고, 
자유를 구속하는 감옥에서 벗어나야 한다. 
인간은 자유로운 자기로서 온전히 존재할 때 비로소 행복할 수 있기 때문이다.


행복의 전제 조건, 자유
01 북명과 남명
02 지식과 행복
03 닫힌 지식과 열린 지식
04 안지약명
05 삶과 죽음
06 비움의 철학
07 시선의 감옥
08 상처의 치유
09 왕태의 불언지교
10 행복


4차 산업혁명이 세계와 인류를 바꾼다는 것은 인간이 주체성을 상실하고 기술의 부림을 당하게 된다는 의미다. 이와 같은 생명 위기, 인공지능에게 주체성을 박탈당하는 위기에 노출되고 싶지 않다면 전체적 맥락을 읽을 수 있어야 할 것이다. 나는 그 방법의 하나가 장자철학에 담긴 아날로그적 감성 회복이라고 생각한다.
서문-“행복의 전제 조건, 자유” 중에서 접기

곤이 존재의 질적 전환을 이루는 화이위조는 왈칵 울음이 터질 것 같은 곤의 꿈이 이루어지는 순간이다. 마치 아스라이 먼 하늘에서 오케스트라의 장대한 연주가 울려오는 것 같은 스펙터클한 영화 같은 한 장면이다. 이때 빛을 발하는 것이 바로 적후지공(積厚之功)의 내공이다. 깊은 내적 수양이 쌓여 있지 않으면 때가 와도 그것을 자기 것... 더보기

사태를 정확하게 아는 것도 쉽지 않지만 그것을 긍정하고 수용하는 것은 더 어렵다. 우리가 삶의 중대한 문제에 부딪쳐 괴로움을 겪을 때, 앞이 보이지 않아 막막할 때, 그것이 “내가 어찌할 수 없는 것을 알면[知其不可奈何]” 안다는 것 자체가 말할 수 없는 고통이기 때문이다.
04-“안지약명” 중에서

세상의 시선에서 무신경해지고 그것을 의식하지 않는 것은 자기를 존중하는 하나의 방법이다. 자신을 더 이상 사람들의 구경거리로 방치하지 않는 자유인의 태도다. 타인에 대해 이러쿵저러쿵 평가하는 것은 그들의 인품과 인격이 미숙하다는 증거일 뿐이다. 그들의 미숙한 인격 때문에 자존감을 해치는 것은 자기를 존중하는 사람이 취할 태도가 아니다. 우리가 타인의 정신적 미숙함까지 끌어안고 고통스러워할 필요는 없지 않은가.
07-“시선의 감옥” 중에서 접기

우리들 대부분이 (중략) 자신이 자기 삶을 그리고 창조하는 자라는 사실을 망각하고 삶이라는 그림 속에 매몰되어 그림 속의 자기를 진짜 자기로 착각하고 있는지도 모른다. 인간을 그렇게 만드는 주된 요인은 바로 육체와 감각이다. 육체와 감각의 의미를 부정하고 가볍게 털어 냄으로써 ‘그림을 그리는 나’의 지위를 되찾고 “자기 삶을 창조적으로 건축하는 자기”로 격상시킬 수 있다.
09-“왕태의 불언지교” 중에서 접기


이 책을 추천한 다른 분들 :
한겨레 신문
- 한겨레 신문 2020년 7월 10일자

저자 및 역자소개
박혜순 (지은이)

현재 서강대학교 철학연구소 책임연구원이며, 서강대학교와 국민대학교에서 강의하고 있다. 서강대학교 교수학습센터에서 주관하는 동서고전 100권 읽고 토론하기 프로그램 <비판적 사고연습 [딴짓, 고전 100권과 놀다]>를 6년째 진행 중이며 창조적인 인재 양성에 주력하고 있다.

 서강대학교에서 환경신학, 환경철학, 중국철학을 전공하고 석사학위와 박사학위를 받았다. 
주된 철학적 관심 주제는 ‘생명의 영속성’, ‘자유’, ‘행복’, ‘인간과 자연의 공존윤리’, ‘물의 철학’ 등이다. 
저서로 『생태문명 생각하기?내 삶을 바꾸는 환경철학』(공저, 2018)이 있고, 
주요 논문으로는 “고통, 주체성 그리고 덕”(2006), “생태적 감수성 회복을 위한 공부론: 치양지”(2006), “생명과 명실의 문제”(2013), “삶의 태도변화?소유론에서 존재론으로”(2013), “공존의 생태윤리를 위한 대안적 제언 이수관물(以水觀物)”(2016), “『태일생수』에 나타난 물과 생명의 관계방식 고찰”(2016), “삶과 죽음 그리고 자유에 대한 해석학적 접근”(2018), “21세기 생태담론, 거피취차”(2018), “용서, 화해 그리고 생명”(2018), “혐오를 넘어 환대로”(2018), “수평사회를 지향하는 성인의 ‘자(自)’ 연구”(2019), “신뢰사회의 원형 탐구”(2020) 등이 있다. 


최근작 : <[큰글씨책] 장자로 읽는 행복 >,<장자로 읽는 행복> … 총 3종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

코로나19와 4차 산업혁명이 몰고 온 문명의 대변혁 앞에서 우리는 인위적인 것들의 허구성을 절감하고 있다. 
장자는 혼란스러운 시대 속에서 삶의 주체성을 박탈당하지 않으려면 허명(虛名)을 벗어던져야 한다고 말한다. 
장자의 우언(寓言)에 담긴 삶의 철학은 우리에게 여전히 유효하다. 
이 책은 장자의 사유를 통해 현대인의 자유와 행복을 이야기한다. 
장자의 다채로운 이야기로 현대사회의 다양한 병폐를 꼬집으며 무엇에도 구속되지 않는 온전한 삶의 길로 안내한다. 
장자철학에서 자유는 행복의 전제 조건이자 절대 조건이다. 행복한 삶에 이르기 위해서는 인식의 한계로부터 자유로워져야 하고, 자유를 구속하는 감옥에서 벗어나야 한다. 인간은 자유로운 자기로서 온전히 존재할 때 비로소 행복할 수 있기 때문이다.

■ 행복총서
진정한 행복은 무엇인가. 행복총서는 이 물음에 답합니다. 행복해지는 ‘방법’이 아니라 행복을 찾는 ‘시각’을 안내합니다. 다양한 학문 분야에서 바라보는 행복에 대한 폭넓은 지식과 통찰을 제공합니다. 불안과 위기가 만연한 현대사회를 살아가는 우리에게 치유의 길을 제시합니다. ‘치유의 행복학’ 정립을 모색해 온 서강대학교 철학연구소의 행복치유철학상담센터에서 기획한 전문 교양서입니다.

행복을 찾아가는 발걸음은 꾸준히 이어집니다.


Platonic love - Wikipedia

Platonic love - Wikipedia

Platonic love

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Platonic love (often lowercased as platonic love)[1] is a type of love that is not sexual or romantic.

The term is derived from the name of Greek philosopher Plato, though the philosopher never used the term himself. Platonic love, as devised by Plato, concerns rising through levels of closeness to wisdom and true beauty, from carnal attraction to individual bodies to attraction to souls, and eventually, union with the truth.[2][clarification needed]

Platonic love is contrasted with romantic love.

Classical philosophical interpretation[edit]

Platonic love is examined in Plato's dialogue, the Symposium, which has as its topic the subject of love, or more generally the subject of Eros. It explains the possibilities of how the feeling of love began and how it has evolved, both sexually and non-sexually, and defines genuine platonic love as inspiring a person's mind and soul and directing their attention towards spiritual matters. Of particular importance is the speech of Socrates, who attributes to the prophet Diotima an idea of platonic love as a means of ascent to contemplation of the divine, an ascent known as the "Ladder of Love". For Diotima and Plato generally, the most correct use of love of human beings is to direct one's mind to love of divinity. Socrates defines love based on separate classifications of pregnancy (to bear offspring); pregnancy of the body, pregnancy of the soul, and direct connection to existence. Pregnancy of the body results in human children. Pregnancy of the soul, the next step in the process, produces "virtue"—which is the soul (truth) translating itself into material form.[3]

"... virtue for the Greeks means self-sameness ... in Plato's terms, Being or idea."(106)[3]


Pausanias, in Plato's Symposium (181b–182a), defines two types of the love known as "Eros": vulgar Eros, or earthly love, and divine Eros, or divine love. Pausanias defines vulgar Eros as material attraction towards a person's beauty for the purposes of physical pleasure and reproduction, and divine Eros as starting from physical attraction but transcending gradually to love for supreme beauty, placed on a similar level to the divine. This concept of divine Eros was later transformed into the term "platonic love".

Vulgar Eros and divine Eros were both considered to be connected, and part of the same continuous process of pursuing perfection of one's being,[4] with the purpose of mending one's human nature and eventually reaching a point of unity where there is no longer an aspiration or need to change.[5]

"Eros is ... a moment of transcendence ... in so far as the other can never be possessed without being annihilated in its status as the other, at which point both desire and transcendence would cease ... (84)[5]

Eros as a god[edit]

In the Symposium, Eros is discussed as a Greek god—more specifically, the king of the gods, with each guest of the party giving a eulogy in praise of Eros.[4]


Virtue, according to Greek philosophy, is the concept of how closely reality and material form equates good, positive, or benevolent. This can be seen as a form of linguistic relativity.

Some modern authors' perception of the terms "virtue" and "good" as they are translated into English from the Symposium are a good indicator of this misunderstanding. In the following quote, the author simplifies the idea of virtue as simply what is "good".

"... what is good is beautiful, and what is beautiful is good ..."[6]

Ladder of Love[edit]

The Ladder of Love is a metaphor that relates each step toward Being as consecutive rungs of a ladder. Each step closer to the truth further distances love from beauty of the body toward love that is more focused on wisdom and the essence of beauty.[3]

The ladder starts with carnal attraction of body for body, progressing to a love for body and soul. Eventually, in time, with consequent steps up the ladder, the idea of beauty is eventually no longer connected with a body, but entirely united with Being itself.[4]

"[...] decent human beings must be gratified, as well as those that are not as yet decent, so that they might become more decent; and the love of the decent must be preserved."[4] (187d, 17) - Eryximachus' "completion" of Pausanias' speech on Eros

Tragedy and comedy[edit]

Plato's Symposium defines two extremes in the process of platonic love; the entirely carnal and the entirely ethereal. These two extremes of love are seen by the Greeks in terms of tragedy and comedy. According to Diotima in her discussion with Socrates, for anyone to achieve the final rung in the Ladder of Love, they would essentially transcend the body and rise to immortality—gaining direct access to Being. Such a form of love is impossible for a mortal to achieve.[3]

What Plato describes as "pregnancy of the body" is entirely carnal and seeks pleasure and beauty in bodily form only. This is the type of love, that, according to Socrates, is practiced by animals.[4]

"Now, if both these portraits of love, the tragic and the comic, are exaggerations, then we could say that the genuine portrayal of Platonic love is the one that lies between them. The love described as the one practiced by those who are pregnant according to the soul, who partake of both the realm of beings and the realm of Being, who grasp Being indirectly, through the mediation of beings, would be a love that Socrates could practice."[3]


Diotima considers the carnal limitation of human beings to the pregnancy of the body to be a form of tragedy, as it separates someone from the pursuit of truth. One would be forever limited to beauty of the body, never being able to access the true essence of beauty.[3]


Diotima considers the idea of a mortal having direct access to Being to be a comic situation simply because of the impossibility of it. The offspring of true virtue would essentially lead to a mortal achieving immortality.[6]

Historical views of platonic love[edit]

In the Middle Ages, new interest in the works of Plato, his philosophy and his view of love became more popular, spurred on by Georgios Gemistos Plethon during the Councils of Ferrara and Firenze in 1438–1439. Later in 1469, Marsilio Ficino put forward a theory of neo-platonic love, in which he defined love as a personal ability of an individual, which guides their soul towards cosmic processes, lofty spiritual goals and heavenly ideas.[7] The first use of the modern sense of platonic love is considered to be by Ficino in one of his letters.

Though Plato's discussions of love originally centered on relationships which were sexual between members of the same sex, scholar Todd Reeser studies how the meaning of platonic love in Plato's original sense underwent a transformation during the Renaissance, leading to the contemporary sense of nonsexual heterosexual love.[8]

The English term "platonic" dates back to William Davenant's The Platonick Lovers, performed in 1635, a critique of the philosophy of platonic love which was popular at Charles I's court. The play was derived from the concept in Plato's Symposium of a person's love for the idea of good, which he considered to lie at the root of all virtue and truth. For a brief period, platonic love was a fashionable subject at the English royal court, especially in the circle around Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I. Platonic love was the theme of some of the courtly masques performed in the Caroline era, though the fashion for this soon waned under pressures of social and political change.

Seven types of love[edit]

Throughout these eras, platonic love was slowly categorized into seven different classical definitions. These were:

  • Eros: sexual or passionate love, or a modern perspective of romantic love.
  • Philia: the love of friendship or goodwill, often met with mutual benefits that can also be formed by companionship, dependability, and trust.
  • Storge: the love found between parents and children, often a unilateral love.
  • Agape: the universal love, consisting of love for strangers, nature, or God.
  • Ludus: playful and uncommitted love, intended for fun with no resulting consequences.
  • Pragma: love founded on duty and reason, and one's longer-term interests.
  • Philautia: self-love, both healthy or unhealthy; unhealthy if one places oneself above the gods (to the point of hubris), and healthy if it is used to build self-esteem and confidence.

Despite the variety and number of definitions, the different distinctions between types of love were not considered concrete and mutually exclusive, and were often considered to blend into one another at certain points.[9][better source needed]

Modern interpretations[edit]


"Platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise."[10] "Platonic lovers function to underscore a supportive role where the friend sees [their] duty as the provision of advice, encouragement, and comfort to the other person ... and do not entail exclusivity."[11]


One of the complications of platonic love lies within the persistence of the use of the title itself "platonic love" versus the use of "friend".[according to whom?] It is the use of the word love that directs us towards a deeper relationship than the scope of a normal friendship.

Queerplatonic love[edit]

Some in the aromantic and asexual communities, within the broader LGBT community, have coined the term "queerplatonic" to refer to formal intimate relationships between significant others that do not involve romance.[12][13][14] Queerplatonic feelings are often described, like romance, as involving a deeper and more profound emotional connection than friendship.

Julie Sondra Decker writes that queerplatonic love often "looks indistinguishable from romance when outside the equation", but should not be "assigned a romantic status if participants say it is not romantic". She also notes that it can also be misread by observers as close friendship in circumstances where overtly romantic gestures are socially expected. For Decker, the essence of queerplatonic attraction is its ambiguous position in relation to normative categories: she writes that QPR "is a platonic relationship, but it is 'queered' in some way—not friends, not romantic partners, but something else".[15]

See also[edit]

Plato and his students


  1. ^ "8.60: When not to capitalize". The Chicago Manual of Style (16th [electronic] ed.). Chicago University Press. 2010.
  2. ^ Mish, F (1993). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary: Tenth Edition. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. ISBN 978-08-7779-709-8.
  3. Jump up to:a b c d e f Rojcewicz, R. (1997). Platonic love: dasein's urge toward being. Research in Phenomenology27(1), 103.
  4. Jump up to:a b c d e Benardete, S. (1986). Plato's Symposium. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-04275-8.
  5. Jump up to:a b Miller, P. A. (2013). Duras and platonic love: The erotics of substitution. Comparatist3783-104.
  6. Jump up to:a b Herrmann, F. (2013). Dynamics of vision in Plato's thought. Helios40(1/2), 281-307.
  7. ^ De Amore, Les Belles Lettres, 2012
  8. ^ Reeser, T. (2015). Setting Plato Straight: Translating Platonic Sexuality in the Renaissance. Chicago.
  9. ^ "These Are the 7 Types of Love"Psychology Today. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
  10. ^ "Platonic love"ScienceDaily. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
  11. ^ Messman, SJ (2000). "Motives to Remain Platonic, Equity, and the Use of Maintenance Strategies in Opposite-Sex Friendships". Journal of Social and Personal Relationships17: 67–94. doi:10.1177/0265407500171004S2CID 145745343.
  12. ^ "Queerplatonic"21st-Century Interdisciplinary Dictionary: A William & Mary Lexicon of English Neologisms, Buzzwords, Keywords and Jargon. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
  13. ^ "The 'A' in LGBT". Counterpoint35 (1): 8. September 2013.
  14. ^ Chasin, C. J. DeLuzio (2015). "Making Sense in and of the Asexual Community: Navigating Relationships and Identities in a Context of Resistance". Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology25 (2): 167–180. doi:10.1002/casp.2203.
  15. ^ Decker, Julie Sondra (September 2014). The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. p. 25.


  • Dall'Orto, Giovanni (January 1989). "'Socratic Love' as a Disguise for Same-Sex Love in the Italian Renaissance". Journal of Homosexuality16 (1–2): 33–66. doi:10.1300/J082v16n01_03PMID 3069924.
  • Gerard, Kent; Hekma, Gert (1989). The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe. New York: Harrington Park Press. ISBN 978-0-918393-49-4.
  • K. Sharpe, Criticism and Compliment. Cambridge, 1987, ch. 2.
  • T. Reeser, Setting Plato Straight: Translating Platonic Sexuality in the Renaissance. Chicago, 2015.
  • Burton, N., MD (25 June 2016). These Are the 7 Types of Love. Psychology Today. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
  • Messman, S. J., Hause, D. J., & Hause, K. S. (2000). "Motives to Remain Platonic, Equity, and the Use of Maintenance Strategies in Opposite-Sex Friendships." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 17 (1), 67–94. doi:10.1177/0265407500171004
  • Mish, F. C. (Ed.). (1993). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary: Tenth Edition. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. ISBN 08-7779-709-9.
  • Rojcewicz, R. (1997). "Platonic love: dasein's urge toward being." Research in Phenomenology, 27 (1), 103.
  • Miller, P. A. (2013). "Duras and platonic love: The erotics of substitution." Comparatist37 83–104.
  • Benardete, S. (1986). Plato's Symposium. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-04275-8.
  • Herrmann, F. (2013). "Dynamics of vision in Plato's thought." Helios40 (1/2), 281–307.

External links[edit]