
History of Quaker War Tax Resistance: The Renaissance • TPL

History of Quaker War Tax Resistance: The Renaissance • TPL

History of Quaker War Tax Resistance: The Renaissance
At the upcoming national gathering of NWTRCC at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, I’m going to be presenting a summary of the history of war tax resistance in the Society of Friends (Quakers).
Today I’m going to try to coalesce some of the notes I’ve assembled about the renaissance of Quaker war tax resistance during the Cold War. Much of what I have assembled here comes from my close look at the archives of the Friends Journal, the only Quaker publication from this period I have reviewed thoroughly, and so whatever editorial biases that publication may have had may also bias my history of this phase.
There is a lot that happens in this short period of time, and in some places my narrative is going to be condensed into a bunch of bullet-point-like summaries of the rapid-fire events to try to keep up with it all.

The Renaissance (1959–1991)
The modern war tax resistance movement began in the wake of World War Ⅱ in the United States. There had been isolated war tax resisters here and there in other places in recent years, and there was a quiet war tax resistance tendency hiding under the surface of the Society of Friends, but things did not come out into the open in any organized and growing fashion until then.
Quakers were not in the forefront of this movement, but Quaker war tax resisters took courage from it, and it wasn’t long before they began trying to reestablish the war tax resistance traditions in the Society of Friends. The earliest mention of this that I have found from this period concerns Franklin Zahn of the Pacific Yearly Meeting, who was distributing a leaflet on war tax resistance as early as 1959.
A report on the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting that year noted that the subject of war taxes had come up and had led to what sounds like a long and earnest discussion:
Few present felt it right to refuse to pay, nor yet felt comfortable to pay. Varied suggestions were presented: Send an accompanying letter expressing one’s feeling about war; live so simply that income is below tax level; make no report, but once a year send a check for nonmilitary purposes; engage in peace walks and other minority demonstrations; follow Jesus’ example of rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; beware of taking for granted the evils deplored, such as riding on military planes; associate more closely with the Mennonites, who share Friends’ concerns; rise above one’s own shortcomings through personal devotion; work to unite with all Friends Yearly Meetings in refusal to pay taxes. Nothing can be done unless there is a willingness to suffer unto death.[!]
The blinders put on during the Great Forgetting period were still evident. An article in a 1960 issue of the Friends Journal described “refusal to pay taxes for support of war effort emerging as a new testimony” [my emphasis]. Another article from the same issue, titled “The Quaker Peace Testimony: Some Suggestions for Witness and Rededication” didn’t mention taxes at all.
By this time some Friends in Switzerland had been refusing to pay war taxes (I would guess, under the tutelage of Pierre Cérésole).
In 1961 some Quakers in the Pacific Yearly Meeting began to sketch out the initial drafts of a legislative “peace tax” proposal which they envisioned would be a way for conscientious objectors to pay their taxes into a fund that the government could only spend on non-military items. The idea that there might be a legislative solution that could make tax-paying no longer an act of complicity with war would bob up throughout this period, until, by the end of it, the temptation of lobbying instead of committing to direct action would contribute to the eventual decline of war tax resistance in the Society of Friends.
That year also, the Yellow Springs Monthly Meeting issued a statement of support for war tax resisters, the first example of new institutional support for war tax resistance in the Society of Friends that I could find from the 20th century.
In 1962 there was a burst of excitement about war tax resistance in the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (yet a survey of 350 adults from that meeting found only two or three who were willing to consider actually becoming resisters; whereas almost half of those surveyed were totally unconcerned about their tax money going to the military).
A group of about twenty Quakers, organized by Clarence Pickett and Henry Cadbury, met at the 1963Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to discuss war tax resistance, but they were unable to come up with a consensus statement. Quaker war tax resister Arthur Evans was imprisoned for three months that Fall for his tax refusal.
In 1964 the Friends Journal ended what strikes me as a policy of editorial embarrassment about Quakers and war tax resistance by publishing its first article devoted to the practice, and one that also full-throatedly advocated it. This started a debate in the letters-to-the-editor column and certainly caused more Quakers to confront the question, directly or indirectly.
By the mid-sixties the tide was shifting rapidly. Before this time, individual Quaker tax resisters are unusual enough to highlight individually as being on the cutting-edge; after this, Quaker war tax resistance becomes commonplace enough that individual resisters are exemplars of a larger trend. In1966 the New York Yearly Meeting promoted war tax resistance in an official statement, and promised financial assistance for any Quakers in the Meeting who might be forced to change jobs or to suffer other financial hardship for their stand. The statement in part read:
We call upon Friends to examine their consciences concerning whether they cannot more fully dissociate themselves from the war machine by tax refusal or changing occupations.
That was the most concrete advocacy of war tax resistance by a Quaker institution in years.
That year also Franklin Zahn wrote a booklet on Early Friends and War Taxes to reintroduce Quakers to their own history and to further banish the Great Forgetting.
The support from Quaker institutions and publications at this point is often noncommittal and is usually vague about exactly how to go about war tax resistance, which taxes to resist, and how to deal with government reprisals. There is nothing like the specific, concrete discipline of earlier Quaker Meetings. This means that Quaker war tax resisters from this period are largely making it up as they go along, conferring with each other informally and organizing, when they are organizing, in groups like Peacemakers, the War Resisters League, and the Committee for Non-Violent Action — that is to say, with non-Quaker groups. (There was briefly something called the “Committee for Nonpayment of War Taxes” run out of Quaker war tax resister Margaret G. Bowman’s home in 1966, but I have not found much about it.)
Quakers were using a broad variety of tax resistance tactics. Arthur Evans and Neil Haworth refused to pay some or all of their income taxes or to cooperate with an IRS summons for their financial records. Johan Eliot redirected twice the amount of his taxes to the United Nations to promote international federalism as a world peace strategy. Clarissa & Samuel Cooper lowered their family income below the tax line. John L.P. Maynard and Robert W. Eaton took pay cuts that reduced their incomes to the maximum allowable before federal income tax withholding was mandatory. Lyle Snyder stopped withholding by declaring three million dependents on his W-4 forms. Alfred & Connie Andersen stopped filing income tax returns. Some Quakers fled to Canada as taxpatriates to join the draft evaders there. Others deposited their taxes into escrow accounts and invited the IRS to seize the accounts while refusing to pay voluntarily. Lloyd C. Shank advocated “the ‘sneaky’ way” of tax resistance — what many people would call tax evasion — saying “‘cheating’ is only an oppressive government’s name for a good man’s refusal to murder.” Phone tax resistance was beginning to become widespread, and many Quaker meetings began resisting this tax on their office phones (one meeting was unable to reach consesus on resisting the phone tax and compromised by dropping its phone service entirely). People too timid to resist, and meetings unable to reach consensus on resisting, might instead write their legislators to urge them to enact some form of legal conscientious objection to military taxation. The most timid groups, like the American Friends Service Committee, urged people to pay taxes “under protest” or to match their war tax payments with additional payments to the AFSC.
Robert E. Dickinson had perhaps the most creative tactic of the bunch. He designed and built a set of furniture for his home that was formed of interlocking sheets of plywood such that it could be quickly disassembled and hidden away. He called this “my tax refusal furniture” and meant it to frustrate IRSattempts to seize furnishings from him for back taxes.
Two Quaker employees of two groups within the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting asked their employers to stop withholding income tax from their paychecks, and that Meeting tried to come up with a good policy to follow in such cases.
The fourth Friends World Conference was held in the Summer of 1967. The “Protest and Direct Action group” there “called upon Friends in countries party to the [Vietnam] conflict to ‘go as far as conscience dictates in withholding support from their governments’ war-making machinery,’ first by direct communication with those against whom the protest is made, and then if necessary by public witness and individual action, including the possibility of refusal to pay taxes for war.”
U.S. President Johnson called for a 10% income tax surcharge explicitly to fund the Vietnam War. This would be the first explicit “war tax” (other than, arguably, the phone tax) since World War Ⅱ, and its announcement prompted renewed interest in war tax resistance inside and outside the Society of Friends. Quakers were, because of this tax, better-enabled to quote the discipline of early Quakers on refusal to pay explicit war taxes as a way of explaining their own stands.
In October 1968 203 delegates from “nineteen Yearly Meetings, eight Quaker colleges, fifteen Friends secondary schools, the American Friends Service Committee National Board and its twelve regional offices, and nine other peace or directly-related organizations” met in Richmond, Indiana, to draft a “Declaration on the Draft and Conscription.” Part of this declaration mentioned the war tax concern:
We call on Friends everywhere to recognize the oppressive burden of militarism and conscription. We acknowledge our complicity in these evils in ways sometimes silent and subtle, at times painfully apparent. We are under obligation as children of God and members of the Religious Society of Friends to break the yoke of that complicity.
We also recognize that the problem of paying war taxes has intensified; this compels us to find realistic ways to refuse to pay these taxes.
After only ten years of thaw, some seventy years of Great Forgetting have been melted away, and the Society of Friends has again reached a consensus that Quakers are compelled to refuse to pay war taxes.
President Johnson’s war surtax went into effect in 1969, adding a 7.5% surtax to the income tax returns for the 1968 tax year, and 10% for the following year (the tax would be extended at a reduced rate into 1970and then abandoned).
Meetings all across the country were discussing and passing minutes on war tax resistance, though few would advocate it in specific and unreserved ways, most choosing instead to voice expressions of unspecified “approval and loving support” for Quakers who felt compelled to resist. In 1970, the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting passed a relatively strong minute stating:
Refusal to pay the military portion of taxes is an honorable testimony, fully in keeping with the history and practices of Friends… We warmly approve of people following their conscience, and openly approve civil disobedience in this matter under Divine compulsion. We ask all to consider carefully the implications of paying taxes that relate to war-making… Specifically, we offer encouragement and support to people caught up in the problem of seizure, and of payment against their will.
The New York Yearly Meeting decided to begin resisting corporately by refusing to honor liens on the salaries of tax resisting employees (though it could not reach consensus on a refusal to withhold income tax from such employees), and, the following year, by refusing to pay its own phone tax.
The American Friends Service Committee finally decided to do something concrete about the war tax question, but it was a little odd. They withheld and paid taxes from a war tax resisting employee and then sued the government for a refund. The strange structure of their process seems to have been a very deliberate way to structure a legal suit for maximum effectiveness, and it did (briefly) show some success. A court ruled in 1974, on First Amendment freedom-of-religion grounds, that the government could not force the organization to pay the taxes of an objecting employee — alas, the Supreme Court almost immediately, and overwhelmingly, overturned this.
Also in 1974, Susumu Ishitani, a Japanese Quaker, formed a war tax resistance group in Japan — the first example I am aware of from Asia.
By the mid-1970s, the Friends Journal’s coverage of war tax resistance is less occupied with advocacy, debate, and the presentation of individual exemplars, and is more concerned with the practical aspects of how Quakers are going about it. The editorial stance shifts again, to one of more forthright advocacy. It is assumed that Quakers want to avoid paying war taxes, and the question is how to do so well.
The ending of the U.S. war on Vietnam did not seem to slow the enthusiasm for war tax resistance. In1976 the Friends Journal devoted an issue to the subject for the first time. In 1977 Robert Anthony began another attempt to get the courts to legalize conscientious objection to military taxation. It went nowhere, but notably, in a letter to the court, his monthly meeting wrote:
We assert that the free exercise of the Quaker religion entails the avoidance of any participation in war or financial contribution to that part of the national budget used by the military.
If not exaggerated for effect, this statement would be among the strongest yet articulated by a Quaker institution in this renaissance period — not simply expressing support for war tax resisters, or encouraging Friends to consider resisting, but asserting that to practice the Quaker religion necessarily meant to refuse to pay war taxes.
In 1978, Quakers met with their Brethren and Mennonite counterparts to draft a joint statement that encouraged war tax resistance — the “New Call to Peacemaking.” The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting asked its ongoing representative meeting to draft some formal guidance for Quaker war tax resisters for how they should go about it, and to set up an alternative fund to hold and redirect resisted taxes. (New England Yearly Meeting began its own alternative fund for resisted taxes the following year.)
By this time war tax resistance is a core part of any discussion of the Quaker peace testimony, and there are increasing calls for Meetings to resist taxes as an institution.
In 1979 the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting approved a minute on war tax resistance that pulled its punches a bit:
Our strength and our security are derived from our belief in the reality of a loving God and the oneness of that of God in all people. In order to say yes to this belief, we must seriously consider saying no to payment of war taxes.
This “seriously consider” compares poorly to discipline of times past (e.g. “a tax levied for the purchasing of drums, colors, or for other warlike uses, cannot be paid consistently with our Christian testimony” [Ohio Yearly Meeting, 1819]). It also, some Quakers point out, sometimes pales next to the more direct and certain advice from some meetings that young Quaker men resist the draft.
As more Quakers and Meetings feel the pressure to take a stand on war taxes, the more timid ones are increasingly desperate to find ways to do so without actually having to resist. Silly ideas, like writing “not for military spending” in the memo field of their tax payment checks, and “peace tax fund” ideas proliferate. By 1982, Quakers in Canada and Australia are floating their own peace tax fund legislation ideas.
Meanwhile, Quakers in England seem to have gotten the tax resisting bug. The Friends World Committee for Consultation and London Yearly Meeting stopped withholding income taxes from twenty-five war tax resisting employees in 1982, putting the money in escrow. (This resistance was short-lived; after losing a legal appeal in 1985, they went back to withholding.)
In 1983 war tax resistance, according to Friends Journal reports, was a “major preoccupation” of the London Yearly Meeting, and a “burning concern” at the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (where “unity could not be achieved”). Lake Erie Yearly Meeting encouraged its Monthly Meetings “to establish meetings for sufferings to aid war tax resisters.” Pacific Yearly Meeting started an alternative fund.
Smaller Monthly and Quarterly meetings around the country were beginning to take even stronger stands. The Minneapolis and Twin Cities Meetings approved a minute that asked “all members of our meetings to practice some form of war tax resistance”! The Davis (California) meeting passed a similar minute. Monthly Meetings are assembling “clearness committees” to help each other find responses to the war tax problem that are appropriate to their conscientious “leadings.”
That year also, the Friends General Conference promoted the idea of Quakers giving interest-free loans to them, a thinly-veiled (not explicitly stated) way of hiding assets from IRS:
…Friends loan money to F.G.C. at no interest, which F.G.C. invests to earn income which is used to support the varied programs of the Conference, such as publications, religious education curricula, and the ongoing nurture program. These loans provide regular dependable monthly income to the Conference, and reduce the interest income on which the lender must pay federal income taxes, while providing the lender with protection against unforeseen financial reversals. F.G.C. will repay the principal amount within 30 days after receiving a written request from the lender. All principal amounts are kept in insured investments.
In 1984 the Friends Journal, now edited by a war tax resister, devoted another issue to the subject. Non-resisting Quakers were now very much on the defensive. One complained that at the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting that year, taxpaying Quakers like him “were compared to the Quaker slaveholders of the 18thcentury, and not a dissenting voice was raised,” but even he had to acknowledge that war tax resistance was “in the mainstream of Quaker thought, and therefore entitled to support from Quaker bodies.”
The meeting itself though could only agree to issue another minute that would “not urge” Friends to resist, but would “give strong support” to those who did.
In 1985, the Friends World Committee for Consultation held a war tax resistance conference in Washington, D.C., and formed a standing “Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns.” The following year, they held a conference for Quaker organizations that had war tax resisting employees. The conference was attended by 35 people, including representatives from 21 such organizations. They were united by an interest in supporting the war tax resistance of their employees in an open and honest fashion, in a way that included the redirection of the resisted taxes to beneficial causes, and that used the “clearness committee” process.
You definitely get the feeling that momentum is building and Quaker war tax resistance is having a vigorous revival. Unfortunately, though, it seems to me that this is the high-water mark. In surprisingly little time the tide will begin to recede. But there is still some forward progress to be made.
In 1987 the London Yearly Meeting declared:
We are convinced by the Spirit of God to say without any hesitation whatsoever that we must support the right of conscientious objection to paying taxes for war purposes… We ask Meeting for Sufferings to explore further and with urgency the role our religious society should corporately take in this concern and then to take such action as it sees necessary on our behalf.
The Friends United Meeting adopted a policy of not withholding taxes from resisting employees that year as well. The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting soon followed suit, and refused to withhold federal taxes from three war tax resisters on the payroll (after a legal battle, they would pay “under duress” a few years later). The Baltimore Yearly Meeting also adopted such a policy, in 1990.
In 1988 another conference for employers of tax resisting employees was held, this one expanded to include Mennonite and Church of the Brethren employers. The Friends Journal got an IRS levy on the salary of its editor, and it devoted a third issue to the topic of war tax resistance. Some Quakers begin using the tax resistance tactic in the service of other causes, such as opposition to capital punishment or nuclear power.
In an early sign of the receding of the war tax resistance tide, the Friends World Committee for Consultation retired its “Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns” in favor of a “Committee on Peace Concerns.” From here, sadly, it’s pretty much all downhill. In the next and final segment of this series on the history of Quaker war tax resistance, I’ll try to describe and explore the second “forgetting.”

Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT TIMELINE

Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT TIMELINE

August 18, 1941
In a letter to President Roosevelt, Representative John Dingell of Michigan suggests incarcerating 10,000 Hawaiian Japanese Americans as hostages to ensure "good behavior" on the part of Japan.

November 12, 1941
Fifteen Japanese American businessmen and community leaders in Los Angeles Little Tokyo are picked up in an F.B.I. raid. A spokesman for the Central Japanese Association states: "We teach the fundamental principles of America and the high ideals of American democracy. We want to live here in peace and harmony. Our people are 100% loyal to America."

December 7, 1941
The attack on Pearl Harbor. Local authorities and the F.B.I. begin to round up the leadership of the Japanese American communities. Within 48 hours, 1,291 Issei are in custody. These men are held under no formal charges and family members are forbidden from seeing them. Most would spend the war years in enemy alien internment camps run by the Justice Department.

February 19, 1942President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 which allows military authorities to exclude anyone from anywhere without trial or hearings. Though the subject of only limited interest at the time, this order set the stage for the entire forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans.

February 25, 1942
The Navy informs Japanese American residents of Terminal Island near Los Angeles Harbor that they must leave in 48 hours. They are the first group to be removed en masse.

February 27, 1942.Idaho Governor Chase Clark tells a congressional committee in Seattle that Japanese would be welcome in Idaho only if they were in "concentration camps under military guard." Some credit Clark with the conception of what was to become a true scenario.

March 2, 1942Gen. John L. DeWitt issues Public Proclamation No. 1 which creates Military Areas Nos. 1 and 2. Military Area No. 1 includes the western portion of California, Oregon and Washington, and part of Arizona while Military Area No. 2 includes the rest of these states. The proclamation also hints that people might be excluded from Military Area No. 1.

March 18, 1942The president signs Executive Order 9102 establishing the War Relocation Authority (WRA) with Milton Eisenhower as director. It is allocated $5.5 million.

March 21, 1942The first advance groups of Japanese American "volunteers" arrive at Manzanar, CA. The WRA would take over on June 1 and transform it into a "relocation center."

March 24, 1942The first Civilian Exclusion Order issued by the Army is issued for the Bainbridge Island area near Seattle. The forty-five families there are given one week to prepare. By the end of October, 108 exclusion orders would be issued, and all Japanese Americans in Military Area No. 1 and the California portion of No. 2 would be incarcerated.

March 28, 1942Minoru Yasui walks into a Portland police station at 11:20 p.m. to present himself for arrest in order to test the curfew regulations in court.

May 1, 1942Having "voluntarily resettled" in Denver, Nisei journalist James Omura writes a letter to a Washington law firm inquiring about retaining their services to seek legal action against the government for violations of civil and constitutional rights and seeking restitution for economic losses. He was unable to afford the $3,500 fee required to begin proceedings.

May 13, 1942Forty-five-year-old Ichiro Shimoda, a Los Angeles gardener, is shot to death by guards while trying to escape from Fort Still (Oklahoma) internment camp. The victim was seriously mentally ill, having attempted suicide twice since being picked up on December 7. He is shot despite the guards' knowledge of his mental state.
May 16, 1942Hikoji Takeuchi, a Nisei, is shot by a guard at Manzanar. The guard claims that he shouted at Takeuchi and that Takeuchi began to run away from him. Takeuchi claims he was collecting scrap lumber and didn't hear the guard shout. His wounds indicate that he was shot in the front. Though seriously injured, he eventually recovered.

May 29, 1942Largely organized by Quaker leader Clarence E. Pickett, the National Japanese-American Student Relocation Council is formed in Philadelphia with University of Washington Dean Robert W. O'Brien as director. By war's end, 4,300 Nisei would be in college.

June 1942The movie "Little Tokyo, U.S.A." is released by Twentieth Century Fox. In it, the Japanese American community is portrayed as a "vast army of volunteer spies" and "blind worshippers of their Emperor, " as described in the film's voice-over prologue.

June 17, 1942Milton Eisenhower resigns as WRA director. Dillon Myer is appointed to replace him.

July, 27 1942Two Issei -- Brawley, CA farmer Toshiro Kobata and San Pedro fisherman Hirota Isomura -- are shot to death by camp guards at Lourdsburg, New Mexico enemy alien internment camp. The men had allegedly been trying to escape. It would later be reported, however, that upon their arrival to the camp, the men had been too ill to walk from the train station to the camp gate.

August 4, 1942A routine search for contraband at the Santa Anita "Assembly Center" turns into a "riot." Eager military personnel had become overzealous and abusive which, along with the failure of several attempts to reach the camp's internal security chief, triggers mass unrest, crowd formation, and the harassing of the searchers. Military police with tanks and machine guns quickly end the incident. The "overzealous" military personnel are later replaced.
August 10, 1942 The first inmates arrive at Minidoka, Idaho.

August 12, 1942 The first 292 inmates arrive at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

August 27, 1942 The first inmates arrive at Granada, or Amache, Colorado.

September 11, 1942 The first inmates arrive at Central Utah, or Topaz.

September 18, 1942 The first inmates arrive at Rohwer, Arkansas.

October 20, 1942President Roosevelt calls the "relocation centers" "concentration camps" at a press conference. The WRA had consistently denied that the term "concentration camps" accurately described the camps.

November 14, 1942An attack on a man widely perceived as an informer results in the arrest of two popular inmates at Poston. This incident soon mushrooms into a mass strike.

December 5, 1942Fred Tayama is attacked and seriously injured by a group of inmates at Manzanar. The arrest of the popular Harry Ueno for the crime triggers a mass uprising.

December 10, 1942The WRA establishes a prison at Moab, Utah for recalcitrant inmates.

February 1, 1943The 442nd Regimental Combat Team is activated, made up entirely of Japanese Americans.

April 11, 1943James Hatsuki Wakasa, a sixty-three-year-old chef, is shot to death by a sentry at Heart Mountain camp while allegedly trying to escape through a fence. It is later determined that Wakasa had been inside the fence and facing the sentry when shot. The sentry would stand a general court-martial on April 28 at Fort Douglas, Utah and be found "not guilty."

April 13, 1943"A Jap's a Jap. There is no way to determine their loyalty... This coast is too vulnerable. No Jap should come back to this coast except on a permit from my office." Gereral John L. DeWitt, head, Western Defense Command; before the House Naval Affairs Subcommittee.

June 21, 1943The United States Supreme Court rules on the Hirabayashi and Yasui cases, upholding the constitutionality of the curfew and exclusion orders.

September 13, 1943The realignment of Tule Lake as a camp for "dissenters" begins. After the loyalty questionnaire episode, "loyal" internees begin to depart to other camps. Five days later, "disloyal" internees from other camps begin to arrive at Tule Lake.

November 4, 1943The Tule Lake uprising caps a month of strife. Tension had been high since the administration had fired 43 coal workers involved in a labor dispute on October 7.

January 14, 1944Nisei eligibility for the draft is restored. The reaction to this announcement in the camps would be mixed.

January 26, 1944Spurred by the announcement of the draft a few days before, 300 people attend a public meeting at Heart Mountain camp. Here, the Fair Play Committee is formally organized to support draft resistance.

March 20, 1944Forty-three Japanese American soldiers are arrested for refusing to participate in combat training at Fort McClellan, Alabama, as a protest of treatment of their families in U.S. camps. Eventually, 106 are arrested for their refusal. Twenty-one are convicted and serve prison time before being paroled in 1946.

May 10, 1944A Federal Grand Jury issues indictments abgainst 63 Heart Mountain draft resistors. The 63 are found guilty and sentenced to jail terms on June 26. They would be granted a pardon on December 24, 1947.

May 24, 1944Shoichi James Okamoto is shot to death at Tule Lake by a guard after stopping a construction truck at the main gate for permission to pass. Private Bernard Goe, the guard, would be acquitted after being fined a dollar for "unauthorized use of government property" --a bullet.

June 30, 1944Jerome becomes the first camp to close when the last inmates are transferred to Rohwer.

July 21, 1944Seven members of the Heart Mountain Fair Play Committee are arrested, along with journalist James Omura. Their trial for "unlawful conspiracy to counsel, aid and abet violators of the draft" begins on October 23. All but Omura would eventually be found guilty.

October 27-30, 1944The 442nd Regimental Combat Team rescues an American battalion which had been cut off and surrounded by the enemy. Eight hundred casualties are suffered by the 442nd to rescue 211 men. After this rescue, the 442nd is ordered to keep advancing in the forest; they would push ahead without relief or rest until November 9.

December 18, 1944The Supreme Court decides that Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu was indeed guilty of remaining in a military area contrary to the exclusion order. This case challenged the constitutionality of the entire exclusion process.

January 2, 1945Restrictions preventing resettlement on the West Coast are removed, although many exceptions continue to exist. A few carefully screened Japanese Americans had returned to the coast in late 1944.

January 8, 1945The packing shed of the Doi family is burned and dynamited and shots are fired into their home. The family had been the first to return to California from Amache and the first to return to Placer County, having arrived three days earlier. Although several men are arrested and confess to the acts, all would be acquitted. Some 30 similar incidents would greet other Japanese Americans returning to the West Coast between January and June.

May 7, 1945The surrender of Germany ends the war in Europe.

August 6, 1945The atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima. Three days later, a second bomb is dropped on Nagasaki. The war in the Pacific would end on August 14.

March 20, 1946Tule Lake closes, culminating "an incrediblle mass evacuation in reverse." In the month prior to the closing, some 5,000 internees had to be moved, many of whom were elderly, impoverished, or mentally ill and with no place to go.

July 15, 1946The 442nd Regimental Combat Team is received on the White House lawn by President Truman. "You fought not only the enemy but you fought prejudice -- and you have won," remarks the president.

June 30, 1947U.S. District Judge Louis E. Goodman orders that the petitioners in Wayne Collins' suit of December 13, 1945 be released; native-born American citizens could not be converted to enemy aliens and could not be imprisoned or sent to Japan on the basis of renunciation. Three hundred and two persons are finally released from Crystal City, Texas and Seabrook Farms, New Jersey on September 6, 1947.

July 2, 1948President Truman signs the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act, a measure to compensate Japanese Americans for certain economic losses attributable to their forced evacuation. Although some $28 million was to be paid out through provision of the act, it would be largely ineffective even on the limited scope in which it operated.

July 10, 1970A resolution is announced by the Japanese American Citizen League's Northern California-Western Nevada District Council calling for reparations for the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans. This resolution would have the JACL seek a bill in Congress awarding individual compensation on a per diem basis, tax-free.

November 28, 1979Representative Mike Lowry (D-WA) introduces the World War II Japanese-American Human Rights Violations Act (H.R. 5977) into Congress. This NCJAR-sponsored bill is largely based on research done by ex-members of the Seattle JACL chapter. It proposes direct payments of $15,000 per victim plus an addtional $15 per day interned. Given the choice between this bill and the JACL-supported study commission bill introduced two months earlier, Congress opts for the latter.

July 14, 1981The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) holds a public hearing in Washington, D.C. as part of its investigation into the internment of Japanese Americans during Workd War II. Similar hearings would be held in many other cities throughout the rest of 1981. The emotional testimony by more than 750 Japanese American witnesses about their wartime experiences would prove cathartic for the community and a turning point in the redress movement.

June 16, 1983The CWRIC issues its formal recommendations to Congress concerning redress for Japanese Americans interned during World War II. They include the call for individual payments of $20,000 to each of those who spent time in the concentration camps and are still alive.

August 10, 1988H.R. 442 is signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. It provides for individual payments of $20,000 to each surviving internee and a $1.25 billion education fund among other provisions.

October 9, 1990The first nine redress payments are made at a Washington, D.C. ceremony. One-hundred-seven-year-old Rev. Mamoru Eto of Los Angeles is the first to receive his check.

SIETAR Japan Kansai Chapter » Blog Archive » SIETAR Kansai May 2016 Program: Field Trip: Osaka Quaker meeting

SIETAR Japan Kansai Chapter » Blog Archive » SIETAR Kansai May 2016 Program: Field Trip: Osaka Quaker meeting

SIETAR Kansai May 2016 Program: Field Trip: Osaka Quaker meeting

4月. 09, 2016
SIETAR Kansai May 2016 Program
Field Trip: Osaka Quaker meeting

For the past three years SIETAR Kansai has hosted field trips to learn about different communities in the Kansai area. In 2013 we went to the Kobe Mosque in Sannomiya, in 2014 we met with the Filipino community at the Cathedral of St. Maria of Tamatsukuri, Osaka, and last year we visited Shinnyoen, a modern Buddhist community. 

This year we have the opportunity to meet with a Quaker group in Takarazuka. The Quaker movement began in the 17th century in England and differed from other religious groups in its simplicity with no hierarchy and no elaborate rituals and ceremonies. The guiding principle is that every person can experience God directly and can find an inward light that will lead to spiritual development. Quakers are well known for their egalitarian beliefs, their principle of nonviolence, their work for social and economic justice, and their acts of kindness in daily life.

This month we can participate in a monthly meeting with the first hour in silent worship then followed by lunch where we can participate in conversation and fellowship. To get an idea of what to expect in a Quaker meeting, watch a short video explanation:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxjH4sa2RFI  For a basic introduction, check this link  http://www.quaker.org/friends.html

Date:                                 Sunday, May 1, 2016
Meeting place and time:   10:30 am, Hankyu Mefujinja Station on the Takarazuka line.
Event time :                      11:00-13:00
Place:                                Takarazuka Meditation House (Details will be provided later)
Fee:                                   Free (non members are also welcome) (please bring 500 yen for a bento)
Registration:                     Advanced reservation required, first-come-first-served basis (there may be a limit to the numbers, so reserve
                                          as soon as possible)
How to apply:                   Send the following: a) name, b) e-mail address, c) cell phone number, and d) how many people to
                                          fujimotodonna@@gmail.com  Deadline: April 26, 2016

Quakerism as Contemplative Practice

Quakerism as Contemplative Practice

Quakerism as Contemplative Practice


"The Society of Friends is perhaps the most remarkable demonstration in history of the availability of mystical experience to groups of open but otherwise ordinary people."

John Ferguson - Encyclopedia of Mysticism
"Great things did the Lord lead me into and wonderful depths were opened unto me beyond what can by words be declared; but as people come into subjection to the Spirit or God and grow up in the image and power of the Almighty; they may receive the Word of Wisdom that opens all things and come to know the hidden unity in the Eternal Being".
"I came to know God experimentally."

"This I knew experimentally"

 George Fox - as quoted inFriends for Three Hundred Years

Meeting for Worship

Meeting for worship based on silence can be the setting for powerful unitive experience.

"There was little said in that meeting but I sat still in it, and was bowed in the spirit before the Lord, and felt him with me and with Friends, and saw that they had their minds retired, and waited to feel his presence and power to operate in their hearts and that they were spiritual worshipers who worship God in Spirit and in truth and I was sensible that they felt and tasted of the Lord's goodness as at that time I did, and though few words were spoken, yet I was well satisfied with the meeting. And there arose a melody that went through the meeting and the presence of the Lord was in the midst of us and more true comfort, refreshment and satisfaction did I meet with from the Lord in that meeting than ever I had in any meeting in all my life before."

John Gratton 1641-1712
Rudolf Otto says there is the silence of sacrament, the silence of waiting, and the silence of union or fellowship.

"When the Quakers assemble for a quiet time together, this is first and foremost a time of waiting and it has in this sense a double value. It means our submergence, i.e., inward concentration and detachment, from manifold outward distraction; but this again has value as a preparation of the soul to become the pencil of the unearthly writer, the bent bow of the heavenly archer, the tuned lyre of the divine musician. This silence is then, primarily not so much a dumbness in the presence of Deity, as an awaiting His coming in expectation of the Spirit and its message."

"That is, silence, and especially the silent communion of worshippers, is the most desirable state for the conduct of collective worship. Any speaking that should take place during worship must emerge from the inward silence of the speaker and be directed toward bringing the auditors to silence or enhancing the condition of silence in which they already reside."

"Quaker worship: "It is impossible for the enemy, namely the devil, to counterfeit it so as for any soul to be deceived or deluded by him in the exercise thereof . . He can accompany the priest to the alter, the preacher to the pulpit, the zealot to his prayers, yea, the doctor to his study . . . when the soul comes to this silence and as it were is brought to nothingness as to her own workings, then the devil is shut out."


What is your practice in meeting for worship?

In an article in a British Quaker journal the author searched for the method of worship used historically by Friends. The title summarized his findings, "They Just Sat". But how did they just sit? Did they just sit in the Zen Buddhist tradition of just sitting (Zazen)? Or did they just sit in a passive, Quietist, openness to Being or Surrender to God? Or did they just sit in some other way?
Did Friends sit in an "attitude of vigilant expectation" (listening, waiting)?

"As Benoit pointed out, my thinking process will start up again only when I cease the "Speak, I am listening" attitude. He summarizes this inner gesture by stating that it "is realized when I authorize the totality of my tendencies before the conscious appearance of any one of them; and then none of them appears". And when none of these imaginative-emotive tendencies appear as conscious objects, then I am grounded in pure non-dual organic consciousness, "thanks to which I am virtually already free."

Ken Wilber - Spectrum of Consciouses
Someone has said that what we are aiming for in meeting for worship is a powerful energetic vigilant total listening. Listening, like that which we experience after being awakened in the night, for a potentially threatening sound to repeat itself so that we can identify it.

High energy may be generated in vigilant listening, especially if we take seriously the possibility of receiving a Divine leading to speak. A good deal of energy can be generated in the process of discernment (is this an insight just for me, an ego prompting, or true leading); the danger of not speaking when we are called (called quenching by early Quakers); and the danger saying more than we are called to say (called out running our measure of truth by earlier Quakers).

Query 5
Do you "just sit" in meeting for worship? Do you sit in vigilant expectation? If you don't just sit, how would you describe what you do in meeting for worship?Does formal meditation practice such as concentration or insight meditation feel appropriate to you in meeting for worship? What about centering prayer?
Is there a formal practice which we should be recommending to newcomers to meeting for worship?
How do you discern between leadings to speak and your own ego driven promptings and personal insights?
Is meeting for worship linked to unitive experience in your own life?

Silence And Compassionate Action

In Meeting for Worship we listen in silence with the expectation that we may be called to speak. This adds prophetic dimension and dimension of ministry to our experience of silence. Unitive experience often leads to insight which cuts through our social fictions as well as our personal fictions and has led of social action and peace work among Friends. Some times the spoken word carries these insights.

"If contemplation, which introduces us to the very heart of creation, does not inflame us with such love that it gives us, together with deep joy, the understanding of the infinite misery of the world, it is a vain kind of contemplation; it is the contemplation of a false God. The sign of true contemplation is charity."

Marius Grout - French Quaker
What we receive in contemplation, we pour out in love.

Meister Eckhart
At this point lets look at a most provocative paradox which a Japanese Zen Buddhist, Teruyasu Tamura, sees as he looks at Quakerism..

". . . A bodhisattra (an enlighten one who vows to return until all sentient beings are enlightened) is supposed to save others before saving themselves. But Zen has done very little to save the poor and the suffering. It seems to me that Quakers have been far greater Bodhisattras than Zen Buddhists."
Yet he thinks that vocal ministry, which may be one source of Friends action orientation, tends to reduce the depth of unitive experience.

"A greater, more serious difference consists in "vocal ministry." The problem is that it is not merely a difference from Zen but seems to be a great cause of confusion and frustration even to Quakers themselves. From the standpoint of Zen, of the Cloud of Unknowing, and depth psychology for that matter, vocal ministry seems to be an irrational form of devotion rather a hindrance than a help to attaining the deepest spirituality, because it breaks silence and prevents one from sinking further down into consciousness."

Teruyasu Tamura - A Zen Buddhist Encounters Quakerism


Do you find a link between unitive experience and compassion in your own life? Are there ways you are expressing in action, the oneness with all being found in contemplation?Have there been moments of action in which you have felt something like unitive experience?

Monasticsim and Testimonies

Friends have not withdrawn to monasteries, but the sober simple life style of early friends might be seen as the equivalent.

Remember those testimonies which make the old Quakers seem like such fuddy-duddies? The testimonies against frivolity, music, celebrating holidays, feasting on holidays, playing idle games as pastimes, fancy dress, etc. Is it time to mentally revisit the forgotten testimonies with the idea that they may be ways to remove hindrances to the spiritual life?Do you embody spirit of these Friends' testimonies or are they errors or anachronisms?
How does your life style help free you from desire, aversion, and illusion?

Meeting For Business As Spiritual Practice

Though it is not always approached in this way, meeting for worship for business can be experienced as a spiritual discipline of emptiness and non-attachment. In fact Scott Peck gives us a very interesting approach to arriving at community throughemptiness, which seems to be a group equivalent of meditation. He argues that there are four stages of community: pseudo communitychaosemptiness, andcommunity. He says that we need to go through these stages to arrive at real community.

"There are only two ways out of chaos," I will explain to a group after it has spent a sufficient period of time squabbling and getting nowhere. "One is into organization - but organization is never community. The only other way is into and through emptiness.

The most common (and interrelated) barriers to communication that people need to empty themselves of before they can enter genuine community are: Expectations and Preconceptions. ... Prejudices. ... Ideology, Theology, and Solutions ... The Need to Heal, Convert, Fix, or Solve. ... The Need to Control."

Scott Peck - A Different Drum

Is emptiness in group process the communal equivalent of contemplation for the individual?It is one thing to enter deep silence in meeting for worship, but do you maintain this same inner peace at meeting for business? If not, do you use the emotions (both positive and negative) that you feel to examine your attachments?
Do you share your deepest intuition of truth at meetings for business in a spirit of love?
Is this one place to practice the presence (mindfulness) corporately?

Contemplative Mentors

Other contemplative traditions have Gurus or Spiritual Directors who offer spiritual direction and guidance along this path. Modern Friends tend not to have developed these roles in at least as visible a form though there have recently been some moves in this direction. Spiritual nurture groups, spiritual friends, and friends enrolling in spiritual direction courses of study are examples of this. Other Friends have found guidance from spiritual directors from other traditions.

"And when all my hopes in them and all men were gone, so that I had nothing outwardly to help me, nor could tell what to do, then, oh then, I heard a voice which said, "There is one, even Christ Jesus, that can speak to thy condition, and when I heard it my heart did leap for joy. Then the Lord did let me see why there was none upon the earth that could speak to my condition, namely, that I might give him all the glory; for all are concluded under sin, and shut up in unbelief as I had been, that Jesus Christ might have the pre-eminence who enlightens, and gives grace, and faith, and power."

George Fox
"The proclamation of George Fox in the first generation of Quakers should be enough to startle us right out of our chairs. It is that Christ has come to teach his people himself, in the same way that the historical Jesus walked in Galilee proclaiming the imminence and immanence of the Kingdom of God, and that the risen Christ lived in the hearts and souls of his people in the days following the resurrection."
J. Anthony Gaeslen - Christ Centered Quakerism
The radical Protestantism expressed above, the belief in equality, and the rejection of authority that characterize American Friends seem to have moved us away from developing spiritual teachers in the same way that other traditions have.

Are we standing outside of Friends' tradition in efforts like these web pages or the work shop they were developed for? Should we instead rely on Christ to teach us directly in worship?Does our tradition tell us that spiritual directors, Eastern teachers, and perhaps even weighty Friends only stand between us and Christ (Inner light) and thus should go the way of paid pastors?
Or, have we erred to the other side and by overvaluing individuality and tolerance so that we are now in danger of losing our discipline and hence our integrity as a religious society? 
Are we losing potential members to other groups that are more explicit in their teaching of contemplative disciplines?

Contemplate Practice and Nature

There is a group called Quaker Earthcare Witness (formerly Friends in Unity With Nature) who from a conviction and consciousness that the global crisis of ecological sustainability is at root a spiritual crisis. The following quotes from other contemplatives seem to strongly support this restatement of contemplative wisdom. 

The manifold delight I learn to take in earthly things

Can never drive me from my Love.

For in the nobility of creatures,

in their beauty and in their usefulness,

I will love God -

and not myself!"

The truly wise person

kneels at the feet of all creatures

and is not afraid to endure

the mockery of others.

Mechtild of Magdeburg

Every creature is a word of God.
Meister Eckhart

Glance at the sun. See the moon and the stars.

Gaze at the beauty of earth's greenings. Now, think

What delight God gives to humankind

with all these things . . .

All nature is at the disposal of humankind.

We are to work with it.

Forwithout it we cannot survive.

Hildegarde of Bingen (1098-1179)

QUERY 10: 

Do you find that natural environments have been conducive to unitive experience for you?

Do you think earthcare can be a contemplative practice?

How do you honor the life of all living things, the order of nature, the wildness of wilderness, the richness of the created world?

How do you seek the holiness which God has placed in these things, and the measure of Light which God has lent them?

What are you doing to reduce the destructiveness of the human impact on the ecosystem?

Injunctive Knowledge of Quakerism

We started out talking about an injunctive form of knowledge that leads to knowledge that does not seem to be expressed well in words.

What do you believe to be the elements of the Quaker recipe for an injunctive knowledge of Quakerism?


The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley
Though not easy reading and somewhat dated (1948), I find this to be one of the best collections of literature and ideas concerning mysticism. Huxley's thesis is that there is a common core to mysticism across time. He states what he believes this common core of beliefs to be and illustrates ideas with quotes from various traditions. His approach is universalistic but draws more on the Eastern traditions than on Western traditions.
The Observing Self by Arthur J. Deikman
This book looks at mysticism and meditation from a contemporary psychological perspective. An interesting secular introduction to the topic.
The Miracle of Mindfulness by Trich Nhat Hanh
If you are looking for clear practical suggestions and exercises for beginning meditation and the associated life disciplines, I can think of no better place to start than with this book. Short and straight forward.
Pilgrimage Home: The Conduct of Contemplative Practice in Groups byGerald May
This book can provide some good ideas if you are interested in starting a group aimed at spiritual development along the lines we have been talking about. Based on the experience of some weighty folks including some Quakers, who have been engaged in ecumenical spiritual development groups. I think that most Friends would feel comfortable with the practices they have developed.
Original Blessing by Matthew Fox
If you are coming from a Christian perspective you may find this interpretation an exciting new look with a mystical point of view. Some of his other books offer a more popular, less theologically oriented introduction to his ideas.
No Boundary, A Sociable God, or The Spectrum of Consciousness, Grace and Grit, by Ken Wilber
Wilber presents a developmental stages approach to understanding personal and transpersonal growth. If you prefer a psychological approach try the first book, for a sociological approach try the second. For a biographical approach to his ideas try Grace and Grit.  Quite readable and very thought provoking.
Shambala by Chogyam Trungpa
An attempt by a Tibetan religious leader to describe a humanistic nonsectarian approach to the contemplative life. Don't be put off with the image of the warrior until you have read how he defines the term. Very interesting metaphors and has the virtue of being short.
The Choice is Always Ours by Dorothy B. Phillips, et. al.
A very good anthology of the contemplative way that makes good devotional reading.
New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
This is my favorite book by Merton but you may find others more to your taste. Though interested and knowledgeable of other traditions Merton's practice and self understanding come from the Catholic tradition.
Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill
Another classic which concentrates on the Western mystical tradition through history. Check this out of the library first to see if you like it, before buying it.
Care of Mind. Care of Spirit  by Gerald May
May looks at the interface between psychological counseling and spiritual direction in this short but interesting book. May was a psychiatrist who is interested in exploring the contemplative way looking for terms that are meaningful for us today. You might also enjoy his more theoretical book titled Will and Spirit. In the latter he tries to outline a contemplative psychology using psychological terms that are familiar to most of us.
Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel by Thomas Keating
A very nice practical guide to contemplative prayer. Outlines the theory and practice of centering prayer from a Christian context. Though written from a Catholic perspective it is not narrow in its view and I think that anyone comfortable with Christian language will find it useful.
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom - Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield
A very readable, useful introduction to Buddhist insight meditation which offers a very contemporary applications and examples.
A Zen Buddhist Encounters Quakerism - Teruyasu Tamura.

A very provocative Pendle Hill Pamphlet (302) in which the author who values both traditions points out what seem to him to be fascinating contradictions within Quakerism.
The Seed and the Tree Daniel A. Seeger Pendle Hill Pamphlet (269)

A wonderful exploration of nonviolence as an expression of contemplative practice. The best writing on spiritually based nonviolence I have ever read.
Transformations of Consciousness by Ken Wilber, Jack Engler, and Daniel Brown. 

Very interesting exploration of the psychological problems and meditation. Fairly technical psychological jargon.

Ordinary Magic - Edited by John Welwood

My favorite book of readings on contemporary contemplative daily practice. Highly recommended.

A Path With Heart - Jack Kornfield

Very good from American Buddhist perspective but which uses examples from other traditions as well.

From the Quaker perspective of course read Rufus Jones, Douglas Steere, John Youngblut, and Howard Brinton. 

The Top Non-Asian Civil Rights Heroes For Japanese Americans | Discrimination | 8Asians.com | An Asian American collaborative blog

The Top Non-Asian Civil Rights Heroes For Japanese Americans | Discrimination | 8Asians.com | An Asian American collaborative blog

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After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, there was only one national organization that was willing to stand up for the rights of Japanese Americans (JAs). They were the Quakers. Not only did they speak out against the unconstitutional incarceration of JAs they helped many of the Nisei (second generation) kids go to college.
Even though the Quakers were the only national group, there were some brave individuals who spoke out for the rights of Japanese Americans. These individuals were willing to put their professional and personal reputations and sometimes their safety on the line for their fellow Americans, even when the majority did nothing. Here is my list (in no particular order) of some of the more famous non-JA Civil Rights heroes.
Who says librarians or teachers can’t be heroes? Clara Breed, a librarian from San Diego, corresponded with JA children and encouraged them to continue to read by bringing them books and hope. Frida Mix was so outraged about what was going on, she quit her job and became a volunteer teacher in Gila River, Arizona. She remained in the camp until it closed.
Lazo was only a teenager in Los Angeles when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Despite his age, he knew what was happening to the Japanese Americans was wrong. He believed that his Nisei friends were as American as he was. So when his friends were sent off to “camp,” he went too. He was willing to put his freedom on the line for what he believed in.
Besig was the founder and executive director the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. He believed what was happening to Japanese Americans to be unconstitutional and persuaded Fred Korematsu to challenge the constitutionality of the “internment,” something that not everyone at the ACLU agreed with. The case eventually made its way to the Supreme Court where he lost. However, in a time of war hysteria and racism, Besig forced people to questioned the legality of what the government was doing.
Collins was a civil rights attorney who also worked on the Korematsu case. But when I think of Collins I think of his “two mass class habeas corpus proceedings with the U.S. District Court of San Francisco in 1945, which aimed to establish American nationality, end internment, and cancel renunciation of Japanese Americans.” Because of Collins, my father and his family (and thousands of  other families like mine) were able to remain in the United States.

조계종은 지금 '깨달음' 논쟁 중 - 1등 인터넷뉴스 조선닷컴 - 문화 > 종교ㆍ학술

조계종은 지금 '깨달음' 논쟁 중 - 1등 인터넷뉴스 조선닷컴 - 문화 > 종교ㆍ학술

조계종은 지금 '깨달음' 논쟁 중

입력 : 2016.01.15 03:00

교육원장 현응 스님 "깨달음은 토론·대화로 가능"
선원수좌회·수불 스님 반박 "간화선 부흥에 불교 미래 걸려"

현응 스님, 수불 스님 사진
현응 스님, 수불 스님.
깨달음은 '이루는 것'인가, '이해하는 것'인가. 조계종이 지금 '깨달음' 논쟁으로 뜨겁다.

방아쇠는 교육원장 현응 스님이 당겼다. 그는 작년 9월 한 세미나 발표를 통해 "깨달음이란 '잘' 이해하는 것"이라고 주장했다. 그는 "초기 경전을 보면, 통찰하고 이해하는 내용이 바로 부처님의 깨달음"이라며 "깨달음은 이해 영역이었기 때문에 설법, 토론, 대화를 통해 얻을 수 있는 것이지, 선정(禪定) 수행을 통해 이루는 몸과 마음의 높은 경지, 즉 신비로운 경지가 아니다"고 주장했다.

이 주장이 뜨거운 논쟁의 시작이 된 것은 바탕에 간화선(看話禪) 특히 선정과 좌선(坐禪)에 대한 비판을 깔고 있기 때문이다. 화두에 몰두하는 참선 수행인 간화선은 조계종이 근간으로 삼는 수행법이며 지금도 매년 선승(禪僧) 2000여 명이 간화선 수행을 하고 있다.

게다가 현응 스님은 현재 조계종 승려 교육의 총책임자이며, 성철 스님이 간화선 수행 기풍을 펼쳤던 해인사의 주지를 지냈기 때문에, 그가 일으킨 파문은 컸다. 현응 스님은 간화선에 대해, 원래는 언제 어디서나 문답을 통해 가능했는데 원나라 이후로 좌선(坐禪) 위주로 바뀌었으며 이 과정에서 깨달음이 '이해하는 것'에서 '이루는 것' 즉 신비한 것으로 변질했다고 말한다. 그는 특히 "그런 깨달음을 이룬 사람이 있는지 잘 모르겠다"고까지 직격탄을 날렸다.

선승들의 대표 단체인 전국선원수좌회는 한 달 후 성명을 내 "현응 스님이 말한 '이해하는 것'은 부처님과 조사들이 경계한 '알음알이'"라고 반박했다. 수좌회는 "이해(알음알이)를 깨달음으로 삼게 되면 도둑을 자식으로 삼는 것과 같게 된다"고 말했다.

그러자 현응 스님은 재반박을 통해 '조계종'이란 이름까지 재고해야 한다고 한 걸음 더 나갔다. 한국 불교는 1700년 동안 다양한 역사와 전통을 승계한 '통(通)불교'이기 때문에 육조 혜능 이후 선종(禪宗)의 느낌이 강한 조계종보다 더 큰 그릇 명칭이 필요하다는 것.

소강상태를 보이던 논쟁에 다시 불을 붙인 것은 간화선 현대화·대중화의 기수(旗手)인 수불 스님(안국선원장)이다. 수불 스님은 지난 연말 '종지(宗旨)의 현대적 구현'이란 책자를 만들어 전국 선원과 불교계에 배포했다. 이 글에서 수불 스님은 "'깨달음이란 이해하는 것'이라는 주장은 책상물림의 말일 뿐이고, 정작 진실된 수행자라면 '깨달음이란 사유의 영역을 초월한다'는 부처님 말씀에 동의할 것"이라며 "간화선 부흥에 한국 불교의 미래가 달렸다"고 말했다.

불교계에서는 "오랜만에 추문이나 논란이 아닌 본질에 대한 논쟁이 벌어지고 있다"며 '깨달음 논쟁'을 반기는 분위기다. 

[키워드정보] 간화선(看話禪) 수행법이란?

[출처] 본 기사는 조선닷컴에서 작성된 기사 입니다