
불교평론(2023년 여름 94호) | 만해사상실천선양회 - 교보문고

불교평론(2023년 여름 94호) | 만해사상실천선양회 - 교보문고

불교평론(2023년 여름 94호)

만해사상실천선양회 저자(글)
불교시대사 · 2023년 05월 31일

불교평론(2022년 겨울호/92호)만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2023년 가을 95호)만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2023년 봄 93호)만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2022년 봄호)만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2021년 겨울호)만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2021 여름호)만해사상실천선양회

생명의 삶(2023년 12월호)(개역개정판)두란노 편집부

포브스 코리아(Forbes Korea)(2023년 12월호)중앙일보 편집부

생명의삶(2023년 12월호)(우리말성경)두란노 편집부

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기도수첩(Remnant)(2023년 12월호)생명 편집부

월간 조선(2023년 12월호)조선뉴스프레스 편집부

신동아(2023년 12월호)동아일보사 편집부

책 소개

『불교평론』은 불교사상을 현대적 시각으로 해석하고 역사, 정치, 사회 현상을 불교적 시각에서 분석 비판 조명하는 계간지로 한국불교 지성을 대표하는 잡지입니다.
2024년 봄호는 특집으로 “함께 돌아봐야 할 소수자 인권”을 마련했습니다. 불교는 부처님이 가르침을 편 초기부터 사회적 약자에 대한 관심과 배려의 필요성을 끊임없이 환기해왔습니다. 난민과 이주민 노동자, 다문화가족은 물론 공익제보자와 성소수자에 이르기까지 다양한 분야에서 진정한 이웃으로 대접받지 못하고 차별과 소외에 시달리며 고통받는 삶을 벗어나지 못하는 이들에게 부처님의 자비가 구현되도록 하자는 취지에서 기획되었습니다. 이 특집을 통해 불교의 사회적 역할에 대한 적극적 실천의 필요성을 함께 생각해보고자 합니다. ‘사색과 성찰’은 불교적 소재나 주제로 각계각층의 필자가 참여하는 에세이 섹션으로 이번 여름호에서는 가톨릭 성직자 10분을 초대해 불교와 관련한 글을 실었습니다. 신부님들과 수녀님께서 들려주는 명상이 있는 진솔한 이야기들이 독자에게 울림을 줄 것으로 기대합니다. ‘논단’에서는 인공지능이 전 인류의 변혁을 주도하는 현실에서 불교계는 어떻게 대응할 것인지 생각해보는 보일 스님(해인사승가대학장)의 논문 “챗gpt의 등장과 불교계의 대응 방안”을 게재했습니다. ‘세계의 불교학자’에서는 신지학자로서 남아시아 불교를 중흥시킨 헨리 올코트와 대승불설비불설 논쟁에 대한 비판으로 유명한 일본 승려학자 후카우라 세분의 삶과 사상을 소개합니다. 이번 호 ‘불교소설’은 이상문학상과 동인문학상 등을 수상한 중견 소설가 구효서의 단편 “자시에 다리를 건너다”가 실렸습니다. 이상문학상, 동인문학상 등을 수상하며 우리 시대 대표 소설가로 자리 잡은 구효서의 신작 소설에서는 묵직하고 깊은 필체, 서정성과 탄탄한 주제 의식 속에 형상화된 불교적 정서를 엿볼 수 있습니다.


저자(글) 만해사상실천선양회

불교평론(2023년 가을 95호)

불교평론(2022년 겨울호/92호)


만해 한용운 시전집(양장본 Hardcover)

[불교평론(2023년 여름 94호) 목차]

002 소수자 인권 문제를 챙겨야 한다 / 이혜숙
특집: 함께 돌아봐야 할 소수자 인권
008 소수자 차별의식 극복을 위한 학교교육 / 박병기
029 우리 곁의 이웃, 우리 곁의 난민 / 이현수
045 이주민과 다문화가족 문제의 불교적 대응 / 진오
066 초기불교, 성소수자를 품다 /효록
086 공익제보자를 위한 불교시민사회 역할 / 김형남
사색과 성찰
106 내가 만난 반야심경 / 이상윤
109 신비와 더불어 살아가기 / 이현숙
113 “돈오돈수를 아십니까?” / 김동희
116 삶의 의미를 찾는 길 / 윤진
119 관상(觀想)의 정신을 가다듬으며 / 박동호
122 어떤 깨달음 / 소희숙
125 사회통합을 어떻게 이룰꼬? / 곽용승
129 푸른 하늘은 누구의 얼굴입니까 / 박정은
132 메룰라나 31번가의 기적 / 권오상
137 신부의 가족은 종교다원주의? / 최영균
내 마음의 시
140 가을 직지사 / 신달자 141 토끼풀 / 조기호 142 귀 / 이우걸 143 들러리 / 이기라 144 먼 사랑 / 김일연 145 기청제(祈晴祭) / 주경림 146 그날의 오줌 소리 / 이종문
147 모과 / 김용화 148 빙하 / 최영규 149 하루를 산다면 / 김원옥 150 부부 / 최난경 151 들풀로 살아가기 / 홍사성
152 정찬주 《아소까대왕》 -부처님 가르침 세계화한 전륜성왕 이야기 / 윤재웅
나의 삶 나의 불교
158 금강경 독송으로 삶의 지혜를 얻다 / 정천구
175 챗GPT의 등장과 불교계의 대응 방안 / 보일
194 불교에 대한 신뢰도 갈수록 하락 / 이명호
불교로 읽는 고전
216 몽테스키외 《법의 정신》 / 연기영
세계의 불교학자
231 헨리 스틸 올코트-남아시아불교 중흥 선도한 실천불교학자 / 김용표
248 후카우라 세분-불교문화 연구의 중요성 강조한 승려 학자 / 김치온
세미나 중계
264 한국 재가불교운동의 현황과 문제 / 이병두
283 조병활 지음 《조론연구, 조론오가해》 / 김진무
289 석도성 저, 김순미 역주 《석씨요람 역주》 / 엄원대
295 이찬수 지음 《메이지의 그늘》 / 이명권
300 손연칠 · 손문일 지음 《불교미술의 시대정신》 / 이기선
306 자시에 다리를 건너다 / 구효서


ISSN 19760981
발행(출시)일자 2023년 05월 31일
쪽수 328쪽
총권수 1권

이번 불교평론 2023겨울호

<사색과 성찰> 섹션에 10인의 그리스도인들의 불교경험 이야기를 모았네. 나도 한 사람.
그중 5인은 잘 아는 분들, 참 끼리끼리다.

The Deep Six (1958) Alan Ladd, Dianne Foster, William Bendix

The Deep Six (1958) Alan Ladd, Dianne Foster, William Bendix


The Deep Six
1958 1h 45m Not Rated
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The conflict between duty and conscience is explored in this WWII drama. Alan Ladd stars as Naval gunnery sergeant Alec Austin, a Quaker whose sincere pacifist sentiments do not sit well with his crew members. When he refuses to fire upon an unidentified plane, the word spreads that Austin cannot be relied upon in battle (never mind that the plane turns out to be one of ours).

Directed ByRudolph Maté
Written ByHarry Brown,Martin Dibner
StudioJaguar Productions

The Deep Six
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Deep Six.
The Deep Six

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Rudolph Maté
Written by Harry Brown
Martin Rackin
John Twist
Based on The Deep Six  1953 novel  by Martin Dibner
Produced by Martin Rackin
Alan Ladd
Starring Alan Ladd
Dianne Foster
William Bendix
Cinematography John F. Seitz
Edited by Roland Gross
Music by David Buttolph
Color process Warnercolor

Jaguar Productions
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures

Release date January 15, 1958
Running time 108 minutes
Country United States
Language English

The Deep Six is a 1958 American World War II drama film directed by Rudolph Maté,[1] loosely based on a novel of the same name by Martin Dibner.[2] 

The film stars Alan Ladd, who co-produced it, William Bendix, Dianne Foster, Keenan Wynn, James Whitmore, and Efrem Zimbalist Jr. It also marked the film debut of Joey Bishop. It was distributed by Warner Bros.

The storyline depicts the conflicts of a U.S. naval officer in combat during World War II with his destroyer shipmates and his conscience over the values instilled in him by his Quaker upbringing.


In September 1942, during World War II, Susan Cahill (Dianne Foster), art director for an ad agency on Madison Avenue run by her fiance, is jealous of his business flirtation with a client's daughter to secure a deal. She accepts an invitation to dinner on Long Island from agency artist Alexander "Alec" Austen (Alan Ladd). Susan is disturbed by Alec's obvious feelings for her, but accepts a lunch date the next day anyway. After she leaves, Alec receives a telegram to report for active duty in the U.S. Navy but decides not to tell Susan as their relationship grows. Just before reporting for duty, Alec takes Susan home to meet his mother, a Quaker, revealing to them his hope to marry Susan—and his call up. His mother is hurt that Alec did not disclose his military obligation and saddened that he has disregarded the pacifist tenets of his upbringing. Susan admits she loves Alec, but will not break her engagement.

Alec reports aboard his ship, the destroyer USS Poe, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, with no one to see him off as it departs for San Francisco. The ship's captain, Cmdr. Meredith (James Whitmore), quickly takes a shine to Alec and he is befriended by his roommate and the ship's doctor, Lt. Blanchard (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.), who soon realizes Alec is "carrying a torch" for Susan. However, the ship's executive officer, Lt. Comdr. Edge (Keenan Wynn), has an immediate dislike of Alec's Quaker background and objects to his assignment as assistant gunnery officer. Alec introduces himself to the sailors in the gunnery division, catching them gambling but overlooking the offense. Chief Petty Officer "Frenchy" Shapiro (William Bendix) congratulates Alec for the way he handled the situation but receives a gentle warning that they best not repeat it. The two become close friends despite their differences in rank when Frenchy reveals that he became estranged from his wife because of his Navy duty. Underway, the ship picks up three survivors from a sunken German submarine, but when Blanchard and Alec attempt to treat them humanely, Edge angrily intervenes. He accuses Alec of being less than a man because he cannot hate, but Alec assures him that he can.

In San Francisco, Alec begins drawing a portrait of his Frenchy to give to his daughter. The captain gives Alec a five-day liberty to meet Susan, who has come to California after Blanchard contacted her. They agree to marry immediately and travel to Pebble Beach to stay with Susan's sister, who unfortunately receives notification that her husband has been killed in action. Alec decides to return to the ship and marry Susan only upon his safe return from duty. At sea in the Aleutian Islands, when an aircraft is spotted approaching the ship, the gunners plead for orders to open fire but Alec cannot bring himself to give the command. The plane turns out to be American, apparently justifying the hesitation, but he admits to the captain that he simply froze. Although sympathetic, the captain swaps Alec's assignment with that of the damage control officer. Edge violently condemns Alec and the entire crew save Frenchy shun Alec for being a conscientious objector. During an actual Japanese air attack, a bomb crashes through the deck without exploding. With Frenchy's help, Alec throws the unexploded bomb overboard. At a funeral service for sailors killed in the air attack, the captain reminds the crew that they all might have died without Alec and Frenchy's bravery.

The ship docks at Dutch Harbor, where the navy seamen quarrel with those from the Merchant Marine. Alec tries to intervene and is knocked to the ground by a merchant mariner. Mocked for apparently "turning the other cheek," Alec defends himself but is accidentally knocked unconscious by Frenchy when a brawl begins. He admits to Blanchard that he felt an angry urge to kill, but Blanchard reassures him that his response was natural. Alec volunteers to lead a dangerous mission ashore to rescue stranded airmen and their reconnaissance photos of the Japanese-held island, joined by Frenchy and several members of the crew. They link up with the airmen, but cut off along the beach by Japanese soldiers, Alec orders his men to open fire and calls the ship for fire support. Frenchy is forced to kill a Japanese soldier shooting at them when Alec cannot bring himself to fire his own weapon. As Frenchy openly pities his friend, four enemy soldiers emerge and Frenchy is wounded. Alec kills them to protect his friend and is also wounded, but Frenchy dies before they make it back to the ship. Soon after, Alec returns to Susan with Frenchy's completed portrait to deliver to his daughter.


Alan Ladd as Alexander 'Alec' Austen
Dianne Foster as Susan Cahill
William Bendix as 'Frenchy' Shapiro
Keenan Wynn as Lt. Comdr. Mike Edge
James Whitmore as Comdr. Warren Meredith
Efrem Zimbalist Jr. as Lieut. Blanchard
Joey Bishop as Ski Krokowski
Peter Hansen as Lieutenant Dooley
Jerry Mathers as Steve Innes (uncredited)


The novel was published in 1953 and became a bestseller.[3][4]

Rights to the novel were bought by Ladd's Jaguar Productions in 1955.[5] The film was always envisioned as a starring vehicle for Ladd; possible co-stars included Fredric March[6] and Edward G. Robinson.[7] Eventually, William Bendix was cast in the role.

At one point, Doris Day was announced as the film's female lead as part of a three- picture deal to be made over three years; she and Ladd would co-star in two films.[8] This did not happen, however, and Dianne Foster was cast instead.

The Deep Six was to be the first of a ten-picture deal between Jaguar and Warner Bros. to be made over three years. Ladd wanted to use Jaguar to develop new talent and hoped to showcase them in the film.[9]


The screenplay incorporated several subplots (primarily the portraits created by Austen) and characters/back stories from Dibner's 1953 novel, but the plot of the film largely focused on Alec Austen's spiritual crisis of pacifism versus duty, which in the novel did not occur. Likewise the screenplay, except for the issue of abuse of authority by some officers, did not address the major themes of the novel: the clinging by the regular navy chain of command early in the war to archaic customs and traditions that proved detrimental to morale and endangered ships in combat; racial discrimination; sadistic criminal acts, including homosexual rape, by officers and sailors who served in the pre-war Navy; and the assignment in a hurriedly expanded wartime navy of incompetent or marginally qualified regular officers to positions of trust and authority. In the novel the executive officer, an Annapolis-trained senior officer, has a mental breakdown even though higher authority knew from his abusive behavior that he should not be serving on a ship in combat, and commits suicide during battle. The climactic battle scene of the novel, a large scale surface action closely resembling the Battle of the Komandorski Islands, in the film became a minor land skirmish involving Austen's shore party during a rescue attempt.

Characters' traits and motivations were altered to match the personalities of the actors cast in the roles, or as in the case of Kennan Wynn's character, were a composite of two major characters.


Filming started 15 April 1957.[10]

Jerry Mathers is seen in an uncredited role as one of the children of Susan's sister. At the time, Mathers starred in the television series Leave It to Beaver

The film transformed the novel's light cruiser Atlantis (the fictional counterpart of the USS Richmond), a ship with a skipper who loathes the sea and a crew of dispirited castoffs, into the destroyer Poe.[11]

During filming in June and July 1957 in Long Beach, California, the Poe was portrayed by the USS Stephen Potter, a World War II era destroyer still serving but scheduled to be "mothballed" in early 1958. Its configuration was altered to resemble its wartime appearance, including removal of modern radar and the installation on the fantail of 20mm gun gun mounts. Maté used most of the ship's complement as shipboard extras, rotating a few at a time on a daily basis and praising their cooperation and abilities. As a result, the credits mention "The Officers and Men of the U.S.S. Stephen Potter".[12]


Critical response[edit]

Howard H. Thompson of The New York Times wrote in his review: "Unfortunately, having stated its case—the hero's mental conflict—this Warners release then sidesteps the issue almost to the finale. The loose, rambling result brims with clichés, at the expense of dramatic unity and, finally, conviction. And going by some bright dialogue in the John Twist–Martin Rackin–Harry Brown script, and Rudolph Mate's erratic direction, there is ample evidence that the parties responsible knew better."[13]

Release and home media[edit]

The Deep Six was released in theaters on January 15, 1958. The film was later released on February 13, 2013 by Warner Home Video as part of their Warner Archive Collection.[14]

  1. ^ "The Deep Six". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved March 3, 2016.
  2. ^ Dibner, Martin (1953). The Deep Six. New York City: Doubleday. ASIN B0006ATGBI.
  3. ^ "The chain of command: THE DEEP SIX. By Martin Dibner". 321 pp. New York: Doubleday & Co. $3.50. MITGANG, HERBERT. New York Times 19 July 1953: BR14.
  4. ^ "Best Seller List" New York Times 20 Sep 1953: BR8.
  5. ^ Pryor, Thomas M (October 18, 1955). "EMPEROR JONES' TO BE FILM AGAIN: Universal Gets Rights to the O'Neill Play -- Paul Robeson Starred in 1934 Version". The New York Times. p. 46. Retrieved April 23, 2013.
  6. ^ "Drama: Gary Cooper Blasts Crime in Pictures" Los Angeles Times 17 Oct 1955: B10.
  7. ^ "Drama: Ladd, Robinson Will Costar in.'Deep Six'" Los Angeles Times 23 Dec 1955: 14
  8. ^ Pryor, Thomas M. (February 18, 1956). "SCENARISTS BUSY AT UNIVERSAL LOT: Studio Adds 7 Writers This Week, Bringing Total to 36, Highest in 2 Years". The New York Times. p. 13. Retrieved April 23, 2013.
  9. ^ "Emlyn Williams Stars as Zola; Ladd Outfit Signs 10-Film Deal" Schallert, Edwin. Los Angeles Times 6 Mar 1957: 21.
  10. ^ "Film Warners Expands Ladd's Pact Of Local Origin" by THOMAS M. PRYOR Special to The New York Times.. New York Times 6 Mar 1957: 34.
  11. ^ Godbout, Oscar (July 7, 1957). "ON SCREEN SEA DUTY: Destroyer Is Authentic 'Set' For 'Deep Six' Adaptations "Death" Toll Bombs Away". The New York Times. p. 69. Retrieved April 23, 2013.
  12. ^ O'Callaghan, Billy. "Photo Gallery 4". U.S.S. SteaminSteve.info. Retrieved 29 May 2013. Photo of clipping from CruDesPac News unk date, p. 10
  13. ^ Thompson, Howard H. (January 16, 1958). "'Deep Six' Is Drama About Pacifist at War". The New York Times. Retrieved May 29, 2013.
  14. ^ The Deep Six (DVD). Warner Home Video. February 13, 2013. ASIN B00JBGF3UQ. Retrieved May 23, 2017.
External links[edit]The Deep Six at IMDb

Beauty's Worth - Wikipedia

Beauty's Worth - Wikipedia

Beauty's Worth

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beauty's Worth
Film poster
Directed byRobert G. Vignola
Written byLuther Reed (scenario)
Based on"Beauty's Worth"
1920 story in Saturday Evening Post
by Sophie Kerr
StarringMarion Davies
Forrest Stanley
CinematographyIra H. Morgan
Distributed byParamount Pictures
Release date
  • March 18, 1922 (New York City)
Running time
reels (6751 feet)[1]
CountryUnited States
LanguageSilent (English intertitles)

Beauty's Worth is a 1922 American romantic comedy drama film directed by Robert G. Vignola, starring Marion Davies as an unsophisticated Quaker who ventures to a seaside resort, meets a Bohemian artist, and falls in love.


As described in a film magazine,[2] Prudence Cole (Davies), a young Quaker woman, has been raised by her two severe maiden aunts, Elizabeth (Mattox) and Cynthia Whitney (Manning). She is permitted to visit the Garrisons, the mother (Shattuck) and her grown son Henry (Cooley), at an ultra fashionable resort, where her precise mannerisms make her the center of amused attention. Henry, whom she had hoped to marry, all but ignores her. Artist and thinker Cheyne Rovein (Stanley) senses the young woman's position and selects her for the leading role in elaborate charades which he stages, designing costumes and coaching her as to conduct. On this night she outshines her critics, wins the admiration of the men and the enmity of the women, and the dallying Henry returns to pay her court. The following morning she refuses him and promises to marry Cheyne.



In her 13th film, Marion Davies re-teamed with Forrest Stanley for this romantic comedy/drama. Location shooting was again at Point Lobos on the Monterey Peninsula. The centerpiece of the film is the stunning "tableaux vivants" in which Davies recreates her dancing doll routine from the 1916 edition of the Ziegfeld Follies. The pageant was once again designed by Joseph Urban. The pageant scenes were originally tinted.[3]


A DVD of the film was released by Edward Lorusso with a music score by Ben Model in December 2016.


On August 11, 2018 the film has been shown in Robert G. Vignola's birthplace Trivigno, with the collaboration of Pordenone Silent Film Festival, as part of a project to recover Vignola's activity. It has been scored live by Stephen Horne and the "Zerorchestra" ensemble from Pordenone.[4]


  1. ^ "Beauty's Worth (1922)"American Film Institute.
  2. ^ "Reviews: Beauty's Worth"Exhibitors Herald. New York City: Exhibitors Herald Company. 14 (16): 63. April 15, 1922.
  3. ^ Lorusso, Edward (2017) The Silent Films of Marion Davies, CreateSpace, pp. 63-64.
  4. ^ "Le Giornate del muto recuperano Robert Vignola" (in Italian). August 16, 2018. Retrieved July 1, 2019.

External links[edit]


"Beauty's Worth" (1922) starring Marion Davies - YouTube
www.youtube.com › watch

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Silent Hall of Fame has created a Silent Gems Collection of rare and for the first time available films with our stars, as well as other ...
YouTube · Silent Hall of Fame · 2017. 10. 1.

Scott Lord Silent Film: Beauty's Worth (Robert Vignola, 1922)
www.youtube.com › watch

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Comments · Friendly Persuasion (1956) · "Beauty's Worth" (1922) starring Marion Davies · 23rd FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving · OPERATION ...
YouTube · Scott Lord on Silent Film · 2019. 9. 2.
