
[마음공부][사진] [책] [한국말] "Mindfulness"를 한국말로 뭐라고 할까?

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[마음공부][사진] [책] [한국말] "Mindfulness"를 한국말로 뭐라고 할까?
- "마음챙김"? 나는 처음 들어보는 말인데, 이런 말을 아는 한국 사람이 얼마가 될까? 사실 영어가 모국어인 사람들도 mindfulness하는 말을 모르는 사람이 많겠다.
- 다른 말로는 명상으로 달하려 하는 상태.
[네이버 지식백과] 마음 챙김 [mindfulness] (심리학용어사전, 2014. 4., 한국심리학회)
요약: 불교 수행 전통에서 기원한 심리학적 구성 개념으로 현재 순간을 있는 그대로 수용적인 태도로 자각하는 것
1. 개요
2. 마음 챙김의 정의와 특성
3. 심리학 영역에서의 마음 챙김 적용
4. 마음 챙김 명상의 치료적 기제
5. 마음 챙김 명상의 심리 치료적 효과
6. 마음 챙김 관련 연구 현황
1. 개요
마음 챙김은 기본적으로 의식의 질과 관련되는 속성으로, 카밧진(Kabat-Zinn)은 마음 챙김을 현재 순간에 비판단적으로 주의를 기울이는 것으로 정의했고, 말렛(Marlatt)과 크리스텔러(Kristeller)는 매 순간의 경험에 완전한 주의를 기울이는 것으로 마음 챙김을 설명했다. 랑거(Langer)는 마음 챙김에 대하여 새로운 범주를 창조해 내고, 새로운 정보에 개방적인 태도를 지니며, 한 가지 관점에 매이지 않고 사물을 자각하는 인지적 과정이라는 정의를 내리기도 했다. 현재 명확히 합의된 정의는 없지만, 대부분의 연구자들은 마음 챙김을 현재 순간과 자각, 수용의 3요소로 설명한다. 즉 <마음 챙김이란 현재 순간을 있는 그대로 수용적인 태도로 자각하는 것>이라는 설명이다. 이에 사피로(Shapiro) 등은 마음 챙김의 요소에 의도를 추가하여 주의와 의도, 태도가 서로 상호적으로 영향을 주고받으며 마음 챙김을 구성한다고 보았다.
[사진] 카바가 마음에 들어서 사는 책
- 책도 좋다고 한다. Mindfulness에 관한 현재 No 1 책.
[책] Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening
by Joseph Goldstein (Author)
The mind contains the seeds of its own awakening—seeds that we can cultivate to bring forth the fruits of a life lived consciously. With Mindfulness, Joseph Goldstein shares the wisdom of his four decades of teaching and practice in a book that will serve as a lifelong companion for anyone committed to mindful living and the realization of inner freedom.
Goldstein's source teaching is the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's legendary discourse on the four foundations of mindfulness that became the basis for the many types of Vipassana (or insight meditation) found today. Exquisite in detail yet wholly accessible and relevant for the modern student, Mindfulness takes us through a profound study of:
Ardency, clear knowing, mindfulness, and concentration—how to develop these four qualities of mind essential for walking the path wisely
The Satipatthana refrain—how deeply contemplating the four foundations of mindfulness opens us to bare knowing and continuity of mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body, including the breath, postures, activities, and physical characteristics
Mindfulness of feelings—how the experience of our sense perceptions influences our inner and outer worlds
Mindfulness of mind—learning to recognize skillful and unskillful states of mind and thought
Mindfulness of dhammas (or categories of experience), including the Five Hindrances, the Six Sense Spheres, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and much more
"There is a wealth of meaning and nuance in the experience of mindfulness that can enrich our lives in unimagined ways," writes Goldstein. InMindfulness you have the tools to mine these riches for yourself.
"Mindfulness seems to be everywhere these days. It's clear the ideas associated with it provide helpful direction for dealing with things like addiction, emotional imbalance, and recovery from abuse. Joseph Goldstein, a leading meditation teacher and retreat leader, has put together a discussion of mindfulness in the context of its Buddhist origins, bringing it back to its relevance as a tool for spiritual awakening. Goldstein offers clearly-written discussions of things like awareness of motivation, sustainable application of effort, wholesome recollection, continuity of mindfulness, contemplating impermanence, personalizing difficulties, doubt disguised as wisdom, and mindful listening. The language of the book is down-to-earth and compassionately supportive. Non-English terms are carefully explained and used sparingly. This is a serious, yet very readable text, rooted in traditional, scholarly Buddhist philosophy without distancing itself from lay readers. Let your customers know that the welcoming tone of the writing creates the experience of opening a window and breathing in fresh air."
—Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight
"Useful advice that can help any meditator, no matter where they are on the path. Mindfulness should become an instant classic."
—Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence
"Lucid, clear, enormously helpful, a wise and mature vision of Buddhism."
—Jack Kornfield, author of A Path With Heart
"America is damn lucky there is a Joseph. He has shepherded Western Buddhism in his ever-expanding teachings . . ."
—Stephen Levine, author of Turning Toward the Mystery
About the Author
Joseph Goldstein
Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. He is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, and the Forest Refuge. Since 1967, he has studied and practiced different forms of Buddhist meditation under eminent teachers from India, Burma, and Tibet. His books include A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma,Insight Meditation, and The Experience of Insight.
[왜 이 책을?]
- 퀘이커 모임에서 침묵으로 "예배"를 하는데서 일어나는 상태란 뭣일까?를 생각해 보기 위하여.
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Park Yuha, Naran Jung and 10 others


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  • Jeongho Park
    심령충만이라는 말은 기독교에서 쓰이는데 본래 불교의 법열이 가슴에 벅차오르는 기쁨이니 비슷한 맥락에서 쓰인 것일 것입니다. 동아시아의 학문은 지적 탐색과 마음수련을 함께 하는 것이니 오랜 학문적 전통입니다. 최근에는 불교나 유교뿐만 아니라 천주교나 원불교에서도 마음공부를 중시하고 또 마음수련원이라는 종교적 교육기관이 여러곳에 지부도 두고 있습니다
    • Sejin Pak
      mindfulness란 제가 이해하기로는 자신을 쿨하게 의식적으로 검토하고 감정을 조절할 수 있는 기술 같은 것이므로 기쁨에 차는 상태는 아닌 것 같습니다. 마음을 가라 안치는 것이겠지요. 그게 명상이겠지요.
  • 윤서이
    작년 겨울 전북대학 의학대학원 정신건강의학과에서 도쿄대 출신의 저명한 스님을 초빙해 강연회를 열었어요. 그분의 키워드 중 하나가 mindfulness 였는데 전문통역원이 아닌 일본인 이주여성이 통역을 맡아 '걱정'으로 해석하는 바람에 스님의 취지와는 전혀 다른 엉뚱한 내용의 엉터리 강연이 되어버려 몹시 애석했던 기억이 남아있어요.
    문맥으로 보아 '배려', '마음 씀씀이' 정도로 바꿀 수 있었는데 '마음 챙김'이란 어휘는 좀 생소하게 느껴집니다.
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    • Sejin Pak
      "마음챙김"은 한국의 학회에서 만들어 낸 것인 모양입니다.
    • Sejin Pak
      일본에서는 아예 "마인도푸르네수"라고 했군요.
    • Yujin Hwang
      Sejin Pak 이 용어는 한 집단에서 한국심리학용어로 만든 것같은데 도적인 의미가 풍겨요. 어려워요 ㅎㅎ
  • Sejin Pak
    - Mindfulness involves intentionally bringing one's attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment.
    Mindfulness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Mindfulness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  • Howard Kim
    저는 다른 무엇 보다 현재까지 '마음챙김' 좋아합니다.
  • Yujin Hwang
    저는 이말을 mindless eating 이라는 책을 통해 알았어요. 저는 아무생각없이, 무심코 행하는 것과의 반대적인 뜻으로 mindfulness...를 이해했죠. 원뜻을 찾아봐도 그런것같고요. 그래서, 마음챙김이란 정확하게는 맞지않는 단어해석같네요? 마음챙김??? 어떻게 이해하죠? ㅎㅎ 깨어있음? 의식? 한국서 심리학 용어로 이것보다 쉽게표현하려고 한듯하네요.
    No photo description available.
  • Q-seok Baik
    마음챙김은 팔리어로 'sati'라고 하고 한문으로는 '념'이라고 합니다. 우리말로는 알아차림이라고도 하고요. 마음챙김과 알아차림 중에 마음챙김이란 말로 통일되어 가는 추세고요.

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Mystical Dimensions of Islam by Annemarie Schimmel - Ebook | Scribd

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Thirty-five years after its original publication, Mystical Dimensions of Islam still stands as the most valuable introduction to Sufism, the main form of Islamic mysticism. This edition brings to a new generation of readers Annemarie Schimmel's historical treatment of the transnational phenomenon of Sufism, from its beginnings through the nineteenth century.

Schimmel's sensitivity and deep understanding of Sufism--its origins, development, and historical context--as well as her erudite examination of Sufism as reflected in Islamic poetry, draw readers into the mood, the vision, and the way of the Sufi. In the foreword, distinguished Islam scholar Carl W. Ernst comments on the continuing vitality of Schimmel's book and the advances in the study of Sufism that have occurred since the work first appeared.

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Aug 8, 2011

Amazon: Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening: Goldstein, Joseph

Amazon.com: Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening: 9781622030637: Goldstein, Joseph: Books

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening Hardcover – November 1, 2013
by Joseph Goldstein (Author)
4.7 out of 5 stars 572 ratings

from AUD 13.62

Hardcover AUD 41.90
18 Used from AUD 8.643 New from AUD 41.90

The mind contains the seeds of its own awakening—seeds that we can cultivate to bring forth the fruits of a life lived consciously. With Mindfulness, Joseph Goldstein shares the wisdom of his four decades of teaching and practice in a book that will serve as a lifelong companion for anyone committed to mindful living and the realization of inner freedom.

Goldstein's source teaching is the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's legendary discourse on the four foundations of mindfulness that became the basis for the many types of Vipassana (or insight meditation) found today. Exquisite in detail yet wholly accessible and relevant for the modern student, Mindfulness takes us through a profound study of:

Ardency, clear knowing, mindfulness, and concentration—how to develop these four qualities of mind essential for walking the path wisely
The Satipatthana refrain—how deeply contemplating the four foundations of mindfulness opens us to bare knowing and continuity of mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body, including the breath, postures, activities, and physical characteristics
Mindfulness of feelings—how the experience of our sense perceptions influences our inner and outer worlds
Mindfulness of mind—learning to recognize skillful and unskillful states of mind and thought
Mindfulness of dhammas (or categories of experience), including the Five Hindrances, the Six Sense Spheres, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and much more

"There is a wealth of meaning and nuance in the experience of mindfulness that can enrich our lives in unimagined ways," writes Goldstein. In Mindfulness you have the tools to mine these riches for yourself.

Print length

480 pages

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Editorial Reviews

"Mindfulness seems to be everywhere these days. It's clear the ideas associated with it provide helpful direction for dealing with things like addiction, emotional imbalance, and recovery from abuse. Joseph Goldstein, a leading meditation teacher and retreat leader, has put together a discussion of mindfulness in the context of its Buddhist origins, bringing it back to its relevance as a tool for spiritual awakening. Goldstein offers clearly-written discussions of things like awareness of motivation, sustainable application of effort, wholesome recollection, continuity of mindfulness, contemplating impermanence, personalizing difficulties, doubt disguised as wisdom, and mindful listening. The language of the book is down-to-earth and compassionately supportive. Non-English terms are carefully explained and used sparingly. This is a serious, yet very readable text, rooted in traditional, scholarly Buddhist philosophy without distancing itself from lay readers. Let your customers know that the welcoming tone of the writing creates the experience of opening a window and breathing in fresh air."--Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight

"A major contribution to the clarifying and deepening of our understanding of mindfulness and its traditional Dharma roots."
--Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living and Mindfulness for Beginners

"Author Joseph Goldstein, one of the most wise, lucid, and experienced teachers of our times, has written a book on mindfulness that calls forth the depth and power of classical Buddhist teachings. If you are drawn to meditation out of a longing to realize spiritual freedom, this book will be a cherished resource on your path."
--Tara Brach, PhD , author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge

"Joseph Goldstein has written an immensely clear, practical, and accessible guide to living a mindful life. From examining its roots to exploring its manifold expressions, this deeply significant work shows the path for mindfulness to become our closest friend. I feel like I've waited a long time for a book just like this, and here it is!"
--Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation

"In eloquent and compelling detail by a master of the art, Goldstein's new book shows how mindfulness leads to calm, well-being, and the joy of self-realization. The most complete and understandable book on mindfulness in print."
--Reggie Ray, author of Touching Enlightenment and Mahamudra for the Modern World
"Useful advice that can help any meditator, no matter where they are on the path. Mindfulness should become an instant classic."
--Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

"Lucid, clear, enormously helpful, a wise and mature vision of Buddhism."
--Jack Kornfield, author of A Path With Heart

"America is damn lucky there is a Joseph. He has shepherded Western Buddhism in his ever-expanding teachings . . ."
--Stephen Levine, author of Turning Toward the Mystery
About the Author
Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. He is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, and the Forest Refuge. Since 1967, he has studied and practiced different forms of Buddhist meditation under eminent teachers from India, Burma, and Tibet. His books include A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma, Insight Meditation, and The Experience of Insight.

Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sounds True; First Edition (November 1, 2013)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 480 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 162203063X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1622030637
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.7 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1 x 9 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #422,045 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#418 in Buddhist Rituals & Practice (Books)
#4,336 in Meditation (Books)
Customer Reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars 572 ratings

Joseph Goldstein

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Read reviews that mention
joseph goldstein satipatthana sutta practical guide guide to awakening insight meditation jack kornfield easy to read highly recommend direct path mindfulness practical dan harris well worth sounds true well written buddha teachings teachings of the buddha meditation society satipatthana sutra abiding in mindfulness everyday life

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Top reviews from the United States


5.0 out of 5 stars a comprehensive guide for any meditatorReviewed in the United States on March 8, 2018
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This is THE comprehensive book on mindfulness. I would suggest it to someone who is of intermediate level ( a couple of months) of mindfulness practice to try it out. The reason being that after a couple of months of practice without a teacher you may end up on a plateau and not know what or why you're trying out something.

To give my own example: i started with Headspace app and after finishing all the basic and intermediate levels i knew that mindfulness meditation helps but the app is limited enough and will not help you make the connection between concentration on breathing or bodyscan or visualization and its bearing on meditation and in short you'll be left with insufficient information. Then i looked into books by Dan Harris and even his second book on meditation is comprehensive it may not give you the full gist of why some types of meditation practice helps under certain circumstances e.g. metta and noticing. There always felt a question of 'why am i doing this now?'

Joseph's book is comprehensive enough to cover almost all questions that an intermediate meditator might face; note that this is not a book about religion or buddhism but a book strictly on mindfulness. Things like metta and noticing finally cleared up and i finally got to know the answer on why a meditator should do them and under what circumstances. The source of this book is through his talks on 'Satipatthana sutta' and available on dharmaseed.org I would suggest hearing those talks because he gives examples (some of which have not been sourced into the book) and Joseph makes even hearing about meditation fun. And use this book as a reference when you're done with almost 46 hours of talk on Mindfulness.

Happy meditating!

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Reader in Seattle

3.0 out of 5 stars Possibly Not "Practical" for EveryoneReviewed in the United States on May 6, 2019
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As an advanced novice at meditation, I looked forward to learning from Joseph Goldstein, and the term "practical" suggested a step-by-step introduction to mindfulness. The book is, in many ways, step-by-step, but now 100 pages in, i find myself overwhelmed by the detail and nomenclature. If I were to characterize the book, I would use the work "comprehensive" rather than practical. I haven't given up on the book, but will put it aside for now and possibly come back to it when I'm further along the path. And BTW, my 3-star rating is for me at this point. I'm sure more advanced practitioners would rate it higher.

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E. Collangelo

5.0 out of 5 stars Some suggestions on how to approach this bookReviewed in the United States on November 22, 2019
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It took me two years and several tries to get into this one. Now I’m deeply grateful for it, it’s become a constant companion for months. (I totally agree with the positive reviews)

Here are some suggestions on how to approach it:
-The book follows the Sattipathana Sutta which is included in the book and can be easily found online for free, too. The author sometimes seems to assume you know it already (at least I sometimes felt as though I had missed some reference). Since it's a very brief text it helps to read it in parallel or before the respective chapters in the book. The structure and context will then be very clear.
-The book is also very dense and actually full of instructions. Just stay with a practice for a while and see what happens. For instance wtith the first instructions on mindful breathing.
-There's an accompanying audiobook which condenses the book to 2.5h of short guided meditations, which can help as a” backbone” to the book.
Mindfulness: Six Guided Practices for Awakening
-It would definitely help having a regular meditation practice. The audiobook or an app like 10 percent happier can help. And then of course some intensive retreat(s).

It may well be that this is not the best beginners book. However once you get into it its endlessly rewarding.

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5.0 out of 5 stars SO GOOD. (Even for novices like me!)Reviewed in the United States on August 29, 2018
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I’m a fairly novice Buddhist and (while only one section into the book thus far) am completely in love with this book. CONSICE. Fast paced, broken down into smaller segments so it reads quickly and doesn’t feel like he goes on about anything in particular, well written, thought provoking, introspective, uses lots of source material and quotes. Fairly unbiased thus far between different Buddhist denominations (which is what I wanted). Aspects I haven’t completely agreed with were still relevant when viewed through my own ideas (not very Buddhist but whatever 😝). Excellent book! This is my first real book on Buddhism, so if I can understand and learn from it odds are so can you (;

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Zen Elder

4.0 out of 5 stars Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening, by Joseph GoldsteinReviewed in the United States on October 21, 2017
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Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening, by Joseph Goldstein: Our sangha is studying the Satipatthana Sutta, and I was looking for a book to augment another translation and commentary. Goldstein's commentary is practical and breaks down the various aspects of mindfulness practice into short sections, which I find easier to study and absorb. This one's a keeper and a book I'll recommend to others.

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Top reviews from other countries

Frits Hoen
5.0 out of 5 stars When you want to go deeper than just being mindfulReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 21, 2019
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This is a serious book, written by someome who knows his stuff. If you want to go all the way and really attempt enlightenment then this book will be your trusty companion. I would recommend reading something a little lighter about Mindfullness first if you are new to this. If you want to dive in and explore then this is a lovely book to read and also use as a reference. Mr. Goldstein's wisdom and experience will help save you a lot of time in your quest. It is a pragmatic approach and, in my view, a successful one

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5.0 out of 5 stars Cannot recommend highly enough if you want to understand the Satipatthana ...Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 27, 2018
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Cannot recommend highly enough if you want to understand the Satipatthana Sutta. However I still struggle with the belief that there is no self, but you do not have to agree with everything and he does encourage you to investigate it all and to try it - for me it all rings true, apart from giving up the 'self', I am still struggling to let go of it and am still hanging onto mine, but then I am a layman after all!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Purchased this together with Meditation Kit by Goldstein. Both ...Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 21, 2015
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Purchased this together with Meditation Kit by Goldstein. Both books are very clear and helpful will keep as a reference book to dip into as and when. Each reading brings up different aspects and I shall return to this again. The theme is in vogue now, but before the market was swamped I wanted some information to compliment the unabridged Dhammapada and I have found it beneficial.

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5.0 out of 5 stars my ultimate guide to the practice of secular Buddhism and Joseph the ultimate teacherReviewed in the United Kingdom on May 21, 2021
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I came upon Joseph Goldstein in my First Lockdown meditation project! He and his fellow meditator Sharon Salzburg ran their first online retreat - we were all doing something new together. I have ranged far and wide in the year or so since then and I find myself again back at the feet of Jospeh. I can hear the Buddha speak through Joseph as his catalyst.
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Patrick Cahill
4.0 out of 5 stars Clear and cogent.Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 19, 2018
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Goldstein goes that step further than Analayo in describing the Satipatthana Sutta. Filled with anecdotes and quotes from other sources. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to explore Mindfulness and Buddhism in more detail.

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