
Evolution of Quaker Theology by Evans Lugusa - Kenya| Scribd

Evolution of Quaker Theology by Evans Lugusa - Ebook | Scribd

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Evolution of Quaker Theology
By Evans Lugusa

826 pages
28 hours
Evolution of Quaker Theology 
EVANS LUGUSA LISIMBA  Published in 2021 by 
Posterity Publishers Ltd, Eldoret, Kenya

The book, Evolution of the Quaker Theology, is an attempt to consolidate the vast literature available on Quakerism into one volume. 

The Book delves into the deep history of the early period of Quakerism and the gradual evolution of the Quaker Theology into what it is today. Evolution of Quaker Theology is a significant and much needed addition to the African Theology and World Christianity at large, told from an African Perspective. In an easy to read way, one is able to see the global history of the Quaker Movement with simplicity and critical objectivity. 

The Book is written with enviable simplicity and honesty about complex historical developments and makes it easy for the reader to visualize events spanning almost four centuries as one complete story.

The book provides a comprehensive account of the early Quakers and enumerates the men and women who shaped the Quaker theology across the globe, especially in Europe and America. Key among them is the founder of the Quaker Movement George Fox and his early converts including Margaret Fell, William Penn, Elizabeth Fry, John Joseph Gurney and Elias Hikes among many other notable Quakers of the early days. 

Apart from the overview of the Quaker history, the book gives an account of Quaker Theology. 

It captures different traditions of Quakers in the World family of Friends. The book delves into questions like why we have such diverse traditions among the same denomination of the Quaker Church and why the theology of one tradition is so different from that of another.

The book documents the Quaker Faith and Practice. The writer unravels some of the Quaker Traditions and etiquette and captures the core Quaker values or testimonies. 

The book also gives insights into topical issues such as Water Baptism, Speaking in tongues, Sacrament and the Gift of the Holy Spirit. More contemporary topics such as the Role of Women among Quakers, Same Sex Relationship, Cremation, Death, Organ Donation, and Euthanasia are also highlighted. The book is a good resource for Theology Students or for the general reader who is interested in the broad brush of Quakerism. As Quakerism continues to evolve, adopting to the ever-changing world, important to note is that the book is anchored in what Quaker Faith holds dear as encapsulated in - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Service - to all.


Chapter Three Basic Quaker Theology What are the Basic Quakers Doctrines? Evolution of the Quakers over three Centuries Meetings for Wor- ship The Pastoral or Programmed Meeting The Unprogrammed Meeting The Rise of the Gurneyite and the Conservative Split Formation of Friends World Committee for Consultation Conservative Friends (Quietists) Holiness - Central Yearly Meeting of Friends Liberal Quakers - Friends General Conference Universalist Quaker Fellowship Evangelical Friends The Liberal Quakers Beaconites Nontheistic Quakers
World Family of Friends International Membership Committee International Friends Organizations Quaker Organizations and Committees Life and development of small fellowship groups The Formation of Auxiliary Groups Membership among the Quakers Practical Quaker Theology Quakers and the Bible World Quaker Population Calendar and Church Holidays Quaker Influence The Rise, Spread and Decline of Quakerism 
Chapter Four Quaker Faith and Practice Faith and Practice Some Quaker Statements of Faith and Practice Quaker Testimonies (Core Quaker Values) Basic Quaker Tenets and Testimonies The Seven Approaches of Quaker Peace Testimony


Nontheistic Quakers
The world has been so assimilated into secularism that people
feel just okay to say I am a Quaker, but I am not a Christian. How
can you belong to a Christian organization and yet not subscribe
to the God of that organization? This is why I have problems
understanding the mind of the people who say I am a Quaker but
I am not a Christian.
Atheism is a misguided thought or mindset.
The best way to understand God if you have serious doubts
about His existence is to try to take a deep look into science, and
you will realize that, science is backed and anchored on God.

Santayana, and Josiah Royce. Basically, they resolved to resist the 
influence of liberalism in the world. Brinton was the first to 
present a systematic Quaker theology for the 20th century 
Friends. He tried to address most of the Quaker questions that 
have drawn away Friends from other Christians, and often caused 
divisions among Friends, which are: 
i. Is the Bible the ultimate source of authority, or the inward 
light, or both? 
ii. What is the difference between conscience and inward 
iii. What role does reason play in Quakerism? 
iv. Is the light universal? Is there a Christian basis for univ- 
v. How do Friends feel about the historical Jesus? What is 
the universal Christ? 
vi. What is the Quaker view of atonement? How has this 
shaped Quaker attitudes and actions?

vii. What did Quakers believe in in ethics of Good and Evil 
and human responsibility? What about the fall of man? The 
original sin? 
viii. What did Quakers believe about human perfectibility? 
How do Friends feel about the relation between the Divine 
and Human? The questions that Brinton put forward have 
lingered in the minds of Quakers for centuries and the an- 
swers presented were neither convincing enough nor suffi- 
cient to bridge the gap and bring the Quaker movement 
into one fold. 
Today we have at least five Quaker traditions that, generally in 
principle, are separated by the ideological thinking of the propo- 
nents. There was an interesting dialogue between two thinkers in 
a conference that brought together the various Quaker traditions 
where Charles Thomas speaking on behalf of pastoral Friends ar- 
gued that there is no reason why the Holy Spirit cannot commu- 
nicate through pre-arranged worship, as in a sermon. Brinton re- 
sponded that, “while it is possible for the Holy Spirit to commu- 
nicate through this means, prepared talks on religion are best 
presented before or are after a Quaker meeting for worship. 

The distinctive characteristic of Quaker worship is that it offers a 
unique opportunity for the Holy Spirit to manifest itself sponta- 
neously and without human contrivance. These theologians 
would however, agree with the 19th-century Danish religious 
philosopher Søren Kierkegaard that “the highest of all is not to 
understand the highest but to act upon it.” However, the 21st 
century saw the diminishing influence of Quaker theologians on 
the scholarly scene, though we have a new crop of scholars of re- 
pute among the Quakers today. One man I have read his books 
and attended his talk in Nairobi recently is Dr. Richard Forster,
very deep and insightful man who has written books like ‘Spiritual 
Formation’ among others that I know.


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Lucretia Mott's Heresy: Abolition and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America

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Lucretia Coffin Mott was one of the most famous and controversial women in nineteenth-century America. Now overshadowed by abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and feminists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mott was viewed in her time as a dominant figure in the dual struggles for racial and sexual equality. History has often depicted her as a gentle Quaker lady and a mother figure, but her outspoken challenges to authority riled ministers, journalists, politicians, urban mobs, and her fellow Quakers.

In the first biography of Mott in a generation, historian Carol Faulkner reveals the motivations of this radical egalitarian from Nantucket. Mott's deep faith and ties to the Society of Friends do not fully explain her activism—her roots in post-Revolutionary New England also shaped her views on slavery, patriarchy, and the church, as well as her expansive interests in peace, temperance, prison reform, religious freedom, and Native American rights. While Mott was known as the "moving spirit" of the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls, her commitment to women's rights never trumped her support for abolition or racial equality. She envisioned women's rights not as a new and separate movement but rather as an extension of the universal principles of liberty and equality. Mott was among the first white Americans to call for an immediate end to slavery. Her long-term collaboration with white and black women in the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society was remarkable by any standards. Lucretia Mott's Heresy reintroduces readers to an amazing woman whose work and ideas inspired the transformation of American society.
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Social Science

The Worlds of William Penn : Andrew R. Murphy, John Smolenski, Elizabeth Milroy, Catharine Dann Roeber, Emily Mann, Marcus Gallo, Audrey Horning, Andrew R. Murphy, Elizabeth Sauer, Scott Sowerby, Patrick M. Erben, Michael Goode, Alexander Mazzaferro, Sarah A. Morgan Smith, Catie Gill, Adrian Chastain Weimer, Rachel Love Monroy, Evan Haefeli, Patrick Cecil, Shuichi Wanibuchi: Amazon.com.au: Books

The Worlds of William Penn : Andrew R. Murphy, John Smolenski, Elizabeth Milroy, Catharine Dann Roeber, Emily Mann, Marcus Gallo, Audrey Horning, Andrew R. Murphy, Elizabeth Sauer, Scott Sowerby, Patrick M. Erben, Michael Goode, Alexander Mazzaferro, Sarah A. Morgan Smith, Catie Gill, Adrian Chastain Weimer, Rachel Love Monroy, Evan Haefeli, Patrick Cecil, Shuichi Wanibuchi: Amazon.com.au: Books


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John Smolenski

Andrew R. Murphy

The Worlds of William Penn Paperback – 30 December 2018
by Andrew R. Murphy (Editor, Author), & 18 more

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William Penn was an instrumental and controversial figure in the early modern transatlantic world, known both as a leader in the movement for religious toleration in England and as a founder of two American colonies, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. As such, his career was marked by controversy and contention in both England and America. This volume looks at William Penn with fresh eyes, bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines to assess his multifaceted life and career. Contributors analyze the worlds that shaped Penn and the worlds that he shaped: Irish, English, American, Quaker, and imperial. The eighteen chapters in The Worlds of William Penn shed critical new light on Penn's life and legacy, examining his early and often-overlooked time in Ireland; the literary, political, and theological legacies of his public career during the Restoration and after the 1688 Revolution; his role as proprietor of Pennsylvania; his religious leadership in the Quaker movement, and as a loyal lieutenant to George Fox, and his important role in the broader British imperial project. Coinciding with the 300th anniversary of Penn's death the time is right for this examination of Penn's importance both in his own time and to the ongoing campaign for political and religious liberty.
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Print length

438 pages

Product description

"Like work completed over the last four decades and currently underway, this volume contributes important perspectives and research on the complicated history of William Penn and his worlds."-- "Pennsylvania History"

"Readers may find themselves drawn into Penn's tempestuous trans-Atlantic world. Such readers may want to go on to read The Worlds of William Penn, a collection of 18 essays on Penn and his 'worlds' (American, English, Irish and Quaker). In one illuminating essay, historian Scott Sowerby notes how unlikely the alliance between the Quaker Penn and the Catholic James II was."-- "Wall Street Journal"

"This collection offers much to consider in the history and historiography of William Penn...[A] must-have for anyone interested in William Penn and, even more so, in the state of Penn historiography. The inclusion of material history and the Native American perspective offer particular strength to the overall value of the book, which offers new interpretations from a variety of fresh angles. Scholars of Penn, Quakerism, Pennsylvania, religion, and the British Empire will be engaging with this collection and these scholars for years to come."-- "H-Net"

"This marvelous new examination of William Penn's many worlds gives us this remarkable man anew."--Michael Zuckerman "University of Pennsylvania"

About the Author
Andrew R. Murphy is a professor of political science at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He is the author of numerous titles, including William Penn: A Life.

John Smolenski is an associate professor of history at the University of California, Davis. He is the author of Friends and Strangers: The Making of a Creole Culture in Colonial Pennsylvania.

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Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Rutgers University Press (30 December 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 438 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1978801777

Method of Chinese Qigong in Wisdom and Energy: The method is at the beginning level of Qigong for popularization of Inner Practice : Xiaogang Wu, 武霖, 武小鋼: Amazon.com.au: Books

Method of Chinese Qigong in Wisdom and Energy: The method is at the beginning level of Qigong for popularization of In

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Xiaogang Wu

Method of Chinese Qigong in Wisdom and Energy: The method is at the beginning level of Qigong for popularization of Inner Practice Paperback – 1 February 2018
by Xiaogang Wu (Author), 武霖 (Author), & 1 more

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* Preface

The book is to introduce to you the technique of inner practice at the beginning stage or say at the first level for practicing. In spite that the vocabulary of Inner Practice is known by more and more people today, but most people are poor to practice in the method and poor to understand it, and also have not heard of the methodological knowledge on the mechanism and the law at the level of the academic discipline. In modern Chinese, the official Chinese to name the form of the inner practice is Qigong (Ch'i-gung). But, in accordance with the view of the West science, Qigong or Yoga the form of the inner practice is the matte with the religious idea or covered a mystery veil. The real situation is the inner practicing method in a long history river had not developed to become the matter at the level of the technology.

The technique of inner practice in the book is a part of intensive training method of Wisdom Energy Qigong in which is with the three practicing stages of beginning, medium and advanced. One of the features of Wisdom Energy Qigong is an obviously effective inner practicing system founded on the base of classical Qigong that with near fifty hundred years history. Other feature is the method practicing is under the guidance of the methodological theory of Wisdom Energy Science (WES). Because WES is to research the phenomena of the inner practice and is an academic discipline, it was given a name of Qigong Science in 1980' s in China. The main task of Qigong Science is to discover the essence, the mechanism, the laws of the inner practice and the human body life activity in the view of Qigong Science, and study the true relationship between the inner practice and the human body life activity.

Because the method of Wisdom Energy Qigong was founded on the classical Qigong method as the basis and the classical Qigong originated in ancient China, for the reason, I spent much of the space to tell you the common knowledge on the classical Qigong and the general situation of Qigong in development in ancient China. The first chapter of the book is this for. So, this book is not just for the people who interested in the method practicing of Qigong; to the West people if has the idea to get an overview of Qigong in ancient and in modern, to read the book is beneficial to. In reading of the second chapter, you will get an overlook of Wisdom Energy Qigong, is the common knowledge for the specific method practicing.

In the great movement, so many Qigong methods were in reformation and in popular with the modern futures. The mass Qigong is a new kind of Qigong had not appeared in the history, it with the better efficiency of the mental and physical state transformation, Qi-healing is the side product of the Qigong practice. The method of Wisdom Energy Qigong is the first appeared one in the mass Qigong tide. The whole of the methods of Wisdom Energy Qigong is a system with the newly techniques of Qigong reformed from the typical methods of classical Qigong, the method practicing is under the guidance of the methodological knowledge of WES.

In the intensive method of Wisdom Energy Qigong, there are three kinds of outer form of the body for practicing Qi. Among them, the Standard Moving Method with the six sets of specific practicing methods as the six practicing stages is the essential one of the intensive training of Qigong. The first and the second sets of the standard moving method are at the beginning stage with the feature of mass Qigong, they were attracted a few million people for self-healing and fitness during 1979 to 1999 in mainland China.

Every of the topic above are the hot topics in Qigong field today, they have the detailed discussion in the text of the book.
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Print length

576 pages

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ EHGBooks (1 February 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 576 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1647849160
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1647849160
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.19 x 3.25 x 22.91 cm

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Xiaogang Wu


The author practiced Chinese traditional Kungfu of the external and internal styles,learnt the Chinese traditional massage and practiced the Taoist and Buddhist Chigungunder the guide of the senior masters, before 1990’s.So many years had spent,I still had not understood the purpose of kungfu practicing. At 1990’s I started to practice ZNG (zhinen gong) that was the biggest chigung organization in China at the time.

 Three year later, I rolled into the study of the subject of Chigung Science. During the studying, I was clear about the truth of kungfu practicing, it is the Inner Practice, is one kind of the practical activities of man. Chinese chigung and traditional martial art, Indian Yoga, they are the forms of the inner practice. In the practice, the practitioners’mind must focus inward to regulate the internal force to link and connect with the natural force by the will power of his/her self to promote the health level and enhance the will power itself. To the inner practice, the most important doing for the practitioners is do to surmount actively the idea of the one-desire(偏執) and stand the mind for the public in non –location(“大我”).This is the real purpose to the practitioners of kungfu.

The author graduated from Beijing Normal University and Asian (Hong Kong)Remote Education Collage, studied in New York Institution of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine; wasthe owner of the black belt of martial art in America, is the secretary in general of America Wudang Taichi Organization,Inc. the council in general of The Society of American Buddhism Culture, the member and the certified consulting hypnotists of National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.

Read lessner Practice : Xiaogang Wu, 武霖, 武小鋼: Amazon.com.au: Books