Showing posts with label 空海. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 空海. Show all posts


알라딘: 의미의 깊이 - 동양 사상으로 본 언어, 언어 철학 이즈쓰 도시히코

알라딘: 의미의 깊이 - 동양 사상으로 본 언어, 언어 철학 
이즈쓰 도시히코
(지은이),이종철 (옮긴이)민음사2004-04-25
원제 : Meaning Language (1985년)



국내에 처음으로 소개되는 이슬람 철학과 동양 철학 분야의 석학, 언어학자 이즈쓰 도시히코(井筒俊彦)의 저서. 
일반 언어학의 표층주의를 비판하며 '심층 의미론' 을 주장한다. 
이 책에는 철학과 종교 텍스트를 언어 철학적 관점에서 해석한 여덟 개의 글이 실렸다. 
  1. 유식(唯識), 
  2. 화엄 철학, 
  3. 자크 데리다의 에르리튀르론, 
  4. 이슬람 시아파의 순교정신, 
  5. 이슬람 신비주의 수피즘, 
  6. 흥법 대사의 구카이(空海)사상, 
  7. 장자의 혼동 사상 
의미의 심층을 찾아낸다.


1. 인간 존재의 현대적 상황과 동양 철학
2. 문화와 언어 아라야식 - 이문화 간 대화의 가능성에 대해

3. 데리다 속의 유대인
4. 쓰기 - 데리다의 에크리튀르론에 대해

5. 시아파 이슬람 - 시아적 순교자 의식의 유래와 그 연극성
6. 수피즘과 언어 철학
7. 의미 분절 이론과 구카이 - 진언 밀교의 언어 철학적 가능성
8. 혼돈 - 무와 유 사이

지은이 후기 - 동양 철학에서 언어의 문제
옮긴이 후기

저자 및 역자소개
이즈쓰 도시히코 (井筒俊彦) (지은이)
신간알리미 신청

1914년 도쿄에서 태어났다. 게이오대학에서 니시와키 준자부로를 사사했고, 언어학자로서 출발해 그리스 신비사상사, 러시아 문학 등을 강의하는 한편, 『아라비아 사상사』, 『신비철학』, 『아라비아어 입문』 등 초기 대표작을 간행했다. 1949년부터 시작된 연속 강의 「언어학 개론」을 바탕으로 1956년 『언어와 주술』(영문 저작)을 발표했고, 이 책 덕분에 로만 야콥슨의 추천을 받아 록펠러재단 펠로로서 1959년부터 중근동, 구미에서 연구 생활을 하였다. 1959년 코란의 윤리적 용어 구조를 밝힌 『의미의 구조』(영문)를 발행했다. 1960년대부터 맥길대학과 이란 왕립철학아카데미를 중심으로 연구와 강연, 집필 활동에 종사했으며, 『코란에서의 신과 인간』, 『이슬람 신학에서의 믿음의 구조』, 『수피즘과 노장사상』 등 영문 저작을 정력적으로 발표했다. 1967~82년에 거의 매년 스위스 에라노스 회의에서 노장사상과 선 · 유교 등 동양철학에 대해 강연했으며, 일본에 귀국한 뒤로 해외에서 오랫동안 연구한 성과를 바탕으로 독자적인 철학을 일본어로 저술하기로 결심하고 『의식과 본질』, 『의미의 깊이』, 『코스모스와 안티코스모스』, 『초월의 언어』 등 대표작을 발표했다. 1993년 자택에서 서거했다. 접기

최근작 : <이슬람 문화>,<의식과 본질>,<이슬람> … 총 49종 (모두보기)

이종철 (옮긴이)

한국학한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 철학(불교철학) 전공 교수. 
서울대학교 철학과를 졸업하고 일본 도쿄대학교에서 인도철학·불교학으로 석사학위와 박사학위를 받았다. 
동아시아 불교사상과 인도 불교사상의 비교연구에 주력하고 있다. 
주요 논저로
 The Tibetan Text of the Vy?khy?yukti of Vasubandhu-Critically edited from the Cone, Derge, Narthang and Peking editions-(Tokyo, 2001), 『世親思想の硏究-釋軌論(Vy?khy?yukti)を中心として-』(Tokyo, 2001), 『중국불경의 탄생』(2008), 『구사론 계품·근품·파아품-신도 영혼도 없는 삶』(2015), 『몽어노걸대 연구』(공저, 2018), 『金剛經 多言語板本』(2018) 등이 있다. 접기

최근작 : <圓測 『解深密經疏』 <無自性相品>>,<圓測 『解深密經疏』 <地波羅蜜多品>>,<원측 해심밀경소 분별유가품 - 한장교감 표점 교정본> … 총 15종 (모두보기)


Legend of the Demon Cat - Wikipedia 《요묘전: 레전드 오브 데몬 캣》(妖猫传)

요묘전: 레전드 오브 더 데몬 캣

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Picto infobox cinema.png
요묘전: 레전드 오브 더 데몬 캣
감독첸 카이거
첸 카이거
유메마쿠라 바쿠의 
  • 소설
  • 승려 쿠카이, 당나라에서 귀신과 연회를 하다
소메타니 쇼타
아베 히로시
음악클라우스 바델트
제작사21세기 셍카이 필름
엠퍼러 모션 픽처스
뉴 클래식스 미디어
배급사일본 가도카와, 토호 컴퍼니
대한민국 노바엔터테인먼트
  • 2017년 12월 22일(오스트레일리아, 극장 개봉)
  • 2017년 12월 22일(중국)
  • 2018년 1월 11일(홍콩)
  • 2018년 2월 24일(일본)
  • 2018년 8월 30일(대한민국)
국가중국의 기 중국홍콩의 기 홍콩일본의 기 일본
언어중국어, 일본어

요묘전: 레전드 오브 데몬 캣》(妖猫传, 영어Legend of the Demon Cat)는 중국홍콩일본의 드라마, 판타지, 미스터리 영화로 첸 카이거가 감독을 왕혜령, 첸 카이거가 각본을 맡았다. 대한민국에서는 2018년 8월 30일에 개봉되었다.


당나라 황궁에서 기묘한 일이 발생한다. 황제가 약 7일간 잠에 들지 못하는 우환 끝에 사망한 것. 비밀리에 부름을 받아 당나라에 오게 된 일본의 주술 법사 ‘쿠카이’는 황궁의 기록을 담당했던 시인 ‘백거이’와 함께 일련의 사건들을 추적하던 중 악령 고양이의 저주로 인한 황궁 연쇄 살인 사건임을 알게 된다. 그리고 마침내 다가선 진실의 끝에는 황후 ‘양귀비’의 잔혹한 죽음이 있었다. 역사 속에 숨겨졌던 사랑의 비밀이 밝혀진다!



외부 링크[편집]

Legend of the Demon Cat - Wikipedia

Legend of the Demon Cat

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Legend of the Demon Cat
Legend of the Demon Cat - 妖貓傳.jpg
Theatrical release poster
Directed byChen Kaige
Based onŚramaṇa Kūkai
by Baku Yumemakura
StarringHuang Xuan
Shōta Sometani
Music byKlaus Badelt
Misha Segal
New Classics Pictures
Emperor Motion Pictures[1]
Shengkai Film
Distributed byEmperor Motion Pictures
Moonstone Entertainment[2] Aeon Pix Studios (India)
Release date
  • December 22, 2017
Hong Kong
BudgetCN¥170 million[3]
Box officeCN¥530 million[4]

Legend of the Demon Cat (Chinese妖猫传pinyinYāo Māo Zhuàn) is a 2017 Xianxia fantasy mystery film directed by Chen Kaige, based on the novel Śramaṇa Kūkai (Japanese: 沙門空海 唐の国にて鬼と宴す) written by Japanese writer Yoneyama Mineo, known under the pen-name Baku Yumemakura.[5][3] It was released in China in December 2017.[6][7]


The story is a supernatural reimagining of the story of death of Yang Guifei. The movie opens with Chunqin, the wife of an army commander, making a reluctant bargain with a talking black cat. In exchange for the eyes of fish which are eaten by the cat, Chunqin finds a pot of coin which she shares with her husband. The Japanese Buddhist monk Kukai is called to the imperial palace to assist Emperor Xuanzong who is cursed with a supernatural ailment. The Emperor passes away while strange cat wailings can be heard. Kukai makes the acquaintance of Bai Letian the poet whose major work is "Chang hen ge" - Song of Everlasting Sorrow (長恨歌)- the story about the life of the Emperor's favorite concubine Yang Guifei. The commander's wife has lapsed into a coma. When Kukai and Bai Letian investigate they see an visage of Chunqin on the roof reciting a poem. Kukai believe this visage is that of a demon cat.

They research the poem being recited by Chunqin and learn that it was one that was composed at Yang Guifei's wedding banquet. They decide to visit Yang Guifei's abandoned residence. Inside they see Chunqin's visage. The visage explains that she was once Yang Guifei's beloved cat. She explained that she was buried alive but was allowed to escape. It became a demon cat in order to exact revenge. The cat later possess the commander and while possessed he kills Chunqin. The commander goes insane.

Bai Letian believes his work Everlasting Sorrow would be fraudulent if he is not able to learn the real story behind Yang Guifei's death. Bai and Kukai would visit Concubine Yang's lady in waiting, Qin Yi, but she was not present when the concubine died. The demon cat kills Qin Yi after their visit. They learned of the existence of the Japanese envoy Abe no Nakamaro and obtain his diary from his widow who is still in China. They learned that during the crisis where the imperial soldiers surrounded the royal residence, they had hatched a plan to save Yang Guifei's life. This would involve using an acupuncture technique that would make Yang seem dead for a period of time. Yang would later revive. The soldiers would be satisfied she was dead. The plan works and the soldiers leave the residence. Yang was then placed in a coffin and buried inside in a tomb. Her black cat was left in the tomb.

Kukai and Bai Letian visit Yang Guifei's tomb. They realize Yang Guifei was buried alive in the coffin from the marks inside. They realize that the plot was actually meant to trick Yang Guifei and the Emperor had no plans to rescue her from the tomb. This was because nobody could bear the guilt of killing her. Yang's two loyal charges Bai Ling and Bai Long attend at her grave. Bai Ling confesses that he was aware of the plan to trick Yang Guifei and put poison into her wine so she would not suffer. Bai Long is shocked at this. He refuses to abandon the grave. Bai long sacrifices himself and imbues his spirit into the black cat. When his spirit melded with that of the cat he learned that the poison did not work and Yang Guifei was buried alive. The (now) demon cat returned to the palace and attacks the Emperor putting a curse on him. Kukai and Bai Letain are joined by Bai Ling at the tomb. The cat attacks Bai Ling. Bai Ling told the cat that he retrieved Bai Long's body and had put it beside Yang Guifei's. Bai Long tells the cat that he is prepared to die. The cat goes to attack but returns to try to get onto the coffin. The Demon cat is unable to mount the coffin. He sees the image of a white crane (Bai Long is white crane) fly off and the cat dies. Kukai and Bai Letain are seen walking in the city. Bai Letain said he does not intend to change his poem even though it is not correct. Kukai returns to his monastery in Japan. He gives a sutra to a monk and ask him whether he had found the secret to life without sorrow.



A set costing US$200 million and five years to create was constructed for the film. It was reported that the set will be turned into a theme park.[8]

Kūkai - Wikipedia

Kūkai - Wikipedia


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Eight Patriarchs of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism Kukai Cropped.jpg
Painting of Kūkai from the Shingon Hassozō, a set of scrolls depicting the first eight patriarchs of the Shingon school. Japan, Kamakura period (13th-14th centuries).
TitleFounder of Shingon Buddhism
Born27 July 774
(15th day, 6th month, Hōki 5)[1]
Died22 April 835 (age 60)
(21st day, 3rd month, Jōwa 2)[1]
SchoolVajrayana BuddhismShingon
Senior posting

Kūkai (空海; 27 July 774 – 22 April 835[1]), also known posthumously as Kōbō Daishi (弘法大師, "The Grand Master who Propagated the Dharma"), was a Japanese Buddhist monk, calligrapher, and poet who founded the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism. He travelled to China, where he studied Tangmi (Chinese Vajrayana Buddhism) under the monk Huiguo. Upon returning to Japan, he founded Shingon—the Japanese branch of Vajrayana Buddhism. With the blessing of several Emperors, Kūkai was able to preach Shingon teachings and founded Shingon temples. Like other influential monks, Kūkai oversaw public works and constructions. Mount Kōya was chosen by him as a holy site, and he spent his later years there until his death in 835 C.E.

Because of his importance in Japanese Buddhism, Kūkai is associated with many stories and legends. One such legend attribute the invention of the kana syllabary to Kūkai, with which the Japanese language is written to this day (in combination with kanji), as well as the Iroha poem, which helped to standardise and popularise kana.[2]

Shingon followers usually refer to Kūkai by the honorific title of Odaishi-sama (お大師様, "The Grand Master"), and the religious name of Henjō Kongō (遍照金剛, "Vajra Shining in All Directions").


Early years[edit]

Painting of Kūkai as a boy, posthumously known by the title Chigo Daishi ("The Child Grand Master"). It depicts the young Kūkai flying to heaven on a lotus, where he converses with various Buddhas. Muromachi Period, 15th century.[3]
Wood statue of Kūkai.

Kūkai was born in 774 in the precinct of Zentsū-ji temple, in Sanuki province on the island of Shikoku. His family were members of the aristocratic Saeki family, a branch of the ancient Ōtomo clan. There is some doubt as to his birth name: Tōtomono ("Precious One") is recorded in one source, while Mao ("True Fish") is recorded elsewhere. Mao is generally used in modern studies.[4] Kūkai was born in a period of important political changes with Emperor Kanmu (r. 781–806) seeking to consolidate his power and to extend his realm, taking measures which included moving the capital of Japan from Nara ultimately to Heian (modern-day Kyoto).

Little more is known about Kūkai's childhood. At the age of fifteen, he began to receive instruction in the Chinese classics under the guidance of his maternal uncle. During this time, the Saeki-Ōtomo clan suffered government persecution due to allegations that the clan chief, Ōtomo Yakamochi, was responsible for the assassination of his rival Fujiwara no Tanetsugu.[4] The family fortunes had fallen by 791 when Kūkai journeyed to Nara, the capital at the time, to study at the government university, the Daigakuryō (大学寮). Graduates were typically chosen for prestigious positions as bureaucrats. Biographies of Kūkai suggest that he became disillusioned with his Confucian studies, but developed a strong interest in Buddhist studies instead.

Around the age of 22, Kūkai was introduced to Buddhist practice involving chanting the mantra of Kokūzō (Sanskrit: Ākāśagarbha), the bodhisattva of the void. During this period, Kūkai frequently sought out isolated mountain regions where he chanted the Ākāśagarbha mantra relentlessly. At age 24 he published his first major literary work, Sangō Shiiki, in which he quotes from an extensive list of sources, including the classics of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. The Nara temples, with their extensive libraries, possessed these texts.

During this period in Japanese history, the central government closely regulated Buddhism through the Sōgō (僧綱Office of Priestly Affairs) and enforced its policies, based on the ritsuryō legal code. Ascetics and independent monks, like Kūkai, were frequently banned and lived outside the law, but still wandered the countryside or from temple to temple.[5]

During this period of private Buddhist practice, Kūkai had a dream, in which a man appeared and told Kūkai that the Mahavairocana Tantra is the scripture which contained the doctrine Kūkai was seeking.[4] Though Kūkai soon managed to obtain a copy of this sutra which had only recently become available in Japan, he immediately encountered difficulty. Much of the sutra was in untranslated Sanskrit written in the Siddhaṃ script. Kūkai found the translated portion of the sutra was very cryptic. Because Kūkai could find no one who could elucidate the text for him, he resolved to go to China to study the text there. Ryuichi Abe suggests that the Mahavairocana Tantra bridged the gap between his interest in the practice of religious exercises and the doctrinal knowledge acquired through his studies.[5]

Travel and study in China[edit]

In 804, Kūkai took part in a government-sponsored expedition to China, led by Fujiwara no Kadanomaro, in order to learn more about the Mahavairocana Tantra. Scholars are unsure why Kūkai was selected to take part in an official mission to China, given his background as a private monk who was not sponsored by the state. Theories include family connections within the Saeki-Ōtomo clan, or connections through fellow clergy or a member of the Fujiwara clan.[4]

The expedition included four ships, with Kūkai on the first ship, while another famous monk, Saichō was on the second ship. During a storm, the third ship turned back, while the fourth ship was lost at sea. Kūkai's ship arrived weeks later in the province of Fujian and its passengers were initially denied entry to the port while the ship was impounded. Kūkai, being fluent in Chinese, wrote a letter to the governor of the province explaining their situation.[6] The governor allowed the ship to dock, and the party was asked to proceed to the capital of Chang'an (present day Xi'an), the capital of the Tang dynasty.

After further delays, the Tang court granted Kūkai a place in Ximing Temple, where his study of Chinese Buddhism began in earnest. He also studied Sanskrit with the Gandharan pandit Prajñā (734–810?), who had been educated at the Indian Buddhist university at Nalanda.

It was in 805 that Kūkai finally met Master Huiguo (746–805) the man who would initiate him into Chinese Esoteric Buddhism (Tangmi) at Chang'an's Qinglong Monastery (青龍寺). Huiguo came from an illustrious lineage of Buddhist masters, famed especially for translating Sanskrit texts into Chinese, including the Mahavairocana Tantra. Kūkai describes their first meeting:

Accompanied by Jiming, Tansheng, and several other Dharma masters from the Ximing monastery, I went to visit him [Huiguo] and was granted an audience. As soon as he saw me, the abbot smiled, and said with delight, "since learning of your arrival, I have waited anxiously. How excellent, how excellent that we have met today at last! My life is ending soon, and yet I have no more disciples to whom to transmit the Dharma. Prepare without delay the offerings of incense and flowers for your entry into the abhisheka mandala".[5]

Huiguo immediately bestowed upon Kūkai the first level abhisheka (esoteric initiation). Whereas Kūkai had expected to spend 20 years studying in China, in a few short months he was to receive the final initiation, and become a master of the esoteric lineage. Huiguo was said to have described teaching Kūkai as like "pouring water from one vase into another".[5] Huiguo died shortly afterwards, but not before instructing Kūkai to return to Japan and spread the esoteric teachings there, assuring him that other disciples would carry on his work in China.

Kūkai arrived back in Japan in 806 as the eighth Patriarch of Esoteric Buddhism, having learnt Sanskrit and its Siddhaṃ script, studied Indian Buddhism, as well as having studied the arts of Chinese calligraphy and poetry, all with recognized masters. He also arrived with a large number of texts, many of which were new to Japan and were esoteric in character, as well as several texts on the Sanskrit language and the Siddhaṃ script.

However, in Kūkai's absence Emperor Kanmu had died and was replaced by Emperor Heizei who exhibited no great enthusiasm for Buddhism. Kukai's return from China was eclipsed by Saichō, the founder of the Tendai school, who found favor with the court during this time. Saichō had already had esoteric rites officially recognised by the court as an integral part of Tendai, and had already performed the abhisheka, or initiatory ritual, for the court by the time Kūkai returned to Japan. Later, with Emperor Kanmu's death, Saichō's fortunes began to wane.

Saichō requested, in 812, that Kūkai give him the introductory initiation, which Kūkai agreed to do. He also granted a second-level initiation upon Saichō, but refused to bestow the final initiation (which would have qualified Saichō as a master of esoteric Buddhism) because Saichō had not completed the required studies, leading to a falling out between the two that was not resolved; this feud later extended to the Shingon and Tendai sects.

Little is known about Kūkai's movements until 809 when the court finally responded to Kūkai's report on his studies, which also contained an inventory of the texts and other objects he had brought with him, and a petition for state support to establish the new esoteric Buddhism in Japan. That document, the Catalogue of Imported Items, is the first attempt by Kūkai to distinguish the new form of Buddhism from that already practiced in Japan. The court's response was an order to reside in Takao-san temple (modern Jingo-ji) in the suburbs of Kyoto. This was to be Kūkai's headquarters for the next 14 years. The year 809 also saw the retirement of Emperor Heizei due to illness and the succession of the Emperor Saga, who supported Kūkai and exchanged poems and other gifts.

Emerging from obscurity[edit]

Kūkai's calligraphy, from a segment of his work Cui Ziyu's Beliefs (崔子玉座右銘)

In 810, Kūkai emerged as a public figure when he was appointed administrative head of Tōdai-ji, the central temple in Nara, and head of the Sōgō (僧綱Office of Priestly Affairs).

Shortly after his enthronement, Emperor Saga became seriously ill, and while he was recovering, Emperor Heizei fomented a rebellion, which had to be put down by force. Kūkai petitioned the Emperor to allow him to carry out certain esoteric rituals which were said to "enable a king to vanquish the seven calamities, to maintain the four seasons in harmony, to protect the nation and family, and to give comfort to himself and others". The petition was granted. Prior to this, the government relied on the monks from the traditional schools in Nara to perform rituals, such as chanting the Golden Light Sutra to bolster the government, but this event marked a new reliance on the esoteric tradition to fulfill this role.

With the public initiation ceremonies for Saichō and others at Takao-san temple in 812, Kūkai became the acknowledged master of esoteric Buddhism in Japan. He set about organizing his disciples into an order – making them responsible for administration, maintenance and construction at the temple, as well as for monastic discipline. In 813 Kūkai outlined his aims and practices in the document called The admonishments of Konin. It was also during this period at Takaosan that he completed many of the seminal works of the Shingon School:

  • Attaining Enlightenment in This Very Existence
  • The Meaning of Sound, Word, Reality
  • Meanings of the Word Hūm

All of these were written in 817. Records show that Kūkai was also busy writing poetry, conducting rituals, and writing epitaphs and memorials on request. His popularity at the court only increased, and spread.

Meanwhile, Kukai's new esoteric teachings and literature drew scrutiny from a noted scholar-monk of the time named Tokuitsu, who traded letters back and forth in 815 asking for clarification. The dialogue between them proved constructive and helped to give Kūkai more credibility, while the Nara Schools took greater interest in esoteric practice.[7]

Events in the Life of Kōbō Daishi. Painted scroll, late 13th or early 14th century.

Mount Kōya[edit]

Letter written by Kūkai to Saichō, stored in Tō-ji

In 816, Emperor Saga accepted Kūkai's request to establish a mountain retreat at Mount Kōya as a retreat from worldly affairs. The ground was officially consecrated in the middle of 819 with rituals lasting seven days. He could not stay, however, as he had received an imperial order to act as advisor to the secretary of state, and he therefore entrusted the project to a senior disciple. As many surviving letters to patrons attest, fund-raising for the project now began to take up much of Kūkai's time, and financial difficulties were a persistent concern; indeed, the project was not fully realised until after Kūkai's death in 835.

Kūkai's vision was that Mt. Kōya was to become a representation of the Mandala of the Two Realms that form the basis of Shingon Buddhism: the central plateau as the Womb Realm mandala, with the peaks surrounding the area as petals of a lotus; and located in the centre of this would be the Diamond Realm mandala in the form of a temple which he named Kongōbu-ji ("Diamond Peak Temple"). At the center of the temple complex sits an enormous statue of Vairocana, who is the personification of Ultimate Reality.

Public works[edit]

In 821, Kūkai took on a civil engineering task, that of restoring Manno Reservoir, which is still the largest irrigation reservoir in Japan.[8] His leadership enabled the previously floundering project to be completed smoothly, and is now the source of some of the many legendary stories which surround his figure. In 822 Kūkai performed an initiation ceremony for the ex-emperor Heizei. In the same year Saichō died.

Tō-ji Period[edit]

Monks bringing food to Kōbō Daishi on Mount Kōya, as they believe he is not dead but rather meditating. At his mausoleum in Oku-no-in, food offerings are presented daily to Kōbō Daishi in the early morning and before noon.

When Emperor Kanmu had moved the capital in 784, he had not permitted the powerful Buddhists from the temples of Nara to follow him. He did commission two new temples: Tō-ji (Eastern Temple) and Sai-ji (Western Temple) which flanked the road at southern entrance to the city, protecting the capital from evil influences. However, after nearly thirty years the temples were still not completed. In 823 the soon-to-retire Emperor Saga asked Kūkai, experienced in public works projects, to take over Tō-ji and finish the building project. Saga gave Kūkai free rein, enabling him to make Tō-ji the first Esoteric Buddhist centre in Kyoto, and also giving him a base much closer to the court, and its power.

The new emperor, Emperor Junna (r. 823–833) was also well disposed towards Kūkai. In response to a request from the emperor, Kūkai, along with other Japanese Buddhist leaders, submitted a document which set out the beliefs, practices and important texts of his form of Buddhism. In his imperial decree granting approval of Kūkai's outline of esoteric Buddhism, Junna uses the term Shingon-shū (真言宗Mantra Sect) for the first time. An imperial decree gave Kūkai exclusive use of Tō-ji for the Shingon School, which set a new precedent in an environment where previously temples had been open to all forms of Buddhism. It also allowed him to retain 50 monks at the temple and train them in Shingon. This was the final step in establishing Shingon as an independent Buddhist movement, with a solid institutional basis with state authorization. Shingon had become legitimate.

In 824, Kūkai was officially appointed to the temple construction project. In that year he founded Zenpuku-ji, the second oldest temple of the Edo (Tokyo) region. In 824 he was also appointed to the Office of Priestly Affairs. The Office consisted of four positions, with the Supreme Priest being an honorary position which was often vacant. The effective head of the Sōgō was the Daisōzu (大僧都Senior Director). Kūkai's appointment was to the position of Shōsōzu (小僧都Junior Director).[5] In addition there was a Risshi (律師Vinaya Master) who was responsible for the monastic code of discipline. At Tō-ji, in addition to the main hall (kondō) and some minor buildings on the site, Kūkai added the lecture hall in 825 which was specifically designed along Shingon Buddhist principles, which included the making of 14 Buddha images. Also in 825, Kūkai was invited to become tutor to the crown prince. Then in 826 he initiated the construction of a large pagoda at Tō-ji which was not completed in his lifetime (the present pagoda was built in 1644 by the third Tokugawa Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu). In 827 Kūkai was promoted to be Daisōzu in which capacity he presided over state rituals, the emperor and the imperial family.

The year 828 saw Kūkai open his School of Arts and Sciences (Shugei Shuchi-in). The school was a private institution open to all regardless of social rank. This was in contrast to the only other school in the capital which was only open to members of the aristocracy. The school taught Taoism and Confucianism, in addition to Buddhism, and provided free meals to the pupils. The latter was essential because the poor could not afford to live and attend the school without it. The school closed ten years after Kūkai's death, when it was sold in order to purchase some rice fields for supporting monastic affairs.

Final years[edit]

Kūkai completed his magnum opus, The Jūjūshinron (十住心論Treatise on The Ten Stages of the Development of Mind) in 830. Because of its great length, it has yet to have been fully translated into any language. A simplified summary, Hizō Hōyaku (秘蔵宝鑰The Precious Key to the Secret Treasury) followed soon after. The first signs of the illness that would eventually lead to Kūkai's death appeared in 831. He sought to retire, but the emperor would not accept his resignation and instead gave him sick leave. Toward the end of 832, Kūkai went back to Mt. Kōya and spent most of his remaining life there. In 834, he petitioned the court to establish a Shingon chapel in the palace for the purpose of conducting rituals that would ensure the health of the state. This request was granted and Shingon ritual became incorporated into the official court calendar of events. In 835, just two months before his death, Kūkai was finally granted permission to annually ordain three Shingon monks at Mt. Kōya – the number of new ordainees being still strictly controlled by the state. This meant that Kōya had gone from being a private institution to a state-sponsored one.

With the end approaching, he stopped taking food and water, and spent much of his time absorbed in meditation. At midnight on the 21st day of the third month (835), he died at the age of 62.[9] Emperor Ninmyō (r. 833–50) sent a message of condolence to Mount Kōya, expressing his regret that he could not attend the cremation due to the time lag in communication caused by Mount Kōya's isolation. However, Kūkai was not given the traditional cremation, but instead, in accordance with his will, was entombed on the eastern peak of Mount Kōya. "When, some time after, the tomb was opened, Kōbō-Daishi was found as if still sleeping, with complexion unchanged and hair grown a bit longer."[10]

Legend has it that Kūkai has not died, but entered into an eternal samadhi (meditative trance) and is still alive on Mount Kōya, awaiting the appearance of Maitreya, the Buddha of the future.[10][11]

Stories and legends[edit]

Statue of Kūkai meeting Emon Saburō in Kamiyama, Tokushima
Kūkai wards off a demon with the tantra.[12] Painting by Hokusai (1760–1849).

Kūkai's prominence in Japanese Buddhism has spawned numerous stories and legends about him. When searching for a place on Mount Kōya to build a temple, Kūkai was said to have been welcomed by two Shinto deities of the mountain—the male Kariba, and the female Niu. Kariba was said to have appeared as a hunter, and guided Kūkai through the mountains with the help of a white dog and a black dog. Later, both Kariba and Niu were interpreted as manifestations of the Buddha Vairocana, the central figure in Shingon Buddhism and subject of Kūkai's lifelong interest.[13]

Another legend tells the story of Emon Saburō, the wealthiest man in Shikoku. One day, a mendicant monk came to his house, seeking alms. Emon refused, broke the pilgrim's begging bowl, and chased him away. After this, his eight sons fell ill and died. Emon realized that Kūkai was the affronted pilgrim and set out to seek his forgiveness. Having traveled round the island twenty times clockwise in vain, he undertook the route in reverse. Finally, he collapsed exhausted and on his deathbed. Kūkai appeared to grant absolution. Emon requested that he be reborn into a wealthy family in Matsuyama so that he might restore a neglected temple. Dying, he clasped a stone. Shortly afterwards a baby was born with his hand grasped tightly around a stone inscribed "Emon Saburō is reborn." When the baby grew up, he used his wealth to restore the Ishite-ji (石手寺, "Stone-hand Temple"), in which there is an inscription from 1567 recounting the tale.[14][15]

In popular culture[edit]

Kūkai (空海) a film from 1984 directed by Junya Sato. Kūkai is played by Kin'ya Kitaōji and Saichō is played by Gō Katō.

The 1991 drama film Mandala (Chinese: 曼荼羅; Japanese: 若き日の弘法大師・空海), a China-Japan co-production, was based on Kūkai's travels in China. The film stars Toshiyuki Nagashima as Kūkai, also co-starring Junko Sakurada and Zhang Fengyi as Huiguo.

The 2017 fantasy film Legend of the Demon Cat stars Shōta Sometani as Kūkai.


Outside Japan

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to:a b c Kūkai was born in 774, the 5th year of the Hōki era; his exact date of birth was designated as the fifteenth day of the sixth month of the Japanese lunar calendar, some 400 years later, by the Shingon sect (Hakeda, 1972 p. 14). Accordingly, Kūkai's birthday is commemorated on June 15 in modern times. This lunar date converts to 27 July 774 in the Julian calendar, and, being an anniversary date, is not affected by the switch to the Gregorian calendar in 1582. Similarly, the recorded date of death is the second year of the Jōwa era, on the 21st day of the third lunar month (Hakeda, 1972 p. 59), i.e. 22 April 835.
  2. ^ Ryūichi Abe (2000). The Weaving of Mantra: Kūkai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. Columbia University Press. pp. 3, 113–4, 391–3. ISBN 978-0-231-11287-1.
  3. ^ Kobo Daishi (Kukai) as a Boy (Chigo Daishi) - Art Institute of Chicago
  4. Jump up to:a b c d Hakeda, Yoshito S. (1972). Kūkai and His Major Works. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-05933-6.
  5. Jump up to:a b c d e Abe, Ryuichi (1999). The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-11286-4.
  6. ^ Matsuda, William, J. (2003). The Founder Reinterpreted: Kukai and Vraisemblant Narrative, Thesis, University of Hawai´i, pp. 39-40. Internet Archive
  7. ^ Abe, Ryuichi (1999). The Weaving of Mantra: Kūkai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. Columbia University Press. pp. 206–219. ISBN 978-0-231-11286-4.
  8. ^ Mogi, Aiichiro (1 January 2007). "A Missing Link: Transfer of Hydraulic Civilization from Sri Lanka to Japan".
  9. ^ Brown, Delmer et al. (1979). Gukanshō, p. 284.
  10. Jump up to:a b Casal, U. A. (1959), The Saintly Kōbō Daishi in Popular Lore (A.D. 774-835); Asian Folklore Studies 18, p. 139 (hagiography)
  11. ^ Yusen Kashiwahara, Koyu Sonoda "Shapers of Japanese Buddhism", Kosei Pub. Co. 1994. "Kukai"
  12. ^ >Singer, R. (1998). Edo - Art in Japan, 1615-1868. National Gallery of Art. p. 37.
  13. ^ The Four Deities of Kōyasan Temple Complex. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  14. ^ Reader, Ian (2005). Making Pilgrimages: Meaning and Practice in ShikokuUniversity of Hawaii Press. pp. 60f. ISBN 978-0-8248-2907-0.
  15. ^ Miyata, Taisen (2006). The 88 Temples of Shikoku Island, Japan. Koyasan Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles. pp. 102f.

Additional sources[edit]

  • Clipston, Janice (2000). Sokushin-jōbutsu-gi: Attaining Enlightenment in This Very Existence, Buddhist Studies Reviews 17 (2), 207-220
  • Giebel, Rolf W.; Todaro, Dale A.; trans. (2004). Shingon texts, Berkeley, Calif.: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research
  • Hakeda Yoshito. 1972. Kūkai – Major Works. New York, USA: Columbia University Press.
  • Inagaki Hisao (1972). "Kukai's Sokushin-Jobutsu-Gi" (Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body), Asia Major (New Series) 17 (2), 190-215
  • Skilton, A. 1994. A Concise History of Buddhism. Birmingham: Windhorse Publications.
  • Wayman, A and Tajima, R. 1998 The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Delhi: Motilal Barnasidass [includes Study of the Vairocanābhisambodhitantra (Wayman) and Study of the Mahāvairocana-Sūtra (Tajima)].
  • White, Kenneth R. 2005. The Role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist Enlightenment. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press (includes Bodhicitta-śāstraBenkenmitsu-nikyōronSanmaya-kaijō)

External links[edit]