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A New Way to Be Human by Robert Taylor, Desmond M. Tutu - Ebook | Scribd

A New Way to Be Human by Robert Taylor, Desmond M. Tutu - Ebook | Scribd

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A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive

By Robert Taylor and Desmond M. Tutu
247 pages
5 hours

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A New Way to Be Human is an invaluable guide for individuals intent on transforming their lives, revolutionizing our society, and refining our world. It is for those who seek:

An impactful life of meaning and purpose, love and hope, compassion and delight

The courage to cross the boundaries of religion and move beyond the demonizing debates about gender equality and human sexuality

The spiritual wisdom discovered in the many forms and disguises of the Holy

By identifying 7 pivotal, universally recognizable life occurrences as spiritual pathways, A New Way to Be Human will immediately connect you to actionable personal spiritual practices.

From his miraculous physical healing as a teenager in Cape Town, to fighting apartheid alongside Desmond Tutu, to his eventual appointment as one of the United State’s highest ranking, openly gay Episcopal priests, Robert’s life shows anyone how to integrate personal spirituality with a legacy of compassionate purpose in the world—and invites others to do the same.

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New Page Books
Apr 22, 2012

About the author
Robert Taylor

I was born in Dallas, Texas (Oak Cliff) and lived there most of my life I’m a Navy veteran and served during early 1960s. I was in the war zone of Vietnam on the USS Ranger cva-61air craft carrier. Afterwards I was in the wholesale electrical supply business for about twenty-five years in Dallas. My home is now in East Texas.


The Perennial Philosophy: Review — The Contemplative Life. - Mortification, Non-Attachment, Right Livelihood

The Perennial Philosophy: Review — The Contemplative Life.

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The Perennial Philosophy: Review

June 25, 2016 in Book Reviews, Comparative Mysticism, Aldous Huxley

Drawing from primary texts across the spectrum of the world's religious traditions, in The Perennial Philosophy Aldous Huxley synthesizes mystic thought in a variety of areas.  Beginning with what the mystics believe about the nature of reality, Huxley goes on to show how this "Perennial Philosophy" plays itself out in their lives.  A fantastic springboard for exploring primary contemplative texts, there is no better book for an introduction to world mysticism.  

Overview:  Huxley begins by defining the "philosophy of the mystics," what has been called, since Gottfried Leibniz, the Perennial Philosophy because it shows itself in religious traditions across the ages.  In Huxley's words:
"Philosophia Perennis – the phrase was coined by Leibniz; but the thing – the metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being – the thing is immemorial and universal."

Huxley's definition brings together Western personal/theistic thought and Eastern, mostly non-personal, thought into one statement.  To speak roughly in the languages of West and East: 

In Western terms: (1) There is a God who is the Source of existence, (2) God dwells at the core of each human soul, and (3) our ultimate destiny, if we choose it, is union with God.  
In Eastern terms: (1) There is a Spiritual Ground of existence, (2) the core of each human soul is identical with the Spiritual Ground, and (3) our ultimate destiny, if we choose it, is absorption in the Ground.  

Huxley spends his first two chapters, That Art Thou and The Nature of the Ground, expanding on this definition.  In true mystic form, the nature of the Spiritual Ground which lies at the core of each created being is a mystery.  
"What is the That to which the thou can discover itself to be akin? To this the fully developed Perennial Philosophy has at all times and in all places given fundamentally the same answer. The divine Ground of all existence is a spiritual Absolute, ineffable in terms of discursive thought, but (in certain circumstances) susceptible of being directly experienced and realized by the human being."

In other words, God can't be defined, He can only be experienced directly.  That, my friends, is mysticism.  The God whom the worshipper may have "known" through their religious texts, doctrine, and faith tradition, suddenly becomes "unknowable."  The mystics are concerned almost exclusively with direct experience of God and how that experience transforms them; theology becomes a secondary matter.  This has, historically, often put them at odds with the official religious institutions they come from.  

After defining and expanding on the core philosophy of the mystics, Huxley spends the rest of the book looking at how this plays out in their lives.  I'll briefly look at three of these chapters:
Mortification, Non-Attachment, Right Livelihood:  The way to find God is to die to self.  The goal of the mystic is simply to become an empty vessel through which God may work.  Instead of identifying with the ego, the "I", the normal sense of self, the contemplative identifies with the divine "not-I," what is called the "Higher Self" in some traditions.  The life of the contemplative is thus a life of self-denial, not because self-denial is a good in and of itself, but because it is the ego, our self-will, that separates us from a life of union with God.

고행, 비집착, 올바른 생계: 신을 찾는 방법은 자아를 죽이는 것입니다. 

신비주의자의 목표는 단순히 하나님이 일하실 수 있는 빈 그릇이 되는 것입니다. 

관조자는 자아, 즉 정상적인 자아 감각인 "나"와 동일시하는 대신에 
일부 전통에서 "상위 자아"라고 불리는, 신성한 "나가 아닌 것"과 동일시합니다. 
따라서 관상가의 삶은 극기의 삶이며, 
극기는 그 자체로 선한 것이 아니라, 
우리를 하느님과 일치하는 삶에서 분리시키는 것이 자아이고, 우리의 의지라는 것을 이해하는 것 이기 때문입니다. 

The Miraculous:  Here Huxley explores the existence of "miraculous events" and their connection to the mystics.  These type of events – supernatural healings, psychic powers, etc. – are often associated with contemplatives.  Surprisingly, their attitude towards the miraculous is one of indifference and can be summed up by a quote with which Huxley introduces the chapter:

"Can you walk on water? You have done no better than a straw. Can you fly in the air? You have done no better than a bluebottle. Conquer your heart; then you may become somebody."

– Ansari of Herat

It is salvation, deliverance, nirvana and how that experience can be lived out in the world that the contemplatives are interested in, not the cultivation of supernatural powers.  

Contemplation, Action and Social Utility:  The contemplatives believe that contemplation, the direct experience of God, is the ultimate end for which humanity is designed.  Action in the world (good works, etc.) may prepare the soul for contemplation, but action is not an end in itself.

"In all the historic formulations of the Perennial Philosophy it is axiomatic that the end of human life is contemplation, or the direct and intuitive awareness of God; that action is the means to that end; that a society is good to the extent that it renders contemplation possible for its members; and that the existence of at least a minority of contemplatives is necessary for the well-being of any society."

Ironically, it is also the contemplative, the one who has purified himself of self-will, that will naturally perform true positive action in the world:

"...action that is 'taken away from the life of prayer' is action unenlightened by contact with Reality, uninspired and unguided; consequently it is apt to be ineffective and even harmful."

In other chapters, Huxley delves into personal temperament and how it affects religious action, spiritual exercises, the role of ritual and sacrament, and various related topics.  

Personal Reflections:  Some critics think that Huxley finds too much commonality and not enough diversity in world mysticism, that he "makes the pieces fit" what he believes is a common core.  While there is certainly diversity in these traditions, I think Huxley does show that, while the mystics might not speak with one voice, they do often speak in harmony.

This book was life-changing for me.  As I was coming out of conservative religion, it helped me hang on to the belief that religion may, in fact, point to something real.  That even if all of my tightly held theology had been stripped away, I might still find God.  Nihilism works for some people, but it clearly wasn't going to work for me.  And that's where I would be if I hadn't found the contemplative versions of faith that are represented in this book.   

One of the more fascinating ideas that I come back to from The Perennial Philosophy is the idea that "knowledge is a function of being."  If we change ourselves by consciously "dying to self" and becoming selfless, we can change our "knowledge" or experience of the world.  Instead of interpreting the world through the tainted lens of our own needs and wants, our self-interest, we begin to see the world with different eyes.  And the mystics insist that if we can truly cleanse ourselves of our self-interest, the fruit will be a life of love, joy, and peace.  

I can't recommend this book, or Huxley as an author, enough.  If you are interested in world mysticism, start here. 
The Perennial Tradition and Comparative Mysticism

Mystic or contemplative strands of the world's religious traditions are sometimes grouped together and categorized in what has been called "The Perennial Tradition." The term perennial refers to the fact that the ideas associated with these contemplative versions of faith continue to arise, and show themselves throughout history, independent of religious tradition. On this theory, the perennial contemplative tradition is embedded within each individual religion – it is the "common denominator" among the diversity of religious thought.

The most famous treatment of the Perennial Tradition comes from Aldous Huxley. In his The Perennial Philosophy he defines the concept as follows:

"Philosophia Perennis: the phrase was coined by Leibniz; but the thing — the metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being — the thing is immemorial and universal."

Or, put in more simplified terms: 
(1) There is a God or Spiritual Reality that is the Source and Ground of Existence, 
(2) this Spiritual Reality can be experienced within the soul of each created being, and 
(3) our ultimate destiny, if we choose it, is to experientially know or unite ourselves with this Reality, and reflect this union in our lives.

One of the primary debates surrounding the Perennial Tradition is just how unified world mysticism actually is. 
On one hand, there are those who argue that Huxley and others create a false synthesis. That the mystic strands of each religious tradition are far more diverse than they are similar and can't reasonably be boiled down to a lowest common denominator. 
 On the other hand, there are those who, along with Huxley, see more unity than diversity and believe that we can fairly speak of "a mystic philosophy" or some kind of synthesis between traditions. The content on this site leans towards seeing unity among the traditions.


Read The Shaman's Mind Online by Jonathan Hammond | Books

Read The Shaman's Mind Online by Jonathan Hammond | Books

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The Shaman's Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life
By Jonathan Hammond
308 pages
6 hours

Also available as...Audiobook


To learn to think like a shaman is to attune yourself to a magical spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative realities, and spiritual support. When a shaman likes what’s happening, they know how to make it better, and when they don’t, they know how to change it. The Shaman’s Mind is a book that teaches the reader how to align and transform their own mind into one that sees the world through the lens of the indigenous healers of old. Based on the Omega workshop by the same name.

Body, Mind, & Spirit
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Monkfish Book Publishing
Jul 7, 2020
About the author
JHJonathan Hammond

Jonathan Hammond is a teacher, energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Michigan, he is a certified master teacher in Shamanic, Usui, and Karuna Reiki as well as the advanced graduate studies advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. He teaches classes in shamanism, energy healing, spirituality, and Huna at Omega Institute and around the world. This is his first book.
Rooted in ancient Hawaiian teachings, this book will provoke the reader into new ways of seeing themselves and the world.

To learn to think like a Shaman is to attune yourself to a magical spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative realities, and spiritual support. When a Shaman likes what's happening, they know how to make it better, and when they don't, they know how to change it. The Shaman's Mind is a book that teaches the reader how to align and transform their own mind into one that sees the world through the lens of the indigenous healers of old. Based on the Omega workshop by the same name.
Top reviews from other countries
3.0 out of 5 stars Language manual
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 14 April 2021
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Although there are some, and they're interesting, I'd have liked to read more anecdotes - examples of practical application of Hawaiian wisdom.
The first half of the book is about the author's life which was too long really for a book with this title. The middle is the 7 principles of Huna which was the most intriguing part. However, the message was obfuscated by constant references to the Hawaiian language, including entire sentences. An editor's pen should have deleted 99% of those; they add nothing to the book's message and just make reading a clunky experience (unless you're Hawaiian I suppose). The final section is a set of meditations. I couldn't find anything truly original in here, but that's probably because I've read too much spiritual literature over the years.
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Brian J Walsh
5.0 out of 5 stars Down to Earth and Practical Wisdom
Reviewed in the United States on 11 August 2020
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If you are looking for applicable and practical steps to take to improve the quality of your life, look no further. Jonathan transmits ancient Huna wisdom in easy to understand and, more importantly, easy to apply concepts. The book describes a spiritual practice that exists throughout our lives and empowers us to utilize this wisdom on a daily basis to create the experience we most desire.

Jonathan describes Hawaii and the wisdom of its land and people with a kind of mystical enchantment that transports the reader to the lush forest of their inner selves that mirrors those of the Hawaiian rain forests. The stories of waterfalls, mountains, beaches, and rich skies not only illuminate the Shamanistic wisdom featured in the book but reminds us that the same deeply connected wisdom is available to us all, at any time, in any place, if only we dare to look.

Both simple and deeply complex, as most spiritual paths tend to be, this book provides the reader with practices suitable for beginners and are capable of intense depth. After reading the book, I have already begun to think of the Huna principles regularly in my interactions and daily routines.

I suspect that future readings of the book will reveal ever deepening levels of wisdom. I can not wait to explore its depths just as one might explore the crater of an active volcano - and because the world is what I think it is - I know that I will be breathing with the Earth in that crater.

Reading this book felt like a breath of fresh air and I recommend it to anyone looking to connect more deeply to themselves, their planet, and their communities.
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Brette G.
5.0 out of 5 stars Simply amazing.
Reviewed in the United States on 26 November 2020
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I have never bought a book for so many people. This book is so incredible that I’ve sent it to at least 15 people.

Hawaiian Shamanism, who knew?

It has been over 25 years since I was in school, but I found myself studying this amazing book with a notebook and highlighter. It’s filled with incredible Huna wisdom: how to discern your purpose and direction and create the life that is aligned with your soul’s journey, how to forgive yourself and others, how to discover, develop, and stay in your power and intuition, and how to thrive in love and happiness.

Hammond also breaks down the Ku, Lono and Kane; the Hawaiian concepts of body, mind, and spirit. These chapters had a massive impact on me. I currently experience chronic pain and inflammation. After reading Hammond’s book I have a deeper insight into how to heal. The body remembers - especially what it felt the most intensely - and it has no concept of time and quite a long memory. It can also be at odds with your conscious mind, the Lono. The Ku is the child, and it needs to know it’s loved and safe. It needs to be guided, or it will continue to repeat patterns, something I’m sure we can all relate to. The Kane harnesses the spiritual and creative energies that manifest our inspired vision. It can help to create a life that is much bigger than we ever imagined. This incredible book teaches us how to parent our inner child; lovingly paying attention, empowering and showing the child how to create the life they want, as there are infinite possibilities available to it.

The final chapter of the book is about Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian forgiveness practice. Ho’oponopono is all about “letting go or erasing the memory patters helps in our unconscious mind that are harmful and do not serve us.” Ho’oponopono consists of four simple phrases that communicate with the bodychild who unfortunately learned and currently believes mistaken things about themselves. These are the hurt parts. The addictive parts. The sick parts. Sometimes we don’t take very good care of ourselves. The Ku - the child - has had enough. It’s time to do right by it. Ho-oponopono - and this book - teaches us how to see, forgive, love, and practice compassion towards ourselves.

Jonathan Hammond has a big Harvard brain and a big Huna heart. I feel lucky and grateful to have read this book and shared it with others. Filled with modern wit and ancient wisdom, it is a must-read for those who want to discover, guide, and love themselves towards their wildest dreams.
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5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Will Truly Change Your Life!
Reviewed in the United States on 12 August 2020
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The Shaman's Mind is a deeply healing and unbelievably empowering book. It inspires you to not just read the material but to live it.

The first line of the preface is, "This book is about becoming a finder and not a seeker." (No spoilers but) Jonathan Hammond more than delivers on that promise. I found SO much wisdom in this book and it's many practices. And call it a coincidence, but by applying the information and exercises to my own circumstances and beliefs, every single area of my life has improved. This work helped me to heal many old wounds and has changed the way I use my mind, which has allowed me to step fully into my power and move my life into alignment with my purpose. It rocks.

This book really is absolutely AMAZING. I have read other books on this subject and, while the teachings of Huna have always been incredible, they have never been explained in such a clear, relatable, and engaging way. The Shaman's Mind is beautifully written, delightfully personal, and makes major, mind-expanding, life-changing concepts completely accessible and practical. If everyone could read this book, I believe the world would be a better place. That's why I've already purchased multiple copies for friends (you know you love a book when you won't let anyone borrow yours)!

Long story short: Jonathan Hammond is a brilliant teacher and his book reflects that fact in every way. This work has changed my life and it will change yours, too.
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5.0 out of 5 stars I couldn't put this book down! A must read.
Reviewed in the United States on 19 August 2020
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If you are reading this review contemplating ordering Jonathan's book - it is calling you. This is your sign. I haven't read a book this quickly in ages, as I could barely put it down. This is one of the most important and significant books I have read to help ground me in my journey and reprogram my mind to the truth - which is Aloha! Jonathan's storytelling and framing kept me on the edge of my seat while simultaneously teaching priceless tools. The consistent interweaving and honoring of Hawaiian culture while teaching Huna was a wonderful way to learn. So beautifully written - and I am deeply moved. Thank you for bringing this into the world at a time that we need it the most.
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Tony Ortega
Jul 28, 2020Tony Ortega rated it it was amazing
The only thing I would say even remotely negative (and it has nothing to do with the book) is that I wish it had been around 7 years ago when I started my spiritual journey as I would have saved thousands of dollars in other books, courses, seminars, and master classes. This book has everything you need to lead a more enlightened life. The way it is presented is only vaguely woo woo and not love and light (which unfortunately we see too much of in the market today). For a spiritual book, it is so down to earth and accessible. I can't wait to god into it again and again. The only other book of this nature that marveled me as much was A Return to Love. Definitely one of my top 2 spiritual books I have ever read. Thank you Jonathan. (less)
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Jul 07, 2020Grady rated it it was amazing
‘Give yourself your own paradise.’

New York author Jonathan Hammond earned his degrees from Harvard University and the University of Michigan, worked successfully as an actor on Broadway and television, and now is committed to his work as an energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. He teaches classes and gives lectures in Shamanism, Energy Healing, Spirituality and Huna at One Spirit Learning Alliance and the Omega Institute in New York City and in other venues globally. He is committed to empowering and healing people by bringing indigenous Earth wisdom to the modern world in spiritual retreats through his company, The Living Project.

For clarity, a Shaman is a religious practitioner who is believed to interact with a spirit world through altered states of consciousness, electing to direct these spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world for healing. Jonathan Hammond is a Shaman and in this book focuses on Huna – the esoteric knowledge and philosophy of Hawaii. In his preface he states, ‘This book is about becoming a finder and no longer a seeker. It’s about truly healing. It’s about learning to love yourself; to think straight; to step into wellness, prosperity, and love; and to feel the inner satisfaction of these attainments to such a degree that the inevitable response is to give yourself back to the world…The wisdom contained in this book transcends the culture from which it came [Hawaii] because it points to universal truths that open us to love, and as we open, so does the world…’

After sharing his story of how he came to embrace Hawaii and Huna, Jonathan opens the windows of Huna in a manner that not only elucidates the Huna principles, but also encourages us to interact in the various aspects of that thinking that results in spiritual growth. ‘Where we place our focus and attention creates the energetic influence that manifests things into being.’

THE SHAMAN’S MIND is one of the more successful spiritual healing guides, not only because it is so well written and accessible, but also because of the very obvious true caring of the author that encourages our learning. Very highly recommended. (less)
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Jan 01, 2021Julie rated it really liked it
Shelves: nonfiction
I really enjoyed and got a lot out of this book. I love that the author gave concrete and practical steps for connecting with the material. I can’t wait to read more from this author because I connected to and understand his message in a way that I haven’t connected to with other books on the topic. I bought the book without even reading the description on the back and was rather surprised at the content when I began... that has to mean something. However, I’m not sure I agree with the author that it is ok for a white person to tell the story of ancient Hawaiian spirituality- especially after he says that this is not how they would have passed down this information. I’m still wrestling with how that all sits with me. To be clear, it’s not his practice of those spiritual beliefs but his sharing of them and the manner in which he shares them that I am not entirely comfortable with. (less)
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Oct 11, 2021Antoinette rated it liked it
It was fine. Didn’t wow me. I liked the author’s personality and appreciate his life experience. I think the most valuable part to me was the take on ho opono ono. I don’t think I’ll do all the other practices because they seem exhausting.
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Read [Sacred Sexuality] Online by Georg Feuerstein | Books

Read Sacred Sexuality Online by Georg Feuerstein | Books

Sacred Sexuality: The Erotic Spirit in the World's Great Religions
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Sacred Sexuality: The Erotic Spirit in the World's Great Religions
By Georg Feuerstein

380 pages
11 hours

A historical, cross-cultural survey of sexuality as a sacred spiritual practice

• Examines sacred sexuality in the world’s religious and mystery traditions
• Explores contemporary “sexual stress syndrome” resulting from the absence of the sacred in sexual practice
• Reveals how to find the sacred in the ordinary

This book examines the history of sexuality as a sacramental act. In spite of our culture’s recent sexual liberalizations, sexual intimacy often remains unfulfilling. Georg Feuerstein instructs that the fulfillment we long for in our sex lives can only be attained once we have explored the spiritual depths of our erotic natures.

Feuerstein delves into a wide variety of spiritual traditions--including Christianity, Judaism, goddess worship, Taoism, and Hinduism--in search of sacred truths regarding sexuality. He reveals that all of these great teachings share the hidden message that spirituality is, in essence, erotic and that sexuality is inherently spiritual. From the erotic cult of the Great Mother and the archaic ritual of hieros gamos (sacred marriage) to the institution of sacred prostitution and the erotic spirituality practiced in the mystery traditions, Feuerstein offers a wealth of historical practices and perspectives that serve as the bases for a positive sexual spirituality suited to our contemporary needs.
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神秘体験 - Wikipedia

神秘体験 - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

神秘体験(しんぴたいけん、Mystical experience)とは、超常現象など科学的には起こり得ない現象を体験すること。













  1. ^ 苫米地は「カタルシス体験」と結びつけて説明した。


  1. ^ 『宗教神秘主義:ヨーガの思想と心理』大明堂 1959 p.216
  2. ^ サム・パーニア『科学は臨死体験をどこまで説明できるか』三交社
  3. a b c d 苫米地英人『洗脳原論』(春秋社 2000年2月15日)
  4. ^ 遠藤康(1999)「ヨーガ的神秘体験と知識 : 岸本英夫の主知的宗教神秘主義体系説をめぐって」



