
Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change : Davis, Winston: Amazon.com.au: Books

Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change : Davis, Winston: Amazon.com.au: Books

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Winston Davis

Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change Paperback – Illustrated, 13 February 1992
by Winston Davis (Author)
4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 3 ratings



Part I: The Structure of Religious Groups

Chapter 1: Japanese Religious Affiliations: Motives and Obligations

Part II: The Dynamics of Social Conflict

Chapter 2: Pilgrimage and World Renewal

Chapter 3: The Cross and the Cudgel

Part III: The Dynamics of Social and Economic Change

Chapter 4: The Weber Thesis and the Economic Development of Japan

Chapter 5: Buddhism and Modernization

Chapter 6: Ittoen: The Work Ethic of a Buddhist Utopia

Part IV: Secularization and National Identity

Chapter 7: The Secularization of Japanese Religion

Chapter 8: Japan Theory and Civil Religion


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