The George Gorman Memorial Fund
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Memorial Lecture
Registerd Charity No. 286250
The George Gorman Memorial Lecture
As well as awarding grants, the Fund also organizes the ‘George Gorman Memorial Lecture’, given by a Quaker aged 18-35 at Britain Yearly Meeting Gatherings.
2021 Lecture - Sam Donaldson on "Old roots, new routes"
In the lecture Sam shares some of his own life story and reflects on some of his own £openings". He explores two questions "Who are we?" and "Where are we going?" as the Quaker community in Britain in these uncertain times of global pandemics, social, political and economic turmoil and climate catastrophes.
2017 Lecture - Tim Gee on "Movement Building from Stillness"
2014 Lecture - Jessica Metheringham on "Equality: is it really what we think it is?"
Previous Lectures
2011 Lecture - Simon Best on "Radical, Sustainable Quakerism"
2007 Lecture - Heather Rowlands and Michael Eccles on "Journeys Through Faith"
2003 Lecture - Carol Robinson on "Heavenly Bodies"
1999 Lecture - Bronwen Mitchell
1995 Lecture - Julian Black on "Spiritual Journey"
1991 Lecture - Helen Carmichael on "Working In The City Within"
1989 Lecture - Robert Halliday on "Mind the Oneness"
1986 Lecture - Hugh Pyper on "A Sense of Adventure"