
Quaker by Convincement (Pelican): Geoffrey Hubbard

Quaker by Convincement (Pelican): Geoffrey Hubbard

Quaker by Convincement
ByKerouac fanon 17 February 2003

I read Quaker by Convincement 25 years ago and because it explained Quakerism in a down-to-earth, easy to understand way it helped me make up my mind to become an attender at Quaker meetings (for 10 years) and then a Friend (full member). I think that for a person of the hippy generation, their liberal attitude, spirituallity and peace testament are very attractive. Underlying this is a strict wisdom, logic and sincerity which I find un-rivaled in most other churches. Quakers don't preach to you but are interested in your spiritual experiences of life. The author has a friendly, engaging style that explains clearly and simply the precepts of Quakerism. Read it and you'll see why many Jews, Hindu's and Christians attend Quaker meetings while retaining their own beliefs.