
Non-Christian and/or Non-Theist Quaker Perspectives - In the Quaker Tradition - Four Rivers Friends

Non-Christian and/or Non-Theist Quaker Perspectives - In the Quaker Tradition - Four Rivers Friends

Non-Christian and/or Non-Theist Quaker Perspectives

Posted by Laura Jones on February 15, 2014 at 10:08am in Quakers Intro

Some resources for those of us who are coming to Society of Friends as non-Christians and/or some aspect of non-theism, and for those who want to know more about those branches of Quaker belief/experience. There are many many blogs on these topics - lots of good reflection and discussion going on out there on the blogophere.
a) Nontheist Friends webpage:
b) "Godless for God's Sake" book details -
c) Quaker Universalist Voice webpage:
d) A discussion about Christian and non-Christian perspectives amongst Quakers:
e) Transcript and podcast of Rev. Spong ( Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World ), because I like him:
f) A nice blog post about Quakerism, pantheism, and my beloved Baruch Spinoza: