
'God Will Not Be Mocked' Meaning in Galatians 6:7?

What 'God Will Not Be Mocked' Mean in Galatians 6:7?
신은 조롱을 당하지 않을 것이다

1] What Does it Mean That 'God Will Not Be Mocked' in Galatians 6:7?

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. – Galatians 6:7

God. Mocking. Sowing. Reaping. Four simple words that carry an incredible amount of meaning. How do they tie together and what does it mean that God will not be mocked? This verse is often seen in terms of penalty for wrong-doing and viewed from a negative light. However, as you look closer I believe you will see that this has far better results for those who take this to heart.

What Does it Mean That 'God Will Not Be Mocked' Galatians 6:7?

To fully understand this verse let’s break it down into three sections. After we break the verse down we will put it back together again.

1. Do not be deceived.
This word deceived in the original Greek means to stray, to wander, to roam into error, to be led astray, or to deviate from the correct path or the truth. Paul is stating in these four words simply don’t go astray or believe something that is not true

2. God will not be mocked.
The word mocked here means to turn up your nose or to scornfully disdain. According to Google’s dictionary, the word disdain means “the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.”

Paul is saying that even if you believe that God’s opinion on something is not worth consideration or worthy of respect you are wrong. You simply cannot look past or disregard what God has said and there not be consequences for your actions. When you first think of this, the tendency is to always view this from a negative perspective but this applies in both positive and negative situations. We will look at this a little later.

3. A man reaps what he sows.
Reaping and sowing is a common farming analogy. Sowing is the act of spreading or scattering. Reaping is the act of harvesting or gathering. Whatever you spread or scatter that is what you will harvest or gather. Another way of thinking about it is what you put in is what will come out.

Let’s put it all together

Do not wander away from the truth or be led astray. You cannot disregard what God has said. Whatever you spread, scatter, or feed into that is exactly what you will get in return. I love the way the New Living Translation (NLT) words this verse: Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.

So when you think of what it means God will not be mocked here is a very simple explanation. God will have the last word and his justice will always win out in the end. Even if you try to fight against it or disregard it, that does not matter. Once God has established a principle, it will always be in operation.

How Do God and Mocking Connect with Sowing and Reaping?

The crux of what it means that God will not be mocked centers around the principle of sowing and reaping. As I said earlier when we think of the justice of God we often think in a negative way but it has both positive and negative connotations. The verses Paul uses after that reflect this viewpoint.

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. – Galatians 6:8

Here is where we see the principle and why God will not be mocked. On the positive side if you sow to please the Spirit, if you seek to obey what God has said, if you commit your way to the Lord and seek to honor him in everything you do, you will reap eternal life. Here is the good news. God will not be mocked. Sowing to please God brings with it the reward of eternal life. This has nothing to do with how you feel it will happen because it is what God has established. God blesses what is sown especially what is sown in righteousness. Remember these words of Jesus,

Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. – Matthew 6:4

On the other side of the coin or the negative side if you sow to please your sinful nature you will reap destruction. Again, God will not be mocked. There are consequences that come from looking to serve the desires of your sinful nature. This does not just mean eternal consequences, there are consequences in this life. I am sure you can all think back to things you have done in the past that brought you consequences for your actions. If you could go back and undo them I am sure you would jump at the opportunity. I know I would. This is important because Paul was writing these words to the Christians in the Galatian church. While we often want to apply this principle to those who are not believers, this is a warning to believers. There is a price to pay for living a sinful lifestyle. If you think you can live in sin and get away with it remember God will not be mocked. Again here are more words of Jesus

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. – Luke 8:17

Whether you sow to the Spirit or your sinful nature, God will not be mocked and you will receive based on how you have sown.

If 'God Will Not Be Mocked,' What Constitutes Mocking?

There are two main ways we mock God. Surprisingly, this can happen whether you are sowing to the sinful nature or the Spirit.

1. Believing you will get away with it.
This applies if you are sowing to the sinful nature. Eventually, you will reap the reward of your ways. Thinking or believing you will escape, get away with it, or not face consequences sneers or looks at God’s justice with contempt. When you think or feel this way you are actually mocking God.

2. Believing God will not reward you.
This applies when you are sowing to the Spirit. Let me reiterate we often don’t think of mocking in regards to righteousness but it can happen. If you are sowing to the Spirit but believe that God will not reward you for your right living, you are in essence mocking God.

How Can We Be Sure We Don't Do It? 
The best way to know that you are not mocking God is to simply take God at his word. You should take to heart what God has said knowing he will do it. Your confidence and trust in his word will keep you from treating what God has said with contempt.

A Way Forward Knowing God Will Not Be Mocked

Knowing that God will not be mocked, what should you do with this truth? I think what Paul says in this same chapter is the best course of action.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. – Galatians 6:9-10

Here is what your response should be. Remain faithful and committed to do good to all and don’t become tired in doing it. Recognize that you will be rewarded for your work as long as you don’t give up. Your assurance of reward comes from the reality of this truth, God will not be mocked.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Prostock-Studio

Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord but can’t seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com.


2] What does it mean that God is not mocked?


To mock God is to disrespect, dishonor, or ignore Him. It is a serious offense committed by those who have no fear of God or who deny His existence. The most easily recognized form of mockery is disrespect typified by verbal insults or other acts of disdain. It is associated with ridicule, scoffing, and defiance. Mockery is a dishonoring attitude that shows low estimation, contempt, or even open hostility.

In the Bible mockery is a behavior and attitude shown by the fool (Psalm 74:22), the wicked (Psalm 1:1), the enemy (Psalm 74:10), the hater of knowledge (Proverbs 1:22; 13:1), the proud (Psalm 119:51; Isaiah 37:17), and the unteachable (Proverbs 15:12). A mocker goes beyond mere lack of judgment to making a conscious decision for evil. Mockers are without a spirit of obedience, teachability, discernment, wisdom, worship, or faith.

Those who mock God will mock the people of God as well. The prophet Jeremiah "became the laughingstock of all my people" and was mocked "in song all day long" (Lamentations 3:14). Mockery of God’s prophets was commonplace (2 Chronicles 36:16). Nehemiah was mocked by his enemies (Nehemiah 2:19). Elisha was mocked by the youths of Bethel (2 Kings 2:23). And of course our Lord Jesus was mocked—by Herod and his soldiers (Luke 23:11), by the Roman soldiers (Mark 15:20; Luke 23:36), by a thief on a cross (Luke 23:39), and by the Jewish leaders who passed by the cross (Matthew 27:41).

It is easy for us as believers to point the finger at those outside the church who mock God. But the most subtle mockery of God, and the most dangerous, comes from those of us sitting in church. We are guilty of mockery when we behave with an outward show of spirituality or godliness without an inward engagement or change of heart.

Charles G. Finney, a preacher in the 1800s, wrote about the effects of mocking God: "To mock God is to pretend to love and serve him when we do not; to act in a false manner, to be insincere and hypocritical in our professions, pretending to obey him, love, serve, and worship him, when we do not. . . . Mocking God grieves the Holy Spirit, and sears the conscience; and thus the bands of sin become stronger and stronger. The heart becomes gradually hardened by such a process."

God warns that mockery of what is holy will be punished. Zephaniah predicted the downfall of Moab and Ammon, saying, "This is what they will get in return for their pride, for insulting and mocking the people of the LORD Almighty" (Zephaniah 2:10). Isaiah 28:22 warns that mockery will cause the chains of Judah’s sin to become stronger and that destruction will follow. Proverbs 3:34 says that God will mock the mocker but give favor to the humble and oppressed. Second Kings 2:24 records the punishment that befell the youths who jeered Elisha.

This is what it means that God is not mocked. There are repercussions for ignoring God’s directives and willfully choosing sin. Adam and Eve tried and brought sorrow and death into the world (Genesis 2:15–17; 3:6, 24). Ananias and Sapphira’s deception brought about a swift and public judgment (Acts 5:1–11). Galatians 6:7 states a universal principle: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

God cannot be deceived (Hebrews 4:12–13). Achan’s sin (Joshua 7) and Jonah’s flight (Jonah 1) were not unknown to God. Jesus’ repeated words to every church in Revelation 2—3 were, "I know your works." We only deceive ourselves when we think our attitudes and actions are not seen by an all-powerful and all-knowing God.

The Bible shows us the way to live a blessed life, sometimes by the good examples of godly men and women and sometimes by the negative examples of those who choose to follow another path. Psalm 1:1–3 says, "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."

신은 조롱을 당하지 않을 것이다
신을 조롱
하나님을 조롱

3] [스크랩] “결코 하나님을 조롱하지 말라.” 

남천희 2010. 12. 13. 11:02


“결코 하나님을 조롱하지 말라.”

  • “스스로 속이지 말라. 
  • 하나님은 만홀(漫忽)히 여김을 받지 아니하시나니 
  • 사람이 무엇으로 심든지 그대로 거두리라.(갈6:7)”

*만홀(漫忽) : 등한하고 소홀함

지금부터 전해드리는 내용은 하나님을 조롱하다가 비극적인 종말을 맞은 6명의 외국의 인물과 1건의 사고를 당한 예화들입니다.

첫 번째,
1960년대에 전 세계의 록음악을 주도했던 영국그룹가수 비틀즈의 한 멤버였던
「존레논」의 경우입니다.
「존레논」은 한 미국 잡지와의 인터뷰에서 이렇게 말했습니다.

“기독교는 종말을 맞이할 것이다. 사라진다는 말이다.
나는 확신을 가지고 있기 때문에 논쟁할 필요도 없다.
예수님도 좋지만 그 분은 지루하고 따분하다.
우리가 예수님보다 이제 더 유명하다.(1966)”

비틀즈가 예수님보다 더 유명하다고 말한 후 얼마 되지 않아서 「존레논」은 1980년 12월 8일 정신 이상자 마크 채프먼에게 6발의 총탄 세례로 사망했습니다.

두 번째
브라질 前대통령 「탄크레도 네베스」(1910~1985)
대선 유세 중
“ 만일 내가 우리 당에서 50만표를 얻는다면 하나님도 나를 대통령 직에서 쫓아내지 못할 것이다.” 라고 말했습니다.
그는 50만표를 얻는데 성공했습니다. 그러나 대통령 취임 하루 전 쓰러진 후 영원히 일어나지 못했습니다.

세 번째
「카주자」(브라질의 작곡가, 가수, 시인)
「카주자」는 세계의 3대 미항인 브라질의 리우데자네이로의 한 쇼에서 담배 한 모금을 내 뿜으며
“ 이 담배 연기를 하나님 당신에게 바칩니다.”라고 말했습니다. 그 후 그는 32세의 젊은 나이에 에이즈로 끔찍한 최후를 맞이합니다.

네 번째
1912년 4월 10일 건조 후 선원과 승객 2224명을 태우고 처녀 출항한 「타이타닉」호는 5일 뒤인 4월14일 밤 20시 10분 북대서양의 뉴펀들랜드에 이르러서, 떠다니는 빙산과 충돌하여 1513명이 숨지는 비극적인 종말을 맞이하였습니다.
「타이타닉」을 건조한 당시의 엔지니어는 타이타닉 진수식에서 배가 얼마나 안전한지 묻는 기자의 질문에 “하나님도 이배를 침몰시킬 수 없을 것입니다.”라고 대답했습니다.

다섯 번째

미국 헐리우드가의 가장 유명한 여배우「마릴린 몬로」(배우)는 쇼 녹화장에서 빌리그래함 목사의 방문을 받았습니다. 성령께서 「마릴린 몬로」를 구원하기 위해 「빌리그래험」 목사님을 보내신 것입니다.

「빌리그래험」 목사님의 복음을 들은 후 「마릴린 몬로」는
“ 나는 당신의 예수가 필요 없어요.”라고 대답했습니다.
「마릴린 몬로」는 그로부터 1주일 후 자신의 아파트에서 숨진 채 발견되었습니다.

여섯 번째
호주의 AC/DC그룹의 보컬리스트인「본스캇」 은 1979년 발표된 곡의 가사 중
“날 내버려 둬. 난 갈 데까지 갈거야. 지옥행 고속도로를 타고...”라는 가사가 있었습니다.
1980년 2월 19일 「본스캇」은 자신의 구토물에 질식된 채 생을 마감합니다.
일곱 번째
2005년도에 브라질의 「캄피나스」
「캄피나스」와 친구들은 취한 채 친구를 태우기 위해 자동차를 끌고 또 다른 친구에게 가려고 했습니다. 걱정하던 「캄피나스」의 어머니는 친구들과 함께 출발하려는 딸의 손을 잡으며 말리다가 할 수없이 “하나님과 함께 가거라. 그분이 보호해 주실 거야”라고 말하며 보냈습니다.

“좌석이 다 차서 하나님은 트렁크에나 타시면 되겠네요.”라고 대답했습니다.
몇 시간 후 이들이 탄 차는 큰 사고를 당했고 전원 사망한 뉴스가 전해집니다.
그 차는 차종을 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 완파되었는데 놀랍게도 트렁크는 멀쩡했습니다.
더 놀라운 것은 트렁크에 들어있던 달걀은 하나도 깨지지 않았다는 것입니다.

일곱 번째
자마이카의 신문기자이며 엔터테이너인 「크리스틴 휴위트」라는 여성은
‘성경을 역사 상 최악의 책’이라고 말했습니다.

2006년 6월 그녀는 자신의 모터사이클위에서 형체를 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 불에 타 사망했습니다.
어떤 분들은 ‘이들의 비극은 우연일 뿐이지, 하나님과는 무관한 일이라고 말할 것입니다.’
그러나 성경에는 “참새 한 마리라도 하나님의 허락이 없이는 땅에 떨어지지 아니하리라.”고 말씀하십니다. 우연이 아니고 다 하나님의 허락 하에 일어난다는 말씀입니다.

위의 예들은 하나님을 인정하지 않는 불신자들의 당한 일화이겠지만,

믿는 우리들은
하루에도 몇 번 씩 많은 말들을 생각 없이, 거리낌 없이 쏟아내며 하나님 앞에 범죄하는 경우가 있습니다.

그 중에는 부정적인 말, 남을 흉보고 비난하고 비판하는 말, 신세한탄, 원망, 저주, 인격모독, 남을 욕하는 것, 헐뜯는 것.......

우리 인간들은 입으로 죽이고 살리고, 그래서 야고보서는 “혀는 곧 불이요, 불의(不義)의 세계라, 혀는 우리의 肢體중에서 온 몸을 더럽히고 生의 바퀴를 불사르나니 그 사르는 것이 地獄불에서 나느니라. 여러 종류의 짐승과 새며 벌레와 海物은 다 길들므로 사람에게 길들었거니와 혀는 능히 길들일 사람이 없나니 쉬지 아니하는 악이요, 죽이는 毒이 가득한 것이라. 이것으로 우리가 主아버지를 찬송하고, 또 이것으로 하나님의 형상대로 지음을 받은 사람을 詛呪하나니 한 입으로 찬송과 저주가 나는 도다.”라고 말씀하고 있습니다.(약3:6~10)

저도 오래전에 남성구역예배를 마치고 구역원들을 배웅하려고 밖에 나갔다가 집으로 들어오면서 평상시에 하던 말투로 우리 아내에게 ‘아이고, 이놈의 구역예배 드려서 속 시원하다.’라고 말하며 무의식중에 예배를 모욕했다가 크게 회개한 적이 있습니다.

구역예배 때문에 긴장해 있다가 끝나고 긴장이 풀리며 그런 말이 나왔습니다.

우리들은 다 부족하고 다 죄인들이기 때문에 순간순간 이렇게 실수하고 죄를 지을 때가 많습니다. 옛말에도 ‘말이 씨가 된다.’고 입술에서 나온 말들이 우리의 인생길을 말대로 이끌 수도 있다는 것입니다. 하나님은 우리들이 하는 모든 말들을 다 들으시고 녹음을 하십니다. 늘 입술로 죄짓지 않게 해달라고 기도해야하겠습니다.

그 뿐 아니라, 우리들은 앞으로 닥쳐올 환란시대를 대비해서 예수님을 높이고 적극적으로 전해야 하겠습니다.

우리는 요즈음 교회를 비난하고, 목회자들을 모독하는 장면들을 많이 목격합니다.

「기독교를 개독교」, 「목사를 먹사」로 「성도를 예수쟁이」로 비하하는 글들이 인터넷을 뒤지다 보면 비일비재합니다. 심지어는 기독교 신앙을 비판하는 버스가 국내에 등장했다고 합니다. 지나해 1월 영국런던에서 ‘아마도 신은 없을 것이다. 걱정 말고 인생을 즐겨라’라는 광고가 걸린 이후 스페인, 독일, 이탈리아 등으로 유행처럼 번진 것이 우리나라에 까지 들어와서 「반기독교시민연합」이라는 시민단체에서 서울시내 4개 노선, 8대의 버스측면에 흰 바탕위에 검은 글씨로 ‘나는 자신의 창조물을 심판한다는 神을 상상할 수 없다.’는 알베르트 아인슈타인의 말을 빌어서 기독교를 조롱하고 비판하는 일들을 자행하고 있습니다.

, 이것들은 먼저 믿은 우리들의 책임도 크겠지만, 점 점 더 세상이 악해지고 예수님 재림이 가까워질수록 사탄이 노골적으로 활동하며 이 같은 조롱들이 점점 더 심화 될 것이고, 예수님을 진실하게 믿는 사람들에게 핍박도 늘어날 것이라는 것을 예측할 수 있습니다.

그리고, 만일 지금이라도 한 독재자가 출현하여 교회와 기독교인들을 위협하며 예수님을 부인하지 않으면 목숨을 끊겠다고 위협한다면 신앙의 절개(節槪)를 지키고 기꺼이 순교(殉敎)를 각오하며 예수님을 끝까지 시인할 수 있겠습니까?

예수님은 “누구든지 나와 내말을 부끄러워하면 인자도 자기와 아버지와 거룩한 천사들의 영광으로 올 때에 그 사람을 부끄러워하리라.”고 말씀하셨습니다.

마태복음 24장 13절에는 “끝까지 견디는 자는 구원을 얻으리라.”라고 말씀하십니다.

빌립보서 2장 12절에는 “나의 사랑하는 자들아 너희가 나 있을 때 뿐 아니라 더욱 지금 나 없을 때에도 항상 복종하여 두렵고 떨림으로 너희 구원을 이루라.” 고 하십니다.

‘예수님을 영접하고 한번 구원받았다고 확신하면 어떻게 생활해도 천국 갈 것이다.’라는 안이한 생각을 할 것이 아니라 끝까지, 예수님 재림하실 때까지 인내하며 견디고 어떤 어려움이 있어도 신앙을 잃지 않고 예수님을 맞이해야 하겠습니다.

마귀가 아무리 발버둥치며 우리를 삼키려고 해도 히브리서 11장의 38절의 말씀처럼 세상이 감당할 수 없는 믿음으로, 자기 입술을 지키고, 또 지금까지 알고 지었던, 모르고 지었던 간에 하나님을 조롱하고 만홀히 여겼던 죄들을 다 회개하고 그날에 주님 앞에서 칭찬 듣고 주님이 기뻐하시는 종으로 떳떳하게 서서 주님과 동행하는 믿음의 귀한 종들이 되시기를 바랍니다.

기도 : 

  • 존귀하시고 전능하신 하나님 아버지, 
  • 부족한 저희들의 모든 죄와 허물을 용서해 주시고 
  • 주님 오시는 그날까지 우리들의 마음과 입술을 거룩하게 지키며 주님의 뜻대로 생활하여
  •  주님의 재림을 맞이하는 충성되고 신실한 성도가 되게 하옵소서. 
  • 하나님을 조롱하고 만홀히 여긴 죄를 용서하시고 
  • 우리 주님을 기쁘시게 하는 삶이 되게 하옵소서. 
  • 예수님의 이름으로 기도드립니다. 아멘~

출처 : noah8
글쓴이 : noah 원글보기

A dogs eye view_LPDP_020322.docx - Google Docs

A dogs eye view_LPDP_020322.docx - Google Docs

Woof! My name is Ginny, I am six years old, and I am a Good Dog

I was four months old when my human adopted me from the rescue centre. Back then we lived in Athelstone. We had a big backyard and I played ball on the lawn with my human and the kids ALL THE TIME.

Now we live in Campbelltown and like many other residents, we have a little paved courtyard and no lawn at all.
I miss playing on the grass, but we walk every day which helps. Walking my human is part of my job, keeping them healthy and happy. 

We household dogs all work hard for our humans.  

  • We make sick people feel better

  • We give healthy people exercise to stay well

  • We give lonely people company and cuddles

  • We support people who need help to get out and about

  • We teach human pups how to love and care for others

But, dogs are not people. 

Humans think a lot. They look for meaning in their lives and for companionship too. Loneliness can make humans sick.
They need other beings around - they welcome humans from outside their own family, and animals of other species
into their homes. 

Dogs are pack animals, raised in dens of our own kind. We live by instinct, in-the-moment.
We do not worry about the future, nor ponder the past for meaning. 

Because of this, we don’t usually get involved in local politics (apart from sniffing through the daily ‘wee-mail’).

It takes time, space and training to become a good dog. 

Whether we’re big or small, energetic or relaxed, all dogs need and deserve a safe space to just be dogs – ‘off duty’.
We also need space to practice off-leash manners: 

  • To be calm around dogs and humans we don’t know

  • To say hello politely

  • To ‘leave it’ when told (important for protection of birds, snakes, frogs and other wildlife)

  • To return when your human calls from a distance

  • To be confident, non-dominant, and never aggressive

  • To know when to play and when to stay away

If we have good off-leash manners, we dogs can - and will – run free on any allowable public space
including Lochiel Park Oval and many of the sites that were previously put forward (and rejected).

If we are still learning to behave off-leash, we need a fenced place and attentive owners to become good dog.

When I was a pup my human took me to the dog park at Dennis Morrissey Reserve, but there were too many strange dogs in a too-small space. We started going to Foxfield Oval and various spots along the river at Athelstone instead.

There was plenty of space but no fencing. Sometimes I ran onto the road or into the river, which worried my human.

At the oval and by the river, we often saw other dogs with their humans. Many lived in Athelstone, but some travelled from far afield, looking for space to train off-leash. Sometimes, new packs were formed. The humans were happy because they made friends, and the dogs got used to each other. 

My human wanted to join in with a group of local dogs and humans we didn’t know, but I was just a pup, I didn’t have my off-leash manners yet, my human didn’t know dog manners yet…and that first meeting didn’t go so well.

Luckily there was enough space for us to train a safe distance away from the other dogs, although the river and the road remained real dangers. Over several visits, I learned how to share my space with other dogs, and the local pack welcomed me and my human in. We made friends 😊

I am a good dog. You are good humans. 

I heard the council wants people to share their thoughts about the proposed design; so my human and I walked and sniffed and talked with others to come up with some ideas (attached). We’ll also put these online at Lochiel Park Dog Park Concept Plan | Connect 2 Campbelltown and copy this ‘wee-mail’ to council. 

You are all good humans, and smart…you even have opposable thumbs and can type! I hope this ‘wee-mail’ and the suggestions in the pages following are a helpful ‘dogs-eye view’, and that a way will be found to make this dog park work for all residents - dog, human, and wild. 

Wags and licks, 

Ginny (and her human, Meg).


…thoughts from a ‘good dog’ and her human 

  1. Re-Site some of the park to discourage contact between kids and dogs-in-training.

    I just want to lick and love the little ones, but many of them find me scary…you would too if I was taller than you. When I was younger it was my job to look after the kids. I got special training and I don’t mind clumsy pats, squealing and general monkeying about. Not all dogs have these skills, and not all kids are dog-aware.

    Little humans may interact with dogs through the fence, so areas for high-energy or reactive dogs must be away from children’s play space - including the playground AND the oval.

  2. A wildlife-friendly design

    My human is a bird nerd and passionate about bush regeneration. I’ve been trained to ignore birds, even off leash, but I can’t resist chasing cats… Possums are new to me and so far I find them a bit TOO interesting!
    I saw a big black tiger snake once by the Lochiel Park oval and I did “leave it” like my human said…but if I was off-leash it might have been dangerous for me (and the snake too).

    Some humans like to dig, as do I! I prefer my holes deep and empty, but humans insist on filling theirs with plants. Perhaps the council and FOLP could dig some holes around the dog park perimeter and plant indigenous climbers to disguise the fences. 

Please make sure the turf is REAL grass, WELL irrigated, and free of plastic mesh. It’s better to roll in and will keep producing seed and grubs and worms so that birds can feed when the park is empty. Hybrid turf could be good in the exercise space (see 4.1 below) but please use real grass elsewhere, and leave the oval turf as it is.

No lights please - the night belongs to the frogs, lizards, snakes, owls, bats, turtles, possums, and other wildlife.

  1. Give every human and every dog a local ‘backyard’ near them.

    My human can’t afford a big backyard anymore, and neither can many others.

Humans need shared ‘backyards’ all over the city to swing, jump, climb, run, stretch, tumble, fly kites, run model cars and planes, gather for parties and picnics (sometimes in BIG Groups), and play frisbee or ball games (I LOVE to join in with football, but mostly humans prefer I don’t). 

We dogs need ‘backyards’ across the city too. They don’t all have to be super fancy - just fenced, a decent size for running, and reservable for solo use if/as needed. Placing these within walking distance of where dogs actually live might help local dogs and humans to make friends and reduce interactions with stranger dogs from out-of-town.

  1. A design that encourages humans to learn good ‘dog manners’.

    People need training too! Signage with guidance on dog park etiquette and a reminder to pay attention (no screens off lead!) might help.

    Our view is that dog size does NOT matter and should not be the basis for the park’s design. Some tiny dogs need to RUN over a large area (I’m looking at you, Jack Russell!), some giant dogs prefer a gentle walk then a nice lie-down. Some dogs like other dogs, while others prefer their main human. Some dogs have special needs, like anxiety or being blind or deaf. All of us are good dogs. We all should be included.

    The design is already very thoughtful, including features to accommodate sensory play and avoid dog conflict
    (nice one!) It could be enhanced further by arranging the park in three separate, sequential areas to meet different exercise and socialisation needs.

A high angle view of a park

Description automatically generated with low confidence 

  1. ‘Exercise space’ – High energy dogs burn off energy here first, so they are calm and ready for area 2 or 3.

    Must be enough open space to give high-energy dogs a proper run. Dogs of any size with herding, hounding or terrier instincts NEED a big area to train alone, or with other dogs they know and trust. 

This space could be reservable for up to 20 minutes. If included, agility equipment could be on the edges to maximise run space. There is an existing picnic table next to this area where dogs could wait on-leash. 

  1. ‘Solo space’ – a transitional space between the exercise space and social space.

    Anxious or reactive dogs might grow in confidence and calmness if they can hear and smell other dogs without direct contact. Dogs who are new to the park or new to socialising can get used the scents of unknown dogs  before meeting in space 3. Dogs who are blind, deaf, sick or have mobility issues can safely dig, roll, sniff and play with water here – include sandpit and real grass.

  1. ‘Social space’ – where well socialised dogs of any size can roll, sniff, dig, play with other dogs, and keep humans company while they chat with other primates. Retain existing REAL grass and add digging area, creek, mounds to discourage high-energy play which is better suited to area 1.

    Dogs who are reactive or unfamiliar with dogs already in area 3 could be encouraged to use area 2 or stay on lead here until ready/able to socialise off-lead. Dogs who need to run can go to area 1 (with a friend if they want) where there is hybrid turf that can stand the traffic.

‘Creek Bowl’  - Public dog bowls are a bit gross – they are full of other dogs’ spit! How about those pretend creek things some kids parks have - not quite as good as the real river, but safer to drink. A ‘creek’ running across all three areas could transmit scent with a minimum of spittle, using potable water on a timer tap activated by the humans, like this one in Bonython Playspace. at Tulya Wardli (park 27, Adelaide) 

Cooperation Jackson - Wikipedia

Cooperation Jackson - Wikipedia

Cooperation Jackson

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Cooperation Jackson
FoundedMay 1, 2014
Headquarters939 W. Capitol St., 
Area served
Jackson, Mississippi

Cooperation Jackson is an emerging network of worker cooperatives in Jackson, Mississippi. It aims to develop a series of independent but connected democratic institutions to empower workers and residents of Jackson, particularly to address the needs of poor, unemployed, black or Latino residents.[1] The development of Cooperation Jackson was heavily inspired by the Mondragon Corporation in Spain, which is also a federation of cooperatives, and by historical cooperative movements as described in works by W. E. B. Du Bois and in the book Collective Courage by Jessica Gordon Nembhard.[2]


Cooperation Jackson plans to carry out a vision of a radically democratic city of interconnected cooperatives and supporting institutions. Although the city of Jackson was already home to the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives, before Cooperation Jackson, there were not many existing cooperative businesses. Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson,[3] describes a goal of bringing a strong focus of cooperative economics to an urban context, as opposed to the rural context of existing agricultural and utility co-ops.[2]

The organization has attempted to work within and outside of the government to achieve its goals. It has had to fight off anti-democratic measures by the Mississippi state legislators including austerity measures, an attempted takeover of Jackson–Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport, and an attempt to pass a bill to hand control of the city government over to the governor.[4] The organizers also struggle with working in an economically depressed city in the poorest state in the United States.[5]

Jackson-Kush Plan[edit]

Kali Akuno has described the network as a key part of enacting the Jackson-Kush Plan.[2] The plan, which was developed by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the Jackson People's Assembly,[6] involves building a strong base of community wealth, stability, racial equity, and economic democracy in Jackson.[1] It has three planks, which are the "building of a broad-based solidarity economy, the building of people's assemblies, and the building of an independent black political party."[7]

Organizers behind Cooperation Jackson believe that a solidarity economy rooted in democratic principles is a core requirement of developing the community's capacity and vision in making meaningful change. The direct democracy of people's assemblies and local government electoral strategy are designed to both benefit and benefit from a strong cooperative system. [7]


Several cooperatives already exist as part of the Cooperation Jackson network. These include the lawn care business The Green Team, the organic vegetable farm Freedom Farms, and the print shop The Center for Community Production, which also operates a 3D printer. These cooperatives try to alleviate causes of poverty and discrimination while operating in an ecologically sustainable manner. A cooperative incubator exists, called the Balagoon Center. Cooperation Jackson also owns about three hectares of land which it operates as a community land trust.[8]


  1. Jump up to:a b "Who We Are"Cooperation Jackson. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  2. Jump up to:a b c "Left Out: Kali Akuno on Worker Cooperatives, Economic Democracy, and Black Self-Determination"Democracy at Work. January 18, 2018. Archived from the original on 2018-01-20. Retrieved 2020-08-16.
  3. ^ "Kali Akuno"Cooperation Jackson. Retrieved 2020-08-16.
  4. ^ Moskowitz, P. E. (2017-04-24). "Meet the Radical Workers' Cooperative Growing in the Heart of the Deep South"The NationISSN 0027-8378. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  5. ^ "Which town in your state is the poorest? Here is the list"USA TODAY. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  6. ^ "The Jackson Plan: A Struggle for Self-Determination, Participatory Democracy, and Economic Justice - The Bullet"Socialist Project. 2012-07-12. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  7. Jump up to:a b "Jackson Rising"openDemocracy. Retrieved 2020-08-16.
  8. ^ Franco, Cheree (October 2, 2019). "Building a Solidarity Economy in Jackson, Mississippi"The IndypendentArchived from the original on 2019-10-04. Retrieved 2019-10-29.