
Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin | Books | The Guardian

Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin | Books | The Guardian

Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin
This Hugo-winning tale of an icebound planet is as remarkable for its subtley revolutionary portrait of a world in which gender is not fixed as it is for Le Guin's chilling descriptions of whirling snow and bitter cold

Justine Jordan

Tue 27 Dec 2011 20.00 AEDTFirst published on Tue 27 Dec 2011 20.00 AEDT



'The most extraordinary part of the book is the section in which the Genly Ai and Estraven make an arduous three-month trek through arctic wastes ... ' Photograph: Jack Smith/AP

What if there were no gender – if humans only took on male or female characteristics when they went into heat once a month, and sex was kept separate from everything else? What would a society without the dualism of male and female look like? This was the "thought experiment" Ursula K Le Guin embarked on in her 1970 Hugo award winner, The Left Hand of Darkness.

It's a normal man who introduces us to these genderless humans: Genly Ai, an envoy from the federation of planets, who has come to this icebound planet, Gethen or "Winter", to break the news that there is life beyond the stars. He brings with him the standard prejudices of a gendered society, essentially seeing the Gethenians as distastefully effeminate men. He notes that though their society is rife with politicking, double-dealing and status anxiety, it has never mobilised into war - "they behaved like animals, in that respect; or like women. They did not behave like men, or ants." A different off-planet investigator makes the very good point that in a society where all can and do fall pregnant, "nobody here is quite so free as a free male anywhere else".

But perhaps it's not the lack of a male gender that keeps the peace, but the ice age that has Winter in its grasp: "perhaps they use up their fighting spirit fighting the cold". The Left Hand of Darkness has some of the most chilling descriptions of chilly conditions you'll find in fiction; the reader and poor Genly Ai, who like us comes from a milder planet, very rarely get warm. One Gethenian creation myth begins, "In the beginning, there was nothing but ice and the sun." There are many precise and evocative words for snow: <i>bessa</i>, soft new-fallen snow; <i>esyot</i>, granular snow; <i>neserem</i>, "heavy snowfall on a moderate gale". It is hard work to stay alive. With only a "lowgrade" diet of nuts, grains and fish, Gethenians must constantly refuel; travel is slow and arduous; people are often snowed in, totally cut off from the rest of the world.

Isolation and exile are the novel's great subjects; the solitude of snow, a mental space Le Guin calls "the heart of the blizzard". The politician Estraven, who takes up Genly Ai's cause, is exiled from his country – harsh punishment indeed in such a hostile terrain. Genly Ai, who has survived two hard winters on Winter already, is in exile from his home and his whole way of thinking. The most extraordinary part of the book is the section in which the two of them make an arduous three-month trek through arctic wastes to get back to Estraven's country and contact Genly Ai's spaceship. Out on the ice, with only sledge and tent, they are "equals at last, equal, alien, alone". Their survival is a miracle – and also a feat of human ingenuity, planning, and determination. Le Guin describes the howling gales too loud to shout over; the white-outs in which all sense of direction disappears; the rations painfully eked out; how hard it is simply to breathe at 40 or 50 below. In this wilderness the two aliens also find an unlikely love that they don't even try to gender, a moment of connection that transcends time to form the centre of a life: "the enduring moment, the hearth of warmth ... Outside, as always, lies the great darkness, the cold, death's solitude."

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Le Guin does not sentimentalise, or even consummate, this love; it's not inflated, as love stories so often are, to dominate her themes of society and environment. But it is given its due individual weight. "I'm not trying to say that I was happy, during those weeks of hauling a sledge across an ice-sheet in the dead of winter," writes Genly Ai. "I certainly wasn't happy. Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. What I was given was the thing you can't earn, and can't keep, and often don't even recognise at the time; I mean joy."

The novel fails to surmount one major obstacle: the male pronoun used of the Gethenians. But it does not set out to be prescriptive, or definitive about gender – if it were, it would have dated horribly. Le Guin is much more subtle and ambiguous than that, more interested in questions than answers and aware of what a Gethenian mystic with the gift of foresight calls "the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question". As she puts it in her foreword to the 40th anniversary edition, "I did the best I could, working at the hinge point, the moment the change was happening, when what I wrote was part of the change that was happening."

First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin | The New Yorker

First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin | The New Yorker

First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin

We’re thrilled to have Ursula K. Le Guin join us today to talk about “The Left Hand of Darkness.” In the spirit of the novel, our questions are a collaboration between a male and a female; we leave it up to our readers to determine who wrote which.
It seems a happy coincidence that your novel was published the same year as the moon landing. Are the two events linked in your memory?
I was in England that year, so the publication of the book was a slightly remote event to me, though a happy one. While Apollo was on its way to the moon, I was on a Russian ocean liner with my husband and three kids on our way home to America. The Captain came on the ship’s sound system one morning and told us (in Russian and English) that Americans had walked on the moon, and ruefully but politely congratulated us. The kids, not really knowing what a blow it was to the Russians, put up a little cheer—and the Russian passengers on deck were kind or unprejudiced enough to cheer with them.
“The Left Hand of Darkness” begins two years into Genly Ai’s mission on Winter, long after his initial contact with the Gethenians. Did you ever consider starting the story with Ai’s arrival on the planet?
No; his slow efforts to get people to listen to him would have been pretty boring, I think. The book starts slow enough as it is!
Did you write the hearth-tales concurrently with the rest of the story, or did they come after—or before? Were there any bits of folklore that you ended up leaving out of the novel? If so, why?
Those stories came when I’d get stuck writing the story, unsure where to take it next, how to get to where I knew it had to get. It was as if I was finding my way in a country I knew only from an inadequate sketch-map. I’d get somewhere and stop—where do I go next? If I just plunged ahead, I went wrong. So I’d wait (fretting and worrying) and then one of these stories would come; and somehow they were like a native of the country coming by and telling me, “Oh, see, this is how the land lies; you head west for a while here...”
At first, I wasn’t going to put them in the book at all. In 1968, science fiction was almost entirely straightforward stories conventionally told, with no interruptions to the Action. I thought readers (or editors) would resent the hearth-tales as “literary.” But I knew they’d been essential to my understanding... so mightn’t they be also to the reader’s? So I put them back in where they seemed to fit best. And Terry Carr, the editor who accepted the book for Ace, a great editor with strong literary standards, didn’t say boo about them.
I don’t think I left out anything, except my notes about language and the history of Karhide and Orgoreyn. That was just “research” and didn’t belong in the novel—only under it.
In your 1976 essay “Is Gender Necessary?,” you refer to Genly Ai as “conventional” and “stuffy.” There has been some debate in the Book Club over Ai’s stereotyping of Estraven as female when he seems frail or vulnerable. Do you consider Ai a sexist?
Oh, yes. Not a mean one. Not a misogynist. He just has accepted and identified with his society’s definition of women as weaker than men, more devious, less courageous, etc.—physically and intellectually inferior. This gender prejudice has existed for so many thousands of years in so many different societies that I had no hesitation in carrying it on into the future.
In 1968, I don’t think anybody could have imagined an Earthman feeling at home with and welcoming the alien gender situation of Gethen. I did think about sending an Earthwoman there—and she would have reacted very differently from Genly...
But science fiction in 1968 wasn’t about women. It was about men. It was a man’s world. I felt I was taking a huge risk as it was, presenting a largely male readership with these weirdly re-gendered people. I thought the guys would hate it.
I was wrong. They liked it fine. It was the feminists who gave me a hard time about it for years. They wanted me to have been braver. I guess I wish I had been. But I did the best I knew how to do. And Genly does learn a lot!
Early on, Genly Ai is casually, almost incidentally, identified as black. He appears to have come from an enlightened version of Earth, where race is no longer a source of division—although gender still is. Did you believe, while writing the book, that racial difference would be an easier barrier for society to overcome than gender? If so, four decades after the book’s publication, do you still think this is true?
In the long run, yes, I think it’s true. I’ve seen it happening, too slowly, but happening, in my lifetime.
I don’t see the very deep prejudice of male superiority lessening nearly as much; it has even been reconfirmed when fundamentalists of various religions re-enforce it.
But Genly’s skin color was not a prediction, it was a bit of deliberate activism. Most readers of science fiction (then and now) are white. Science-fictional characters, then, were white (and nothing said about it.)
So, my evil activist plot: Let your hero have a dark skin, but don’t say anything about it, until the reader is used to identifying with that person, and then suddenly realizes, Hey, I’m not white!...But what do you know?—I’m still human!
This sneaky approach has paid off recently for me personally, in some very touching letters from people of color who wanted me to know that my books (particularly the Earthsea series) were the very first s.f. or fantasy novels from which they did not feel deliberately and hatefully excluded: This World for Whites Only.
We’re told that the Gethenians have no hang-ups about sex; they speak of kemmer with “reverence and gusto,” and everyone gets a monthly holiday to satisfy their needs. But the atmosphere of the book is fairly austere, and we never see happy kemmerers, except briefly in the hearth-tales. Was the book in any way a response to the free-love ethos of the sixties?
Oh, no. I was pretty shy about writing about sex. And particularly about sex that might seem, to the usual s.f. reader (often socially conservative, male, quite possibly an engineer)—to be perverse, kinky, off-putting....S.f. until the late seventies was actually quite chaste, even puritanical.
But if you want to see happy kemmerers (and I definitely did, as I outgrew my shyness) please read my story “Coming of Age in Karhide,” in the collection of stories “The Birthday of the World.”
It’s noted in the book that Gethenians remain female for the duration of pregnancy and a six-to-eight-month lactation period, then revert to androgyny, which eliminates any “possessive” maternal instinct. How did you envision this shortened experience of motherhood for Gethenians? The hormonal bond between a nursing mother and her baby could be considered as powerful as that between kemmerings.
Wow, did I only give them six to eight months to nurse? How stupid! A clear reflection of the strange and universal American ethnic practices concerning childbirth and early maternity, to which I was fully subjected as a three-time mother.
In the fifties and early sixties, breastfeeding was not expected; the bottle was the norm. Doctors and nurses and books all insisted that if you were so lower-class as to breastfeed, your milk must be “supplemented” by formula, and even by water. (If you want an angry baby, just give her a nice bottle of lukewarm water—here, honey, isn’t it yummy?) And the baby was supposed “go off the breast” within a few months.
By 1964, when I had No. 3, I was paying no attention to all that nonsense, and nursed him as long as he and I wanted, about two years....But I went and made the Gethenians act like good American girls of 1960?! I am so sorry!
Incest is a recurring theme in the novel: it's a key part of the hearth-tales, and of Estraven’s past. The one sexual taboo in Gethenian society is that two brothers/sisters cannot stay together if their union results in the birth of a child. Why is that? What is the metaphorical significance of incest in the book?
Why the taboo? Rules limiting brother-sister and forbidding parent-child incest are so common in human society that anthropologists have wondered if they are the one “universal taboo.” They make good sense both genetically and socially.
What is the metaphorical significance? I don’t know. The theme was just there. A given. Writing a story, I generally take what’s given and run with it. Then the critics can tell me what it Means.
How did you develop the cosmology of the Handdara, whose spiritual disciplines—the prizing of ignorance, the attempt to extinguish the self through “extreme sensual receptiveness and awareness”—have an echo of the Tantric strain of Tibetan Buddhism? Estraven is a member of the Handdarata; to what extent does this determine his fate?
I knew almost nothing of Tantric, but a little about other forms of Buddhism, particularly Zen; and probably some elements of Taoist thought also got into the Handdara. I don’t think being Handdara directly influences Estraven’s fate, but it provides some very useful knowledge and discipline.
During the journey across the ice, Genly Ai draws the yin-yang symbol for Estraven. Could you tell us about the influence Taoism has had on this book and on your writing in general?
That’s just too large a subject for me even to start on here—I’m sorry! Anyway, Taoism is like Zen: explaining things intellectually is not where it’s at. I did a translation of the basic Taoist text, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, and maybe having a look at that would tell you more about its connections to my writing than I could. (Shambhala has an #iframe: (http://www.amazon.com/Lao-Tzu-Ching-Shambhala-Editions/dp/1570623740), with a tape of me reading the text and Todd Barton improvising musical accompaniment.)
Both this novel and your short story “Sur” contain vivid descriptions of travel across icy terrain. Have you ever travelled in such a landscape? What kind of research did you do before writing those scenes?
This California girl never saw snow till she was seventeen. Loved the stuff! Then I got hooked on the narratives written by the early (unmechanised) Antarctic explorers, Scott, Cherry-Garrard, Shackleton, etc. And my “research” consisted largely of knowing that literature. Plus some actual research, reading books about how they handle winter in Finland and such places.
You describe the geography of Gethen, but provide no map, unlike in your Earthsea novels. Why not? Did you draw a map for yourself when you were writing the book?
I always draw a map. There is a map of Gethen among my papers. It wasn’t published because back then it wasn’t customary and neither I nor my editor thought of it. (I think it was probably Tolkien who revealed to readers of fantasy and s.f. that a map is a marvelous and useful addition to a book about an imaginary world.)
If you go to my Web site and go to Maps & Illustrations, the first item is a map of Gethen, drawn by Milan Dubnicky for a new Czech edition of “Left Hand.” It is quite as accurate as mine was.
For years there have been rumors of a screen adaptation of the novel. Is this project close to being realized? Whom would you cast as the two leads?
Rumors, approaches, even options, lotsa talk, a script by me and Paul Preuss—no deals.
At this point, after a several stupid fiascos “based on” my work, I wouldn’t even waste my time listening to a filmmaker who didn’t love the book and understand what it’s about, and wasn’t able and determined to spend time and money to make it a major theatre movie. You tell me who that studio/director is, I’ll start thinking about the actors (aside from the several hundred androgynous Inuits or Sherpas who would be extremely useful to Casting).
You have returned a number of times to one of your other fictional worlds, Earthsea, but to Gethen only in a couple of short stories. Have you ever had a desire to set another full-length novel in Gethen?
No, I don’t think so, though I still like thinking about Gethen, and have had a couple of Gethenian characters in stories. For a while there was a story I wanted to write about some Gethenians who got into the hands of people gendered like us, who used them as sex slaves, keeping them in female kemmer; it was a brutally unhappy story, and I never could develop it in my mind into something I really wanted to write.
You once said that you will often read a book more than once, sometimes many times—but that only with works by Dickens, Tolstoy, and Tolkien have you lost count. Are there other writers who have since joined that list?
Oh, yes. Jane Austen. Virginia Woolf. Kipling’s “Kim” and the “Jungle Books.” “Islandia.” Keats, Yeats, A. E. Housman...I’m sure there are many others. The lovely thing about being a very fast, very careless reader is, you can read long books and then in a few years you can read them again. And if they’re good, they only get better and more amazing every time. It’s not a bad test for the quality of a book, re-readability. (But it’s no guarantee of the quality of the reader!)
(Photograph: Copyright © by Marian Wood Kolisch)

Amazon.com: The Left Hand of Darkness (9780441478125): Ursula K. Le Guin: Books

Amazon.com: The Left Hand of Darkness (9780441478125): Ursula K. Le Guin: Books

The Left Hand of Darkness Mass Market Paperback – March 15, 1987
by Ursula K. Le Guin (Author)
4.2 out of 5 stars 559 customer reviews
Book 4 of 7 in the Hainish Cycle Series

Editorial Reviews

Amazon.com Review

Genly Ai is an emissary from the human galaxy to Winter, a lost, stray world. His mission is to bring the planet back into the fold of an evolving galactic civilization, but to do so he must bridge the gulf between his own culture and prejudices and those that he encounters. On a planet where people are of no gender--or both--this is a broad gulf indeed. The inventiveness and delicacy with which Le Guin portrays her alien world are not only unusual and inspiring, they are fundamental to almost all decent science fiction that has been written since. In fact, reading Le Guin again may cause the eye to narrow somewhat disapprovingly at the younger generation: what new ground are they breaking that is not already explored here with greater skill and acumen? It cannot be said, however, that this is a rollicking good story. Le Guin takes a lot of time to explore her characters, the world of her creation, and the philosophical themes that arise.

If there were a canon of classic science fiction, The Left Hand of Darkness would be included without debate. Certainly, no science fiction bookshelf may be said to be complete without it. But the real question: is it fun to read? It is science fiction of an earlier time, a time that has not worn particularly well in the genre. The Left Hand of Darkness was a groundbreaking book in 1969, a time when, like the rest of the arts, science fiction was awakening to new dimensions in both society and literature. But the first excursions out of the pulp tradition are sometimes difficult to reread with much enjoyment. Rereading The Left Hand of Darkness, decades after its publication, one feels that those who chose it for the Hugo and Nebula awards were right to do so, for it truly does stand out as one of the great books of that era. It is immensely rich in timeless wisdom and insight.

The Left Hand of Darkness is science fiction for the thinking reader, and should be read attentively in order to properly savor the depth of insight and the subtleties of plot and character. It is one of those pleasures that requires a little investment at the beginning, but pays back tenfold with the joy of raw imagination that resonates through the subsequent 30 years of science fiction storytelling. Not only is the bookshelf incomplete without owning it, so is the reader without having read it. --L. Blunt Jackson
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Praise for The Left Hand of Darkness

“[A] science fiction masterpiece.”—Newsweek

“A jewel of a story.”—Frank Herbert

“As profuse and original in invention as The Lord of the Rings.”—Michael Moorcock

“An instant classic.”—Minneapolis Star-Tribune

“Like all great writers of fiction, Ursula K. Le Guin creates imaginary worlds that restore us, hearts eased, to our own.”—The Boston Globe

“Stellar...A triumphant return to the magic-drenched world of Earthsea...Le Guin is still at the height of her powers, a superb stylist with a knack for creating characters who are both wise and deeply humane. A major event in fantasy literature.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Richly told...Le Guin hasn’t lost her touch. She draws us into the magical land and its inhabitants’ doings immediately.”—Booklist
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Product details

Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Ace Books; 1st edition (March 15, 1987)

More about the author
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Ursula Kroeber Le Guin (US /ˈɜːrsələ ˈkroʊbər ləˈɡwɪn/; born October 21, 1929) is an American author of novels, children's books, and short stories, mainly in the genres of fantasy and science fiction. She has also written poetry and essays. First published in the 1960s, her work has often depicted futuristic or imaginary alternative worlds in politics, the natural environment, gender, religion, sexuality and ethnography.

She influenced such Booker Prize winners and other writers as Salman Rushdie and David Mitchell – and notable science fiction and fantasy writers including Neil Gaiman and Iain Banks. She has won the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, Locus Award, and World Fantasy Award, each more than once. In 2014, she was awarded the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. Le Guin has resided in Portland, Oregon since 1959.
Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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5.0 out of 5 starsSuperbFebruary 23, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

This book is a classic so there is really nothing I can say that others have not already said, and better. It is science fiction that addresses the social consequences of contact between people from different planets rather than fixating on technology and the things that can go wrong. It is a great story with wonderful characters and descriptions of imagined worlds. It addresses the issues of sex and gender by imagining how a person from a world with two biological sexes would interact in a world where everyone is both sexes at once. The issue is not desire and the sex act, but rather how our social perceptions, interactions and expectations are shaped in rather profound ways by our ideas about gender. This is not the main point of the book but rather part of the rich social and philosophical landscape where the action takes place. I had been meaning to read this for years and am now a devoted Le Guin fan. I really think this might have made it into my top 20 favorite books.

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Owen C. Marshall

5.0 out of 5 starsNo robots. No lasers. No problem!January 8, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Ursula K Le Guin. I had heard the name many times growing up. It was always spoken with respect by people who held my respect. And yet, for all of that I had not read her work until now. I wonder how different my life would have been if I had read her work sooner. I'll never know.

This book is, at its simplest and least descriptive, a thought experiment. What if there were a world where gender as we know it did not exist.

But that is not the half of it. It is not even close.

This book examines how nationalism can be wonderful and yet poisonous. It compares the societies of differing nation-states. It looks at humanity's role in nature. It stares unflinchingly at love in various forms and in the end, the reader has gone through a journey nearly as transformative as the one taken by our protagonist, Genly Ai.

My only true complaint stems from the idea that Genly's gender biases are so strong that he consistently labels the Gethenians as he despite having been briefed of their genderless status before beginning the assignment.

Still ignoring the pronoun confusion, this was an amazing book. It is thoughtful and thought provoking. It is wise and wonderful. And though a world as cold as Winter sounds like my own personal hell, I will revisit the characters again with pleasure.
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5.0 out of 5 starsAwesomeJanuary 21, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

This book started out quite slow. I did not know if I would be able to finish it. All I can tell you is, hang in there, learn the weird names, and it will be worth it. In the story, she tells something not quite relatable in words alone. One of my new favorite authors.

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5.0 out of 5 starsA Facinating view on gender and how it effects our lives and ways of thinking.May 5, 2017
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

"Sci-fi writers have a duty to turn away from the 'dystopian' and encourage complex thought and higher consciousnesses."

This book sums that up quite eloquently. It explores gender in a unique and enlightening way. How we, as humans, perceive gender and how it effects our lives and ways of thinking. It explores the bonds of friendship, love, politics, and war all without the confines of gender. A fascinating read through the eyes of the "Envoy" as he struggles to survive in a toiling political climate on an alien world.

Well worth the read!

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Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsBe prepared to have your world concept changed!December 28, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

This book changed my thinking about gender. The planet natives are normally gender neutral (one can't say androgynous as they are neither male nor female, rather than both) until they enter kemmer, a sort of heat, when they become randomly male or female. After kemmer they go back to the neutral state, unless pregnant. So one person can be the mother or two and the father of three.

This book was published in 1969, and LBGTQ people may find some of the ideas dated, but it remains a profound exploration of what happens when the basic traits by which one is defined in one's own society don't apply in another culture. I was surprised when I re-read "The Left Hand of Darkness" to realize it could apply to any trait - race, religion, even political affiliation.

Highly recommended.

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Melanie D. Typaldos

5.0 out of 5 starsHow SF should be writtenFebruary 1, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

This is the 6th book in my quest to read all of the Nebula Award winning novels this year.

THIS is what the Nebula Award should be about. This is an amazing book. The world building is so complete, so detailed, so different, so believable, it is hard to believe that one person could have conceived of it. It almost seems as if it must really exist.

In general the beauty of the book is in the ambiance and the compelling story, but there are a few quotes that I want to share.

If civilization has an opposite, it is war. Of those two things, you have either one, or the other. Not both.

I wondered, not for the first time, what patriotism is, what the love of country truly consists of, how that yearning loyalty that had shaken my friend's voice arises, and how so real a love can become, too often , so foolish and vile a bigotry.

If the universe were not expanding, the night sky would not appear to be dark. (Is that true? It seems logical, but then wouldn't people have used this argument?)

You can see that the story explores concepts that need exploration. One of the great things about science fiction is its ability to let us examine our values independent of our own lives.

Anyway, if you haven't read it, read this book.
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Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsA hard but worthwhile read!January 6, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Sci fi is an experience that the reader must accept to understand and enjoy. This experience gives us wonderment and joy if we can keep our minds open to it's progress. The story of a single man as an envoy from the stars that lands among the people and begins to tell his reason for being there. Was he a spy , did they need to fear him? Only one believed and this novel is dedicated to his unshakable love of his world. Truly a novel of love.

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The Left Hand of Darkness - Wikipedia

The Left Hand of Darkness - Wikipedia

The Left Hand of Darkness

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The Left Hand of Darkness
Front cover of the first edition, with art by the Dillons. Cover depicts two faces against an abstract background.
Front cover of the first edition, with art by the Dillons
AuthorUrsula K. Le Guin
Cover artistLeo and Diane Dillon(depicted)[1]
CountryUnited States
SeriesHainish Cycle
GenreScience fiction
Published1969 (Ace Books)[2]
Media typePrint (paperback original; hardcover also 1969)
Pages286 (first edition)
300 (most modern editions)
Preceded byCity of Illusions[3]
Followed byThe Word for World Is Forest[3][a]
The Left Hand of Darkness is a science fiction novel by U.S. writer Ursula K. Le Guin, published in 1969. The novel became immensely popular and established Le Guin's status as a major author of science fiction.[6]
The novel follows the story of Genly Ai, a native of Terra, who is sent to the planet of Gethen as an envoy of the Ekumen, a loose confederation of planets. Ai's mission is to persuade the nations of Gethen to join the Ekumen, but he is stymied by his lack of understanding of Gethenian culture. Individuals on Gethen are ambisexual, with no fixed sex. This fact has a strong influence on the culture of the planet, and creates a barrier of understanding for Ai. Left Hand was among the first books in the genre now known as feminist science fiction and is the most famous examination of androgyny in science fiction.[7] A major theme of the novel is the effect of sex and gender on culture and society, explored in particular through the relationship between Ai and Estraven, a Gethenian politician who trusts and helps him. Within that context the novel also explores the interaction between the unfolding loyalties of its main characters, the loneliness and rootlessness of Ai, and the contrast between the religions of Gethen's two major nations. The theme of gender also touched off a feminist debate when it was first published, over depictions of the ambisexual Gethenians.
The novel is part of the Hainish Cycle, a series of novels and short stories by Le Guin set in the fictional Hainish universe, which she introduced in 1964 with "The Dowry of the Angyar". Among the Hainish novels, it was preceded in the sequence of writing by City of Illusions and followed by The Word for World Is Forest.[3]
Left Hand has been reprinted more than 30 times,[8] and received a highly positive response from reviewers. It was voted the Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel by fans and writers, respectively, and was ranked third behind Frank Herbert's Dune and Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End in a 1975 poll in Locus magazine.[9] In 1987, Locusranked it second among science fiction novels after Dune[10] and Harold Bloom stated: "Le Guin, more than Tolkien, has raised fantasy into high literature, for our time".[8]


Le Guin giving a reading in 2008
Le Guin giving a reading in 2008
Le Guin's father Alfred Louis Kroeber was an anthropologist, and the experience that this gave Le Guin influenced all of her works.[11] The protagonists of many of Le Guin's novels, such as The Left Hand of Darkness and Rocannon's World, are also anthropologists or social investigators of some kind.[12] Le Guin used the term Ekumen for her fictional alliance of worlds, a term coined by her father, who derived it from the Greek Oikoumene to refer to Eurasian cultures that shared a common origin.[13]
Le Guin's interest in Taoism influenced much of her science fiction work. According to Douglas Barbour, the fiction of the Hainish universe (the setting for several of Le Guin's works) contain a theme of balance between light and darkness, a central theme of Taoism.[14] She was also influenced by her early interest in mythology, and her exposure to cultural diversity as a child. Her protagonists are frequently interested in the cultures they are investigating, and are motivated to preserve them rather than conquer them.[15] Authors who influenced Le Guin include Victor HugoLeo TolstoyVirginia WoolfItalo Calvino, and Lao Tzu.[16]
Le Guin identified with feminism, and was interested in non-violence and ecological awareness. She participated in demonstrations against the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons. These sympathies can be seen in several of her works of fiction, including those in the Hainish universe.[16] The novels of the Hainish cycle frequently explore the effects of differing social and political systems, although according to Suzanne Reid, she displayed a preference for a "society that governs by consensus, a communal cooperation without external government".[17] Her fiction also frequently challenges accepted depictions of race and gender.[17]
The original 1969 edition of The Left Hand of Darkness did not contain an introduction. After reflecting on her work, Le Guin wrote in the 1976 edition that the genre of science fiction was not as "rationalist and simplistic" as simple extrapolation. Instead, she called it a "thought experiment" which presupposes some changes to the world, and probes their consequences.[18] The purpose of the thought experiment[18] is not to predict the future, but to "describe reality, the present world".[18] In this case, her thought experiment explores a society without men or women, where individuals share the biological and emotional makeup of both sexes.[17] Le Guin has also said that the genre in general allows exploration of the "real" world through metaphors and complex stories, and that science fiction can use imaginary situations to comment on human behaviors and relationships.[16]
In her new introduction to the Library of America reprint in 2017, the author wrote:
Up until 1968 I had no literary agent, submitting all my work myself. I sent The Left Hand of Darkness to Terry Carr, a brilliant editor newly in charge of an upscale Ace paperback line. His (appropriately) androgynous name led me to address him as Dear Miss Carr. He held no grudge about that and bought the book. That startled me. But it gave me the courage to ask the agent Virginia Kidd, who had praised one of my earlier books, if she’d consider trying to place The Left Hand of Darkness as a hardcover. She snapped it up like a cat with a kibble and asked to represent me thenceforth. She also promptly sold the novel in that format.
I wondered seriously about their judgment. Left Hand looked to me like a natural flop. Its style is not the journalistic one that was then standard in science fiction, its structure is complex, it moves slowly, and even if everybody in it is called he, it is not about men. That's a big dose of "hard lit," heresy, and chutzpah, for a genre novel by a nobody in 1968.[19]


The Left Hand of Darkness is set in the fictional Hainish universe, which Le Guin introduced in her first novel Rocannon's World, published in 1966. In this fictional history, human beings did not evolve on Earth, but on Hain. The people of Hain colonized many neighboring planetary systems, including Terra (Earth) and Gethen, possibly a million years before the setting of the novels. Some of the groups that "seeded" each planet were the subjects of genetic experiments, including on Gethen.[18] The planets subsequently lost contact with each other, for reasons that Le Guin does not explain.[20] Le Guin does not narrate the entire history of the Hainish universe at once, instead letting readers piece it together from various works.[21]
The novels and other fictional works set in the Hainish universe recount the efforts to re-establish a galactic civilization. Explorers from Hain as well as other planets use interstellar ships traveling nearly as fast as light. These take years to travel between planetary systems, although the journey is shortened for the travelers due to relativistic time dilation, as well as through instantaneous interstellar communication using the ansible, introduced in The Dispossessed.[20] This galactic civilization is known as the "League of All Worlds" in works set earlier in the chronology of the series, and has been reconstructed as the "Ekumen" by the time the events in The Left Hand of Darkness take place.[20] During the events of the novel, the Ekumen is a union of 83 worlds, with some common laws.[21] At least two "thought experiments" are used in each novel. The first is the idea that all humanoid species had a common origin; they are all depicted as descendants of the original Hainish colonizers. The second idea is unique to each novel.[18]
The Left Hand of Darkness takes place many centuries in the future—no date is given in the book itself. Reviewers have suggested the year 4870 AD, based on extrapolation of events in other works, and commentary on her writing by Le Guin.[3] The protagonist of the novel, the envoy Genly Ai, is on a planet called Winter ("Gethen" in the language of its own people) to convince the citizens to join the Ekumen. Winter is, as its name indicates, a planet that is always cold.[22]
The inhabitants of Gethen are ambisexual humans; for twenty-four days (somer) of each twenty-six-day lunar cycle, they are sexually latent androgynes. They only adopt sexual attributes once a month, during a period of sexual receptiveness and high fertility, called kemmer. During kemmer they become sexually male or female, with no predisposition towards either,[23] although which sex they adopt can depend on context and relationships.[6] Throughout the novel Gethenians are described as "he", whatever their role in kemmer. This absence of fixed gender characteristics led Le Guin to portray Gethen as a society without war, and also without sexuality as a continuous factor in social relationships.[23][22] On Gethen, every individual takes part in the "burden and privilege" of raising children, and rape and seduction are almost absent.[22]

Plot summary[edit]

The protagonist of the novel is Genly Ai, a male Terran native, who is sent to invite Gethen to join the Ekumen, the coalition of humanoid worlds.[24] Ai travels to the Gethen system on a ship which remains in solar orbit with Ai's companions, who are in stasis; Ai himself is sent to Gethen alone, as the "first mobile". Like all envoys of the Ekumen, he can "mindspeak"—a form of quasi-telepathic speech, which Gethenians are capable of, but for which they have lost the ability.[25] He lands in the Gethenian kingdom of Karhide, and spends two years attempting to persuade the members of its government of the value of joining the Ekumen. Karhide is one of two major nations on Gethen, the other being Orgoreyn.[b]
The novel begins the day before an audience that Ai has obtained with Argaven Harge, the king of Karhide. Ai manages this through the help of Estraven, the prime minister, who seems to believe in Ai's mission, but the night before the audience, Estraven tells Ai that he can no longer support Ai's cause with the king. Ai begins to doubt Estraven's loyalty because of his strange mannerisms, which Ai finds effeminate and ambiguous. The behavior of people in Karhide is dictated by shifgrethor, an intricate set of unspoken social rules and formal courtesy. Ai does not understand this system, thus making it difficult for him to understand Estraven's motives, and contributing to his distrust of Estraven.[26] The next day, as he prepares to meet the King, Ai learns that Estraven has been accused of treason, and exiled from the country. The pretext for Estraven's exile was his handling of a border dispute with the neighboring country of Orgoreyn, in which Estraven was seen as being too conciliatory. Ai meets with the king, who rejects his invitation to join the Ekumen.[27] Discouraged, Ai decides to travel through Karhide, as the spring has just begun, rendering the interior of the country accessible.
Ai travels to a fastness, a dwelling of people of the Handdarrata, one of two major Gethenian religions. He pays the fastness for a foretelling, an art practiced to prove the "perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question".[28][29] He asks if Gethen/Winter will be a member of the Ekumen in five years, expecting that the foretellers will give him an ambiguous response, but he is answered "yes". This leads him to muse that the Gethenians have "trained hunch to run in harness".[30]After several months of travelling through Karhide, Ai decides to pursue his mission in Orgoreyn, to which he has received an invitation.
Ai reaches the Orgota capital of Mishnory, where he finds that the Orgota politicians are initially far more direct with him. He is given comfortable quarters, and is allowed to present his invitation to the council that rules Orgoreyn. Three members of the council, Shusgis, Obsle, and Yegey, are particularly supportive of him. These three are members of an "Open Trade" faction, which wants to end the conflict with Karhide. Estraven, who was banished from Karhide, is found working with these council members, and tells Ai that he was responsible for Ai's invitation to Orgoreyn.[31]Despite the support, Ai feels uneasy; Estraven warns him not to trust the Orgota leaders, and he hears rumors of the "Sarf", or secret police, that truly control Orgoreyn. He ignores both his feeling and the warning, and is once again blindsided; he is arrested unexpectedly one night, interrogated, and sent to a far-northern work camp where he suffers harsh cold, is forced into hard labor, and is given debilitating drugs intended to prevent kemmer. He becomes ill and his death seems imminent.
His captors expect him to die in the camp, but to Ai's great surprise, Estraven—whom Ai still distrusts—goes to great lengths to save him. Estraven poses as a prison guard and breaks Ai out of the farm, using his training with the Handdarrata to induce dothe, or hysterical strength to aid him in the process. Estraven spends the last of his money on supplies, and then steals more, breaking his own moral code which would forbid stealing. The pair begin a dangerous 80-day trek across the northern Gobrin ice sheet back to Karhide, because Estraven believes that the very appearance of Ai in Karhide will force its acceptance of the Ekumen treaty. Over the journey Ai and Estraven learn to trust and accept one another's differences. Ai is eventually successful in teaching Estraven mindspeech; Estraven hears Ai speaking in his mind with the voice of Estraven's dead sibling and lover Arek,[32] demonstrating the close connection that Ai and Estraven have developed. When they reach Karhide, Ai sends a radio transmission to his ship, which lands a few days later. Estraven tries to return to the land border with Orgoreyn, because he is still exiled from Karhide, but is killed by border guards, who capture Ai. Estraven's prediction is borne out when Ai's presence in Karhide, along with the fallout from Estraven's death, triggers the collapse of governments in both Karhide and Orgoreyn. Soon after, Karhide agrees to join the Ekumen, followed shortly by Orgoreyn, completing Ai's mission.[33]

Primary characters[edit]

Genly Ai[edit]

Genly Ai is the protagonist of the novel; a male native of Terra, or Earth, who is sent to Gethen by the Ekumen as a "first mobile" or envoy. He is called "Genry" by the Karhiders, who have trouble pronouncing the letter "L". He is described as rather taller and darker than the average Gethenian. Although curious and sensitive to Gethenian culture in many ways, he struggles at first to trust the ambisexual Gethenians. His own masculine mannerisms, learned on Terra, also prove to be a barrier to communication.[34] At the beginning of the book, he has been on Gethen for one year, trying to gain an audience with the king, and persuade the Karhidish government to believe his story. He arrives equipped with basic information about the language and culture from a team of investigators who had come before him.
In Karhide, the king is reluctant to accept his diplomatic mission. In Orgoreyn, Ai is seemingly accepted more easily by the political leaders, yet Ai is arrested, stripped of his clothes, drugged, and sent to a work camp.[34] Rescued by Estraven, the deposed Prime Minister of Karhide, Genly realizes that cultural differences—specifically shifgrethor, gender roles and Gethenian sexuality—had kept him from understanding their relationship previously. During their 80-day journey across the frozen land to return to Karhide, Ai learns to understand and love Estraven.[34]


Therem Harth rem ir Estraven is a Gethenian from the Domain of Estre in Kerm Land, at the southern end of the Karhidish half of the continent. He is the Prime Minister of Karhide at the very beginning of the novel, until he is exiled from Karhide after attempting to settle the Sinnoth Valley dispute with Orgoreyn. Estraven is one of the few Gethenians who believe Ai, and he attempts to help him from the beginning, but Ai's inability to comprehend shifgrethor leads to severe misunderstanding between them. Estraven is said to have made a taboo kemmering vow to his brother, Arek Harth rem ir Estraven, while they were both young. Convention required that they separate after they had produced a child together; because of the first vow, the second vow he made with Ashe Foreth, another partner, which was also broken before the events in Left Hand, is called a "false vow, a second vow".[35] In contrast to Ai, Estraven is shown with both stereotypically masculine and feminine qualities, and is used to demonstrate that both are necessary for survival.[8][22]


Argaven Harge XV is the king of Karhide during the events of the novel. He is described both by his subjects and by Estraven as being "mad".[34] He has sired seven children, but has yet to bear "an heir of the body, king son".[36] During the novel he becomes pregnant but loses the child before it is born, triggering speculation as to which of his sired children will be named his heir.[37] His behavior towards Ai is consistently paranoid; although he grants Ai an audience, he refuses to believe his story, and declines the offer to join the Ekumen. The tenure of his prime ministers tends to be short, with both Estraven and Tibe rising and falling from power during the two Gethenian years that the novel spans. Argaven eventually agrees to join the Ekumen due to the political fallout of Estraven's death and Ai's escape from Orgoreyn.


Pemmer Harge rem ir Tibe is Argaven Harge's cousin. Tibe becomes the prime minister of Karhide when Estraven is exiled at the beginning of the novel, and becomes the regent for a brief while when Argaven is pregnant. In contrast to Estraven, he seems intent on starting a war with Orgoreyn over the Sinnoth Valley dispute; as well as taking aggressive actions at the border, he regularly makes belligerent speeches on the radio. He is strongly opposed to Ai's mission. He orders Estraven to be killed at the border at the end of the novel, as a last act of defiance, knowing that Estraven and Ai's presence in Karhide means his own downfall; he resigns immediately after Estraven's death.[38]

Obsle, Yegey, and Shusgis[edit]

Obsle, Yegey, and Shusgis are Commensals, three of the thirty-three councilmen that rule Orgoreyn. Obsle and Yegey are members of the "Open Trade" faction, who wish to normalize relations with Karhide. Obsle is the commensal of the Sekeve District, and was once the head of the Orgota Naval Trade Commission in Erhenrang, where he became acquainted with Estraven.[39] Estraven describes him as the nearest thing to an honest person among the politicians of Orgoreyn.[36] Yegey is the commensal who first finds Estraven during his exile, and who gives Estraven a job and a place to live in Mishnory. Shusgis is the commensal who hosts Genly Ai after Ai's arrival in Mishnory, and is a member of the opposing faction, which supports the Sarf, the Orgota secret police. Although Obsle and Yegey support Ai's mission, they see him more as a means of increasing their own influence within the council; thus they eventually betray him to the Sarf, in order to save themselves. Their Open Trade faction takes control of the council after Ai's presence in Karhide becomes known at the end of the novel.[38]


The Left Hand of Darkness has received highly positive critical responses since its publication.[40] It won both the Nebula Award, given by the Science Fiction Writers of America, and the Hugo Award, determined by science fiction fans.[41][22][42] In 1987, Locus ranked it number two among "All-Time Best SF Novels", based on a poll of subscribers.[10][c] The novel was also a personal milestone for Le Guin, with critics calling it her "first contribution to feminism". It was one of her most popular books for many years after its publication.[22] By 2014, the novel had sold more than a million copies in English.[43]
The book has been widely praised by genre commentators, academic critics, and literary reviewers.[40] Fellow science fiction writer Algis Budrys praised the novel as "a narrative so fully realized, so compellingly told, so masterfully executed". He found the book "a novel written by a magnificent writer, a totally compelling tale of human peril and striving under circumstances in which human love, and a number of other human qualities, can be depicted in a fresh context".[44] Darko Suvin, one of the first academics to study science fiction, wrote that Left Hand was the "most memorable novel of the year",[42] and Charlotte Spivack regards the book as having established Le Guin's status as a major science-fiction writer.[6] In 1987 Harold Bloom described The Left Hand of Darkness as Le Guin's "finest work to date", and argued that critics have generally undervalued it.[8] Bloom followed this up by listing the book in his The Western Canon (1994) as one of the books in his conception of artistic works that have been important and influential in Western culture.[45] In Bloom's opinion, "Le Guin, more than Tolkien, has raised fantasy into high literature, for our time".[8]
Critics have also commented on the broad influence of the book, with writers such as Budrys citing it as an influence upon their own writing.[46] More generally it has been asserted that the work has been widely influential in the science fiction field, with The Paris Review claiming that "No single work did more to upend the genre's conventions than The Left Hand of Darkness".[46] Donna White, in her study of the critical literature on Le Guin, argued that Left Hand was one of the seminal works of science fiction, as important as Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, which is often described as the very first science fiction novel.[42] Suzanne Reid wrote that at the time the novel was written, Le Guin's ideas of androgyny were unique not only to science fiction, but to literature in general.[22]
Left Hand has been a focus of literary critique of Le Guin's work, along with her Earthsea fiction and utopian fiction.[42] The novel was at the center of a feministdebate when it was published in 1969.[47] Alexei Panshin objected to the use of masculine "he/him/his" gender pronouns to describe its androgynous characters, and called the novel a "flat failure".[42] Other feminists maintained that the novel did not go far enough in its exploration of gender.[42] Criticism was also directed at the portrayal of androgynous characters in the "masculine" roles of politicians and statesmen but not in family roles.[48] Sarah LeFanu, for example, wrote that Le Guin turned her back on an opportunity for experimentation. She stated that "these male heroes with their crises of identity, caught in the stranglehold of liberal individualism, act as a dead weight at the center of the novel".[49] Le Guin, who identifies as a feminist, responded to these criticisms in her essay "Is Gender Necessary?" as well as by switching masculine pronouns for feminine ones in a later reprinting of "Winter's King", an unconnected short story set on Gethen.[48] In her responses, Le Guin admitted to failing to depict androgynes in stereotypically feminine roles, but said that she considered and decided against inventing gender-neutral pronouns, because they would mangle the language of the novel.[42]


Hainish universe themes[edit]

Le Guin's works set in the Hainish universe explore the idea of human expansion, a theme found in the future history novels of other science-fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov.[20] The Hainish novels, such as The DispossessedLeft Hand, and The Word for World is Forest, also frequently explore the effects of differing social and political systems.[17] Le Guin believed that contemporary society suffered from a high degree of alienation and division, and her depictions of encounters between races, such as in The Left Hand of Darkness, sought to explore the possibility of an "improved mode of human relationships", based on "integration and integrity".[20] The Left Hand of Darkness explores this theme through the relationship between Genly Ai and Estraven; Ai initially distrusts Estraven, but eventually comes to love and trust him.[24] Le Guin's later Hainish novels also challenge contemporary ideas about gender, ethnic differences, the value of ownership, and human beings' relationship to the natural world.[22]

Sex and gender[edit]

A prominent theme in the novel is social relations in a society where gender is irrelevant; in Le Guin's words, she "eliminated gender, to find out what was left".[24]In her 1976 essay "Is Gender Necessary?" Le Guin wrote that the theme of gender was only secondary to the novel's primary theme of loyalty and betrayal. Le Guin revisited this essay in 1988, and stated that gender was central to the novel; her earlier essay had described gender as a peripheral theme because of the defensiveness she felt over using masculine pronouns for her characters.[42]
The novel also follows changes in the character of Genly Ai, whose behavior shifts away from the "masculine" and grows more androgynous over the course of the novel. He becomes more patient and caring, and less rigidly rationalist.[48] Ai struggles to form a bond with Estraven through much of the novel, and finally breaks down the barrier between them during their journey on the ice, when he recognizes and accepts Estraven's dual sexuality. Their understanding of each other's sexuality helps them achieve a more trusting relationship.[48] The new intimacy they share is shown when Ai teaches Estraven to mindspeak, and Estraven hears Ai speaking with the voice of Estraven's dead sibling (and lover) Arek.[48]
Feminist theorists criticized the novel for what they saw as a homophobic depiction of the relationship between Estraven and Ai. Both are presented as superficially masculine throughout the novel, but they never physically explore the attraction between them. Estraven's death at the end was seen as giving the message that "death is the price that must be paid for forbidden love".[13] In a 1986 essay, Le Guin acknowledged and apologized for the fact that Left Hand had presented heterosexuality as the norm on Gethen.[13]
The androgynous nature of the inhabitants of Gethen is used to examine gender relations in human society. On Gethen, the permanently male Genly Ai is an oddity, and is seen as a "pervert" by the natives; according to reviewers, this is Le Guin's way of gently critiquing masculinity.[22] Le Guin also seems to suggest that the absence of gender divisions leads to a society without the constriction of gender roles.[22] The Gethenians are not inclined to go to war, which reviewers have linked to their lack of sexual aggressiveness, derived from their ambisexuality.[8] According to Harold Bloom, "Androgyny is clearly neither a political nor a sexual ideal" in the book, but that "ambisexuality is a more imaginative condition than our bisexuality. ... the Gethenians know more than either men or women".[8] Bloom added that this is the major difference between Estraven and Ai, and allows Estraven the freedom to carry out actions that Ai cannot; Estraven "is better able to love, and freed therefore to sacrifice".[8]


The book features two major religions: the Handdara, an informal system reminiscent of Taoism and Buddhism, and the Yomeshta or Meshe's cult, a close-to-monotheisticreligion based on the idea of absolute knowledge of the entirety of time attained in one visionary instant by Meshe, who was originally a Foreteller of the Handdara, when attempting to answer the question: "What is the meaning of life?" The Handdara is the more ancient, and dominant in Karhide, while Yomesh is the official religion in Orgoreyn. The differences between them underlie political distinctions between the countries and cultural distinctions between their inhabitants. Estraven is revealed to be an adept of the Handdara.
Le Guin's interest in Taoism influenced much of her science fiction work. Douglas Barbour said that the fiction of the Hainish Universe contains a theme of balance between light and darkness, a central theme of Taoism.[14] The title The Left Hand of Darkness derives from the first line of a lay traditional to the fictional planet of Gethen:
Light is the left hand of darkness,
and darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death, lying
together like lovers in kemmer,
like hands joined together,
like the end and the way.[50]
Suzanne Reid stated that this presentation of light and dark was in strong contrast to many western cultural assumptions, which believe in strongly contrasted opposites. She went on to say that Le Guin's characters have a tendency to adapt to the rhythms of nature rather than trying to conquer them, an attitude which can also be traced to Taoism.[15] The Handdarrata represent the Taoist sense of unity; believers try to find insight by reaching the "untrance", a balance between knowing and unknowing, and focusing and unfocusing.[22]
The Yomesh cult is the official religion of Orgoreyn, and worships light. Critics such as David Lake have found parallels between the Yomesh cult and Christianity, such as the presence of saints and angels, and the use of a dating system based on the death of the prophet.[51] Le Guin portrays the Yomesh religion as influencing the Orgota society, which Lake interprets as a critique of the influence of Christianity upon Western society.[51] In comparison to the religion of Karhide, the Yomesh religion focuses more on enlightenment and positive, obvious statements. The novel suggests that this focus on positives leads to the Orgota being not entirely honest, and that a balance between enlightenment and darkness is necessary for truth.[22]

Loyalty and betrayal[edit]

Loyalty, fidelity, and betrayal are significant themes in the book, explored against the background of both planetary and interplanetary relations. Genly Ai is sent to Gethen as an envoy of the Ekumen, whose mission is to convince the various Gethenian nations that their identities will not be destroyed when they integrate with the Ekumen.[23] At the same time, the planetary conflict between Karhide and Orgoreyn is shown as increasing nationalism, making it hard for those in each country to view themselves as citizens of the planet.[23]
These conflicts are demonstrated by the varying loyalties of the main characters. Genly Ai tells Argaven after Estraven's death that Estraven served mankind as a whole, just as Ai did.[52] During the border dispute with Orgoreyn, Estraven tries to end the dispute by moving Karhidish farmers out of the disputed territory. Estraven believes that by preventing war he was saving Karhidish lives and being loyal to his country, while King Argaven sees it as a betrayal.[53] At the end of the novel Ai calls his ship down to formalize Gethen's joining the Ekumen, and feels conflicted while doing so because he had promised Estraven that he would clear Estraven's name before calling his ship down. His decision is an example of Le Guin's portrayal of loyalty and betrayal as complementary rather than contradictory, because in joining Gethen with the Ekumen Ai was fulfilling the larger purpose that he shared with Estraven.[53] Donna White wrote that many of Le Guin's novels depict a struggle between personal loyalties and public duties, best exemplified in The Left Hand of Darkness, where Ai is bound by a personal bond to Estraven, but must subordinate that to his mission for the Ekumen and humanity.[54]
The theme of loyalty and trust is related to the novel's other major theme of gender. Ai has considerable difficulty in completing his mission because of his prejudice against the ambisexual Gethenians and his inability to establish a personal bond with them.[23] Ai's preconceived ideas of how men should behave prevents him from trusting Estraven when the two meet; Ai labels Estraven "womanly" and distrusts him because Estraven exhibits both male and female characteristics. Estraven also faces difficulties communicating with Ai, who does not understand shifgrethor, the Gethenians' indirect way of giving and receiving advice.[23] A related theme that runs through Le Guin's work is that of being rooted or rootless in society, explored through the experiences of lone individuals on alien planets.[12]

Shifgrethor and communication[edit]

Shifgrethor is a fictional concept in the Hainish universe, first introduced in The Left Hand of Darkness. It is first mentioned by Genly Ai, when he thinks to himself "shifgrethor—prestige, face, place, the pride-relationship, the untranslatable and all-important principle of social authority in Karhide and all civilizations of Gethen".[26] It derives from an old Gethenian word for shadow. George Slusser describes shifgrethoras "not rank, but its opposite, the ability to maintain equality in any relationship, and to do so by respecting the person of the other".[55] According to University of West Georgia Professor Carrie B. McWhorter, shifgrethor can be defined simply as "a sense of honor and respect that provides the Gethenians with a way to save face in a time of crisis".[56]
Ai initially refuses to see a connection between his sexuality and his mode of consciousness, preventing him from truly understanding the Gethenians; thus he is unable to persuade them of the importance of his mission.[8] Ai's failure to comprehend shifgrethor and to trust Estraven's motives leads him to misunderstand much of the advice that Estraven gives him.[51] As Ai's relationship to Estraven changes, their communication also changes; they are both more willing to acknowledge mistakes, and make fewer assertions.[51] Eventually, the two are able to converse directly with mindspeech, but only after Ai is able to understand Estraven's motivations, and no longer requires direct communication.[51]

Style and structure[edit]

The novel is framed as part of the report that Ai sends back to the Ekumen after his time on Gethen, and as such, suggests that Ai is selecting and ordering the material.[57] Ai narrates ten chapters in the first person; the rest are made up of extracts from Estraven's personal diary and ethnological reports from an earlier observer from the Ekumen, interspersed with Gethenian myths and legends.[57] The novel begins with the following statement from Ai, explaining the need for multiple voices in the novel:[57]
I'll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my homeworld that Truth is a matter of the imagination. The soundest fact may fail or prevail in the style of its telling: like that singular organic jewel of our seas, which grows brighter as one woman wears it and, worn by another, dulls and goes to dust. Facts are no more solid, coherent, round, and real, than pearls are. But both are sensitive.
The story is not all mine, nor told by me alone. Indeed I am not sure whose story it is; you can judge better. But it is all one, and if at moments the facts seem to alter with an altered voice, why then you can choose the fact that you like the best; yet none of them are false, and it is all one story.[58]
The myths and legends serve to explain specific features about Gethenian culture, as well as larger philosophical aspects of society. Many of the tales used in the novel immediately precede chapters describing Ai's experience with a similar situation. For instance, a story about the dangers of foretelling is presented before Ai's own experience witnessing a foretelling.[48] Other stories include a discussion of the legend of the "place inside the storm"; another discusses the roots of the Yomeshta cult; a third is an ancient Orgota creation myth; a fourth is a story of one of Estraven's ancestors, which discusses what a traitor is. The presence of myths and legends has also been cited by reviewers who state that Le Guin's work, particularly Left Hand, is similar to allegory in many ways. These include the presence of a guide (Estraven) for the protagonist (Ai), and the use of myths and legends to provide a backdrop for the story.[11]
The heterogeneous structure of the novel has been described as "distinctly post-modern", and was unusual for the time of its publication,[42] in marked contrast to (primarily male-authored) traditional science fiction, which was straightforward and linear.[59] In 1999, literary scholar Donna White wrote that the unorthodox structure of the novel made it initially confusing to reviewers, before it was interpreted as an attempt to follow the trajectory of Ai's changing views.[12] Also in contrast to what was typical for male authors of the period, Le Guin narrated the action in the novel through the personal relationships she depicted.[12]
Ai's first-person narration reflects his slowly developing view, and the reader's knowledge and understanding of the Gethens evolves with Ai's awareness. He begins in naivety, gradually discovering his profound errors in judgement.[60] In this sense, the novel can be thought of as a Bildungsroman, or coming of age story.[61] Since the novel is presented as Ai's journey of transformation, Ai's position as the narrator increases the credibility of the story.[57] The narration is complemented by her writing style, described by a reviewer as "precise, dialectical—always evocative in its restrained pathos" which is "exquisitely fitted to her powers of invention".[8]


In December 2004, Phobos Entertainment acquired media rights to the novel and announced plans for a feature film and video game based on it.[62] In 2013, the Portland Playhouse and Hand2Mouth Theatre produced a stage adaptation of The Left Hand of Darkness in Portland, Oregon.[63] On April 12 and 19, 2015, BBC Radio 4broadcast a two-part adaptation of the novel, starring Kobna Holdbrook-Smith as Genly Ai, Lesley Sharp as Estraven, Toby Jones as Argaven, Ruth Gemmell as Ashe, Louise Brealey as Tibe and Gaum, Stephen Critchlow as Shusgis, and David Acton as Obsle. The radio drama was adapted by Judith Adams and directed by Allegra McIlroy.[64] The adaptation was created and aired as part of a thematic month centered on the life and works of Ursula Le Guin, in honor of her 85th birthday.[65][66]In early 2017, the novel was picked up for production by Critical Content as a television limited series with Le Guin serving as a consulting producer.[67] The first university production of Left Hand of Darkness premiered in the University of Oregon's Robinson Theater on November 3, 2017 with a script adapted by John Schmor.[68]

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up^ This sequence refers to novels in the Hainish cycle. The short story "Winter's King" was published in 1969, between the publication of City of Illusions (1967) and Left Hand.[4][5]
  2. Jump up^ Le Guin mentions other minor nations on the planet, but they do not figure in the action of the novel.
  3. Jump up^ In the 1987 poll, The Left Hand of Darkness ranked second to Frank Herbert's Dune(1965).[10] In the 1975 version of the poll covering novels, Left Hand had ranked third behind Dune and Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End (1963).[9]


  1. Jump up^ Fenner 2014.
  2. Jump up^ Spivack 1984, p. 173.
  3. Jump up to:a b c d Watson 1975.
  4. Jump up^ Spivack 1984, p. 47.
  5. Jump up^ Spivack 1984, p. 166.
  6. Jump up to:a b c Spivack 1984, pp. 44–50.
  7. Jump up^ Reid 2009, pp. 9, 120.
  8. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Bloom 1987.
  9. Jump up to:a b Locus 1975.
  10. Jump up to:a b c Locus 1987.
  11. Jump up to:a b White 1999, pp. 60–65.
  12. Jump up to:a b c d White 1999, pp. 55–60.
  13. Jump up to:a b c White 1999, pp. 70–77.
  14. Jump up to:a b White 1999, pp. 51–55.
  15. Jump up to:a b Reid 1997, pp. 3–8.
  16. Jump up to:a b c Reid 1997, pp. 10–17.
  17. Jump up to:a b c d Reid 1997, pp. 49–55.
  18. Jump up to:a b c d e Cummins 1990, pp. 66–67.
  19. Jump up^ Le Guin 2017.
  20. Jump up to:a b c d e Cummins 1990, pp. 68–70.
  21. Jump up to:a b Reid 1997, pp. 19–21.
  22. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l Reid 1997, pp. 51–56.
  23. Jump up to:a b c d e f Cummins 1990, pp. 74–77.
  24. Jump up to:a b c Cummins 1990, pp. 71–74.
  25. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, pp. 33–50.
  26. Jump up to:a b Le Guin 1980, p. 10.
  27. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, pp. 19–29.
  28. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 70.
  29. Jump up^ Reid 1997, pp. 50–60.
  30. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 47.
  31. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, pp. 86–91.
  32. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 176.
  33. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, pp. 184–204.
  34. Jump up to:a b c d Spivack 1984, pp. 48–51.
  35. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 52.
  36. Jump up to:a b Le Guin 1980, p. 69.
  37. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 94.
  38. Jump up to:a b Le Guin 1980, p. 201.
  39. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 108.
  40. Jump up to:a b Stableford 1995.
  41. Jump up^ Locus 2012.
  42. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i White 1999, pp. 45–50.
  43. Jump up^ Freeman 2014.
  44. Jump up^ Galaxy 1970.
  45. Jump up^ Bloom 2014, p. 564.
  46. Jump up to:a b Wray 2016.
  47. Jump up^ White 1999, p. 5.
  48. Jump up to:a b c d e f Cummins 1990, pp. 78–85.
  49. Jump up^ Pennington 2000.
  50. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 164.
  51. Jump up to:a b c d e White 1999, pp. 65–70.
  52. Jump up^ Cummins 1990, pp. 84.
  53. Jump up to:a b Cummins 1990, pp. 85–87.
  54. Jump up^ White 1999, pp. 50–55.
  55. Jump up^ White 1999, pp. 56–60.
  56. Jump up^ McWhorter 1998.
  57. Jump up to:a b c d Cummins 1990, pp. 76–81.
  58. Jump up^ Le Guin 1980, p. 1.
  59. Jump up^ Reid 1997, pp. 20–25.
  60. Jump up^ Spivack 1984, pp. 44–60.
  61. Jump up^ Reid 1997.
  62. Jump up^ Harris 2004.
  63. Jump up^ Hughley 2013.
  64. Jump up^ BBC Radio 4 2015a.
  65. Jump up^ BBC Radio 4 2015b.
  66. Jump up^ Open Culture 2015.
  67. Jump up^ Littleton 2017.
  68. Jump up^ Notario & Stone 2017.


Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Bibliography: The Left Hand of Darkness at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
Author's introduction to The Left Hand of Darkness
Audio review and discussion of The Left Hand of Darkness at The Science Fiction Book Review Podcast
Analysis of Ursula K. LeGuin's The Left Hand Of Darkness
Review of the novel in The Future Fire
Scifi.com's review of the novel
The Left Hand of Darkness at Worlds Without End