
The Underlying Religion: An Introduction to the Perennial Philosphy (Perennial Philosophy Series) - Kindle edition by Lings, Martin. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

The Underlying Religion: An Introduction to the Perennial Philosphy

The Underlying Religion: An Introduction to the Perennial Philosphy (Perennial Philosophy Series) Kindle Edition
by Martin Lings (Editor)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.7 out of 5 stars    19 ratings
Part of: Perennial Philosophy (47 books)
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from $8.49

The Underlying Religion is an anthology of 25 essays by 14 of the leading exponents of the “perennialist” or “traditionalist” school of comparative religious thought, associated with René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, and Frithjof Schuon. 

This school is well known for its espousal of the “transcendent unity of religions”—the idea that religions are different paths leading to the same summit. Focusing its selection on the most accessible of the perennialist writings, and structured in such a way as to allow for the easiest possible comprehension, The Underlying Religion aims to be the most accessible introduction yet to the perspective of the Perennial Philosophy.

Print length
370 pages
Publication date
July 18, 2007

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Oct 18, 2013Tim rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: islam, islam-perennialism, islam-seyyed-hossein-nasr
306 highlights
When I came to Islam, I had come out of a period of searching that caused me to recognize a certain universal pattern to reality. This was particularly true after a near-fatal car accident in 2009, when I found that my consciousness had changed. I began to realize that for all of my life my vision had been narrowed. I had become insular in faith and life. Yet, how was I to proceed down a deeper spiritual path, and what road was I to take? I wanted something bigger, and at first that seemed to involve picking and choosing from different ideologies/faiths/philosophies. I didn't immediately understand that I was skimming an exoteric surface. This was not taking me any deeper, but was simply showing me the outward appearance of different manifestations of the ONE or the Absolute. 

After much searching, my commitment was to Islam, and as I often tell people when I'm asked about my conversion process, there are many factors which led to the decision, and had my life path been different, I might have easily adopted a different faith without falling out of step with the universal or ultimate "being". I realize this at my deepest level while being no less committed to the Islamic path. Yet I also know that to go deeper I needed to be on a specific path - one that had its roots in a universal reality that transcends all of the patterns and "progress" we see in human societies and existence.

My goal when committing to a particular faith path was/is awareness, knowledge, love and unity with the underlying divinity, the reality, the ONE, Allah, God, Being, whatever name we choose to call it. I believe that all of us are at base concerned with some sort of ultimate reality, whether we claim spirituality or not, and that ultimately we are searching for the same essence, whatever symbols, linguistic terminology or philosophies we use to describe it. For in the end, we all want authenticity, we want to know the true nature of things.

This also resonates with what has become known as the "Sophia Perennis" or Perennial Philosophy. There is nothing new about this "Philosophy" and I hesitate to even give it a label, but for purposes of commenting on the ideas contained in this book, it is necessary to do so. This Philosophy, as the excellent appendix describes is not concerned so much with what humanity can accomplish, but what it is meant or created to accomplish. The introduction defines it as: "both absolute Truth and infinite Presence. As absolute Truth it is the perennial wisdom (sophia perennis) that stands as the transcendent source of all the intrinsically orthodox religions of humankind." It is concerned with underlying truth - a truth that has been obscured by modernity in an overwhelming emphasis on the exoteric, down to the way that religion itself is manifested. Yet the perennial philosophy does not discard religion (or as it describes it "tradition"). In fact, the need for this new articulation of something that has never left us is - as Frithjof Schuon describes it - because of the "totalitarian rationalism" of modernity, post-modernity.

It is not a reactive philosophy, in the sense that the reactivity of the various fundamentalist strains - particularly as seen in certain quarters of the Abrahamic faiths - are reactive to modernity by becoming more insular and violently protective of exoteric notions of faith. This protection is lacking of the esoteric. The Perennial idea seeks to expand our vision by allowing us to realize that there is a universal truth expressed by one Creator. This Creator manifests itself in different exoteric ways throughout history in this lower world, the world of forms. Diversity is a part of the universal plan. Diversity in fact points to the true idea of unity, which is a unity of foundation if you will, or better a unity of a higher foundation. As we progress through levels of consciousness we realize how illusory are the forms through which we perceive our world. These forms though, serve as symbols pointing to the ultimate and can also serve as a delineation between those things that lead to the ultimate and what can pull us away from that ultimate into the illusory world of forms or the world of the ego. More simply expressed, these symbols serve as a guide to right and wrong, good and bad in this lower form of consciousness where forms assume a dualistic manifestation. So, precisely for that reason, there is truth in traditional forms, and the traditional forms in faith - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., cannot be discarded. These faiths have survived throughout the centuries because they are of the nature of divine revelation. They are self-contained systems of living that share a universal truth.

The Sophia Perennis expresses the idea that a focus on forms in the modern world is to the detriment of the underlying symbolic truth of these revealed faiths. Yet there is a yearning in the modern world for this truth. We all look for purpose in life, and we all want to achieve a higher state of being, despite the language we might use to describe what "higher" means. From the equality of humanity expressed through the ideas of Socialism, to the attainment of success of the individual in Capitalism, we can see it in the world of economics and politics. There is equally a desire to return to a "purer" form of life, before "agrarian civilization" that we can find expressed in the ideas of Jared Diamond and others. What is lacking in this modern world is the esoteric. We are back to the totalitarian rationalism that Frithjof Schuon speaks of. The exoteric dominates our lives, and it is precisely this fact that is at the base of the argument which the Sophia Perennis makes against the idea of evolution as the nature of the universe. While it is true that humanity is making progression in the exoteric world through outward "innovation" in technology, it is at the expense of the esoteric, and in this sense there is a DE-evolution in humanity. We have lost the sense of who we are - of our humanity. This is exemplified in the way religions practice and clash in our world just as much as it is in the lack of the idea of the transcendent altogether.

The reason that there is conflict in our world is - as the book expresses - because form by nature will delimit parts of the universal archetype. Yet we live in this world, so we cannot escape form. Traditional faiths allow us to get past the form to the higher reality, and we cannot break these revealed forms. They are the sole route to truth in this world. Therefore, it cannot be stated enough how important it is to respect the revealed forms. As a Muslim who believes in an underlying unity, I must still practice my Islam. This is the key to Perennialism. It is not a new idea in that it proposes a new faith. Again, Sophia Perennis is not some system which brings a new faith, religion or tradition. It is more of an articulation of reality. It is pointing out more than ever why it is important to follow a revealed path. Yet it also equally emphasizes that there is a deeper understanding to a particular revealed path, and with this understanding comes a tension due - again - to the world of forms.

The tension can be seen here in that while practicing my Islam, I also acknowledge that this might not be the path for everyone, and that there is truth in other paths. I respect my Christian heritage and family knowing that it also comes from the same truth as Islam. The Qur'an itself teaches this, telling Muslims that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has come as the Seal of the Prophets and Islam has come as the culmination of all rightly guided faiths. Realizing and being able to hold this tension is key to the reduction of conflict through religion, and is key to the very fundamentals of the religion itself - virtue, love, humility, respect, etc...

There are three metaphysical truths which the Sophia Perennis expresses as doctrine, way and method. It describes doctrine as discernment of the truth from illusion. The way is a life "addressed to the soul" for conforming itself to the nature of the Real. The method is the technique that one uses to concentrate and focus on the real as one's ultimate life goal. When dealing with an Absolute that is bigger than any of us can conceive, there will be different manifestations of the Real in our world. We cannot follow all of these manifestations. Yet we can attain to the true reality while still realizing and respecting that there are other equally valid ways of attaining to that reality.

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Essam Qais
Jul 11, 2015Essam Qais rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
The Underlying Religion attempts to summarize the main tenets of the Perennial Philosophy. This philosophy appeared in an age where religion is treated as the residue of primitivism; and people should or must replace it with modernism and science.In fact, in many parts of the world, many people follow this prescription directly or indirectly. The book is divided into seven parts and they are as follows:

  1. Tradition and Modernity
  2. Traditional Cosmology and Modern Science
  3. Metaphysics
  4. Symbolism
  5. The Perennial Philosophy
  6. Beauty
  7. Virtue and Prayer

The book presents religion in a different way which is might seem strange to some readers. The understanding of perennial philosophers of religion is deep, esoteric and sometimes shocking. They dig deeper into the essence of almost all great religions in order to show us that all religions are from the same source, they are different only exoterically .

The book is a heavy read, and I personally skipped two parts, namely Evolution and I don't understand evolution and honestly I'm not interested in the evolution theory. 

The Symplegades is very dense and contains many of Hindu terms that I don't understand. The book has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this book lie in its ability to tell implicitly the reader, mostly Western reader, that religion is not merely the result of fear or the stupidity of our ancestors, on the contrary; religion is a message from heaven to save humanity. The disadvantage of this lies in difficulty of its language. Its language replete with classical words and sometimes you have to read one passage several times in order to understand it. Furthermore, there is no glossary of terms, which is very significant in this book, instead the editors refer the reader to a web site. They could have included a glossary of terms at the end of every chapter, since this book contains many terms from several languages and religion. Finally, I recommend this book for those who want to deepen his/er knowledge of the esoteric aspect of religions, and I also recommend this book for those who think that religion is only the result of fear and stupidity. (less)

Feb 21, 2017Alan rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: give-away
Tedious - gave it up by page 48.

Bramha Raju
Nov 25, 2015Bramha Raju rated it really liked it
My first insight into Perennial Philosophy, something which always held my thoughts without the supply of the noun. This book emphasizes the strength and power that constitutes the underlying the common bond of all religions. Not a book for an average reader, given the theological complexity and I had to force myself and repeatedly read to comprehend the in-depth analysis of the author. From Section five onwards, I could not put the book down when the explanation on revision and expansion on perennial philosophy as the true transcendence of all religions. I particularly loved the chapters on spiritual guidance which clearly articulated that it is incumbent upon anyone on a spiritual path to live within a context of beauty for spiritual support vis-á-vis highlighting the inherent the dangers and pitfalls of not having such an integral milieu. (less)

Jan 02, 2008Ryan rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: philosophy, vital-books
"We live in an age of confusion and thirst in which the advantages of communication are greater than those of secrecy." -Frithjof Schuon

A great work, and as my categorization states I think an indispensable book for our times. If I ever again need to find common ground with anyone I will think of this collection. (less)

Editorial Reviews
“Perennialist/traditionalist thought strives for a unity that transcends each individual religion and its unique doctrines. This look at primordial religion edited by the late Lings (Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources) and Minnaar, a professional editor in the field of religious studies, is an anthology of 25 essays of the leading 14 exponents of sophia perennis: 
  • Frithjof Schuon, 
  • René Guénon, 
  • Ananda Coomaraswamy, and 
  • Titus Burckhardt, 
to name a few (there are biographical notes on all). . . . 

The authors discuss Truth, Prayer, Virtue, and Beauty in a way that crosses cultural, linguistic, and ethnic boundaries . . . [and] go deep into an esoteric and mystical realm most readers rarely get the opportunity to visit. This insightful and amazing glimpse into Eastern thought as interpreted by Eastern and Western scholars deserves second and third readings. Recommended for academic and public libraries.”

About the Author
Martin Lings (1909-2005) was a renowned British scholar who taught at several European universities and the University of Cairo. He was the keeper of Oriental manuscripts in the British Museum and the British Library and the author of numerous books on religion and spirituality, including "The Book of Certainty, What is Sufism?, Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions", and the internationally acclaimed "Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources". --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars    19 ratings

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David L. Roberts - Servant of All
4.0 out of 5 stars The Common Bond
Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2008
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This book is a summary and has emphasis on the common bond that underlies the strength and power of all religions. It also forms the basis of the depth that is found in religion and value of its traditions for all cultures. 

It has a great depth that shows us how the common virtues of wisdom,justice,compassion, courage, etc. are seen in all religions and that the traditions of all cultures act as a strength and a stabizing force to religious faith. 

Of course, hatred, irritability, war, rigidity, and lack of acceptance of each other should not be a feature of religion, and such distortions by human nature do not mean that we have to give up the core values of our own religion. 

It may not be a book for the average reader, because of the verbal excess at times and the theological complexity, but that does not make its topic any less important. It is an important book. 

It reminds me of the more secular commentary of the Handbook of Character Strengths and Virtues of Martin Seligmen, and books about the truths that are found in mythical symbols by Joseph Campbell. 

It will also help fervent, faithful thinking Christians, and people of other religions who have an interest in theology and the ultimate reality that(God, Allah, Atman, self-transcendance, Jesus, enlightenment,etc.) is our foundation.
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4.0 out of 5 stars good place to begin learning
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2018
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Like another reviewer, my response to the essays by different authors to be uneven, some were so polemical that I just skipped them. Since this is an introduction, I found myself looking for additional books for authors that resonated more with my own beliefs. This is a great place to begin learning though as there are essays by the major proponents of this school.

Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
5.0 out of 5 stars The Underlying Religion: An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy
Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2009
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The following summary of the sections in The Underlying Religion were excerpted from a review in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2009:

"[Section One] describes the hiatus that divides the sacred orientation of the traditional world from that of the secular and progress driven modern and post-modern world.... [Section Two] underscores the implicit limitations of modern science, its failures and destructive tendencies for not receiving its directives from divine principles utilized since time immemorial in both East and West....[Section Three] gives a clear exposition on what is and what is not integral metaphysics according to the perennial philosophy which has nothing to do with `New Age' spiritualities....[Section Four] contextualizes symbols outside the pale of modern psychology or that of the ``unconscious'' from which they are commonly thought to originate rather than that of their true origin in divinis as are `archetypes'....[Section Five] provides a revision and an expansion, mutatis mutandis of what has been commonly attributed and often wrongly so as the perennial philosophy or the `transcendent unity of religions'. It is through the perennial philosophy that true and authentic interfaith dialogue can precede for both the differences and similarities are taken into account without compromising the integrity of each tradition.... [Section Six] makes it clear that it is incumbent upon anyone on a spiritual path to live within a context of beauty for spiritual support vis-á-vis highlighting the inherent the dangers and pitfalls of not having such an integral milieu....[Section Seven] provides important notes on spiritual guidance, complementing the previous chapters dealing predominantly with that of traditional doctrine."
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2017
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Awesome Book. I love it.
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4.0 out of 5 stars half and half
Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2014
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I was satisfied with about half of the essays in this book. There was actually a lot of hidden Romanticism i.e. longing to return to the garden of Eden/the noble savage etc. Still, if you're looking to delve into perennial philosophy for the first time, this is a good jumping off point for finding which direction you'd like to continue in.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Must Read
Reviewed in Canada on August 23, 2013
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This book is a collection of essays from some of the most important perennialist authors on some of the most important topics of the Perennial philosophy. Anyone interested in this philosophy must read this book. I would recommend reading it before getting into any other Perennialist works as it will provide a great foundation to tackle the more complex (not complicated) ideas of Guenon, Schuon, Lings, Nasr etc.


The Essence of Rumi - by Baldock, John

The Essence of Rumi - Kindle edition by Baldock, John. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

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The Essence of Rumi Kindle Edition
by John Baldock (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

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Get drunk on Love, for Love is all that exists.
Unless you make Love your business,
you will not be admitted to the Beloved.
(Divan-i Shams-i Tabriz 455:A1:54)

The thirteenth-century saint Jalaluddin Rumi has been called the greatest mystical poet of any age, and his work compared to that of Dante and Shakespeare. Over a period of 25 years he composed over 70,000 verses of poetry on the subjects of divine love, mystic passion and ecstatic illumination.

Rumi was also a master story-teller, as this comprehensive exploration of his work so rewardingly reveals. Primarily an introduction to Rumi and the path of self-surrender, it is arranged in such a way that it guides the reader from the poet’s outer, historical world to the inner, spiritual essence of his teaching.

The Essence of Rumi offers us the opportunity to overcome the limitations of our human view of the world and transform our sensory eye into the poet’s all-seeing Ocean of Reality.
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Print length

252 pages

Publication date

October 11, 2005

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
Having initially trained as a painter and art teacher; John Baldock spent several years in France, during which time he studied the history of art of the Ecole Du Louvre in Paris. On his return to England, John taught art history, eventually leaving teaching to complete a book exploring spiritual the aspects of religious symbolism. His experience as a freelance editor and editorial consultant for a mind, body and spirit publisher has given John the opportunity to pursue his interest in the spiritual core of mainstream religions. He has given talk throughout Europe, and the USA on this and related subjects; he has also studied the world's various religious traditions in some depth. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B005OKAQP0
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Arcturus Publishing (October 11, 2005)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 11, 2005

Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 252 pages

Customer reviews
4.2 out of 5 stars

Top reviews from the United States

Peter Ashley

5.0 out of 5 stars Essence of spiritualityReviewed in the United States on June 4, 2013
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Wow, fantastic. John's words come in like a breath of fresh air from a clear blue sky to softly flutter the veils of misunderstanding, so that we may glimpse the inner beauty of the the most treasured jewels of human spirit. Regardless of your beliefs or motivations for reading, you should find John's words appealing, like the way a good chef works conservatively with the small amounts of the finest ingredients to most favorably show off their excellent character.

Do not be put off by the low number of reviews or price of this book. As they say, "the best things in life are free" and this work speaks for itself as a true labor of love and compassion.

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Denise Stroud

5.0 out of 5 stars spiritReviewed in the United States on August 17, 2017
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Must have read. More than rumi.... Spiritual info


1.0 out of 5 stars DisappointedReviewed in the United States on July 3, 2013
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Many of my favorite authors have written raving books about Rumi and I was excited to read him; but I was disappointed in this presentation and, if this is an indication of what Rumi said/wrote, I will delve no further in his philosophy.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Rumi - the man and the spiritual beingReviewed in the United States on November 7, 2013
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Most interesting - a sensitive account of the historical aspects combined with a gentle introduction to the spiritual Rumi. I read this while in Turkey and found it really added to the overall experience I had of the Sufi movement there.

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J. Crockett

5.0 out of 5 stars Rumi? It's good for every state of mind, happy, sad, searching or retreating.Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2013
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And if you don't go back for more, go ahead an bury yourself, you are already dead. At least from the neck up.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United States on September 18, 2016
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Well research!

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Maple Leaf

2.0 out of 5 stars For Scholars OnlyReviewed in the United States on August 6, 2013
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I love Rumi's poetry and wisdom, but this is not what this is about.
I am not the right audience for this kind of detailed biography notes.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United States on July 7, 2014
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Delivery in seconds…thank you.

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5.0 out of 5 stars If you like simple but powerful poetryReviewed in the United Kingdom on August 9, 2017
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If you like simple but powerful poetry, this may just be what you're looking for. Although many verses have religious connotations, I know many people who I have shared this with on my travels, from various backgrounds, have enjoyed the words of Rumi

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4.0 out of 5 stars A good coverage of the writer's context and life, not just his worksReviewed in the United Kingdom on October 21, 2017
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About half of this book is actually an overview of the place and time Rumi lived in; his life, education, key events etc. This is very well written and gives a clear overview of Islam, the tensions around Persia in that age and the meaning of a lot of the imagery/metaphysics in the works themselves.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Shayk RumiReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 21, 2018
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Rumi is like all the messengers and prophets.
I really enjoyed this Book. Religion is sometimes confusing and annoying.nothing is explained explicitly.it goes on and on and on without any clarification.But Rumi has it. That universal knowledges. Love life shayk .
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Reluctant reviewer
4.0 out of 5 stars Read both to get a good basic understanding of SufismReviewed in the United Kingdom on January 23, 2015
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I found this an intersting book about Rumi and his writings, especially so since I have just returned from visiting Konya, where his mausoleum and monastery museum is. This book complements Baldock's 'The Essence of Sufism'. Read both to get a good basic understanding of Sufism.
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Robert Meldrum
5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 3, 2018
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Sufism and the Way of Blame: Hidden Sources of a Sacred Psychology: Toussulis PhD, Yannis, Darr, Robert Abdul Hayy: 9780835608640: Books

Sufism and the Way of Blame: Hidden Sources of a Sacred Psychology: Toussulis PhD, Yannis, Darr, Robert Abdul Hayy: 9780835608640: Books

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Yannis Toussulis
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Sufism and the Way of Blame: Hidden Sources of a Sacred Psychology Paperback – April 1, 2011
by Yannis Toussulis PhD (Author), Robert Abdul Hayy Darr (Foreword)
3.9 out of 5 stars    14 ratings
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Gold Winner of the 2012 Benjamin Franklin Award and the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Award!

This is a definitive book on the Sufi "way of blame" that addresses the cultural life of Sufism in its entirety. Originating in ninth-century Persia, the "way of blame" (Arab. malamatiyya) is a little-known tradition within larger Sufism that focused on the psychology of egoism and engaged in self-critique. Later, the term referred to those Sufis who shunned Islamic literalism and formalism, thus being worthy of "blame." Yannis Toussulis may be the first to explore the relation between this controversial movement and the larger tradition of Sufism, as well as between Sufism and Islam generally, throughout history to the present. Both a Western professor of the psychology of religion and a Sufi practitioner, Toussulis has studied malamatiyya for over a decade. Explaining Sufism as a lifelong practice to become a "perfect mirror in which God contemplates Himself," he draws on and critiques contemporary interpretations by G. I Gurdjieff, J. G. Bennett, and Idries Shah, as well as on Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr. He also contributes personal research conducted with one of the last living representatives of the way of blame in Turkey today, Mehmet Selim Ozic.

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Print length
280 pages
Quest Books
Publication date
April 1, 2011
6.22 x 0.8 x 8.98 inches
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Editorial Reviews
"Explaining Sufism as a lifelong practice to become a 'perfect mirror in which God contemplates Himself,' he (Toussulis) draws on and critiques contemporary interpretations by G. I Gurdjieff, J. G. Bennett, and dries Shah, as well as on Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr. He also contributes personal research conducted with one of the last living representatives of the way of blame in Turkey today, Mehmet Selim Ozic." --New Consciousness Review ― Reviews

"At last! - a trustworthy book on the blame-worthy ones. -Peter Lamborn Wilson (a.k.a. Hakim Bey), author of Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy, co-author of The Drunken Universe: An anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry and Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology ― Reviews

"Dr.Yannis Toussulis has written the definitive study of Malamati Sufism . . --Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi, co-author of A Heart Afire: Stories and Teachings of Early Hasidic Masters ― Reviews

". . . a critical assessment of the history, context, and spiritual significance of one of the most important yet hidden traditions within Islamic mysticism . . (the "way of blame") cuts to the bone, and points to what a mature spirituality could be." --Kabir Helminski, author of Living Presence and The Knowing Heart: A Sufi Path of Transformation; translator of Rumi, and Sufi teacher ― Reviews

". . . surpasses any book on the topic currently in print. This is an authoritative volume, and one badly needed at this time." --Stanley Krippner, PhD; Recipient of the Ashley Montagu Award, Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University; co-author of Personal Mythology ― Reviews

"Dr.Yannis Toussulis has written the definitive study of Malamati Sufism . . --Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi, co-author of A Heart Afire: Stories and Teachings of Early Hasidic Masters

― Reviews
About the Author

Yannis Toussulis, Ph.D. earned his doctoral degree in psychology with an emphasis in human science research from Saybrook University (1995). He also holds an M.A. in psychology with an emphasis in existential counseling and psychotherapy from Lone Mountain College (1975). Dr. Toussulis is former Co-Director of the Consciousness Studies Program in the Graduate Department of Psychology at Antioch University/West, where he also spent over 14 years teaching. For the past ten years he has taught the psychology of intercultural conflict as an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of International Policy Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, and he has also served as an associate faculty member at the Starr King Divinity School at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Dr. Toussulis is presently the spiritual adviser for the Itlaq Foundation which is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Quest Books (April 1, 2011)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 280 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0835608646
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0835608640
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 15 ounces
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.22 x 0.8 x 8.98 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #1,273,718 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#593 in Sufism (Books)
Customer Reviews: 3.9 out of 5 stars    14 ratings
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Vladimir Baranovsky
4.0 out of 5 stars A decent completion of a peculiar task
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2013
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Professor Toussulis has put impressive effort and ingenuity into a strange exercise of trying to combine an academic and a personal interest in the Way of Blame. His book is definitely worth the money and his erudition in the area is astonishing, the reader will enjoy many interesting details and pieces of information. Still, this somehow reminds of a person trying to prove that he can be reasonably good at driving even when profoundly drunk. Yes, maybe, - but why?

If you are hoping to find a workable adaptation of Ibn Arabi and Sulami to the contemporary Western world - look elsewhere.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2015
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Lovely book. To say anything more would sound egotistical
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Stephen J. Triesch
5.0 out of 5 stars Offers valuable insights into disputed aspects of Sufism
Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2011
In Sufism, the "Way of Blame" refers to an emphasis on uncovering and exposing one's own egoism, hypocrisy, and false piety, an approach which often renders the practitioner vulnerable to condemnation from others who see their own faults thus exposed by a kind of reflection, as it were. Although the "Way of Blame" is initially an individual predisposition, it has led to the formation of "schools" and groups who make it their defining feature. Known alternately as qalandars and malami, these individuals and groups often convey the impression of flouting the laws of Islam, often at their peril, even when the antinomian behavior is only apparent and not real. (The author makes it clear that the "Way of Blame, in the hands of an unscrupulous practitioner, can merely be an excuse for license and unbridled egoism.) At their best, however, these groups merely try to strip religion of the various trappings and conceits which feed an unconscious but powerful sense of entitlement and vanity.

The book is roughly divided into three sections: (1) a discussion of the "Sufi mystique", of claims of the existence of "hidden masters" and secret brotherhoods, and of the arrival of Sufism in the West; (2) a discussion of the history and lineages of individuals and groups claiming to practice the "Way of Blame"; and (3) a discussion of the "Seven Stations of Wisdom", the stages towards God-realization, and Sufi psychology. The author concludes with a brief discussion of Sufism's possible future and role in the West, particularly the United States.

The first section discusses the impact of several men who introduced Sufi (or quasi-Sufi) ideas into the West: Hazrat Inayat Khan, Idries Shah, Gurdjieff, and John G. Bennett. These men are all controversial (in varying degrees) yet Toussulis evaluation of all of them seems eminently fair and balanced. (Omitted from ths discussion are the Englishman Reshad Feild and his Turkish mentor, Bulent Rauf. This is unfortunate, since Rauf was an apostle of the ideas of Ibn al-Arabi, whose influence is pervasive in the traditions dealt with in this book.) Toussulis also addresses the issue of the relationship of Sufism to Islam, and whether there is any evidence of a pre-Islamic Sufism.

Toussulis also discusses the claims of the so-called "traditionalist" school, as represented bt such individuals as Seyyed Hossain Nasr, Fritjof Schuon, and Martin Lings.

The middle section of the book traces the history of the malami groups, and their interaction with both civil and religious authorities (which, in the Islamic world, are often difficult to distinguish). As the book arrives in the 20th century, we meet several men who are apparently the direct representatives of the author's personal lineage.

Finally, there is a discussion of Sufi psychology and the various stages of development of the personality as it moves towards higher levels of integration and spiritual wisdom.

This is a valuable book on a misunderstood topic, and although I thought the middle, historical section lagged a bit, I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in Sufism, particularly as it has been presented in the West.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A unique book on Sufi practice and history
Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2011
Before reading this review, readers should know that I've studied the malami way with the author and his guide, Mehmet Selim, for well over a decade--so I have a personal stake in the book. I also participated in the interview that is documented in Chapter Eight. Having offered that caveat, I still believe I can offer a fairly objective review since I am well versed in many aspects of Sufi literature, and can draw comparisons.

Typically books on Sufism are written either from a purely scholarly perspective (the excellent work of Izutsu, Morris, or Chittick, for example) or from a purely participant perspective--almost never from a combination of the two. Sufism and the Way of Blame is a unique book in the Sufi literature. For this reason, reviewers like Peter Lamborn Wilson, Kabir Helminski, Robert Frager, and Stan Krippner have been enthusiastic in their praise.

In Toussulis' book we have a traditionally authorized sufi murshid (guide) with family roots in the Levant who is also an experienced, western-trained psychotherapist and university instructor. He seeks to convey the historical foundations and contemplative practices of an approach to Sufism whose exponents typically avoid drawing attention to themselves: the malamatiyya. Having said that, this book serves as a rich, psychologically sensitive introduction to the principles and practice of Malami Sufism in a way that's relevant for current seekers, East or West.

The challenge for a reader is that Toussulis aims to convey the centuries of tradition in which this contemporary school of Sufism is grounded. So the book weaves together Qur'an, ahadith, the Sufism of Ibn al Arabi, Sufi poetry from classical writers such as Rumi, Iraqi, Attar, and Shabistari. The interview in Chapter 8 between Toussulis and Mehmet Selim, focused on the meaning of malami Sufism today, combined with the first English translation of Pir Nur al-Arabi's Risala i Salihiyya would alone make this a book worth reading for anyone interested in how a classical school of Sufism is seeking to express itself in postmodernity. As one reviewer (above) has noted, the book may "lag" in the middle for some because of the wealth of historical detail. At the same time, such a history of the malamatiyya (especially in its later phases) cannot be found elsewhere, except in fragments, so in this respect the book is also a unique reference.
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barbara xella
5.0 out of 5 stars Sufism and the Way of Blame by Yannis Toussulis
Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2016
I have been interested in Sufism as it has been presented to secular Western readers for a few years now. When I read this book I felt very pleased to find a very well detailed and documented historical presentation of Sufism (and particularly the way of blame) and its cultural roots, as well as a clear ongoing explanation of the actual contents of this fascinating mystical path. I was also grateful to the author for presenting a different point of view about the main figures that brought Sufism in the West some decades ago and for putting into a new perspective some of the myths that arose around these teachers and their sources over the years. I have particularly appreciated the fact that the author, even in doing so, never fails to express his respect towards these important figures. Dulcis in fundo, the book ends with 3 chapters I have especially enjoyed reading: an interesting interview with Mehmet Selim Bey, and the last two chapters of the book about the seven stations of wisdom and human completeness. Highly recommended reading!
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Generic Nomenclature
5.0 out of 5 stars Gives a clear background to the contemporary ideas and controversies
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 10, 2011
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If you have read books on Sufism that appeared contradictory, then this work helps to explain why those differences exist. It tracks the emergence of different schools of thought over time and places them in their historical context: showing how they arose as a reaction to the prevailing circumstances of the age. This is taken right up to the present day when the author provides interesting perspectives on the contemporary approaches to Sufism in the West, as promoted by figures such as Hossein Nasr and Idries Shah. The author's chapter covering the relationship between Sufis in Afghanistan and Idries Shah, as well as its implications for how Sufism is adopted within a Western framework, would be useful background reading for anyone who has read Shah's books.

The author does not take sides but lists the differing viewpoints, and there are some well-informed sources. But this book is more than that. It also provides valuable conceptual material about Sufism itself which is thought provoking and which I have not found elsewhere. It is well-written and I would advise anyone who is seriously studying this subject to get this book.
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Doc Savage
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 9, 2016
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An extremely important book, hopefully it's significance will eventually be recognized much more widely.
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2.0 out of 5 stars Two Stars
Reviewed in Canada on January 16, 2016
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Interesting, but too much emphasis on historical chronology and very little on the teaching itself.
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Essential Sufism: Robert Frager, James Fadiman, Huston Smith:

Essential Sufism: Robert Frager, James Fadiman, Huston Smith: 9780062514752: Books - Amazon
Essential Sufism

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Essential Sufism Paperback – November 17, 1999
by Robert Frager  (Editor), James Fadiman (Editor), Huston Smith (Foreword)4.6 out of 5 stars    162 ratings
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The definitive compendium of Sufi wisdom, 'Essential Sufism' draws together more than three hundred fables, poems and prayers that reveal the luminous spirit of Islamic mysticism. Embracing all eras and highlighting the many faces of Sufism, this colle

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Editorial Reviews
"A treasure of jewels in the tradition of Sufi soul-work. "I really love and value this book."-- Coleman Barks, translator of "The Essential Rumi""An awesome and eminently profound compendium of spiritual wisdom."-- "Body Mind Spirit""Reading through the many entries, one gets a feeling for the beauty and deep wisdom of the Sufis."-- "Library Journal"
From the Back Cover
The definitive compendium of Sufi wisdom, 'Essential Sufism' draws together more than three hundred fables, poems and prayers that reveal the luminous spirit of Islamic mysticism. Embracing all eras and highlighting the many faces of Sufism, this colle

About the Author
Robert Fager, Ph.D., is a psychologist, Sufi teacher, and author of two other books on Sufism, Love Is the Wine, and Heart, Self, and Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance, and Harmony.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperOne; Reprint edition (November 17, 1999)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 288 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 006251475X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0062514752
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 7.8 ounces
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.31 x 0.65 x 8 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #93,037 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#29 in Sufism (Books)
#138 in Religion & Philosophy (Books)
Customer Reviews: 4.6 out of 5 stars    162 ratings
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S. Diaz
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing
Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2019
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Though used, it was obviously handled and used with love and care by its previous owner. There are notes written on the sides, yes, but they are simply written to highlight specific parts of the book. I recommend Jensen Books if you're looking for used books in acceptable condition.

As for the book itself, its contents are amazing. It requires you to think and slowly digest its contents for you to fully understand the book but it is not in any way complicated or difficult to understand. You simply need to be mature enough to grasp the concepts written in it.
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Dancing Palmtrees
4.0 out of 5 stars The Mystical Arm of Islam -- A Novice's Impressions
Reviewed in the United States on July 13, 2009
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Just started reading this book. I want to learn more about Sufism since it is a theme echoed over a over by Gibran, Pamuk and of course its founder the great poet Rumi. I love the concept of becoming "One with the Beloved". In my opinion Pamuk corrupts Sufism and Mystics. Orhan Pamuk's books present a distorted view of Dervishes and Sufis, especially the novel, My Name is Red. He reduces these holy men to their baser instincts.

Of course as a Christian my ultimate Spiritual Goal is to become one with Jesus Christ.

Over the years as I think back I believe I have found elements of Sufism in the writings of Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama and I'm sure that as I read more of Dr. Edward Said I will find it there also. Perhaps it is also in Buddhism, I must look at my Buddhist scriptures.

The theme of Being One with the Beloved resonates with me as a Christian because you find this concept in the Bible. Jesus spoke that He and the Father were One. The Epistles constantly speak about being reunited with God, being more like the Father, losing yourself in Him.

I'm the type of Christian who believes one can incorporate the best of other faiths without losing or rejecting one's own belief system. As I get older I lean towards to the Gospel of Inclusion. Besides on Judgement Day we will all answer to God no matter what our faith or belief.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The aphorisms in this book remind me very much of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Proverbs is known as the book of Wisdom. I keep refering to the Bible because this is my faith and my frame of reference. As I read about the Sufis and Dervishes I think about Jesus disciples and how he sent them out to preach the gospel and heal the sick. Jesus told them to take nothing with them except the clothes on their back. I believe the scripture states that the workman is worthy of his hire. The went from town to town, house to house spreading the Good News. Whoever had ears to hear received it, those who did not Jesus told them to shake the dust off their sandals as they left that particular village. I am just speculating but maybe Rumi and other Sufis were inspired by Jesus, his disciples and the apostles.

Another similarity I found was the mention of the Redemptive Names of God. Christians also have this.


Eight Redemptive Names of God

"The Lord our provider" - This is also the name Abraham gave to the place where the Lord provided a sacrifice in place of Isaac. (Gen. 22:14).
"Our banner, a banner of love and protection" - Also the name Moses gave to the altar he built after defeating the Amalekites (Ex. 17:15).
"Our perfect peace" - Also the name Gideon gave to the altar he built at Ophrah (Judges 6:24)
"The Lord is our righteousness" - The name is applied to a future Davidic king who would lead his people to do what is right and thus bring peace (Jeremiah 23:6) and to the restored city of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:16). The name is possibly a play on the name of Zedekiah ("Righteous [is:] the Lord") who reigned from 597 to 587 B.C..
"The One Who is with us everywhere for He is Omnipresent" - The Jerusalem of Ezekiel's vision (see Ezekiel 48:35 margin) was known by this name. Compare text at Isaiah 60:19-20 and Revelation 21:3.
"The Lord of Hosts, our Protector." C.H. Spurgeon said this about the phrase "The Lord of Hosts:
The Lord rules the angels, the stars, the elements, and all the hosts of Heaven; and the Heaven of heavens is under His sway... [the Lord:] is on our side -- our august Ally; woe unto those who fight against Him, for they shall flee like smoke before the wind when He gives the word to scatter them."
See text at Psalm 46:7.
"Our Shepherd Who tenderly leads us, loves us and will keep us safe." - the famous Psalm 23 tells us that "The Lord is our Shepherd and we shall not want...." Being illustrated as a shepherd implies a relationship with His sheep (His believers). The term shepherd appears approximately 80 times in the Scriptures, denoting meanings of: feeder, keeper, companion, friend, pastor and herdsman.
"I am the Lord Your Physician or I am the Lord Your Healer - this name especially was a Name God prophetically spoke about Himself, not one that someone gave Him. Exodus 15:26

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just wanted to add that some of themed echo the Song of Solomon which contrasts romantic love between Solomon and his Ethiopian wife to his Love and search for God. Also in regards to mystics whether Sufi or Christian, "One cannot be so Heavenly bound that you are no earthly good". Props to my former Pastor, Rev. A.R. Bernard!!

The Mystic experience can also be found heavily in the Catholic Church. There are many famous Catholic Mystics; St. Teresa of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, etc... Many Catholic Mystics have had the experience of Stigmata, actually having the wounds of Christ on their physical bodies. Some have actually a type of ecstasy something similar to an out of body experience, perhaps a suspension of natural time where one is present with the Lord.

In my brief study of Eastern and Western Mysticism the Path Chooses the Believer not the Believer the Path. I think ones personality also lends itself to a mystical experience
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5.0 out of 5 stars Good Overview
Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2013
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This book contains many quotes and stories from the Sufi tradition and a rich introduction by the author, who is a student of Sufism. I was first introduced to the tradition about 20 or so years ago through Rumi's poetry, which inspired me and impressed me with the emphasis on love of God. This is an ecstatic tradition that doesn't seek to explain anything but rather to connect one with an open heart and facilitate falling in love with God, immanent and transcendent.
Reading this book is a wonderful experience.
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Sanaa Sharnoubi
5.0 out of 5 stars A treasure trove of poetic and inspirational writings ... Nourishment for the soul.
Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2015
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I have had a hard copy of this book for years and recently bought the kindle edition as well--giving me access to it any time and anywhere. That is how vital its contents are to me. For anyone who is new to Sufism or who is steeped in the Sufi way of life (or anywhere in between), this is a rich and beautiful compendium of Sufi literature. Frager does a wonderful job of arranging the Sufi writings (spanning many centuries and continents) into thematic chapters, such as prayer, love, etc. I highly recommend this book, which I use the way others might use their bible--for comfort and/or inspiration.
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Lori Easterly
5.0 out of 5 stars Mystical Reality
Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2013
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I have loved Sufi poetry for the way it expresses what I have found to be Real. After many years of being lost in the world there was an experience that came about, revealing the illusion and uncovering the Real. When I read Essential Sufism I hear the song of what has been uncovered. The Unseen Reality of What Is.
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Patricia Carter
5.0 out of 5 stars Lots of fuel for thought
Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2018
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Enjoyed as a gift for a friend
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Camille Davis
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Informative
Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2016
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This is a very insightful book. The quotes and anecdotes are also engaging. I never knew how much went into Sufism.
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Davis A. Criscuolo
4.0 out of 5 stars read this introductionribes
Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2013
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This book is a collection of quotes and a variety of statements from a multitude of sources. The real power of the book is in the introduction, which describes the essential Sufi perspective and defines the Sufi as non-sectarian, even as the tradition of Islam bears its roots. I have studied with an Iraqi Sufi Master for over 35 years and find a kindred spirit in this book.
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5.0 out of 5 stars I love this book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 28, 2019
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This book really helped me to understand Islam and get a sense of the true wisdom and depth of it. After listening to dry Salafi teachings about the life of the prophet, this really helps me stay in touch with who he was! A wonderful resource you can dip into on any page and feel refreshed.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Islam explained
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 3, 2013
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This is a lovely introduction to Islam told in much the same way as traditional Sufi books, that being in the way of thought provoking story telling designed to make you think about your actions, the world around you and how you perceive the world you live in.

The author is from the Jerrahi Sufi order and the book follows much the same pattern as the story telling method of the late Sheikh of the Jerrahi Sufi order Muzaffer Ozak. The book is very well structured and would seem to be designed for the western audience to read and enjoy. If you wish to have a book that gives you an introduction to Islam then this is an excellent start.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent introduction to the Islamic faith
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 16, 2012
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I love this book! It provides a very laid back and beautiful introduction to Islam, with its use of poetry, anecdotes and humour. Great for beginners to the subject. Each chapter also begins with a nice introduction - nothing too heavy. This book is to be digested slowly - one you would want to read in the comfort of your own bedroom on a gloomy, rainy day, with a warm cup of sweet tea in hand. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't hesitate to say that this book pretty much explains the essence of Islam. The only drawback is that I have some doubts over the authenticity of some of the information quoted in the text, but the message is what really matters anyway, so it didn't bother me that much.

All in all, a FANTASTIC read. Now go click 'add to basket' :)
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5.0 out of 5 stars Ignore labels ..a guide for peace snd serenity
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 10, 2017
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Beautiful introduction to mystical islam ..if ignoring labels helps you ..this is a must for those wanting to understand themselves and live a peaceful life
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5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 9, 2021
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A compilation of Sufi stories, poems & writings, it’s not only the beautiful words that touch your heart in this book there have been moments where I have found myself laughing out loud. HURRY UP AND BUY
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