
DIY Aquaponics: 5 Best 100% Organic Fertilizers – Fish Safe! – Farming 4 Change

DIY Aquaponics: 5 Best 100% Organic Fertilizers – Fish Safe! – Farming 4 Change

DIY Aquaponics: 5 Best 100% Organic Fertilizers – Fish Safe!

16 chemical elements are known to be important to plant growth and survival. Three non-mineral nutrients — hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and carbon (C) — are absorbed from the air and water in a process known as photosynthesis (meaning “making things with light”). Plants absorb the other 13 nutrients through their roots. These nutrients and trace minerals consist of:
  1. Nitrogen (N)
  2. Phosphorus (P)
  3. Potassium (K)
  4. Calcium (Ca)
  5. Magnesium (Mg)
  6. Sulfur (S)
  7. Boron (B)
  8. Copper (Cu)
  9. Iron (Fe)
  10. Chloride (Cl)
  11. Manganese (Mn)
  12. Molybdenum (Mo)
  13. Zinc (Zn)
There are not always enough of these minerals in a plant’s environment (e.g. soil, rocks, water, air, etc. ) to ensure maximum growth and crop yields, hence the widespread use of chemical fertilizers by many farmers and gardeners.
If you notice the plants in your aquaponic system are struggling to flower or fruit properly – maybe with shriveled, yellowing, and/or stunted growth, it is likely a sign of nutrient and/or mineral deficiency as detailed in the infograph above. Nutrient deficient, weak plants are more susceptible to disease and pest infestations.
In hydroponics or soil growing, providing these essential mineral elements is relatively straightforward. Just add the proper amount of hydroponic fertilizer based on your system’s water volume. With aquaponics, however, the addition of most synthetic plant fertilizers would result in dead fish. Fortunately, there are safe organic fertilizers that supply these vital nutrients. When addressing nutrient deficiencies in aquaponics — like when combating pests in AP gardens — the bottom-line question is whether the substance is toxic to fish.
Here’s a low down on our favorite organic fertilizers that will green things up and get things blooming in no time.

Our 5 Fav All Natural Non-Toxic Organic Fertilizers

  • 1) Fish Poop (Nitrogen+)

Obviously, fish waste is the primary source of nitrogen and several other nutrients in any aquaponic system. Nitrogen is the first element listed in the makeup of modern-day synthetic fertilizers. Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of all proteins, enzymes and metabolic processes involved in the synthesis and transfer of energy. It is a part of chlorophyll, the green pigment of the plant that is responsible for photosynthesis.
nitrogen cycle
The nitrogen cycle is the same in soil as it is in water, it is simply a different medium that the bacteria process in. Soil farmers have been using manure to fertilize crops for millennia. Adding more fish to your system will generally help your plants grow more rapidly and produce more seeds, foliage, blooms, and fruits.
Be sure to buy organic fish food or else you’ll probably be adding GMO ingredients to your recirculating system! My favorite kind is AquaOrganic Aquaponics Fish Feed from the folks at The Aquaponic Source.
Bones from shellfish and animal bones will supply calcium and phosphorus to your plants. Like nitrogen, phosphorus is an essential part of the process of photosynthesis. It helps with the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy and is essential for plant maturation, root growth, blooming, and withstanding stress. Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as well as strength in the plant. This is slow release stuff that must breakdown to become plant-available, so add immediately after starting your system then reapply once or twice a year, depending on plant load. And make sure you purchase steamed and ground bone meal to ensure the quickest release and bioavailability.
bat shit
Amazing bat shit fertilizer – $24 + free shipping
After phosphorus, potassium is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than any other mineral element except nitrogen and, in some cases, calcium. It aids in the building of protein and photosynthesis. Sprinkle some of this 100% natural organic fertilizer made from bat poop or “bat guano” to add both elements to your water garden once or twice a year.

4) Banana Peels (Potassium)

Simply save a few peels from your *organic* bananas, let dry, then pulverize in a coffee grinder or food processor before adding to your grow bed. Boom — free potassium boost. Apply once or twice a year.
Maxicrop is Norwegian Ascophyllum Nodosum (kelp). It is a natural, non-pollutant product made from fresh growing seaweed but in a fully soluble form. It contains very small amounts of the major elements found in chemical fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) and significant amounts of important trace elements including iron, manganese, zinc, boron, and magnesium. Some say you also need to add chelated iron in addition to Maxicrop due to plant availability reasons, which depend on your pH, water temperature, environmental conditions, etc… tho I have not had any iron deficiencies using only Maxicrop (but see #6 below!)
maxicrop iron
Buy 1 liter Maxicrop plus Iron for $15.95 + free shipping on Amazon Prime
Add the recommended amount (on the label, depending on version you buy) every other month or so. Think of it as a multivitamin for your aqua-garden! You can find this organic supplement, along with other seaweed or sea kelp products at most hydroponic stores and on Amazon. Buying the concentrated powder version, which effectively gives you 65 gallons of this liquid magic, is better value than the pictured bottled product above.

*BONUS* 6) Balanced pH

ph soil meter
Soil PH Meter $15 on Amazon
Okay, this is not really a fertilizer. But maintaining optimal pH (a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the water) is one of the most important metrics that affect the availability of nutrients to your plants. The ideal range of pH for the nitrogen process is slightly alkaline (7.0 to 9.0), whereas the ideal pH for micronutrient availability is slightly acidic (5.5 to 6.5). The lower pH can impact the efficiency of detoxifying ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. Stabilization of pH between 6.8 to 7.0 is paramount in managing the health of plants and fish simultaneously.

Subscribe for future disruptive tips. Happy farming!

Urban American Gothic Farmers
Urban American Gothic Farmers by Brandon Martella

Organic Based Fertiliser available from Bunnings Warehouse

Organic Based Fertiliser available from Bunnings Warehouse


Trump’s popularity among South Koreans increases following visit : International : News : The Hankyoreh

Trump’s popularity among South Koreans increases following visit : International : News : The Hankyoreh

Trump’s popularity among South Koreans increases following visit

Posted on : Nov.18,2017 15:53 KSTModified on : Nov.18,2017 15:53 KST

US President Donald Trump and South Korea President Moon Jae-in review a joint services honor guard at the official welcoming ceremony at the Blue House in honor of Trump’s visit on Nov. 7.

Leaders of Japan, China, US, and Russia remain broadly unpopular with SK publicA public opinion poll by Gallup Korea, a polling organization, found that US President Donald Trump’s likeability among South Koreans increased from 9% in May to 25% after his visit to South Korea. In terms of likeability, the leaders of the US, China, Japan and Russia ranked as follows: Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

In this poll of 1,003 individuals, which was carried out from Nov. 14 to Nov. 16 and released on Nov. 17 with a sample margin of ±3.1% and a confidence of 95%, 

25% of respondents said they found Trump “likeable.” 

Since that represented a 16% jump from a poll in May (9%), Gallup concluded that “President Trump’s visit to South Korea at the beginning of November appears to have had a positive effect on his image.”

This jump seems to have been due to the fact that Trump defied expectations by not making any explosive remarks or engaging in any bizarre behavior during his trip to the country. In contrast, former US President Barack Obama enjoyed a 71% likeability rating in two Gallup polls conducted in 2013.

When respondents were asked to rate the likeability of the four leaders of the US, China, Japan and Russia, Xi received 29%, Trump 25%, Putin 14% and Abe 6%.

Gallup also asked respondents to name the country whose relations with South Korea were the most important for peace on the Korean Peninsula. The survey found that 57% of respondents chose the US and 36% chose China. Japan and Russia were only selected by 2% and 0.4% of respondents. The response that the US is most important was most prevalent among those in their twenties and in their sixties and above - around 65% - while it was selected by 55% of people in their thirties and fifties. But respondents in their forties showed a tendency to regard the US (46%) and China (49%) similarly. “These were the same tendencies found in polls last year and in May of this year,” Gallup explained.

By Lee Seung-joon, staff reporter

“한국은 트럼프의 전쟁놀이터가 아니다!” 청년 30여 명, 국회 ‘기습시위’ - 민중의소리

“한국은 트럼프의 전쟁놀이터가 아니다!” 청년 30여 명, 국회 ‘기습시위’ - 민중의소리

“한국은 트럼프의 전쟁놀이터가 아니다!” 청년 30여 명, 국회 ‘기습시위’

“한반도 전쟁 현실로 만드는 트럼프, 국회에는 발도 들이지 말라”
신종훈 기자 sjh@vop.co.kr
발행 2017-11-03 17:37:47
수정 2017-11-03 17:37:47
이 기사는 485번 공유됐습니다

청년들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이며 트럼프 미 대통령의 얼굴이 그려진 현수막을 펼치고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령의 방한을 나흘 앞둔 3일 국회에서 '트럼프 방한 반대'를 외치는 청년·학생들의 목소리가 울려퍼졌다.

'전쟁을 반대하고 평화를 사랑하는 청년학생'이라고 밝힌 이들 30여 명은 이날 국회 의원회관에 앞에서 모여있다가 12시께 "트럼프 방한을 반대한다"고 외치며 국회 본청을 향해 내달렸다.

이들은 곧장 국회 본청 앞 계단에서 '전쟁막말 트럼프는 국회연설 할 수 없다', '전쟁위기 고조 무기강매 통상압력 트럼프를 반대한다' 등이 적힌 대형 현수막을 전개했다. 또 '입만열면 혐오발언 트럼프는 오지마라', '한국은 트럼프의 전쟁놀이터가 아니다', '트럼프 국빈대접은 국가적 수치입니다', '무기강매 전쟁위협 Dump Trump!' 등이 적힌 손피켓을 펼쳐 보이며 구호를 외쳤다.

그러나 학생들은 곧장 국회 경비대 소속 경찰들에 의해 제지를 당했고 현수막도 빼앗겼다. 경찰에 막힌 이들은 곧장 국회 계단을 뛰쳐 올라 재진입을 시도했다. 이 과정에서 경찰들은 손피켓을 모조리 빼앗았고, 학생들은 완력을 사용하는 경찰들에게 "폭력을 쓰지 말라"고 호소했다.

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설을 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이기 위해 달려가고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

본청 입구를 철저히 봉쇄한 경찰들에 둘러싸인 학생들은 곧장 스크럼을 짜고 연좌농성에 돌입했다. 학생들은 "트럼프 방한 반대" 구호를 외치며 성명 낭독을 시도했고, 경찰은 성명문 탈취를 지속적으로 시도했다.

학생들은 성명에서 "각종 위협적인 막말을 남발하며 한반도 전쟁위기를 조장하는 트럼프가 어떻게 우리나라 국회에서 연설을 할 수 있단 말이냐"며 "트럼프 당신은 한반도에서 전쟁을 현실로 만들고 있다. '화염과 분노에 직면할 것', '폭풍전 고요', '북한 완전 파괴' 등은 한반도에서의 전쟁을 암시하는 당신들의 발언들"이라고 꼬집었다.

이들은 "베트남 전쟁, 1·2차 걸프전쟁, 아프가니스탄 전쟁 등은 2차 세계대전 이후 숱하게 벌어졌던 미국의 침략전쟁들"이라며 "그뿐인가. 미국은 한반도 폭격 계획을 수립하기도 했고, 94년 전쟁위기 때는 시뮬레이션까지 돌려가며 실제로 전쟁을 하려고 했다"고 지적했다.

아울러 "지금도 미국은 '북한 파괴' 운운하며 한반도 상공에 폭격기를 전개하고 핵잠수함과 항공모함을 남의 바다에 띄우면서 전쟁위기를 더욱 조장하고 있다"며 "우리는 '한반도에서 수천 명이 죽어도 괜찮다'고 생각하는 당신에게 모멸감을 느낀다. 우리도 동등한 사람이다. 전쟁을 원치 않으며 행복하게 생존하길 바랄 뿐"이라고 호소했다.

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

학생들은 "우리는 전쟁을 조장하는 당신의 방문을 반대한다. 국빈대접은 당치도 않다. 민의의전당 국회에는 발도 들이지 말라. 전쟁위기 조장과 한국인을 멸시한 것에 대해 사과하라"고 목소리를 높였다.

학생들의 성명문 낭독이 이뤄지는 동안에도 경찰들은 성명문 탈취를 계속해서 시도했다. 국회 본청 바로 앞에서 구호를 외치며 1시간가량 경찰과 대치하던 학생들은 오후 1시 10분께 전원이 연행을 당했다.

이들은 현재 영등포경찰서, 중부경찰서, 방배경찰서, 성동경찰서, 서부경찰서 등에서 조사를 받고 있으며, 민주사회를 위한 변호사모임(민변) 소속 변호사들이 접견 중인 것으로 전해졌다.

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설을 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이다 경찰에게 연행되고 있다. 이들은 연행되는 순간에도 ‘트럼프 반대’ 구호를 멈추지 않았다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설을 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이다 연행되면서도 구호를 외치고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

대학생들이 3일 오전 국회 본청 앞에서 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 및 국회연설을 반대하는 기습시위를 벌이다 경찰차 연행된 가운데 한 연행자가 경찰차 창문을 열고 구호를 외치고 있다.ⓒ양지웅 기자

4 November at 12:03 ·

어제 오후, 도널트 트럼프 미 대통령의 방한에 반대하는 학생들의 국회 항의방문이 있었습니다. 30여명의 대학생과 청년들은 "전쟁 막말 트럼프의 국회 연설에 반대한다"는 의미로 "트럼프 반대, 전쟁반대"를 외치며 국회로 향했습니다.

평화나비 네트워크에서 활동하고 있는 두 명의 대학생들도 이 항의방문에 함께 했고, 연행되어 조사를 받은 뒤 현재 유치장에 있는 상황입니다. 다행이도 두 친구 모두 크게 다친 곳 없이 없는 것으로 확인되었습니다.

일본군'위안부'피해자 할머님들께서는 "다시는 전쟁이 일어나지 않아야 나같은 피해자가 생기지 않는다"라며 반전운동가, 평화운동가로 활동하고 계시기도 합니다. 평화나비 또한 할머니의 뜻을 이어받아, 전쟁없는 세상 평화로운 세상을 만들기 위한 활동에 함께 하고 있습니다.

지난 9월 길원옥 할머니께서는 주한 미국 대사관을 방문하여 "미국은 왜 전쟁 할 생각만 하느냐. 전쟁을 할 게 아니라 부디 위안부 문제를 해결하기 위해 국제사회에서 힘쓰는 역할을 해달라"고 호소하시기도 했습니다.

일본군'위안부'문제의 진정한 해결은, 단순한 공식사죄와 법적배상을 넘어 다시는 이러한 전쟁 범죄, 여성인권유린 범죄가 생기지 않도록 하겠다는 기억하고 반성하고 함께하는 움직입니다.

전쟁으로, 힘으로, 무기로, 싸움으로 평화를 만들겠다는 트럼프의 평화는 진정한 평화가 아닙니다. 전쟁은 우리의 삶과 평화를 깨부수고, 언제든 '위안부'문제를 다시 만들어낼 것입니다.

이에 이 땅에 평화, 할머니들께 명예와 인권 회복을, 더 나아가 일본군'위안부'문제의 진정한 해결을 만들고자 하는 대학생 동아리 <평화나비 네트워크>는 전쟁위기를 조성하고 한반도 평화를 위협하는 전쟁광 트럼프의 방한에 강력히 반대합니다.

#한국은_트럼프의_전쟁놀이터가_아니다 #할머니들께서_바라시는건_전쟁없는세상 #이땅에평화 #할머니들께명예와인권을

【目線~読者から】米慰安婦像「サンフランシスコが反日地域になってしまう」(11月9~16日)(2/2ページ) - 産経ニュース

【目線~読者から】米慰安婦像「サンフランシスコが反日地域になってしまう」(11月9~16日)(2/2ページ) - 産経ニュース





 昭和52年に横田めぐみさんが北朝鮮に拉致され、15日で40年。14日付「めぐみへの手紙 横田滋、早紀江」、15日付からの「拉致40年 めぐみさんを救え」。「『拉致を解決できないのは国の恥』という横田さんの言葉を政府はどう聞いているのでしょうか。本当に申し訳なく思っているなら、本当に具体的な措置を検討すべきです」(男性)(読者サービスグループ)

Presbyterian Mission Agency Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea | Presbyterian Mission Agency

Presbyterian Mission Agency Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea | Presbyterian Mission Agency

Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea
Peace & Justice November 20, 2017

PC(USA) peace delegation visits South Korea’s War and Women’s Human Rights Museum
by Kathy Melvin | Presbyterian News Service

SEOUL, South Korea — War has a human face. Every shadow, every line, every wrinkle is part of the story.

A PC(USA) peace delegation visited the War & Women’s Human Rights Museum during their recent visit to South Korea. They watched video interviews with the “comfort women”, who spoke no English. Although there were English subtitles, they weren’t necessary. Their faces said everything.

Estimates are that as many as 200,000 women were kidnapped or lured by the promise of jobs and forced into sexual slavery in “comfort stations” for Japanese soldiers during World War II. Most of the women came from the Korean Peninsula. Some women came other Southeast Asia countries including Thailand, China and the Philippines. Some were as young as 14. “Comfort women” became a derogatory term, so they are now known as “halmoni,” or grandmother. The handful still living in South Korea are in their 80s and 90s.

The halmoni suffered in silence for many years. Many never returned to Korea. Those that did said nothing out of shame. Their stories began to emerge with the founding of the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan on Nov. 16, 1990. The halmoni and their supporters began protesting outside the Japanese Embassy in Seoul in 1992. They are asking Japan to acknowledge the crime, make an official apology, provide legal reparation and record the stories in the country’s official history.

In 2011, they held their 1,000th protest. There are still there every Wednesday.

Down an alley in a 30-year-old house in Seongsan-dong, west of the city, the history of these women is carefully documented. The space is small, only about 15 rooms and areas, but the impact is powerful. After an introductory video, visitors walk on a gravel road with sounds of cannon’s and soldier’s footsteps that lead to a dark basement to simulate the feeling of isolation and oppression the women felt. There is another room in which visitors can follow the movement’s history containing research materials and video footage. The focal point of the room is a replica of a peace statue that depicts a young girl with an empty chair next to her. The original statue faces the Japanese embassy. Comfort women statues have emerged around the world, including one in San Francisco.

The entry ticket to the museum changes daily with real stories of the victims. On November 1 it was Bong Gi Bae, born in Yesan Chungcheongnam-do in 1914.

Promised the ability to earn “big money,” she was taken to Tokashki Okinawa in 1943 and forced into sexual slavery, assigned to a comfort station. When U.S. troops bombed the comfort station she ran away with Japanese soldiers to the mountains. She was later detained in a US prison camp. After her release, she earned a living through prostitution and menial labors. In 1975 her story was published in a regional newspaper. In 1991, she passed away at the age of 77 in Okinawa. She never returned home.

Quantisha Mason, a recent graduate of McCormick Seminary, spent 2013-2014 as a Young Adult Volunteer in Korea. She joined the peace delegation and made her second visit to the museum, which opened in 2012.

“I’ve been here a couple of times and it doesn’t get any easier,” she said. “When we hear about war, it’s always something that men do, but women’s bodies are a battlefield too and the battle is happening in lots of places around the world. I don’t think we can begin to realize the strength it takes to harbor this anger for so many years and remain silent. I don’t know how they lived with it.”

The Rev. Howard Kim, pastor of the Korean Presbyterian Church of South Bay, was born in Korea, but it was his first time at the museum. “I felt strong humility for what had been done and that we can still repeat those kinds of inhumane acts against fellow human beings’ other places in the world,” he said. “It was sad and depressing.”

Images of yellow butterflies are all around the museum. The Butterfly Fund was chosen as a symbol of hope to women suffering from sexual violence in armed conflicts. In the museum’s printed materials, it says, “The butterfly represents our wish that all the women in agony, including the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, would be able to spread their wings free from discrimination, repression and violence.”

On March 8, 2012, International Women’s Day, halmoni Bok-dong Kim and Won-ok Gil made a pledge to donated their entire legal reparations from the Japanese government once they receive them. This was the beginning of the Butterfly Fund. The fund is currently supporting victims in the in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Vietnam.

The first recipient was Rebecca Masika Katsuva, who lives in Congo. In 1988, during the Congo civil war, Maskila and her 9 and 13-year-old daughters were gang raped by soldiers. Her husband was killed. The following year she created “Listening House” to care for women who had gone through similar experiences and children born of forced pregnancy. Her mother helped her at the shelter for but was later raped and murdered.

The Korean Army participated in the Vietnam War from September 1964 to March 1973 and was accused of massacring and sexually assaulting civilians. The butterfly fund is now helping victims of sexual violence by Korean soldiers in Vietnam.

The peace delegation traveled to South Korean November 1-8, in response to Overture 12-01 and Commissioner’s Resolution 12-13, adopted at General Assembly 222 (2016) Portland, focusing on the reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the need to build upon the increasing momentum toward peace.

Leading the delegation was the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, Stated Clerk of the Office of General Assembly (OGA). He was joined by the Rev. Jose Luis Casal, director of Presbyterian World Mission, the Rev. Robina Winbush, assistant stated clerk and director of OGA’s office of ecumenical relations and the Rev. Mienda Uriarte, coordinator of World Mission’s Asia-Pacific office. The Rev. Ed Arnold and the Rev. Ed Kang, members of Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery, originators of the overture also attended, as well as several OGA and PMA representatives.

Resource materials are currently being developed by the Rev. Unzu Lee and will be available on the PC(USA) website early next year.