Showing posts with label nontheism nontheistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nontheism nontheistic. Show all posts


Non-Theist Quakers Fuck Worship


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  • What does this mean to you?
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    • 7 h
  • I'll be there with you.
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    • 7 h
  • that 'worship' is the action of fawning humans directed towards a powerful metafysical narcissistic being that needs constant admiration (ie, 'worship') in order not to kill us. & that the word in the quaker lexicon has lost its primary Old World meaning but is still maintained to connote a mystic connection with the euroXian Other World. as relevant a word as lord, pray & hymn.
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    • I love what your saying but prefer a simpler language.
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    • quakerism has diluted the meaning of the word with 99 parts rainwater. we've weaned ourselves off it thus far, & survived. time to just make the break.
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    • And I’m afraid this why I am often uncomfortable defining myself as non-theist. There are a lot of things a lot of theists have done that are bad and stupid. Lots and lots of social toxins. But the rejection of “we are small and can’t solve everything has resulted in its own really toxic issues. Hubris is a thing even without a metaphysical being. I find the “I’m not in charge here aspect” really essential to meeting for worship.
      I think there are things to “get over” either way. And In any case, asking me to fuck worship, which is so valuable to so many of the Friends I love and respect does them a lot of disrespect. This is not a nontheism I respect or want part of.
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    • i find the 'i'm not in charge here' mindset helpful in family&friend relationships. am not suggesting that atheism in any way is or should be the path to us as SuperHumans.
      i imagine that others here know of other traditions that understand us humans as being at the bottom of the beings list, without even positing any metafysics. that's a way, a couple of them, that i follow. and still, 'worship' is irrelevant.
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    •  this is a problem of traditional european atheism that's been steeped in Xity: replacing God at the top of the triangle with Human.
  • That would be lovely !!
    Because that is worship, but I feel many Quakers just don't get it !!!
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    • 6 h
  • Thought provoking.
    There are bible passages and QF&P passages that say similar (in my opinion) - I was just sharing them in our LM Weekly newsletter yesterday. Check out Corinthians 13 and Francis Howgill at 19.08 where its all about the love, and being a community together.
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  • I'm so glad to read these posts as I've been uneasy with/questioning the concept of 'worship' for a long time.
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    • 6 h
  • I have no problem with the word "worship". The universe is awesome. I do have a problem here with the word "fuck," however. It's a lazy, crass and insensitive way of registering an unease with the conflicted history of the word "worship." It's for teenagers.
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    • 6 h
    • when we were kids, we weren't allowed to say it. when i finally experienced it, i thought it was great, but still wasn't allowed to use it. in the navy it became our filler word, & now it's a great emfasizer & nose tweaker to poshers who try to gatekeep the colonial users of the colonizer's language. it's immediate & emfatic. & perfect for 3dworlders of The Empire.
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      • 4 h
    • Mike Ralph King
       I have worked in the field of AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) most of my life. I’m very, very tired of “fuck”. Workers use that word as part of their vocabulary and it gets tiring. It’s time to stop using that old word.
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  • Shakers-take note
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  • Daniel
     - ¿ «chinga la adoración. vamos a estar quietos. juntos.» ?
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    • See translation
    • 3 h
  • Stopped having unease with the word "worship" when I learned its etymology.
    From 0ld English "woerPscipe"..
    "worth-ship" which means "to give worth to'
    Also quite easy with secular context.. "to hold something in esteem"
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    • etymology ... i started feeling uneasy in 10th grade when i learned 'Beelzebub' means 'Lord of the flies' ... which They never told us in 9th grade when we were reading the book. added a whole new dimension. & moreso when i learned that 'sarcasm' means 'to rip flesh like a dog'.
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      • 2 h
  • What are we, Buddhists?!
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