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Showing posts with label Parkere Palmer selection. Show all posts


Parker J. Palmer. Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
Parker J. Palmer

With wisdom, compassion, and gentle humor, Parker J. Palmer invites us to listen to the inner teacher and follow its leadings toward a sense of meaning and purpose. Telling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have made a difference, he shares insights gained from darkness and depression as well as fulfillment and joy, illuminating a pathway toward vocation for all who seek the true calling of their lives.

---------------- Review
The old Quaker adage, "Let your life speak," spoke to author Parker J. Palmer when he was in his early 30s.

It summoned him to a higher purpose, so he decided that henceforth he would live a nobler life. 

"I lined up the most elevated ideals I could find and set out to achieve them," he writes. "The results were rarely admirable, often laughable, and sometimes grotesque.... I had simply found a 'noble' way of living a life that was not my own, a life spent imitating heroes instead of listening to my heart."

Thirty years later, Palmer now understands that learning to let his life speak means "living the life that wants to live in me." It involves creating the kind of quiet, trusting conditions that allow a soul to speak its truth. It also means tuning out the noisy preconceived ideas about what a vocation should and shouldn't be so that we can better hear the call of our wild souls. There are no how-to formulas in this extremely unpretentious and well-written book, just fireside wisdom from an elder who is willing to share his mistakes and stories as he learned to live a life worth speaking about.

--Gail Hudson

From Publishers Weekly

A gifted academic who formerly combined a college teaching career with community organizing, Palmer took a year's sabbatical to live at the "intentional" Quaker community of Pendle Hill in Pennsylvania. Instead of leaving at year's end, he became the community's dean of studies and remained there for 10 years. Palmer (The Courage to Teach) shares the lessons of his vocational and spiritual journey, discussing his own burnout and intense depression with exceptional candor and clarity. In essays that previously appeared in spiritual or educational journals and have been reworked to fit into this slim volume, he suggests that individuals are most authentic when they follow their natural talents and limitations, as his own story demonstrates. Since hearing one's "calling" requires introspection and self-knowledge (as suggested by the eponymous Quaker expression), Palmer encourages inner work such as journal-writing, meditation and prayer. Recognizing that his philosophy is at odds with popular, essentially American attitudes about self-actualization and following one's dreams, Palmer calls vocation "a gift, not a goal." He deftly illustrates his point with examples from the lives of people he admires, such as Rosa Parks, Annie Dillard and Vaclav Havel. A quiet but memorable addition to the inspirational field, this book has the quality of a finely worked homily. The writing displays a gentle wisdom and economy of style that leaves the reader curious for more insight into the author's Quaker philosophy.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

5.0 out of 5 stars
precious wildness
ByDavid A. BaerTop Contributor: Cyclingon July 27, 2016
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
Parker Palmer’s graceful little book LET YOUR LIFE SPEAK is the best work I’ve ever read on discernment and vocation.

In six chapters and just under 120 elegantly written pages, Palmer presses home the point that vocation emerges from within us and that we must listen carefully to our own lives if we are to discover it. Taking on someone else’s concept of calling or subjecting ourselves to an external and alien set of values and objectives will do violence to ourselves and to our usefulness—Palmer would probably avoid the word—to our community and our world.

 Throughout, the author’s rooting in Quaker patterns and rhythms is evident, but this book is anything but sectarian and will be welcomed—indeed, has been welcomed, for it was published in the year 2000—by readers of many faiths and perhaps of none.

Chapter I, ‘Listening to Life’, argues that one’s life is worthy of study and profoundly worth listening to. ‘The soul is like a wild animal—tough, resilient, savvy, self-sufficient, and yet exceedingly shy. If we want to see a wild animal, the last thing we should do is go crashing through the woods, shouting for the creature to come out. But if we are willing to walk quietly into the woods and sit silently for an hour or two at the base of a tree, the creature we are waiting for may well emerge, and out of the corner of an eye we will catch a glimpse of the precious wildness we seek.’

In his second chapter (‘Now I Become Myself’), Palmer initiates in earnest the autobiographical transparency that he will sustain through the book, lending to his lines an authenticity that is arguably their most compelling feature. After having tried and failed over several episodes to forge a sense of vocational and personal identity, Parker writes that ‘(t)today I understand vocation quite differently—not as a goal to be achieved but as a gift to be received. Discovering vocation does not mean scrambling toward some prize just beyond my reach but accepting the treasure of true self I already possess. Vocation does not come from a voice “out there” calling me to become something I am not. It comes from a voice “in here” calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given me at birth by God.’

The author urge us not to ‘wear other people’s faces’ and to realize that ‘(t)he deepest vocational question is not “What ought I to do with my life?” It is the more elemental and demanding “Who am I? What is my nature?”.’

Yet Palmer does not imagine that this discovery of one’s true self occurs often without pain. ‘Most of us’, he avers, ‘arrive at a sense of self and vocation only after a long journey through alien lands … before we come to that center, full of light, we must travel in the dark. Darkness is not the whole of the story—every pilgrimage has passages of loveliness and joy—but it is the part of the story most often left untold.’ This ultimate qualifier is another item that, to this reader’s ears, lends the ring of truth to Palmer’s adventure. I say this because my own journeying after true vocation has, like Palmer’s, led me through both sunlight and darkness, yet I cannot say that any of the miles traveled has been entirely dark, entirely bleak, and certainly not entirely regrettable. Unlike many more mechanical treatments of the topic, Palmer’s notion of vocational discovery leads him to value the path rather than merely the destination.

One finds, in this second and longest of Palmer’s chapters, refreshingly important roles to be played by fear, failure, and ordinariness. In my view, this makes LET YOUR LIFE SPEAK accessible to those of us who resonate with Palmer’s journey but could never write so elegantly of our own.

Chapter III is titled ‘When Way Closes’. The missing article is not a typo, but rather a nod to the Quaker sense of ‘Way’. In the discourse of the Friends, we learn, ‘way opens’ and ‘way closes’. Palmer traces a givenness to vocation, a created anchoring in our persons that does not make all things possible. Instead, the way each of us is both opens doors and closes doors. Sometimes the closing brings embarrassment and shame.

‘It would be nice if our limits did not reveal themselves in such embarrassing ways as getting fired from a job. But if you are like me and don’t readily admit your limits, embarrassment may be the only way to get your attention. I go on full alert only when I am blocked or get derailed or flat-out fail. Then, finally, I may be forced to face my nature and find out whether I can make something of both my gifts and my limitations.’

Palmer develops the role played by our limitations by counterposing the ‘oughts’ that we often heed in our vocational adventure to the ‘ecology of life’ in which we find a proper place to stand and to be. In this third chapter, this Christian reader finds the theological undergirding to Palmer’s prose that the author often touches upon only lightly. It is, for Palmer, the ‘God of reality’ who ‘dwells quietly in the root system of the very nature of things’. He speaks easily of ‘one’s created nature’. When one finally comes to rest within this ecology burnout is not the inevitable outcome of passionate labor. Rather, ‘(w)hen the gift I give to the other is integral to my own nature, when it comes from a place of organic reality within me, it will renew itself—and me—even as I give it away.’

‘All the Way Down’ (Chapter IV) suggests that an excruciating read lies just ahead and the title does not deceive, for in this fourth chapter Palmer sketches out for us his two debilitating experiences of depression. Neither reducing nor simplifying the causes of depression—in fact he calls the thing a ‘mystery’—Palmer managed in his own suffering to find his way to viewing depression as his friend. It took him all the way down to where it was safe to stand. Following upon his previous description of ‘the God of reality’, Parker borrows Tillich’s description of God as the ground of being: ’I had always imagined God to be in the same general direction was everything else I valued: up … I had to be forced underground before I could understand that the way to God is not up but down.’

Thankfully, Palmer does not write prescriptively about the ways (plural) into depression nor the ways (again, note the plural) out. His own recovery remains something of a mystery, captured in the magnificent poem with which he graces the conclusion of Chapter IV. Yet for him, his submission to the vocational ‘oughts’ by which he permitted himself for years to be hounded prepared the way down in the darkness. There he found not only God, but himself as well.

Chapter V (‘Leading from Within’) now turns outward to the damage and the health that a leader can bring to the wider community and, indeed, to the world. We project both shadows and light onto the world. ‘A good leader is intensely aware of the interplay of inner shadow and light, lest the act of leadership do more harm than good.’

In this chapter, any hint that vocation is essentially a narcissistic pursuit evaporates. For Palmer, vocation begins within but eventually projects itself onto one’s world. He writes insightfully of the ways leaders fashion a community from misguided starting points and, happily, also via the freedom that comes from authentic vocation. Let me single out at some length a few of Parker’s words on fear as motivator:

‘As one who is no stranger to fear, I have had to read those words with care so as not to twist them into a discouraging counsel of perfection. “Be not afraid” does not mean we cannot have fear. Everyone has fear, and people who embrace the call to leadership often find fear abounding. Instead, the words say we do not need to be the fear we have. We do not have to lead from a place of fear, thereby engendering a world in which fear is multiplied.

We have places of fear inside of us, but we have other places as well—places with names like trust and hope and faith. We can choose to lead from one of those places, to stand on ground that is not riddled with the fault lines of fear, to move toward others from a place of promise instead of anxiety. As we stand in one of those places, fear may remain close at hand and our spirits may still tremble. But now we stand on ground that will support us, ground from which we may lead others towards a more trustworthy, more hopeful, more faithful way of being in the world.’

This reviewer—like Palmer, no stranger to fear—thrills to such a sound and realistic assessment of the kind of ‘fearlessness’ that embraces reality and yet dares to lead, unparalyzed.

In his concluding chapter (VI, ‘There is a Season’), Palmer departs from his now familiar approach to speak of how ‘the quest for selfhood and vocation’ follow the recurring patterns and rhythms of the four seasons. This chapter alone would justify keeping Let Your Life Speak within arm’s reach, to be read and re-read at the calendar’s and the seasons’ turnings.

One can hardly read Palmer’s exceedingly transparent work on vocation and then write for others about it without a bit of transparency of his own. After twelve years of leadership in a relatively prominent position—at least for the proportions of this review’s little world—I recently hit the wall at the end of a particularly grueling vocational mile. This is not without its emotional violence, its sense of failure and disillusionment, its return to the root considerations of vocational identity, and its forceful requirement to look again and to look within for wisdom about next steps. For me, each page of Palmer’s LET YOUR LIFE SPEAK brought both balm and direction. Many brought exhilaration as well.

I offer this review in hopes that Palmer will be a bit more widely read for those, like me, who find a wise mentor the doctor’s very order.
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2.0 out of 5 stars
Great for spiritual people, not so great for others
ByJLMon December 16, 2016

I was extremely disappointed with this book (likely because I had read so many wonderful things about it and had high expectations). I have been struggling with an internal need to discover my passion in life and incorporate that into my vocation; this book was highly recommended as the most helpful tool possible in that journey, but I found it to be quite the opposite.

The author spends at least 3/4 of the book discussing his own life and experiences. While I can appreciate how those experiences could generally be used to illustrate a point, I don't feel that end was met. It read more like a biography with the occasional motivational quote and offered very little insight in terms of how to actually "let your life speak".

This book was not for all. However, the writer is clearly very accomplished and talented at what he does. His words flowed beautifully and I respect him immensely as a capable writer. I am tempted to read other works by him because I enjoyed his writing style; I believe my issue is only with what I was expecting to get (and did not) from this book.

I am a secular/agnostic/humanist and the book was a little heavy on religious references for me. I have a difficult time relating to religiously-/spiritually-charged messages on a personal level and as such, perhaps I was not able to fully appreciate the true scope of what Dr. Palmer was attempting to convey. The chapter that covered clinical depression was an exception to this assertion, though, as I felt he covered the topic beautifully.

Looking at it objectively, a spiritual individual who is experiencing the same internal struggle I am will probably benefit greatly from this book - I just don't think there are many take away points for secular individuals like myself.
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5.0 out of 5 stars
The Clearness Committee Creates Chaos
ByJohn W. PearsonVINE VOICEon November 21, 2014

Yikes. It's almost December--and then we'll blink and raise a glass to the New Year, and do it all over again--expecting different results. Yikes, again.

So...before you grieve another year of unfulfilled promises to yourself (career-wise or other)--invest 109 pages in your calling. Read. Reflect. Listen. Pray. Discern. Jump.

Parker Palmer's stunning quick-read, "Let Your Life Speak," will help you think backwards and forwards. And his confession--that he failed to listen to his heart and squandered valuable years--is a warning to all of us (no matter how many candles on our last cake)...that vocation and calling matter.

He begins:
-- "...a funny thing happened on the way to my vocation."
--He was guided by Frederick Buechner's inspiring insight: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

He confesses:
--"I had simply found a `noble' way to live a life that was not my own, a life spent imitating heroes instead of listening to my heart."

He learned:
--"Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you. Before you tell your life what truths and values you have decided to live up to, let your life tell you what truths you embody, what values you represent."
--"My youthful understanding of `Let your life speak' led me to conjure up the highest values I could imagine and then try to conform my life to them whether they were mine or not."

He adds: "If that sounds like what we are supposed to do with values, it is because that is what we are too often taught. There is a simplistic brand of moralism among us that wants to reduce the ethical life to making a list, checking it twice--against the index in some best-selling book of virtues, perhaps--and then trying very hard to be not naughty but nice."

He explains the book's subtitle, "Listening for the Voice of Vocation" with this:
--"Vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening."
--"Vocation [rooted in the Latin for `voice'] does not mean a goal that I pursue. It means a calling that I hear. Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am."

Parker Palmer's Quaker roots add color and authenticity to this remarkable little book--a collection of essays, edited into a book-length gem.

It's tough to narrow down my favorites stories--I read most of them to my wife, Joanne--but certainly these two:

Favorite Story #1: The Clearness Committee.
A presidential search committee for a small educational institution invited Palmer for an interview. "So as is the custom in the Quaker community, I called on half a dozen trusted friends to help me discern my vocation by means of a `clearness committee,' a process in which the group refrains from giving you advice but spends three hours asking you honest, open questions to help discover your inner truth. (Looking back, of course, it is clear that my real intent in convening this group was not to discern anything but to brag about being offered a job I had already decided to accept!)

Gulp! One stunning question rocked his world (see pages 44-46)--and he said no to a career-enhancing opportunity.

Favorite Story #2: Outward Bound.

Hanging from a cliff, 110 feet above ground in his first Outward Bound experience (more like "Outward Down"), Palmer had a profound moment (pages 82-85). Later he reflected, "I chose the weeklong course at Hurricane Island, off the coast of Maine. I should have known from that name what was in store for me; next time I will sign up for the course at Happy Gardens or Pleasant Valley!"

He describes five shadow-casting monsters: First, "insecurity about identity and worth." Next, "the belief that the universe is a battleground, hostile to human interests."

The third one is a real poke-in-the-ribs. "A third shadow common among leaders is `functional atheism,' the belief that ultimate responsibility for everything rests with us. This is the unconscious, unexamined conviction that if anything decent is going to happen here, we are the ones who must make it happen--a conviction held even by people who talk a good game about God."

The fourth shadow is fear, "especially our fear of the natural chaos of life. Many of us--parents and teachers and CEOs--are deeply devoted to eliminating all remnants of chaos from the world."

The fifth shadow that leaders project is, "paradoxically, the denial of death itself." He's savvy! "Leaders who participate in this denial often demand that the people around them keep resuscitating things that are no longer alive." If you're working on a strategic plan right now, you must read pages 89 to 91!

Think about this:

"We will become better teachers not by trying to fill the potholes in our souls but by knowing them so well that we can avoid falling into them." So...who is helping you identify your potholes--and how might that impact your "true self" vocation?
4.0 out of 5 stars
This book could take you on a journey
ByAnti-Climaticuson April 12, 2014

This strength of this book lies not in its writing (rambling) or the stories (lots of side tracks) but with its capacity to set off an internal journey. The text pivots off a key insight that one doesn't choose a vocation, that it is a gift and that in order to discover that gift I need to listen and reflect on my life and to discern from this as to what my life is about. This discernment centred on the perspective that one needs to live from the inside out and in order to do this you need to let your life tell you what truths you embody, what values you represent as distinct from whose other truths you tried to write over yourself and whose other values you took on for yourself are and live question. "I must listen to my life telling me I am. I must listen to the truths and values at the heart of my own identity (and discover/recognise) the standards which I cannot help live if I am living my own life". It is also about recognising my strengths as well as my weaknesses, accepting and integrating my shadow, with my stars. It is about becoming the person I was born to be and recognising this person is found in those moments when our experiences of deep gladness address real human need. The remainder of the text is taken up with Parker's story, the pursuit of other people's standards and goals, living life divided, the need to go through periods of deep darkness to realise that one has not been on the right path, the need to be open to discovering the self and the decision to be divided no more. It is somewhat an illustration of Kierkegaard's insight that while life can only be understood backwards, it has to be lived forward.

My reading of this book was interrupted by the demands of an autumn garden. And so I set about the gardening while asking myself where in my life had I encountered those moments of deep gladness and what had I been doing at those times? Asking too, when had my life become divided as such? Over the coming day and especially for several hours in the depths of that night, while I was not dreaming, I was semi-awakened and a whole stream of deeply glad events across my life returned to me in a tapestry of understanding and personal insight. Much of the remainder of the book is taken up with is journey thru struggles and there is much to do with facing his shadow (in the Jungian sense of this) and to the things in life that bring each of us to that point. He finishes on a positive note as to how he made it thru his journey, an allegory to encourage us to do the same. It could do though with another chapter. Its a while since he wrote this and perhaps a revisiting on the theme of looking backwards in order to go forwards, he could better illustrate these points now, with less focus on the depths of his then depression and a greater, more coherent story line about not just the truths he discovered but how he also then became he who he was born to be.
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1.0 out of 5 stars
Very Disappointed
ByA customeron February 3, 2003
Format: Hardcover
This book is little more than a (mercifully) short autobiography of an arrogant and misguided know-it-all. Think of the most self-centered and obnoxious person you know, and then ask yourself if you'd want to read a book they'd written about their own life. To me the book was hard to read because I found the author's personality so annoying. Even when he admits to making mistakes, he strongly hints that it was because he was more intelligent or more ethical than everyone else around him.
Also, throughout the book, he kept blowing the trumpet and waving the banner of his Liberal politics. He apologized a few times for being born a white male, but then he used it as an excuse because, he says, our society teaches all white males that they can do anything they want to do in life. And he feels the pain of all who are not white males because, he says time and again, that our society is, apparently without exception, sexist, racist and homophobic. In one overwrought metaphor, he advises that we should all strive to be like Rosa Parks and sit down on the bus of life and name and claim what is ours. Huh?
Palmer has, for now, concluded that his vocation is to be a writer. Based on this book, I can't agree. Therefore, I cannot recommend a book on vocation written by someone who has apparently chosen the wrong vocation.

If you're looking for a book that is truly full of wisdom, get Thomas Merton's, No Man Is An Island. The entire book sings, and it contains an excellent chapter on vocation.
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4.0 out of 5 stars
Heart-warming and inspiring
ByjdbVINE VOICEon April 12, 2012

What a heart-warming, gentle, affirming, and inspiring little book this is. I think it will be hard for me to review this book without engaging in a "what it has meant to me" discourse. This isn't a bad thing, but I think before starting down that path, I should share a few of the technical specifics about this book first.

As I mentioned in my opening statements, this is a small book...physically small and then only slightly over one hundred pages including notes and credits. Don't let the size fool you; Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation is a very rich and spiritually deep book. Palmer shares in the introduction that Let Your Life Speak consists primarily as a collection of essays appearing in other publications from the past decade (1990-2000?). He goes on to state the essays have been rewritten (some substantially) so this book would be "coherent whole" and not just a collection of articles. It is my opinion that Mr. Palmer succeeded in his goal. I found the book very organic and flowing in the spirit of its intent.

The book traces Parker's journey of self-discovery with honest, transparency, and humility. Fitting, it seems, for a book of this nature and caliber. Perhaps "self-discovery" might be a misleading way of portraying the journey unfolded in Let Your Life Speak. The measure of discovery is found in the unraveling of the true-self and the false-self. We are told in the pursuit of the Christian faith that "God has a plan and purpose for your life..." While this teaching about personal and vocational purpose for our lives may be true, discovering it in the truest context of God's plan can be perplexing at times. Each person's journey may not be the same and the discovery of the true-self as we pertain to the image of God may be unique to each of us, but there are some similarity and common experience that lead us to and through these discoveries of the true self. Palmer's journey provides an inspiring parallel for us to examine our own journey...both the inner and the vocational---which are not necessarily separate or mutually exclusive.

"The figure calling to me all those years was, I believe, what Thomas Merton calls "true self." This is not the ego self that wants to inflate us (or deflate us, another from of self-distortion), not the intellectual self that wants to hover above the mess of life in clear but ungrounded ideas, not the ethical self that wants to live by some abstract moral code. It is the self-planted in us by the God who made us in God's own image-- the self that wants nothing more, or less, than for us to be who we were created to be... True self is true friend. One ignores or rejects such friendship only at one's peril." Parker Palmer; Let Your Life Speak

I have benefited greatly from the writings of other spiritual masters on this topic (John of the Cross, Teresa Avila, Thomas Merton, and M. Basil Pennington to name a few). Palmer's voice and experience bring fresh insight to these masters as well as sharing practical relevance with them as well. I found the teaching of this little book to be a great addition to my library and a worthy example of the disciple who is truly seeking to answer the question: "Is the life I am living the same as the life that wants to live in me?" I make the assumption; right or wrong, that the life Parker refers to is the Christ-life. Honestly seeking to surrender to the life Christ desires to live in and through us is the sum of what discipleship is about in my understanding. Let Your Life Speak is very helpful in gently walking the seeker along in this process.
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5.0 out of 5 stars
A book that will speak to your heart, life and head.
ByYoyoMitchon January 17, 2013
Format: Hardcover
A friend whose Spiritual walk has given me a deeper understanding of courage and integrity suggested I may like this little book. I quickly became aware that the only thing diminutive about this tome was its size. When I began reading it, given the few pages it contained and the dimensions of those pages, I thought I would be finished reading it in a few hours. I spent 30 minutes reading the first five pages, I would read a paragraph and stare into the Middle Distance for five minutes considering what I had read and tracking its course through my body. Dr. Palmer writes so well that his words have the kind of power that can be physically felt.
Parker Palmer is an author whose writing has received multiple awards, recognitions and other well deserved kudos. What he writes speaks to the core of human existence with a hope founded in truth and reality. A Quaker by religious tradition, he invites the reader into the quiet knowing that is the heart of that faith system. This book is not about religious instruction; however, it is about life instruction, as cliché as that sounds. He confronts long held notions of success and "calling" by asking simple questions. Those simple questions were the cause of the frequent moments of "listening" I had while reading this book.
One of the privileges available to many of us is a plethora of choices of vocation (life's work) we feel we have. The idea that "anyone can be anything they want to be if they strive for it hard enough" has caused more pain, depression and dissatisfaction than can be best related in this short narrative. Inherent in such statements is, if you do "succeed" in becoming that which you had dreamt of becoming but find dissatisfaction instead of fulfillment, then guilt is induced. However, if the dream is left unfulfilled, then it is because one did not work hard enough for it.
Dr. Palmer suggests learning to "listen to one's life" in deciding the direction of one's life rather than to the "shoulds," "oughts" and "supposed to's" often learned by the time we are in high school. This is done by being conscious of the successes (what brings one joy and fulfillment) as well as those moments when close in our faces. His opening statement is the heart of the remainder of the book, "the life I am living is not the same as the life that wants to live in me" (p. 2). The following chapters speak to the possibility of discovering the Life one's life is trying to live. This process is neither a "to do list" nor does it offer steps for one to follow to come upon The Answer for which one has been searching; it is too intuitive and personal for such sterile maneuvers. This is a matter of listening, being honest and courageous enough to follow ones discovered path.
The chapters are gathered from previous writings Dr. Palmer penned for various publications and lectures but edited for a coherent, well-developed discourse on an important concept. There is no judgment or coercion in the course of the book which speaks to the author's talent. I found it to be deeply spiritual but not religious; the author speaks of his Quaker faith but does so to "flesh out" the point he was making. In lesser hands his self-revelations could become a source of conceit; here they serve to give depth to the truths he is holding forth.
Reading this book requires: an open heart, a willingness to learn, a desire to listen and a fresh highlighter.
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2.0 out of 5 stars
Basic Common Sense Stuff
Bybushidojockon March 7, 2017
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
Read this for a prayer group - if you are well read in spirituality this might be a bit boring and common sense stuff. Plus it's the authors life story essentially and he often makes blanket statements like everyone burns their first half of life living in fear, depression, by external standards and expectations of others, working for ego or money desires rather than doing some interior work and seeking where their gifts meet the worlds needs. Certainly this is common in our society but not everyone's story. I certainly don't relate to his story so wasn't that into it. There is good content for sure but nothing new if you are well read in discernment, spiritual direction, spirituality and psychology. I'd suggest getting a book by Wilke Au, Jim Clarke, Richard Rohr, James Finley, or Thomas Merton instead.
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5.0 out of 5 stars
Stopping and listening...
ByFrKurt MessickVINE VOICEHALL OF FAMEon July 14, 2003
Format: Hardcover
One thing that our world does not encourage very well is stopping and listening -- stopping and listening to each other, stopping and listening to life around us, or stopping and listening even to ourselves. This is a skill that, given our cultural conditioning, must be cultivated. That is one of the things that this book by Parker Palmer, `Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation', strives to do -- to help the reader, the seeker, to be more attentive to life.
Palmer is a well-known author in the area of vocational care and consideration. I first encountered Palmer's writing in another book, The Courage to Teach, as various of us explored the meanings of our vocations as educators in the fields of theology and ministry.
Palmer states at the outset in his Gratitudes (a wonderful substitution from the typical words Preface or Introduction) that these chapters have in various guises appeared before. However, they have been re-written to fit together as a complete and unified whole for the purpose of exploring vocation.
Chapter 1: Listening to Life, starts as an exploration through poetry and Palmer's own experience in vocation. What is one called to do? What is the source of vocation? Palmer states: `Vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening. I must listen to my life and try to understand what it is truly about -- quite apart from what I would like it to be about -- or my life will never represent anything real in the world, no matter how earnest my intentions.'
The very word vocation implies both voice and calling. Crucial to this understanding is that one must be present and attentive to hear that voice, that call.
Chapter 2: Now I Become Myself, continues, through the words of May Sarton, Palmer's self-exploration and self-discovery of the vocation not as an achievement but rather as a gift. One must be ready to receive the gift.
Many people, and Palmer is no exception, go through a period of darkness, despair, and depression before reaching a clear understanding of the vocation to which they are called. It requires courage. It requires diligence. It requires (and again Palmer uses the words of Sarton) the understanding that this will take 'time, many years and places'. It requires patience.
Chapter 3: When Way Closes explores one of the frequent problems along the vocational trail -- what happens when something stops or closes? Is it as simple as thinking a window opens when a door closes?
Sometimes it is not so simply identifiable. Our vocation sometimes propels into action or inaction because what we are doing rather than what we should be doing. Palmer says we must learn our limits, and sometimes we subconsciously force ourselves into action by closing off the past.
Palmer used the example of having lost a job. Palmer was able to discern, through reflection, that he was not fired from that job because he was bad at the job, but rather because it had little to do with his true vocation, and his heart would never be in it. His vocation required that he lose that job.
In stopping ourselves from dwelling on the past, beating on the closed door, but rather looking at where we are and where we can go from there, that our vocation opens for us.
Chapter 4: All the Way Down, deals with that depression we often face on the way. While it may sound cliche to talk about hitting bottom before being able to progress, there is a truth behind the cliche.
Depression ultimately is an intimately personal experience. Palmer explores the mystery of depression. He frankly admits that, while he can understand why some people ultimately commit suicide in their depression, he cannot full explain why others, including himself, do not, and recover (at least to a degree).
Chapter 5: Leading from Within talks of Palmer's return from depression into a world of action. Quoting from Vaclav Havel, the playwright-president of the Czech Republic, he says, `The power for authentic leadership, Havel tells us, is found not in external arrangements but in the human heart. Authentic leaders in every setting -- from families to nation-states -- aim at liberating the heart, their own and others', so that its powers can liberate the world. `
By unlocking those places in our hearts -- places that include faith, trust, and hope -- we can overcome fear and cynicism, and move to a firm grounding where we can be leader of our own destiny by following our true vocation.
Chapter 6: There is a Season winds through a treatment of the seasons of nature in relation to the seasons of our lives. We in the modern world have forgotten the basic cyclical nature of our ground of being. Decline and death are natural, yet we always flee from these and treat them as tragedies beyond understanding. We see growth as a natural good, but do not trust nature (even our own self-nature) to provide the growth we need for all.
The various chapters are remarkable in their sense of spirit and flow. For a book of only barely more than 100 pages (and small pages, at that), this book opens up a wonder of insight and feeling that helps to discern not one's own vocation, but rather how to think about discerning a vocation. This is, in many ways, a book of method, by showing a personal journey combined with other examples, principles and honest feelings.
This book can, quite simply, make a difference in the life of reader. There is no higher praise or recommendation I am able to give than that.


Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit: Parker J. Palmer, Stefan Rudnicki: 9781501221569: Books

Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit: Parker J. Palmer, Stefan Rudnicki: 9781501221569: Books

Editorial Reviews


"He bravely takes on the current political climate, and this book provides therapy for the American body politic. His insights are heart-deep: America gains by living with tension and differences; we can help reclaim public life by actions as simple as walking down the street instead of driving. Hope's hardly cheap, but history is made up of what Palmer calls 'a million invisible acts of courage and the incremental gains that came with them.' This beautifully written book deserves a wide audience that will benefit from discussing it." (A "Starred Review" from Publishers Weekly, 8 August 2011)“Healing the Heart of Democracy is a hopeful book that lifts up and hallows the heart as a source of inner sight. Inspired by the efforts to understand and undergird democracy by Abraham Lincoln, Alexis de Tocqueville, Rosa Parks, and others; the author sends us on our way rejoicing with the small portion of hope that he has planted in our minds and souls.”
—Spirituality & Practice (

“There is a deep and disturbing cloud hanging over the United States. It is a malaise that is leading to cynicism and self-centeredness. The antidote is to be found in the healing of the heart of our democracy, so that we might emerge from this private focus to a public one, which recognizes our interdependence.  I know of no better guide to discerning the problem and the solutions, than this book by Parker Palmer. It is a prophetic book, one that needs to be taken with all due seriousness, if we are to emerge from our malaise stronger and healthier than before.” (Englewood Review of Books , 2011)

--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From the Author

* A Starred Review from Publishers Weekly * Palmer's...newest was six years in the making. He bravely takes on the current political climate, with its atrophy of citizen participation, the ascendance of an oligarchy that shapes politics, and the substitution of vituperation for thoughtful public discussion. It's a tall order that became even taller because Palmer had to climb out of a pit of depression -- his constitutional proclivity -- to do so. But wrestling with essential questions of public life became therapeutic, and this book provides therapy for the American body politic. Palmer's use of acute 19th-century observers of American life and character -- Tocqueville, Lincoln -- as well as his use of anecdotes and lessons from his own long career provide context and tonic. His insights are heart-deep: America gains by living with tension and differences; we can help reclaim public life by actions as simple as walking down the street instead of driving. Hope's hardly cheap, but history is made up of what Palmer calls "a million invisible acts of courage and the incremental gains that came with them." This beautifully written book deserves a wide audience that will benefit from discussing it. -- August 8, 2011


* We have been trying to bridge the great divides in this great country for a long time. In this book, Parker J. Palmer urges us to "keep on walking, keep on talking"--just as we did in the civil rights movement--until we cross those bridges together. -- U.S. Congressman John Lewis, recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolent Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom
* The book we need for recovering the heart, the very core, of our selves and our democracy. -- Krista Tippett, host of public radio's On Being and recipient of a 2013 National Humanities Medal

* A master work by a master, a clear and uplifting resource that keeps shining light in all the dark places. Palmer is that rare, deep seer who is at home in the streets, a teacher by example who has the courage to stand openly and honestly in the public square. -- Mark Nepo, author of The Book of Awakening and As Far As the Heart Can See

* Can we keep our sights on the vision of what we aspire to be while working constructively to transform realities that do not yet fulfill that vision? How do we remain "open hearted" so that we can engage creatively with citizens who hold different views of the challenges we face?Healing the Heart of Democracy asks these necessary questions and inspires us to answer. -- Joan Blades, co-founder of and Living Room Conversations

* A book born for this moment. Wise, evocative, and pragmatic at its core, this dream for a new politics is grounded in dignity and liberty for all. -- Terry Tempest Williams, author of The Open Space of Democracy
* In this inspiring book, I find encouragement that all of us, citizens and elected officials alike, can learn to bridge the divides that keep us from genuinely respecting one another. By sharing his own life's struggles, Palmer reveals the common struggles we all endure. He provides us with a way forward, a way forward with hope. -- U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin

* A gracefully written anthem to democracy [that] breaks new ground in marrying the capacity of the human heart with the tensions inherent in politics [and] breathes new life into what it means to be a citizen--accountable, compassionate, fiercely realistic. -- Peter Block and John McKnight, coauthors of The Abundant Community
* A "must read" for everyone who is concerned about the state of our democracy and has ever despaired about what can be done. Palmer's stories, plainspoken analysis, and penetrating insights will inspire you to claim your full human capacities and to take part in healing democracy "from the inside out." -- Martha L. McCoy, Executive Director, Everyday Democracy

* The most important manifesto in generations for breaking through the divisiveness that has paralyzed our democracy. -- Bill Shore, founder of Share Our Strength, author of The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men

* All who harbor concerns about American politics will find in this book a wise and kindred spirit who reminds us of choices we can make to help "reweave the tattered fabric of our civic life." You will close this book appreciating how much you can do, and how much depends on you. -- Diana Chapman Walsh, President Emerita of Wellesley College

* A courageous work that is honest and true, human and humble, glitteringly intelligent and unabashedly hopeful. Palmer gives us constructive language, historical context and a practical vision for how we as individuals and communities can get to the real heart of the matter. -- Carrie Newcomer, activist and singer-songwriter, The Geography of Light and Before and After

* Could not be more timely and needed. As one who has been guided through a time of personal reflection with Parker Palmer, I invite you to join in a journey through these chapters. -- U.S. Congresswoman Lois Capps, grandmother, mother, nurse, and seeker after democracy

* A brave and visionary book. Palmer re-imagines our political lives as a deeply personal process within which all Americans--especially those of us inheriting this broken polity--have a chance to be heard, heal, and get on with the eternal work of perfecting this nation. -- Courtney E. Martin, author of Do It Anyway: The New Generation of Activists
* Palmer has been our mentor as we've weathered the rough and tumble of political life. In this compelling new book, he challenges us to recognize that a more vital democracy begins within each of us, as we learn to hold the tensions inherent in community life and no longer fear to tread that most difficult terrain--the broken places in our own hearts. -- Kathy Gille served for twenty years as a senior congressional aide. -- Doug Tanner, her husband, is a founder and former president of The Faith and Politics Institute.

* A book that should be read and talked about in every family, book club, classroom, boardroom, congregation and hall of government in our country. Palmer writes with clarity, good sense, balance, honesty, humor and humility, focusing on the essence of what is needed from each of us for the survival of our democracy. -- Thomas F. Beech, President Emeritus, the Fetzer Institute
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit: Parker J. Palmer, Stefan Rudnicki: 9781501221569: Books

Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit: Parker J. Palmer, Stefan Rudnicki: 9781501221569: Books

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation: Parker J. Palmer: 9780787947354: Books

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation: Parker J. Palmer: 9780787947354: Books

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation Hardcover – September 10, 1999

by Parker J. Palmer  (Author)


With wisdom, compassion, and gentle humor, Parker J. Palmer invites us to listen to the inner teacher and follow its leadings toward a sense of meaning and purpose. Telling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have made a difference, he shares insights gained from darkness and depression as well as fulfillment and joy, illuminating a pathway toward vocation for all who seek the true calling of their lives.

---- Review

The old Quaker adage, "Let your life speak," spoke to author Parker J. Palmer when he was in his early 30s. It summoned him to a higher purpose, so he decided that henceforth he would live a nobler life. "I lined up the most elevated ideals I could find and set out to achieve them," he writes. "The results were rarely admirable, often laughable, and sometimes grotesque.... I had simply found a 'noble' way of living a life that was not my own, a life spent imitating heroes instead of listening to my heart."Thirty years later, Palmer now understands that learning to let his life speak means "living the life that wants to live in me." It involves creating the kind of quiet, trusting conditions that allow a soul to speak its truth. It also means tuning out the noisy preconceived ideas about what a vocation should and shouldn't be so that we can better hear the call of our wild souls. There are no how-to formulas in this extremely unpretentious and well-written book, just fireside wisdom from an elder who is willing to share his mistakes and stories as he learned to live a life worth speaking about. --Gail Hudson

From Publishers Weekly

A gifted academic who formerly combined a college teaching career with community organizing, Palmer took a year's sabbatical to live at the "intentional" Quaker community of Pendle Hill in Pennsylvania. Instead of leaving at year's end, he became the community's dean of studies and remained there for 10 years. Palmer (The Courage to Teach) shares the lessons of his vocational and spiritual journey, discussing his own burnout and intense depression with exceptional candor and clarity. In essays that previously appeared in spiritual or educational journals and have been reworked to fit into this slim volume, he suggests that individuals are most authentic when they follow their natural talents and limitations, as his own story demonstrates. Since hearing one's "calling" requires introspection and self-knowledge (as suggested by the eponymous Quaker expression), Palmer encourages inner work such as journal-writing, meditation and prayer. Recognizing that his philosophy is at odds with popular, essentially American attitudes about self-actualization and following one's dreams, Palmer calls vocation "a gift, not a goal." He deftly illustrates his point with examples from the lives of people he admires, such as Rosa Parks, Annie Dillard and Vaclav Havel. A quiet but memorable addition to the inspirational field, this book has the quality of a finely worked homily. The writing displays a gentle wisdom and economy of style that leaves the reader curious for more insight into the author's Quaker philosophy. (Oct.)
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.


Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 starsStopping and listening...

ByFrKurt MessickHALL OF FAMEVINE VOICEon July 14, 2003

Format: Hardcover

One thing that our world does not encourage very well is stopping and listening -- stopping and listening to each other, stopping and listening to life around us, or stopping and listening even to ourselves. This is a skill that, given our cultural conditioning, must be cultivated. That is one of the things that this book by Parker Palmer, `Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation', strives to do -- to help the reader, the seeker, to be more attentive to life.

Palmer is a well-known author in the area of vocational care and consideration. I first encountered Palmer's writing in another book, The Courage to Teach, as various of us explored the meanings of our vocations as educators in the fields of theology and ministry.

Palmer states at the outset in his Gratitudes (a wonderful substitution from the typical words Preface or Introduction) that these chapters have in various guises appeared before. However, they have been re-written to fit together as a complete and unified whole for the purpose of exploring vocation.

Chapter 1: Listening to Life, starts as an exploration through poetry and Palmer's own experience in vocation. What is one called to do? What is the source of vocation? Palmer states: `Vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening. I must listen to my life and try to understand what it is truly about -- quite apart from what I would like it to be about -- or my life will never represent anything real in the world, no matter how earnest my intentions.'

The very word vocation implies both voice and calling. Crucial to this understanding is that one must be present and attentive to hear that voice, that call.

Chapter 2: Now I Become Myself, continues, through the words of May Sarton, Palmer's self-exploration and self-discovery of the vocation not as an achievement but rather as a gift. One must be ready to receive the gift.

Many people, and Palmer is no exception, go through a period of darkness, despair, and depression before reaching a clear understanding of the vocation to which they are called. It requires courage. It requires diligence. It requires (and again Palmer uses the words of Sarton) the understanding that this will take 'time, many years and places'. It requires patience.

Chapter 3: When Way Closes explores one of the frequent problems along the vocational trail -- what happens when something stops or closes? Is it as simple as thinking a window opens when a door closes?

Sometimes it is not so simply identifiable. Our vocation sometimes propels into action or inaction because what we are doing rather than what we should be doing. Palmer says we must learn our limits, and sometimes we subconsciously force ourselves into action by closing off the past.

Palmer used the example of having lost a job. Palmer was able to discern, through reflection, that he was not fired from that job because he was bad at the job, but rather because it had little to do with his true vocation, and his heart would never be in it. His vocation required that he lose that job.

In stopping ourselves from dwelling on the past, beating on the closed door, but rather looking at where we are and where we can go from there, that our vocation opens for us.

Chapter 4: All the Way Down, deals with that depression we often face on the way. While it may sound cliche to talk about hitting bottom before being able to progress, there is a truth behind the cliche.

Depression ultimately is an intimately personal experience. Palmer explores the mystery of depression. He frankly admits that, while he can understand why some people ultimately commit suicide in their depression, he cannot full explain why others, including himself, do not, and recover (at least to a degree).

Chapter 5: Leading from Within talks of Palmer's return from depression into a world of action. Quoting from Vaclav Havel, the playwright-president of the Czech Republic, he says, `The power for authentic leadership, Havel tells us, is found not in external arrangements but in the human heart. Authentic leaders in every setting -- from families to nation-states -- aim at liberating the heart, their own and others', so that its powers can liberate the world. `

By unlocking those places in our hearts -- places that include faith, trust, and hope -- we can overcome fear and cynicism, and move to a firm grounding where we can be leader of our own destiny by following our true vocation.

Chapter 6: There is a Season winds through a treatment of the seasons of nature in relation to the seasons of our lives. We in the modern world have forgotten the basic cyclical nature of our ground of being. Decline and death are natural, yet we always flee from these and treat them as tragedies beyond understanding. We see growth as a natural good, but do not trust nature (even our own self-nature) to provide the growth we need for all.

The various chapters are remarkable in their sense of spirit and flow. For a book of only barely more than 100 pages (and small pages, at that), this book opens up a wonder of insight and feeling that helps to discern not one's own vocation, but rather how to think about discerning a vocation. This is, in many ways, a book of method, by showing a personal journey combined with other examples, principles and honest feelings.

This book can, quite simply, make a difference in the life of reader. There is no higher praise or recommendation I am able to give than that.

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5.0 out of 5 starsFor all those who live with a nagging doubt...

ByMark E. Alvison January 19, 2000

Format: Hardcover

For me, this book is less about vocation than it is about loving yourself. In my life (and to the world, a wonderful one) was empty and void. Having come from a verbally abusive childhood, I struggled all my life to "become". But it was never me. Recently, I hit bottom, as Parker did. And I discovered what he writes so eloquently must love yourself first before you can see and cherish and give your gifts to others. For me, it was the end of a 19 year marriage. A change in what I would tolerate at work. And the people around me, most blessedly my children, notice a huge difference. I am me now, not driven by fears or other's boxes. I was pretty charismatic before, but you should see my light shine now. This book helps explain the journey I thought was just me. Parker Palmer has captured probably the most important concept in life...and one that you really should read. This is one of those books that you'll share with others, but you'll want them to get their own copy!

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5.0 out of 5 starsUplifting, thought-provoking--and not a "how-to" book!

ByA customeron November 17, 1999

Format: Hardcover

Having read this book during my morning and evening train commutes, I found it to be incredibly inspiring and challenging at the same time. At first I was hesitant to read this book because I have become tired of all the "how-to" books on finding one's vocation and calling in life. I have found that someone else's 5-step plan to finding the right job hasn't always worked for me.

However, I like this book because it's very personal, yet without being preachy. Through reading Parker Palmer's own journey toward self-fulfillment, I have become inspired to examine my own path toward vocation. I think that finding one's calling in life is a very personal process, and following someone else's step-by-step plan can actually cause more harm than good.

In fact, I found myself reading as if I were conversing with a personal mentor. As a result I've become challenged to examine my own life in a way that a "how-to" book could never have provoked me to do. I plan to give this book as a holiday gift to a close friend who is facing a "midlife crisis." I think it will help him.

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5.0 out of 5 starssome things you just can't avoid

ByA customeron May 12, 2000

Format: Hardcover

Life is full of twists and turns that lead you all over the map. However, along that journey there are those things inside of you that are screaming to be released, and when they finally are they bring complete fulfillment to your mind, body and soul. Those things are gifts that God gave you when he planned out your life. Palmer invites readers to find those God given gifts and act on them. He invites readers through Let Your Life Speak to find who you are, and not who the world, teachers, culture, parents, media, and friends have forced you to become. I highly recommend this book for those who know they aren't doing what their soul tells them to do. Get ready for a ride though because after reading this short, but moving book, you will have to make some changes in your life. Some big, some small, but things will not remain the same.

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5.0 out of 5 starsQuietly Paradoxical

ByGAGIRLon July 20, 2001

Format: Hardcover

Parker Palmer creates a peacful arena for understanding our own lives by sharing what he has experienced and learned from his own. I found this book to be a "quick read" on the one hand and yet I keep going back and rereading parts of it ... and then rereading the whole section.

I came away from reading this book - the first time - with a peace about my life and how I have lived it. I better understand the lessons I have been taught and more faith about the path I am following. A whole lot for a little book to accomplish.

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Healing the Heart of Democracy


A Review of Healing the Heart of Democracy:
The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit

Bruce L. Mallory

Over the past 30 years, Parker J. Palmer’s  writings and teachings have been fundamental to our evolving understanding of the relationships between teaching and learning, heart and mind, courage and action, and personal and professional. His willingness to ask profound, even troubling, questions that get at the core of who we are as humans has informed and inspired countless classroom teachers, university professors, counselors, spiritual leaders, and professionals from all walks of life. As one who has read much of that literature and been gently prodded to search my own soul in one of Palmer’s intensive retreats, I cannot offer an objective, dispassionate review of his latest contribution, Healing the Heart of Democracy (2011, JosseyBass).

With that caveat, I assert that this is one of the most important books of the early 21st century for those who think and worry about the state of American democracy and the place of educational institutions in renewing our political and public lives. Those of us who see ourselves as part of the deliberative democracy movement, who work with young people who aspire to be effective and active citizens, and who sometimes feel the darkest despair at the tenor of contemporary politics will find Palmer’s book to be a clear, honest framework for looking toward the light.

The conception of this particular book has its origins in 9/11.

Palmer has always acknowledged his infrequent but deep depressions
and their effect on his worldview. The events of 9/11 happened
during one of those dark cycles. His sensitivities, as a Quaker and a
believer in what Abraham Lincoln called in his first inaugural address the “better angels” of the human spirit, were shaken to the cor, in the true Latin sense. Palmer often invokes the spirit, words, and challenges of Lincoln, whom he seems to revere both because Lincoln faced the most grievous challenge of our democracy and because Lincoln, too, suffered and learned from lifelong severe depression. Palmer’s 2005 essay on “The Politics of the Brokenhearted,” published by the Fetzer Institute, was an explicit effort to reconcile the events of 9/11 with their ftermath, when a national moment of grief focused on consolation and reflection morphed into years of ill-considered wars, Islamophobia, and a general circling of the wagons in American political culture. In this essay he offered the metaphor of the broken apart (shattered and angry) and the broken open (loving and redemptive) hearts that may follow such national and personal tragedies. In his current book, Palmer elaborates on that metaphor in depth.

Drawing on the writings of Terry Tempest Williams, Lincoln, Walt Whitman, Rainer Maria Rilke, Joseph Ellis and, most especially Alexis de Toqueville, Palmer asks us to start first with an examination of the capacities of the human heart. Following Williams, he sees the heart as the “first home of democracy” (p. TK), and he uses Toqueville’s observations of early American culture and its “habits of the heart” to create a framework for a psychological, moral, and political analysis of American democracy now. For Palmer, “the heart is as responsible for fascism and genocide as it is for generosity and justice” (p. 50). That is, the heart is where Lincoln’s better angels dwell and where the seeds of fascism and genocide can germinate. In the kind of democratic society that Palmer envisions, the conditions of public and political life create the conditions in which only the former is expressed, where our hearts are broken open to a collective compassion rather than broken apart into splintered shards of xenophobia and revenge.

Throughout his analysis, Palmer’s early Protestant and later Quaker convictions inform his understanding of human error and redemption. Concepts of sacrifice (see his retelling of the John Woolman story), suffering, compassion, and communalism are touchstones for creating a pluralistic democracy in which ideological differences become the starting point for problem solving rather than the seeds of wedge politics that dominate national discourse today. Thus, he writes, “No matter how jaw-dropping or morally offensive I find some people’s convictions, I must learn how to speak up in the civic community without denying my opponents their humanity and further poisoning the political ecosystem on which democracy depends” (pp. 31–32). Further, he claims:

Despite our sharp disagreements on the nature of the American dream, many of us on the left, on the right, and in the center have at Bruce L. Mallory is a professor of education and the director of the Carsey Institute, as well as former provost and graduate dean at the University of New Hampshire. He is founding director of New Hampshire Listens, which builds local and statewide capacity for civic engagement and public dialogue.