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알라딘: 깨어남에서 깨달음까지 아댜샨티 The End of Your World

알라딘: 깨어남에서 깨달음까지
The End of Your World
깨어남에서 깨달음까지 - 영적 여정의 굴곡을 지혜롭게 넘어가기 
아댜샨티 (지은이),정성채 (옮긴이)정신세계사2011-02-11

 9.0 100자평(5)리뷰(3)
이 책 어때요?


영적 깨어남은 동굴 속에서 수십 년 동안 명상을 했다든가 특별한 수행복을 입은 사람들 같은 선택받은 소수에게만 나타나는 희귀한 현상이 아니다. 오늘날 점점 더 많은 사람들이 영적 깨어남을 경험하고 있으며, 대중들도 영적 체험의 가능성을 자연스럽게 받아들이고 있다. 하지만 대중의 인식이 확장된 만큼 ‘깨어남’이라는 내적인 체험 또는 현상을 둘러싼 혼란과 오해와 왜곡의 가능성이 커진 것도 사실이다.

아디야샨티는 영적인 주제에 대한 논의가 그 어느 때보다 자유로워진 이 시대를 대표하는 영적 교사로서, ‘깨어남’의 본질과 그 이후에 흔히 나타나는 장애물들을 누구나 이해할 수 있는 살아 있는 언어로써 가장 깊은 수준까지 펼쳐내고 있다.

감사의 글
편집자 서문

제1장 깨어남 뒤의 삶
제2장 진정한 깨어남 - 뒤따라오는 혼란
제3장 “찾았어, 그런데 잃어버렸어”
제4장 삼사라를 거쳐 열반에 이른다
제5장 숨은 곳에서 완전히 나오기
제6장 흔히 보는 착각, 함정, 고착상태
제7장 삶 자체가 우리를 일깨워주는 거울이다
제8장 깨어남의 에너지적 요소
제9장 깨어남이 마음, 가슴, 아랫배를 관통할 때
제10장 노력인가 은총인가
제11장 본연의 상태
제12장 결혼식 이야기
제13장 아디아샨티와의 인터뷰

옮긴이의 글
"많은 종교인들과 수도자들은 궁극의 깨달음을 위해 수련과 구도를 멈추지 않는다. 일반적으로도 깨달음의 경지에 이른 사람들은 보통 사람들과는 차원이 다른 세계에 속해 있는 존재로 받아들여지기 마련이다. 그러나 『깨어남에서 깨달음까지』의 저자는 깨어남과 깨달음의 차이를 설명하고, 깨달음 이후의 과정이 더욱 중요하다고 말하고 있다.깨어남으로부터 완전한 깨달음에 이른느 여정과 이 두 상태 사이의 경험적 차이를 명쾌하게 설명하여, 그 사이에 있는 구도자들이 착각에 빠져 깨어남 이전의 상태로 돌아가지 않도록 해주는 중요한 안내서가 될 것이다."
- 인문사회과학출판인협의회(인사회) 
저자 및 역자소개
아댜샨티 (Adyashanti) (지은이) 
신간알리미 신청
15년 동안 선禪 수행에 매진하던 중 새벽을 깨우는 새소리를 듣고 새와 나와 세계가 분리되어 있지 않다는 통렬한 자각으로 깨달음의 첫 수확을 거두었다. 이후 존재하는 모든 것의 안과 밖과 너머에 있는 광대한 고요함과 사랑의 침묵이 곧 수많은 선각자들이 말하는 공(空)의 실상임을 더욱 깊이 체득하고, 이를 살며 사랑하며 가르쳐 왔다. 스승의 요청에 따라 96년 이후부터 대중을 만나 깨달음의 세계를 가리켜 보임으로써 21세기 지구촌의 주목할 만한 영적 교사로 떠올랐다. 지은 책으로는 『깨달음의 충격The Impact of Awakening』, 『나의 비밀은 침묵이니My Secret is Silence』 등이 있다. 접기
최근작 : <아디야샨티의 참된 명상>,<완전한 깨달음>,<깨어남에서 깨달음까지> … 총 48종 (모두보기)
정성채 (옮긴이) 
신간알리미 신청
1953년생으로 한의학 박사이자 동국대 한의대 겸임교수이다. 전남대 재학 시에 정신세계를 접하고, 동국대 한의대를 졸업하였다. 광주와 대구에서 진료하였고 현재 서울의 장자한의원에서 진료하면서 영성과 건강에 관한 저서를 집필중이다. 옮긴 책으로 에픽테투스의 《지혜로운 삶의 원칙》이 있다.

출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <마스터의 제자>,<타프티가 말해주지 않은 것>,<나는 왜 그런 꿈을 꾸었을까>등 총 125종
대표분야 : 심리학/정신분석학 13위 (브랜드 지수 76,732점), 성공 18위 (브랜드 지수 226,147점), 철학 일반 21위 (브랜드 지수 21,883점) 
출판사 제공 책소개
깨어남 이후에도 우리는 다시 현혹될 수 있다

깨어남이란 가속 페달에서 발을 떼어버리는 것과 같다. 하지만 자동차는 아직 동력, 즉 카르마의 힘을 가지고 있다. 그것이 멈추는 데는 시간이 걸리며, 우리는 그전에 다시금 가속 페달을 밟지 않도록 하는 법을 배워야 한다. 사람들은 아마 진정한 깨어남을 얻기만 하면 다시는 고통을 불러오는 생각 따위는 떠오르지 않으리라고 믿는 듯하다. 하지만 그것은 사실이 아니다. 사실은, 영적 깨어남이 깊어질수록 우리는 점점 더 명확히 볼 수 있게 되고, 그럴수록 생각에 사로잡힐 여지는 점점 줄게 된다는 것이다.

영적 체험을 삶을 회피하는 수단으로 삼아서는 안 된다

영적 깨어남은 자아개발 프로그램 같은 것이 아니다. 이것은 어떤 완벽한 존재가 되고자 하는 과정이 아니다. 깨어남이나 깨달음이란 완전해지거나 숭고해지거나 성자처럼 변하는 것과는 아무런 상관이 없는 일이다. 이것은 자기 자신 안에서 무엇이 분리를 자아내고 있는가를 깨달아가는 과정이다. 그러므로 영적 여행의 고비에서 중요한 것은 자기 자신에게 기꺼이, 전적으로 정직해지려는 진지한 결단이다.

깨어남 전후의 에너지적 변성에 당황하지 말라

우리가 존재의 진정한 본성을 깨달을 때는 거의 항상 어떤 에너지적인 요소가 수반된다. 즉 우리의 심신체계가 작동하는 방식에 아주 심대한 재조율 현상이 일어난다는 뜻이다. 정신적인 차원에서는 마음속에 일종의 재배선이 일어나며, 감정적인 차원에서는 느끼고 인식하는 방식에 재배선이 일어난다. 이것은 에고의 구조가 용해되면서 막대한 에너지가 방출되는 현상이며, 사람에 따라서는 오랫동안 불면증, 벌렁거림, 자율진동 등의 증상을 겪게 되어 걱정에 사로잡힐 수도 있다. 하지만 이것은 지극히 자연스러운 과정이므로, 그저 자기 자신을 이완하여 이러한 재조정 현상이 절로 풀려가도록 놓아두는 것이 최선이다.

깨어남은 여행의 끝이 아니라 시작이다

오늘날 세계적으로 점점 많은 이들이 영적인 ‘깨어남’을 경험하고 있다. 그러나 ‘깨어남’을 경험한다고 해서 단번에 에고가 녹아 없어지지는 않는다. 오히려 우리는 우월감에 취하거나, 일상으로부터 도피하거나, 허무주의에 파묻히는 등 에고에게 더욱 거세게 휘둘리게 될지도 모른다. 황홀경 속에서 마냥 행복하리라는 순진한 기대와는 달리 ‘깨어남’ 이후의 삶이 얼마간은 꽤나 혼란스러울 수도 있다는 것이다. 이 책은 스쳐가는 깨어남으로부터 머무는 깨어남(깨달음)에 이르는 여정과 이 두 상태 사이의 경험적 차이를 명쾌하게 설명함으로써, 그 사이에 있는 구도자들이 착각과 오해와 자기기만이라는 함정에 빠져 옛 습성으로 되돌아가지 않도록 손잡아주는 귀한 길잡이가 되어줄 것이다. 접기
분포     9.0
혼란스러운 때에 좋은책을 만난 행운에 감사를!!  구매
바다 2012-07-31 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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삶에 거듭 거듭 참된 자양분이 되어 주는 책  구매
인니 2011-12-20 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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깨달음을 추구하는 자의 필독서이다  구매
shc3827 2011-10-08 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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견성과 해탈의 차이에 대한 설명  구매
ibtech1976 2011-06-24 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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정말놀랐다.그날주문해서그날받은적이 이번이첨이라서..  구매
조은세상 2011-04-27 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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구매자 (2)
전체 (3)
깨달음은 로또 당첨이 아니다 새창으로 보기 구매
드디어 아디야샨티의 <The End of Your World>의 번역본(<깨어남에서 깨달음까지>)이 출간되었다. 생각보다 빨리 국내에 소개되어 약간 놀라운 감도 있지만 그만큼 이제 우리나라 명상계나 도판도 글로벌화되어 가고 있다는 생각도 들었다.  영적 여정에 있어서의 글로벌화, 또는 전통적 영성에 대한 하나의 대안으로서 이 눈 푸른 스승 아이댜샨티는 앞으로 주목해야 할 인물이다. 일본 선의 전통에서 출발하였으나 전혀 과거의 답습 없이 주체적이고 신선한 가르침을 펼치는 그는 동양과 서양, 과학과 종교의 통합이 이루어지고 있는 새로운 시대의 영적 지도자로 손색이 없다. 

 그가 이 책에서 다루고 있는 '깨어남'(견성) 이후에 벌어지는 영적 과정에 대한 주제는 동서고금을 막론하고 매우 희귀한 것이다. 동양 전통에서는 스승과 제자 사이의 구전을 통한 부촉이 있어 왔으나 매우 비밀스런 어떤 것인양 숨겨져 왔었다. 동양으로부터 깨달음의 영성이 전래된 서구의 경우는, 아디야샨티의 언급처럼, 이제 곳곳에서 영적인 깨어남을 체험하는 사람들이 늘어난 까닭에 이와 같은 지침, 안내가 필요한 시기에 다다른 것이다.  


 그의 친절한 가르침을 따라가다 보면 '깨어남'이란 것에 대해 일반인들이 가지고 있는 수많은 오해와 잘못된 관념을 바로 잡을 수 있다. 예를 들어 깨어남의 체험, 소위 깨닫게 되면 더이상 일상의 자질구레하고 비천한 감정이나 생각으로부터 일시에 해방되어 영원한 평화와 고요 속에 머물 것이라는 류의 그것들 말이다. 동양에서도, 특히 선에서도 돈오돈수와 돈오점수란 표현으로 깨달음 이후의 양상에 대한 설명이 없는 것은 아니다. 아디야샨티는 스쳐지나는(순간적인) 깨어남과 머무는(영속적인) 깨어남이란 표현으로 그것들을 대신한다.


 돈오돈수, 즉 한 번의 깨어남으로 영원히 그 상태에 머무는 것이 이론적으로 맞지만 실제의 경우, 아디야샨티를 포함하여 대다수 동서고금의 영적 거인들은 돈오점수, 깨어남의 체험 이후 그 상태가 좀더 성숙되고 안정화 되는 과정을 거쳐왔다. 깨어남 이전과는 달라진 정신적, 육체적 조건으로 인한 혼란과 변화의 과정에서 적절한 지도와 보호를 받지 못하게 되면 오히려 깨어나기 이전보다 삶이 피폐해지는 경우도 있다. 흔히 보림이라 불리는 이 과정의 중요성을 옛 선사들은 티끌 하나라도 눈에 들어가면 허공꽃이 어지러이 떨어진다고 말했다. 아디야샨티는 진정성, 모든 것에 수용적이면서 열린 자세, 자기 안팍에서 일어나는 모든 것을 허용하고 인정하는 정직한 태도를 강조하고 있다.


 이 책을 계기로 서구화된 오늘날의 동양의 구도자들에게 좀더 오늘날의 살아있는 언어로 진리를 전하는 서양의 스승들에 대한 관심과 이해가 깊어지게 되기를 바란다.  
- 접기
몽지 2011-02-11 공감(13) 댓글(0)
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깨어남 이후 혼란을 겪는 이들을 위한 훌륭한 지침서 새창으로 보기 구매
개인적으로 20여년전에 저자가 말하는 깨어남 현상을 겪은 이후 지금껏 20여년간 갈피를 못잡고 방황해 왔는데, 드디어 정확한 조언과 나아갈 길을 제시해주는 책(스승)을 만나게 된것 같습니다.   저와같이 깨어남 현상을 겪은 분들은 반드시 읽어(만나)보아야 할 필독서(스승)가 아닐까 생각합니다.
noexist 2012-11-25 공감(7) 댓글(0)
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이 책이 저를 깨어남으로 인도하는 듯 합니다 새창으로 보기
이책을 읽는 도중 나와 세상이 달리 보이는 체험을 두번 했습니다. 두번째 체험을 겪고 나서 5일 정도가 지났는데, 이전의 소소한 깨어남과는 달리 뭔가 느낌이 다르고 이상한 느낌이 계속되고 있습니다. 그만큼 이 책은 제게 많은 것을 준 귀중한 책인 것 같습니다.   마음공부, 깨달음 등에 대해 관심있는 분들에게는 많은 도움이 될 것 같아 추천합니다. (그런것에 관심이 없는 분들께는 그저 어렵고 이상한 얘기로만 들릴 것 같기는 합니다^^;)
아기멍멍이 2012-08-01 공감(2) 댓글(0)
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전체 (1)
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에크하르트 툴레로 시작해서 마이클 싱어, 아디야산티, 데이비드호킨스까지 그들의 대표작을 하나씩 읽었다.

에크하르트 툴레의 ‘삶으로 다시 떠오르기’는 아마 5번은 읽었을 테고, 유투브로 오프라윈프리와 툴레의 북토크까지 찾아서 봤다.

이들의 공통점은 수행을 삶의 목표로 삼지 않았음에도 불구하고 어느날 갑자기 엄청난 깨달음이 찾아왔다는 것이다. 데이비드 호킨스는 정신과 의사이니 사람의 마음과 몸의 관계를 생각해야 하는 직업이었겠지만, 그도 또한 어린 시절의 갑작스런 체험이 그의 삶에 대한 탐색과 깨달음의 시작이 아니었나 싶다.

그들의 서술은 일관된 것을 이야기하고 있다.

본성, 자아, 혹은 의식, 참 나 무엇으로 부르건 그들이 체험한 것은 나라고 할 개체는 없고 세상과 연결된 나가 있다는 것이다.

불교티비에서 김홍근 교수의 마음치유 강의 내용을 인용하면, <우리가 ‘나’라고 할 때는 이 작은 몸에 한정되어 몸의 경계, 이 체구가 자신이라고 믿지만 마음의 경계는 어디인가? 내가 마음으로 서울에 있는 친구를 생각하면 내 마음의 경계가 서울인가? 멀리 산을 바라볼 때 내 마음의 경계는 저 산까지인가? 이런 탐구를 하다보면 마음은 경계가 없음을 알게 된다.> 고 한다.

이런 종류의 책을 읽다 보니 예전에 이해하지 못하고 읽었던 다른 책과도 연결이 되었다. 십년 전에 사놓고 이해하지 못했던 ‘담배가게 성자’를 무심코 펼쳤는데 어떤 분이 죽음에 대해 질문하는 부분이 나왔다. 예전엔 피상적으로 이해만 했던 부분이 완전히 마음으로 들어왔다. 우리의 삶은 우리가 원하는 대로 일어나지 않는다. 내 삶을 내가 통제하고 있다고 생각한다면 그것은 우리의 착각이다. 데이비스 호킨스의 말처럼 음악을 듣듯이, 사라지는 한 순간, 지금 이 순간이 있을 뿐이다.

1초 전으로도 시간을 되돌릴 수 없다는 것은, 지금 이 1초가 얼마나 소중한 영원인가를 말해주는 것이다. 내 딴엔 열심히 산다고 살았는데도 돌아보면 ‘그때 내가 이것을 알았더라면’ 하는 후회와 자책의 시간들이 있다. 하지만 그런 서툰 삶을 살았던 나를 비난하지 않기로 했다. 다만 지금 이 순간을 더 깨어서 잘 보고 살아야겠다. ‘조고각하’

 오늘 내가 행하는 업이 내일이 될지, 다음 생이 될지 알수 없지만 결국 내가 받을 테니까.



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The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment
by Adyashanti
 4.15  ·   Rating details ·  3,105 ratings  ·  152 reviews
For those serious about enlightenment, author and teacher Adyashanti has some advice: better know what you're getting into. Because with spiritual awakening, you find that the strongly held beliefs and perceptions you've taken to be 'you' and 'your world' vanish into the unmanifest nature of all that is. The End of Your World presents a landmark six-CD course on the reality of enlightenment and the total re-wiring of your being that accompanies it what Adyashanti calls our journey into the infinite, our true nature as pure consciousness itself. (less)
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Audio CD, 0 pages
Published May 1st 2008 by Sounds True (first published December 1st 2004)
Original TitleThe End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment
ISBN1591799457  (ISBN13: 9781591799450)
Edition LanguageEnglish
Other Editions (14)
The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment 
The End of Your World 
The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment 
The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment 
The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment
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Aug 08, 2013Reneesarah rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
A Buddhist teacher suggested this book to me. We had just met, and she basically said- by the way, I think you might like this book. Wow- was she right.

I must have something like two hundred spiritual books on my bookshelves. Admittedly, I haven't read all of them all the way through. I am at the point with these books that if, quite undeservedly, some Shams like character showed up and said "Let's burn up all your books and just drink the wine of experience!" I would be up for it. I might give away most of the books, if not all, at some point. This is to say that the idea of reading another book about enlightenment was not at the top of my list. But I did it anyway. Within a few pages I knew that I was reading something quite special, and beautiful in the sense that I was absolutely sure that it was TRUE.

This is a real common sense book about the process of awakening from the dream of everyday life and what comes after that awakening. Adyashanti details the places your ego can trip you up. I also really appreciated that he did not seem to be pushing an agenda. Reading the book, through his words, I felt that I could get some sense of his presence and was calm and kind. It is the same inner presence that is inside you and me as well.

This book was like a kind and generous friend. It felt like the way water feels when it slips through your fingers, glistening with light, returning to the river. I found that I read it slowly. (less)
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Jun 04, 2017Dawn rated it it was amazing
Shelves: non-fiction, philosophy
17 notes & 17 highlights
Listened to this one again and I found more insight. Every time I read or listen to it I see more clearly. still 5 stars. 2/22/23

I have decided after two years to go back and "read".. not "listen" to this book.

Reading the book instead of listening to it, made a difference for me. I was able to re-read things as needed and was able to pause and reflect. For some reason, the audio book, as I remember, gave me the feeling that the author was arrogant, and lofty. Perhaps if I had "read" it in the beginning, it would have made a difference, but probably not.

He is not arrogant nor lofty. It was ME who was arrogant and lofty. The author was just a mirror to myself.

Needless to say, I was not ready for his book at that point in my awakening. It was too soon. I had just woke up and was still trying to make sense of everything. Heck I am still trying to make sense of everything.

Lately I had been feeling some unexplained things, and I had a niggling inside me to go back and read this book again. I resisted for about a week, clinging to my old feeling that this author was not for me. But I then realized the niggling to be spirit telling it me to push past my just do it! LOL

I did.

Everything is timing. I was ready. I read this book and everything came into focus. Yes! I said to myself.. and Yes! again!

I finally understood.

So here I am, humbly changing my review, but keeping my old one so all can see how easily it is to reject what we don't understand, calling it "wrong" or blaming the writer.

I forgive myself of my past lack of awareness..and am thankful to spirit for showing me how much progress I have made since then.

I still have a tremendous way to go. I am not enlightened by far, but I continue to work on myself, as best as I can and am working to go with the flow of life, to stop resisting order to ease my suffering.

Thank you Adya, I hope you will forgive my original harsh review.


Original review 2 years ago - Audio Book version:

Changing my review after much contemplation. I began to realize this author makes no sense. I thought he was "over my head" but he is not..he just talks in circles speaking of lofty ideas and concepts just to contradict himself in the next sentence and by his own actions.

Anyway...I have found that I am not alone in my opinion.

I love this from the above says how I feel..

"Adyashanti is a contradiction-riddled preceptor who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He informs us, “There is no such thing as a true thought,” then expands upon this theme: “If we allow this idea that no thought is actually real or true to sink into the core of our being, we can complete this shift in consciousness.” First off, if no thoughts are true, then why does he peddle one book and audio after another that are filled with his unreal, untrue thoughts? Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t answer this question, and elsewhere writes, “Words are important.” How can words be important if the thoughts behind them are unreal and untrue? Secondly, the words he uses are usually vague and unspecific, reflective of the fog he lives in and perpetrates. " (less)
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Susan Wight
Oct 02, 2012Susan Wight rated it it was amazing
I took the webinar with Adya in March of 2012 using his book: The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment. This was with many people from around the world.

The entire book is a book carrying the energy of pure awareness and deep insights to awakening. It naturally but directly reveals illusive and often hidden mental programing that Adya calls living in the dream state; a state of illusion that most people don't even realize they are in. Instead of our conditioning defining us, the book takes you, or took me to the liberated place of the unknown which is realizing reality each moment, each moment, each moment. There is no fixed place but instead fluidity. There are no words to explain the experience of reality, but if anyone does a good job at explaining truth, reality, awareness, and the process of enlightenment, Adya more than explains it; he invites you to experience it by letting go of fear based beliefs, ideas, agendas and attachments. His message of pure awareness brought me back to accepting living here on the earth plane with no fear based judgment. He talked about radical honesty which I appreciate awakening to where he says...
"It is that which divides us inside that needs to be healed. What is required after a glimpse of awakening is radical honesty, a willingness to look at how we unenlighten ourselves back into the gravitational force of the dream state, how we allow ourselves to be divided."

Don't get this book unless you're ready to take it all the way as the book is very powerful. If you want to know the truth (not as an opinion or belief) but as the absolute and if you are willing to let go of attachments embedded in egoic consciousness, and you sense that
you are called to liberation from illusion, then this book is for you.

Blessings, Susan Nancy Wight (less)
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Carolina Montague
Oct 13, 2012Carolina Montague rated it it was amazing
Oh. My. God.

I read this on the way back to India in 2010. I'd been on a Path since 2000 and FINALLY I see a western Teacher owning up to the crap that happens to you when you even think about getting your feet wet in the spiritual realm.

They told us this stuff in India. Good to see it surface here. (less)
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Sep 02, 2009Steve rated it really liked it
Shelves: consciousness
This is, in the dimension of awakening, just the most helpful and practical thing I have ever read. I could not get enough of it. He bestows perspective on what it is to flash awake and what people go through after they do...perspective that I have been trying to gather (not too successfully) myself for years. In a very strange way, this was like a deep breath of fresh air. I will read this over and over again.
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Sep 03, 2009Trans rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
The turnabout in consciousness known as Enlightenment is often badly misunderstood these days and poorly described in much spiritual literature. Among the ancient and early modern texts that do contain accurate descriptions and valid reports, the linguistic style and cultural overlays make it difficult for most modern readers to gain a true understanding of what is being discussed. Too often, readers come away with a mythologized view (because the old texts used myths as metaphors). So people today are often ill-equipped for understanding what happens in their own case when they engage a spiritual practice that actually brings them -- temporarily or permanently -- into the realm of Enlightenment (more properly termed, Awakening).

This book by Adyashanti fills the explanatory gap. Based on his own Awakened understanding, this modern American teacher -- an ordinary "everyman" whose Zen practice reached Realization -- Adyashanti speaks plainly, without jargon, or foreign words, or allusive terminology.

He addresses the paradox of living as Being without imagining a separate self hidden deep inside. And, perhaps most important of all, Adyashanti discusses how to face the challenges thrust upon anyone who realizes Enlightenment and then must negotiate the twisting currents of social life in a very obtuse world.

If you believe that Enlightenment grants someone a free pass -- a life without problems -- then you need to drop that myth and read this book. (less)
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Aug 16, 2011scott rated it it was ok
Watered down, ego-driven, derivative material that fails to cite any of its obvious influences. Adyashanti pontificates at great length on what his definition of "enlightenment" is, and whether or not he'd give you that label. He doesn't link his concepts to well-known/accepted terminology for this domain; instead he makes up all his own definitions to ensure the reader is kept in his microcosm. There's a feel-good bent to it that hooks the reader into seeking his approval. Reading this made me google rather or not there've been allegations about Adyashanti being a cult leader, because he sure does sound like one.

On top of the weak content, the writing style is rambling. Multiple pages are used to explain straightforward concepts that could easily be treated in a paragraph. Repetition is frequent... the better to program you with, my dears. (less)
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Mar 27, 2018Justin added it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: spirituality
This is about what happens after enlightenment.
I have way too much thinking to do about what happens before enlightenment to benefit from this now.
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Joan Machlis-crasemann
Dec 01, 2014Joan Machlis-crasemann added it
I'm not able to rate this book because it is written for people with much more experience in spiritual awakening and Zen teachings than I have. Much of what was written was foreign to me and I'm sure I missed the deeper levels. None-the-less it opened up many new thoughts about how one seeks truth and about common experiences in the process of discarding illusions. On a personal note it gave me an appreciation of facets of of my nephew, who recommended this teacher. (less)
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Jun 08, 2012Mary rated it it was amazing
A most excellent teacher. His words are very clear, down to earth and to the point, its not hard to hear what he is saying and the Zen Buddhist concepts are presented in a very understandable ordinary way, which makes it extraordinary. His insight is penetrating and sharp. It was easy to read and yet I found had to read it twice. Like all of my dharma books, it is one that I will return to again.

The main insight that I came away with was a new awareness of enlightenment, or 'waking up' and that is that it a very ordinary experience. Its an ordinary event in an ordinary life, and yet once it happens, life becomes extraordinary, everything is seen for the wonder that it is. It doesn't lead you to believe that if you have (or need to have) some sort of spiritual breakthrough you will start to fly, or see a procession of lights or any other special power, but he allows for the inclusion of every possibility as everyone is different.

In one part he talks about true freedom as a gift to everybody and everything. Part of awakening he says, is a gift of freedom to the world. You and everybody else awake or not awake deluded or not, has the freedom to be who they are without any judgement.

I picked this book up on display at my local library here in the north of England, and it was my first introduction to this Californian Zen teacher. (less)
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Jun 17, 2020Malum rated it it was ok
Shelves: spirituality-religion, non-fiction
Whoo boy, I've been striking out with spirituality books lately.

So, first of all, Adyashanti immediately lost credibility with me because I instantly become suspicious of anyone who claims to be an "enlightened being". He goes on to cement this suspicion by constantly reminding us of this.

In fact, this entire book is really not much more than Adyashanti tooting his own horn. I'll give you the condensed version of the book: "being enlightened is hard to explain, it's not what you think it is, and I'm definitely an enlightened being". In fact, Adyashanti doesn't even seem to know how to become enlightened, even though he for reals is you guys! I read a bio of him elsewhere and he says he became an enlightened being from...and I shit you not...keeping a journal. So I guess all the teenage girls in the world with diaries are all going to ascend to a higher plane of existence soon.

To top it all off, there is a q&a at the end and he does what most "enlightened beings" do: he dances around almost every question and doesn't really answer anything. Pro tip: he's not being wise or enigmatic, he simply has no clue.

There are some nice ideas here and there, but overall this obviously wasn't for me. (less)
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Chris Beal
Jan 18, 2015Chris Beal rated it really liked it
When I first came to Adya (as his students call him), many of the people in his sangha had already awoken to their true nature but didn't know where to go from there. “Now what?” was the implicit refrain coming from his students. This book specifically addresses students who are at this point: they already have experienced the dropping away of the sense of self generated by the stream of thoughts, they know they are everything and nothing at the same time, but when they go back into the world they left, it is all so confusing.

One of the virtues of a book of this type is that one can see that his or her experiences post-awakening are common, so the sense that something is wrong with one when one feels only half-awake – belonging, it seems, to neither the enlightened nor the unenlightened world – can be laid down. I highly recommend this book to these people.

For myself, although I am past that stage, I enjoyed Adya's sharing many of his own personal experiences post-awakening. Even though I have heard him talk probably hundreds of times, I had not heard many of these stories before, and others not in this detail. There is also an interview with Adya in the back by the publisher. The questions are very probing and Adya's answers clarify many questions people may have about his teachings.

I am a long time (since 2000) student of Adyashanti, but I prefer him in person, so I don't usually read his books. I like to experience his energy when he's speaking in person. Also, his books seem over-edited to me. Since nearly all his writings are based on oral presentations, I realize that it's necessary to edit the spoken, colloquial language into grammatical written form. But at the same time, it seems that his voice – the particular personality through which the teaching comes – is edited out. I always think when I read his books, “But where is Adya in this?” Of course, people who haven't seen him in person at all, or only a couple of times, won't notice this, but it bothers me.

Another issue with the editing is that the content of this book is very redundant – not so much the topics but the sentences. Instead of trusting a pronoun to serve as a transition from the previous sentence, the whole idea presented just one sentence before is repeated before the additional thought is tacked on. This happens sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph. In fact, it feels like padding: without it, the book could have been half as long.

But these are really quibbles. All said, while this isn't really an introduction to Adyashanti's teachings it is an informative follow-up for those already on their way. (less)
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Feb 26, 2015Suba rated it really liked it
Honesty, simplicity and openness radiate from Adyashanti's words. One thing that distinguishes Adyashanti's book from others that talk about Enlightenment is his blatant honesty regarding Awaking. Rather than paint some heavenly vision of Enlightenment, he gives us the dirty, hurtful, painful, infuriating, desperate aspects of it.

He introduces us to Enlightenment via the ego's perspective. The pain, the loss, uncertainty, struggle, and so forth. Instead of all the heavenly promises, we find ourselves knee deep in the mud. From there, it's hard to show another the beauty of life when their heads are stuck in the clouds.

Having read and watched quite a few books and videos on Enlightenment, it is refreshing to receive Adyashanti's realistic perspective. With all the promises, acclaimed experiences, and supposive rewards, most writings on Enlightenment lead us to believe we'll be shooting rainbows out our butts. While Enlightenment is worth pursuing, it is a mistake to believe that life will all of a sudden be perfect when we Awaken.

I guess, if there was one thing to take away from The End of Your World it is this: life still goes on and crap still happens even after Awakening. The difference is, we see more clearly and we no longer get caught up. or, as Adyashanti likes to say, we no longer get stuck by "Velcro" emotions and thoughts. (less)
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Giorgi Bazerashvili
Jan 28, 2018Giorgi Bazerashvili rated it it was amazing
Adya gives this lectures for advanced practitioners. But his insights are hugely beneficial for those of us who don't practice much but are willing to follow the path sooner or later.

He differentiates two types of awakening, abiding and non-abiding ones. The main difference between them is that if someone awakes for just a brief period of time, he calls it non-abiding awakening. If ego structure doesn't reassemble itself, which usually does, the awakening is abiding.

But, he also tells us that it's not that simple either. We can't conceptualize awakening by any means. The most important thing is to stay sincere in this work and generally to be vigilant and honest in our lives.

He also talks about the difficulties that come after the first couple of non-abiding awakenings and how to deal with them.

In short, reading Adya's book gave me a better conceptual understanding of what all this is about. I don't know, maybe having a solid conceptual framework isn't helpful in this work at all, but nevertheless, Adya does a great job of communicating the difficulties and interesting facets of life during and after awakening experiences. (less)
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Mar 17, 2012Vesela rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: anyone interested in a true and wholehearted life
I have the good fortune of living in the San Francisco Bay Area where Adya also resides and often holds public gatherings. I've just reread this book as part of a course I'm taking with him that focuses on this work. I find that when he "points to the moon," it shines ever more brightly before me. With clear, unadorned prose, he goes to the core of the spiritual journey, honestly reporting from his experience. It can be a demanding journey; these are not fluffy promises. I value Adya's wisdom and appreciate his humility and humor (though his humor is something to be experienced in one of his talks); most importantly he always directs us back to our own experience for the truth our own lives are teaching us. To paraphrase him, Don't take my word for it, look into your own life.
Thank you, Adya. (less)
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Kanwar Anand
Jun 21, 2018Kanwar Anand rated it liked it
I heard this in audio format. The author delves into spiritual awakening. The language/grasp is easy but to be in the state that the author refers to requires a lot of courage and surrender. This book is vague on how to become awakened. However, it tells you what it feels like to be awakened, the side effects and the qualities of a person who is awakened. I felt it had a lot of good insights but there were many vague holes which I didn't appreciate/grasp. Not sure if I would recommend this to people. Other books that are similar and worth your time : "The power of now" and "New World" by Eckhart Tolle. (less)
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July Wolfe
Jun 04, 2012July Wolfe rated it it was amazing
This is the first Adyashanti book I have read, and it was exactly what I've been looking for. Awakening comes before enlightenment, and I knew I was on the brink of some type of realization. Adya put the process into simple experiential words that helped me drop several preconceptions and refuse to form more. This is one I will read again and again for quite a while. (less)
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Dielle Ciesco
Nov 27, 2012Dielle Ciesco rated it it was amazing
I love Adya. I love his raw honesty about the awakening process. I love his clarity. This was an excellent read because it was more than a read; it was an experience. There were so many sentences that blew my mind, brought me pause, and opened me up. Not many books can do that.
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Aaron Fisher
Jan 05, 2013Aaron Fisher rated it it was amazing
It's not every day you find a book on a topic you've never seen addressed before. This book is filled with personal advice that, at least for me, rang true - and offered valuable encouragement I've reflected on again and again. ...more
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Nov 11, 2012Sunil rated it it was amazing
Simple and Clear Teachings...Awesome Methods of Contemplation...
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Shawn Minihan
Jul 09, 2017Shawn Minihan rated it it was amazing
Shelves: history, travel, science, self-help, health, spiritual, religion
161 highlights
This is a great book! I've read a lot of books on spirituality, but this one is a life changer. (less)
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Feb 17, 2021Les rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Though exponentially more accessible than "How to See Yourself as You Really Are" by the Dalai Lama, this book both grounded and illuminated where I am in my journey of congruence and truth. As books like this tend to do for those inclined to read them, I feel that it "found" me as I listened to Zenju Earthlyn's "Waking Up" talk on the meditative/spiritual app focused on BIPOC, Liberate. What Earthlyn described was her own awakening, but she mentioned how this book captured it in a way nothing did at the time. Same. There are a LOT of Christian and biblical references which I wasn't looking for, but due to my upbringing helped further solidify understanding. It also brought to mind several other works, including the first Rule of Life (Face reality.) in Gonzales's "Deep Survival" and delving into thought work, primarily as described in the podcast, "Unf$ck Your Brain." Anywho, it clarified and affirmed a lot and of course is a work I'll return to. The timing of this read couldn't have been better. (less)
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Saachi Rajiv Devnani
Nov 10, 2021Saachi Rajiv Devnani rated it it was amazing
He truly demonstrates that enlightenment is a destructive process though expressed in a simple and modest way. I could connect with a lot of the symptoms and it actually helped me identify why and what I'm going through emotionally and physically. Because I've read a fair amount of spiritual content, this book seemed easy to understand though I'm not sure if it's something a beginner would connect with. Moving through the chapters over months felt like my experience was in parallel to what I was reading at that moment. A true gem if you are ready for and sincerely looking for Unbecoming yourself. (less)
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Jacob Lopez
Dec 25, 2018Jacob Lopez rated it it was amazing
I commend this book for demystifying enlightenment and presenting it as a “spiritual” process rather than a sudden, complete “mystical” experience. Enlightenment is a process attainable by anyone, not just Lord Buddha or Jesus, and Adya proves this. After reading “The End of Your World,” I’m noticeably more in touch with my thoughts and how they influence my feelings and present experience. “All feelings emanate from thoughts, whether conscious or unconscious.”
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May 16, 2021Joris rated it it was ok
I'm rating it two stars mostly because of the way it's written. I feel it was the most difficult book to get through I've ever read. I don't care if the author claims he cannot use our language to even come close to explaining enlightment, I still feel it should be written in an accessible way. And it is definitely not. I can't remember how many time I needed to re-read sentences, paragraphs or even full pages, because I just didn't know what I actually read. Woolly language!

About the content/message, this is my first book about enlightment and would be prejudised because I'm not fond of the concept. But others around me are, so wanted to give it a try. As I would see it now, what Adyashanti calls enlightment, I call getting older and wiser. Whenever you grow older, you get these - sometimes high impact - epiphanies. Through experiences or through coaches, therapy, mindfulness or whatever. If you'd always remeber those and live accordingly, you could call that total enlightment. But most of the times you forget them, they linger somewhere in the back of your head and things still bother you that shouldn't. Occasionally you remember and with time and experience this comes easier. Perhaps this is the equivalent of partially enlightent.

Anyhow, still no believer, but now I know a bit more about it.

Biggest bummer would be the claim that enlighted people can have healing powers or other 'powers'. Too much hocus pocus. (less)
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Oct 20, 2018Kristina rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, eo-favorites, nf-spirituality, read-in-2018, want-for-personal-library, nf-philosophy
This is the most accurate description of enlightenment I've read so far. It really resonated with me, as his descriptions were so similar to my own experiences. I really love the way he articulates the awakening process. Anyone who has tried to express in words what the awakening process is like knows how difficult this can be. This is by far the most accessible book I've read regarding this topic. I recommend reading this in tandem with periods of reflection and meditation instead of all in one shot. (less)
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The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment Kindle Edition
by Adyashanti  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.7 out of 5 stars    498 ratings
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More and more people are “waking up” spiritually. And for most of them, the question becomes: now what? “Information about life after awakening is usually not made public,” explains Adyashanti. “It’s most often shared only between teachers and their students.” The End of Your World is his response to a growing need for direction on the spiritual path. Consider the book you hold in your hands Adyashanti’s personal welcome to “a new world, a state of oneness.”

Adyashanti begins by describing the “I got it/I lost it” phenomenon that perplexes so many of his students—the fluctuation between what he calls “nonabiding” awakening and the ultimate state of “abiding” enlightenment. With straight talk and penetrating insight, Adyashanti then points out the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that “un-enlighten” us along the journey, including the trap of meaninglessness, how the ego can “co-opt” realization for its own purposes, the illusion of superiority that may accompany intense spiritual breakthroughs, and the danger of becoming “drunk on emptiness.” “Full awakening comes when you sincerely look at yourself, deeper than you’ve imagined, and question everything,” teaches Adyashanti. The End of Your World is your invitation to join Adyashanti for an honest investigation of what you really are—and how to live once you discover it.


Chapter One: Exploring Life After Awakening

Chapter Two: Authentic Awakening—And the Disorientation That Can Follow

Chapter Three: “I Got It, I Lost It”

Chapter Four: We Come to Nirvana by Way of Samsara

Chapter Five: Coming Completely Out of Hiding

Chapter Six: Common Delusions, Traps, and Points of Fixation

Chapter Seven: Life Itself Holds Up a Mirror for Our Awakening

Chapter Eight: The Energetic Component of Awakening

Chapter Nine: When Awakening Penetrates the Mind, Heart, and Gut

Chapter Ten: Effort or Grace?

Chapter Eleven: The Natural State

Chapter Twelve: The Story of the Wedding

Chapter Thirteen: An Interview With Adyashanti


There’s a phenomenon happening in the world today. More and more people are waking up—having real, authentic glimpses of reality. By this I mean that people seem to be having moments where they awaken out of their familiar senses of self, and out of their familiar senses of what the world is, into a much greater reality—into something far beyond anything they knew existed.

These experiences of awakening differ from person to person. For some, the awakening is sustained over time, while for others the glimpse is momentary—it may last just a split second. But in that instant, the whole sense of “self” disappears. The way people perceive the world suddenly changes, and they find themselves without any sense of separation between themselves and the world. It can be likened to the experience of waking up from a dream—a dream you didn’t even know you were in until you were jolted out of it.

In the beginning of my teaching work, most of the people who came to me were seeking these deeper realizations of spirituality. They were seeking to wake up from the limited and isolated senses of self they had imagined themselves to be. It’s this yearning that underpins all spiritual seeking: to discover for ourselves what we already intuit to be true—that there is more to life than we are currently perceiving.

But as time has passed, more and more people are coming to me who have already had glimpses of this greater reality. It is because of them that I am giving the teachings of this book.

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244 pages
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Product description
"This is a wise and beautiful book- offering all who read refreshing spiritual clarity and a free heart." --Jack Kornfield author of A Path with Heart

"A powerful and profoundly affecting book by one of the premier spiritual teachers of our time." --Reginald A. Ray author of Touching Enlightenment

--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
About the Author
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. His books include <iEmptiness Dancing</i, <iThe End of Your World</i, <iTrue Meditation</i, <iThe Way of Liberation</i, and <iFalling into Grace</i.Asked to teach in 1996 by his Zen teacher of 14 years, Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology. "The Truth I point to is not confined within any religious point of view, belief system, or doctrine, but is open to all and found within all." For more information, please visit --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
From the Artist
Adyashanti --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
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Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B003418518
Publisher ‏ : ‎ (1 December 2004)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 439 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 244 pages
Best Sellers Rank: 11,537 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
3 in Buddhist Rituals & Practice (Kindle Store)
5 in Occult Spiritualism
11 in Buddhist Rituals & Practice (Books)
Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars    498 ratings
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After 15 years of Zen practice and a series of ever-deepening realizations, this direct, loving and engaging modern teacher began to offer dharma talks, weekend programs and retreats in 1996. Known for his clarity, wisdom and rich humor he has a rapidly expanding base of students, many of whom have awakened to their true nature in his presence. His teachings have been compared to those of the early Zen masters, and the wisdom teachings of Advaita Vedanta, and speak deeply to all seekers of Truth.

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Sig Taubert
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book explaining clearly the nature of "enlightment"
Reviewed in Australia on 16 December 2015
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Excellent book explaining clearly the nature of "enlightment". Suitable for seekers of all stages. I found it useful explaining experiences after a near_enlightment experience. Worth reading!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Powerfully disruptive and enlightening
Reviewed in Australia on 10 December 2017
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This book is incredible. Life changing. Challenging, inspiring, enlightening. The beginning of a journey in and of itself. Thank you.
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Philip Power
2.0 out of 5 stars Fails at the task it sets itself
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 March 2020
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This book sets itself the task of addressing/advising people post-awakening, hinting that it will help those people to integrate and make best use of the satori experience. "Finally!" I thought. But then, sadly, at least 90% of the book is generic, opinionated, innocuous "enlightenment chat" that I'd expect from Deepak Chopra (what I've come to call Chopra-waffle), and very little direct/on-target talk about post-satori life. The book contradicts itself, sometimes from one paragraph to the next, and makes wild yet bland claims (along the lines of "the universe is conscious of our souls") that sound charming/soothing but are ultimately just the writer's untestable opinion and offer nothing to the post-satori reader. It's a lovely book, written by a nice man, and I am being critical here . . . . but it felt to me like yet another book of spiritual posturing. But what did I expect from a man who chose a magical name, wears magical robes, and puts such a smug/cheesy picture of himself on the back of the book? Just my two cent's worth.
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Deborah McFadyen
5.0 out of 5 stars A life line to those who are awakening
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 17 April 2018
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I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is awakening to what they truly are. Going through the process of spiritual awakening and loosing identity with one's 'egoic self' is a very lonely and confusing place. This book gave me a real understanding of what I was experiencing and it settled the monumental fear I was feeling. To be in a very balanced and blissful space of 'spirituality' is where I always expected to be throughout my spiritual awakening. However, actually awakening is a very different experience from what one expects. 'The End of Your World' is a perfect description of how it feels and this book helped me put everything into perspective. It really helped me understand what I was going through and it made me realise that there were other people who understood what I was experiencing. It helped eliminate the deep feeling of isolation. I felt like this book was written for me as it describes my experience and feelings perfectly.
Thank you Adyashanti, I am deeply grateful for this book. Namaste 🙏
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M. J. Penny
5.0 out of 5 stars The best guide for an awakened presence
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 February 2014
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There comes a time in the spiritual journey, when the surface world has lost all it's appeal. There is no motivation to participate in the drama, no-lows, but also no highs. When one awakens and presence begins to stir, there is a void and a new adjustment to the surface world. I cannot recommend 'The End of Your World' enough for anyone finding their footing in this new mindset, or I should say, mindlessness set. When it comes down to it, it's about not knowing anything for sure and not only accepting it but seeing it as the natural essence - your true birthright. When you no longer know yourself as 'the thinker', when you recognise your thoughts as conditioned ego-based side-effects, something arises, it is the essence, the One behind it. Freedom is not in controlling your thoughts and feelings but by accepting them and yet at the same time not buying into them - they come and they go.

This book is also written in a very down to earth tone and I'm sure it will resonate with anyone on the spiritual path and perhaps even those who are not.
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Dr. Maggie G.
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the very best
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 14 April 2022
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While so many focus on the transcendental nature of awakening, there are very few teachers who speak openly about the post awakening process. I understand that but, too often, it perpetuates the idea that once awakened, life and our humanness will be nothing but a smooth ride. From my experience, as well as that of many people I know, the post awakening process can be absolutely ruthless and painful. There is no where to “hide”, lid comes off and all kinds of stuff previously unseen comes to the surface, sometimes gradually, sometimes in one go and it can be brutal but also beautiful and enriching. I wish more teachers talked about it. So many people question their awakening the moment they “honey moon” period ends and struggles begin and, really, that’s just a beginning of the falling away of the “self”.
I am so grateful this book exists alongside Amoda Maa’s and CC Leigh’s book.
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ciaran redican
3.0 out of 5 stars A lot of word for word repetition from previous book 'Emptiness Dancing'
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 17 April 2019
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It's very rare I write a review.

I was very disappointed to find a lot of repetition throughout this book from his earlier book Emptiness Dancing. It was as if chunks of the previous book was copied and pasted into the new book.

As a stand alone book I don't think this is acceptable. I am very surprised that the Editor did not address this.

This doesn't mean it is a bad book. I just think when you pay for a book especially when you have invested in the authors earlier books, if you are repeating a point, than try and express that same point in an original way. There was one part of the book where almost a whole chapter was exactly the same word for word.
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