
Japanese Religions Past and Present - Andreasen, Esben, Reader, Ian, Stefansson, Finn | 9781873410011 | Amazon.com.au | Books

Japanese Religions Past and Present - Andreasen, Esben, Reader, Ian, Stefansson, Finn | 9781873410011 | Amazon.com.au | Books


Japanese Religions Past and Present Paperback – 17 January 1995
by Esben Andreasen (Author), Ian Reader (Author), Finn Stefansson (Author)
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 6 ratings

Edition: 1st
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Each of the eight chapters deals with a specific topic, such as Shinto, Buddhism, the new religions, and Christianity; there is an introduction that outlines the subject to be considered followed by a series of readings.