
Charlotte Kasl Quotes

Charlotte Kasl > Quotes

Showing 1-30 of 43

“The only sure path is to live consciously, moment to moment, as you let go of the outcome.”

― Charlotte Kasl

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“Staying loyal to your journey means you never abandon yourself by compromising your integrity or discounting your intuition or the signals that come from your body—the knot in the gut, emotional detachment, or loss of energy that signals something is amiss.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Our refuge is being exactly where we are - not dramatizing problems by replaying them in our heads, telling stories to our friends, eliciting sympathy and convincing ourselves that this is a very big deal. Our refuge is in the stillness of being the compassionate witness to our panic and fear - not judging it as good or bad, just accepting the what is of the moment.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: refuge, stillness11 likesLike

“Instead of trying to freeze the present moment and hang on to it, we need to remember that life is a process of constantly letting go. The ego wants dependable rituals and people who stay the same. But to be free means that we enjoy this touch, this kiss, this sunrise, and then let it go. This is sometimes described as not letting the ground under your feet get too solid, not grasping for security or predictability.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: freedom, impermeance11 likesLike

“If you put sexual attraction on a scale of one to ten, where ten equals "you can't keep your hands off each other,"five equals "you can take it or leave it," and one equals "repulsed," to support a vibrant relationship, it should be at least a seven, preferably an eight, nine, or ten. With work, you might raise the attraction one notch, but because there is so much biochemistry involved in sexual attraction, it's hard to do much more than that. So if a sexual attraction doesn't evolve, remember, it's not anyone's fault and it's just the what is of your pairing, and you might make better friends than lovers.

Sexual attraction doesn't have to be instantaneous on first meeting, but it must eventually flower because it provides a basic glue for successful conjugal union. If we're not sexually alive to our beloved, it often leads to a subdued relationship, loneliness, affairs, or lots of fantasies.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: attraction9 likesLike

“Every time we open one door, we close another. It's lovely to spend Sunday morning with our new love, cooking breakfast and taking a walk together. But in the midst of our happiness, we may feel nostalgia for our former Sunday morning ritual of uninterrupted time alone at a favorite restaurant reading the newspaper. We need to acknowledge the presence of both excitement and loss, to feel their rhythm as they ebb and flow through a new relationship. If we try to deny our losses, they lead to resentments, a gnawing discomfort, and a desire to withdraw.

Yet we also need to remind our ego that love means letting go of our entrenched rituals, of comparing, of wanting life to stay the same...Entering a relationship and living in the heart of the Beloved means our life will change, our shells will crack open and we will never be the same again.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: change9 likesLike

“Instead of turning our heads from pain, we merge with it, neither holding on to it nor pushing it away, becoming instead an instrument of transformation. Recently, on my early morning drive to a health club, I saw a deer in the middle lane, trying to get up, but obviously crippled. Her eyes looked confused and frightened. As I drove by, I breathed in her pain and breathed out a blessing. I could feel a dark cloud swirling inside of me, but I also had an image of a deer running freely in the woods. I can never know if it helped her, but something loosened inside of me. Instead of turning away from her pain, I joined her. It was then I realized more deeply the power of Tonglin...

When you feel hurt, confused, lonely, or sad, breathe into your pain, feel it, be with it, then breathe out an image of clarity, light, and a blessing. This alone will start to change your life.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: meditation, tonglin8 likesLike

“Ego says: I want someone to fill me up. Spirit says: I'll have someone to help me wake up, to challenge my blind spots and be a companion and playmate on the journey.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“On the spiritual path we must become a gentle warrior--curious, kind, and alert to our own con games--whispering to ourselves, wake up.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: spiritual-awakening, spiritual-path7 likesLike

“If we succumb to fear, we start holding back, and do that all-to-common dance of getting close, then pulling away. When we remember that our safe harbor depends on our awareness and honesty, we're less likely to make internal compromises, put on masks, or act like a chameleon to attract a partner or keep a hurtful relationship together. If we live by truth, we may have pain, but we will always rest securely in ourselves.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: awareness, honesty7 likesLike

“We feel connected one moment and disconnected the next. A tender sexual moment will never be exactly the same. Every breath we take connects us to life, then passes, until a new breath fills us. We move through new developmental and spiritual stages, daily, weekly... we stop the flow the moment we try to hold on to anything...

You partner with someone as they are in this moment. The vitality can remain if you adventure forth, side by side savoring the moment to moment shifts that inevitably arise as you both stay open to the journey. We need to look at each other anew every day, with clear eyes and an open mind, so we see the person of today, not an image from the past.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: impermeance6 likesLike

“If in a relationship there is no tension [meaning no deepening of knowledge of self and others], it ceases to be a relationship and merely becomes a comfortable sleep state, an opiate - which most people want and prefer.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Generosity says a great deal about a person's emotional and spiritual development. When it's hard to give, or it feels like ripping away a part of the self, we are still anchored in our attachments or stories we've created about scarcity. If this applies to you, make friends with the part of you that feels resentful or finds it difficult to give.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: generosity5 likesLike

“We're like the teenager who "will die" if he or she can't go to a certain rock concert or see a certain friend. Because we tell ourselves it's absolutely crucial that [things should be a certain way right now] we create turmoil and anxiety. It's not [the way things are] that causes pain, it's the meaning we give to these events and our demand that such things not happen. While we can have preferences, the minute we start insisting that people and situations be different, we create internal turmoil - anger, hostility, sadness, and so on. It's our attachments that lead us to donning a mask, blaming others, or feeling incomplete.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: attachment5 likesLike

“• Our longing is also our desire to be known completely. Imagine having your beloved look tenderly into your eyes, knowing all your secrets, having seen you be crabby and sweet, selfish and generous, and still truly loving you. Imagine being able to do the same. That is the potential of a conscious relationship.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: inspirational, life, love, relationship5 likesLike

“The more we commit to knowing and accepting ourselves, the more we are able to surrender to loving another person because we have nothing to hide and nothing to feel ashamed of. Our spiritual commitment to truth and integrity creates a safe harbor within us- a mooring, a home to return to when the journey gets rough, This is immensely important in the dating process because new love can resurrect our most primitive feelings of fear, dependency, and emptiness. If we know how to soothe our pain and relax into or emptiness, we won't be afraid to be open and honest, regardless of the outcome.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: awareness, dating, love, relationships, self-love4 likesLike

“The only way of full knowledge lies in the act of love; this act transcends thought, it transcends words. It is the daring plunge into the experience of union. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling—it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“On the spiritual path, the purpose of my relationship is to wake up and get to know ourselves and our lover, thoroughly, without judgment or pride. On the spiritual path, we enter into a shared union where we cherish and give to each other, expanding our ability to love unconditionally. We would also accept that the process an be awkward, unpredictable, challenging, and surprising.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: dating, love, relationships, spiritual-path, unconditional-love3 likesLike

“More than anything else, I want myself. I want to live with integrity and truth. I’m not going to hide the jewel of who I am, nor will I mask my imperfections. No bargains, no avoiding reality, no conning myself, no lies.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Love brings up anything that is hiding.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

tags: dating, love, relationships3 likesLike

“Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Remember, it’s better to speak up and let a relationship fall apart than to live in fear, or sacrifice your integrity.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“I want this music and this dawn and the warmth of your cheek against mine. —R”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Some of the often told stories we use to con ourselves: It’s getting better. Nobody’s perfect. S/he had a hard childhood. I know s/he really loves me, s/he just has a hard time showing it. S/he has so much potential. I’m sure it will get better. Don’t ever marry potential or plan on someone changing. Ask yourself, why would it get better? Why would this person change?”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Trust your observations and intuitive responses. Bring up your concerns as they appear.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“there is a circular relationship between our ability to know and love another and our ability to know and love ourselves.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

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“Sufism is about connecting with the intuitive parts of ourselves so that we can attune to the highest vibration in the universe, which is pure love. It's about joining together in the mystical heart.”

― Charlotte Kasl

tags: sufism1 likesLike

“Just as children thrive with loving kindness from a caregiver, so too we are sustained by friendship, spiritual nurture, and a sense of belonging throughout our lives. 34.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Got Stuck: A Handbook for Change on a Spiritual Path

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“Just bringing our full attention to what we are doing, and when we are done, we go home. But we are forever changed—while the performance is over, the music now lives within us.”

― Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Got Stuck: A Handbook for Change on a Spiritual Path

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