
88 Bill Mollison: Permaculture: A Designers' Manual

Permaculture: A Designers' Manual: Bill Mollison

Permaculture: A Designers' Manual by Bill Mollison (Author)
4.8 out of 5 stars 119 customer reviews

ISBN-13: 978-0908228010
ISBN-10: 0908228015Why is ISBN important?

Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. 

It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order. Permaculture design is a system of assembling conceptual, material, and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. 

The philosophy behind permaculture is one 

  1. of working with, rather than against, nature; 
  2. of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; 
  3. of looking at systems in all their functions rather than asking only one yield of them; and 
  4. of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions

Product details

Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Ten Speed Pr (August 1, 1997)
Language: English


5.0 out of 5 stars
Simply the best :)November 27, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Simply the best :)
I upvoted someone's review because she said it was too complex, she couldn't understand it. Yes, I DID find that helpful, means it's what I want :) I didn't want a quick article off the net about permaculture, I wanted a university (or higher, the real world is higher than any school) level textbook. Exactly what I wanted :)

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Dustin D

5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Reference manual, dry if you want a general understanding.November 3, 2014
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This is the "Bible" for permaculture and food forest production.

However if you are just getting into or are just interested in the general concepts of permaculture, I would buy "Introduction to Permaculture" by Bill Mollison or "Gaias Garden". This will wet your beak and stay more generalized and get a understanding of what Permaculture and food forest systems can do as well as open your eyes to how our current monoculture systems are not sustainable and how much food you can actually produce on just a small acreage or even a suburban lot. The PDM is good for once you have gotten the general concepts and/or have started a PDC for certification. This holds almost all the information you need to start and build a system, answer questions. it is a great reference manual for implementing the system, but is very dry if you are looking for a introduciton/inspiration to start this on your property.

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corrina j ford

5.0 out of 5 starsHighly recomendMay 10, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This is truly one of the best purchases I have ever made. The book can read a bit dry and can resemble stereo instructions in some places however, the vast knowledge and experience shared in this book far outweigh any kibitzing I could possibly come up with. I would recommend this book to anyone and suggest taking a permaculture class for the discussion and practical application as well.

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5.0 out of 5 starsPermaculture in its purest form.July 15, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Not much to add to this. If you're interested in Permaculture, this is the Genesis.
I like to balance the principles here with some other things as well. Couple this with Holistic Management, and Keyline Design, to form the perfect Trinity.

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Zing Nafzinger

5.0 out of 5 stars
Techniques for living sustainably on the planetAugust 4, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
I love this book. Clear. Informative. Not everyone is concerned about living sustainably on our planet, but if you are, the information and techniques in this book will keep you busy and feeling good about the difference you can make to your footprint on the planet, whether you have a tiny property or are responsible for many acres.

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overall studio

5.0 out of 5 starsWork with creation, not against it!May 13, 2014
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This book will transform our planet, one household at a time. Each time I read it, common sense and wisdom are presented. What is ancient becomes new again. 

I bought this book because our land is sinking, cracking and the few edibles planted do not do well with the city of Houston's clorinated-flouridated-and-who-knows-what-else-is-in-there water. So until we move to more land, these practices will be learned while we are urbanites. We're in the process of planning some and taking action on others first by: installing rain water collection system, planting more fruit and nut trees with herbs and flowers, installing a whole house fan, making an outdoor second bathroom off grid for our everyday use (we're always home), amending our soil by adding sand and gypsum, and this is just the beginning. 

What a wealth of information. I wanted to take a permaculture course, but began by ordering this book first to see if I'd like it. I love it!

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe beginning of Permaculture and the essential foundation.May 26, 2011
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
I can not add much to the earlier reviews of Permaculture: A Designers' Manual by Bill Mollison, but I wanted to add another 5 star rating and a few comments.

Bill Mollison is the creator of Permaculture. He walked the walk before talking the talk. Read his autobiography and you can see that his life in Tasmania, using an open mind with his experiences, gave him the experience and insight to create this system.

There may have been parts of his system in other systems, but his integrated approach is workable in today's societies in many different areas from country property to a city back yard.

It gives insight to weather, forests, trees, water supplies, growing zones, passive heating, and so forth. The book gives a place, a location for insights learned in other gardening and regional permaculture books.

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Lauretta Selby

5.0 out of 5 starsShould be in every Permies LibraryJuly 9, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Taking the REX course now(Regrarians Ltd) and really excited to use what I learned from this book. It is definitely a text book and something i have yet to finish but he is the founder of Permaculture and worth the purchase and the read!

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Amazon Customer Rain

5.0 out of 5 starsPermaculture, the wave of the future!April 30, 2014
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This is an excellent book for the facts and the philosophy of sustainable living and the development of a conscious lifestyle.
This is the second copy of this book that I have owned in the last 20 years, It is also the book that the permaculture course I am taking is based on.
This book is not an easy read, but it is dense with information, deep thought and practical applications.
Whether you are a city dweller or own your own place in the country there is much of value to recommend this book and the philosophy of Permaculture.
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Thomas Meli

5.0 out of 5 stars
May 8, 2007
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Bill Mollison represents the most successful attempt to mainstream practical home-scale sustainable design principles. I found myself needing to do an enormous amount of supplementary research to actually understand what bill was talking about, but to explain them in depth here would have taken away from the thrust of the book - which is mainly to show you example after example (many on every page) at sustainable principles of design put into practice.

The book remains the best book on sustainability written to date. There are some aspects of his system that are lacking that I will briefly draw attention to. Understand that I deeply appreciate his genius, but I want to just mention that these other things need to be integrated into his system to be fully fully sustainable.

1) He doesn't pay enough attention to seed saving and plant breeding. A loss of seed diversity and a re-invigoration of seed savers is essential to truly sustainable self-sufficient design.

Seed to Seed - by Suzanne Ashworth and Kent Whealy
Breed your own Vegetable Varieties - by Carol Deppe

2) He very rarely mentions the role mushrooms and fungi can play in sustainability.


Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World by Paul Stamets

3) He doesn't stress the science behind it enough, which is fine, but leaves you asking sometimes... how do we know this is really ecologically sound? How can I NOT imitate mr. mollison but still create an ecologically sound system? Basically, Mollison's proscriptions are incredibly scientifically informed but not always scientifically explicit.

  • Plant Ecophysiological Ecology
  • New Dimensions in Agro-Ecology
  • Smallholders, Householders: farm families and the ecology of intensive sustainable agriculture - by Rober Netting

4) In relation to the first point, he also doesn't stress the role that evolution plays in sustainability. This is a very complicated problem, see book.


Evolutionary Conservation Biology.

These are not really criticism so much as signs of slight conceptual anal retentiveness on my part... Also please don't forget mollison's OTHER books which are incredible as well, especially the permaculture book of ferment and human nutrition.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

If ecology was the primary intellectual response to the environmental and agricultural crises of the twentieth century, permaculture (or permanent agriculture) was its practical application. Born in the mid-seventies, permaculture co-founder Bill Mollison defines this new field as "the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. 

Without permaculture there is no possibility of a stable social order." In other words, permaculture is the practical science of sustainability - a whole-systems approach life in the biosphere - and this near-encyclopedic tome covers every aspect of the subject, from soil conditions to climactic factors.

 The only conceivable drawback of this book is that it is rather difficult to ascertain and won't come cheap. If you enjoy tracking down rare and expensive books, there are none better than Mollison's Permaculture: A Designer's Manual. Large, comprehensive and filled with helpful illustrations and explanations, it is nothing less than the permaculture bible. 

On the other hand, if you are on a tight budget, and do not wish to spend your time searching for an unworn copy, there are newer and more accessible titles on the subject: like the other permaculture co-founder 
David Holmgren's Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability, or the concise and slim 
Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, by Rosemary Morrow. 

Whatever book you choose, this fascinating subject is perhaps humanity's only hope for a sustainable (read livable) future. Should not be overlooked.

An essential reference.


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5.0 out of 5 starsGot it in honor of the passing of this great pioneer. If you read this bookOctober 6, 2016
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
RIP Bill. This has been on my wishlist forever. Got it in honor of the passing of this great pioneer. If you read this book, you'll probably know more than the person teaching your PDC. ;-)

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe classicFebruary 28, 2008
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Mollison must be credited with promotion of the concept of Permaculture and this book is a world-wide view with enough examples to stimulate the thinking of a designer in any climate. It would be the bible for anyone working as an ecological designer on a worldwide scale. This tome includes not only a wealth of information but Mollison's personal views are given at every opportunity as well. With the breadth of his knowledge it can sometimes be helpful. That said, it is not an easy read. Mollison assumes familiarity with terminology from many disciplines, but with a scientific background it makes it all the more credible.

However, since its publication, there are other books for specific climate types that provide more detail. For those living in temperate climates, particularly the NE US, Dave Jacke/Eric Toensmeier's Edible Forest Gardens is more focused. If you live and plan to practice permaculture in only such climates, it should be sufficient. For the tropics, see [...] for a manual.

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Joseph A. Grubb

5.0 out of 5 starsGo to for permaculture designMay 30, 2018
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This is the only reference book needed to get your project designed for success. Great case studies noted for further research.

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Jill Whitmore

4.0 out of 5 starsAll the permaculture information I will ever need, I ...March 6, 2016
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
All the permaculture information I will ever need, I think! I was trying to replace a softback, smaller permaculture manual by Mollison which has strayed, and wasn't intending to buy something so massive and fairly expensive - but this volume will meet all foreseeable needs. I have one beef only (with the author/illustrator) - his work needed more careful proofing, it contains quite a lot of typos and spellos.

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5.0 out of 5 starsI thoroughly enjoyed reading it cover to coverNovember 11, 2016
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I'm new to permaculture, but this book was a wealth of knowledge for me. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it cover to cover.

Bill covers permaculture practices for working with everything from soil, water, wind, earthworks, trees, aquaculture and then goes on to describe practical applications of that knowledge within different climatic conditions. This book, in my opinion, gives the reader an excellent foundation on the topic of permaculture.

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Gary L Wade

5.0 out of 5 starsFive StarsMarch 14, 2018
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Wonderful source of information about permaculture from one of the pioneers.

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5.0 out of 5 starsShe absolutely loved the book said it was the "Bible of Permaculture"January 3, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This was for my Mom and she loves gardening, food forests, etc. She absolutely loved the book said it was the "Bible of Permaculture"

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Tina Thomas

5.0 out of 5 starsThe Wisdom of a MasterDecember 1, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Hard to grasp without some training, but after taking Geoff Lawton's PDC, this book has become solid gold to me.l

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5.0 out of 5 starsBest book on permaculture ever!July 8, 2015
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Got this for my boyfriend as a gift and he loves it! He wanted it so bad and I ally has it and reads from it everyday! We love permaculture and are so thankful that we have this resource now to learn even more than we knew before :))

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mathias hamlet

5.0 out of 5 starsThis is a good lexikon and the explenations are technical and detailed and ...January 10, 2017
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This is a good lexikon and the explenations are technical and detailed and easy to understand, have not read all yet but this book with a couple of others on the subject of permaculture is a must. There are Another book that talks more about the climate in the northen hemisphere, dont remember the name, where this one talks over all the climate zones. And Bill Mollison is the starter of permaculture so its a no brainer.

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5.0 out of 5 starsGreat manual for PermacultureApril 4, 2018
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
I just love the book. It was in great condition & arrived what the delivery was suppose to happen. Thank you

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe Bible of PermacultureAugust 4, 2011
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This is an outstanding book written by one of the co-founders of permaculture. This book is comprehensive, includes both theoretical and practical aspects of permaculture, and well-written. This book is, however, very "deep" and slow to read (like reading a textbook). A must have for anyone interested in the subject.

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5.0 out of 5 starsFive StarsApril 19, 2018
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Lots of information in it

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5.0 out of 5 stars
The definitive guide on PERMACULTUREMarch 8, 2013

I've been tinkering with the idea of buying farm land and developing it sustainably and at a profit for the past few years and began studying the principles of permaculture two years ago to where I was at the point that I couldn't satiate my need for learning more about it, so I purchased this book. It was well worth the price tag and takes you through EVERYTHING (read Permaculture Institute & Tagari Publishing's review). 

I have re-read the first several chapters many times and can't stop focusing on the guiding principles behind permaculture and the need to implement these simple systems in place. No more monocultures, no more pesticides, no more squandering resources, and this book outlines how to do just that and more. 

It has been stressed in the works of Masanobu Fukuoka, Wendell Berry, Michael Pollan and every author of sustainable farming literature that an organic polyculture system yields more than any monoculture system especially in the instances of drought and disease. 

It's common sense, especially for those like myself who want to develop land and make a profit doing it to implement at least some of the basic knowledge of polycultures as an insurance policy against drought or disease, but to also add to soil health and abundance and plentiful opportunities for the food web to grow and prosper with as few inputs as possible. I can't stress enough that this book outlines how to do this with as few inputs as possible, turning it into a zero input natural ecosystem. As much as it's about digging swales, using nurse plants to their full potential and building a living abundant ecosystem, it's about being responsible for the land you own and the food you grow, it provides a better blueprint for tomorrow. One man's weed is anothers pioneer plant building nutrient dense soil for Spring peas next season. If there is one thing I look forward to more than reading this book again, it's applying the knowledge in it.

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C. Pilieri

5.0 out of 5 stars
Ground breakingFebruary 10, 2010
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This book is the future. Permaculture is the future by teaching us how to reclaim our past.

With all the issues in the world today, basic sustainability is the number one priority. How to grow food and work with nature not against it. It is a truly great book and movement. It is not the easiest reading but all worthwhile.

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Dorey E. Evans

5.0 out of 5 starsHighly recommend itFebruary 14, 2013
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If you are going to survive this economy, you better learn how to garden. Between this book and "Gardening When It Counts", I have become a pretty good gardener. No frills and no pricey equipment, but a highly productive garden. Yum.

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5.0 out of 5 starsif you care about planet earthNovember 3, 2013
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this is a great book about permaculture with pictures, designs and additional information for the interested conservator of the earth. everyone interested in ecology on any level should read this book. should be in every library in the world.

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5.0 out of 5 starsGetting it all togetherFebruary 10, 2000
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Bill Mollison is an ecologist of the first rank. In 1981 he received the Right Livelihood Award--the Alternative Nobel Prize--for his work in environmental design. He and David Holmgren coined the word permaculture; Mollison has devoted his life to teaching the concept. Permaculture is humans working with, not against, nature. It's about causing land, water, plants and animals to synergistically cause multiple benefits and to improve an ecosystem simultaneously. It maximizes functional connections so that the many parts become a whole. To create permaculture design is to make the strongest possible statement of our eco-values, a resounding vote against current agribusiness practices. I have four of Mollison's books--this one has it all plus 129 color photos and a gazillion drawings by Andrew Jeeves. Here is complete knowledge to create your personal permaculture, a place to work and live in harmony with nature, a place that will nuture your body and your soul.

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Jerome Mcintire

5.0 out of 5 starsReview from a PDC gradOctober 9, 2014
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This is it, the most complete textbook of permaculture. A book to learn from over decades, a great guide to observing and learning from nature.