
Applied Ecovillage Living - Findhorn Foundation

Applied Ecovillage Living - Findhorn Foundation

Applied Ecovillage Living

Applied Ecovillage Living

Sat 23 February 2019 (14 Days)
Craig Gibsone and Maria Cooper
How do we live in a way that is fulfilling and respectful to ourselves and all life around us? With all the changes, paradoxes, and challenges of our times, where do you and I, as individuals, come in, create change and contribute to re-imagining the future?
We invite you to be part of this programme exploring ecovillages, low impact lifestyles, sustainability, and right livelihoods. It will take place in the well-established and pioneering ecovillage and community of Findhorn. Participants will enjoy hands on activities with the community and will be encouraged to explore what ecovillages are doing to tackle the global ecological and social crises with a focus on personal development, finding and living our purpose, and identifying the practical skills to take us there.
The Findhorn Foundation, community, and ecovillage has a long history of facilitating and teaching sustainability practices. During the programme, participants will engage with these resources and get to meet and learn from inspiring teachers and facilitators with wide-ranging experience and expertise. We will also have self-organised time where we explore arising topics and share perspectives from our different countries and cultures.
Together we will learn about:
  • Social tools for personal and group transformation, empowerment and community building
  • Urban and rural solutions for transitioning to a resilient society
  • Local organic food production and right livelihood
  • Comprehensive Permaculture design introduction
  • Renewable energy systems and energy efficiency models
  • Cooperative social economies and complementary currencies
  • Holistic decision-making processes, including nature and deep ecology
  • Earth restoration projects and biological waste water treatments
  • Ecological building and community design
  • Cultural and Spiritual diversity practices


We will spend the first week at Cluny Hill, a former Victorian hotel now owned by the community and home for up to 120 residents. The building contributes greatly to the reduction of the community’s carbon footprint and is also located in the town of Forres, part of the Transition Town network.
For the second part we move to The Park, the original site where the Findhorn Community and Ecovillage was born. Here we broaden our enquiry in a more rural setting with smaller, dispersed dwellings, using as a case study the restorative process of transforming sand dunes on an old military base into the famous Findhorn gardens.
The nature of this workshop means that there is a lot of time spent outdoors in nature, including locally in the woods and dunes nearby. Consequently it may be difficult for those with mobility issues. If you have any mobility difficulties or questions, please tell us more so that we can discuss this with you and see whether this workshop could work for you.

Accommodation and Food

Sleeping will be in shared bedrooms in Cluny, and in shared bungalows in the Park. Meals will be eaten with the community in the big dining hall and community centre. Special diets and allergies can be catered for.
Travel Information click here
Contact: ael@findhorn.org

Book Here

Click a date below to book
DateDaysPriceOther info
2019-02-2314£1520 / £1190 / £980