
1806 유엔 보고서, 북한 주민 53.7% ‘농지 보유’

[뉴스 동서남북] 유엔 보고서, 북한 주민 53.7% ‘농지 보유’

[뉴스 동서남북] 유엔 보고서, 북한 주민 53.7% ‘농지 보유’


지난 2014년 북한 평양 인근 논에서 학생들이 농사 일을 돕고 있다. (자료사진)

매주 월요일 한반도 주요 뉴스의 배경과 의미를 살펴보는 ‘쉬운 뉴스 흥미로운 소식: 뉴스 동서남북’ 입니다. 북한 주민들의 살림살이 실태를 보여주는 유엔 보고서가 나왔습니다. 유엔아동기금, 유니세프(UNICEF)가 최근 발표한 북한 민생 실태 자료에 따르면 북한 가구 53.7%가 농지를 보유하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 최원기 기자가 전해 드립니다.

유엔이 최근 북한 주민들의 농지 보유부터 냉장고, 전기밥솥, 휴대전화에 이르기까지 구체적인 민생 실태 자료를 공개했습니다.

유니세프가 발표한 ‘2017년 북한 다중지표군집조사(MICS)’ 보고서는 개발도상국에 대한 유엔의 민생 실태 조사로, 북한에서의 조사는 1998년과 2000년, 그리고 2009년에 이어 2017년에 네 번째로 실시됐습니다.

북한 주민들의 생활상 조사는 조사 항목이 117개로 방대할 뿐 아니라 상당히 체계적으로 진행됐습니다. 조사는 북한의 중앙통계국이 유니세프의 지원을 받아 북한 전역 8천500여 가구 주민들을 대상으로 실시했습니다.

유엔 인도주의업무조정국의 마크 로우코크 국장은 `VOA'에, 북한 통계국의 협력을 받아 북한 전역에서 주민 영양 상태 등 설문조사를 했다고 말했습니다.

[녹취: 로우코크] "Access is improving, Unicef...."

이번 보고서에서 가장 눈길을 끄는 것은 53.7%의 가구가 농지를 보유하고 있다는 대목입니다. 유엔은 개별 가구와 개인의 재산 현황을 파악하기 위해 설문에 ‘농지가 있느냐’는 질문을 포함했는데, 절반 이상이 농지가 있다고 대답한 겁니다.

농지 보유는 지역별로 다소 편차가 있습니다. 조사는 평양을 포함해 10개 지역에서 이뤄졌는데, 농지 보유 비율이 가장 높은 곳은 황해남도로 68.5%로 나타났습니다. 이어 64.8%를 기록한 함경남도와 황해북도(62.6%), 평안북도(62.5%), 자강도(59.7%), 양강도 (54.8%), 강원도(54.4%), 평안남도(53.4%), 함경북도(48.1%) 순으로 나타났습니다. 농지 보유 비율이 가장 낮은 지역은 평양으로 18.8%였습니다.

한국 내 탈북자들은 북한 주민들의 농지 보유에 대해 믿기 어렵다는 반응을 보였습니다. 북한은 1946년 토지개혁 이래 모든 토지를 국가 소유로 했기 때문에 원칙적으로 농지를 소유할 수 없다는 겁니다.

북한 농업과학원에 근무하다 1990년대 한국으로 망명한 이민복 씨는 농지 보유라는 것이 뙈기 밭을 의미하는 것 같다고 말했습니다.

[녹취: 이민복] ”53%라는 것이 개인 뙈기 밭, 텃밭을 얘기하는 것 같아요, 제가 있을 때도 1천평, 500평씩 하는 사람이 있었어요.”

뙈기 밭은 협동농장에서 가구 별로 나눠준 작은 밭을 말합니다. 주민들은 여기에 배추나 무, 고추, 호박 등을 심어 먹습니다.

또 다른 탈북자들은 농지 보유가 ‘분조제’를 의미하는 것일 수 있다고 말했습니다. 북한 당국은 2012년부터 논과 밭을 분조별로 나눠주는 새로운 영농 방식을 도입했는데, 이 것이 농지 보유를 의미할 수 있다는 겁니다. 평안북도 신의주에 살다가 2011년 한국에 입국한 김수진 씨입니다.

[녹취: 김수진] ”분조관리제의 방침에 따라 1천-3천평의 땅을 대여해준 거죠, 국가에서, 봄에 땅을 대여해서 농사해서 60%를 바치고, 나머지는 너희들이 먹어라는 건데, 1-3천평을 땅을 받았다는 내용을 양강도나 김정숙군 사람과 통화해 들었거든요.”

북한에서 ‘가족분조제’ ’포전담당제’ ’6.28 방침’등으로 불리는 이 분조제의 핵심은 농민들에게 일한 만큼 그에 따른 보상을 주는 겁니다.

과거에는 협동농장에서 10t의 쌀을 생산하면 국가에 토지사용료와 물, 전기, 비료, 농약 대금조로 5t을 납부하고 나머지를 ‘평균주의’ 원칙에 따라 농민들에게 현금으로 분배했습니다.
따라서 농민 입장에서는 일을 열심히 하든 적당히 하든 소득이 비슷해 근로 의욕이 생기지 않았습니다. 게다가 북한 돈의 가치가 떨어져 몇 만원을 받아도 장마당에서 물건을 살 수 없었습니다.

그러나 새로운 분조제에서는 15t을 생산할 경우 국가에 10t을 납부하고 나머지 5t은 분조원들이 실적에 따라 자율적으로 처분할 수 있습니다. 북한 관영 `조선중앙방송'입니다.

[녹취: 중방 ] “분조에서 생산한 알곡 가운데서 국가가 정한 일정한 몫을 제외한 나머지는 농장원들에게 그들이 번 노력 일에 따라 현물을 기본으로 하여 분배하도록 하여야 합니다.”

한편 북한에서는 지난 20년 간 장마당을 중심으로 시장경제가 작동하면서 주민들 사이에 빈부격차도 커지는 것으로 나타났습니다.

유엔의 이번 조사 결과 평양의 경우 응답자의 89.7%가 휴대전화가 있다고 답했습니다. 그러나 황해북도는 51.2%에 불과했습니다.

또 냉장고는 평양 가구 59.3%가 갖고 있다고 답했습니다. 그러나 황해남도의 경우 19%에 불과했습니다. 다시 탈북자 김수진 씨입니다.

[녹취: 김수진] ”빈부격차는 말할 수가 없죠, 평양이 1순위인데, 몸까이(다이어트)를 하는 사람도 있고, 몸이 불어났으면 하는 사람도 있고, 농촌에도 빈부격차가 있죠, 쌀10t을 가진 사람과 쌀 1t 가진 사람, 빈부격차는 어디나 다 존재합니다.”

이밖에 컴퓨터를 비롯한 정보통신 기기 보급과 디지털화도 저조해, 컴퓨터를 갖고 있는 가구는 18.7%에 불과했습니다.

집에서 인트라넷 접속이 가능한 가정은 전체적으로 1.4%에 불과했고, 평양도 5.2%에 불과했습니다.

VOA뉴스 최원기입니다.

포전담당제 - 북한지식사전 - 위키독

포전담당제 - 북한지식사전 - 위키독

[미분류]포전담당제( 1 판 )
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포전(圃田, 구획을 나눠놓은 경작지)담당제란 협동농장의 말단 단위인 분조(分組)의 구성원을 기존의 7~8명보다 더 작은 인원으로 축소한 것으로 가족 단위 개인영농방식을 뜻한다. 가족영농제는 가족 단위, 혹은 몇 가족이 농토를 협동농 장에서 대여 받아 농사를 짓는 것을 말하며, 이렇게 수확한 농작물 가운데 일정한 양을 협동농장에 내고 나머지는 가족 이 자유롭게 처분할 수 있는 권리를 갖는 것이다. 즉 인센티브를 제공해 근로의욕을 북돋우고 생산증대를 꾀하는 제도라 고 할 수 있다.

포전담당제 시범도입은 2002년 ‘7.1 조치’의 영향을 크게 받은 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 7.1 조치는 기존에 국가가 갖고 있던 권한의 많은 부분을 하부 단위에 위임하는 내용을 담고 있고, 하부 단위들은 권한을 부여받은 만큼 위에서 분배받던 자재 등도 스스로 해결하지 않으면 안 될 상황에 처하게 되 었다. 협동농장도 이와 같은 상황에서 예외는 아니었고, 점차 ‘최소 노력에 최대 효과’라는 생산성과 이윤 창출에 힘을 쏟게 되었다. 이에 2004년 북한의 일부 지역에서 분조가 영농방 식 및 초과생산분에 대한 자율을 갖는 ‘포전담당제’를 시범실시하게 되었다.

특히 북한은 2003~2007년 당시 2배의 증산을 목표로 하는 ‘800만 톤 식량증산 5개년 계획’을 추진했기 때문에 당국은 농민의 노동의욕 향상이 목표 달성의 중요한 요인이 된다고 판단하고 포전담당제도 이러한 배경에서 도입된 것으로 보 인다. 당시 북한의 김용술 무역성 부상은 포전담당제를 설명하면서 “같은 노동력으로 같은 땅에서 더 많은 알곡을 생산 하는 것이 바로 실리주의”라고 강조하며 북한이 “실리주의 원 칙에서 곡물 증산을 여러 방면에서 시험”하고 있다는 것을 시사했다.

시범적 조치로 실행되었던 포전담당제는 뚜렷한 성과를 거두지 못하였고 2005년 10월 양곡전매제 실시와 배급제 정상화 조치로 중단되었다. 더불어 농업관리개선조치는 유명무실 화되었다. 이후 포전담당제 운영 여부는 정확하게 알려지지 않고 있으나, 개인경작지를 강제 수매하고 사적 경작을 엄격히 단속하는 한편 허용된 뙈기밭에서도 고율의 세금을 부과하 는 등 개혁에 역행하는 조치를 보여 준 바 있다.

포전담당제는 집단영농제에서 개별영농제로 전환하는 과정에서 나타나는 과도기적인 영농 형태로서 중국도 개혁 과정에서 이와 유사한 과정을 경험한 바 있다. 사회주의 체제의 농업개혁이 농업생산과 분배의 규모가 작으면 작을수록, 개인화되면 될수록 탈(脫)사회주의화 되는 것이라고 할 때, 포전 담당제 및 개인영농의 실시 여부는 향후 북한의 농업개혁을 진단할 수 있는 주요한 시금석이 된다.
관련 검색어편집
7.1 경제관리개선조치

Gaia’s Garden

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Toby Hemenway
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Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2nd Edition Kindle Edition
The first edition of Gaia’s Garden sparked the imagination of America’s home gardeners, introducing permaculture’s central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition broadens the reach and depth of the permaculture approach for urban and suburban growers.

Many people mistakenly think that ecological gardening—which involves growing a wide range of edible and other useful plants—can take place only on a large, multiacre scale. As Hemenway demonstrates, it’s fun and easy to create a “backyard ecosystem” by assembling communities of plants that can work cooperatively and perform a variety of functions, including:
Building and maintaining soil fertility and structure
Catching and conserving water in the landscape
Providing habitat for beneficial insects, birds, and animals
Growing an edible “forest” that yields seasonal fruits, nuts, and other foods

This revised and updated edition also features a new chapter on urban permaculture, designed especially for people in cities and suburbs who have very limited growing space. Whatever size yard or garden you have to work with, you can apply basic permaculture principles to make it more diverse, more natural, more productive, and more beautiful. Best of all, once it’s established, an ecological garden will reduce or eliminate most of the backbreaking work that’s needed to maintain the typical lawn and garden.


Editorial Reviews


"Become a sustainable producer of resources instead of a wasteful consumer. This wonderful book shows you how by helping you create and enhance beautiful backyard ecosystems within the garden. Put this book into action, and you'll begin to live an example that positively shifts your own community and beyond. Best of all, doing so with this book is simple, juicy, and fun."--Brad Lancaster, author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond and http://www.HarvestingRainwater.com

"Toby's fun, well-grounded, and engaging book is fast becoming a classic, and deservedly so. Practical yet visionary, broad-ranging yet focused on the basics one needs to know, this is a great place to start on the permaculture path. The new edition builds solidly on the success of the first. Congratulations!"--Dave Jacke, co-author of the two-volume Edible Forest Gardens

"The world didn't come with an operating manual, so it's a good thing that some wise people have from time to time written them. Gaia's Garden is one of the more important, a book that will be absolutely necessary in the world ahead."--Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy and Hope, Human and Wild

"Permaculture gardens are no longer a thing of the future. They are here to stay and flourish. Gaia's Garden is enlightening and required reading for all people who desire to make their home's landscape healthy, sustainable, and healing."--Robert Kourik, author of Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape--Naturally

"Gaia's Garden is simply the best permaculture book ever written, and is in the running for best gardening book ever written. No one should be without it."--Sharon Astyk, author of Depletion and Abundance: Life on the New Home Front

"Toby Hemenway's Gaia's Garden will be recorded in history as a milestone for gardeners and landscapers--a fusion of the practical and the visionary--using the natural intelligence of Earth's symbiotic communities to strengthen and sustain ecosystems in which humans are a partner, not a competitor. An amazing achievement showing how we can and must live in harmony with nature!"--Paul Stamets, author of Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World

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About the Author

Toby Hemenway was the author of the first major North American book on permaculture, Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, as well as The Permaculture City. After obtaining a degree in biology from Tufts University, Toby worked for many years as a researcher in genetics and immunology, first in academic laboratories at Harvard and the University of Washington in Seattle, and then at Immunex, a major medical biotech company. At about the time he was growing dissatisfied with the direction biotechnology was taking, he discovered permaculture, a design approach based on ecological principles that creates sustainable landscapes, homes, and workplaces. A career change followed, and Toby and his wife spent ten years creating a rural permaculture site in southern Oregon. He was associate editor of Permaculture Activist, a journal of ecological design and sustainable culture, from 1999 to 2004. He taught permaculture and consulted and lectured on ecological design throughout the country, and his writing appeared in magazines such as Whole Earth Review, Natural Home, and Kitchen Gardener. Toby passed away in 2016.

Visit his web site at www.patternliteracy.com


5.0 out of 5 starsShows how to leverage the power of natural ecosystems to make gardening easy!June 11, 2016
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

There is a lot to absorb from this book. After having spent the last two months reading it and applying tips from it, I wish I'd read the last chapter first since it summarizes everything. It takes the mountain of overwhelming knowledge and gives a simple path forward.

Since reading this book, I have a more holistic view of my yard. I can see I've already made some mistakes in my yard, but it is exciting to begin to see results already. Instead of following the usual route of planting rows of veggies, I've started working on symbiotic blends of nitrogen fixers, vines, and other roles.

Today I picked up a cheap bird feeder and post from a hardware store and put up a quick bird feeder over a dry, weedy patch in the back. I look forward to seeing how well the author's claim that doing this will lead to passive, ongoing returns in the form of birds' fertilizing the barren area with their poop and their weeding the area as some scratch around the ground looking for fallen seeds.

His urban ideas are incredible, too. Don't miss out on that chapter, even though it's tucked in just before the end. He has a few pages devoted to what you can do with the "hell strip" between the road and sidewalk (usually just used for a mailbox and cable tv lines).

Don't skip the observation step he gives in an incredible several pages and sidebar. While we did some of this work, I wish we'd done even more extensive up-front observation. It turned out we had to overhaul our plans once the people came out and marked the utility lines. They weren't where we thought they were originally. But I'm so glad this book showed us how to find out these things early on. It would be a shame to plant an expensive tree and pour water and resources into it only to have it uprooted later on.

If there is one reason to buy this book, it's because it will shift your perspective away from seeing gardening as a chore with unending maintenance. Instead, by working with nature instead of against it, problems can become signals, temporary obstacles, or just part of the normal flow. The book is pragmatic, realistic, backed with science and research, and a lot of fun. Get it, read it, and try it out.
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Beka P

5.0 out of 5 starsInfo overload...and I love itMarch 13, 2014
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

I have been wanting this book for ages and I waited until I had a house and an acre of land to work with to buy it. That was a big mistake. There is so much information here that is so well presented...I should have started reading and absorbing this years ago. This is an ok problem to have, I think! I've got huge plans for our property and everything in this book resonates so perfectly with me and our vision. If you want simple, neat rows of veggies and flowers...there are other books for you. If you want a thriving, healthy, bio-diverse landscape (no matter how much room you have) get this book and start reading.

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Sean Dixon-Sullivan

5.0 out of 5 starsUseful intro to PermacultureMarch 25, 2015
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

Hemenway really sells the idea of "ecological gardening." First the book explains how nature works, then how your garden can mimic it.

Why mimic nature? according to Hemenyway, the need for fertilizers, pesticides, tilling, weeding and watering can be greatly reduced or eliminated, while transforming one's yard into a potential source of fruit, veggies, medicinals, crafts, wildlife habitat and income.

The book draws heavily on permaculture, Bill Mollison's ecological design methodology, only Hemenway explains it in a much more user-friendly and enjoyable way than Bill's Designers Manual. For instance, he clearly and concisely explains the different roles of a plant within a plant community, such as fixing nitrogen, producing mulch, attracting beneficial insects, repelling harmful insects, accumulating deep-down nutrients, etc. Then he suggests multiple species for each function, conveniently laid out in charts.

I found the explanations of natural processes very enlightening, and the species charts very useful. I'd recommend this book to the laymen of ecology or anyone interested in gardening or organic food.
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Kara M. Morgan

5.0 out of 5 starsTruly Amazing BookFebruary 22, 2010
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

I knew literally nothing about Permaculture gardening when I bought this book - my mother mentioned it to me and said to check it out, so I came to Amazon where the description intrigued me......fast forward 3 weeks later and my front water guzzling lawn has now been sheet mulched in preparation for a wonderful, sustainable, garden, and I have 5 baby chickens being delivered next week!

I'm not kidding when I say that this book was transformational in my views on gardening - I live in the city with very limited space, and our lawn was the best in the neighborhood. I have a raised bed for a garden in the back, and did produce some good veggies, but not near enough to eliminate buying any items at the grocery store. My first 10 minutes with this book I learned what I was doing wrong in my raised bed - and as I dug deeper it was one "Aha!" moment followed by another. I am a scientist, and I can't believe none of this had ever occurred to me!

The book is very in depth and gives wonderful examples with specific plants (not just general concepts) - the only thing I would have liked to see more of was pictures of actual permaculture gardens. I'm a very visual person and like to have something to imitate when designing my own project, so I'm still searching for design examples to incorporate (once again with specific plants).

Just know that if you get this book you're going to be inspired to make some drastic changes in your landscape - as evidenced by my "Bomb Proof Sheet Mulched" lawn - the recipe in the book for this was extremely helpful! I will admit that my first initial thought upon opening the book was - oh no, this is too in depth and not being a professional gardener, I'm never going to understand - trust me when I say, pick a chapter that sounds interesting to you and start there - that is what I did, and it migrated to many of the other chapters and just kept going!


A feminist reading list for men — Quartz

A feminist reading list for men — Quartz

A reading list for men who care about feminism
By Leah FesslerNovember 16, 2018

I often fantasize of a world in which male friends casually chat about bell hooks or Audre Lorde, as my female friends and I do. That fantasy recently became reality, when I met Wade Davis, the former NFL player turned feminist activist who is on a mission to teach men about gender equality and healthy masculinity.

Davis, who frequently writes and speaks about men’s role in feminism, educates pro and college athletes and executives at companies like Google about sexism, racism, and homophobia. He’s the NFL’s first LGBT-inclusion consultant, a UN Women Global Champion for Innovation, and creator of the #BlackMenAndFeminism campaign.

Outside of boardrooms and locker rooms, Davis is eager to help men find texts that will get them excited about feminism. His educational approach is fundamentally humble, as he said when we met at a gender-equality conference:

If you met me 10 years ago, you’d dismiss me as a total jerk. I used to be the person who would say ‘”Not all men.” I really think the key for me, and a lot of men, is that we actually have no clue what your lives are like. To be honest, we have no idea. We think about how to attract you—I’m a gay man but I spend enough time with straight men, and I know that straight men think about how to attract you but they’re rarely deeply invested in actually learning what your lives are like. So when I started reading books written by women about women I was like, “Oh shit, they are talking about me. Literally this is me!” And I’m a gay man!

As an outspoken feminist who frequently fields criticism from men who don’t understand sexism, Davis’ evaluation hits the nail on the head. So how do we get more men to admit their ignorance and actively seek a feminist education?

Thankfully, many men are interested in such a pursuit. Almost daily, I receive messages from men—friends, acquaintances, strangers—asking me what they should read to be better feminists. I do my part by sending each man who messages me How We’ll Win, Quartz’s year-long project on the fight for gender equality—especially the fourth edition, which is a collection of interviews with 50 industry-leading men on masculinity, insecurities, and feminism.

But if I’ve learned anything from interviewing many powerful men, it’s that men need to hold one another accountable. Davis just did men worldwide a favor, sharing the top books he recommends for male feminists on Instagram. Below, you can find Davis’ reading list, supplemented by the books and essays Mukoma Wa Ngugi, the Cornell English professor, poet, and feminist activist, recommends, which he recently shared on interview with Quartz. And then you’ll see some recommendations of my own.
Davis’ reading list:

The Origins of Others by Toni Morrison

Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching, by Mychal Denzel

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks

Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks
Ngugi’s reading list:

Women, Race, and Class by Angela Davis

Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi

Kindred by Octavia Butler

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color edited by Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Cherríe L. Moraga

“The Women’s Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements” by Huey P. Newton

“Sexual Assault: When You’re on the Margins: Can We All Say #MeToo?” by Collier Meyerson

“The Emancipation of Women” by Thomas Sankara

https://www.msafropolitan.com – an African global feminism blog written by Minna Salami (and watch for her forthcoming book in 2019, Sensuous Knowledge: A Radical Black Feminist Approach For Everyone)
My two cents:

Beyond the brilliant texts listed above (Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde is my absolute favorite), I’d also recommend:

Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister (note: also anything written by Traister)

So you want to talk about race? by Ijeoma Oluo

Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit

Amateur: A True Story of What Makes a Man by Thomas Page McBee

Redefining Realness by Janet Mock

Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks

Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks

racism, feminism, sexism, #metoo, how we'll win


North Korea

North Korea



North Korea

Map data ©2018 Google, SK telecom, ZENRIN
North Korea (The Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPRK) is located in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, in East Asia. Occupied by Japan since 1905, Korea gained independence in 1943. The country was afterwards split in two, the northern half administered by the USSR, and the southern part by the United States. This partition was formalized in 1948, with the creation of the Republic of Korea in the South, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the North. Successive North and South Korean offensives on both sides of the border (the Korean War) did not end this division. An armistice signed in 1953 created a demilitarized zone permanently patrolled by more than a million soldiers (North Korean, South Korean and American soldiers), but no peace treaty was signed.

Kim Il-sung, President of North Korea since 1948, developed the economy and politics of the country according to the "Juche" doctrine: a classless society, based on the principle of political independence, economic self-sufficiency and military autonomy. After his death in 1994, his son, Kim Jong-Il, became the leader of the country until his death in 2011. His son, Kim Jong-Un, became the "supreme leader" of the country in 2011.

North Korea suffered severe food crises in the 1990s, partly due to bad weather conditions (floods, then drought), and to the very small proportion of arable land in the country (less than 20%), but also to the economic system and the interruption of support from the USSR and, more generally, from the Soviet bloc, which was annually supplying fertilizers and fuel necessary for agriculture. In 1995, the Government sought foreign aid, which lasted until 2006, the date when North Korea ended emergency humanitarian aid, preferring development cooperation. Since then, only six European NGOs - including Triangle Génération Humanitaire – have been authorized to carry out humanitarian and development programmes with permanent expatriate staff in North Korea.

Despite international community support, the food shortages are likely to continue, and the nutritional quality of available foodstuffs is low. The latest UNICEF survey estimated the rate of acute malnutrition among children under five at 38% in 2014. The population, faced with continuing deterioration of living conditions since the mid-1990s, remains very vulnerable.

Since 2000, TGH has been active in various sectors: agricultural development / food security (rehabilitation of polders, support to cooperative farms), rehabilitation of drinking water supply systems, improvement of sanitation infrastructure, distribution of food aid in children institutions, improvement of the living conditions in retirement homes, support for an association promoting the rights of the elderly, etc.

Current programmes

Improving the child institutions' resilience to food shocks, by upholding some local resources for the development of a sustainable innovative aquaculture in DPR of Korea

The project aims to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the food security, by developing aquaculture activities, and the nutritional status of children dependent on social institutions who are the most vulnerable people considering the persistent technical and organizational deficits in DPRK.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 13,000 children
 Duration: 40 months, starting 01/02/2018
 Budget: €777,930


Union europeenne

Capacity building of the Federation for the Care of the Aged (KFCA) in order to improve care for the elderly in DPRK.

Since 2004, TGH has been working in partnership with KFCA to improve the living conditions of the elderly in North Korea. This new programme aims at strengthening the partner's skills; improving the capacity of the country's retirement homes; setting up multi-service reception centres for the elderly.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 3 301 508 people
 Duration: 24 months 04/2017 - 03/2019
 Budget: €533,330


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne  Logo MAE

Improving diet diversity by increasing vegetables production

The project aims at contributing to a sustainable increase of the vegetable production for the most vulnerable populations of Sohung in order to durably improve diet diversity for the inhabitants of Sohung.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 42,578 people
 Duration: 36 months 09/2016 - 08/2019
 Budget: €1.200,000


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne

Improving children's diet by enhancing animal protein intake

As a whole, the project aims to contribute to a sustainable improvement of the nutritional status of children dependent on social institutions in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 235,000 people
 Duration: 48 months 01/01/2015 - 01/2019
 Budget: €1.338.348


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne Direction du développement et de la coopération de la Confédération suisse (DDC) Action-Humanitaire-France-CIAA-MAEDI-CDCS

Completed Programmes

Strengthening Civil Society for Improved Old Age Care in North Korea

This programme’s objective is to enable the Korean Federation for the Care of the Aged (KFCA) to strengthen its capacity as a ‘non-state’ actor to improve assistance to the aged, by developing its members skills as well as supporting its fundraising activities and communication campaigns...
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 Area of expertise

Wash Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Psycho-Social

 Key figures

 Beneficiaries:3,162,298 people
 Duration: 27 months 01/2014 - 03/2016
 Budget: €666,000


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne Logo MAE Confédération Suisse

Rehabilitation of the Paekhak Dong kindergarten following the floods in Rason City

TGH supports the rehabilitation of a kindergarten, following torrential rains that affected and caused extensive damage in the north of the country between 22 and 25 August 2015.
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 Area of expertise

Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Wash Psycho-Social Génie-Civil

 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: Around 120 children
 Duration: 1 month 12/2015
 Budget: €13 000


Embassy of UK in DPRK

Improving sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation facilities for the inhabitants of the city of Sohung Phase 2, North Hwanghae Province, DPRK

The project strives to improve sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation facilities for Sohung inhabitants in order to contribute to morbidity and mortality reduction amongst the most vulnerable populations of the DPRK.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 235,000 people
 Duration: 10 months 03/2015 - 12/2015
 Budget: €225,201


Logo OXFAM_HongKong

Improving access to drinking water and sanitation facilities for the inhabitants of the city of Sohung

Sohung, the administrative center of the North Hwanghae Province, has an outdated water network and insufficient sanitation infrastructure to provide adequate access to drinking water for the population of some areas of the city, especially in schools.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 24 months 11/2012 - 11/2014
                   9 months 04/2014 - 12/2014
 Budget: K€448 SIDA
                K€153 OXFAM HK


Logo SIDA Logo OXFAM_HongKong

Improving the system of geriatric care for the elderly in the DPRK

- Purchase and delivery of medical equipment for the National Research Institute for Gerontology
- Organizing of training sessions in gerontology for health workers and medical students
- Awareness-raising on care of the aged through the creation and distribution of brochures
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries:3,587,833 people
 Duration: 6 months 06/2014 - 12/2014
 Budget: €12,100


 Ambassade de Pologne – Polish Aid

Improving food security of elderly people in retirement homes

The objective of this programme is to fight against malnutrition among the elderly, first through the distribution of food products in 24 retirement homes in the country.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 7,280 people
 Duration: 18 months 03/2014 - 08/2015
 Budget: €385,000


Logo MAE

Rehabilitation of the drinking waterworks damaged by typhoons in Kangwon Province in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

On July 19 and 29, 2012, a series of typhoons hit the country, causing torrential and destructive rains and floods. The Provinces of Pyongyang (north and south) and Kangwon were the hardest hit.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 51 000 people
 Duration: 16 months 09/2012 - 12/2013
 Budget: €75,200


Logo MAE

Improving the quality of food production in the farm of Juk San

Kangwon Province is one of the most vulnerable in DPRK. Supporting vegetable production in the co-op farm of Juk San ensures food diversification in the institutions relying on the popular distribution system.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 19 442 people
 Duration:8 months 04/2013 - 12/2013
 Budget: €200 000


Logo MAE

Improvement and diversification of the meals served to children in social institutions in Daeane and Sariwon

Over the past two decades, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has had to face many obstacles, being both subject to many natural disasters and to the deterioration of the economic situation. The country experienced chronic food insecurity, especially due to the limited amount of protein and fat intake.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 16 385 people
 Duration:14 months 08/2012 - 10/2013
 Budget: €140 000


Logo MAE

Improvement and diversification of meals served to children in social institutions

One of the elements of the food crisis presently striking the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is the lack of proteins in the food. This nutritional deficiency particularly affects young children between 0 and 6 years old (11% of the population) whose specific nutritional needs can't be covered.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 46 months 01/2010 - 10/2013
 Budget: K€1,026


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne

On July 22, 2010,

Torrential rains* flooded the dikes along Songchon river and inflicted major damage, especially in the areas of Yonggwang and Sinhung where TGH has been operating since 2010.
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 Area of expertise

Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Génie-Civil

 Key figures

 Budget: €100 000 & €175 000


Logo MAE

Supporting food security in children institutions relying on milk and fish farms in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

For several years now, TGH has been supporting fish farms supplying children institutions.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 10 months 04/2012 – 02/2013
 Budget: €200 000


Logo MAE

Supporting food security in children institutions depending on Sariwon and Deaene farms in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

This program completes the previous. It intends to improve milk production in the farms supplying children institutions, the aim being in fine to increase the children's daily nutritional intake.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 7 months 08/2011 - 02/2012
 Budget: €100,000


Logo MAE

Improving Consumption of Milk and Dairy Produce inside Institutions for Children

Specific objective: Improve consumption of milk and dairy products inside institutions for children attached to Sariwon and Daeane farms.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 36 months 11/2010 - 11/2013)
 Budget: K€1,390


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne

Participation in the rehabilitation of the protection infrastructures of the aquaculture farms of Sinhung and Yonggwang in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The interventions were normal until the month of July 2010, when heavy rains affected the production and damaged some installations in the two fish farms.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 10 311 people
 Duration: 12 months 06/2010 - 05/2011
 Budget: €99,075


Logo MAE

Sustainable improvement of the sanitary environment in Munchon

The city of Munchon is located on the East coast of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), and counts 42 500 inhabitants. In the 60's, a water network had been achieved by the government, but, because of a lack of maintenance and means, the network has become totally obsolete and presents numerous dysfunctions.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 24 months 01/2010 - 10/2011
 Budget: K€417


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne Logo SIDA

Improve Access to Better Quality Water for the Population of Munchon

Background and relevance of project: Munchon city, with a population of 42,500, is located on the coast of North Korea. In the sixties, the government built a water network, however, owing to lack of maintenance and means, the network has become obsolete and inoperative.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 9 200 people
 Duration: 22 months 07/2009 - 04/2011
 Budget: K€399



Improvement of the potable water network in Munchon

As part of the water and sanitation projects carried out by TGH in this city of 50,000 inhabitants, we performed a new assessment in October 2008. Our aim was to complete the technical documentation about improving and extending the water network; indeed, several areas of Munchun are still not connected.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 15 months 10/2008 - 12/2009
 Budget: K€8


 German embassy in North Korea

Food aid in the framework of the Polder rehabilitation scheme

In terms of Triangle's technical and equipment help, the works stage (rehabilitation of outer dike, construction of inner dikes) is almost over.
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 Area of expertise

Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Génie-Civil

 Key figures

 Duration: 7 months 12/2008 - 06/2009
 Budget: K€300


Logo MAE

Increase of the food production potential in South Pyongan province. Rehabilitation of Kumsong polder and reinforcement of the Polders Firm's* capabilities.

This programme aims to develop the potential of food production in South Pyongan province by rehabilitating the Kumsong polder and strengthening the capabilities of the Polders Company.
*National firm in charge of rehabilitating and maintaining the polders.
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 Area of expertise

Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Génie-Civil

 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 5 320 people
 Duration: 31 months 12/2006 - 08/2009
 Budget: K€2,111


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne Logo SIDA

Support to the federation for protection of elderly people

This project extends a programme launched in 2004 that rehabilitated six retirement homes in the various provinces of North Korea and significantly improved the living conditions of the elderly people in the homes.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 24 months 01/2007 - 03/2009
 Budget: K€130



Additional Rehabilitation of the Waterworks System in Munchon Town (42,000 inhabitants).

After two projects dedicated to the rehabilitation of pumping and backflow systems and the increase of the water storage area (the new reservoir of 1000 cubic metres multiplied the original storage capacity by two), we are now working on rehabilitation of the waterworks in Munchon.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 42 000 people
 Duration: 7 months 12/2006 - 06/2007
 Budget: K€311



Support to Elderly People with No Families - Phase II

In the first phase of this project we rehabilitated three "old people's homes". During phase two, Triangle modernised three other homes and continued assisting "Help Age DPRK". This North Korean agency dedicated to helping elderly people recently became a federation named KFCA

 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 18 months 07/2005 - 12/2006
 Budget: K€520 + K€70



Rehabilitation of the Drinking Waterworks System in Munchon and its Surroundings

Our aim was to increase the quality and quantity of drinking water in the town of Munchon (42,000 inhabitants).
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Beneficiaries: 42,000 people
 Duration: 20 months 11/2004 - 06/2006
 Budget: K€500



Support to Elderly People with No Families - Phase I

In North Korea, there are 24 homes specialising in care for elderly people who do not have any family support.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 12 months 07/2004 - 06/2005
 Budget: K€359



Reforestation and Protection of the Environment in South Pyongyang and South Hwangae Province (Phase II)

This second phase of the project worked on three new nurseries while developing skills and techniques in the first three tree nurseries designed by Triangle in 2003.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 12 months (January to December 2005)
 Budget: 218 K€



Rehabilitation of Polders in South Pyongyang Province

In the 70s, aiming to increase farmable areas, the Korean authorities developed the west coast's large river deltas in Polders.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 24 months + 12 months 06/2002 - 06/2005
 Budget: K€2,760


Logo EuropeAid-commission-europeenne

Réhabilitation de pépinières et formation du personnel, reforestation et protection de l'environnement (phase I)

This is project was the third of its type to be organised by Triangle in North Korea.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 12 months (January to December 2004)
 Budget: K€227



Rehabilitation of the Drinking Waterworks and Sanitation Systems in South Pyongyang Province

Main aims: Increase the quality and quantity of drinking water in rural areas by rehabilitating current installations. Reduce sanitary and hygiene-related risks through hygiene-awareness campaigns.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 12 months 11/2003 - 10/2004
 Budget: 492 K€



Logistics Support on the Site of the Ryongchon Rail Catastrophe

In the aftermath of the rail catastrophe that took place on April 22 2004 in Ryongchon, Triangle supplied over 10 tons of soap and 4 tons of soybean oil. This aid was given in priority to homeless victims and the inhabitants of Ryongchon.

 Area of expertise

Agro-Secu-Alimentaire Wash

 Key figures

 Duration: 2 months (May to June 2004)
 Budget: K€10


Logo MAE

Reforestation and Protection of the Environment in South Pyongyang and South Hwangae Provinces (Phase I)

This project prolonged Triangle's programme in support of the reforestation centre of South Pyongyang province. It involved rehabilitation of three tree nurseries and protection of the environment.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 12 months (January to December 2003)
 Budget: K€218



Insulation Works in Schools and Dispensaries in 8 Coop Farms

This project extended our action in the cooperative farms where Triangle had begun working in 2001.
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 Area of expertise


 Key figures

 Duration: 10 months 09/2002 - 08/2003
 Budget: K€300


Last updated April 06, 2017