
The Sacred Matrix: Dieter Duhm: 9783927266162: Amazon.com: Books

The Sacred Matrix: Dieter Duhm: 9783927266162: Amazon.com: Books

The Sacred Matrix Paperback – April 1, 2008

by Dieter Duhm  (Author)

5 out of 5 stars    7 customer reviews


Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

Looking for where Peace can begin

By David Kunin on July 12, 2008

Format: Paperback

I found the best way to approach this book was to let it fall open in a particular place, and then just read. Duhm is talking about how everything in the universe is all intimately woven together, and the contents of his book reflect this. You can open at random to just about any place in The Sacred Matrix, and find a stimulating, thought-provoking passage.

Several years ago, I visited Tamera (the "healing biotope" mentioned in the first review) and heard Duhm speak one warm Sunday morning. He was the first person I had ever heard that mentioned (all in the same speech): our galaxy; the subatomic level; the human responsibility to respect animal and plant life; problems between men and women, including the need for trust and a new approach to sexuality; the sources of human fear; community as a laboratory to discover new ways of being; and a concrete vision for a future without war. I was very impressed, and his book (which was only available in German at that time) is an expansion of all these important themes, and how they are interconnected.

Amoung the many other thinkers and visionaries who Duhm quotes in The Sacred Matrix: Barry Long, Wilhelm Reich, Sabine Lichtenfels, Carlissa Estes, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Problems with the book? It is, at times, too... "dense" is the word that comes to mind. The book can be a difficult read straight through from cover to cover. That is why I fell back to a more random approach, which I found suited the material quite well.

What I like most about this book is that it represents a lifetime of thinking, exploring, and experimenting by a very profound man. Deiter Duhm has dedicated his life to developing a theory and practice that can unite peace-workers around the world. The Sacred Matrix is a deeply thought-out statement of what has gone wrong in the world, and a heart-felt invitation to transform our life together.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Building a new future now: a report on an experiment and manual

By George Caneda on August 18, 2008

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

We all have a longing for a better world. Some of us even dare to think that such a world is actually possible, and that a world of peace, love, cooperation and abundance for all is necessary to our survival. Dieter Duhm and his friends set out to demonstrate in practical terms that this profound yearning of humanity can be satisfied. They have dedicated the last 30 years to this endeavor.

This book is a manual on how to build a new culture, a culture that supports the Sacred Matrix, the Matrix of Life, and is supported by it. Dieter Duhm draws on a fairly new physics theory, the Holographic Universe, to empower us all, to put the responsibility for the building of this new culture on each of us. A deep shift in our beliefs and behavior towards the Matrix of Life, (of Love), will eventually tilt the balance on this blue planet back towards the paradise it was supposed to be.

The building blocks of this new culture are: peace between the genders (peace in sex and love relationships is the starting point); restoring woman to her rightful, loving, sexual and powerful role; formation of communities of people to support the change process; cooperation between people and nature, between people and the earth; creation of a radically new mythology, a new spirituality, new ethics to support this new culture. This new culture is not a Utopian fantasy, it is worked and researched on in Tamera, in the south of Portugal.

This book should be read by anyone seriously committed to the peace movement, to ending the cycle of war, fear and hatred. It should be read by all women who want to wake up from the nightmare of hatred and dissatisfaction that has plagued their lives (for thousands of years). It should be read by all man that want to love women without fear. It should be read by young people dreaming of a better world, critical of the world they have inherited and ready to go to work for their dream. It should be read by all people that have given up on religions as the answer because it draws on the true spiritual nature of things. It should be read by anyone interested in communities, in ecology, in cohousing and ecovillages, in sustainable and decentralized energy production, in permaculture and in low cost architecture.

The Sacred Matrix is a book full of hope, faith, love, science, pragmatism, technology and adventure.


5.0 out of 5 stars

A book worth reading for a future worth living

By Stephen Davis on July 2, 2008

Format: Paperback

"The Sacred Matrix" by Dr. Dieter Duhm is a "must read" for anyone wanting a life of peace for themselves, their children, or their children's children.

I have known Dr. Duhm for fifteen years, and I have the greatest respect and admiration for him and his efforts to create a new culture of peace on this planet. For more than thirty years he has worked tirelessly and with a steady focus to find a way for human beings to live in cooperation and harmony with each other, with animals, and with nature. His persistence and dedication are now paying off with the success of an intentional community in southern Portugal called "Tamera."

In "The Sacred Matrix", Dr. Duhm calls Tamera a "healing biotope" - a word most English-speaking people have never heard and may not understand. Literally translated, "biotope" simply means a place where life lives. Duhm, however, gives it several different twists, calling it a "greenhouse of trust," "an acupuncture point of peace," and "a self-sufficient future community."

Essentially, "The Sacred Matrix" is the definitive summation of Dr. Duhm's vision and a detailed explanation of his philosophy that forms the basis of life in a "healing biotope." Sophisticated and thought-provoking, Duhm's arguments include the necessity for community and an end to patriarchy if the world is going to survive.

As far as I am concerned, if Dr. Duhm had only uttered one sentence in his entire life, he would still qualify as one of the great thinkers of our time. That sentence: "We will never have peace between nations as long as there is war between man and woman." There are many good men today preaching world peace - men with good hearts and good intentions, I'm sure - but who have never found a way to have a meaningful, lasting, and truly intimate relationship with a woman. Something's wrong with that picture.

Dr. Duhm, however, doesn't shy away from what he calls the "prime issues" that hold the key to a future of peace: love and sexuality. "There is an entelechial form of sexuality and sexual love, and of partnership and free love... and we must find this form in order to achieve healing. It is the form of the Sacred Matrix," he says.

Dieter Duhm, Tamera, and "The Sacred Matrix" definitely take a different approach to life and living than the rest of the world. Nature loves diversity, and evolution requires it. It just might be that Tamera, and other healing biotopes like it to come, are the best hope for the future of the human race. That alone makes this book worth reading.
