
Is your gut microbiome the key to health and happiness? | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

Is your gut microbiome the key to health and happiness? | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

The gut microbiome weighs more than the brain.
Health & wellbeing

Is your gut microbiome the key to health and happiness?

Research suggests the vast ecosystem of organisms that lives in our digestive systems might be as complex and influential as our genes in everything from mental health to athleticism and obesity. But is ‘poop doping’ really the way ahead?

John Cryan was originally trained as a neuroscientist to focus on everything from the neck upwards. But eight years ago, an investigation into irritable bowel syndrome drew his gaze towards the gut. Like people with depression, those with IBS often report having experienced early-life trauma, so in 2009, Cryan and his colleagues set about traumatising rat pups by separating them from their mothers. They found that the microbiome of these animals in adulthood had decreased diversity, he says.

The gut microbiome is a vast ecosystem of organisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoans that live in our digestive pipes, which collectively weigh up to 2kg (heavier than the average brain).

gut microbiome 

위장관 내에 존재하며 미생물과 미생물, 숙주와 미생물 간의 복잡한 상호관계를 이루는 미생물군. 인간 마이크로바이옴의 일부

 It is increasingly treated by scientists as an organ in its own right. Each gut contains about 100tn bacteria, many of which are vital, breaking down food and toxins, making vitamins and training our immune systems.

Cryan’s study didn’t attract much attention, but a few years later, Japanese scientists bred germ-free animals that grew up to have an elevated stress response. This alerted Cryan and his colleagues that they might be able to target the microbiome to alleviate some of the symptoms of stress, he says.

The hope is that it may one day be possible to diagnose some brain diseases and mental health problems by analysing gut bacteria, and to treat them – or at least augment the effects of drug treatments – with specific bacteria. Cryan and his colleague Ted Dinan call these mood-altering germs “psychobiotics”, and have co-written a book with the American science writer Scott C Anderson called The Psychobiotic Revolution.

The psychobiotics of the title are probiotics that some scientists believe may have a positive effect on the mind. Probiotics are bacteria associated with healthy gut flora – such as the Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis we see advertised in “live” yoghurt. More diverse bacterial cocktails can also be bought as food supplements, but they’re expensive.

Cryan and his team went on to work with germ-free mice. “In these mice, the brains don’t develop properly,” he says.

  “Their nerve cells don’t talk to each other appropriately, thus implicating the microbiome in a variety of disorders ... We’ve also shown changes in anxiety behaviour, fear behaviour, learning, stress response, the blood-brain barrier. We found a deficit in social behaviour, so for social interactions we have an appropriate repertoire of bacteria in the gut as well.”

Over the past decade, research has suggested the gut microbiome might potentially be as complex and influential as our genes when it comes to our health and happiness. As well as being implicated in mental health issues, it’s also thought the gut microbiome may influence our athleticism, weight, immune function, inflammation, allergies, metabolism and appetite.[how??]

The past month alone has seen studies linking the gut microbiome with post-traumatic stress disorder (people with PTSD had lower than normal levels of three types of gut bacteria); fathoming its connection with autoimmune disease; finding that tea alters the gut microbiome in anti-obesogenic ways; showing that “ridiculously healthy” 90-year-olds have the gut microbiome of young adults; and how targeting mosquitos’ gut flora could help beat malaria by increasing the malaria-attacking bacteria in their guts. And last week, two groundbreaking studies provided evidence that gut biodiversity influences whether or not immunotherapy drugs shrink tumours in cancer patients.

One story that caught the public’s imagination during the summer implied that “poop doping” (AKA microbiome enhancement via faecal transplant; what has been delicately described as a “reverse enema”) could become the new blood doping for elite cyclists. Lauren Petersen, a research scientist at the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine in Connecticut, looked at the stool samples of 35 cyclists, comparing those of elite and amateur cyclists. So sure was she that she would benefit from having some of the bacteria found in the gut microbiome of elite cyclists that she doped herself with the faeces one had donated. An endurance mountain biker herself, she swears (but can’t prove scientifically) that this took her from feeling too weak to train to winning pro cycling races. However, when you consider that one gram of faeces is home to more bacteria than there are humans on Earth – and how little we understand about the vast majority of them, good and bad – this is definitely not recommended.

An understanding of the gut’s importance to our wellbeing now fuels a global probiotic market projected to grow to $64bn (£48bn) by 2023. This month in Washington DC, the microbiome is a headlining topic at the world’s largest international neuroscience conference, for its potential role in helping to diagnose and slow the progress of degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

The challenge lies in pinpointing the cause and effect of specific bacteria, and translating the results into treatments. This isn’t easyGiulia Enders, who wrote the international bestseller Gut, says: “We can check the stool for typical pathogens that would cause diarrhoea or viruses, but we have no idea what all the seemingly normal bugs are doing. We don’t really know which bacteria does what in who, so it is a big experiment.”

It’s a long, expensive process to test each strain in isolation, so scientists have started with small-scale human studies. Cryan tested Lactobacillus rhamnosus, which had reduced stress in his mice, on 29 people and found no benefit when compared with a placebo. But when he gave 22 healthy men a strain called Bifidobacterium longum 1714 for four weeks, the subjects presented lower levels of anxiety and stress hormone than before, and made between two and five fewer mistakes in memory tests. It looks as though B longum 1714 could be a bona fide psychobiotic, although Cryan says larger-scale human studies are needed.

Philip WJ Burnet, associate professor at the psychiatry department at the University of Oxford, has had promising results testing the effects of prebiotics on mood. Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates that humans can’t digest, but that probiotic bacteria thrive on. Essentially, prebiotics “are dietary fibres that feed bacteria already in our gut,” he says. “I argued that instead of proliferating the growth of single species as in taking a probiotic, if you eat these fibres you grow lots of species of good bacteria, so you’re more likely to get a hit.”

A very small, short trial – three weeks and involving 45 healthy volunteers – tested a commercially sold prebiotic called Bimuno, and suggested this might have the potential to reduce anxiety. “When you give someone an antidepressant,” says Burnet, “before you see a change in their depression or anxiety, it changes some underlying psychological mechanisms. You’re more vigilant to the positive, for example, if you’re on an antidepressant or are happy.”

In his study, people without the supplement or in the placebo group paid more attention to negative imagery because, he says, “I think we’re naturally morbid … But those on Bimuno paid more attention to the positive.” He is cautious to point out, however, that when people take antidepressants, these early changes don’t necessarily lead to their depression and anxiety symptoms improving. He also stresses: “Prebiotics, or indeed any dietary supplements, are unlikely to replace the drugs used for the treatment of psychiatric illnesses. But they might be useful in helping medication work better in people who do not respond very well to them.”

Should the worried well be hitting the prebiotics? “More studies are needed to test if they are a quick fix for brain disorders per se,” he says. “But if someone is unwell or feeling down from a cold, because the bacteria modulate the immune system, a quick fix would be prebiotics.” People hate hearing it, he says, but supplements can’t replace a healthy, varied diet. Lentils, asparagus and jerusalem artichokes are examples of natural prebiotic sources. “But who wants to eat a bowl of jerusalem artichokes when you can just pour some prebiotic powder on your cornflakes or on top of your McDonald’s?”

This year, the health journalist Michael Mosley tested the sleep-enhancing effects of prebiotics for his documentary The Truth About Sleep, and Burnet oversaw the five-day experiment. At the start of the trial, Mosley spent 21% of his time in bed awake – by the end that had shrunk to 8%. Of all the strategies Mosley tested to treat his insomnia, he found prebiotics the most effective. Bimuno promptly sold out.

“I’m still getting people asking if I want to do a full-scale study and wanting to be a participant, or saying after trying Bimuno, ‘I’ve never slept better in all my life,’” says Burnet. But after getting the Mosley thumbs-up, the company has no need to fund a study. “A bit of a bummer,” says Burnet. “I don’t know if it really works or if it’s mass hysteria.”

There have been further suggestions that the microbiome could also be the key to athletic ability. The APC Microbiome Institute in Cork published a paper in 2014 reporting its findings that the gut flora of the Ireland rugby team was more diverse than that of a healthy control group. So will people in future follow Peterson’s example and experiment with faecal transplants from top athletes? It’s not something you can do at home. The donor’s blood and stool needs to be screened for disease before being expertly delivered to the colon via a colonscope. Sedation is required. The trouble with faecal transplants, says Orla O’Sullivan, one of the APC researchers, is “you just don’t know what you’re transferring. If the donor has some undiagnosed mental health issue, then that’s what you’re going to be getting in your poo.” She mentions companies that are developing “artificial poop”, as a safer option that is more likely to be approved by health authorities. “A definite angle for this could be identifying probiotics that are elevated in athletes and that are obviously giving them some benefit, and putting them into products, whether it be for other athletes or the general public.”

The advantage of a faecal transplant is that you are inserting a ready-made microbiome into your gut, whereas oral supplements can’t be guaranteed to take up residence, and usually contain only one or a few strains. To make long-term changes to your gut flora, however, faecal transplants cannot work alone. With a bad diet, sedentary lifestyle or a dose of antibiotics, chances are your gut flora will be stripped of its diversity. As Jane A Foster, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioural neurosciences at McMaster University, Ontario, says: “The microbiome is partly driven by our own genetics, partly by environmental factors – stress, diet, age, gender. All these things affect the composition and they probably also affect the function of the bacteria that are there.”

Enders thinks it’s only a matter of time before bacteria supplements are available to support weight loss. Bacteria associated with leanness and obesity have already been identified (if you give mice bacteria from an obese human, the mice will become obese too; and if you give mice bacteria from a lean human, they will stay lean). And the common Lactobacillus reuteri increases levels of leptin, a hormone that makes you feel full up, while lowering the hunger hormone ghrelin. The bacteria could even be controlling our appetites, sending amino acids to our brains to trigger dopamine and serotonin rewards when we give them a treat.

In her book, Enders writes that multiple studies “have shown that satiety-signal transmitters increase considerably when we eat the foods that our bacteria prefer”. That is not to say, she warns, that “other aspects of weight gain should be put aside, but it could be a great additional help”.

It’s interesting that, even though there’s more work to be done, gut experts pay heed to current hypotheses in their personal lives. Enders, who analysed her healthy 97-year-old grandma’s stool out of scientific curiosity, says: “If I had a disease that research linked one specific bacteria to, I would still want to know if I had it. Like Prevotella copri with rheumatism or Acinetobacter baumannii with multiple sclerosis. But it is unclear if tackling this would help after the disease is already happening.”

Foster, who is working towards using the gut microbiome as a biomarker for predicting and diagnosing mental health problems, says she doesn’t take probiotic supplements (“I am stress-free, resilient, high-energy – I don’t need one”), although “probioticking” is a verb in her household. “I have two adolescents, a 16- and a 19-year-old. I probiotic them both at times. If one is feeling under the weather, she does a three-week probiotic course along with extra vitamins. She already has a fabulous diet, but if you feel a little bit down, sure, I would completely recommend it.”

They are all keen to point out, however, that no matter how repetitive the advice, and difficult to achieve in the west, a varied diet rich in fresh vegetables and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, along with exercise and stress management, is the route to sustained gut (and general) health.

Cryan’s official line is that we are five years off cracking the human gut microbiome, but of course there’s no way of knowing. Could it be a similar case to that of the human genome – another great hope in predicting disease and personalised preventative medicine, but which becomes more impenetrably complex the more we learn about it? “It could be,” he admits. “The only difference is that, unlike your genome, which you can’t do an awful lot with, your microbiome is potentially modifiable.”

Enders agrees. “I think the belief that many or even all diseases are rooted in only the gut bacteria will have to turn out as wrong,” she says. “Humans are wonderfully complex animals with multiple connections to mind, food, life and the environment. The cool thing is that it is far easier to change the gut compared with our genes.”

The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection will be published on 30 November by National Geographic (£17.99). To order a copy for £15.29 go to bookshop.theguardian.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of £1.99.

건강과 행복의 과학 The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness : Robin Miller, he Great Courses

Amazon.com: The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness : Robin Miller, Robin Miller, The Great Courses, Robin Miller, The Great Courses: Prime Video

The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness
Season 1
Uncover the essential secrets to a healthy mind and body and empower yourself to take charge of your happiness and life satisfaction. These 24 science-based lessons, taught by Dr. Robin Miller, will introduce you to the many ways that health and happiness are intertwined.
24 episodes
S1 E1
The Health and Happiness Connection

September 10, 2021
Are health and happiness intertwined? In this opening episode, Dr. Robin Miller suggests they go hand in hand. She begins by defining health and happiness and then explores the areas of the world which report the most happiness. She explains the deep connection between happiness and your health, longevity, and even your genetics. #Better Living
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How Happiness Is Created in the Brain

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Like any other emotion, happiness is rooted in your brain. Here, we explore the inner workings and complexities of your brain to understand how happiness originates. Take a peek at your brain's physical structure and learn about neurotransmitters--the communication system that produces and manages your ===
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What Do We Know about Living Longer?

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Our motivation to improve our health is driven by the desire to live longer, yet nobody wants to be old or endure the aging process. In this episode, we will look at how we can maintain happiness and satisfaction with life as we age by studying the aspects of longevity. The secret is in learning how to grow old without feeling old.
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Happy Heart, Healthy Heart

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The Gut: Our Second Brain

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Your heart may drive your happiness, but the road to happiness probably runs straight through your gut. Thought of as the second brain, your gut holds a significant key to your health. Discussed are common conditions that affect the gut and treatment ideas to improve your gut health.
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The Microbiome: How Bacteria Keep Us Happy

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Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut," and he may be proven right--Your gut houses 100 trillion microbes on average. These microbes communicate with your brain in ways we're just beginning to understand. Find out how your brain health, weight, and mood are tied to your microbiome.
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Which Diet Is Best for Happiness?

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In this episode, we discuss the concept of food as medicine. When it comes to your health, diet is your most important lifestyle choice--but is there one that's best for everybody? Dr. Miller discusses options, as well as a groundbreaking way to find out what works best for you.
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Better Habits for Healthy Eating

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With calories being cheap and abundant in society, the psychology behind healthy eating habits and attitudes becomes crucial. In this episode, find out the main reason why diets fail, and what you can do to structure your surroundings so that your habits support your efforts to maintain health and happiness.
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Fun Foods for Health and Happiness

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Do You Need to Take Supplements?

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Multivitamins have become a booming business in the health industry. Dr. Miller challenges the efficacy of supplements, stating that while they can sometimes be helpful, often they either do nothing, or worse, cause harm. Find out which ones can assist with certain conditions and which ones to stay away from.
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Mushrooms: A Superfood for Well-Being

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Find out about this superfood that is often ignored but can be magical to your health: mushrooms. This is the one superfood that Dr. Miller recommends you start with. Not only do they have potent anti-carcinogenic powers, but they're also a fantastic way to nurture your microbiome, and they provide a host of benefits.
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Preventing and Managing Neurodegeneration

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Meditation for a Happy Mind and Body

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Faith, Prayer, and Spirituality in Health

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You need every tool in your arsenal against illness and unhappiness. Luckily, your mind is powerful and can be a great form of intervention. Dr. Miller explores the science of prayer and faith, presenting a study on bush baby primates that suggests intercessory prayer may come with healing properties.
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Have More Sex--for Health Reasons!

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What Is a Healthy and Happy Weight?

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Here, you will address the relationships between weight, health, and body image. While someone can be overweight and happy, the more complicated question is whether someone can be overweight and healthy. Consider this issue as Dr. Miller discusses the risks of obesity and dives into social standards, eating disorders, and permanent weight loss.
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Music: Happy Stimulation for the Mind

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Dance: Happy Exercise for the Whole Body

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We know that staying active is essential, but in this episode, Dr. Miller discusses why dance specifically offers impressive benefits from a health and happiness standpoint. Discover how you can use dance to prevent or halt neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, even by a considerable percentage.
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Healthy Management of Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain is one of the biggest barriers to the enjoyment of life. While it is complex to diagnose and medically treat pain, you will learn that it is far more critical to realize that chronic pain and disability do not have to prevent you from living a happy life.
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Using Technology to Support Your Health

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Not too long ago, measuring health tenets with technology used to be the things of science fiction. Dr. Miller discusses the usage of personal monitoring devices, apps, fitness trackers, and genetic tests that are now widely accessible to all.
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Finding a Doctor to Support Your Journey

September 10, 2021
What do your health and healing have to do with your doctor? It turns out, a lot, but not in the ways you traditionally have thought. Learn about integrative medicine and the importance of having a partnership with a physician or practice that supports you and, most important, be ready to seek improvement.
S1 E1
The Health and Happiness Connection

S1 E2
How Happiness Is Created in the Brain

S1 E3
What Do We Know about Living Longer?

S1 E4
Happy Heart, Healthy Heart

S1 E5
The Gut: Our Second Brain

S1 E6
The Microbiome: How Bacteria Keep Us Happy

S1 E7
Which Diet Is Best for Happiness?

S1 E8
Better Habits for Healthy Eating

S1 E9
Fun Foods for Health and Happiness

S1 E10
Do You Need to Take Supplements?

S1 E11
Mushrooms: A Superfood for Well-Being

S1 E12
Sleep: Getting a Happy Night's Rest

S1 E13
Recognizing and Treating Depression

S1 E14
Building Community and Ending Loneliness

S1 E15
Preventing and Managing Neurodegeneration

S1 E16
Meditation for a Happy Mind and Body

S1 E17
Faith, Prayer, and Spirituality in Health

S1 E18
Have More Sex--for Health Reasons!

S1 E19
What Is a Healthy and Happy Weight?

S1 E20
Music: Happy Stimulation for the Mind

S1 E21
Dance: Happy Exercise for the Whole Body

S1 E22
Healthy Management of Chronic Pain

S1 E23
Using Technology to Support Your Health

S1 E24
Finding a Doctor to Support Your Journey

E1  건강과 행복의 연결

E2  뇌에서 행복이 만들어지는 방법

E3  장수에 대해 우리가 아는 것은?

E4  행복한 마음, 건강한 마음
E5  내장: 우리의 두 번째 뇌

E6  마이크로바이옴: 박테리아가 우리를 행복하게 해주는 방법
E7  어떤 식단이 행복에 가장 좋을까요?

E8  건강한 식사를 위한 더 좋은 습관

E9  건강과 행복을 위한 즐거운 음식들

E10  보충제를 먹어야 할까요?

E11  버섯: 웰빙을 위한 슈퍼푸드
E12  : 행복한 밤의 휴식을 취하기

E13  우울증의 인식과 치료

E14  공동체를 만들고 외로움을 없애다
E15  신경변성 예방 및 관리

E16  행복한 심신을 위한 명상

E17  건강에 대한 믿음, 기도, 영성

E18  건강상의 이유로 더 많은 섹스를 하세요!
E19  건강하고 행복한 체중이란 무엇일까요?

E20  음악: 행복한 마음의 자극

E21  춤: 온 몸을 위한 행복한 운동

E22  만성 통증의 건강한 관리

E23  건강을 지원하기 위한 기술 사용

E24  여행을 지원할 의사 찾기

Ho Jin Chung - 제4기 생명농업 워크숍 안내 1. 때 : 2023.7.16-19(3박4일) 오후 3시-오후... | Facebook

Ho Jin Chung - 제4기 생명농업 워크숍 안내 1. 때 : 2023.7.16-19(3박4일) 오후 3시-오후... | Facebook

제4기 생명농업 워크숍 안내
1. 때 : 2023.7.16-19(3박4일) 오후 3시-오후 1시까지
2. 곳 : 생명누리농원(경북 상주시 화북면 중벌2길33)

3. 대상 : 텃밭농사와 생명농업에 대해 체계적으로 배우며 실습하고 싶은 이
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Science and Spirituality by Bettina Sharada Bäumer, Shivam Srivastava - Ebook | Scribd

Science and Spirituality by Bettina Sharada Bäumer, Shivam Srivastava - Ebook | Scribd

Ebook451 pages8 hours
Science and Spirituality: Bridges of Understanding

By Bettina Sharada Bäumer and Shivam Srivastava

About this ebook
A dialogue between science and spirituality is a necessity in our times where both, differences and mutual enrichment of the two great fields of human approach to reality, are taking place. This volume addresses this need from the perspective of different areas of science and spiritual traditions. 

The starting point is the intention of the founder of the IIAS, Dr S. Radhakrishnan, who saw that “both the practice of science and experience of spirituality are intimately related to being human”. Although much thought has gone into their relationship, the present volume intends to broaden and deepen the possibility of a harmonious integration, necessary to overcome the present-day crisis of humanity.

From the side of science, the contributors come from the fields of physics, plant biology, neuroscience, psychology, ecology and philosophy of science; 

and from the side of spirituality, following traditions and spiritual masters are represented: PÀtaðjala Yoga, Trika Œaivism of Kashmir, VedÀnta, Buddhism, Christianity, Theosophy, and Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda and J. Krishnamurti. 

The deliberations included topics such as 
Awareness in plants, 
Neuroplasticity and Habit, 
appropriate use of terms such as “Consciousness” and “Energy” in different contexts, 
clarifying several issues concerning the on-going dialogue. 

The contributing scholars have built “bridges of understanding”, thus encouraging the reader to proceed further in this quest.

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5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent exploration of the relationship between spirituality and science.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 3 October 2020
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This volume is a collection of papers from a seminar at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India organized and facilitated by the great Indological scholar Bettina (Sharada) Baeumer. The participants included philosophers, meditation practitioners from several different traditions, particle and theoretical physicists, a botanist and and a professor of dentistry. The discussions were rich and the papers in the book reflect that richness.