
Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat eBook: Gordon Oyer, Jim Forest: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat eBook: 
: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Product details
In the fall of 1964, Trappist monk Thomas Merton prepared to host an unprecedented gathering of peace activists. "About all we have is a great need for roots," he observed, "but to know this is already something." His remark anticipated their agenda--a search for spiritual roots to nurture sound motives for "protest."

This event's originality lay in the varied religious commitments present. Convened in an era of well-kept faith boundaries, members of Catholic (lay and clergy), mainline Protestant, historic peace church, and Unitarian traditions participated. Ages also varied, ranging from twenty-three to seventy-nine. Several among the fourteen who gathered are well known today among faith-based peace advocates: the Berrigan brothers, Jim Forest, Tom Cornell, John Howard Yoder, A. J. Muste, and Merton himself. 

During their three days together, insights and wisdom from these traditions would intersect and nourish each other. By the time they parted, their effort had set down solid roots and modeled interreligious collaboration for peace work that would blossom in coming decades. 

Here for the first time, the details of those vital discussions have been reconstructed and made accessible to again inspire and challenge followers of Christ to confront the powers and injustices of today.

"If Thomas Merton held a retreat in the '60s on the spiritual roots of protest--attended by Daniel Berrigan, John Howard Yoder, A. J. Muste, and ten more great Christian peacemakers--would you want to be there? Gordon Oyer's exhaustively researched, inspiring story of just such a legendary retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani feels like faith on trial at the edge of the end of the world. Read it and see."
--Jim Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

"A meticulously researched account of a historical event whose ramifications are as apposite today as when they were first discussed, perhaps more so. The prophetic voices and the witness of the retreat participants are brought to life in Oyer's engaging narrative, echoing from the Gethsemani woods down through the ages, still struggling to be heard against the techno-babble, the inertia felt by so many, and the ever more sophisticated war machine of our world today."
--Paul M. Pearson, Director, Thomas Merton Center

"Three powerful faith traditions . . . converged for the first time at that legendary1964 retreat hosted by Merton. . . . Any of us who seek today to bear public witness to the gospel, justice, and political imagination are truly 'children' of that conversation a half century ago. . . . We are walking in their footsteps. Oyer has gifted us with a magnificent chronicle of the contemporary spiritual roots of protest." 
--Ched Myers, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries

Gordon Oyer is an administrator with the University of Illinois system and has an MA in history from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the past editor of Illinois Mennonite Heritage Quarterly, has served on different regional Mennonite historical committees, and is the author of various articles on Mennonite history.


Product description


If Thomas Merton held a retreat in the '60s on the spiritual roots of protest--attended by Daniel Berrigan, John Howard Yoder, A. J. Muste, and ten more great Christian peacemakers--would you want to be there? Gordon Oyer's exhaustively researched, inspiring story of just such a legendary retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani feels like faith on trial at the edge of the end of the world. Read it and see. --Jim Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

A meticulously researched account of a historical event whose ramifications are as apposite today as when they were first discussed, perhaps more so. The prophetic voices and the witness of the retreat participants are brought to life in Oyer's engaging narrative, echoing from the Gethsemani woods down through the ages, still struggling to be heard against the techno-babble, the inertia felt by so many, and the ever more sophisticated war machine of our world today. --Paul M. Pearson, Director, Thomas Merton Center

Three powerful faith traditions . . . converged for the first time at that legendary 1964 retreat hosted by Merton. . . . Any of us who seek today to bear public witness to the gospel, justice, and political imagination are truly 'children' of that conversation a half century ago. . . . We are walking in their footsteps. Oyer has gifted us with a magnificent chronicle of the contemporary spiritual roots of protest --Ched Myers, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries

Product Description

In the fall of 1964, Trappist monk Thomas Merton prepared to host an unprecedented gathering of peace activists. "About all we have is a great need for roots," he observed, "but to know this is already something." His remark anticipated their agenda--a search for spiritual roots to nurture sound motives for "protest."

This event's originality lay in the varied religious commitments present. Convened in an era of well-kept faith boundaries, members of Catholic (lay and clergy), mainline Protestant, historic peace church, and Unitarian traditions participated. Ages also varied, ranging from twenty-three to seventy-nine. Several among the fourteen who gathered are well known today among faith-based peace advocates: the Berrigan brothers, Jim Forest, Tom Cornell, John Howard Yoder, A. J. Muste, and Merton himself. During their three days together, insights and wisdom from these traditions would intersect and nourish each other. By the time they parted, their effort had set down solid roots and modeled interreligious collaboration for peace work that would blossom in coming decades.

Here for the first time, the details of those vital discussions have been reconstructed and made accessible to again inspire and challenge followers of Christ to confront the powers and injustices of today.

"If Thomas Merton held a retreat in the '60s on the spiritual roots of protest--attended by Daniel Berrigan, John Howard Yoder, A. J. Muste, and ten more great Christian peacemakers--would you want to be there? Gordon Oyer's exhaustively researched, inspiring story of just such a legendary retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani feels like faith on trial at the edge of the end of the world. Read it and see."
--Jim Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

"A meticulously researched account of a historical event whose ramifications are as apposite today as when they were first discussed, perhaps more so. The prophetic voices and the witness of the retreat participants are brought to life in Oyer's engaging narrative, echoing from the Gethsemani woods down through the ages, still struggling to be heard against the techno-babble, the inertia felt by so many, and the ever more sophisticated war machine of our world today."
--Paul M. Pearson, Director, Thomas Merton Center

"Three powerful faith traditions . . . converged for the first time at that legendary1964 retreat hosted by Merton. . . . Any of us who seek today to bear public witness to the gospel, justice, and political imagination are truly 'children' of that conversation a half century ago. . . . We are walking in their footsteps. Oyer has gifted us with a magnificent chronicle of the contemporary spiritual roots of protest."
--Ched Myers, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries

Gordon Oyer is an administrator with the University of Illinois system and has an MA in history from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the past editor of Illinois Mennonite Heritage Quarterly, has served on different regional Mennonite historical committees, and is the author of various articles on Mennonite history.


Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 11708 KB
Print Length: 298 pages
Publisher: Cascade Book - An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers (31 March 2014)

Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon.com
Amazon.com: 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 reviews

Rita M. Yeasted
5.0 out of 5 starsInspirational. Every person who cares about social justice and ...
28 September 2017 - Published on Amazon.com
Verified Purchase
Inspirational. Every person who cares about social justice and burnout should purchase it.


Michael S. Seely
5.0 out of 5 starsUnique and outstanding review of an essential peace movement meeting ...
27 October 2015 - Published on Amazon.com
Verified Purchase
Unique and outstanding review of an essential peace movement meeting in 1964. Well written lending insight into Thomas Merton's thinking at this time in history and that of the other participants.

Jim Forest
5.0 out of 5 starsa remarkable achievement
12 August 2015 - Published on Amazon.com

I’m re-reading Gordon Oyer's study of the “spiritual roots of protest” retreat that Merton hosted in 1964 and find myself more impressed than ever by the author's achievement in making sense of the various papers and notes made by participants (I was fortunate to be one of them), weaving them together so skillfully, tracking down obscure material that Merton and others referred to, and putting it all in context. Thanks are due for the immense amount of time, care and craftsmanship that went into the project.4 people found this helpful.

A Spiritual Seeker
5.0 out of 5 starsGordon Oyer's in-depth retelling of this retreat at Gethsemani in ...
9 July 2014 - Published on Amazon.com

Gordon Oyer's in-depth retelling of this retreat at Gethsemani in the fall of 1964 is everything one could ask for. The book is well-
researched and captivatingly told. I deeply appreciated learning more about this momentous moment and the lives it changed.4 people found this helpful.