
All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day eBook: Jim Forest: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day eBook: Jim Forest: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Kindle Price: $20.55
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The Long Loneliness

Dorothy Day
Kindle Edition

Product details

Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 24706 KB
Print Length: 344 pages
Publisher: ORBIS; Revised, illustrated edition (26 January 2018)
Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.
Language: English

Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon.com
Amazon.com: 4.7 out of 5 stars 31 reviews

Ned Netterville
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat insight into her indomitable spirit in the face of ...
26 October 2016 - Published on Amazon.com
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Couldn't ask for a more detailed, intimate portrayal of this powerful, saintly woman. Jim Forest knew Dorothy Day very well from his own participation in Day's Catholic Workers movement. His admiration of her is palpable and justified. Day has been nominated for sainthood, although she might object if she was alive. She would certainly get my vote as I've come to know her through this book. Great insight into her indomitable spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to assisting the poor and downtrodden of America's cities without the inhibiting "assistance" of government. She fought for workers and the dispossessed with every ounce of her formidable intellect and spirit. Dorthy was an anarchist, a devote Catholic, a stern pacifist and an inveterate activist who was jailed by government for her protests on behalf of justice on numerous occasions. Her legacies in the newspaper and charitable movement she founded live on. The very well written text of the book is supplemented by many photographs, several of historic significance, and many very quotable quotes from Dorothy.writing and speeches. I can forgive her misguided embrace of socialism and communism at times in her life for her many fine attributes. Forest doesn't avoid elaborating her foibles, which I find humanizing.5 people found this helpful.

P. J. Sullivan
5.0 out of 5 starsMore Than a Biography
30 May 2015 - Published on Amazon.com
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An excellent introduction to Dorothy Day. Better than her autobiography for three reasons: 1) It covers her entire life, not just her early years. 2) It covers all aspects of her life, not just her religious conversion. 3) It draws on all her writings, public and private, including her recently-released diaries. It is detailed without being boring, personal without being biased.

For those already familiar with her, this is an excellent recap. It clarifies things and fills in the gaps nicely. Years of research went into this book; I don’t see any obvious factual errors. Having known Dorothy Day, I can attest to the accuracy of this book. Should she be canonized a saint? I don’t know why not. See the discussion in this book.

More than a biography, this is also a history of the Catholic Worker movement within the larger contexts of American and world histories. Well written, clear and easy to follow, though its page layout is not easy on the eyes. (The text is squeezed into narrow columns to accommodate oversized margins that are mostly wasted space. What were they thinking? But it is readable.)

Other than its page layout, this is a great book! An engrossing story of an eventful life. Recommended to anyone who would like to get to know Dorothy Day and walk a mile in her shoes. The illustrations, mostly photographs, are many and outstanding.
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David Mueller
5.0 out of 5 starsThe Definitive Biography of Day
8 August 2011 - Published on Amazon.com
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"Love is the Measure", Jim Forest's first book on Dorothy Day was always my favorite biography of Dorothy. A couple of years ago, I was excited when I heard that Forest was doing a re-write of his original book. I was expecting some revisions and a few additional photos but I never expected a total revision and update warranting a new title, "All is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day".

It seems the perspective of additional years of reflection, the opening of the cause for her canonization, and the release of Dorothy's diaries and letters all impacted a fresh look at her life and Jim Forest so aptly gave us a new view of her remarkable life. It is written with the same personal attention to the details of each important phase of her live as was his first book. Each phase of her life is told like a separate story, written so personally as if he was with her at each step. It is the perfect way to tell the story of her life. Dorothy was fond of telling stories to others, and in my several meetings with her during the summer of 1976, she was more personally interested in my view points, opinions and life experiences than she was in talking about herself.

After the first 3 chapters, focused on her early years with her family, the next 8 chapters take us through the struggles of her young adult years beginning with going away to college. It was almost painful reading through these chapters as she struggled to find herself, which she finally did after the Spirit led fateful encounter with Peter Maurin on December 9th, 1932.

The following 7 chapters focus on the early years of the Worker. The core values are covered in separate chapters. At times it seems that competing priorities needed to be sorted out as the Catholic Worker sought to define itself.

The next 9 chapters cover important aspects in her personal life and the life of the Worker. Her struggles as a single parent, the life changing annual retreats she made, the years with Ammon Hennacy and the final imprisonment of her life in California, resulting from her demonstrations with Cesar Chavez and the farm worker union just some of the topics covered.

The following 5 chapters cover her later years. It starts with her final travels which included a trip around the world, a few years later her confinement in her room at Maryhouse and ending with her funeral and burial on Staten Island. Like the chapters covering her early adult years, I found these final chapters painful to read as age and poor health gradually overtook the once vibrant, activist life that Dorothy lived for so many years. And yet, as the pace of her life slowed, she showed us how to grow old gracefully, ultimately preparing for her death. Jim Forest covers this final period of her life with delicacy and affection.

The second to last chapter narrates the process that lead to opening the cause for her canonization. Forest chronicles the steps taken by the Cardinals O'Connor and Egan to gain the Vatican's approval and establish the Guild for Dorothy Day, which is the official instrument to promote her cause. The final chapter entitled "Dorothy Day: A Personal Remembrance" finally gives Jim Forest the opportunity to share in detail what Dorothy meant to him and how she impacted his faith and life.

"All is Grace: A biography of Dorothy Day" is without question in my humble opinion the definitive biography of Day. A bonus being all the photos (200+) that are distributed throughout the book. I can unequivocally recommend it both to those who know little of her, but are curious to learn and those who are very familiar but would like a comprehensive review of her life.

For students of Day and the Catholic Worker movement this is a must read along with:
* "All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day" edited by Robert Ellsberg
* "The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day" edited by Robert Ellsberg
* "Dorothy Day: Portraits of Those Who Knew Her" by Rosalie Riegle, and
* "The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins" by Louise and Mark Zwick.
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Mark Montebello
4.0 out of 5 starsA book to start with
1 April 2015 - Published on Amazon.com
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I like the style of writing of this book, though I missed therein the insights and the wider implications of Day’s life and thoughts. Her anarchy, I think, does not come out as forceful as I had wished it should. Nevertheless, of course, a pleasure to see how left ideology and Catholicism (generally not considered to be bed fellows) are brought together in Day’s experience and holiness. Her stamina is impressive. Would I recommend the book to others? Indeed I would. At least as a start.3 people found this helpful.

parrish collins
5.0 out of 5 starsReal Inspiration for Our Times
27 September 2018 - Published on Amazon.com
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Dorothy Day is an amazing historical peace and justice advocate out of the Catholic Worker Movement.. I don't think many know her or her inspiring story. I just happened to come across her and I'm glad i did