
유기농보다 앞선 농사기술 아쿠아포닉스 : 네이버 블로그

유기농보다 앞선 농사기술 아쿠아포닉스 : 네이버 블로그

신농법 아쿠아포닉스 물고기 수경재배 : 네이버 블로그

신농법 아쿠아포닉스 물고기 수경재배 : 네이버 블로그

신농법 아쿠아포닉스 물고기 수경재배 : 네이버 블로그

신농법 아쿠아포닉스 물고기 수경재배 : 네이버 블로그

자연을 모방한 미래 ICT 농장 팜잇 | 크라우드펀딩 와디즈

자연을 모방한 미래 ICT 농장 팜잇 | 크라우드펀딩 와디즈

자연을 모방한 미래 ICT 농장 팜잇

국내 최대 ICT 농업벤처 만나씨이에이의 첫번째 공유 농장 

농업회사법인 팜잇 주식회사

흙도 없이···물고기가 키우는 채소 : 문화일반 : 문화 : 뉴스 : 한겨레

흙도 없이···물고기가 키우는 채소 : 문화일반 : 문화 : 뉴스 : 한겨레

흙도 없이···물고기가 키우는 채소

등록 :2017-01-02
[새해 기획] 음식과 IT기술의 만남
밭에서 장바구니까지 ‘푸드테크
만나씨이에에의 농장 풍경.
만나씨이에에의 농장 풍경.
농산물을 포함한 식품과 정보통신기술이 결합한 ‘푸드테크’(FoodTech. Food와 Technology) 산업은 농업에도 혁명을 예고하고 있다.
충북 진천 이월면에 위치한 스마트팜 스타트업 ‘만나 씨이에이’(MANNA CEA)의 농장(사진)에는 흙을 찾아볼 수가 없다. 싱그럽게 꽃처럼 피어나는 채소들은 물속에 뿌리를 박고 자란다. ‘수경재배 제어시스템’이다. 박아론(31)·전태병(28) 공동대표가 자체 기술로 개발한 방식이다. 일반인들에게 생소한 ‘아쿠아포닉스’(Aquaponics. 물고기 양식과 수경재배를 결합한 농법)와 빛, 습도, 사료 공급 등을 자동 조절하는 소프트웨어 등이 결합된 시스템이다.
스마트 농장인 ’만나 씨이에이’
’바이오 필터’ 특허기술 개발해
물고기 양식한 물로 수경재배
엽채류 생산량 일반농가 30배
박 대표는 “양식한 물고기의 배설물을 질산염으로 처리해 액상배료를 만들어 식물을 키운다. 물고기를 양식한 물이 바이오필터를 거쳐 식물의 뿌리로 전달되는 식”이라고 말했다. 그 물은 다시 물고기 양식장으로 간다. 바이오필터는 만나씨이에이의 대표적인 특허기술이다.
산업디자인과를 졸업한 박씨와 기계공학이 전공인 전씨는 대학에서 룸메이트였다. 농업이야말로 미래산업이라는 데 의견 일치를 본 이들은 취업 대신 창업을 선택했다. 2013년 법인을 설립한 이들은, 전공을 살려 첨단정보기술을 농업에 적용했다. 2014년 1만9800㎡(약 6000평) 규모로 세운 만나씨이에이 농장이 그 결과물이다. 현재 엽채류 50가지, 뿌리채소 7가지, 허브 20가지 등을 재배하고 있다. 엽채류는 일반 농가보다 생산량이 30배 많다. 이들 채소는 지난해 1월 선보인 유통 서비스 ‘만나박스’를 통해 판매하고 있다. 박 대표는 “매월 30~40% 정도 성장해 누적 회원수가 대략 1만2000명”이라고 했다.
최근에는 공유농장 프로젝트인 ‘팜잇’을 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼 와디즈에 선보였다. 하루 만에 386명의 투자자가 몰리면서 목표했던 투자금 7억원 유치에 성공했다. 박 대표는 “팜잇은 지분을 나눠 가지면서, 오너십과 수익을 배분하는 공유농장 개념”이라고 말한다. 이들은 아쿠아포닉스 시설과 수경재배 제어시스템 등도 판매 상품으로 내세운다. 2015년에는 카카오의 자회사인 케이벤처그룹으로부터 투자도 받았다.
글 박미향 기자 mh@hani.co.kr, 사진 만나씨이에이 제공



【正論】漱石と鴎外に与えた乃木大将の殉死の意味とは… 文芸批評家、都留文科大学教授・新保祐司(1/4ページ) - 産経ニュース

【正論】漱石と鴎外に与えた乃木大将の殉死の意味とは… 文芸批評家、都留文科大学教授・新保祐司(1/4ページ) - 産経ニュース

漱石と鴎外に与えた乃木大将の殉死の意味とは… 文芸批評家、都留文科大学教授・新保祐司


文芸批評家・都留文科大教授 新保祐司氏


















 21世紀の日本人も戦後七十余年という更なる文明開化の中に生きて、何か大いなるものを忘れ果てていた。今や、そのことに気がつかされ、日本人の精神の再生が深いところから起きてくる時代になってきたのではないか。(しんぽ ゆうじ)

今年で発行から100年 夏目漱石の「こゝろ」を読み解く - NAVER まとめ

今年で発行から100年 夏目漱石の「こゝろ」を読み解く - NAVER まとめ

今年で発行から100年 夏目漱石の「こゝろ」を読み解く


更新日: 2014年07月28日


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出典夏目漱石 『心』広告文




出典夏目漱石 『心』自序
















夏目漱石 こころ


こころ 夏目漱石 上 先生と私 一 私 ( わたくし ) はその人を常に先生と呼んでいた。だからここでもただ先生と書くだけで本名は打ち明けない。これは世間を 憚 ( はば ) かる遠慮というよりも、その方が私にとって自然だからである。私はその人の記憶を呼び起すごとに、すぐ「先生」といいたくなる。筆を 執 ( と ) っても心持は同じ事である。よそよそしい 頭文字 ( かしらもじ ) などはとても…


こゝろ - Wikipedia


こゝろ 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 移動: 案内 、 検索 この項目では、 夏目漱石 の小説について記述しています。その他の用法については「 こころ 」をご覧ください。 こゝろ 著者 夏目漱石 発行日 1914年 ( 大正 3年) 発行元 岩波書店 ジャンル 小説 国 日本 言語 日本語 ウィキポータル 文学 テンプレートを表示 『 こゝろ 』(こころ)とは、…

乃木希典 - Wikipedia


乃木希典 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 移動: 案内 、 検索 乃木 希典 乃木希典 生誕 1849年 12月25日 武蔵国 江戸 死没 1912年 9月13日 (満62歳没) 東京市赤坂区新坂町(現在の 東京都 港区 乃木坂 ) 所属組織 大日本帝国陸軍 軍歴 1871年 - 1912年 最終階級 陸軍大将 墓所 青山墓地 , 乃木神社 テンプレートを表示 乃…

乃木希典大将はなぜ名将なのか、日本人には知って欲しい。 - さくらの花びらの「日本人よ、誇りを持とう」 - Yahoo!ブログ


記事検索 こんにちは、ゲストさん ランダム ログイン Yahoo! JAPAN すべての機能をご利用いただくためには、JavaScriptの設定を有効にしてください。 設定方法は、 ヘルプ をご覧ください。 さくらの花びらの「日本人よ、誇りを持とう」 輝かしい日本の発掘 お気に入りの人に登録/削除 全体表示 [ リスト ] --…


夏目漱石『こころ』で、先生が自殺した理由に、... - 文学、古典 | Yahoo!知恵袋




閲覧数:8,586 回答数:2 違反報告


higonosuke8010さん 2009/9/211:00:49


僕は、明治天皇というより 乃木大将の殉死が関係してるんだと思います。

乃木希典は、西南戦争の時 西郷軍に軍旗を奪われます。




その時の、遺書で 乃木大将が 30年以上前の軍旗盗難が


世間は、「あんな昔のこと まだ気にしてたの!?なんて責任感が強いんだ」と






乃木大将と同じく、明治の過ちを 明治で終わらせる。


物語以外の もっと奥深い何かがあるんだと思います。

例えば、乃木は 結果的に 妻と一緒に自決。


つまり、過去の過ちで死ぬのに 妻も道連れにしなくても・・・など

その他もろもろ、乃木大将の殉死に対しての 漱石の批判。






漱石の乃木夫妻の殉死に 批判めいたのものがあったのでは?と考えます。

Literary theory - Wikipedia

Literary theory - Wikipedia

Literary theory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Literary theory in a strict sense is the systematic study of the nature of literature and of the methods for analyzing literature.[1] However, literary scholarship since the 19th century often includes—in addition to, or even instead of literary theory in the strict sense—considerations of intellectual history, moral philosophy, social prophecy, and other interdisciplinary themes which are of relevance to the way humans interpret meaning.[1] In humanities in modern academia, the latter style of scholarship is an outgrowth of critical theory and is often called simply "theory."[2] As a consequence, the word "theory" has become an umbrella term for a variety of scholarly approaches to reading texts. Many of these approaches are informed by various strands of Continental philosophy and sociology.


The practice of literary theory became a profession in the 20th century, but it has historical roots that run as far back as ancient Greece (Aristotle's Poetics is an often cited early example), ancient India (Bharata Muni's Natya Shastra), ancient Rome (Longinus's On the Sublime) and medieval Iraq (Al-Jahiz's al-Bayan wa-'l-tabyin and al-Hayawan, and ibn al-Mu'tazz's Kitab al-Badi),[3] and the aesthetic theories of philosophers from ancient philosophy through the 18th and 19th centuries are important influences on current literary study. The theory and criticism of literature are, of course, also closely tied to the history of literature.
The modern sense of "literary theory," however, dates only to approximately the 1950s, when the structuralist linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure began strongly to influence English language literary criticism. The New Critics and various European-influenced formalists (particularly the Russian Formalists) had described some of their more abstract efforts as "theoretical" as well. But it was not until the broad impact of structuralism began to be felt in the English-speaking academic world that "literary theory" was thought of as a unified domain.
In the academic world of the United Kingdom and the United States, literary theory was at its most popular from the late 1960s (when its influence was beginning to spread outward from elite universities like Johns HopkinsYale, and Cornell) through the 1980s (by which time it was taught nearly everywhere in some form). During this span of time, literary theory was perceived as academically cutting-edge, and most university literature departments sought to teach and study theory and incorporate it into their curricula. Because of its meteoric rise in popularity and the difficult language of its key texts, theory was also often criticized as faddish or trendy obscurantism (and many academic satire novels of the period, such as those by David Lodge, feature theory prominently). Some scholars, both theoretical and anti-theoretical, refer to the 1970s and 1980s debates on the academic merits of theory as "the theory wars."
By the early 1990s, the popularity of "theory" as a subject of interest by itself was declining slightly (along with job openings for pure "theorists") even as the texts of literary theory were incorporated into the study of almost all literature. By 2010, the controversy over the use of theory in literary studies had quieted down, and discussions on the topic within literary and cultural studies tend now to be considerably milder and less lively. However, some scholars like Mark Bauerlein continue to argue that less capable theorists have abandoned proven methods of epistemology, resulting in persistent lapses in learning, research, and evaluation.[4]Some scholars do draw heavily on theory in their work, while others only mention it in passing or not at all; but it is an acknowledged, important part of the study of literature.[citation needed]


One of the fundamental questions of literary theory is "what is literature?" – although many contemporary theorists and literary scholars believe either that "literature" cannot be defined or that it can refer to any use of language. Specific theories are distinguished not only by their methods and conclusions, but even by how they create meaning in a "text". However, some theorists acknowledge that these texts do not have a singular, fixed meaning which is deemed "correct".[5]
Since theorists of literature often draw on a very heterogeneous tradition of Continental philosophy and the philosophy of language, any classification of their approaches is only an approximation. There are many types of literary theory, which take different approaches to texts. Even among those listed below, combine methods from more than one of these approaches (for instance, the deconstructive approach of Paul de Man drew on a long tradition of close reading pioneered by the New Critics, and de Man was trained in the European hermeneutic tradition).[citation needed]
Broad schools of theory that have historically been important include historical and biographical criticismNew CriticismformalismRussian formalism, and structuralismpost-structuralismMarxismfeminism and French feminismpost-colonialismnew historicismdeconstructionreader-response criticism, and psychoanalytic criticism.

Differences among schools[edit]

The different interpretive and epistemological perspectives of different schools of theory often arise from, and so give support to, different moral and political commitments. For instance, the work of the New Critics often contained an implicit moral dimension, and sometimes even a religious one: a New Critic might read a poem by T. S. Eliot or Gerard Manley Hopkins for its degree of honesty in expressing the torment and contradiction of a serious search for belief in the modern world. Meanwhile, a Marxist critic might find such judgments merely ideological rather than critical; the Marxist would say that the New Critical reading did not keep enough critical distance from the poem's religious stance to be able to understand it. Or a post-structuralist critic might simply avoid the issue by understanding the religious meaning of a poem as an allegory of meaning, treating the poem's references to "God" by discussing their referential nature rather than what they refer to. A critic using Darwinian literary studies might use arguments from the evolutionary psychology of religion.
Such a disagreement cannot be easily resolved, because it is inherent in the radically different terms and goals (that is, the theories) of the critics. Their theories of reading derive from vastly different intellectual traditions: the New Critic bases his work on an East-Coast American scholarly and religious tradition, while the Marxist derives his thought from a body of critical social and economic thought, the post-structuralist's work emerges from twentieth-century Continental philosophy of language, and the Darwinian from the modern evolutionary synthesis. To expect such different approaches to have much in common would be naïve; so calling them all "theories of literature" without acknowledging their heterogeneity is itself a reduction of their differences.
In the late 1950s, the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye attempted to establish an approach for reconciling historical criticism and New Criticism while addressing concerns of early reader-response and numerous psychological and social approaches. His approach, laid out in his Anatomy of Criticism, was explicitly structuralist, relying on the assumption of an intertextual "order of words" and universality of certain structural types. His approach held sway in English literature programs for several decades but lost favor during the ascendance of post-structuralism.
For some theories of literature (especially certain kinds of formalism), the distinction between "literary" and other sorts of texts is of paramount importance. Other schools (particularly post-structuralism in its various forms: new historicism, deconstruction, some strains of Marxism and feminism) have sought to break down distinctions between the two and have applied the tools of textual interpretation to a wide range of "texts", including film, non-fiction, historical writing, and even cultural events.
Bakhtin argued that the "utter inadequacy" of literary theory is evident when it is forced to deal with the novel; while other genres are fairly stabilized, the novel is still developing.[6]
Another crucial distinction among the various theories of literary interpretation is intentionality, the amount of weight given to the author's own opinions about and intentions for a work. For most pre-20th century approaches, the author's intentions are a guiding factor and an important determiner of the "correct" interpretation of texts. The New Criticism was the first school to disavow the role of the author in interpreting texts, preferring to focus on "the text itself" in a close reading. In fact, as much contention as there is between formalism and later schools, they share the tenet that the author's interpretation of a work is no more inherently meaningful than any other.


Listed below are some of the most commonly identified schools of literary theory, along with their major authors. In many cases, such as those of the historian and philosopher Michel Foucault and the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, the authors were not primarily literary critics, but their work has been broadly influential in literary theory.

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to:a b Culler 1997, p.1
  2. Jump up^ Searle, John. (1990) The Storm Over the University, The New York Review of Books, December 6, 1990.
  3. Jump up^ van Gelder, G. J. H. (1982), Beyond the Line: Classical Arabic Literary Critics on the Coherence and Unity of the PoemBrill Publishers, pp. 1–2, ISBN 90-04-06854-6
  4. Jump up^ Bauerlein, Mark (13 November 2014). "Theory and the Humanities, Once More"Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved 27 February 2016Jay treats it [theory] as transformative progress, but it impressed us as hack philosophizing, amateur social science, superficial learning, or just plain gamesmanship.
  5. Jump up^ Sullivan, Patrick (2002-01-01). ""Reception Moments," Modern Literary Theory, and the Teaching of Literature"Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy45 (7): 568–577.
  6. Jump up^ Bakhtin 1981, p.8


  • Peter Barry. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural TheoryISBN 0-7190-6268-3.
  • Jonathan Culler. (1997) Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-285383-X.
  • Terry Eagleton. Literary Theory: An IntroductionISBN 0-8166-1251-X.
  • Terry Eagleton. After TheoryISBN 0-465-01773-8.
  • Jean-Michel Rabaté. The Future of TheoryISBN 0-631-23013-0.
  • The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and CriticismISBN 0-8018-4560-2.
  • Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge and Nigel Wood. 2nd Ed. ISBN 0-582-31287-6
  • Theory's Empire: An Anthology of Dissent. Ed. Daphne Patai and Will H. Corral. ISBN 0-231-13417-7.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1981) The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin and London: University of Texas Press.
  • René Wellek. A history of modern criticism : 1750-1950. Yale University Press, 1955-1992, 8 volumes.
    • 1: The later eighteenth century
    • 2: The romantic age
    • 3: The age of transition
    • 4: The later nineteenth century
    • 5: English criticism, 1900-1950
    • 6: American criticism, 1900-1950
    • 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European criticism, 1900-1950
    • 8: French, Italian and Spanish criticism, 1900-1950

Further reading[edit]
Carroll, J. (2007). Evolutionary Approaches to Literature and Drama. In Robin Dunbar and Louise Barrett, (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Chapter 44. Full text
Castle, Gregory. Blackwell Guide to Literary Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Culler, Jonathan. The Literary in Theory. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007.
Terry Eagleton. Literary Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008. (http://www.upress.umn.edu/)
Literary Theory: An Anthology. Edited by Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Lisa Zunshine, ed. Introduction to Cognitive Cultural Studies. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010
External links[edit]
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Literary theory

Aristotle's Poetics (350 BCE)
Longinus's On the Sublime (1st century CE)
Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie (1595)
"A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology", by José Ángel García Landa
"Some Literary Criticism quotes", by Tim Love
The Litcrit Toolkit
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Literary Theory," by Vince Brewton
Annotated bibliography on literary theory
Critical Literary Theory
Introduction to Theory
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Purdue OWL
Johns Hopkins Guide