
Applied Ecovillage Living - Findhorn Foundation

Applied Ecovillage Living - Findhorn Foundation

Applied Ecovillage Living

Applied Ecovillage Living

Sat 23 February 2019 (14 Days)
Craig Gibsone and Maria Cooper
How do we live in a way that is fulfilling and respectful to ourselves and all life around us? With all the changes, paradoxes, and challenges of our times, where do you and I, as individuals, come in, create change and contribute to re-imagining the future?
We invite you to be part of this programme exploring ecovillages, low impact lifestyles, sustainability, and right livelihoods. It will take place in the well-established and pioneering ecovillage and community of Findhorn. Participants will enjoy hands on activities with the community and will be encouraged to explore what ecovillages are doing to tackle the global ecological and social crises with a focus on personal development, finding and living our purpose, and identifying the practical skills to take us there.
The Findhorn Foundation, community, and ecovillage has a long history of facilitating and teaching sustainability practices. During the programme, participants will engage with these resources and get to meet and learn from inspiring teachers and facilitators with wide-ranging experience and expertise. We will also have self-organised time where we explore arising topics and share perspectives from our different countries and cultures.
Together we will learn about:
  • Social tools for personal and group transformation, empowerment and community building
  • Urban and rural solutions for transitioning to a resilient society
  • Local organic food production and right livelihood
  • Comprehensive Permaculture design introduction
  • Renewable energy systems and energy efficiency models
  • Cooperative social economies and complementary currencies
  • Holistic decision-making processes, including nature and deep ecology
  • Earth restoration projects and biological waste water treatments
  • Ecological building and community design
  • Cultural and Spiritual diversity practices


We will spend the first week at Cluny Hill, a former Victorian hotel now owned by the community and home for up to 120 residents. The building contributes greatly to the reduction of the community’s carbon footprint and is also located in the town of Forres, part of the Transition Town network.
For the second part we move to The Park, the original site where the Findhorn Community and Ecovillage was born. Here we broaden our enquiry in a more rural setting with smaller, dispersed dwellings, using as a case study the restorative process of transforming sand dunes on an old military base into the famous Findhorn gardens.
The nature of this workshop means that there is a lot of time spent outdoors in nature, including locally in the woods and dunes nearby. Consequently it may be difficult for those with mobility issues. If you have any mobility difficulties or questions, please tell us more so that we can discuss this with you and see whether this workshop could work for you.

Accommodation and Food

Sleeping will be in shared bedrooms in Cluny, and in shared bungalows in the Park. Meals will be eaten with the community in the big dining hall and community centre. Special diets and allergies can be catered for.
Travel Information click here
Contact: ael@findhorn.org

Book Here

Click a date below to book
DateDaysPriceOther info
2019-02-2314£1520 / £1190 / £980

Ancient Futures - Wikipedia

Ancient Futures - Wikipedia

Ancient Futures
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For the film originally known by this name, see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
Ancient Futures
Cover for the 2009 edition
Author Helena Norberg-Hodge
Country United States
Language English

1991, 2009 (Sierra Club Books)
1992, 2000 (Rider Books)
2016 (Chelsea Green)
ISBN 978-1578051625 (2009 edition)
OCLC 251196522

Dewey Decimal 307.1412
LC Class HN690.L33 N68 2009
Website Local Futures Books & Reports

Ancient Futures: Lessons from Ladakh for a Globalizing World, originally published with the subtitle Learning From Ladakh, is a book by Helena Norberg-Hodge. It was first published in 1991.

The 1st part of the book describes the happy and egalitarian nature of the region of Ladakh when Helena first arrived in 1975, prior to the influx of Western ideas and material goods. In this world, Ladakhi women enjoyed high social status and family and community ties were very strong.

The 2nd part describes how Ladakh changed socially, ecologically and economically when "development" set in. Ladakh is begun to enjoy the comfort and convenience of modernization, while increasing greed, intolerance, unemployment, inflation, and pollution set in and threatened the ecological balance and social harmony which had been maintained over the past centuries.

Ancient Futures raises important questions about the notion of progress, and explores the root causes of the problems faced by a highly industrialized society.[1] The book has been translated into almost 40 languages and is used regularly at the grassroots level to raise awareness of issues surrounding globalization and the loss of indigenous wisdom.[2]

^ People & the planet, Volume 5
^ Ancient Futures 2009 Edition, Local Futures
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알라딘: 환경학과 평화학

환경학과 평화학

토다 키요시 (지은이), 김원식 (옮긴이) | 녹색평론사 | 2003-09-08

정가 10,000원

반양장본 | 309쪽 | 152*217mm | 402g | ISBN : 9788990274182


국내도서 > 사회과학 > 사회운동 > 환경운동
국내도서 > 사회과학 > 사회학 > 사회학 일반

인간과 인간, 인간과 자연의 관계를 '폭력과 평화'라는 관점에서 체계적으로 살펴본 책이다. 폭력은 본능이 아니라 문화이며, 노력에 의해서 줄어나갈 수 있는 부분이라고 보고 21세기를 '평화와 환경의 세기'로 만들 방안을 고민한다.

서장에서는, 폭력과 평화의 관점에서 민주주의를 재평가한다. 1장은 폭력과 평화의 개념, 그리고 직접적 폭력과 구조적 폭력의 관계를 정리한다. 2장은 국가와 직접적 폭력에 대해서 검토하고, '정당한 살인'에 대해 의문을 던진다.

3장은 국가와 기업의 구조적 폭력을 사례를 통해 살펴본다. 4장은 전문가 지배나 젠더의 문제를 포함해서, 구조적 폭력에 관한 제문제를 검토한다. 5장은 인간사회의 폭력과 평화를 '진화된 이웃사람들'과 대비하고, 평화의 문화로 나아가는 이행의 조건을 탐색하고 있다.


서장: 평화와 민주주의의 심화

제1장 폭력과 평화
1절 직접적 폭력과 구조적 폭력
2절 폭력의 주체와 대상

제2장 직접적 폭력과 국가
1절 테러와 전쟁
2절 '정당한 살인'으로서의 전쟁과 사형
3절 직접적 폭력과 국가·비국가집단

제3장 구조적 폭력과 기업·국가
1절 군수산업 - 종래의 죽음의 상인
2절 담배산업 - 새로운 죽음의 상인
3절 다국적기업과 구조적 폭력
4절 구조적 폭력과 국가·국제기구

제4장 구조적 폭력과 관련된 제반문제
1절 원죄다발구조
2절 구조적 폭력으로서의 남북격차
3절 젠더와 생명과학기술
4절 핵(원자력)의 군사이용과 민사(民事)이용의 뒤엉킴
5절 생명공학의 문제점

제5장 평화문화를 향해서
1절 폭력의 비교영장류학과 사회과학
2절 개발주의와 서브시스턴스(subsistence)
3절 평화학과 환경학

부록|평화를 생각하는 데 필요한 독서 안내
부록|촘스키 서평
자료|부시정권의 행보
자료|유사3법안에 항의하는 피폭지, 나가사키의 대학인 101명의 성명

역자 후기
인용 및 참고문헌
저자·역자 소개

지은이 : 토다 키요시 (?田 ? )
최고의 작품 투표
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <환경학과 평화학>,<환경정의를 위하여> … 총 11종 (모두보기)
소개 :
1956년 오사카에서 태어나 오사카 시립대학 농학부 수의학과를 졸업했다. 일본소비자연맹 사무국에서 일했으며 쓰루문과대학, 쥰심여자대학, 쓰타주쿠대학 등에서 비상근 강사를 역임했다. 1997년 10월부터 나가사키대학 환경과학부 조교수로 근무하고 있으며 환경사회학, 과학사, 평화학 분야를 전공하고 있다.

현재 나가사키 평화연구소 연구원, 나가사키의 자연과 문화를 지키는 모임의 회원, 나가사키 에스페란토 모임의 회원으로 활동하고 있다. 지은 책으로 <환경정의를 위하여>, 공저로 <인구위기의 미래>, <강좌 환경사회학 제1권>, <동물의 권리> 등이 있다.

옮긴이 : 김원식
최고의 작품 투표
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : … 총 14종 (모두보기)
소개 : 1923년 충북 괴산에서 태어났고 국대안 반대 투쟁을 겪으며 서울대학교 정치학과를 중퇴했다. 한국 환경운동의 여명기에 공해추방운동연합에 참여했으며 지금은 반핵반전운동에 몰두하고 있다. 한국어로 옮겨 소개한 책으로는 환경사상의 내용과 역사를 153항목의 키워드로 살펴본 《환경사상 키워드》를 비롯해 《환경학과 평화학》《환경정의를 위하여》《위험한 이야기》《지구를 파괴하는 범죄자들》《시민 과학자로 살다》《지금 자연을 어떻게 볼 것인가》 들이 있다.

Articles on Ecosocialism

Articles on Ecosocialism

Articles on Ecosocialism
The Declaration of K’oari
December 4, 2018

(translated from the original Spanish by Ecosocialist Horizons) (en castellano abajo) In the community of K’oari and the municipality of Tiraque, in the department of Cochabamba of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, from November 14-18 of 2018, we the people of the indigenous, original and campesino nations gathered: Mapuches from Chile, Mayas of the Committee of Campesino Development of Guatemala, Yaqui from Mexico, Kurds from Mesopotamia, Seneca and Mohawk of the Haudenosaunee Confederation from North America, Watershed Schools who Sow…
Reflections on the Founding of the First Ecosocialist International
September 5, 2018

by Quincy Saul (A shorter version of this essay first appeared on Radical Ecological Democracy, edited by Pallav Das) In times of global nightmares, there is good news! Through the gauntlet of world war and mass extinction, the message arrives: in a maroon municipality in the mountains of the Venezuelan northwest, one hundred delegates from five continents came to consensus and made a covenant with Mother Earth, registered in a combined strategy and a 500 year plan of planetary action….
¡Somos Locos!
June 22, 2018

By Kanya D’Almeida It’s quite impossible to tell the story of a place, or a moment, to those who have not been there, or might not want to go. For instance, I’d like to tell people that in November 2017, over a hundred people came together in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to launch a new International. From 19 countries representing 5 continents, from Kurdistan to Kenya, from 12 indigenous nations, from 3 quilombo/Maroon villages, from every corner of the…
Jackson Convergence Report: The First Ecosocialist International Takes Root and Makes Routes on Turtle Island
June 4, 2018

“The First EcoSocialist International: What it is and why you should join” — video documentary introduction and initiation into the Jackson Convergence produced by Reel News. (Scroll down for more videos from the convergence!) The First Ecosocialist International Takes Root and Makes Routes on Turtle Island by Quincy Saul, June 2018 It began last year, when movements and organizations from around the world heard the Cry of Mother Earth. Answering this call, delegates from five continents gathered in a maroon…
June 1, 2018

by Michael Löwy The passing away of Joel Kovel is a great loss not only for us, his friends and collaborators, but for the broad international ecosocialist movement, of which he was a towering pioneer. I first met Joel at an International Marxist Conference at the University of Nanterre (Paris) , convened in 2001 by my friends of the Journal Actuel Marx. We immediately sympathised, and found a common interest : the urgent need to bring together the “Red” and…
Remembering Comrade Joel Kovel
May 21, 2018

REMEMBERING COMRADE JOEL KOVEL by Salvatore Engel-DiMauro Welcome to Golgonooza (1), Joel Stephen Kovel (27 August 1936 – 30 April 2018) Losing a dear friend is scarring and leaves an unfillable void. Joel was (or, rather, is, for he will live among us in other ways) an open, thorough, and independent thinker; an ecosocialist luminary; a fountain of practicable political ideas; a committed Marxist Christian revolutionary; an anti-Zionist activist; and among the most sensitive, understanding, perspicacious, and generous people I…
The Emergence of Ecosocialism
May 14, 2018

Photo above: Joel Kovel in Durban, South Africa in 2011. The essay below was first written as a communique to introduce his book “The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?” (Zed Books, 2007) to ecosocialist comrades in Latin America. It is published here on the Ecosocialist Horizons website for the first time. by JOEL KOVEL New York City, March 2, 2017 The Enemy of Nature was first published in 2001, and reissued in…
The First Ecosocialist International: Combined Strategy and Plan of Action
December 19, 2017

THE FIRST ECOSOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL: WEAVING OURSELVES TO MOTHER EARTH October 31 – November 3, 2017, Cumbe of Veroes, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Download the Combined Strategy and Plan of Action of the First Ecosocialist International here.) (Descarga la Estrategia y Plan de Accion Conjunto de la Primera Internacional Ecosocialista aqui.) It has been one year since “The Calling of the Spirits” in Monte Carmelo, Lara, when, with spirited minds and seeds in our hearts, we initiated a convocation titled “The…
The First Ecosocialist International is Born!
November 12, 2017

THE FIRST ECOSOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL WEAVING OURSELVES TO MOTHER EARTH OCTOBER 31 – NOVEMBER 3, 2017 CUMBE OF VEROES, BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA En castellano aqui… Follow us on facebook here… It has been one year since “The Calling of the Spirits” in Monte Carmelo, Lara, when with spirited minds and seeds in our hearts, we launched a convocation titled “The Cry of Mother Earth.” Those who responded to this cry are now here: around 100 people from 17 countries and…
La Declaración De Arusha
July 18, 2017

(¡Aqui por primera vez traducido a castellano! Click here to access this text in English.) Escrito por Julius Nyerere; para la Tanganyika African National Union, 5 Febrero 1967 La Declaración de Arusha y la política de TANU sobre Socialismo y Autosuficiencia PARTE UNO: El Credo de TANU La política de TANU es construir un estado socialista. Los Principios del Socialismo que establece la Constitución del TANU son los siguientes: POR CUANTO TANU cree: (a) Que todos los seres humanos son…
¿Sentimos? (Did we feel it?)
May 31, 2017

from Kanya D’Almeida Did we feel it? The earth trembled. In the places where no one is looking or listening, something is moving. It moves quietly and without fuss. Lento Pero Avanzo — slowly it advances. Did we feel it? In those hidden places of the world a hundred thousand footsteps shook the earth and it trembled at its core. Did it go undetected? Did the rot of the West stifle the tremors? Did the cancerous music and the tumorous…
Liberating Life: Woman’s Revolution
February 14, 2017

by ABDULLAH ÖCALAN (reposted with permission from The International Initiative) 1. Foreword The question of women’s freedom has intrigued me throughout my life. While at first I viewed the enslavement of women in the Middle East and in general as the result of feudal backwardness, after many years of revolutionary practice and research I came to the conclusion that the problem goes much deeper. The 5000-year-old history of civilisation is essentially the history of the enslavement of woman. Consequently, woman’s…
The Cry of Mother Earth: Call to the First Ecosocialist International
November 30, 2016

(en castellano aqui) Scroll down to the bottom for Chinese translation! The Cry of Mother Earth! for the ancestors who, with their lives and struggles, plowed the spirit and the strength of what we now call ecosocialism … CALL TO THE FIRST ECOSOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL! REWEAVING PANGAEA (The spirits live, the magic continues) Sanare, Lara, The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela October 31 – November 3, 2017 The mourning of Mother Earth calls us. Her cry resounds within us. It is ours….
Resurgent Mexico
August 1, 2016

originally published by Counterpunch on July 25, 2016 Now with photos by the author. by Quincy Saul “Did you hear it? It is the sound of their world collapsing. It is the sound of ours resurging.” – Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, December 2012e Mexico is living and dying for the sins of the global economy. The price of cheap clothes, cheap drugs and cheap labor is paid by the hundreds of thousands dead and disappeared in the last decade alone. From…
Declaration of the Sixth Congress of Biological Diversity
January 11, 2016

Seeds for Life and Food Sovereignty October 8-12, 2015, Carobobo, Venezuela (Translated by Quincy Saul, Ecosocialist Horizons) United and reunited in the Sixth Venezuelan Congress of Biological Diversity, in the state of Carobobo, hosted by the Aldea Heroes de Canaima 4F, from the 8th to the 12th of October, we discussed and debated the seed, as an essential element for the defense of life and food sovereignty. We took up the continuation of debates from previous congresses for the construction…
The Real Walking Dead
January 11, 2016

by Russell Maroon Shoatz November 20, 2015 This article first appeared on the website of the International Campaign to Free Russell Maroon Shoatz, here. If you have not accepted that we are experiencing a mass extinction, like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, then count yourself amongst The Real Walking Dead. Admittedly, this is a subject that is so mind-boggling, even those who are courageous enough to face the fact that there is an almost airtight scientific case leaving…
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Constituted in Paris
December 11, 2015

PRESS RELEASE – 7 December 2015 Introduction In an extraordinary display of global solidarity, vision and determination, communities and organizations from all over the world took the initiative this past weekend by formally establishing the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature. People flocked to the Maison des Metallos in Paris to listen to more than 65 people from 31 nationalities1 speaking in 7 languages2, who participated as judges, Earth Defenders, or witnesses during the two days of Tribunal hearings….
African Women Unite Against Destructive Resource Extraction
October 28, 2015

OCTOBER 2015 DECLARATION WoMin African Gender and Extractives Alliance The WoMin African Gender and Extractives Alliance convened this gathering in partnership with Kebetkache Women’s Development and Resource Centre, Home of Mother Earth Foundation, Centre for Children’s Health Education, Orientation and Protection, and Environmental Rights Action. African Women Uniting for Energy, Food and Climate Justice! is a regional gathering of more than 60 women activists (and some men allies) from Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. This…
Declaration of the Fifth Congress of Biological Diversity
September 4, 2015

Maracaibo, July 21-26, 2014, Bolivarian University of Venezuela Translated and with footnotes by Quincy Saul, with Javier Sethness-Castro, Ecosocialist Horizons. (En español aqui) In defense of life, we are reunited at the Fifth Venezuelan Congress of Biological Diversity, in the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, in the city of Maracibo, in the state of Zulia, from July 21-26. We debate the territorial dimension of our struggle, as a continuation of the experiences from the Fourth Congress, in which we put forward…
The View from Mount Olympus
July 6, 2015

(this interview originally appeared on Counterpunch, July 5, 2015) (view of Mt. Olympus from Christos Kakkalos, photo by Mikhalis Styllas) Interview with Mikhalis Styllas by QUINCY SAUL All eyes on Hellas! It seems that all the problems and solutions of the 21st century devolve today upon the people of Greece. Have the people who invented democracy been reduced to a choice between poverty and austerity? Or can the current crisis be an opportunity to reclaim lost visions and values? Some…
The Awakening of Economics
May 11, 2015

(This article was first published by Telesur.) by Quincy Saul (1) We are living in the dark ages of economics. The origin of economics, as articulated in ancient Greece, was a vision of agrarian estate management, which revered the farmer and counseled care for the land. What a long strange trip it’s been! By the end of the year, the richest 1 percent will own more than the rest of the world combined. The sixth mass extinction is underway, and…
Call for Climate Satyagraha!
November 3, 2014

(“Resisting the War on Mother Earth and Reclaiming Our Home” — Ecosocialist Horizons and War Resisters International in Cape Town.) Climate Satyagraha! The Crisis, The Calling, The Strategy and The Horizon This document emerged from an invitation to discussion put forward by Ecosocialist Horizons at the first PanAfrican conference on nonviolence in Cape Town, South Africa in July 2014, where delegates and representatives from 34 African countries and over 50 countries from every continent helped give birth to the PanAfrican…
Dehradun Declaration of Forest Peoples
October 31, 2014

[This declaration emerged from a gathering in June 2009, where adivasis, forest workers and other forest peoples from 16 states of India came together to unite their common struggles and visions.] 12 June 2009 During the process of enactment of the Forests Right Act (in 2006), the National Forum for Forest People’s and Forest Workers (NFFPFW) passed two important resolutions in the second National Conference held at Ranchi: 1) Establishment of community governance over forest resources 2) To resist commodification…
Declaration of the Fourth Congress of Biological Diversity
October 30, 2014

(The following document was drafted and revised in an assembly of hundreds of people on the last day of the Fourth Congress of Biological Diversity, Paraguana, Venezuela. Photo Quincy Saul/Ecosocialist Horizons) (Translated from Spanish to English by Quincy Saul) En español aqui: Declaratoria+final+IV+CVDB+-+Falcon+2013 IV Venezuelan Congress of Biological Diversity Falcon, June 23-28, 2013 In struggle for the defense of life, we are reunited at the Fourth Venezuelan Congress of Biological Diversity, on the Peninsula of Paraguana, in the state of…
“The Transition to Ecosocialism”
October 30, 2014

Transcript of speech by Quincy Saul, June 26, 2013 IV Congress of Biological Diversity: “Dibujando Nuestro Ecosocialismo” (Drawing Our Ecosocialism) Paraguana, Falcon, Lara, Venezuela (scroll down for videos) Thank you so much for inviting and receiving me. It is a tremendous honor to be invited to this congress. It is an honor not only to be in Venezuela, but to be here in Paraguana, to be a small part of the noble history of struggle against imperialism which began here…
October 29, 2014

Today, on October 29th, in the mountain towns of Monte Carmelo and Sanare, Venezuela, people from around the world are coming together for the annual gathering of The Guardians of Seeds. Two years ago, this international gathering produced a document titled “The Declaration of Monte Carmelo,” a declaration which resonated around the world, sowing far-seeing vision and concrete practices throughout the global ecosocialist movement. When Ecosocialist Horizons translated this declaration into English, we were subsequently invited to Venezuela to attend…
The Lima Ecosocialist Declaration
October 6, 2014

Declaration of the Ecosocialist International Network before COP20 in Lima, Peru (December 2014) (Translated by Quincy Saul for Ecosocialist Horizons, affiliate of the Ecosocialist International Network. In Spanish below. En espanol abajo. ) Our lives are worth more than their profits! The imminent climate crisis that we confront today is a grave threat to the preservation of life on the planet. Many academic and political works have confirmed the fragility of life on earth to temperature change. Only a few…
An Ecosocialist Horizon for Venezuela: A Solar Communist Horizon for the World
October 5, 2014

By David Schwartzman and Quincy Saul The following paper was written for the “Moving Beyond Capitalism” Conference, which took place Jul. 29-Aug. 5, 2014 at the Center for Global Justice, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico. Read the full paper here. En español aqui:Horizonte Ecosocialista para Venezuela, Schwartzman y Saul 2015 Video from the presentation of this proposal at CELARG, Caracas, Venezuela, November 2016 Below, a brief introduction: PART I. INTRODUCTION: THE WORLD ON THE BRINK OF DOOM; GREAT BIFURCATION Humanity…
Truth and Dare: A Comic Book Curriculum for the End & the Beginning of the World
February 3, 2014

“Truth and Dare: The world is ending, and the revolution has begun!” “Truth and Dare” is a comic book and a curriculum, a graphic novel and a gateway to further knowledge and action. With fifty pages of illustrations from nine different world-class artists, and a ten page curriculum and resource list, it is a crash course in world history, political economy, sociology, gender studies, ecology, climate change and the world-wide ecosocialist struggle for humanity and nature in the 21st century….
The Troy Declaration of Ecosocialist Vision and Theory
November 3, 2013

The Troy Declaration of Ecosocialist Vision and Theory Troy, New York, March 2013 For three days in Troy, over a hundred people gathered for the third North American ecosocialist convergence, facilitated by Ecosocialist Horizons and hosted by The Sanctuary for Independent Media. A group of about twenty people, representing over a dozen organizations and from a handful of different countries, gathered for five hours in the loft of Troy Bike Rescue to share ideas and proposals with the goal of…
Declaration of Convergence
September 12, 2013

Barton Vermont, 2012. By Quincy Saul In August of 2012, in the one of the most beautiful and most poor parts of the state of Vermont, a group of about forty dissidents, young and old, with the help of the Bread and Puppet Theater, gathered on a hilltop for three days and nights. From near (Vermont, New York, Maine) and quite far (New Orleans, Chicago, Toronto) they came together, in the gauntlet of the end of the world, to talk…
Ecosocialism as a Human Phenomenon
August 3, 2013

~by Joel Kovel~ This was delivered as the Keynote Address at the International Ecosocialist Conference Quito, Ecuador, June 2013 (modified, July 2013) Dedicated to Chico Mendes We live in an epoch of radical crisis. From the economic side, we see intractable stagnation and vicious class polarization. And from another side, which I shall call the ecological, we find that the dominant system of production appears hell-bent on destroying the natural foundations of civilization as it thrashes about in response to…
Building an Ecosocialist Network in Quebec
July 2, 2013

Introduction: The Genesis of Quebec’s Réseau écosocialiste, By Roger Rashi. Réseau écosocialiste, a Quebec-based network of ecosocialists, was founded at a meeting in Montreal on March 9th 2013. Initiated by three recognized socialist collectives in the left-wing party Québec solidaire (QS) -Masse critique, Gauche socialiste and International Socialists- the network has now over 150 members with regional committees established in Montreal and Quebec City. While the Réseau operates as an informal tendency in QS, a majority of its members are…
Foundations of an Ecosocialist Strategy
June 11, 2013

~ by Daniel Tanuro (Translated by Richard Fidler) Contrary to the false but extremely popular Easter Island metaphor advanced by Jared Diamond,[1] the environmental deterioration we are now observing is not at all comparable to the damage that may have occurred in previous historical periods. The differences are not only quantitative (the seriousness and global scale of ecological problems) but also and above all qualitative. While all the environmental crises of the past stemmed from social tendencies to chronic under-production, hence…
The Movement of Homo Sapiens Against Homo Sapiens to Save Homo Sapiens
June 6, 2013

~ by Ivan Marovic, 2012 ~ In the year that is behind us (2011), we have witnessed an unprecedented upheaval around the world: Arab Spring in the Middle East, the rise of Indignados in Spain, and protests in Wisconsin followed by Occupy Wall Street in the United States, just to name a few. In each of these cases, people took to the streets to express their grievances and protest the current order of things. Some of these uprisings made significant…
Prospects for Eco-Socialism
May 25, 2013

~ by Saral Sarkar I. The Question In Beijing, one of the listeners of my lecture on Eco-Socialism said after hearing me that he was fully convinced, but, he asked, “When will eco-socialism come?” It was a very difficult question, a short answer to which was not possible. I only answered that I was not an astrologer. It was, however, an interesting question, though not exactly in this form. It is better to ask: what are the prospects for eco-socialism?…
The Monte Carmelo Declaration
May 5, 2013

The First International Congress of the Guardians of Seeds, October 26-29, 2012 Monte Carmelo, Sanare, Lara, Venezuela [Translated from Spanish by Quincy Saul and Salvatore Engel-DiMauro of Ecosocialist Horizons at the request and on behalf of our Bolivarian comrades. We believe that this is a historic text and a beautiful articulation of ecosocialism, which will resonate globally in the years to come, and are thus very honored to present here its first translation into English.] More than 300 people, belonging…
Prison Abolition as an Ecosocialist Struggle
March 27, 2013

~by Salvatore Engel-DiMauro. “With all our boasted reforms, our great social changes, and our far- reaching discoveries, human beings continue to be sent to the worst of hells, wherein they are outraged, degraded, and tortured, that society may be “protected” from the phantoms of its own making. Prison, a social protection? What monstrous mind ever conceived such an idea? Just as well say that health can be promoted by a widespread contagion.” (Emma Goldman 1917, 71-72) Opened in 1989, Pelican…
Ecosocialism and Spirituality
March 15, 2013

(by Frei Betto and Michael Löwy) In Memoriam: They gave their lives for the Amazonian forest and the Peoples of the Forest: Chico Mendes and Dorothy Stang. We would like to start our conference here at the World Social Forum of Belem with a homage to two personalities of high human quality, which gave their lives for the defense of the Amazonian forest, and the Peoples of the Forest: Chico Mendes e Dorothy Stang. They are the best known, the…
Religion, Spirituality and Socialism
April 8, 2012

By Joel Kovel [This essay is a revised version of a lecture at St. Mary's Church in Harlem, 2008] The United States was born in a storm of religious innovation. Each of the 13 original colonies had a distinct religious profile, generally a mix of Christian denominations and a wild degree of often-utopian experimentation. The Founding Fathers, fearful that one faction could take over and install a repressive established religion, built in the strong protection of the First Amendment against…
The Future Will Be Ecosocialist – Because Without Ecosocialism There Will Be No Future
November 27, 2011

~by Joel Kovel~ Socialism was originally seen as victory in a struggle for justice. The proletarians, concluded the Communist Manifesto, “have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. WORKING MEN[sic] OF ALL COUNTRIES UNITE!” All this remains true. Working women and men continue to suffer exploitation, in the workplace and throughout a society ruled by capitalism’s money-power. Structural unemployment, along with increasing divisions of wealth and poverty, the curse of indebtedness and the militarism of…
Five Theses on Ecosocialism
November 25, 2011

~by Joel Kovel ~ 1. Ecosocialism signifies a revolutionary response to an unprecedented crisis of world-historical proportion, though one with ancient roots. We live in times of extraordinary turbulence, marked by the intersection of two types of crisis. From one side, a persistent crisis of capital accumulation marked by declining rates of profit and a monstrous degree of financialization, adding layers of indebtedness, widespread insecurity, foreclosures and the inevitable bursting of bubbles. A fresh outbreak of class warfare has followed…
Joel Kovel at Occupy Wall Street
November 25, 2011

Part I: Joel Kovel’s Remarks on Youtube Part II: Question & Answer on Youtube Transcript I am honored to be here this evening, because you are the light of the world. I’m not saying this to flatter, but because we have to understand it deeply. Your genius has been to seize upon the emerging hopes of humanity – and give them a form of realization. Now you are on the threshold of a world-transforming process, and you must decide whether…
What is Wall Street?
November 25, 2011

~ by Quincy Saul and Joel Kovel ~ The question is both simple and complex. On every continent, in every city, even in the most remote rural villages, the power and influence of Wall Street are known and felt. But what is it exactly? Wall Street is a symbol and a system. But to fully understand what it is and what it represents, we have to learn its history… Wall Street was originally a wall, built by the first colony…
Marx and Ecology
November 25, 2011

Ecology Joel Kovel I. Introduction The triumphalism generated by the collapse of the Soviet system in the late 1980s seemed to toss the figure of Karl Marx, capital’s prime nemesis, into the proverbial dustbin of history. Having beaten back the spectre of communism, the ideologues of capital even proclaimed that not just Marxism, but history itself had come to an end. A generation later, the tables appear to be reversed. We are now compelled to recognize the distinct possibility that…
An Ecosocialist Credo
November 1, 2011

by Joel Kovel The capitalist system, ruler of the world for a half-millennium, is in profound crisis. It staggers toward oblivion, bringing both nature and society down with it. We must recognize that capitalism cannot be reformed in any meaningful sense, any more than cancer can be made to go away with diet, massage and aspirin. Indeed, capitalism is a cancer upon the earth and a monster within humanity. Its raison d’etre is the production and unlimited accumulation of value,…
Final Declaration of the World Conference of Peoples on Climate Change
April 22, 2010

Final Declaration on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, Cochabamba, Bolivia Today, our Mother Earth is wounded and the future of humanity is in danger. If global warming increases by more than 2 degrees Celsius, a situation that the “Copenhagen Accord” could lead to, there is a 50% probability that the damages caused to our Mother Earth will be completely irreversible. Between 20% and 30% of species would be in danger of disappearing. Large extensions of forest would…
The Belem Ecosocialist Declaration
January 7, 2009

by Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy Distributed at the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil, January 2009 “The world is suffering from a fever due to climate change, and the disease is the capitalist development model.” — Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, September 2007 Humanity’s Choice Humanity today faces a stark choice: ecosocialism or barbarism. We need no more proof of the barbarity of capitalism, the parasitical system that exploits humanity and nature alike. Its sole motor is the imperative…
The Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacondona
June 7, 2006

Zapatista Army of National Liberation, Mexico, June 2005. This is our simple word which seeks to touch the hearts of humble and simple people like ourselves, but people who are also, like ourselves, dignified and rebel. This is our simple word for recounting what our path has been and where we are now, in order to explain how we see the world and our country, in order to say what we are thinking of doing and how we are thinking…
An Ecosocialist Manifesto
September 8, 2001

The idea for this ecosocialist manifesto was jointly launched by Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy, at a September, 2001, workshop on ecology and socialism held at Vincennes, near Paris. We all suffer from a chronic case of Gramsci’s paradox, of living in a time whose old order is dying (and taking civilization with it) while the new one does not seem able to be born. But at least it can be announced. The deepest shadow that hangs over us is…