
My Husband Left Me At 60 To Have A Baby With A Younger Woman | HuffPost HuffPost Personal

My Husband Left Me At 60 To Have A Baby With A Younger Woman | HuffPost HuffPost Personal

My Husband Left Me At 60 To Have A Baby With A Younger Woman. Here's What It Taught Me.
"Sixty was the age of leaving the house and returning for the car keys, the age of 'have you seen my glasses?' Who left a marriage at this point?"

By Virginia DeLuca
Jan 27, 2023

The author playing in the snow in December 2022.

Falling in love again at 47 and marrying for the second time at 52 was a miracle. And a bit frightening.

But, then again, falling in love is always phenomenal and terrifying.

We took care of each other ― little inconsequential things: me, placing a water glass on his bedside table; him, refilling my coffee as I wrote in the morning.

We touched each other often, like shorthand: I’m here. I’m here.

I never doubted we’d spend our later years holding hands, having better sex than ever, kissing our way around the world, then... eventually... in the distant future... the way distant future... face dying together.

But then, at 60, my husband announced he wanted to have a child with a younger woman.

Immediately my hips widened, my breasts sagged and my wrinkles deepened. Every internalized belief and vision of what it meant to be an old, unwanted, irrelevant woman became me.

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A few years earlier, I’d started talking about death. I’m not obsessed ― I’m practical. Although I didn’t have a specific illness, I was aware that my life was limited — not in the sense that I could get hit by a bus tomorrow (really, how likely is that?) but in the awareness I had more past than future. I wanted to complete our wills, fill out medical proxy forms and learn his funeral preference — burial or cremation, sweetie? Did he want all lifesaving measures or not to be resuscitated? I needed to take care of these details. So if, God forbid, I did get hit by that bus tomorrow, I wouldn’t spend my last moments alive thinking, shit, I never got around to filling out those forms.

My husband didn’t want to talk about getting old and dying. He did not want to choose between burial or cremation. He did not want to even think about it. Although everyone who has ever lived on this earth has died, it felt like a personal affront to him. I got that. I even felt that. We were both doing this damn aging thing for the first time ― like learning a new sport ― and we both felt clumsy, scared and inadequate. I simply wished to take care of the paperwork and return to believing we would blissfully live the rest of our lives together.

There is no correct way to age. Some of us are overwhelmed with the grief of lost youth. Others try to exercise their way to eternal life. Some take risks, jumping out of airplanes or switching to jobs that once frightened them. Many fill their schedules with endless doctor’s appointments. Some are despondent with regrets.

I’d bought moisturizers, magic anti-wrinkle creams and exercise programs promising to reduce flab and fight gravity. I’d read articles suggesting clothes and hairstyles that camouflaged tell-tale signs of aging. I did brain exercises like sudoku to try to stave off forgetfulness.

My husband chose to have his first baby.

I didn’t see that coming.

Sixty was the age of leaving the house and returning for the car keys, the age of have you seen my glasses? The age of sudden, unwanted diagnoses. Who left a marriage at this point?

Turns out a lot of people.

The divorce rate for people in the U.S. 50 and older is almost double what it was in the 1990s. There is even a name for this group: silver splitters.


When I was younger, I’d agonized about how I’d age. My fears ran the gamut: growing stupid, not knowing my children’s names, having strangers clean my body, being immobilized by bad hips or knees, or never staying awake for the end of the story.

I questioned my friends: ”What is your plan?” Age in place? Community living? ”What is the protocol?” I heard my voice rise with an edge of panic. I did not believe I’d react well when asked to give up my car keys.

But all this planning turned out to be futile. I didn’t get to choose from my fantasy menu of aging options. Remember the old Yiddish saying: Man plans and God laughs? God was laughing, and I was suddenly trying to figure out what the rest of my life looked like without my husband.

This new phase of life required a different mindset. Now that everything had blown up and I was on a new path ― whether I wanted to be or not ― I wondered, what if I treated aging as an adventure, like traveling to a new land? Who knew which way I’d go or what I’d discover? Imagine how glittery I’d be if I filled in my cracks like the Japanese tradition of kintsugi, patching broken pottery with gold and silver. Imagine if instead of averting my eyes, I looked at my future ― however different it was now going to be ― with awe.

And with this altered perception, whole worlds opened up.

When my youngest son, from my first marriage, got engaged, he asked, “So, Mom, do you still believe in love and marriage?”

I wanted to take my time here ― he’d witnessed both my divorces. Each person we love takes a little piece of us, and then they can be careless, forget to look both ways, drink too much, climb mountain cliffs or are otherwise negligent.

People die. They fall out of love. They leave.

We grieve.

The only way to avoid this pain is to avoid love. But that is too hard a way to live.

“Yes,” I said. “I do.” I paused and said, “But love alone isn’t enough ― you need to be fearless.”

The author and almost all of her grandkids in June 2021.

Because a funny thing happened while I was grieving my husband’s departure. I discovered I really liked living alone. I found my way back to myself. Of course, it was difficult to describe being alone and happy without sounding like I was trying to convince myself that low-fat yogurt tastes as delicious as ice cream. But there could be a gratifying ending with being in alliance with myself, my desires and the people I cherish.

People around me are beginning to ask, “Are you seeing anyone?” I understood their motivation. It was some version of getting back on the horse.

A happy ending for this saga of lost love could involve me meeting another love. It wasn’t a terrible notion. I am a sucker for love. I am still the woman who watches romantic comedies. I am still a believer.

Friends and family members would relax if I fell in love again. They would stop imagining long, bleak, lonely evenings for me. Probably the only people who wouldn’t care if I am in a relationship or not are my grandchildren. I love them for it.

My ex-husband and I have chosen very different paths to age.

Maybe I couldn’t jump as high. Conversations from last week sometimes drew blanks. But I valued sitting and listening to a meandering story of my granddaughter’s nightmare.

I sat on the floor yesterday playing with cars and dinosaurs with my 2-year-old grandson. I said, half in jest, “I’m not sure how to get up.”

“Like this, Nonna.” He demonstrated putting his two hands on the floor and his bottom in the air and pushing.

I laughed so hard I fell over.

My body didn’t work as it once did, but I was committed to not letting embarrassment or shame get in my way. I was determined to still get on the floor and play with cars. Even if it meant I must put my ass in the air to get up.

I am strengthening my skills for this new land. I am learning to ask for help and be more gracious in accepting it. I am learning to disclose what I don’t know or when I’m unsure. I attempt to admit when I’m wrong and to apologize. (Of course, I should have tried that one earlier, but better late than never.) I’ve committed to taking care of myself: resting when tired, being outside more and not creating daily to-do lists that actually require three days to complete.

I’m working on accepting that I cannot create happiness for anyone else. I can share joy and wonder, crack jokes and join in the laughter, but I cannot develop a sense of serenity in another person. Despite my many years as a therapist and a parent, I know I cannot prevent suffering. I can sit with my children, grandchildren, friends and patients. I can hold their hands and offer a shoulder to cry on, encourage and cheer them on ― I can soothe hurt and troubled feelings. I can advocate for them and help them find resources. But finding a sense of well-being is their own work to do. That is an inside job.

And, of course, that also applies to me.

I have let go of the idea that I will make a big splash and solve the world’s problems. I recycle, protest and donate, but I really have no idea how to protect endangered species or get the world to pay attention to climate change. Or end poverty. Or child abuse. Or war. Or racism. And still, I want to learn. I want to do what I can, even in my own little way.

I savor small pleasures. Daffodils. Growing beans we can eat. I pull my novel out of the drawer and dust it off. At work, I asked for a raise and got it. I focus on the birdsong in the pre-dawn light.

Despite the visible reminders of old age, strangers say hi and smile at me. I believe, Ha! They are admiring an energetic, engaged old woman.

I still carry a self-image of a graceful, pretty woman, so I’m shocked when I see a lumbering gray-haired me in a photo. I tell myself that I’ve always photographed poorly.

I choose to live with these two delusions: I photograph terribly, and strangers admire me. There are worse ones. I could choose to believe I control the world ― or should ― and always be upset when things don’t go the way I’d planned. I could choose to live with the delusion that by 70, the world owes me something and be pissed when it doesn’t come my way. I could choose to live with the delusion that aging and dying are not in my cards and be horrified at the process. I could choose to live with all sorts of delusions that would cause me to be resentful and scared.

Instead, I choose to feel graceful and love ― in whatever ways I can ― and believe that strangers on the street are wishing me well.

Virginia DeLuca lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and works as a psychotherapist. She’s the author of the novel, “As If Women Mattered” and her essays have appeared in the Iowa Review, The Writer, and others. She is the graduate of the GrubStreet Memoir Incubator program and has completed her memoir, “If You Must Go, I Wish You Triplets.”


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“김지하의 동학, 개벽사상의 이해"이다

시인은 회고록에서 “그 무렵 내 사상은 가톨릭의 서학에서 떠나 동학과 테야리즘, 그레고리 베이트슨 등에로 성큼 다가갔다”고 말하는데, 그 무렵은 원주 생활에서 해남으로 떠날 무렵이니 1980년대 초반이라고 여겨진다. 서학에서 떠나 동학으로 간 것이라기보다는, 그는 증조할아버지부터 대를 이어 동학군의 피가 흐르고 있었으니 귀향한 것이리라.
원시반본(原始返本), 무왕불복(無往不復)

동학과 개벽사상의 전개, 발전, 변화의 운동을 대략 다음의 얼개로 정리했는데, 내용을 채우는 일이 더 큰 과제다.

⑴조상들(증조할아버지 김영배, 조부와 조모)의 동학 - 『흰 그늘의 길. 회고록 1』
⑵동학기행 : 『사상기행 1, 2』
⑶수운동학 : “은적암 기행_수운 최제우와 남북접의 관계”, “인간의 사회적 성화_수운사상 묵상”, “시장의 성화”
⑷해월동학 : “일하는 한울님”, “나는 밥이다”; <권학가>에서 밥 사상이 나옴, 향아설위, 식고
⑸김일부(1826-1898)의 정역 동학
⑹강증산(1871-1909)과 천지굿: 증산동학 “구릿골 기행_증산사상이란 무엇인가”; “남녘땅(남조선) 뱃노래_강증산의 ‘南’사상 음미” ; “수운의 복권과 천지공심(天地公心)”
⑺애린에서 수왕으로: “앵산기행”(in <남조선 뱃노래>), 『수왕사』
⑻붉은 악마와 촛불 – 김지하의 『화두』
⑼동이예술, 마고, 吏史, -“한민족의 전통사상과 그 현대적 의의와 전망”(『전집1』)
⑽묘연 화엄개벽모심; 궁궁유리화엄대개벽(『우주생명학』)

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적(敵)의 계보학: 우리에게 적은 누구이고 무엇인가

 아시아종교평화학회(한국지부) ㆍ 연세대 교양교육연구소


적(敵)의 계보학:

우리에게 적은 누구이고 무엇인가

일시: 2024년 4월 26일(금) 2시~6시

장소: (원불교) 원남교당 (서울 종로구 창경궁로22길 23)

제1부 (2시~3시 40분)

사회: 이찬수(연세대)


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라운드테이블 발표

강혁민(이화여대): 적의 정치적 이해

박현도(서강대): 폭력의 외주화 열강과 이슬람 극단주의

최영묵(제3시대그리스도교연구소): 적대의 정치와 자본의 권력

자승주(강원대): 평화의 적, 무관심

박연주(동국대): 약자의 적대화와 부종부횡(不縱不横)의 윤리

이층범(협성대): 복음주의의 가련한 적들



아시아종교평화학회·연세대 교양교육연구소

♣ 참기비 1만원 (자료짐 및 저녁식사 제공)

배경이미지: 전북고장1by 김덕일, 공유마당 CC BY

내가 나에게 적이 되었다: ‘적대의 계보학’의 종착지

에큐메니안 모바일 사이트, 내가 나에게 적이 되었다: ‘적대의 계보학’의 종착지

홈학술레페스 포럼
내가 나에게 적이 되었다: ‘적대의 계보학’의 종착지
기사승인 2024.02.14  09:35:18

- 작게+ 크게
- 적의 계보학 ①
적의 계보학
나에게 ‘적’(敵)은 누구이고, 적대성의 원천은 무엇인가. 왜 우리는 너희와 갈등하는가. 전쟁을 비롯한 모든 폭력적 사건의 근저에는 자기중심성이 있고, 갈등은 자기중심성에 도전하는 세력을 적대시하면서 생긴다. 평화를 지향하는 종교 배경 연구자들의 국제적 모임인 ‘아시아종교평화학회’에서는 나와 우리의 적은 누구이고 적대성의 원천은 무엇인지, 적대성은 어떤 양상으로 드러나는지 다각도로 성찰하며 정리하는 시간을 갖고자 한다. 자기중심성의 근간을 돌아보고, 적과의 관계를 조화로 역전시키기 위한, 종교적으로는 ‘사랑과 자비’의 윤리의 기초를 확보하기 위한 학문적 노력이다. 평화를 구축하기 위한 정치-사회적 과정의 근간이기도 하다. 오늘부터 정기적으로 ‘적의 계보와 현상’을 두루 정리한다.
일반적인 의미의 폭력, 특히 인간이 몸으로 경험하는 직접적 폭력에는 가해자-피해자 도식이 작동한다. 그런데 폭력을 먼저 행사한 자의 입장에서는 자신이 그래야 할 충분한 이유가 있다고 여기거나, 자신이 도리어 피해자라고 주장하곤 한다. 서로가 자기중심적으로 판단하고 자기를 우선 변호하는 과정에 폭력적 분위기는 계속된다. 서로 자기중심적으로 주장하면 할수록 서로를 더 적대시하게 된다. 같은 세력끼리 ‘동지’를 맺으며 투쟁을 이어간다. 토마스 홉스는 이런 현상을 ‘자연상태’, 즉 “만인의 만인에 대한 투쟁”으로 규정한 바 있다. 칼 슈미트는 ‘적’을 이질적 타자로 보고, ‘적과 동지의 구별’을 ‘정치적인’ 행위로 규정했다. 상호 적대시는 일종의 ‘정치적 행위’가 되는 셈이다.

▲ 이찬수 아시아종교평화학회 부회장
안과 밖을 기준으로 적과 동지를 나누는 ‘정치적’ 행위는 고대 유대교의 계명에서도 잘 드러난다. 가령 십계명의 여섯째는 “살인하지 말라”이다. 이때의 살인 금지는 누구에게나 적용되는 보편 윤리가 아니다. 그 계명을 지켜야 할 대상은 어디까지나 ‘내집단’이다. 다른 신을 믿는 외집단에는 이 계명이 적용되지 않는다. 외집단에 대한 살인을 정당화하고 장려하기까지 한 사례가 더 많다. 외집단은 잠재적 위협이자 제거의 대상이며, 그런 이들을 죽이는 것은 계명을 어기는 것이라기보다는 자기 집단의 생존을 위한 수단에 가깝다. 이런 계명은 안과 밖, 친구와 적, 나와 남 사이에 뚜렷한 경계선을 전제한, 내집단 중심의 ‘정치적’ 명령이라고 할 수 있다.

이전 시대는 적과 동지의 구별에 기반한 ‘정치적’ 행위가 지배적이었다. 적과 투쟁하면서 나에게 침투해 들어오는 이질적 세력에 대한 방어력을 키워가는 시대였다. 이 시대 폭력의 양상은 적과의 관계 정도에 따라 몇 단계로 나뉜다. 장 보드리야르가 규정한 ‘적(敵)의 계보학’이 이 단계를 잘 보여주고 있다.

‘적의 계보학’의 첫 단계는 적이 늑대의 모습으로 등장하는 단계이다. 늑대는 노골적으로 공격해오는 외부의 적의 비유로서, 사람들은 적을 막기 위해 성벽을 쌓고 바리케이트를 친다. 둘째는 적의 몸집이 쥐처럼 작아지는 단계이다. 쥐는 지하에서 활동하기에 벽이나 철책으로는 당해내지 못한다. 새로운 위생 장비를 갖춰 쥐가 퍼뜨리는 위험을 예방하려 한다. 셋째는 적이 바퀴벌레 같은 벌레의 형태로 나타나는 단계이다. 벌레는 삼차원의 틈새에서 공격해온다. 이 역시 각종 방역 장비로 막아야 할 대상이다. 넷째는 적이 미세한 ‘바이러스’ 형태로 출현하는 단계이다. 바이러스와 같은 기생충은 몸 밖이 아닌 몸 안을 공격하며, 시스템의 심장부 안으로 들어온다. 안에 있기에 알아차리기 힘들다. 그러면서 미세한 적은 마치 유령처럼 경계를 넘어 전 지구로 확산되고, 혈관을 타고 퍼지듯 도처에 스며든다. 이 적은 시스템 안에 둥지를 틀었다가 어느 순간 활성화되면서 적대적 활동을 개시한다. 이들은 ‘내부 속의 외부’를 형성하며 내부 시스템을 공격한다. 이 공격은 시스템 외부에서 막아내기 힘들다. 그것이 바이러스 같은 적의 특징이다.

이 계보학에 의하면, 적의 크기는 계속 작아져 왔지만, 위험은 더 커져 왔다. 늑대에서 쥐로, 쥐에서 바퀴벌레로, 다시 바이러스로...  바이러스라는 적은 내 몸을 숙주 삼아 나의 일부처럼 행동한다. 이 폭력은 미세하고 은밀해서 적대의 지점, 폭력의 출처를 특정하기 힘들다. 그러면서도 ‘늑대의 폭력’이 그렇듯이, 자·타가 구별되고 적대적 긴장 관계를 형성하는 구도는 비슷하다.

문제는 이런 ‘적의 계보학’을 새로 써야 할 상황에 처했다는 것이다. 오늘 우리는 새로운 단계를 경험하고 있다. 적이 바이러스보다 더 작아지다가 급기야 나와 일체가 되어버린 것이다. 적이 나의 DNA가 된, 즉 내가 나에게 적이 된 것이다. 내가 나의 경쟁 상대이자 극복의 대상이 되어버린 것이다.

더 큰 문제는 내가 나에게 폭력의 원인이라는 사실을 잘 인지하지 못한다는 데 있다. 한편에서는 늑대의 폭력에서 바이러스의 폭력까지 중첩되어 있으면서, 다른 한편에서는 폭력의 피해자는 있는데 가해자는 실종된 단계를 동시에 경험하고 있는 것이다.

▲ 끊임없이 적을 재생산해야 유지되는 폭력의 시대에 살고 있다. ⓒGetty Images
슬라보예 지젝이 ‘체계적 폭력’이라는 표현을 쓴 바 있다. 기존의 폭력이 나와 너 사이의 관계 혹은 사회가 비정상적이어서 발생하는 폭력이라면, 체계적 폭력은 체계가 ‘정상적’으로 작동하는 데서 벌어지는 폭력이다. 지그문트 바우만이 ‘홀로코스트’는 합리성이 결여되어서가 아니라, 합리적인 현대사회와 문명의 정점에서 벌어졌다고 말한 것도 이 폭력의 특징과 궤를 같이 한다. 그는 말한다: “홀로코스트는 우리의 합리적인 현대사회에서, 우리 문명이 고도로 발전한 단계에서, 그리고 인류의 문화적 성취가 최고조에 달했을 때 태동해 실행되었으며, 바로 이 때문에 홀로코스트는 그러한 사회와 문명과 문화의 문제이다.” 홀로코스트라는 전무후무한 폭력은 ‘체계적이고 합리적인’ 현대사회의 작품이다. 사회의 체계가 합리적으로 작동하는 과정이자 결과인 것이다.

‘체계적 폭력’이라는 모순적 현상은 어디에서 온 것일까. 크게 보면 그것은 인류가 스스로 자기 무덤을 파온 결과이다. 자연법칙에서 기술을 발견하고, 그 기술로 자연법칙을 통제하면서 문명을 일으키고, 찬란한 문명이 요구하는 대로 문명의 법칙에 맞추어 살아온 결과이다. 자본의 축적을 찬양하고 이익을 앞세우는 정책에 환호하고 종교마저 더 많이 노동하고 생산하고 소비하는 과정을 신의 이름으로 축복해온 결과이다. 그 자본주의적, 성과 지향적 삶을 적극적으로 지향하며, 그 구조 속에 자신도 모르게 종속되어온 탓이다. 문명의 체계에 맞추어 스스로를 종속시킨 탓에 문명의 힘은 더 장대해지고, 그에 반비례해 문명을 일으켰다는 주체는 사실상 실종되었다. 인간을 극도의 피로와 자기소외로 몰아가는 힘은 한편에서는 거대한 문명 자체이기도 하고, 다른 한편에서는 새로운 성과를 낳으려 자발적으로 투신했던 자기 자신이기도 하다. 그런 탓에 폭력은 더 교묘하게 구조화되었지만, 그럴수록 그 원인은 특정하기도 힘들고 따라서 제거하기도 어려워졌다.

사회의 요구와 흐름을 자연스럽게 수용하다 보니 자연스러움의 이름으로 폭력이 발생한다. 그 폭력은 끝없이 성과를 산출하라고 스스로를 닦달하는 데서 오는 피로함, 자기 소외 결국은 자기 파멸이다. 가해자와 피해자가 따로 없다. 정확히 말하면, 폭력의 피해자는 있는데 가해자는 사라져버린 상태이다. “할 수 있다”, “해야 한다”를 주문처럼 외우며, 어제의 나를 넘어서 내일의 더 낳은 나를 꿈꾸며, 끝없이 자신을 닦달해온 불가피한 결과이다. 자기를 이기는 것을 최고의 승리로 여기면서, 자기가 자기를 적으로 만들어버린다. 어제의 나를 넘어서기 위해 자신과 끝없이 경쟁한다. 그렇게 의식하지도 못한 사이에 자기 파멸이라는 단계에 이르고 만 것이다. 그렇게 폭력은 구조화하고 적이 나의 모습으로 내면화되어버렸다.

‘적의 계보학’의 마지막 단계라고나 해야 할까. 이와 관련한 문제를 천착해온 한병철은 최근 『오늘날 혁명은 왜 불가능한가』라는 책을 냈다. 여기서 그는 혁명의 불가능성에 대해 말한다. 정말 오늘날 혁명은 불가능한 것일까. 내가 나를 넘어서는 데서 내가 나를 사랑하는 길을 발견하는, 역설적인 의미의 ‘원수 사랑’은 불가능한 것일까. 이 연재에서 하나씩 생각해봐야 할 물음들이다.

이찬수(아시아종교평화학회 부회장, 종교평화학) webmaster@ecumenian.com

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How to Reconnect With Your Higher Self: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Reconnect With Your Higher Self: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
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Have you ever felt you are so much more than your outer activity and current life seems to indicate? Have you ever had the sense that inside of you somewhere is this great being of Light and power? That you had a deeper purpose? If so, then you already have an awareness of the wonderful being of Light that you truly are - your Real/Higher Self! By reconnecting with your Higher/True Self, you will experience more joy, happiness, peace and abundance!

  1.  Before you can delve into such a sacred undertaking as connecting with your higher self, you must connect with your lower self. We all share the same lower self, and that is Mother Earth. You cannot reach Her via meditation but rather by being joyous, playful and truly becoming a kid again. You will know when you have made the connection because you will never feel safer or more exuberant than when that time comes. If this first step isn't completed, the journey to connecting with the higher self becomes virtually impossible.
  2. Forgive yourself and others. Do not hold on to the past. Realize that you don't have to "forgive and forget". You can still acknowledge that you or someone else did something "wrong" while at the same time forgiving. Non-forgiveness binds you energetically to the other person and your lower self/ego.[1]
  3.  Write down every time you engage in bad habits and negative energy (such as anger, doubt, fear, worry, discouragement, resentment, etc.) At the end of the evaluation, list what you consider to be your worst habits and momentum. Then resolve to go after them one by one and overcome them! Awareness begins the undoing - intention, determination and focus continues the dissolving of bad habits and negative momentum.
  4.  We all pick up limiting, false beliefs along the way which keep us from being all we can be. Those beliefs can even cause pain and suffering. Resolve to really look at the things you believe in and WHY you have the belief. Realize that no one is forcing you to believe anything and that beliefs are NOT a part of who you really are! Determine to keep an open mind and know that limiting beliefs are keeping you from fully connecting with your True Self. Clearly see that false beliefs are restricting you from experiencing all the goodness of life, as well as contributing to suffering and a sense of struggle in life. Determine to let them go!
  5.  Developing and maintaining positive momentum is essential on the spiritual path and will help you reconnect more fully with your Higher Self. Each day focus on one positive momentum you would like to work on and commit to integrating it throughout the day. For example: keeping your harmony, being more joyful, helping others, etc.[2]
  6.  As you go through your day, regularly express your gratefulness for everything you can think of - the wonderful day, the beautiful flowers, the sunshine, your spouse, the smile on your child's face, your family's health, and on and on. Let gratitude fill your heart and you'll be surprised to see what a difference this will make! Gratefulness opens the doorway to your True Self.[3]
  7.  Harmony is one of the major keys - if not THE major key - on the path to raising your consciousness and reuniting with your Higher Self. Harmony is an internal quality springing from the heart and not just an external expression. Harmony involves mastering your emotions and not letting them control you. State your clear intention to be centered in Harmony and to be harmonious in every situation you meet. Keep centered in the heart as much as possible and focus on peace and harmony.
  8.  Reacting negatively to situations destroys harmony. Realize that in every situation you can choose to react in a positive way or a negative way - that's up to you. There is always a split second before you react to something where you DO have a choice. Even if you react in a negative way initially, you have the choice to continue to react and revolve the situation, or to let it go! Diffuse a negative reaction by centering in your heart and breathing deeply. This will help connect you with your Higher Self.
  9.  Neutral is a powerful state of emotional balance and inner quiet and peace. It is a place of equilibrium where you are more able to access the wisdom of your Higher Self. Learning to stay neutral is a key to becoming non-reactive to situations. Being neutral is not a state of not feeling anything, but rather a state where you are in balance with your emotional responses to what is happening - neither reacting negatively or becoming overly excited.
  10. Live in the moment. Much of suffering comes from not living in the now. Our minds are unbelievably powerful when focused, but most of that power is lost by not living in the moment. The Present is where your power is! Most importantly, you can only connect with your Higher Self when you are in the present. Learn to let go of the past, projecting into the future, worrying and anything else that takes you away from the present moment. Peace is in the now![4]
  11.  One of the most important things we can do to reconnect with our Higher Self is to surrender - let go of that which causes us pain, suffering, unhappiness, and limitation. As long as we are primarily operating from our lower self/ego, we are unfortunately tying ourselves to those very things. When negative emotions arise, the key is to immediately surrender them to God/the Universal. If you find yourself reluctant to surrender something or find you are still revolving the same thing over and over along with the negative emotions, you need to ask yourself why - what is the payoff? What is the "juice" the lower self is feeding on? ("poor me", "look how I was wronged", etc.) Realize that whatever the ego is holding on to, it will continue to cause you grief and suffering until you are willing to surrender it completely! Remember - you have a choice - to continue to hold on to negative emotions and suffering - or to surrender them and as a result, find more happiness and peace in your life.
  12.  Realize that we cannot control everything and the events in our life through the human self. Sometimes it is necessary to "let go and let God". Letting go involves surrendering yourself (and your ego!) to a higher force, and the ego does not like that at all. As you connect more and more to your Higher Self, surrendering and letting go becomes less difficult. Letting go also means surrendering fears, worries and insecurities and trusting God/the Universal that everything will work out.[5]
  13. Meditate. Meditation is essential on the spiritual path. If you are to connect with your Higher Self, you must be able to still the mind through meditation. Through that inner quietness, you can then learn to listen to the "still, small voice within" of your True Self. Meditation is a key which can open the door to higher perception, unlocking the perfect wisdom in your very own heart! Through quieting the mind and focusing your attention, you will allow your own innate inner wisdom to flow into your awareness.[6]

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I talk to my higher self?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    The best way to get in touch with your higher self involves one rule: always ask yourself first. Ask, ask, ask, and then be aware and open to the answers. The more you get used to looking for answers or healing from yourself, the better you'll be able to communicate. Your higher self is always going to stay with you—we're often just too busy to hear it.
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  • Overcoming Resistance: Resistance is a common occurrence to change and as you embark on the path to reuniting with your Higher Self, there will of course be changes that need to occur. Even if we are really interested in making changes in our lives, there is a natural tendency in human nature to resist change - at least initially. So be aware (but do not get discouraged!), that you will encounter various resistances to your application - both external and internal. Clear intention and determination will help you overcome resistance.
  • Fighting the Ego Trap: Many spiritual seekers falsely believe the ego is "bad" and that we need to fight it. That is a trap. The thing is to see the ego as merely a temporary attachment and NOT your Real Self. Until we are more firmly connected to our Higher Self, most people identify "me" as their ego, so if they end up fighting it, it feels like they are fighting themselves! The key is to surrender the attachment to the ego and cultivate reconnecting more fully with the Higher Self. In that way, there is no need to fight it and the ego will eventually relinquish control and the lower self will dissolve into the Higher Self.
  • Application is Everything: Many spiritual seekers, including those wanting to know and more fully connect with their Higher Self, are initially motivated because they are unhappy with their lives and the circumstances they find themselves in. First and foremost - if you want your life to change, YOU must change! You MUST have an intense desire and determination to APPLY the needed steps and follow through with that application on a daily basis!
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About This Article

Jennifer McVey, Cht
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Director
This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 99,966 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 99,966
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Reader Success Stories

  • Joseph Kati 

    Joseph Kati

    Jun 17, 2016

    "For the last 40 years, I have been searching for the truth I haven't had of higher self. I now realize and