

Upcoming Courses Please let all your friends (not just Quakers) know about these upcoming courses. 

  • Toward a Good Relationship with Earth (Rowe Morrow, 20-23 Sept) 
  • Quakers and Concerns (Sue Ennis & Catherine Heywood, 4-7 Oct) 
  • Art, Nature, & Spirit (Brenda Roy & others, 19-25 Oct) 
  • Indigenous Spirituality (David Carline & others, 2-4 Nov) 
  • Year-End Retreat (David & Trish Johnson, 28 Dec - 3 Jan) 

More details on the Silver Wattle website


 Why indeed? Well, let me try to answer your question. FIR stands for Friend in Residence. When you come to us as a FIR, you are invited to join in, what we call, our Rhythm of the Day. It is based on the ancient monastic traditions of both East and West. They, in turn, are linked to the rhythms of the Cosmos. This is perhaps our best kept secret. The Rhythm of the Day is a structured balanced lifestyle designed to nurture the Contemplative in you. And we regard this as the most important gift we can offer you during your stay with us. 

Why? Because when we act out of a contemplative perspective, we are more likely to respond to the promptings of the Spirit. This is called being a ‘contemplative in action’. For most of us, it doesn’t come naturally. It is the work of a lifetime. After all, it is God’s kingdom on Earth we are called to build, not our ego’s. How then does this Rhythm of the Day work? It consists of three elements. 

Firstly, there is the experience of living in community. This concerns our relationships with one another. It might appeal particularly to those who live alone, in an isolated location or in an impersonal suburb that fosters our need for companionship. 

Then there is our prayer life which nurtures our relationship with the Divine. It reminds us that we have been created and sustained by a loving Creator. 

Finally, there is the service you provide that helps to maintain Silver Wattle as a viable and vibrant Retreat Centre, available to both Quakers and others, who choose to avail of its opportunities and resources.