
장의 건강을 좌우하는 「선옥균」과 「악옥균」 | 기사 | 장활 내비게이션

장의 건강을 좌우하는 「선옥균」과 「악옥균」 | 기사 | 장활 내비게이션

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다이어트 ( 2 )프로바이오틱스 ( 7 )메타보 ( 1 )여성 특유의 고민 ( 2 )아기 ( 10 )여성 호르몬 ( 1 )장내 박테리아 ( 6 )단쇄 지방산 ( 3 )부티르산 박테리아 ( 2 )소장 ( 1 )면역( 5 )연구 ( 4 )셀프 체크 ( 4 )대장 ( 2 )마사지 ( 2 )편도체 ( 1 )에이징 케어 ( 7 )자율 신경 ( 3 )변비 ( 18 )エクオール (1)冷え (1)善玉菌 (1)毛髪 (1)ビタ腸活 (5)肛門 (2)ぽっこりお腹 (1)マグネシウム (1)ガス (2)夏 (1)添加物 (1)腸内フローラ (10)腸活 (1)腸年齢 (2)冷え性 (1)レジスタントスターチ (1)溝口充志先生 (4)モコメシ (3)肌あれ (3)うんち (5)整腸剤 (2)年齢と腸内細菌シリーズ (6)過敏性腸症候群 (2)食物繊維 (11)ビフィズス菌 (9)ニキビ (1)トイレ (4)シンバイオティクス (4)おなら (4)子ども (4)女性と腸内細菌シリーズ (4)乳酸菌 (13)メンタルケア (1)リーキーガット (1)軟便 (1)ビタミン (1)温活 (1)妊娠 (1)オリゴ糖 (2)プレバイオティクス (8)病気 (7)알레르기 ( 5 )스트레스 ( 5 )설사 ( 5 )

장의 건강을 좌우한다 「선옥균」과 「악옥균」
장을 알다
유산균 비피더스균 부티르산균 장내 플로라


이상적인 장내 환경은 악옥균보다 선옥균을 우세하게 유지하는 것이 중요하다.
한입에 선옥균이라고 해도, 많은 종류가 있어, 각각이 다른 일을 하고, 균끼리 서로 서로 돕면서 건강한 몸을 만들고 있습니다.
몸에 좋은 일을 하는 「선옥균」

선옥균은 장을 양호한 상태로 유지하고 악옥균의 증식을 억제합니다.
음식의 소화 흡수를 돕거나 몸의 면역력을 높이고 건강 유지의 역할을 담당하고 있습니다.
대표적인 균에는 유산균이나 비피더스균이 있습니다.

주로 ▩장 에 뿌려 줍니다. 장내에서 「젖산」을 만들고 , 장내 환경을 산성으로 해, 악옥균의 증식과 부패를 억제합니다. 장의 기능을 지원하여 배변을 촉진합니다.


유산균 중에서도 특히 젖산을 많이 만드는 능력이 뛰어나 유해 물질을 만드는 악옥균의 증식을 억제합니다.

페카리스 박테리아

장내에서 신속하게 증식하여 장내 플로라를 정돈합니다.
다른 균에 비해 특히 증식 속도가 우수합니다.
또한 비피더스균이나 아시드필루스균 등 다른 선옥균의 증식을 지원합니다.

주로 대장에 뿌려 줍니다. 장내에서 「젖산」에 가세해 「아세트산」도 만들어 내고 , 악옥균의 증식을 억제합니다.


수많은 비피더스균 중에서도 정착성이 뛰어난 균종으로, 비피더스균의 대표.
일부 비피담균에서는 콜레스트롤 수치의 저하작용과 꽃가루 알레르기와 같은 알레르기에 좋은 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고되었습니다.


영유아부터 고령자까지, 폭넓은 층의 장내에서 발견하기 쉬운 균. 가족간에 전파한다고도 합니다. 정장 작용 외에도 면역력 향상과 감염 방어 등 건강 유지를 돕는 균으로 기대되고 있습니다.

기타 선옥균

부티르산을 만드는 「부티르산균」, 영양의 분해·흡수를 돕는 「당화균」등.


주로 대장에 붙어 있습니다. 장내에서 「부티르산」이나 「아세트산」을 만들어 내고, 선옥균이 쉬기 쉬운 환경을 만듭니다.


주로 소장에 붙어 있습니다. 유산균의 증식을 돕습니다.

몸에 나쁜 일을 하는 「악옥균」

악옥균은 장내에서 유해물질을 만들고, 장내 부패를 진행시키거나 염증을 일으키거나 발암성 물질을 만들어내거나 합니다. 대표적인 곰팡이에는 웰시균이 있습니다.


주로 사람이나 동물 장내 등 자연계에 폭넓게 서식합니다. 증식하면 식중독을 일으켜 장내 환경을 악화시켜 설사와 복통의 원인으로도. 노화나 장내 부패, 발암성 물질과 관계가 있다고 합니다.

장내에는 나쁜 곰팡이가 필요합니까?

장내에서는 선옥균과 악옥균은 항상 밧줄 싸움을 하면서 공존하고 있습니다. 악옥균은 장내에서 유해물질을 만들어내는 "악자" 취급을 받기 쉽지만 중요한 것은 그 균형과 다양성이므로 악옥균도 필요한 존재 입니다 .

善玉菌과悪玉 菌 - Google 검색

善玉菌과悪玉 菌 - Google 검색

Flora, microbiota, microbiome: false friends and true synonyms | Content for the lay public | Microbiota institute

Flora, microbiota, microbiome: false friends and true synonyms | Content for the lay public | Microbiota institute

Flora, microbiota, microbiome: false friends and true synonyms

Language is like fashion. What was popular twenty years ago isn’t popular now, but it might make a comeback down the line. Once frequently used, the term flora, implying the gut flora, has gradually given way to microbiota in the plural sense, since microbiota exist not only in the gut but also in the nose, mouth, vagina, skin, etc. At the same time, microbiota shouldn’t be confused with microbiome. See below for further detail on a debate not limited to semantics.

About this article

As soon as we look into the minuscule world that resides in our body, certain words tend to pop up. Such words are not always clearly defined or appropriately used. Some definitions are therefore necessary.

From the ancestral term “flora”...

The term “flora” has certainly been around the longest. It once generally referred to the digestive system (the “gut flora”) and denoted the “collection of microorganisms that normally resides in the intestine”. 

At that time, it was thought that the gut flora contained mainly bacteria1. So when the term “flora” was used, it generally referred to the bacterial population living in the gut.

... to the contemporary term “microbiota”

As science progressed, 

this view of the flora proved to be far too simplistic. 
Viruses, fungi (including yeasts), and parasites also make it their home2.

On the other hand, the gut is far from being the only part of the body that hosts such microbial communities. 

For example :
urinary tract

(and no, urine isn’t sterile!) all have their own flora.…3

Little by little, another term, “microbiota”, has come into use. 

This term unambiguously refers to all communities of microorganisms (and not only bacteria). “Microbiota” is always accompanied by an adjective that specifies its location (skin microbiota, oral microbiota, etc.), since each microbiota has its own characteristic set of microorganisms.

And what about “microbiome”?

Sometimes the difference hangs on thread, or rather a couple of letters. Indeed, just two letters separate “microbiota” from “microbiome”. And yet these two terms are false friends. 

The first denotes the population of bacteria, viruses, etc., residing in a specific area of our body 

but the second refers to something completely different: the genetic material of this community taken as a whole, in other words everything that the microorganisms residing there know how to do (produce specific molecules, make specific types of membrane). 

Imagine putting all the microorganisms that make up a microbiota into a blender, thereby erasing their individual identity, and only being left with the genetic material of the resulting microbial soup. In a village, the “microbiote” would be the list of inhabitants and the “microbiome” the list of what these inhabitants collectively know how to do (make bread, build a house, etc.).

But be careful!

In English, the terms “microbiota” and “microbiome” are often used without distinction and some articles translated from English into other languages confuse the two terms. At least now you know how to tell the difference.

Flora (microbiology) - Wikipedia

Flora (microbiology) - Wikipedia

Flora (microbiology)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photomicrograph of the microflora Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, 900x mag.

In microbiology, collective bacteria and other microorganisms in a host are historically known as flora

Although microflora is commonly used, the term microbiota is becoming more common as microflora is a misnomer

Flora pertains to the Kingdom Plantae

Microbiota includes ArchaeaBacteriaFungi and Protists. Microbiota with animal-like characteristics can be classified as microfauna.


The terms "Flora" and "Fauna" were first used by Carl Linnaeus from Sweden in the title of his 1745[1] work Flora Suecica and Fauna Suecica. At that time, biology was focused on macroorganisms. Later, with the advent of microscopy, the new discovered ubiquitous microorganisms were fit in this system. 

Then, Fauna included moving organisms (animals and protist as "micro-fauna") and Flora the organisms with apparent no movement (plants/fungi; and bacteria as "microflora"). 

The terms "microfauna" and "microflora" are common in old books, but recently they have been replaced by the more adequate term "microbiota".[2] Microbiota includes ArchaeaBacteriaFungi and Protists.

Microflora classification[edit]

Microflora are grouped into two categories based on the origin of the microorganism.[3]

  • Autochthonous flora. - Bacteria and microorganisms native to the host environment
  • Allochthonous flora. - Temporary microorganisms non-native to the host environment


Microflora is a term that refers to a community of bacteria that exist on or inside the body, and possess a unique ecological relationship with the host.[4] This relationship encompasses a wide variety of microorganisms and the interactions between microbes. These interactions are often a mutualistic relationships between the host and autochthonous flora. Microflora responsible for harmful diseases are often allochthonous flora.

The modern term is "Microbiome" and include microorganisms that have different roles in ecosystems or hosts, including free-living organisms, or organisms associated to hosts, such animals (including humans) or plants. [5]


In 2008, the National Institutes of Health started the Human Microbiome Project designed to help understand the health implications of human bacterial flora.[6] Biologists believe that bacterial flora may play some role in disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Additionally, the study of flora can have industrial benefits such as dietary supplements like probiotics. The living microorganisms in probiotics are believed to have positive effects on health, and have been utilized in studies regarding gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.

In 2014, the Earth Microbiome project proposed a broad initiative to identify the diversity and importance of the microbiota in different ecosystems across the planet, including free-living microbiota (in water and terrestrial systems) and host associated-microbiota (associated with plants and animals).[7]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Wikisource:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Linnaeus
  2. ^ Berge, Gabriela (2020), "Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges"Microbiome, BMC
  3. ^ Hao, Wei-Long; Lee, Yuan-Kun (2004), "Microflora of the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review", Public Health Microbiology, Humana Press, vol. 268, pp. 491–502, doi:10.1385/1-59259-766-1:491ISBN 1-59259-766-1PMID 15156063
  4. ^ Natividad, Toribio; Dial, Julie; Morris, Randal; Nash, Michael; Brunson, Matt; Buford, William; Patterson, Rita; Garges, Kim (2015-03-31). "Abdominal Muscle Activity During Exercise Ball, Machine, and Floor Strengthening Exercises"Texas Orthopaedic Journal1 (1): 3–13. doi:10.18600/toj.010101ISSN 2380-2987.
  5. ^ Gilbertet, Jack A (2014), "The Earth Microbiome project: successes and aspirations"BMC Biology, BMC
  6. ^ "NIH Human Microbiome Project". US National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, US Government. 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  7. ^ Gilbertet, Jack A (2014), "The Earth Microbiome project: successes and aspirations"BMC Biology, BMC
  8. ===
Flora와 microbiota의 차이가 뭔가 찾아보았습니다.
Flora는 옛날 말이고 틀린 말이라서 microbiota라고 고처 쓴다고 합니다. 
둘은 조금 다른 것이라고 합니다.

Flora (microbiology)

Although microflora is commonly used, the term microbiota is becoming more common as microflora is a misnomer. 
Flora pertains to the Kingdom Plantae. 
Microbiota includes Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists. Microbiota with animal-like characteristics can be classified as microfauna.
The terms "microfauna" and "microflora" are common in old books, but recently they have been replaced by the more adequate term "microbiota".[2] Microbiota includes Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists.
microflora가 일반적으로 사용되지만, microflora는 잘못된 명칭이기 때문에 microbiota라는 용어가 점점 보편화되고 있습니다. Flora는 왕국 Plantae에 속합니다. Microbiota에는 Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi 및 Protists가 포함됩니다. 동물과 유사한 특징을 가진 미생물군은 미세동물군으로 분류할 수 있습니다. 
"microfauna" 및 "microflora"라는 용어는 오래된 책에서 흔히 볼 수 있지만 최근에는 "microbiota"라는 보다 적절한 용어로 대체되었습니다.[2] Microbiota에는 Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi 및 Protists가 포함됩니다. 

Intestine Flora - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Intestine Flora - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Intestine Flora

The intestinal microbiota can be defined as a consortium of groups of bacteria.

From: Metabolomics and Microbiomics, 2016

Related terms:

Metabolic Pathway
Short-Chain Fatty Acid
Electric Potential

Human Microbiome in Health and Disease - Part A

Gargi Bhattacharjee, ... Vijai Singh, in Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 2022


Gut microbiota is a highly dense population of different kinds of bacteria residing in the gut which co-evolves with the host. It engages in a number of metabolic and immunological activities. Gut microbiota is associated with maintenance of health, and unbalanced microbiota contributes in the development of several diseases. Alteration of beneficial gut microbiota population triggers gastrointestinal diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, colorectal cancer, and many others. Gut microbiota can be affected by multiple factors such as diet, stress, genetic variations. In this chapter, we highlight how gut microbiota plays a key role in pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disease.

Effect on the Host Metabolism

M.H. Sarafian, ... A. Hart, in The Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 2017


The gut microbiota plays multiple key roles in host metabolism. Sustained interaction between gut microbiota and host is necessary to ensure healthy body functions. Studies have shown the implications of gut microbiota in lipid and energy metabolism via production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), phenolics, and other molecules. Gut microbiota dysbiosis initiates and exacerbates pathways related to SCFAs, and can induce disease development, such as Metabolic syndrome. This chapter provides comprehensive insights into physiological mechanisms affected by the gut microbiota. The use of state-of-the-art technologies, are important to provide a better understanding of human gut microbiota. Currently, the use of metagenomics and metabonomics are powerful approaches that contribute to that effort.

Diet-microbiome interactions and the regulation of the epigenome

Iara Cassandra V. Ibay, ... Kristina Martinez-Guryn, in Nutritional Epigenomics, 2019

1 Introduction

The gut microbiota has been implicated in the development of several life-altering diseases such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and cardiovascular diseases. However, the mechanisms that link gut microbiota composition and function to disease outcome are only beginning to be discovered. One such mechanism that may drive disease development in response to altered gut microbiota is epigenetic modification. The interaction between gut microbiota and epigenetics is further influenced by dietary-induced shifts in the gut microbiota. Collectively, these factors drive epigenetic programs that influence the development of disease. The goal of this chapter is to describe (1) the general characteristics of the gut microbiota, (2) the dietary impact on the gut microbiota, (3) the microbial impact on epigenetics, and (4) mechanisms underlying diet-microbe interactions on the host epigenome and consequences for host health.

Medicinal Natural Products: A Disease-Focused Approach

Aditya Arya, ... Satyajit D. Sarker, in Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020

2.2.2 Gut microbiota

The gut microbiota of an individual contains trillions of microorganisms that participate in various physiological functions, including vitamin production, maintenance of intestinal cells, development of the immune system and neutralization of pathogensdrugs and toxins.66 The gut microbiota also has an important role in extracting energy from food and could be involved in the development of obesity.67,68 In obese mice, the gut microbiota extracts more energy from food than in lean mice.69 In humans with obesity, treatment with vancomycin for 1 week modulates the gut microbiota and reduces insulin sensitivity, compared with baseline levels.70 Transfer of the gut microbiota from lean individuals to those with obesity improves insulin sensitivity in the recipients.71 These results suggest that modulation of the gut microbiota could have beneficial effects on obesity.

The Microbiome in Health and Disease

Yukuang Guo, ... Hyunyoung Jeong, in Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 2020


Gut bacteria are predominant microorganisms in the gut microbiota and have been recognized to mediate a variety of biotransformations of xenobiotic compounds in the gut. This review is focused on one of the gut bacterial xenobiotic metabolisms, reduction. Xenobiotics undergo different types of reductive metabolisms depending on chemically distinct groups: azo (-Ndouble bondN-), nitro (-NO2), alkene (-Cdouble bondC-), ketone (-Cdouble bondO), N-oxide (-Nsingle bondO), and sulfoxide (-Sdouble bondO). In this review, we have provided select examples of drugs in six chemically distinct groups that are known or suspected to be subjected to the reduction by gut bacteria. For some drugs, responsible enzymes in specific gut bacteria have been identified and characterized, but for many drugs, only circumstantial evidence is available that indicates gut bacteria-mediated reductive metabolism. The physiological roles of even known gut bacterial enzymes have not been well defined.

MICROFLORA OF THE INTESTINE | The Natural Microflora of Humans

G.C. Yap, ... B.W. Lee, in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition), 2014


The gut microbiota undergoes changes with the aging of the host. Eubacterium and Bacteroides declined whereas RuminoccusClostridium perfringens, and Enterococci increased. There is an abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the aging human gut microbiota; however, contrasting results were reported when comparing the abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to adult gut microbiota.

When the gut microbiota of young adults, elderly, and centenarians are compared, the fecal bacteria compositions of centenarians differ significantly, with fecal composition characterized by a higher abundance of Proteobacteria and Bacilli (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Progression of gut microbiota signatures from birth to elderly. Symbols (↑) and (↓) represent the increase and decrease of bacteria abundance, respectively, as compared with the previous age groups.

Summarized from Eckburg et al. (2005)Tiihonen et al. (2010), and Yatsunenko et al. (2012).

Besides the aging process, the differences in gut microbiota observed across aging might be due to various environmental confounders, which include demographic and lifestyle characteristics at different geographic locations. To evaluate the effect of aging on gut microbiota, a longitudinal analysis should be carried out on the same cohort with all the demographic data available.

Changing Brains

Bryan Kolb, ... Robbin Gibb, in Progress in Brain Research, 2013

4.8 Intestinal flora

Gut microbiota have adapted to a symbiotic relationship with many animals. Soon after birth, the gut of mammals is populated by a variety of indigenous microbes that influence both gut and liver functions (e.g., Bjorkholm et al., 2009; Hooper and Gordon, 2001). There are many similarities in the neurochemical organization of the enteric and central nervous systems, so it is reasonable to speculate that gut microbiota might influence brain function. Indeed, epidemiological studies have shown an association between neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and schizophrenia and microbial infections early in life (e.g., Finegold et al., 2002; Mittal et al., 2008). Diaz Heijtz et al. (2011) manipulated gut bacteria in newborn mice and found that gut bacteria influence motor and anxiety-like behaviors, which were associated with changes in the production of synaptic-related proteins in cortex and striatum. This finding is important because it provides a mechanism whereby infections during development could influence brain development as well as a reason why results in different laboratories could be different depending upon dietary selection and which gut microbiota are present in the respective colonies.

The Gut Microbiota and Effects on Metabolism

S. Hussey, M. Bergman, in Pathobiology of Human Disease, 2014

Nutritional Supplements

The gut microbiota composition can also be modified by introducing specific nutritional supplements. Prebiotics are selectively fermented nutrients that promote growth of specific preexisting intestinal bacteria, and probiotics are live nonpathogenic microorganisms that supplement the existing population. Can prebiotics and probiotics change the intestinal microbiota enough to impact metabolic diseases? Early studies suggest yes. For example, when obese women ingested prebiotic dietary fructans for 3 months, population analysis revealed increased levels of Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in the gut microbiota and decreased serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels and also decreased Bacteroides intestinalisBacteroides vulgatus, and Propionibacterium and diminished fat mass levels. Oral administration of Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 improves insulin resistance and ameliorates hepatic steatosis in high-fructose-fed rats. These studies hold promise for nutritional manipulation of the gut microbiota to favor better metabolic outcomes.

Gut microbiota-derived metabolites in host physiology

Francesco Strati, Federica Facciotti, in Metabolomics Perspectives, 2022


Gut microbiota is a master regulator of host physiology. Intestinal microbes produce numerous metabolites through primary and secondary metabolic pathways, and many of which are dependent on host diet. The effects exerted by these microbial-derived metabolites represent the combined output of host-microbes interactions, which influence host energy metabolism, development and function of the immune system, maintenance of mucosal integrity, as well as intestinal microbiota community dynamics. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the methodologies used in metabolomic studies to dissect and understand host-microbiota interactions. Furthermore, we discuss the current knowledge on specific microbial-derived metabolites, notably secondary bile acidsshort chain fatty acids, and tryptophan metabolites and their role in affecting host health.

Relationship Between Gut Microbiota, Energy Metabolism, and Obesity

G.J. Bakker, M. Nieuwdorp, in The Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 2017


The gut microbiota is increasingly recognized as an important regulator of energy metabolism. Alterations in gut microbiota composition have been associated with the presence of obesity, which is accompanied by a low-grade inflammatory state and increases the risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus. Although causality still needs to be proven, there is a large body of evidence supporting a role for the gut microbiota in the development of obesity and the associated diseases. In this regard, prospective human trials targeting the gut microbiota, using, for example, probiotics or fecal transplantation, are needed. This approach may yield exciting novel diagnostic markers as well as therapeutic targets. In this chapter, we will describe several mechanisms, which may contribute to the influence of the gut microbiota on metabolism, including direct energy extraction from the diet, production of short-chain fatty acids, and bacterial translocation.