
Audiobooks by Stephen Batchelor | Audible.com.au

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Stephen Batchelor
Politics & Social Sciences | Literature & Fiction

1. Introduction to Quakers - Quaker Focus | 喜马拉雅国际版 Himalaya

1. Introduction to Quakers - Quaker Focus | 喜马拉雅国际版 Himalaya

Quaker Focus

1. Introduction to Quakers
2018 OCT 11
Three Christchurch Quakers, Di Madgin, Derry Gordon and Arthur Wells discuss with Michael Winter what brought them to Quakers
Recorded in September 2017


Namgok Lee 독서 vs 명상, 정명(正名)

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Namgok Lee

일일부독서구중생형극(一日不讀書口中生荊棘;하루라도 책을 읽지 않으면 입 안에 가시가 돋는다)는 구절은 안중근 의사의 글로 널리 알려진 말이다.
‘독서(讀書)’는 인류의 보편적인 지적 자산과 만나는 통로다. 
형극(荊棘)이 생긴다는 것은 자신의 아집이 주는 괴로움이다. 
아집이 가시처럼 입 안을 찌르는 것을 자각한다면, 
독서가 단지 지식을 넓히고 깊게 하는 것이 아니라 수행으로 되는 것이다.

요즘은 이 말이 실감날 때가 많다. 명상도 해보지만, 나에게는 독서가 더 익숙한 명상일 때가 많다. 

독서는 나와 저자와의 대화다.
때로는 시대와 시대의 대화, 이편과 저편의 대화다.

수요 논어 산책이 앞으로 두 번 남았다.

다음 주는 자로(子路)편을 다룬다.

이 편에서는 정치에 대한 문답이 많고, 특히 정명(正名)론은 당시의 구체적인 역사적 배경에서 나온 말이지만, 시대를 넘어 보편적인 정치의 과제를 논하는데 아주 좋은 테마로 생각된다.
나는 60대에 논어를 처음 읽으면서 
그 역사적 배경을 모른채 정명(正名)이라는 말을 접하는 순간
  ‘시대정신을 실현할 수 있는 종합철학을 바로 세우는 것’이라는 뜻으로 바로 다가왔다. 
내 자신이 스스로의 경험을 통해 우리 시대 정치의 혼돈에  대해서 가장 중요하게 생각하고 있던 것이 이 문장 속에서 읽힌 것이다.
나중에 천천히 전통적인 여러 해설도 보면서 그 역사적 배경 등을 알게 되었지만, 
나는 내가 읽은 방식도 크게 벗어나지 않는다고 생각한다.
이 단어를 나 자신의 테마, 이 시대의 테마로 읽은 것이다.


<자로와 공자의 대화다.

. “위나라 임금께서 선생님께 정치를 맡기신다면 무엇을 가장 먼저 하시겠습니까?”
 “반드시 명(名)을 바로 세울 것이다.”
 “현실과는 먼 말씀이 아니신지요. 어찌 명(名)을 먼저 세운다 하십니까?”
. “자로야, 너는 참 비속하구나. 군자는 자기가 알지 못하는 일에는 입을 다무는 법이다. 명이 바로 서지 않으면 말이 불순해지고, 말이 불순해지면 일이 이루어지지 않으며, 일이 이루어지지 않으면 예악이 일어나지 못하고, 예악이 일어나지 못하면 형벌이 적절하게 집행되지 못하고, 형벌이 잘 집행되지 않으면 백성들이 손발 둘 곳이 없게 된다. 

따라서 군자가 명을 바로 세우면 반드시 말이 서고, 말이 서면 반드시 행해지게 될 것이니, 
군자는 말을 세움에 있어 조금도 소홀함이 없어야 한다.”  (13-3) 
子路曰, 衛君 待子而爲政 子將奚先 子曰, 必也正名乎 子路曰, 有是哉 子之迂也 奚其正 
子曰, 野哉 由也. 君子於其所不知 蓋闕如也 名不正 則言不順 言不順 則事不成 事不成       則禮樂不興 禮樂不興 則刑罰不中 刑罰不中 則民無所措手足 故 君子名之 必可言也 言之      必可行也 君子於其言 無所苟而已矣>


* 어제는 논어산책에서 만나게 된 인연으로 익산의 문화행사인  관례식에 어른 역할로 참여했다. 처음으로 옛 전통복식을 갖추고 이런 의식을 경험했다.
조선 시대 양반 사대부 가정에서 성인식으로 치룬 것을 재현한 것이다.
단지 옛 문화를 보여주는 것이지만, 이런 저런 생각이 들었다.

우선 하나는 이것이 신분계급제와 가부장제 사회에서 소수의 상류 지배층 문화여서 그 자체로는 현대의 삶과 너무 멀다는 것이다. 그 시대의 문화의 한 단면을 고증하는 정도의 의미는 있을 것이다.
두 번째 드는 생각은  지금의 교육 환경을 생각하면서 고등학교 1학년 정도의 학생들에게 보편적으로 제시할 수 있는 그런 방식의 의식(儀式) 같은 것이 없을까 하는 생각이었다.
사실 15~6세의 나이는 인생의 사이클에서 새로운 단계로 진입하는 대단히 중요한 시기다.
이 시기를 입시나 취업 시험을 위한 교육으로 온통 보내게 하는 것이야말로 우리 교육의 최대 문제로 보인다.

비록 지금의 교육환경에서 큰 도움이 되지 않을지 모르고, 더구나 일률적으로 시행하는 것은 피해야 하겠지만, 개별 고등학교가 선택하고, 또 그 학교 안에서도 개개인이 자유의사로 선택해서 해 볼 수 있는 그런 방식의 프로그램이 없을까 하는 것을 교육계에 제안하고 싶은 생각이 들었다.

Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace - Friends Journal

Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace - Friends Journal

Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace
Reviewed by Lauren Brownlee

November 1, 2022

By Valerie Brown. Broadleaf Books, 2022. 275 pages. $26.99/hardcover; $22.99/eBook.

Buy from QuakerBooks

I’ve always loved the sentiment behind the saying “People may forget what you said or did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Two years ago, I participated in a Pendle Hill retreat with author Valerie Brown, and although I don’t remember the specific topics or activities from the retreat, I absolutely remember that it made me feel ready to take on the year ahead. I got the same feeling of empowerment from Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace. 

Valerie Brown is a Quaker Buddhist and uses the wisdom of each of those spiritual traditions to share significant wisdom in every page of this book. 
Each chapter explores one of Buddhism’s Seven Factors of Awakening and ends with a mindfulness practice and a list of Quaker-inspired queries. 
The combination is powerful and leads readers on a journey of meaningful insights and practical tools.

Hope Leans Forward provides a window into the lessons that Brown has learned through pain and grace and that she shares in her professional life as a teacher, coach, and spiritual guide. 

Over the course of the book, she describes how she went from being a lawyer-lobbyist who was obsessed with productivity and achievement 
to someone who is able to center love and community in her life. 

She also describes her path as she moved through and grew from the heartache of divorce. She shares that her work now includes encouraging people “to release the idea that we will be perfect, and to move at a human pace: the speed of trust” and to accept that “more often than not, community is about conflict and about how we together navigate it.” Her reflections about love particularly resonated with me, including that “risk is a part of love” and that “[l]ove begins with me, with choosing love, no matter what.” I appreciated that she consistently acknowledges the complexities of the wisdom she is sharing. Brown’s noting that we are all—herself included—works in progress inspires me to embrace the journey rather than seek to discover or do the “right” thing.

Brown does offer some next steps to try, wherever readers are in their journey.

Each chapter includes practical tools for cultivating hope
Some of the suggestions and models are very personal, such as Brown’s daily practice of asking herself, “‘Am I rationalizing, ignoring, sidestepping a voice that is struggling to be heard, calling me to be more generous, more loving, braver?’” Others include more common mindfulness exercises, such as a noticing practice, a pausing practice, and body practice. 
The queries she shares at the end of each chapter are excellent for individual and collective reflection, and even include a description of clearness committees. I was thrilled to see that the queries at the end of one chapter come from my local monthly meeting. The mindfulness practices and queries will help readers to apply and sustain the lessons from the book.

At its core Hope Leans Forward is indeed a meditation on hope: its significance and how to cultivate it. Brown describes hope as “the resolve to live with a generous heart, to dedicate and rededicate myself, to awaken my soul’s voice at this sacred time of global disruption.” 
She describes joy, belonging, and courage as the ingredients for a life filled with hope. 

She makes clear that hope carries with it the potential for disappointment and suffering, while also using the stories of her own life and the lives of those she admires to paint a clear picture of why hope is worth the leap of faith it requires. Early in the book, Brown writes that she hopes readers will “let [Hope Leans Forward] surprise, inspire, and warm your heart.” 

It set mine on fire.

Lauren Brownlee is a member of Bethesda (Md.) Meeting, where she serves on the Peace and Social Justice Committee.
Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace Kindle Edition
by Valerie Brown  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
See all formats and editions

Find spiritual insight for developing courage and meeting life's broken-open, pulled-apart times for anyone seeking hope.

Daily we are asked to move toward bravery, to stretch in the direction of goodness, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and vulnerability. Yet life's tender fragility, fear, anxiety, and our own practiced self-sabotage can derail us from growing and thriving, leaving us fractured and afraid.

Ordained Buddhist teacher and Quaker Valerie Brown invites us into the heart of compassion, insight, and courage. Filled with Quaker wisdom, mindfulness meditation practices, and portraits of real people living out simple yet life-affirming bravery, Hope Leans Forward is a guidebook for all of us who are on journeys of self-transformation, self-discovery, and spiritual discernment. 

Centering small, everyday acts of bravery with diverse stories from marginalized communities, Brown's unique perspective as a Black Buddhist Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition and her extensive leadership experience shepherd us in navigating life's essential questions to discover true aliveness and meaning. When we focus on cultivating clarity and discernment in our purpose, we begin to understand that we are truly connected to--and that we contribute to--a larger whole.

Written through a period of profound personal loss and in the urgency of the Black Lives Matter movement, Brown's spiritual insight and life- and spirit-tested wisdom offers a new source for anyone seeking hope, and seeking to alleviate suffering within ourselves and our communities.


This extraordinary book is like a great river that delivers nutrients to all those on her shores. I have sat with the wisdom that Valerie Brown has shared in this remarkable volume and been uplifted and also grounded as she opens the heart of her reader through the courage and hope that she shares. --Roshi Joan Halifax, abbot, Upaya Zen Center

Hope Leans Forward is a deeply personal and rich book that does not hide the mud from which lotuses grow, but at the same time shows the lotuses in all their splendor.... As the author shows, our hope lies not so much in the future but in the present, for there we can listen to the voice of our soul in order to live in the service of a more compassionate life. --sister true virtue, Plum Village, France

To read this book is to feel more grounded and alive; to practice the wisdom within it is to open yourself to the possibilities of your own life. --Barry Crossno, general secretary, Friends General Conference

In this moment, when our interconnectedness and mutual vulnerability are more evident than ever, Valerie Brown's Hope Leans Forward offers a path luminescent in its pragmatism, crystal in its invitation to shared responsibility, gentle in its guiding steps and full of grace for each of us. --Sarah Willie-LeBreton, provost and dean of the faculty, professor of sociology and Black studies, Swathmore

Each chapter of Hope Leans Forward by Valerie Brown is an exploration of one of seven factors of awakening of Buddhist teaching and practice--mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity--in dialogue with Quaker tradition. In particular, Brown writes as a Buddhist-Quaker grounded in her practice of Kundalini Yoga. The end result is an excellent example of how the practice of interreligious dialogue more often than not expands one's faith journey in unexpected and creative ways. --Paul Ingram, The Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies

This wonderful book invites you in with its mix of warmth and empathy skillfully blended with a sense of adventure, discovery, and fun. It is rich, yet meant to be carried lightly. Practical, but in the service of the journey toward unknowing. Filled with helpful practices and powerful insights, it will help anyone chart the course toward spiritual maturity. --Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, executive director, Spiritual Directors International

Hope Leans Forward is equal parts inspirational and practical offering an abundance of wisdom and guidance at the intersection of multiple religious and spiritual traditions. --Lynn Screen, managing director, Institute for Transformational Leadership, Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies

In Hope Leans Forward Valerie Brown intimately weaves her own story and those of others to explore in a very deep way the seven factors of awakening in Buddhism and the inquiry and reflection of Quaker spirituality to provide a reader's guidebook to explore life's deepest questions, navigate life's inevitable rocky waters and hurt places, and cultivate clarity on the way to their true self. --Bill Pullen, MSOD, MCC, academic director, Institute for Transformational Leadership, Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies

My beloved sister in the Dharma, Valerie Brown offers all of us a beautiful stream of living inspiration and wisdom born of experience. Enjoy these precious and practical life stories. If you wish to be uplifted, this is a worthy read. --Dr. Larry Ward, The Lotus Institute and Buddhist Dharma teacher, Plum Village

--This text refers to the hardcover edition.

From the Publisher

Valerie Brown is an author and leadership coach and the Chief Mindfulness Officer of Lead Smart Coaching, as well as co-director of Georgetown University's Institute for Transformational Leadership. She is a Quaker and is among the few African American ordained Buddhist teachers from Plum Village, founded by Thich Nhat Hanh. Integrating mindfulness and leadership, Brown's vision is to foster individual and societal transformation through greater authenticity, trust, understanding, and love in action. She lives in New Hope, Pennsylvania. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Broadleaf Books (8 November 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 900 KB
Tet-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screxen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported

271 in Personal Growth & Inspiration
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Valerie Brown

Valerie Brown is an author, ordained Buddhist-Quaker Dharma teacher in the lineage of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village tradition, facilitator, and executive coach specializing in leadership development and mindfulness with a focus on diversity, social equity, and inclusion. A former lawyer and lobbyist, Valerie transformed her high-pressure, twenty-year corporate career into serving leaders and nonprofits to create trustworthy, authentic, compassionate, and connected workspaces.

Her forthcoming book is Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace (Broadleaf, 2022).

An accredited leadership coach, she is the Founder and Chief Mindfulness Officer of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC, supporting leaders to apply and integrate leadership and mindfulness for greater resilience, clarity, and creativity, and is a co-director of Georgetown’s Institute for Transformational Leadership.

Valerie leads an annual pilgrimage to El Camino de Santiago, Spain to celebrate the power of sacred places and is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher, engaging leaders to embody somatic wisdom and creativity.


