
Korean philosophy - Wikipedia

Korean philosophy - Wikipedia

Korean philosophy

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Korean philosophy focuses on a totality of world view. Some aspects of ShamanismBuddhism, and Neo-Confucianism were integrated into Korean philosophy. Traditional Korean thought has been influenced by a number of religious and philosophical thought-systems over the years. As the main influences on life in Korea, often Korean ShamanismKorean TaoismKorean BuddhismKorean Confucianism and Silhak movements have shaped Korean life and thought. From 20th century, various Western philosophical thoughts have strongly influenced on Korean academia, politics, and daily life.

Three Kingdoms of KoreaNorthern and Southern States period, and Goryeo[edit]

Korean shamanism[edit]



Haeinsa is a Buddhist temple in South Gyeongsang.

Korean Buddhist thinkers refined ideas originally introduced from China into a distinct form. The Three Kingdoms of Korea introduced Buddhism to Japan, from where it was popularized in the West. Today, Korean Buddhism consists mostly of the Seon lineage, which is derivative of the Chan (Zen) Buddhism of China and precursor to Zen Buddhism known in the West through Japan.

Buddhist temples can be found in most parts of Korea and many are considered national treasures.


One of the most substantial influences in Korean intellectual history was the introduction of Confucian thought as part of the cultural exchange from China. Today the legacy of Confucianism remains a fundamental part of Korean society, shaping the moral system, the way of life, social relations between old and young, and high culture, and even survived the modernization of the legal system.



This dynasty arose out of the military dictatorships and chaos of the preceding era. Transition in this era was from Buddhism to a soldierly approach to Neo-Confucianism. Much work was done, especially on commentaries, and the Chu Hsi school represented indeed the golden age of Korean religious philosophy. Metaphysical research at this time investigated the theological relations between principle (i) and material/vital force (ki), and between as well the four beginnings (sadan), and the seven feelings (ch'ilchong); with the division of the Joseon Confucianists into two leading schools: one on "force" and one on "principles". The philosopher Hwadam ( Suh Kyungduk, 1489–1546 ) moved to integrate i and ki and spoke of Great Harmony (taehwa).

In the Four–Seven Debate with Ki Daesung, Toegye ( Yi Hwang, 1501 – 70 ), while being still dualistic, broke away from Chu Hsi by espousing the reciprocal emanation (hobal) of i and ki: with the Four, ki follows i when i becomes emanant; with the Seven, when ki becomes emanant, i ‘rides’ ki. Though he was critical of Toegye's idea that ki follows i as being dualistic, Yulgok (Yi I, 1536 – 84 ) nevertheless embraced his notion that i ‘rides’ ki: only ki is emanant and i moves its emanation; i and ki are ‘neither two things nor one thing’, as evidenced by ‘wondrous fusion’ (myohap). For Yulgok, original nature (i) and physical nature (ki) coalesce into one human nature. Toegye and Yulgok, whose thoughts culminated in an irenic fusionism, constituted the crowning phase of East Asian neo-Confucianism by exhibiting dialectical dexterity in articulating the concepts of i and ki, left unclarified by the Chinese.

Toegye also developed the neo-Confucianist concept of single-mindedness (kyung), which was a manifestation of his unequivocal humanism, as shown by his total rejection of the Mandate of Heaven (chunmyung), which still had a hold on the Chinese, including Chu Hsi. Toegye's kyung synthesized the primeval Korean sense of supreme-efforts-come-earnest-devotion (chisung) with the Confucianist notion of holding fast to mind (jik-yung); he advocated self-efforts for creating a meaningful life. In particular, his concept of single-mindedness had a lasting influence on the Japanese neo-Confucianists of the Tokugawa period.

Every major Korean neo-Confucianist shared Toegye's preoccupation with single-mindedness, which signalled new stress on praxis in the development of Korean neo-Confucianism: the fusion of the metaphysical and the physical is better brought about through action than speculation, important as theory might be. That was the point of Yulgok's integration of sincerity (sung) with single-mindedness. In this respect Korean neo-Confucianism made a break with the Cheng-Chu school of Chinese neo-Confucianism, which was overly speculative.


During the later Joseon period, Silhak, a form of Neo-Confucianism, emerged. One of the most prominent Silhak philosophers was Jeong Yakyong.



Korea in 1890–1945[edit]

Western philosophy[edit]

Those who were sent to be educated in Japan, returned with limited knowledge of Western philosophy as a whole, although the German educational influence in Japan led to the beginning of interest in German idealists in Korea through indirect knowledge, with the exception of MarxHegel, and the dialecticians.


The strong influence of low church Christianity, through missionary schools, led to practical American YMCA-style philosophy entering into Korea from the 1890s onwards. The discussion of Korean Christianity and Korean Christian philosophy is complicated with many divisions, and discussed in articles elsewhere.

North Korea[edit]

South Korea[edit]

Western philosophy[edit]

South Korea was mostly under the influence of the mixture of German idealism and Neo-confucianism from 1948 to early 1980s, when South Korea was ruled by authoritarian regime. After democratization in the late 1980s, philosophy in South Korea was divided by many Western schools. MarxismAnalytic philosophyPost-StructuralismLiberalism and Libertarianism has had great impacts on South Korean academia and society from the late 1980s onwards.

Greek philosophy and Medieval philosophy gain interests from academic philosophers and Christians. They have been studied in theological colleges and universities. As Korean Christian philosophyMinjung theology could be mentioned, but it is not a mainstream theology in South Korean Christianity.

Eastern philosophy[edit]

Mostly, Hundred Schools of ThoughtNeo-Confucianism and Taoism in East Asia and Buddhist philosophy have been studied by academic philosophers and Buddhists. General Indian philosophy and Japanese philosophy are limitedly studied. South Korean outside of academia tend to accept Eastern philosophy as a source of life lessons.

Korean shamanism and Donghak tend to be studied in the relation with Korean nationality.

List of philosophers[edit]

Buddhist philosophers[edit]

Neo-Confucian philosophers[edit]

Taoist philosophers[edit]

Joseon period[edit]

These are listed by their most commonly used pen name, followed by their birth name.

Contemporary Korean philosophers[edit]

See also[edit]


  • Choi, Min Hong, A Modern History of Korean Philosophy, Seoul: Seong Moon Sa, 1978..
  • DeBary, Theodore (ed.), The Rise of Neo-Confucianism in Korea, New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
  • Ro, Young-chan (ed.), Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy, Dordrecht: Springer, 2019.

External links[edit]


Taechang Kim 모성적 가치의 복원

 Taechang Kim  모성적 가치의 복원

Taechang Kim
10 h ·

Taechang Kim

只今勉強中. 今朝(2023.11.27.月曜日、04:30-06:30)韓国シムクァンソブ牧師主宰勉強会での
ジョンキョンスク(ジェイケイ人文主義神学研究所)所長による "'アルブレヒト-デューラーの銅版画<メランコリア>の主人公に関する解釈" という主題の特講を拝聴、いろいろ考えさせられた.
家父長制時代の時代意識と社会風土の中で女性的価値の徹底的な抑圧と女性の尊厳を蔑視抹殺して来た問題を美術史の観点から見直すという試みに深い共感を感じた. 幸いなことに、アメリカにまで来て母性的価値の復元を目指す勉強に全力投球している後期高齢者の晩学志向に示唆と刺激として迫る.

지금 공부 중.
오늘 아침(2023.11.27.월요일, 04:30-06:30) 한국 심광섭 목사 주재 공부회에서 정경숙(제이케이 인문주의 신학연구소) 소장에 의한 "'알브레흐트-듀러의 동판화 <멜랑코리아>의 주인공 에 관한 해석"이라는 주제의 특강을 듣고 여러가지 생각하게 했다. 

가부장제 시대의 시대의식과 사회풍토 속에서 여성적 가치의 철저한 억압과 여성의 존엄을 멸시 말살해 온 문제를 미술사의 관점에서 재검토하려는 시도에 깊은 공감을 느꼈다.

다행히 미국에 와서 모성적 가치의 복원을 목표로 하는 공부에 전력투구하고 있다
후기 고령자의 만학 지향에 시사와 자극으로 다가온다.

All reactions:19崔明淑, Philo Kalia and 17 others

Taechang Kim


Taechang Kim 
한국의 기독교가 종파적 타자 배제의 내폐적 사비성에서 벗어나 
이질의 타자와의 자기 개방적 대화-공동-개신에의 길을 동행한다는 공공 실천 의지와 기력을
준비했는지 물어보고 싶었습니다.