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Showing posts with label 일지. Show all posts


** 알라딘: 커넥트 - 더 큰 나와 만나는 명상의 힘 이승헌

알라딘: [전자책] 커넥트
[eBook] 커넥트 - 더 큰 나와 만나는 명상의 힘 

전자책 미리 읽기

종이책 페이지수 : 200쪽


세계적인 명상가이자 뇌교육자인 저자는 삶에서 일어나는 숱한 문제들이 자기가 누구인지 모르고, 자기 자신과의 깊은 연결이 끊어진 데 원인이 있음을 발견하고, 그 연결을 회복하는 방법으로 브레인명상을 소개한다. 
브레인명상은 우리 고유의 선도 수련뇌에 대한 과학적 이해를 더한 것으로, 몸을 건강하게 할 뿐 아니라 생각과 감정을 비워내고 활기찬 생명 에너지를 충전해 밝은 의식에 이르게 하는 명상법이다.

이 책에는 자신의 몸과 연결하고, 영혼과 연결하고, 더 높은 의식과 연결하는 브레인명상을 통해 많은 사람들이 자기 문제의 뿌리를 통찰하고 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 힘을 얻을 수 있기를 바라는 저자의 마음이 담겨 있다. 더불어 연결의 감각을 회복한 사람들이 아름다운 지구를 위한 꿈에 동참하기를 바라는 열망도 함께 담았다.


머리말 / 나는 나 자신과 연결되어 있는가?

1부 나와 연결하기

1장. 우리는 왜 불안한가?
  • 2장. 어떻게 연결할 것인가?
  • 3장. 보이지 않는 세계에 진짜가 있다
  • 4장. 성장의 길을 안내하는 몸의 지도
  • 5장. 연결을 위한 수행의 전통

2부 연결의 세계로 들어가는 세 개의 관문
  • 6장. 몸과 연결하기
  • 7장. 영혼과 연결하기
  • 8장. 신성과 연결하기
  • 9장. 뇌, 보이는 세계와 보이지 않는 세계가 만나는 곳

3부 브레인명상
  • 10장. 뇌의 주인이 되다_뇌교육 5단계
  • 11장. 힐링 포인트를 찾다_BHP명상
  • 12장. 의식의 불을 밝히다_천문명상

4부 내 안의 더 큰 나를 만나다
  • 13장. 브레인명상으로 변화를 체험한 사람들
  • 14장. 더 큰 나와 함께한 창조의 여정
  • 15장. 나와의 연결, 그 다음

맺음말 / 연결을 회복한 세상은 무엇이 다를까?

Introduction: Take Back Your Brain 
1. Why Are So Many People Today Afraid and Frustrated? 
2. Are You Connected with Yourself? 
3. Find Solutions in the Unseen World 
4. An Ancient Map for Seeking Your Soul’s Home 
5. Ancient Practices for Connecting with Yourself 
6. Connecting with Your Body 
7. Connecting with Your Soul 
8. Connecting with Your Divinity 
9. Guidelines for Pineal Gland Meditation 
10. Five Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Brain 
11. Find Your Healing Points 
12. The Way to Light Up Your Consciousness Instantly 
13. People Who’ve Found Solutions with Pineal Gland Meditation 
14. My Own Pineal Gland Story 
15. Connecting Heaven to Earth 
Epilogue: Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 



P. 5자신의 인생에 방향이 있고, 그 방향대로 인생이 나아가고 있다고 느끼나요? 인생의 운전대를 단단하게 잡고 자신이 소중하게 여기는 의미와 가치를 실현하며 살고 있다는 충만감이 있습니까? 무엇보다 자기 자신을 사랑하고 있다고 말할 수 있나요? 나는 이 질문들에 당신이 ‘그렇다’고 답할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 이 책을 썼습니다.

P. 7인류가 직면한 최대의 도전인 기후 변화, 소득 불균형, 국가간 군사적 갈등과 무역 분쟁, 종교간 대립의 뿌리에도 나와 너, 인간과 자연을 분리해서 보는 의식이 깊게 자리 잡고 있습니다. 우리 삶에 만연한 분리와 단절을 치유하고 연결을 회복하지 않는다면 서로 다르다는 이유로 갈등은 점점 커지고 지구환경은 회복이 불가능한 상태로 치닫게 될 것입니다. 연결이 끊어진 것이 문제의 원인임을 알면 해결책은 명확해집니다. 다시 연결하면 됩니다. 자기 몸과 연결하고, 참나와 연결하고, 사람들과 연결하면 됩니다. 접기

P. 8인간의 뇌는 분리와 단절을 극복하고 모든 것을 연결할 수 있는 열쇠입니다. 뇌 가운데서도 순수 의식에 이르는 통로 역할을 하는 기관이 뇌의 중심부에 있는 송과체입니다. 브레인명상의 핵심은 송과체의 기능을 살려 순수 의식을 회복하는 것입니다.

P. 9브레인명상을 통해 뇌가 깨어나면 우리의 의식이 자유로워집니다. 그리고 분리되고 단절된 것처럼 보이는 것들이 본래 연결되어 있음을 자각하게 됩니다. 통찰력이 생겨서 전에는 미처 인지하지 못했던 자신의 습관이나 사고방식, 주위 환경 등을 인지하게 됩니다. 더 넓은 시각으로 자기 자신과 사람들, 세상을 바라봄으로써 공감 능력과 이해력, 포용력이 커지게 됩니다. 분리 의식으로 세상을 바라보면서 발생했던 문제들에 대해 연결과 합일의 눈을 뜸으로써 그 해법을 찾게 됩니다. 접기

P. 25나 자신과의 연결 상태를 진단할 수 있는 질문이 하나 있습니다. ‘나는 누구인가’ 하는 존재론적 질문입니다. 동서고금의 철학이 규명하고자 한 이 화두를 자기 자신에게 던져보세요. 눈을 감고 조용히 호흡하면서 자신에게 묻습니다. ‘나는 누구인가?’ 내 안에서 어떤 답이 들려오는지 가만히 귀를 기울입니다.

저자 및 역자소개
이승헌 (지은이)

글로벌사이버대학교 총장 • 국제뇌교육종합대학원대학교 총장
한국뇌과학연구원 원장 • 국제뇌교육협회 회장

세계적인 명상가이자 뇌교육자, 평화운동가이다. 지난 40년간 사람의 몸과 마음을 두루 이롭게 하고, 나아가 지구를 건강하고 평화롭게 만드는 일에 헌신해왔다. 현대단학과 뇌호흡을 비롯한 다양한 심신수련법을 개발했고, 그 원리와 방법을 세계적으로 인정받아 전 세계인들이 더 건강하고 행복한 삶을 살 수 있도록 이끌었다. 또한 ‘뇌교육’을 창시하여 누구나 자신의 가치를 발견하고 그 가치를 실현하는 삶의 길을... 더보기

최근작 : <공생의 기술>,<오늘을 위대하게>,<나는 100세 골퍼를 꿈꾼다> … 총 130종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

삶의 숱한 문제를 해결하는 근본적인 방법은 무엇인가?
그것은 바로 자기 자신과의 깊은 ‘연결’에 있다.

세계적인 명상가이자 뇌교육자로 지난 40여 년간 다양한 심신수련법을 개발하여 전 세계인들이 더 건강하고 행복한 삶을 살 수 있도록 헌신해온 저자가 새로운 명상서를 펴냈다. 이 책은 세계 각국의 사람들을 만나는 과정에서 많은 사람들이 도움을 요청한 문제들, 예를 들면 스트레스로 인한 질병, 우울증, 외로움, 불안, 불편한 인간관계 등의 근본적인 원인을 찾아 숙고하는 과정에서 나왔다. 저자는 삶에서 일어나는 숱한 문제들이 자기가 누구인지 모르고, 자기 자신과의 깊은 연결이 끊어진 데 원인이 있음을 발견하고, 그 연결을 회복하는 방법으로 브레인명상을 소개한다.
브레인명상은 우리 고유의 선도 수련에 뇌에 대한 과학적 이해를 더한 것으로, 몸을 건강하게 할 뿐 아니라 생각과 감정을 비워내고 활기찬 생명 에너지를 충전해 밝은 의식에 이르게 하는 명상법이다.
이 책 '커넥트'에는 자신의 몸과 연결하고, 영혼과 연결하고, 더 높은 의식과 연결하는 브레인명상을 통해 많은 사람들이 자기 문제의 뿌리를 통찰하고 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 힘을 얻을 수 있기를 바라는 저자의 마음이 담겨 있다. 더불어 연결의 감각을 회복한 사람들이 아름다운 지구를 위한 꿈에 동참하기를 바라는 열망도 함께 담았다.
한국과 동시에 미국에서도 영문판 'CONNECT'를 6월에 출간한다.

잃어버린 ‘나’를 찾아
삶의 주인이 되는 열쇠, 브레인명상

자신의 내면에 집중하여 자기를 느끼고 자기와 연결할 때 경쟁이나 비교 평가를 넘어선 자신의 절대 가치를 찾을 수 있다. 그 가치를 찾은 사람은 사회나 다른 사람이 강요하고 기대하는 삶이 아닌 진정한 자신의 삶을 살 수 있다. 브레인명상은 자신의 습관적인 사고와 행동 패턴을 돌아보게 하고, 그 틀을 깰 수 있도록 도와준다. 브레인명상의 여러 가지 방법들 중 특히 ‘BHP명상’과 ‘천문명상’은 명상 초보자도 쉽게 따라할 수 있는 간단한 방법으로, 집중력이 떨어지는 현대인들이 빠르게 자신에게 몰입할 수 있게 해 주는 효과적인 명상법이다. 접기

Connect: How to Find Clarity and 
Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation

Introduction: Take Back Your Brain 
1. Why Are So Many People Today Afraid and Frustrated? 
2. Are You Connected with Yourself? 
3. Find Solutions in the Unseen World 
4. An Ancient Map for Seeking Your Soul’s Home 
5. Ancient Practices for Connecting with Yourself 
6. Connecting with Your Body 
7. Connecting with Your Soul 
8. Connecting with Your Divinity 
9. Guidelines for Pineal Gland Meditation 
10. Five Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Brain 
11. Find Your Healing Points 
12. The Way to Light Up Your Consciousness Instantly 
13. People Who’ve Found Solutions with Pineal Gland Meditation 
14. My Own Pineal Gland Story 
15. Connecting Heaven to Earth 
Epilogue: Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 
About the Author 
Introduction: Take Back Your Brain 
Take Back Your Brain 
Where in your life are you standing right now, and with what mindset? When you’ve reached the end of a busy day, and you’re tucking yourself in for the night, what do you feel in your heart? Do you feel confident that your life has a direction, and that you are the one driving your life in that direction? 
If you’re up against a particular challenge right now, do you have faith that you can overcome it and move on? 
Do you feel a sense of fulfillment—that you’ve got a firm grip on the steering wheel of your life and are living the values that are meaningful to you? And more than anything, do you feel that you’re deeply connected with yourself and that you truly love yourself? 
I’ve written this book to help you confidently answer “Yes” to these questions. 
Over the last 40 years, I’ve met with numerous people around the world as I’ve given countless lectures and workshops. The people I met were invariably immersed in a plethora of anxieties great and small, looking for solutions. Seeing this, I thought hard about how I could help relieve their suffering, if only a little. 
So, I’ve created and taught many methods for recovering physical health, relieving mental anxiety, and developing happiness by reconnecting with the true self. Over the years, thousands of people of all ages and from all walks of life have benefited from the programs I have created, and I feel immense joy whenever I hear the testimonies of people who have been able to achieve a sense of well-being through these methods. Yet, I have never been satisfied that what I have offered is enough, so I am always looking to upgrade and refine what I present to people. 
Recently I took a long look back at what I’ve been doing for the last four decades and at the problems people have repeatedly presented to me, such as stress-related illnesses, depression, anxiety, and relationship issues. The more I reflected upon these common worries, the more the underlying cause became clear to me: 
people’s connection with themselves has been cut. 
It’s easy, and normal, to think that the causes of our problems are to be found outside ourselves, in other people or in the environment, but that’s definitely not it. Dig deeper, and you’ll ultimately find that the primary cause of your problems lies not in your relationship with other people or in some imperfection in the envi- 
ronment, but rather in your connection with yourself. Yes, the earth suffers from pollution, and the behaviors and words of others can be toxic, but the first order of business is your own inner world, not the world outside of you. In fact, you will never be able to adequately solve outside problems if the interior connection isn’t established first. You experience physical ailments, from headaches and indigestion to much more serious diseases, because your connection with your body isn’t good. And if you’re troubled, unable to find direction in some area of life, you’re not really connected with your true self. 

We can see the problems that arise from disconnection in every aspect of our lives, from our individual selves to the ecosystems of the earth. There are more than two billion Facebook users worldwide with approximately 300 friends per user, but loneliness has surfaced as a greater public health risk than smoking. People may have a lot of social media friends, but they don’t have that many true friends to turn to in real life, to talk to and share their hearts with comfortably. 
The greatest challenges faced by humankind today—such as climate change, gender inequality, the wealth gap, military conflicts, trade disputes, and religious conflicts—have at their roots a deep-seated mindset that separates me from you and humans from nature. A solution that’s based on separation without consideration of mutual interests can never be a true or sustainable solution, and in the end such a “solution” disadvantages everyone. Unless we heal the disconnection that is so widespread in our lives, the hole in our souls will keep 
getting bigger, the conflict between different social groups will grow increasingly serious, and the Earth’s environment will reach a state in which recovery is impossible. 

Once you understand that disconnection is the underlying cause of your problems, then the solution also becomes clearer. All you have to do is mend your broken connections. Recover your connection with your body, your connection with your true self, and your connection with people and the world. 
How can we recover that connection? I believe that the master key that makes it possible is in the human brain, and I present Pineal Gland Meditation as an essential technique for awakening the brain. 
Thoughts, memories, and intellectual knowledge are what most people typically associate with the brain. 
However, the brain doesn’t only contain the artificial information that we’ve accumulated during our lives. 
There is a certain something in our brain that is original and fundamental. Before we had thoughts, emotions, experiences, or knowledge, there existed complete and pure energy and consciousness. We could also call this nature, the rhythm of life, or even the divinity within us. 
What brings separate individuals together is the universal homogeneity that exists in people beyond their personal differences. I feel that we can find that homogeneity in the pure consciousness and energy inside us. I believe it’s that pure consciousness that ties together not only human beings, but all life forms and ultimately everything that exists. 
I have dedicated my life to exploring the brain and developing and sharing methods to use it well, because that kind of pure consciousness and energy exists within our brains. I believe that by recovering this conscious- 
ness, we can know ourselves as we truly are and recover our connection to all things in existence. I am certain that when we recover such a connection, we can gain the true solution and insight to simultaneously solve indi- 
vidual problems and the Earth’s problems. It is with these aims that I blended the ancient Korean mind-body training methods of the Sundo tradition with neuroscience to establish Brain Education, and why I have taught 
brain meditation for decades. 
The human brain is the master key that can overcome separation and connect all things. And within the brain, the organ that acts as the channel to pure consciousness and energy is the pineal gland, located in the 
central part of the brain. The Pineal Gland Meditation introduced in this book presents the principles and process for recovering this pure consciousness by revitalizing the function of the pineal gland. 
To fully utilize the power of the brain and the pineal gland, I suggest taking a different perspective on the brain. Rather than seeing the brain only as an anatomical organ, I see it as the embodiment of human character. 
You could say that your brain is the holistic expression of your physical, mental, and spiritual essence. Therefore, being connected with your brain means meeting with your essential nature. 
When you understand that your brain is the embodiment of your essence, you can converse and interact with it. That’s when you can use your brain to change your life and transform the world. I hope that through this book you will be able to resonate deeply with this aspect of the brain, and that through Pineal Gland Meditation you will experience a sincere and powerful encounter with your brain. 
The moment you’re connected with your brain, you will meet with the limitless energy and life within you. 
You will have a spine-tingling feeling for how powerful, beautiful, and divinely sacred your essential nature is. 
That electric excitement and pure poignance will spread throughout your brain and your heart and your whole body, bringing fundamental change to your life and world. 
The Pineal Gland Meditation that I introduce in this book could be called the “pinnacle of Sundo meditation,” a way of developing body, mind, and soul to completion that grew out of the ancient practice of Sundo. 
Once your insight has been awakened through Pineal Gland Meditation, you’ll realize that seemingly separate, isolated things are actually all connected. You’ll perceive things you couldn’t see before, and by looking at your- 
self, others, and the world with a broader perspective, your empathy, understanding, and tolerance will grow. With eyes that see connection and unity, you’ll find solutions to problems caused by looking at the world as a 
place of separation and isolation. 
Experiencing this new consciousness, opening these new eyes, is truly a fundamental solution to our problems. When you awaken to that one great thing, you’ll also develop the power to find solutions to other, more 
trivial problems. 
But what role does the pineal gland play in this awakening process? Physically speaking, it is a tiny and seemingly insignificant organ—a type of endocrine gland located deep within the brain. It is known to regulate the biological clock of the human body, including circadian rhythms and reproductive cycles. In many spiritual practices, it is associated with the sixth chakra, or “third eye,” the center of intuition and spiritual perception. In Pineal Gland Meditation, it is understood as the center of spiritual connection in the brain. It could be thought 
of as a plug that can be connected to an outlet. Everyone has this “plug” deep within their brain, but it is up to each of us to connect it to the “outlet,” the source of divine, cosmic energy. For most people in modern society, this connection has been lost, but Pineal Gland Meditation offers a way to recover this natural ability. In the moment that you “plug in” through Pineal Gland Meditation, you will develop the power to understand yourself truly and to embrace others with tolerance. While you meditate with your eyes closed, the waves of peaceful but powerful changes arising within you will spread to the whole of your life. And the world you see after opening your eyes will have changed, now appearing utterly different from what it was before. 
All of us have the power to create the life that we want and change the world into a better place. But in order to use that power, your consciousness must be awake. Otherwise you lose your self-efficacy, and it’s easy to let yourself be pulled around by your habits, external information, or the societal environment or systems. 
When you focus on your inner world to feel and connect with your self, you can find your absolute value beyond comparisons and judgment. People who have found that value are able to live their authentic lives, not the lives dictated or expected by society or other people. To do this, you need to “take back your brain.” You must take it back from thoughts and habits that no longer serve you, the false limitations inside and outside of you that whisper in your ear, “Nope, not you. You can’t do it.” Or, “The world has always been like that. Nothing’s 
going to change.” 
In the past, people who had lots of intellectual knowledge were considered smart. Nowadays, doing a search on the internet gives anyone relatively easy access to pretty much all knowledge. More knowledge is not the solution now. In this present era we need the penetrating insight to see to the heart of problems, the innovation and creativity to find answers outside the box, the executive faculty to move from knowing to action, and the wisdom to connect and integrate what was separated. But, this does not come through intellectual knowledge. Instead, it happens when you connect and interact with the world in a way that goes beyond the patterns of your habitual thoughts and behavior, creating a world that transcends our current human-made systems. 

Pineal Gland Meditation will connect you to that world. 

This book will guide you on a four-part journey to connect with yourself. 
In Part I, we look at the problems that arise in all areas of life due to disconnection from yourself, and we explore the map of complete connection with your true self, as presented through the Korean Sundo tradition. 
Part II leads you through training that connects your body, soul, and divinity based on the principles and methods of energy development taught in Sundo. You will be guided step by step through Pineal Gland Meditation. 
In Part III, I’ll introduce you to the five steps of Brain Education, which will connect you with your brain to become the true master of your life. I’ll also teach two innovative and powerful methods of meditation that awaken the pineal gland. I’ve included a number of new and important ideas in this section, so please be sure to read it. 
Part IV presents testimonials from individuals who have transformed their lives through Pineal Gland Meditation, along with my own pineal gland story. Through these stories, you’ll be able to gain inspiration about what kind of transformation you can bring to your life and to the world through Pineal Gland Meditation. 
In the epilogue to this book, I share my vision and what I imagine and hope in terms of the new possibilities and new world that we can create together when many people recover their sense of connection and oneness. 
You will see certain key ideas repeatedly discussed throughout the book. Please know that I did this intentionally to help you fully grasp them and to help the important points stick in your mind. 
Traditionally, Pineal Gland Meditation has been known as a very advanced level of meditation. That’s why there are many people who think that it can only be practiced by well-seasoned masters of meditation who have 
engaged in spiritual practice for a long time. However, this is a misconception. The essential goal of Pineal Gland Meditation is to empty yourself of the thoughts, emotions, and information that cause disconnection from who you really are, and then recharge and fill that space with the infinite energy of life and bright con- 
sciousness. Anyone with a normal brain can practice Pineal Gland Meditation and experience that power. Many people are already recovering the health of their bodies and minds through Pineal Gland Meditation at the hundreds of Body & Brain Yoga centers and meditation centers around the world, and they are experiencing the shift to a positive lifestyle. 
I believe that everyone can plug into the infinite field of cosmic energy and pure consciousness, just as I did long ago. Everyone holds the potential to awaken, especially when given tools such as Pineal Gland Meditation. 
That absolute faith has been a lamp guiding me for several decades, its bright light enabling me to view others and the world with hope, even in moments of distress and frustration. 
I believe in you and trust that you will find your way to reconnect with true self, the fundamental solution to your most pressing problems, and that you can confidently live as a master of your brain and your life. And I cheer you on with all my heart. I’ve put my faith in you—my earnest desire for you to succeed—into each and every sentence of this book. I hope my mind will touch your mind, the reverberations in my heart reaching your heart with living vitality. 
When you read this book, imagine that you’re talking directly with me. I want at times to be a friend, fully understanding your pain and suffering; at times to be your counselor, getting right to the point you were not aware of; and at times to serve as your trainer, sitting before you and teaching you energy training methods and meditation, step by step. 
Spring 2019 
Ilchi Lee

1. Why Are So Many People Today Afraid and Frustrated? 

2. Are You Connected with Yourself? 

3. Find Solutions in the Unseen World 

4. An Ancient Map for Seeking Your Soul’s Home 

5. Ancient Practices for Connecting with Yourself 

6. Connecting with Your Body 

7. Connecting with Your Soul 

8. Connecting with Your Divinity 

9. Guidelines for Pineal Gland Meditation 

10. Five Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Brain 

11. Find Your Healing Points 

12. The Way to Light Up Your Consciousness Instantly 

13. People Who’ve Found Solutions with Pineal Gland Meditation 

14. My Own Pineal Gland Story 

15. Connecting Heaven to Earth 

Epilogue: Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 

Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 
On the journey to connecting with your true self through Pineal Gland Meditation, there 
are two things you have inevitably met: humanity and the Earth. 
As members of their communities and as mature global citizens, many people feel concern for the future of 
humanity and the Earth. They make great efforts to leave a better world for future generations. However, the 
humanity and Earth that you have met through Pineal Gland Meditation will appear quite different from what 
you knew before. Just as your conception of “self” has grown, your understanding of humanity and the Earth 
has expanded to include dimensions that were once beyond your reach. 
Through Pineal Gland Meditation, you feel that you are a single body, a unit of oneness connected with na- 
ture, with all life, and with the universe. When such connection arises, the way you feel about humanity and the 
Earth is much more than the ideas of citizenship or moral obligation that you’ve been taught. Your humanity 
becomes an extension of your own self, another manifestation of who you are. People who have experienced 
this connectivity, not just intellectually but with their whole bodies, develop a deep sense of caring and affection 
for all living things and for the world itself. Not only that, they also feel a strong sense of responsibility and soli- 
darity, a yearning for everyone’s well-being and for the elevation of human consciousness. That’s what hap- 
pened to me about 40 years ago on Mt. Moak, when I met with cosmic energy and cosmic mind, my true 
essence. Many people who practice Pineal Gland Meditation—people of all ages and backgrounds—have ex- 
perienced this same feeling. 
The way to assure not only individual health and happiness but also sustainability and peace for the Earth 
starts with each of us recovering our connection with our true nature and essence—which is pure energy and 
life—and with our divinity. That pure consciousness and energy are the key that enables us to connect with 
everything and become who we truly are. 
Have you heard about the Go competition between Lee Sedol and AI AlphaGo that took place in South 
Korea in the spring of 2016? Lee Sedol is a grandmaster Go player, and AlphaGo is a computer program made 
by Google. In this competition, Lee Sedol lost to AlphaGo 1-4. Many people were shocked, and I was no excep- 
tion. I thought that no matter how competent a computer might be, it could never exceed the intuition, judg- 
ment, creativity, mental flexibility, and responsive speed exhibited by the best Go players. With the development 
of AI, though, it has become difficult to say that intellectual abilities such as studying, thinking, and decision- 
making are unique human characteristics. If high cognitive ability is no longer a special attribute of humans, 
then what is the true value of humans? 
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly common in our daily lives. Robots order products for us and 
clean for us and keep our homes secure. They write news articles, translate, and converse with us via chatbots. 
They drive cars. It is said that in the future, AI will be capable of performing work that demands a high level of 
intelligence, such as diagnosing illness and conducting surgery, or performing accounting, investment, or legal 
Humankind has entered a new Industrial Revolution, experts say. The world has already seen three other 
Industrial Revolutions: the first one began with the invention of steam engines; the second was brought about 
by electricity and mass production; and the third is represented by computers and automation. Now we enter 
the fourth Industrial Revolution, which has fused human intelligence with machine intelligence. Scientists pre- 
dict that we will be living in a whole new world, one that is entirely different from what we’ve known before. 
What kind of future society will the advancement of technology bring? Some say that the development of 
innovative products and enhanced productivity will fill our lives with boundless material comfort. On the other 
hand, there is a great deal of worry that people will lose their jobs to robots, and that extreme wealth will be 
amassed by a small minority of people—such as the owners and CEOs of massive IT corporations—and soci- 
ety will become increasingly polarized. 
What do you think? What kind of world do you think we’ll be living in? Or rather, what kind of world do you 
want to live in? And what kind of role do you feel you can play in creating that world? 
I’ve decided to raise my hand in favor of hope. If artificial intelligence becomes an object of fear, that would 
not be because of AI but because of the consciousness of humans using it for harmful aims. If human con- 
sciousness is the cause of the problem, the solution also becomes clear. Human consciousness must expand 
to a level where people think beyond their individual selves or the group to which they belong but instead take 
all of humankind into consideration. That’s when technology can be used for the health and happiness of all of 
humankind to create a true, whole new world. 
I dream that our spiritual awakening and insight will be used beyond our personal lives, expanding to every 
domain of society, including politics, economics, culture, education, and the arts. I imagine that the systems we 
have created will be re-evaluated and newly organized under the greater shared goal of actualizing real human 
value and peace for the Earth. For example, if AI could handle most of the activity of production that humans 
have performed, that could free us to engage in more creative and humanitarian activities. Working just four 
hours a day and taking the rest of our time for our personal lives may be a fantasy we can only dream about 
right now, but in the future it could become a common lifestyle. 
The considerable resources now used to maintain and manage societal systems—collecting taxes, executing 
legislation, mediating conflict, maintaining public order, and electing representatives—could instead be used 
for the welfare of the population. Wouldn’t it be possible to create a society that guarantees enough income for 
every human to maintain at least a decent standard of living, regardless of where people are born or whose chil- 
dren they are or what job they have? Shouldn’t everyone live without having to worry about where they’ll sleep 
or where the next meal is coming from? 
A great deal of change could come to education, as well. Rather than education that conveys knowledge and 
skills, it could become education that helps everyone discover and actualize their latent potential and passion. 
Instead of tests that differentiate superiority and inferiority through competition, there would be collaboration 
where each person expresses and shares their creativity and passion to their heart’s content. Education would 
be re-oriented from producing functional humans to producing humans who possess upright character and in- 
If we advance through the fourth Industrial Revolution with an awakened and expanded consciousness, we 
will be met with a fifth Industrial Revolution that demonstrates a quality different from those we have seen thus 
far. The values of separation, competition, and material success are the paradigms that have led the change 
from the first to the fourth Industrial Revolutions. These values brought with them the dramatically swift devel- 
opment of material civilization, represented by convenience and efficiency, but they also put humankind face to 
face with the dire problems of unsustainable growth and environmental crisis. 
I believe that the fifth Industrial Revolution will take place not through a revolution of technology, but 
through a paradigm shift in perception of value. Rather than separation, competition, and success, the new val- 
ues of integration, cooperation, and completion will direct our choices and actions. Through this kind of shift, 
the true potential of the technical advancement produced by the fourth Industrial Revolution can be manifested. 
Without such a change, people will be confined within the framework of their preconceptions in a situation akin 
to tending only to their own garden despite having enough power to cultivate the Earth. 
In a value system based on competition, the winner gets the monopoly, along with feelings of superiority. 
For values formed through cooperation, however, everything belongs to everyone, so there’s no need for any 
one person to feel a sense of superiority or inferiority. When this happens, jobs will not be ascribed higher or 
lower status. Rather than aiming for higher prestige or status in society, the purpose of life will be for each per- 
son to contribute to society by becoming the best they can be. 
Humanity still has groups of political, religious, and economic elite who use violence and force to hold onto 
their vested interests. Conflict and war are as ubiquitous as ever. However, if human beings’ state of spiritual 
awakening grows and human consciousness becomes free of ego and prejudice and knows its ultimate value, it 
will become impossible to use distorted information to restrict or control the minds and lives of people. And in- 
stead of seeing differences in nationality or race, people will come to see the divinity within all human beings 
and in all existence. When that time comes, countries and national borders will no longer have meaning, and a 
true Earth village can be realized. 
At present, we focus on researching and using content produced by consciousness, such as ideas, emo- 
tions, and imagination, but it won’t be long before consciousness itself is studied and applied to life. Though 
it’s already possible to know the true nature of consciousness through meditation, it will be proven scientifically 
as well. Consciousness is where matter and spirit, science and religion come together. Through new discov- 
eries and understanding about consciousness, science and religion will be integrated, and matter and spirit will 
be integrated. The era in which systematized religion controls human spirituality will pass, and there will come 
the true normalization of enlightenment. All people will discover and actualize the spirituality within them- 
selves, and enlightenment will become common sense, a regular part of everyday life. 
When this kind of change arises in human consciousness, the greatest project in the era of the fifth Indus- 
trial Revolution will be the recovery of the Earth’s environment. A sustainable Earth—the restoration of the 
Earth’s healthy and beautiful environment as the base that supports the continued evolution and growth of 
humanity—would surely be a project to which all of humankind would contribute knowledge, skills, wisdom, 
and love. Through that project, as we love each other and overflow with creative energy, humanity will recover 
its true nature, rising bravely toward the great goal of completion. 
The key to succeeding in this great project is the development of the empathic ability of our brain. This 
comes from pure energy and consciousness connecting all things as one. It is because we have empathy that 
we can go beyond separation, to commune and feel the pain of others and comfort them. 
If we humans did not have empathic ability, what would be the reason for us to continue existing on the 
Earth? We know that humans are the biggest cause of the problems the Earth currently faces. Looking at it from 
the Earth’s perspective, the humans who are destroying the Earth’s ecosystems are likely the biggest pain in the 
neck. If you told AI—which makes determinations based on data, without any emotions or bias—to find the 
fastest and most effective way to recover the Earth’s ecosystems, it would probably suggest the improvement of 
humans. It might even recommend the elimination of humans. 
In spite of that, humans are the only thing we can stake our hope on. Would a whale in the Pacific Ocean be 
concerned for a rhino on the plains of the savanna just because they’re in the same situation of being endan- 
gered? Of course, animals protect their young and can help other creatures. But humans are the beings that can 
expand empathy to encompass all life, and therefore we are the beings who can look after the entire Earth. Hu- 
mans have caused many problems on the Earth, but it is also humans who have the power and the hope to 
solve those problems. 
The key to solving problems such as violence, discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, and env- 
ironmental destruction is to be found not in systems or technology but in recovering empathy. Breaking free 
from the ego and helping others unconditionally is the power of a consciousness that can perceive and em- 
brace all life forms as one. What connects one person’s heart with another’s isn’t smartphones or the internet 
or social media. When empathetic ability comes alive and heart-to-heart connections are made, we can avoid a 
cold and miserable future in which people have close connections on the physical level—through social sys- 
tems and information technology—but are disconnected spiritually and filled with a sense of hollow futility. 
People must have a shared sentiment about these values and work together in order to make these changes. 
It wouldn’t mean much if only one person had a smartphone. It’s because many people have them that connec- 
tions are made and great power is demonstrated. Likewise, the majority of people must awaken their conscious- 
ness and become connected to create the solutions to the problems we face. 
It’s difficult for anyone to present the perfect answer to the various problems faced by humanity and the 
Earth. It’s clear, however, that it isn’t the leaders, experts, government, or corporations that hold the key to solv- 
ing them. The answer is found in every one of us. 
As of yet, the new world that I described earlier is just imagination and potentiality. You might think this 
dream is impossible because it is too grand. Because our brains have mainly been socialized for competition, it 
may feel strange to suddenly call upon the sense of peace and cooperation in your brain. But when you’re con- 
nected through Pineal Gland Meditation with the world of infinite energy and consciousness within your brains, 
you feel it. We feel how much we want to be connected, how great a sense of hope and freedom is offered by 
opening ourselves up and connecting with a world bigger than ourselves, and we feel how great a sense of love, 


** 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다- 인생 후반, 나를 완성하는 삶의 기술 이승헌

알라딘: [전자책] 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다

[eBook] 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다 - 인생 후반, 나를 완성하는 삶의 기술 
이승헌 (지은이)

Sales Point : 83

8.9 100자평(7)리뷰(9)


우리는 지금 전례가 없는 장수시대와 긴 노년기를 맞고 있다. 은퇴 후 짧게는 20년, 길게는 40년 이상에 이르는 시간 동안 무엇을 하며 어떻게 보내야 할까? 인생의 전반기처럼 후반기에도 내 삶에 의미를 부여할 수 있는 목적이 있을까? 남은 생을 통해 이루어야 할 과제는 무엇일까?

저자가 120살까지 살기로 선택하면서부터 일어난 긍정적인 변화를 바탕으로 노년의 삶을 어떻게 설계하고 완성할지에 대한 방향과 방법을 제시한다. 인생의 후반기가 쇠퇴와 퇴보의 시기가 아닌, 놀랍도록 희망차고 충만한 황금기가 될 수 있다는 저자의 확신처럼 시간의 개념을 바꾸면 인생이 달라진다.


머리말_새로운 인간과 새로운 지구를 위한 프로젝트

1장 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다

2장 진정한 인간의 길은 무엇인가

3장 어떻게 완성을 이룰 수 있는가

4장 전반기 인생을 성찰하고 후반기를 설계하라

5장 체력은 생명, 뇌력은 창조, 무조건 움직여라

6장 행복의 새로운 원천을 발견하라

7장 평화로워지려면 집착에서 자유로워져라

8장 고독을 두려워하지 말고 즐겨라

9장 뇌에 꿈과 희망을 주어라

10장 지속적으로 자기 수양과 계발을 하라

11장 나누고 베풀어라

12장 자연을 가까이하라

13장 우리는 지구에 무엇을 남길 것인가

맺음말_얼스빌지리의 새로운 삶의 길에 당신을 초대한다


P. 2680세 인생에서 보면 지금 내 나이 67세는 마무리 단계지만, 120세 인생에서는 이제 겨우 절반이 지났을 뿐이다. 시간의 개념을 바꾸면 생각이 달라지고 인생이 달라진다. 남은 시간이 50년이 넘는다면 그 시간을 어떻게 살 것인가? 무엇을 위해 살 것인가?
P. 4370세 혹은 80세 이후의 삶을 생명을 유지하는 것 이상으로, 어떤 활동을 위한 목표나 계획을 가진 사람은 매우 적다. 그로 인해 많은 사람들이 정신적으로 준비 없이 장수시대로 들어서고 있고, 20~40년의 무활동 시간이라는 새로운 과제에 부딪히게 된다.
P. 80~81인생을 고통으로 만들 것인가, 예술로 만들 것인가? 그것은 오로지 자신의 선택에 달려 있다. 자기의 진정한 가치를 더 높이고 귀중하게 만드는 것은 자기만이 할 수 있다. 영혼의 완성이라는 목표를 갖고 매일 창조하는 삶을 사는 사람이 바로 인생의 진정한 예술가다.
P. 100정말로 자유롭게 살고 싶은가? 그러면 그렇게 살 수 있도록 당신의 인생을 설계해야 한다. 당신이 원하는 자유로운 삶이 구체적으로 어떤 모습일까를 깊이 생각해보고, 그러한 삶을 살아갈 수 있도록 필요한 준비를 해야 한다.
P. 156인생의 후반기에 자신에게 진정한 내적 만족을 주는 ‘완성의 삶’을 살기 위해서 체력관리는 필수이다. 건강이 노년기 삶의 질을 높이고 진정으로 원하는 삶을 가능하게 하는 주춧돌이라는 것을 명심하고, 운동이 생활이 되게 하라.

저자 및 역자소개
이승헌 (지은이)

글로벌사이버대학교 총장 • 국제뇌교육종합대학원대학교 총장
한국뇌과학연구원 원장 • 국제뇌교육협회 회장

세계적인 명상가이자 뇌교육자, 평화운동가이다. 지난 40년간 사람의 몸과 마음을 두루 이롭게 하고, 나아가 지구를 건강하고 평화롭게 만드는 일에 헌신해왔다. 현대단학과 뇌호흡을 비롯한 다양한 심신수련법을 개발했고, 그 원리와 방법을 세계적으로 인정받아 전 세계인들이 더 건강하고 행복한 삶을 살 수 있도록 이끌었다. 또한 ‘뇌교육’을 창시하여 누구나 자신의 가치를 발견하고 그 가치를 실현하는 삶의 길을... 더보기

최근작 : <공생의 기술>,<오늘을 위대하게>,<나는 100세 골퍼를 꿈꾼다> … 총 130종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

인생 후반, 나를 완성하는 삶의 기술
뇌교육 창시자 이승헌 총장이 전하는 인생 2막을 위한 새로운 선택!
이 책은 60대 후반에 접어든 저자가 자신의 인생을 돌아보고 남은 노년을 무엇을 위해 어떻게 살 것인가를 성찰하는 과정에서 탄생했다. 제목만 보면 120살 수명을 보장하는 장수비법을 담은 책인가, 하고 오해할 수도 있다. 물론 건강하게 오래 사는 방법들도 담고 있지만 주된 내용은 인생 후반을 어떻게 잘 경영하느냐에 관한 것이다. 120살은 인간에게 생물학적으로 가능하다고 받아들여지는 잠재수명으로, 현재까지 인간에게 허락할 수 있는 최대 숫자인데 저자는 이것을 자신의 수명으로 선택했다. 그리고 그 과정에서 일어난 긍정적인 변화를 바탕으로 노년의 삶을 어떻게 설계하고 완성해갈지에 대한 방향과 방법을 제시한다.

이 책의 가장 중요한 근간을 이루는 것은 수천 년의 전통을 이은 우리 고유의 심신수련법인 선도仙道의 인간관과 자연관이다. 인생 후반을 준비하는 사람들에게 선도가 밝힌 진정한 인간의 길, 즉 인간이 어디에서 와서 어디로 가는지, 인간이 무엇을 위해 살아야 하는지, 인간은 자연 속에서 어떤 위치를 차지하는지, 인간이 어떻게 전 생애를 통해 자기완성에 이를 수 있는지에 관한 지도를 읽어주는 책이라고 보아도 좋다.

무엇보다 지금 우리는 인류 역사에 전례가 없는 장수시대와 긴 노년기를 맞고 있다. 은퇴 후 짧게는 20년, 길게는 40년 이상에 이르는 시간 동안 무엇을 하며 어떻게 보내야 할까? 인생의 전반기처럼 후반기에도 내 삶에 의미를 부여할 수 있는 목적이 있을까? 이 책에서는 당신에게 이러한 질문을 던지고 함께 그 답을 찾아보자고 말한다.

노년은 누구의 삶에나 예정되어 있는 미래이며, 삶은 단절된 것이 아니라 연속된 흐름이다. 지금 어떻게 사느냐가 노년의 삶의 질에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 노년의 삶을 통해 궁극적으로 추구해야 할 것이 무엇인지를 미리 들여다보는 것은 젊은 세대들에게도 분명히 좋은 자극이 될 것이며, 현재의 삶을 더 충실하고 의미 있게 살 수 있도록 영감을 줄 것이다. 이 책의 영문판, 《I've Decided TO LIVE 120YEARS》는 12월에 출간될 예정이다. 접기

읽고 싶어요 (4)
읽고 있어요 (8)
읽었어요 (26)

평점 분포


삶에 혜안이 열리는 귀한 정보를 받습니다.
이승헌님의 책을 많이 읽어오고있습니다.
당신의 팬이 되어버렸네요~^^
독서왕 2017-12-19 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
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지인의 추천으로 읽고있습니다^^ 마음에 와닿는 구절이 많습니다.. 기대가 됩니다.
경신 2017-09-12 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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120세의 삶은 성공을 위한 60년, 완성을 위한 60년의 삶에 대한 기준을 제시하는 철학서이다. 그리고 120세의 삶을 위한 나의 몸과 마음과 정신을 잘 관리할수 있도록 가이드를 제시하하는 건강서이기도 하다 덕분에 퇴직후 제2의 삶을 완성의 관점에서 준비하는데 도움이 되는 가이드가 되었다
yolo 2017-10-14 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)
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구매자 (7)
전체 (9)

120세의 의미?

120살 까지 살기로 했다. 라는 제목을 보면서 아직 20대인 나에게 어떤 의미가 있나? 라는 생각을 했다. 의문이 들었지만 지인의 권유로 무작정 읽었는데 단순히 장수하는 비법을 알려주는 책이 아니였다.나는 이 책에서 120세 라는 새로운 트렌드 비젼.. 그리고 단순히 나이를 넘어 삶의 가치를 배웠다.장수시대지만 유병장수 하는 요즘시대에 무병장수 라는 것을 한단계 더 넘어서 의미있는 무병장수를 가능하게 해주는 책이라 확신한다.
책사랑 2017-11-28 공감(7) 댓글(0)
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삶에 대한 설계!

절대 오래살지 않겠다 말하며, 노년의 삶에 대해 벌써부터 걱정만 하던 내게, 인생을 바라보는 시각을 완전히 바꾸게 되었다 인생을 길게 생각하니 일에대해서 그리고 건간등 개인적인 것에 대해서 새로운것을 시도하는데 대한 두려움이 없어지게 되었고, 크게 보고 준비해 나가려 다짐해본다
goldkum100 2017-09-18 공감(1) 댓글(0)
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선택하여 살다

120살까지 살기로 선택한다는 그 말이 참으로 신선했다.내가 선택하면 이루어진다는 것.수명까지 그러하다는 것어쩌면 정말일지도 모른다.왜냐하면, 진정으로 선택하면 나의 모든 것이, 우주가 내 선택이 이루어지도록 도와줄 것이기 때문에.아주 매력적인 책이 아닐 수 없다.심장이 쿵쾅거리고 피가 뛴다.
badai 2017-10-08 공감(0) 댓글(0)
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건강한 삶을 선택

정보의 시대에 살면서 매순간 선택을 하며 살이가는데 저자가 책 제목에서 말하는것 처럼 120살의 시간을 살기로 선택을 하고 그삶을 건강하고행복하게 사랑하며 살이가는 방법과 과정을 알려주어 신선한 충격이었다100세시대라는건 알았지만 내가 내 삶을 선택하고 준비할 수 있겠다는 감사한 마음이 들어서 책을 구입해서 잘 읽고 있고 책에서 알려주는 방법들을 할용하고 있어요 1분 뇌운동 회이팅
전부를 사랑 2017-10-08 공감(0) 댓글(0)
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나는 120살까지 살기로 했다

삶에 혜안이 열리는 귀한 정보를 받습니다.이승헌님의 책을 많이 읽어오고있습니다.감사합니다.당신의 팬이 되어버렸네요~^^사랑합니다.
독서왕 2017-12-19 공감(0) 댓글(0)
Thanks to

내인생의 지침서 나도 120살까지 살기로했다

읽고 있습니다. 다 읽어도 또 읽어도 다시 새롭스비다. 정말 인생의 지침서가 맞습니다. 생활에 활력을 가집니다. 감사합니다
최홍익 2018-01-29 공감(0) 댓글(0)
Thanks to

[마이리뷰] 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다

진짜 자신을 알아야 자신의 진정한 가치를 깨달을 수 있다.
유일무이 2017-12-21 공감(0) 댓글(0)


머리말_새로운 인간과 새로운 지구를 위한 프로젝트

1장 나는 120살까지 살기로 했다

2장 진정한 인간의 길은 무엇인가

3장 어떻게 완성을 이룰 수 있는가

4장 전반기 인생을 성찰하고 후반기를 설계하라

5장 체력은 생명, 뇌력은 창조, 무조건 움직여라

6장 행복의 새로운 원천을 발견하라

7장 평화로워지려면 집착에서 자유로워져라

8장 고독을 두려워하지 말고 즐겨라

9장 뇌에 꿈과 희망을 주어라

10장 지속적으로 자기 수양과 계발을 하라

11장 나누고 베풀어라

12장 자연을 가까이하라

13장 우리는 지구에 무엇을 남길 것인가

맺음말_얼스빌지리의 새로운 삶의 길에 당신을 초대한다