- PUKYONG Repository: 에이사이(栄西)의 양생(養生)사상에 관한 연구Download
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에이사이(栄西)의 양생(養生)사상에 관한 연구
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Abstract - Reading Ggik-sa-youjo-ki, an original book of Japanese tea, would promote to understand Japanese tea culture. As stated in the name, this book describes health preservation through drinking tea. The author started to pay attention to why Eisai has emphasized on drinking tea and subsequently strived to comprehend the exact definition of having tea through Ggik-sa-youjo-ki. The book is composed of first and second volume which respectively states a way of preserving health and applying mulberry to health preservation. Most existing research has primarily examined tea rather than mulberry even though mulberry could be equivalent to tea. Despite mulberry described in almost thirty percentage of the entire book in order to present the importance of having tea, it was relatively overlooked in research area. The purpose of this research is to examine how Eisai presented mulberry in parallel with tea, the precise meaning of having tea regarding both mulberry and tea, and what perspectives Eisai had in his mind when describing both of them.
- In the second chapter, it identifies Eisai, an author of Ggik-sa -youjo -ki, and the specific era and backgrounds when Eisai wrote and expanded the book. Additionally, it focuses on how Eisai had chances of encountering Chinese tea during his trip to Cheontae Mountain. The third chapter investigates the effects of having tea which could be a means of preserving health and how it positively affects individuals’ body and heart. Also, it referred to a variety of Chinese research paper to illustrate related aspects between Ggik-sa-youjo-ki and diverse research. The fourth chapter clarifies how mulberry can promote health preservation and a way of having mulberry by referring to researches which introduce and examine mulberry. In the fifth chapter, it examines references which Eisai used to write Ggik-sa-youjo-ki with the ideology of Taoism and compares Taoism reflected in different references and Ggik-sa-youjo-ki. The final chapter describes how Eisai was affected by Taoism in the process of writing Ggik-sa-youjo-ki by summarizing all of the five chapters. Overall, this paper aims to design and develop informative research which could help to fully interpret the initial book of Japanese tea, foundation of Japanese tea cultureAuthor(s)정유경Issued Date2020Awarded Date2020. 8TypeDissertationPublisher부경대학교URIhttps://repository.pknu.ac.kr:8443/handle/2021.oak/2581
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에이사이(栄西)의 양생(養生)사상에 관한 연구.pdf기타 데이터 / 905.68 kB / Adobe PDF
- 목 차*Abstract*범례(凡例)Ⅰ. 서론 ···················································· 11. 연구목적과 문제 제기 ········································· 12. 선행 연구 ························································· 43. 연구범위 및 연구방법 ·········································· 9Ⅱ. 에이사이(榮西)와『끽다양생기(喫茶養生記) ··· 111. 에이사이와 차 ·················································· 11(1) 승려 에이사이 ················································ 11(2) 차와 만남 ······················································· 152.『끽다양생기』의 성립배경 ····································· 21Ⅲ. 에이사이의 양생법(養生法) ························ 261. 차를 통한 양생 ·················································· 26(1) 음다의 이유 ··················································· 26(2) 차의 음다법 ····················································· 35(3) 차와 문헌 ······················································ 402. 뽕을 통한 양생 ···················································· 45- ii -(1) 음다의 이유 ·················································· 45(2) 뽕의 음다법 ·················································· 54(3) 뽕과 문헌 ·················································· 59Ⅳ.『끽다양생기』에 나타난 도교사상 ·············· 631. 『끽다양생기』와 도교 ······································· 632. 에이사이와 도교 ············································ 69Ⅴ. 결론 ······················································ 74