
Philo Kalia - “자식이 아니라 친척을 만들자”(!?) 도나 해러웨이

(1) Philo Kalia - “자식이 아니라 친척을 만들자”(!?) 도나 해러웨이는 위기에 처한 생명/비생명들과 친척을... | Facebook

“자식이 아니라 친척을 만들자”(!?)
도나 해러웨이는 위기에 처한 생명/비생명들과 친척을 만들자고 제안한다. 자식 대신 친척을 만들자고, 포유류 친척으로서 우리의 할 일을 하자고 호소한다.
아침 여섯 시에 모락산 산책에 나서는데 어둑어둑해져서 폰 전등을 켜고 산길을 오른다. 등산용 전등을 간혹 이마에 부착하고 마주 오는 분도 있다. 눈부셔 그분이 지나갈 때까지 기다린다. 오늘은 좀 환해진 일곱 시에 나섰다. 산 초입에 고양이 한 마리가 웅크리고 나무 위에 보기에 위험하게, 균형 잡고 앉아 있다. 나와 고양이 사이에 작은 골이 있어 다가갈 수는 없었지만 가까이 갔는데도 미동도 없다. 저기 저 통나무 위에서 밤을 세웠을까. 보통 고양이보다 몸집이 커 보인다. 몸털이 풍선처럼 밖으로 부풀려진 모습이다. 눈을 마주친 것 같은데도 움직임이 없다. 고양이도 두 눈을 바로 뜨고 나를 보는 것만 같다. 한 10분 정도 가만히 지켜보는데 전혀 움직임이 없고 살짝 귀의 움직임만을 느낄 수 있었다.
데리다는 욕실에서 작은 암고양이가 벌거벗은 자신뿐 아니라 벌거벗은 철학을 보았다고 말하는데, 헤러웨이가 보기에 데리다는 동물이 보았을 때 데리다는 제대로 응답하지 못했다고 지적한다. “동물이 보았을 때, 철학자는 응답했는가?” 산에서 내려오는 길에 보니 고양이는 사라져 보이지 않는다.
초등 6년까지 산 농촌 우리 집 풍경은 아직도 생생하다. 싸리문을 들어서면 마당이 있고 정면에 부엌과 세 칸짜리 방이 있는 집이 있고 오른편에 광, 그리고 안채를 마주하여 왼쪽으로 사랑채(사랑방 겸 허드레 집)가 있다. 그 옆으로 외양간이 있고 그 옆으로 닭장이 있었다. 그리고 광을 돌아가면 돼지우리가 있었고 그 옆에 뒷간이 있고 그 뒤로 잿간이 있다. 토끼장도 어디 쯤에 있었으나 개나 고양이는 키우지 않았다. 그러니까 소, 돼지, 닭, 토끼는 늘 우리 집 안에 살았던 가족이었다. 우리와 그들의 관계는 친족관계가 아니라 집 울타리 안에 같이 생활하는 가축(家畜)인 것이다.
닭과 노는 것은 재미 있다. 새벽에 울고, 모이를 주면 다들 모이고, 저녁이 되면 닭들을 불러 닭장에 들어가게 하고, 산란을 하고 나면 달걀을 꺼내기도 하고, 둥지에 알을 품어 병아리를 까기도 한다. 어미 닭을 졸졸졸 따라다니며 먹이를 쪼고 보호를 받는데, 어느 정도 커서 안타깝게도 밤새 쥐의 사냥감이 되기도 했다.
소는 가장 큰 대접을 받는다. 낮에는 풀이 많은 재너머 공동묘지에서 풀을 뜨ㄷ다가 저녁에 소를 몰아 집으로 데려오는 것은 내 임무이다. 겨울이 되면 큰 가마솥에 쇠죽을 쑤어 모락모락 김이 나는 쇠죽을 소에게 준다. 엄니는 이른 아침에 제일 먼저 소에게 쇠죽을 주고 그 다음 식구들을 위한 아침 밥상을 차렸다.
아버지는 돼지가 새끼를 낳게 되면 밤새 새끼를 받는다. 10마리까지 낳는 것을 본 적이 있다. 그러면 우리 집이 큰 부자가 된 느낌이다. 자라면서 쓰레기통이 따로 없었던 것 같다. 음식 쓰레기도 있을 수가 없다. 남는 것은 모두 가축에게 간다. 뒷간의 똥오줌도 잿간의 재와 섞여 거름으로 밭에 뿌려진다. 한 마디로 모든 것이 돌고 돌았던 순환 생활이었다.
초등 시절 아들 녀석이 새끼 토끼를 데려왔다. 처음에는 거실에 풀어놨다가 똥오줌, 특히 오줌 냄새 때문에, 무엇보다 책장 아래층에 있는 책들을 갉아먹고 심지어 전기 선도 갉아먹는 바람에 발코니에서 키울 수밖에 없었다. 하교 후 아들이 발코니 문을 열면 토끼가 몸을 한 바퀴 휙 돌아 춤을 추며 아들을 반긴다. 내가 문을 열면 그러지 않는다. 7년 6개월을 살았다. 아내가 어느 날 유기견을 데려왔다. 17년을 거실에서 키웠다. 치매, 백내장, 사지 불편, 마지막 숨을 거둘 때까지 옆에 있었다. 슬픔에 아내는 더 이상 강아지를 키우지 않겠다 한다.
가축을 키우는 농촌이 모두 사라졌기 때문에, 농사의 방식도 모두 기계화되고 산업화 되었고, 가축과 함께 놀고 생활했던 생활 풍경도 사라졌다. 그리고 지금 해러웨이를 통해 동물의 친족 만들기를 대단한 이론인 것처럼 읽고 있다. 어린 시절 생각이 나면서 참 낯설다, 어색하고 인위적이다. 그리고 솔직히 책을 통해 읽는 이론들이 이해는 되는데 와닿지 않는다. 친족을 만든다고 그때 가축들을 정성 다해 돌본 것만큼 가까워질 수 있을까?
그러나 위기의 시대에 과거의 생활 습관, 비인간에 대한 관계적이고 돌보는 태도 등도 사라졌다. 인류세 철학, 신유물론의 철학이 과연 인간, 생물, 지구의 위기를 심각하게 인식하고 생활을 근본적으로 바꾸게 할 수 있을 것인가? 근대의 빛과 어둠이라는 ‘이중구속’으로부터 벗어나는 문명의 전환을 학습, 연습하고 있다.
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Chthulucene이라면 이미 친족이죠. 한편 데리다는 나중에 책으로 대답했지만 역시 서구 철학 전통안에서 좁게…^^


2303 Philo Kalia - 청주의 김태창 교수님을 찾아 뵈었다.

(1) Philo Kalia - 어제는 지인들과 청주의 김태창 교수님을 찾아 뵈었다. 국제정치학, 정치철학, 공공철학 그리고... | Facebook

어제는 지인들과 청주의 김태창 교수님을 찾아 뵈었다.

국제정치학, 정치철학, 공공철학 그리고 생명개신미학의 이름으로 왕성하게 활동하시는 구순의 철학자, 오후 2시 반경에 만나 저녁을 먹으면서 8시 반경까지 대화는 끊임없이 이어졌다.
제주한중일국제학교 강민창 목사님 이야기부터 시작되었다. 인터넷 검색을 통해 강민창 목사는 4.3으로 할아버지를 잃은 희생자 유가족임을 알게 되었다.
평화는 제주도민의 아픔, 트라우마를 보듬고 치유하고 넘어서는 과정으로 진행되어야 한다는 말씀. 진리와 윤리의 관점만이 아니라 미의 관점에서 평화를 접근해야 할 필요성, 그래서 平和美!
가깝게는 4.3사건과 이승만 정권의 태동, 일제 강점기의 억압, 멀리는 조선과 고려시대까지 거슬러 올라가는 변방과 유배의 섬, 제주도민의 긴 긴 설움과 아픔.
바로 그제 4.3을 앞두고 (신)서북청년단과 뉴라이트 그룹이 4.3을 모독하는 현수막을 제주 전역에 설치했다는 말을 제주대학교 신용민 교수에게서 들은 터라, 심정이 양분되어 타들어 가고 있는 느낌이 온다. 그의 절망적 심정은 몹시 컸다.

한 사람의 생애사를 안에서 깊이 알다 보면 그 사람의 돌출 행동도 이해할 수 있다. 그렇지만 큰 역사적 흐름 속에서뿐 아니라 적대적 관계, 적대적인 관계는 아니더라도 반대의 생각이나 문화적으로 경제적으로 전혀 다른 삶의 터전 위에서 살았던 사람에게는 공감할 수 없는 부분들이 있는 것도 사실이다.
철학의 동기를 서양 철학자들의 “경이가 아니라 깊은 인생의 비애”라고 말한 기타로 니시다의 삶과 철학이 그렇다. 허우성 교수의 <일본의 두 얼굴>. 서양 철학을 깊이에서 공부하고 인생의 신고와 좌절의 경험을 통해 내 마음의 깊은 바닥(奧底)인 일본의 종교와 철학의 전통에서 재탄생 시킨 위대한 일본의 철학자 니시다. 그렇지만 그는 왜 타자의 아픔과 고통에 대해서는 일언반구도 없이 침묵으로 일관했을까, 니시다에 대한 허우성의 질문이다.

두 얼굴이 아니라 한 얼굴이었으면 얼마나 좋으련만, 일본 역사의 경험에서 보면 분명 초지일관, 한 얼굴의 위대한 철학자일 것인데, 한국인 허우성 교수의 역사적 경험에서 보면 안타깝지만 분명 두 얼굴의 철학자이다. 그렇지만 평가되어야 할 부분은 평가되어야 한다. 하이데거가 그렇고 한국의 철학자 김형효가 그렇다. 교수님은 철학자 김형효가 동서철학을 깊게 이해하고 동서철학을 회통한 철학을 한 자, 일본의 니시다와 같은 인물이 아닌가 생각한다고 말씀하신다.
김태창 교수님은 야나기 무네요시의 조선미의 발견, 민예운동과 민예미를 높이 평가하신다. 야나기 무네요시의 두 얼굴이라는 평가도 있지만, 그건 깊이에서 보지 못한 단견이라고...

시인 김지하에 관한 이야기도 하셨다. 김지하에 대한 일본인들의 열화와 같은 애정으로 일본 초청이 이루어졌는데, 중국 등 다른 지역의 초청인들과 함께 한 자리에서 각자에게 배정된 강의 시간을 무시하고 혼자 끝까지 시간을 다 쓰는 바람에, 다른 강사들은 강의를 할 수 없었다는 이야기, 시인의 똥고집 독백으로 끝나버린 웃픈 강연, 결코 아름다울 수 없다는 말씀. 최근 시인의 생명학과 흰 그늘의 미학에 관한 책들에 빠져 읽고 있는 중이라, 시인의 어깃장에 대해 알고는 있었지만 순간 역류가 흘렀다. 정말 유명하고 존경하는 분들에게도 안타까운 뒷얘기들이 있다.
내가 보기에 선생님은 아직도 열정이 넘치시는 분이다. 연구하고 독서하며 새로운 생각을 말씀하신다. 최근에는 트랜스 휴먼, 포스트 휴먼, 메타 휴먼에 이르기까지
나이들수록 식물에 대한 관심이 많아진다고, 동물에서 식물로, 식물에서도 잡풀로, 사람에게서 뽑히고 밟히고 천시되지만 끈질긴 생명력으로 어디에서나 왕성하고, 무성하게 자라는 잡풀. 잡초.
말씀을 듣느라 전체 사진 한 장 찍지 못했다. 사진에 없는 정동교회 홍순길 장로님, 최근 『메이지의 그늘: 영혼의 정치와 일본의 보수주의』(모시는사람들, 2023)를 생산한 이찬수 박사님, 스페인 미술 해설의 베테랑 서영석 목사님이 함께 했다.

All reactions:174You, 이찬수, 임덕수 and 171 others

A Quaker Vision for Political Activism - QuakerSpeak

A Quaker Vision for Political Activism - QuakerSpeak

A Quaker Vision for Political Activism

Politics is on our minds this week. Marge Abbott and Noah Merrill explore how Friends have been called to engage in the political conversation in the past and offer a vision for the future.

This is a re-release of an earlier video that we did with the Friends Committee on National Legislation.


Discussion Questions:

  • Marge Abbott says that Friends have always had a sense that the Kingdom of God can be realized here on Earth. Do you share that vision? What does it look like personally for you to work towards that?
  • Noah Merrill says that Quakers tap into a prophetic power when standing up and engaging with authority—even when they don’t need to. What do you think he means? Have you experienced what he is talking about?


Marge Abbott: Friends have always had this sense that the Kingdom of God can be realized here on Earth, and so for early Friends, sometimes that vision was taken from Isaiah with the image of the lion and the lamb living side by side without doing damage to the other, this sense that we can all share this Earth together if we treat each other with respect.

A Quaker Vision for Political Activism

Noah Merrill: The systems that we create as people, the systems of government and systems of power and the way that we distribute resources are all inhabited by people, and at its most powerful, this prophetic work is about relationships.

Marge Abbott: Friends always been very active in addressing our government and its rule. They had started out in the earliest days having to try and change laws that were affecting them directly. As time went by a century later they were among the most active lobbyists to end slavery, active in women’s suffrage, in temperance movements… many, many places where they were lobbying over the centuries.

Waiting in the Broken Prison

Noah: There’s a story in the Book of Acts that I really love where these two traveling ministers, Paul and Silas, are in this jail…

Marge: Paul in his travels had been thrown in jail and in the middle the night there was an earthquake or something that broke open his jail cell…

Noah: …and everybody’s chains come off. So they’re sitting in this broken prison…

Marge: …and he could have easily walked away, and never been seen again, and never have to deal with the consequences…

Noah: …and the jailer comes in and he starts to kill himself, because he’s afraid to get executed because his prisoners have escaped, and Paul and Silas call out and say, “Don’t harm yourself. We are all still here.”

Marge: He stayed and faced his jailers and said, “You guys are doing it wrong. You can’t be imprisoning me. You’re taking away my rights as a Roman citizen.”

Noah: So that image is really important in terms of understanding what it means for Quakers to be engaged in prophetic work, that we can touch that experience of everybody’s chains coming off and then we stand and we wait in the broken prison and we bring that message to others, and invite others to live in that reality as well.

Marge: And Friends were known for doing things like singing in jail. They were there with joy, knowing that they were being obedient to God. They even convinced some of their jailers to become Quakers, which is something I’ve always loved.

The Power at Work in Every Heart

Noah Merrill: To live in that life and power–as Quakers have said–that takes away the occasion for war. It’s not that we’re setting out to destroy war. It’s that we’re turning our eyes and turning our hearts and the directions of our lives into the channel of love, and knowing it’s that power that arises, the power that holds the planets in place, that we’re responding to.

So we’re a small group. We’re politically insignificant in so many ways, but it’s not our power that we’re bringing to these conversations. We’re being as faithful as we can be to the truth that’s being revealed to us, and we’re trusting that if we follow that through, that that will speak in others as well, you know, that that same power that we’re encountering is also at work in every heart.

The views expressed in this video are of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Friends Journal or its collaborators.


The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness : Haidt, Jonathan: Amazon.com.au: Books

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness : Haidt, Jonathan: Amazon.com.au: Books

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Jonathan HaidtJonathan Haidt

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness Paperback – 3 April 2024
by Jonathan Haidt (Author)

4.6 out of 5 stars 3,913 ratings

An urgent and insightful investigation into the collapse in youth mental health, from the influential social psychologist and international bestselling author

Jonathan Haidt has spent his career speaking truth and wisdom in some of the most difficult spaces - communities polarized by politics and religion, campuses battling culture wars, and now the mental health emergency hitting teenagers today in many countries around the world.

In The Anxious Generation, Haidt shows how, between 2010 and 2015, childhood and adolescence got rewired. As teens traded in their flip phones for smartphones packed with social media apps, time online soared, including time spent comparing oneself to a vast pool of others. Time engaging face-to-face with friends and family plummeted, and so did mental health.

But this is not just a story about technology; this profound shift took place against a backdrop of declining childhood freedom and free-play, as parents over-supervised every aspect of their children's lives offline, depriving them of the experiences they most need to become strong and self-governing adults.

In this book, Haidt makes a compelling argument that the loss of play-based childhood and its replacement with a phone-based childhood that is not suitable for human development is the source of increased mental distress among teenagers. The Anxious Generation delves into the latest psychological and biological research to show the four fundamental ways in which a phone-based childhood disrupts development - sleep deprivation, social deprivation, cognitive fragmentation and addiction. Haidt offers separate in-depth analyses of what has happened to girls, and what has happened to boys, offering practical advice for parents, schools, governments, and teens themselves. Drawing on ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research, this eye-opening book is a life raft and a powerful call-to-arms.
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Print length

400 pages


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My central claim in this book is that these two trends—overprotection in the real world and underprotection in the virtual world—are the major reasons why children born after 1995 became the anxious generation.
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People don’t get depressed when they face threats collectively; they get depressed when they feel isolated, lonely, or useless.
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While the reward-seeking parts of the brain mature earlier, the frontal cortex—essential for self-control, delay of gratification, and resistance to temptation—is not up to full capacity until the mid-20s, and preteens are at a particularly vulnerable point in development.
Highlighted by 3,401 Kindle readers
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From the brand

How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
Since 2010...

The popularisation of smartphones and 24-hour internet access has led to 46% of teens to be online 'almost constantly'
Anxiety diagnoses among 18–25-year-olds have increased by 92%
Nearly 40% of teenage girls in the UK who spend over 5 hours on social media per day score as clinically depressed

What has changed?

Parents tend to over-supervise every aspect of their children’s lives offline, depriving them of the experiences and skills they need to develop greater resilience. Meanwhile, smartphones encourage screen-based living in place of real-time, face to face interactions. Selfie culture weakens confidence as teens compare themselves to others, while social media reduces connection to 'likes' alone.

What can we do now?
More unsupervised play: allow children to gain social skills and become autonomous adults
No smartphones before 14: limit usage to dumb phones
No social media before 16: protect those in the most vulnerable stages of brain development
Phone free schools: store devices in lockers to promote real-life interaction, connection and focus
The Anxious GenerationHold On To Your KidsThe Book You Wish Your Parents Had ReadTen Things I Wish You Knew About Your Child's Mental HealthRaising Girls Who Like ThemselvesBringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves

Price $24.00$24.00 $23.09$23.09 $17.26$17.26 $24.00$24.00 $26.95$26.95 $26.96$26.96
What's it about? A deep dive into the factors contributing to the rising anxiety levels among young people, offering insights and practical solutions. This book explores the importance of parental attachment in child development and offers guidance on fostering strong parent-child connections. A thoughtful guide to understanding your child’s behavior and building a strong, healthy relationship with them. Essential insights and actionable advice for parents to better understand and support their child's mental health. Insightful strategies for nurturing self-esteem and resilience in young girls. Practical advice on raising confident and emotionally healthy boys in today’s challenging world.
Practical Parenting Advice ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mental Health Insights ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Strategies for Building Self-Esteem ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Real-life Examples and Case Studies ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Parental Attachment Guidance ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Product description

About the Author
Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist and the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University's Stern School of Business. He is the author of The Righteous Mind and co-author of The Coddling of the American Mind.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Allen Lane; 1st edition (3 April 2024)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 400 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0241694906
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0241694909
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cmBest Sellers Rank: 58 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)1 in Developmental Psychology (Books)
2 in Babysitting, Day Care & Child Care
2 in Parenting Teenagers (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 3,913 ratings

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Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University's Stern School of Business. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 and then did post-doctoral research at the University of Chicago and in Orissa, India. He taught at the University of Virginia for 16 years before moving to NYU-Stern in 2011. He was named one of the "top global thinkers" by Foreign Policy magazine, and one of the "top world thinkers" by Prospect magazine.

His research focuses on morality - its emotional foundations, cultural variations, and developmental course. He began his career studying the negative moral emotions, such as disgust, shame, and vengeance, but then moved on to the understudied positive moral emotions, such as admiration, awe, and moral elevation. He is the co-developer of Moral Foundations theory, and of the research site YourMorals.org. He is a co-founder of HeterodoxAcademy.org, which advocates for viewpoint diversity in higher education. He uses his research to help people understand and respect the moral motives of their enemies (see CivilPolitics.org, and see his TED talks). He is the author of The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom; The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion; and (with Greg Lukianoff) The Coddling of the American Mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting a generation up for failure. For more information see www.JonathanHaidt.com.

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4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5
3,913 global ratings
5 star

Groucho Groucho

5.0 out of 5 stars Every Parent Should Read thisReviewed in Australia on 22 October 2024
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This book is a warning to all parents that the world, through social media, phones, computers and other devices is playing merry hell with everyone's head. Kids are presenting ADHD symptoms when they don't actually have ADHD and they end up lacking confidence and resilience. Parents are focussing on the wrong threats and as a result, adding to their children's lack of resilience and anxiety.


Joan Dutton

5.0 out of 5 stars Good bookReviewed in Australia on 29 October 2024
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Cheryl Schaffer

5.0 out of 5 stars Good reading!Reviewed in Australia on 28 August 2024
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Very good read at a good price.


Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Shocking, yet obvious! A must ready for parentsReviewed in Australia on 11 August 2024
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This is a must read for parents, it explores and explains many aspects of social media, friendships and communication that are essential for us to navigate the teenage years. I have not stopped telling all of my friends about this book.

2 people found this helpful



3.0 out of 5 stars Don't recommend audiobookReviewed in Australia on 21 June 2024

This is a review about format not content.

I should preface with an acknowledgement that a lot of effort has been put into making the audio version of the book complete. Downloadable notes, graphs, etc.

I am a big fan of audiobooks, however, unless you absolutely have to use audible format, I highly recommend written format. It's so complicated to keep cross-referencing things, and this is the type of book that you will likely want to go back and refer to specific sections later.

4 people found this helpful


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Randy L.
5.0 out of 5 stars Key Book of 2024Reviewed in Canada on 4 November 2024
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This is a must read to understand our rapidly altering tech world. What is a cell phone doing to me and more importantly -- THEM ?


M. A. Mus
5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente libro con información documentada de las consecuencias del smartphone y las redesReviewed in Mexico on 22 August 2024
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Los daños que están ocasionando las redes y el uso excesivo del celular a la sociedad, sobretodo adolescentes y niños.
Urge tomar acción, es un tema de salud mental y emocional.

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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Fundamental para evoluirmos nessa discussãoReviewed in Brazil on 7 June 2024
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Livro fundamental, pois nos tira das discussões baseadas em "achismos" e oferece um leque amplo de dados e estudos que confirmam o que já estamos percebendo na prática: celulares e redes sociais nas mãos de crianças e adolescentes são a causa da epidemia de saúde mental que estamos vivendo.

A infância está morrendo atrás das telas e os pais ainda continuam a acreditar que está tudo bem. Não está tudo bem. E nós (sociedade, famílias, escolas etc). precisamos, com urgência, fazer algo sobre o assunto.

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Joe Terrell
5.0 out of 5 stars Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation Sparks Urgent Reflection and ActionReviewed in the United States on 30 April 2024
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Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation is, simply put, one of the most important and vital works of nonfiction I've read, and—quite possibly—the most influential book on my wife and I's parenting style and approach to technology.

The Anxious Generation is bombshell after bombshell detonating all of our preconceived assumptions about social media, Gen Z, parenting, "safetyism," mobile phones, childhood, education, and mental health. You've probably long suspected some of Haidt's observations and conclusions, but to see them put to words—and backed by heaps and heaps of research, neuroscience, philosophy, and spiritual musings—is to have your assumptions about what we consider "normal" rocked to its very core.

I'm so thankful I read this book prior to the birth of my daughter. This is a book I want to put into the hands of every parent, want-to-be parent, teacher, politician, tech CEO, or anyone who works/engages with children and/or cares about the collective mental health of our country. I firmly believe that if enough people—especially parents of young children—read this book, it could change the trajectory of our nation's approach to technology and childhood.

In short, Haidt's argument boils down to one salient point: We've overprotected our children from the real world, and underprotected them from the virtual world.. He advocates for a return to the "play-based childhood," and points the transition to the "phone-based childhood" as the primary driver of a significant increase in anxiety, depression, and self-harm among teenagers—especially teenage girls. Additionally, because of culture's perpetual fear-based approach to child-rearing, we've left our kids woefully unprepared for the pressures of the "real world"—and points to evidence of the startling number of Gen Zers and younger Millennials who appears trapped in a state of perpetual young adulthood.

The best aspect of The Anxious Generation is how easy it would've been for Haidt to just document a series of social ills and offer a diagnosis. But the back half of this book is full of extremely practical steps, application points, and "rules" for ensuring your children don't have their neurobiology hacked by tech companies who only want to monopolize their attention—mental health consequences be damned. And, even though the harms hone in on Gen Z and younger Millennials, I find myself often convicted of my own habitual phone use throughout the course of this book and I realize even I didn't escape unscathed.

Read this book. Buy a hard copy and highlight it. I want to give a copy to all of my friends, young parents, and teachers. And not just because I want to discuss this book—but, because as Haidt points out over and over again, this is a cultural issue that requires mass collective action in order to change. So, the more people who read this book and are startled awake by its findings, then the easier it'll be to implement the changes Haidt recommends.

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2.0 out of 5 stars Plastic and hard cover damageReviewed in Spain on 7 November 2024
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Status of plastic cover significantly damaged and the hardcover slightly damaged.

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Roger ScrutonRoger Scruton

On Human Nature Kindle Edition
by Roger Scruton (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 206 ratings
A brief, radical defense of human uniqueness from acclaimed philosopher Roger Scruton

In this short book, acclaimed writer and philosopher Roger Scruton presents an original and radical defense of human uniqueness. Confronting the views of evolutionary psychologists, utilitarian moralists, and philosophical materialists such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, Scruton argues that human beings cannot be understood simply as biological objects. We are not only human animals; we are also persons, in essential relation with other persons, and bound to them by obligations and rights. Our world is a shared world, exhibiting freedom, value, and accountability, and to understand it we must address other people face to face and I to I.

Scruton develops and defends his account of human nature by ranging widely across intellectual history, from Plato and Averroës to Darwin and Wittgenstein. The book begins with Kant's suggestion that we are distinguished by our ability to say "I"—by our sense of ourselves as the centers of self-conscious reflection. This fact is manifested in our emotions, interests, and relations. It is the foundation of the moral sense, as well as of the aesthetic and religious conceptions through which we shape the human world and endow it with meaning. And it lies outside the scope of modern materialist philosophy, even though it is a natural and not a supernatural fact. Ultimately, Scruton offers a new way of understanding how self-consciousness affects the question of how we should live.

The result is a rich view of human nature that challenges some of today's most fashionable ideas about our species.
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Print length

160 pages

"One of Blackwell's Best of Non-Fiction 2017"
From the Back Cover

"I admire Roger Scruton's stance and I admire his writing. In this short book, he raises and discusses deeply important issues about the human world."--Simon Blackburn, author of Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy

"A tour de force, this book presents an original and important view of human nature."--Anthony O'Hear, University of Buckingham

About the Author

Roger Scruton (1944–2020) was a writer and philosopher. His many books included The Soul of the World and The Aesthetics of Architecture (both Princeton), as well as A Short History of Modern Philosophy.
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (14 February 2017)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1687 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 160 pages
Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 0691183031Best Sellers Rank: 585,137 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)87 in Philosophy Criticism (Kindle Store)
271 in History of Philosophy & Schools of Thought eBooks
398 in Philosophy Criticism (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 206 ratings

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