
모나 시메오나 - Wikipedia モーナ・ナラマク・シメオナ(英語: Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona)

모나 시메오나 - Wikipedia

모나 시메오나

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모나 나라막 시메오나 ( 영어 : Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, 1913년 5월 19일 - 1992년 2월 11일 )는 미국 하와이주 출신의 카프나 라파아우( 힐러 ). 현대판 호오포노포노를 고안해 미국, 아시아, 유럽에서 가르쳤다.

카프나 라파아우 편집 ]

모나는 1913년 5월 19일, 모두 하와이 원주민인 아버지 키모케오와 어머니 릴리아 아래 하와이주 호놀룰루에서 태어났다 [ 1 ] . 어머니 릴리아 시메오나는 카프나 라우 카헤아 (말로 치유하는 성직자)의 마지막 한 사람으로 인정 받았다 [2] . 모나는 로미로미 마사지 시술자로, 10년간, 카하라 힐튼 호텔과 로열 하와이안 호텔에서 헬스 스파를 소유 및 운영하고 있었다 [3] . 힐튼 스파에서의 고객은 린던 B. 존슨 , 재클린 케네디 , 아놀드 파머 가 있었다 [4] . 1983년에, 본파 혼간지 하와이 별원 영어판 ) 으로부터 하와이 인간주보 영어판 ) 로서 표창되어, 카후나·라파아우(힐러)로서 인정되었다 [5] .

호오포노포노 편집 ]

1976년 모나는 하와이의 전통적인 용서와 화해의 과정인 호오포노포노를 현대사회에 적합한 방법으로 개편하기 시작했다. 이 새로운 방법은 그녀가받은 기독교 교육 (개신교와 가톨릭), 인도, 중국, 에드거 케이시에 대한 철학적 연구의 영향을 받았다. 하와이의 전통, 신성한 창조주에 대한 기도, 윤회전생  카르마  연결 문제가 조합된 결과, 전통적인 그룹에 의한 방법과는 다른, 혼자서 할 수 있는 문제 해결 방법이 태어났다. 그녀는 전통적인 개념을 현대적으로 응용하는 것에 아무런 즐거움도 없었지만, 하와이의 순수주의자 중에는 비판을 하는 사람도 있었다. “그녀의 시스템은 셀프(마음)의 세 부분의 협력관계를 구축하기 위해 호오포노포노의 기술을 사용하고 있다. 있다.” [6]

유엔 [7] 미국, 독일, 네덜란드, 스위스, 프랑스, ​​러시아, 일본을 포함한 14 개국 이상에서 호 오포노 포노에 대한 교육과 강연을 실시했다 [8 ] . 하와이 대학과 존스 홉킨스 대학 등의 고등교육기관, 의료기관, 종교기관, 기업에서 발표를 하고, 1982년에는 'First World Symposium of Identity of Man'을 개최했다[9 ] . 한 기자는 “마음의 평화를 얻는 방법을 사람들에게 가르칠 때 시메오나의 존재, 목소리, 조용한 분위기에는 매우 온화하고 마음을 진정시키는 무언가가 있었다”고 말했다.

새로운 호오포노포노를 전파하기 위해 1970년대부터 1980년에 걸쳐 'The Foundation of 'I', Inc. . 3권의 텍스트 『Self-Identity through Hoʻoponopono(Basic 1)』(128페이지), Basic 2, (2년의 실천 후에 사용), Basic 3(5년 후에 사용)을 저술했다. Basic 2와 Basic 3에 기간이 권장되는 것은 신성한 존재에 대한 깊은 경의를 키우기 위한 것이었다. 1990년에는, Basic 1의 영어판(8판)이 독일어와 프랑스어로 공식적으로 번역·인쇄되었다 [10] [11] .

1990 년 가을, 강의와 세미나를위한 마지막 여행으로 유럽을 통해 예루살렘을 방문 했다 . 1991년 1월 16일에 독일로 돌아와 1992년 2월 11일에 죽을 때까지 키르히하임에 있는 친구의 집에서 조용히 살았다.

자유의 동상 편집 ]

자유의 동상의 석고 모형은 현재 연방의사당 방문자 센터에 전시되어 있다

1992년 3월 25일, 상원 의원 다니엘 케이 아카카가 모나를 칭찬한 것이 연방 의회 사록에 기록되었다 [12] . 연방의사당 위에 서 있는 자유의 상(주철제)의 오리지널 석고모형이 보관되고 있는 것을 모나가 알고 있었기 때문이다. 모나는 석고 모형을 수리하기 위해 25,000달러를 모았습니다.이 석고 모형은 Russell Senate Office Building에 전시되었습니다 (현재 연방 의사당 방문자 센터에 전시됨). 아카카는 이것이 모나를 회고시키는 것이 될 것이라고 말했다.

출처 편집 ]

  1. ^ 상무부, 인구조사국, 제15차 인구조사(1930)
  2. ^ Rodman, Julius Scammon, 하와이의 Kahuna Sorcerers, 과거와 현재 , p. 195 (박람회, 1979)
  3. Morrnah Simeon, 내과의사 , Honolulu Advertiser, p. C4 (1992년 2월 17일)
  4. ^ Dye, Bob, Hawaiʻi Chronicles II: Honolulu Magazine 페이지의 현대 섬 역사 , p. 298-301 (Pitzer, Pat, Kahuna, The Keepers of the Secrets , Nov. 1984), University of Hawaiʻi Press (1997) ISBN  0-8248-1984-5
  5. ↑ 살아있는 보물로 5명 선정 , 호놀룰루 스타 게시판 (1983년 2월 12일)
  6. ^ 다이 밥, 피처 팻
  7. ^ Chai, Makana Risser, Na Mo'olelo Lomilomi: 하와이안 마사지 및 치유의 전통 , p. 47, Bishop Museum Press (2005) ISBN 978-1-58178-046-8 
  8. ^ 미국 상원의원 Daniel Akaka, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona를 기리며 , 의회 기록, 102d 의회 절차 및 토론, Second Session, Vol. 138,43호(1992.3.25)
  9. ^ Scott, Nadine W., Kahuna to Explore the Ancient Ways , Honolulu Star Bulletin(1982년 7월)
  10. ^ Simeona, Morrnah, Hoʻoponopono를 통한 자기 정체성 , 128pg, Pacifica Seminars (1990)
  11. ^ Simeona, Morrnah, The Identity of Oneself by Hoʻoponopono , 128페이지, Pacifica Seminars (1990)
  12. ^ 다니엘 클리어

참고 문헌 편집 ]

  • Cooke, Mary, 한편, Back in Honolulu , The Honolulu Advertiser(1974년 2월 13일)
  • Sifford, Darell, Kahuna의 전례가 이러한 변화를 일으킬 수 있었습니까? Morrnah Simeona, Philadelphia Inquirer 인터뷰(1980년 12월 2일)
  • Brower, Nancy, She Solves Problems , The Asheville Times(1981년 6월 10일)
  • Sifford, Darell, Spirit Healer: Kahuna는 설득력이 있었지만 알레르기를 치료할 수 있습니까? 필라델피아 인콰이어러(1981년 6월 30일)
  • Matsuda, Craig, Hoʻoponopono가 행복을 가져다준다고 그녀는 말합니다 . , The Miami Herald, Edition Broward(1981년 6월 22일)
  • Scott, Nadine W., Kahuna to Explore the Ancient Ways , Honolulu Star Bulletin(1982년 7월 7일)
  • Bowman, Pierre, Kahuna 업데이트 고대 관행 , The Honolulu Advertiser Morrnah Simeona 인터뷰(1982년 7월 8일)
  • Cooke, Mary, A Kahuna in the Kitchen , The Honolulu Advertiser(1982년 9월 8일)
  • 건강, 스트레스로부터의 자유, Hawaiian Kahuna 방식 , Carson City Nevada Appeal(1982년 11월 21일)
  • 살아있는 보물로 명명된 다섯 사람 , 호놀룰루 스타 게시판(1983년 2월 12일)
  • 1983년 4월 13일 하와이 트리뷴 헤럴드 칼라니 호누아 에서 3개의 건강 워크숍이 중단됨
  • Braxton, Virginia A., Hoʻoponopono, 과도한 스트레스 해소 및 Springfield Round-Up , Springfield News-Sun(1983년 6월 30일)
  • Dye, Bob, Hawaiʻi Chronicles II: Honolulu Magazine 페이지의 현대 섬 역사 , p. 298-301 (Pitzer, Pat, Kahuna, The Keepers of the Secrets , Nov. 1984), University of Hawaiʻi Press (1997) ISBN 0-8248-1984-5 
  • Dusen, Jane Ann Van, A Way of Life , Morrnah Simeona 인터뷰, The Movement Newspaper, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (1985년 4월)
  • 영, 멜린다, 바쁜 세상에서 평화를 창조하다 , 마노아 뉴스(1986년 10월)
  • Morrnah Simeona, 의료 사제 (사망 기사), Honolulu Advertiser(1992년 2월 17일)

외부 링크 편집 ]

ハワイに伝わる癒しの秘法 みんなが幸せになるホ・オポノポノ 神聖なる知能が導く、心の平和のための苦悩の手放し方 | イハレアカラ・ヒューレン, 櫻庭 雅文 |本 | 通販 | Amazon

ハワイに伝わる癒しの秘法 みんなが幸せになるホ・オポノポノ 神聖なる知能が導く、心の平和のための苦悩の手放し方 | イハレアカラ・ヒューレン, 櫻庭 雅文 |本 | 通販 | Amazon

櫻庭 雅文


ハワイに伝わる癒しの秘法 みんなが幸せになるホ・オポノポノ 神聖なる知能が導く、心の平和のための苦悩の手放し方 ハードカバー – 2008/9/30
イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), 櫻庭 雅文 (その他)
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神科医スタッフ。現在、The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the cosmos名誉委員長。1983年から、国連、ユネスコ、世界平和協議会などでセルフアイデンティティ・ホ・オポノポノに関する講演を行うほか、ハワイ、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、日本などで普及活動に務めてきた。共著に、『ハワイの秘宝』(東本貢司訳、PHP研究所刊)がある。

出版社 ‏ : ‎ 徳間書店 (2008/9/30)
発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2008/9/30
言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語
ハードカバー ‏ : ‎ 247ページ
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 4198626049
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4198626044Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 9,132位本 (本の売れ筋ランキングを見る)- 18位自然哲学・宇宙論・時間論
- 123位超心理学・心霊
- 235位倫理学入門カスタマーレビュー:
5つ星のうち4.4 462個の評価

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The Book of Ho'oponopono by Luc Bodin, Nathalie Bodin Lamboy, Jean Graciet - Ebook | Scribd

The Book of Ho'oponopono by Luc Bodin, Nathalie Bodin Lamboy, Jean Graciet - Ebook | Scribd

Ebook195 pages4 hours
The Book of Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Healing

By Luc Bodin, Nathalie Bodin Lamboy and Jean Graciet
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


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About this ebook
A simple practice to heal your past and cleanse negative memories to live a more peaceful and harmonious life

• Details how to apply Ho'oponopono to deal with traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups

• Draws on the new science of epigenetics and quantum physics to explain how Ho'oponopono works

• Explains how the trauma of past events can cloud your perceptions and reveals how to break free from the weight of your memories

Based on an ancestral Hawaiian shamanic ritual, the healing practice of Ho'oponopono teaches you to cleanse your consciousness of negative memories, unconscious fears, and dysfunctional programming and grant yourself forgiveness, peace, and love. The process is deceptively simple--first you must recognize your own responsibility for creating the events in your life, then you are ready to apply the mantra of Ho'oponopono: I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, I love you. Repeated several times over a dedicated interval, the negativity is replaced with inner peace, love, and harmony--and, as the stories in this book show, sometimes even miracles take place.

In this step-by-step guide, the authors explain how to apply Ho'oponopono to traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups. Drawing on quantum physics and epigenetics, they explore how Ho'oponopono works--how thoughts and consciousness can affect the expression of your DNA, the materialization of your goals, and the behavior of those around you. They explain how negative thought patterns and memories unconsciously guide your life and draw more negativity to you, perpetuating the cycle of bad events and clouding your recollection of the past. By apologizing to yourself, your memory, and the event in question, you can forgive yourself, heal your memories, and cleanse your perceptions. By reconciling with yourself, you open your heart to love for your experiences, yourself, and others and bring harmony to your mind, body, and the world around you.
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Luc Bodin

Luc Bodin, M.D., is a doctor specializing in holistic medicine. The author of several health books, he presents workshops and trainings on energy treatments in Paris and southern France.

Morrnah Simeona - Wikipedia

Morrnah Simeona - Wikipedia

Morrnah Simeona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (May 19, 1913 – February 11, 1992) was recognized as a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) in Hawaiʻi and taught her updated version of hoʻoponopono throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe.

Kahuna lapaʻau[edit]

Morrnah was born May 19, 1913, in HonoluluHawaii, to Kimokeo and Lilia Simeona, both native Hawaiians.[1] Her mother, Lilia, was one of the last recognized kahuna laʻau kahea or priest who heals with words.[2] Morrnah was a practitioner of lomilomi massage and for 10 years owned and operated health spas at the Kahala Hilton and Royal Hawaiian hotels.[3] Among her massage clients at the Hilton spa were Lyndon B. JohnsonJackie Kennedy, and Arnold Palmer.[4] In 1983, she was recognized as a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) and honored as a "Living Treasure of Hawai'i" by the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai'i.[5]


In 1976 she began to modify the traditional Hawaiian forgiveness and reconciliation process of hoʻoponopono to the realities of the modern day. Her version of hoʻoponopono was influenced by her Christian (Protestant and Catholic) education and her philosophical studies about India, China, and Edgar Cayce. The combination of Hawaiian traditions, praying to the Divine Creator, and connecting problems with Reincarnation and Karma resulted in a unique new problem solving process, that was self-help rather than the traditional Hawaiian group process. She had no qualms about adapting traditional concepts to contemporary applications, though she was criticized by some Hawaiian purists. "Her system uses hoʻoponopono techniques to create a working partnership among the three parts of the mind or self, which she calls by Hawaiian names, as well as by the terms subconscious, conscious, and superconscious."[6]

She presented trainings and lectures on hoʻoponopono to the United Nations,[7] in nearly a dozen states in the U.S., and in more than 14 countries, among them Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Russia, and Japan.[8] She presented to schools of higher learning, such as the University of Hawaiʻi and Johns Hopkins University, to medical facilities, religious institutions and business organizations. In 1982 she organized the First World Symposium of Identity of Man.[9] A reporter noted: "There was something very calming and soothing about Simeona's presence and her voice, a sense of serenity about her, as she talks about teaching people how to relieve stress and attain peace of mind."[6]

To spread her hoʻoponopono process, she founded Pacifica Seminars in the 1970s and in 1980 The Foundation of ‘I’, Inc. (Freedom of the Cosmos). In 1990, she started Pacifica Seminars in Germany. Simeona wrote three textbooks Self-Identity through Hoʻoponopono, Basic 1 (128 pg), Basic 2 (to use after two years of practicing) and Basic 3 (to use after five years). The recommended waiting times for Basic 2 and 3 was for developing deep respect for the "Divine presence." In 1990, the English original of Basic 1, 8th edition, was officially translated and printed in German and French.[10][11]

In late fall 1990, her last journey for lectures and seminars took her through Europe to Jerusalem. On January 16, 1991, she came back to Germany, where she lived quietly at a friend's house in Kirchheim, near Munich, until her death on February 11, 1992.

Statue of Freedom[edit]

Statue of Freedom's plaster model cast now resides in the Capitol Visitor Center

On March 25, 1992, U. S. Senator Daniel Akaka (D - Hawaii), eulogized Simeona in the Congressional Record.[12] He noted she had learned that the original plaster cast of the cast-iron Statue of Freedom, which stands on the top of the dome of the United States Capitol, was being kept in storage. She raised $25,000 to refurbish and restore it, and as a result it was moved and placed on display in the Russell Senate Office Building (now in the Capitol Visitor Center) where, Akaka said, it would serve as a remembrance of Simeona.[12]


  1. ^ Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Fifteenth Census (1930)
  2. ^ Rodman, Julius Scammon, The Kahuna Sorcerers of Hawaii, Past and Present, p. 195 (Exposition, 1979)
  3. ^ Morrnah Simeona, kahuna lapaʻau, Honolulu Advertiser, p. C4 (Feb. 17, 1992)
  4. ^ Dye, Bob, Hawaiʻi Chronicles II: Contemporary Island History from the Pages of Honolulu Magazine, p. 298-301 (Pitzer, Pat, Kahuna, The Keepers of the Secrets, Nov. 1984), University of Hawaiʻi Press (1997) ISBN 0-8248-1984-5
  5. ^ Five persons are named as Living Treasures, Honolulu Star Bulletin (Feb. 12, 1983)
  6. Jump up to:a b Dye Bob, Pitzer Pat
  7. ^ Chai, Makana Risser, Na Moʻolelo Lomilomi: The Traditions of Hawaiian Massage & Healing, p. 47, Bishop Museum Press (2005) ISBN 978-1-58178-046-8
  8. ^ U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka, In Memory of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 102d Congress, Second Session, Vol. 138, No. 43 (March 25, 1992)
  9. ^ Scott, Nadine W., Kahuna to Explore the Ancient Ways, Honolulu Star Bulletin (July, 1982)
  10. ^ Simeona, Morrnah, Selbst-Identität durch Hoʻoponopono, 128 pg, Pacifica Seminars (1990)
  11. ^ Simeona, Morrnah, L'Identité de Soi-Même par Hoʻoponopono, 128 pg, Pacifica Seminars (1990)
  12. Jump up to:a b Daniel Akaka


  • Cooke, Mary, Meanwhile, back in Honolulu, The Honolulu Advertiser (Feb. 13, 1974)
  • Sifford, Darell, Could a Kahuna’s liturgy have wrought these changes? Interview of Morrnah Simeona, Philadelphia Inquirer (Dec. 2, 1980)
  • Brower, Nancy, She Solves Problems, The Asheville Times (June 10, 1981)
  • Sifford, Darell, Spirit Healer: The Kahuna was convincing, but could she cure an allergy? Philadelphia Inquirer (June 30, 1981)
  • Matsuda, Craig, Hoʻoponopono brings happiness, she says, The Miami Herald, Edition Broward (June 22, 1981)
  • Scott, Nadine W., Kahuna to Explore the Ancient Ways, Honolulu Star Bulletin (July 7, 1982)
  • Bowman, Pierre, Kahuna updates ancient practises, Interview of Morrnah Simeona, The Honolulu Advertiser (July 8, 1982)
  • Cooke, Mary, A Kahuna in the Kitchen, The Honolulu Advertiser (Sept. 8, 1982)
  • Health, freedom from stress, the Hawaiian Kahuna way, Carson City Nevada Appeal (Nov. 21, 1982)
  • Five Persons Are Named as Living Treasures, Honolulu Star Bulletin (Feb. 12, 1983)
  • Three health workshops stalted at Kalani Honua, Hawaiʻi Tribune Herald (April 13, 1983)
  • Braxton, Virginia A., Hoʻoponopono, Ridding yourself of excess stress and Springfield Round-Up, Springfield News-Sun (June 30, 1983)
  • Dye, Bob, Hawaiʻi Chronicles II: Contemporary Island History from the Pages of Honolulu Magazine, p. 298-301 (Pitzer, Pat, Kahuna, The Keepers of the Secrets, Nov. 1984), University of Hawaiʻi Press (1997) ISBN 0-8248-1984-5
  • Dusen, Jane Ann Van, A Way of Life, Interview of Morrnah Simeona, The Movement Newspaper, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (April 1985)
  • Young, Melinda, Creating peace in a hectic world, Manoa News (Oct. 1986)
  • Morrnah Simeona, Kahuna Lapaʻau (obituary), Honolulu Advertiser (Feb. 17, 1992)