
The Swarthmore Lecture - YouTube 2014 - 2021

The Swarthmore Lecture - YouTube


Swarthmore Lecture 2022 | | Woodbrooke

Swarthmore Lecture 2022 | | Woodbrooke


04 August 2021

Woodbrooke is delighted to announce Helen Minnis as the 2022 Swarthmore Lecturer. Helen will speak from her experience as a scientist and a Quaker, addressing issues of white privilege within the Quaker movement and scientific community. Woodbrooke and Helen see the lecture as part of the ongoing conversation within Britain Yearly Meeting, and Quakers worldwide, about becoming an anti-racist church and what that means.

Helen is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow. She has had a longstanding clinical and research focus on the psychiatric problems of abused and neglected children. Helen has over 120 published articles and as well as being Professor at the University of Glasgow, has collaborated with colleagues at King’s College London, the Universities of Aalborg and Aarhus in Denmark, and the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. Her recent TEDx talk at Glasgow was on the theme of “Leading by admitting you don’t know.”

Helen is an Elder at Glasgow Quaker Meeting and has been involved in contributing to Britain Yearly Meeting’s consideration of power, privilege, and anti-racism – including speaking at Yearly Meeting Gathering 2021, West Scotland Area Meeting, and at the Northern Young Friends’ Summer Shindig in 2020 alongside her daughter. She has a longstanding involvement in Glasgow Children’s Meeting, particularly supporting theatrical/musical ministry of young people – something that reflects her own experience with the Leaveners. Helen is a member of the Quaker Black, Brown, and People of Colour Fellowship.

Helen hopes to use the months leading up to the lecture to collaborate with others and share stories as she builds up her ministry that will be given during Yearly Meeting 2022. She sees her lecture as building on the 2021 Lecture by Thomas Penny that called for Kinder Ground when having difficult conversations and seeking truth. More updates and information will come out over the next year about the shape of the 2022 lecture and how to get involved.

Martina Weitsch, Clerk of the Swarthmore Lecture Committee noted that: “This is not an easy topic, but a very important one in the life of Britain Yearly Meeting. When discerning the name and shaping the topic for the 2022 lecture we found a strong leading lead us towards Helen Minnis. Her ability to think and listen deeply and thoughtfully about difficult issues is a real gift, and her experience both as an individual and working alongside a broad range of Quakers in engaging faithfully with issues of white privilege makes her uniquely placed to give this vital lecture. We’re excited by Helen’s plans to see the lecture as a process, as part of the wider work by Quakers, including a lecture rather than a single presentation.”

The 2022 Swarthmore Lecture is planned to take place as part of Britain Yearly Meeting, to be held over the weekend of 27-30 May 2022.

You can find out updates about the 2022 Swarthmore lecture and watch previous lectures at: www.www.woodbrooke.org.uk/swarthmore.

  • The Swarthmore Lecture is funded and organised by Woodbrooke, an international Quaker learning and research organisation.

Swarthmore Lecture | Woodbrooke

Swarthmore Lecture | Woodbrooke


The Swarthmore Lecture has two key purposes: to interpret to Quakers their message and mission and to make the wider public aware of the spirit, the aims, and fundamental principles of Friends.

The Swarthmore Lecture usually takes place each year during Britain Yearly Meeting. The lecture is funded for and organised by Woodbrooke and is an important part of Woodbrooke’s learning programme and has a key place in the life of Quakers in Britain.

If you enjoy the Swarthmore lecture and would like to support Woodbrooke in providing future lectures then please consider making a donation to support this important part of our work.
2022 lecture
Perceiving the temperature of the water by Helen Minnis

The 2022 Swarthmore Lecture will take place at 19:00 (UK time) on Saturday 28 May, as part of Britain Yearly Meeting. It will be held at Friends House, London and live streamed. This year’s lecture will be given by Helen Minnis of Glasgow Meeting. Helen will speak from her experience as a scientist and a Quaker, addressing issues of white privilege within the Quaker movement and scientific community. Woodbrooke and Helen see the lecture as part of the ongoing conversation within Britain Yearly Meeting, and Quakers worldwide, about becoming an anti-racist church and what that means. You can read more about Helen’s forthcoming lecture here.

Watch the 2022 Swarthmore Lecture video

Sign up for the Swarthmore Lecture follow up sessions

2021 lecture
Kinder Ground: Creating Space for Truth by Thomas Penny

Thomas’ lecture will address Truth in the era of fake news, and will draw on his 29 years’ experience working as a journalist. He will revisit the Quaker commitment to Truth, asking how Quaker practices and approaches may help us in the face of increasing polarisation.

The lecture will explore experiences from Quaker history which speak to our contemporary witness and then reflect on the political ferment in the 21st century and ways we might help heal division by creating kinder ground to promote, and enable, a shared quest for truth.

Thomas started his career working for local press in the West of England before working for national and international media organisations, including the Daily Telegraph and most recently as political correspondent for Bloomberg. In his 12 years with Bloomberg’s UK politics team, he covered four general elections, three referendums, two recessions and the 2012 Olympic Games. Thomas will reflect on his experience of working across political divides and his own relationship with truth as a reporter and as a Quaker.

Click here to watch the 2021 Swarthmore Lecture

Order the 2021 lecture book

Read more about the 2021 lecture here.

2020 lecture

Openings to the Infinite Ocean: A Friendly Offering of Hope by Tom Shakespeare

How do we face all the very real, terrible things that happen in our world and still have hope? How did Friends in the past have hope in dark times and how can we have it today? Tom will reflect on the nature of hope, our reasons to hope, and how we can preach hope through the way we live our lives.

The book to accompany the lecture is available to buy from the Quaker Centre Bookshop website.

2019 lecture

On Earth as it is in Heaven; The Kingdom of God and the yearning of Creation. by Eden Grace

Eden explored Quaker eco-theology, from early Friends to Quakers today. Through stories of Friends’ response to climate change, she shows how this witness arises from their Quaker faith and ask us to imagine and create a positive future. What are the obstacles to radical, prophetic, joy-filled, corporate action?

Eden Grace is a member of New England Yearly Meeting and Global Ministries Director for Friends United Meeting.

Watch on Youtube Watch on Facebook

About the Swarthmore Lecture

Each year there is a spoken lecture and supporting publication, as well as usually audio and video recording and in recent years live streaming of the lecture. Those giving the lecture often lead courses at Woodbrooke to allow in-depth exploration of the subject explored in the lecture.

The Lecture is funded by Woodbrooke and overseen and supported by staff and the Swarthmore Lecture Committee. The committee is responsible for discerning lecturers and topics. It considers Friends who may have a message for the Yearly Meeting and issues of concern and interest to Friends or which bring Quaker witness, faith and practice to a wider audience. The committee considers names put forward by Friends, relevant themes, and its own leadings.

If you would like to suggest a lecturer and/or theme, please download and complete the Swarthmore Lecture Proposal Form.

Past Lectures

The lecture series has been running for over a hundred years, having started in 1908.

See details of past lecturers and access video and audio recordings here


The publications relating to past lectures can found in local Quaker meeting libraries or be purchased from the Quaker Centre Bookshop.

Further Information

For more information about the Swarthmore Lecture contact Simon Best, Head of Learning, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, 1046 Bristol Road, Birmingham, B29 6LJ. Email: simon.best@woodbrooke.org.uk