
You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters: Chopra M.D., Deepak, Kafatos Ph.D., Menas C.: 9780307889164: Amazon.com: Books

You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters: Chopra M.D., Deepak, Kafatos Ph.D., Menas C.: 9780307889164: Amazon.com: Books

You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters Hardcover – February 7, 2017
by Deepak Chopra M.D. (Author), Menas C. Kafatos Ph.D. (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars    1,129 ratings

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Deepak Chopra joins forces with leading physicist Menas Kafatos to explore some of the most important and baffling questions about our place in the world. 

"A riveting and absolutely fascinating adventure that will blow your mind wide open!" —Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi
What happens when modern science reaches a crucial turning point that challenges everything we know about reality? In this brilliant, timely, and practical work, Chopra and Kafatos tell us that we've reached just such a point. In the coming era, the universe will be completely redefined as a "human universe" radically unlike the cold, empty void where human life is barely a speck in the cosmos.
You Are the Universe literally means what it says--each of us is a co-creator of reality extending to the vastest reaches of time and space. This seemingly impossible proposition follows from the current state of science, where outside the public eye, some key mysteries cannot be solved, even though they are the very issues that define reality itself:
• What Came Before the Big Bang?
• Why Does the Universe Fit Together So Perfectly?
• Where Did Time Come From?
• What Is the Universe Made Of?
• Is the Quantum World Linked to Everyday Life?
• Do We Live in a Conscious Universe?
• How Did Life First Begin?
“The shift into a new paradigm is happening,” the authors write. “The answers offered in this book are not our invention or eccentric flights of fancy. All of us live in a participatory universe. Once you decide that you want to participate fully with mind, body, and soul, the paradigm shift becomes personal. The reality you inhabit will be yours either to embrace or to change.” What these two great minds offer is a bold, new understanding of who we are and how we can transform the world for the better while reaching our greatest potential.

Editorial Reviews
"Almost 100 years ago the sage Tagore and the scientist Einstein had a brief encounter to discuss the nature of reality. Revisiting their fascinating discourse on how science and spirituality inform each other is long overdue and this new book finally does it! Even if you - like me, prefer Einstein's world, this book will make you marvel at Tagore's beautiful human universe as masterfully uncovered by the authors." –Dimitar Sasselov, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University, author of The Life of Super-Earths: How the Hunt for Alien Worlds and Artificial Cells will Revolutionize Life on Our Planet

"This is not just another popular science book asking who am I? and why am I here?. This important new book addresses today's most important scientific questions regarding our very existence. In the end, we can't help but to be convinced that we live in a participatory universe that we define and synthesize according to the nervous system we enjoy as a species. The result is a riveting and absolutely fascinating literary adventure that will blow your mind wide open!" —Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi, Joseph. P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School Vice-Chair, Neurology; Director, Genetics and Aging Research Unit Massachusetts General Hospital

"An inspiring and insightful work that points out the sterility and inadequacy of the materialist paradigm that unnecessarily pervades modern science." —Ruth E. Kastner, Ph.D, author of Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles  
"In You Are The Universe, Deepak Chopra picks up where he left off in War of the Worldviews, only this time, rather than warring with a scientist (me), he joins forces with one. Teaming up with quantum physics expert Menas Kafatos, Chopra takes us on a tour of the universe and humanity’s place in it, exploring both science and spirituality, and how they may inform each other. Although it's a worldview I do not subscribe to, it was an enjoyable ride." —Leonard Mlodinow, PhD, author of The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Your Life, and The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking)
"As brain science and Western philosophy remain confounded by consciousness, this book points toward a solution, a deep connection between our minds and the fundamental makeup of the universe" —Stuart Hameroff, MD Director and Co-founder, Center for Consciousness Studies Professor Emeritus, Department of Anesthesiology Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology University of Arizona

“I am often asked if Deepak Chopra really believes the many controversial and provocative ideas he espouses in his many writings. Now that I have gotten to know him I can answer unequivocally in the affirmative, and there is no better encapsulation of his scientific worldview than You Are the Universe, which he co-authored with the highly respected physicist Menas Kafatos, my colleague at Chapman University. If you want to understand the worldview in which human consciousness is primary, and how that perspective can be defended through science, this is the book to read. In my own journey to better understand Deepak and his worldview this book was the most enlightening path I took.” —Michael Shermer, PhD, Publisher Skeptic magazine, monthly columnist Scientific American, Presidential Fellow Chapman University, author of The Moral Arc, The Believing Brain, and Why People Believe Weird Things

"Ready for a broader vision of yourself?  Face it! the paradigm of science is changing from the primacy of matter to the primacy of consciousness, what the authors call the primacy of qualia--felt experience.  Read the book and find out more about the universe and yourself." —Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Theoretical Quantum Physicist, author of The Everything Answer Book and Quantum Economics

"Understanding Cosmos needs innovative perceptions and at times key paradigm moves. Our cosmic perspective changed radically with emergence of Relativity and a Quantum Universe, even as key mysteries remain unsolved in Modern Science. Are we at a critical juncture again towards comprehending the Cosmos? Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos suggest new avenues, in that knowing the Observer resolves the Cosmic Conundrum. The book brings in a fresh breeze of ideas and an enjoyable journey into Self and Universe." —Dr. Pankaj S. Joshi, Senior Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist, Mumbai

"As a teenager, I used to find it rather curious that people regard their thoughts and emotions as integral to whom they are, but their perceptions as something totally beyond themselves. The world we perceive is, after all, part of our mental life just like our thoughts and emotions. In this book, Deepak and Menas take this seemingly innocent idea to cosmic heights, revealing its true force and significance. They do it intelligently, in a scientifically well-informed manner, and with good taste. The result is delightful." —Bernardo Kastrup, Ph.D., author of Why Materialism Is Baloney, Brief Peeks Beyond and More Than Allegory.
“You are the Universe could have been spelled Youniverse for not only are ‘you’ in the universe ‘you’ are at the start of it all.  Chopra and Kafatos have put together a well-written and, as far as any scientist today knows, a completely accurate exploration of how the mystery of subjective consciousness provides the basis for material reality as it is presently understood. I highly recommend this for those who are curiously alive.” —Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.  aka Dr. Quantum® Theoretical Physicist, author of The Spiritual Universe, National Book award-winning Taking the Quantum Leap, Time-loops and Space-twists, and many other books.
“The latest masterpiece by Deepak is a joint oeuvre with cosmologist Menas Kafatos.  It addresses all the most important questions we can ask of ourselves and of science.  Questions like who we are, and why are we here – with the science to back our answers.  This is the “new paradigm” we have been talking about!” —Ervin Laszlo, author of What is Reality; The New Map of Cosmos and Consciousness
“In this interesting book, an astrophysicist is uniquely teaming up with a medical doctor. They present a novel, and I dare to say, revolutionary "paradigm" that has to make us all reconsider our ideas about our place in the Universe. It will shake stagnated waters in the short sighted beliefs of many. It will also make us to think and wonder about our real relationship with the Cosmos” —Kanaris Tsinganos, Director & President of the Governing Board National Observatory of Athens, Professor, Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics Department of Physics, University of Athens (Greece)

“This book discusses an important aspect from neuroscientific point of view i.e mind creates the reality. The authors do not like to distinguish the external reality and internal reality. This is similar to Yigacara Buddhism. However, it raises a very important issue whether any physical theory should include boundary conditions too or boundary conditions are outside the physical theory. This book raises lot of such fascinating issues which may create an environment of new debate.” —Sisir Roy, T.V. Raman Pai Chair, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC Campus, Bangalore and (Former) Professor, Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.
“You are the Universe, brings the usual gracious clarity of all of Deepak Chopra's writings together with the insights of physicist Menas Kafatos to elucidate the most profound and pressing questions at the frontiers of contemporary science.  Weaving Dr. Chopra's expertise regarding biological systems with Prof. Kafatos' work in quantum physics, geophysics, and cosmology, they illuminate the realms where all the most successful contemporary sciences come to the edge of what can be explained with the vital lights from their own life times of deep spiritual practice.  The result is no clash of competing perspectives, but a rich, synergistic tapestry of great wisdom, beauty, and comfort for our culture.  As such, You Are The Universe is their great and generous gift to each of us.” —Neil Theise, MD, Professor of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

About the Author
Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing and Jiyo, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego, Researcher, Neurology and Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. The World Post and The Huffington Post global internet survey ranked Chopra #17 influential thinker in the world and #1 in Medicine. Chopra is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as "one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”

Menas Kafatos is The Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics at Chapman University, author of more than 320 refereed articles and fifteen books. He received his B.A. in Physics from Cornell University in 1967 and his Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1972. He is the Founding Dean of the Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University, serving as dean in 2009-2012. He directs the Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling and Observations.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
chapter 1

What Came Before the Big Bang?

Though time and space had started to curve like a sagging clothesline, there wasn’t wholesale panic in physics, because the chance that the line might snap apart didn’t quite exist yet (black holes, which snap space and time, were brought into the picture later on). Brilliant equations are devised to keep reality intact, so the very fact that the mathematics was so arcane kept some very disturbing ideas away from the general public. But this all changed with the advent of the big bang theory. In one stroke, time snapped in two. There was time as we know it, which arrived on the scene with the big bang, and there was something else—­weird time, pre-­time, no time?—­that existed outside our universe.

Following Einstein’s lead, let’s see if we can visualize reality outside our universe. For the sake of convenience, we’ll put the riddle this way: “What came before the big bang?” There’s no better way to visualize the problem than stepping into an imaginary time machine that’s whisking us back some 13.7 billion years. As we get close to the unimaginable explosion that began this universe’s creation, our time machine is exposed to extreme danger. It took thousands of years for the infant universe, which was superheated, to cool down enough for the first atoms to coalesce. But since our time machine is imaginary to begin with, we can imagine it coasting through superheated space without melting or flying apart into subatomic particles.

Getting within a few seconds of the big bang, we feel we’re nearing the goal. “Seconds” means that time exists, and now the only challenge is to shave seconds down to millionths, billionths, and trillionths of a second. The human brain doesn’t operate at such fine scales, but let’s assume we have an onboard computer that can translate trillionths of a second into human terms. Eventually we arrive at the smallest unit of time (and space) that it is possible to imagine. William Blake’s famous lines of verse, “Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour,” is coming true, although an hour is much, much too long. At this point, when the scale of the cosmos was infinitesimally tiny, our onboard computer goes haywire and unexpectedly, nothing can compute.

Our whole frame of reference has dissolved. There is no matter or energy, just a swirling chaos, and within this chaos there are no rules of the kind we call the laws of nature. Without rules, time itself falls apart. The captain of our time machine turns to the passengers to tell them how bad the situation is, but unfortunately, he can’t, for several reasons. As time collapses, so do concepts like “before” and “after.” To the captain, we no longer left earth at a certain time and arrived later at the big bang. Events are all gummed together in an unimaginable way. The passengers can’t cry, “Let me out of here,” either, because space has also dissolved, rendering “in” and “out” useless concepts.

This breakdown at the very threshold of creation is real, even if our time machine isn’t. No matter how hard you work at it, regardless of how fine the slivers of time you shave, the threshold cannot be crossed—­not by ordinary means, because, you see, the big bang “occurred everywhere,” so it was not somewhere to where we could travel.

We are left with two options. Either “What came before the big bang?” is an impossible question to answer, or else extraordinary means must be discovered that could possibly reveal an answer. One thing is certain, however: the origin of time and space didn’t happen in time and space. It happened somewhere extraordinary, which, luckily for us, means that extraordinary answers aren’t out of place—­they are demanded. With that in mind, let the cosmic riddling begin.

Grasping the mystery

“Before” and “after” are concepts that make sense only within the framework of space-­time. You were born before you could walk; you will reach old age after middle age. The same isn’t true of the birth of the universe. It has been widely theorized that time and space emerged with the big bang. If that’s true—­and it’s only one possibility, not a fixed assumption—­then the real question is “What came before time began?” Is that any better than the first way of putting it?

No. “Before time began” is a self-­contradiction, like saying “when sugar wasn’t sweet.” We are squarely in the realm of impossible questions, but that’s no reason to give up in advance. Quantum physics took to heart a conversation between Alice and the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-­Glass. After Alice announces that she is seven and a half years old, the Queen retorts that she is a hundred and one, five months, and a day.

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”

“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Quantum behavior forces us to be even more tolerant of impossible things. There is nothing ordinary about the conditions at the time of the big bang. To grasp them, some cherished beliefs must be challenged and then cast aside. First, one must realize that the big bang wasn’t the beginning of the universe but of the current universe. Ignoring for now whether the current universe was created from another universe, physics can’t actually trace the cosmos back to the absolute beginning. Taking measurements only works when you have something to measure, and in the very beginning there was an infinitesimal sliver of something, without order of any kind: no objects, no space-­time continuum, no laws of nature. In other words, pure chaos. In this unimaginable state, all the matter and energy harnessed in hundreds of billions of galaxies was compressed. Within a fraction of a second, expansion accelerated with inconceivable speed. Inflation lasted between 10-­36 (1/1 followed by 36 zeros) to about 10-­32 seconds. By the time inflation ended, the universe had increased its size by a staggering factor of 1026, while it cooled down by a factor of 100,000 times or so. A commonly accepted (but by no means definitive) scenario maps the birthing process as follows:

•10-­43 seconds—­The big bang.

•10-­36 seconds—­The universe undergoes a rapid expansion (known as cosmic inflation), under superheated conditions, enlarging from the size of an atom to the size of a grapefruit. There are no atoms in existence, however, or any light. In a state of near chaos, the constants and the laws of nature are thought to be in flux.

•10-­32 seconds—­Still unimaginably hot, the universe boils with electrons, quarks, and other particles. The previous rapid inflation decreases, or takes a pause, for reasons not fully understood.

•10-­6 seconds—­Having cooled dramatically, the infant universe now gives rise to protons and neutrons that are formed from groups of quarks.

•3 minutes—­Charged particles exist but no atoms yet, and light cannot escape the dark fog that the universe has become.

•300,000 years—­The cooling process has reached a state where atoms of hydrogen and helium begin to form out of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Light can now escape, and how far it travels will determine from this point onward the outer edge (the event horizon) of the visible universe.

•1 billion years—­Through the attraction of gravity, hydrogen and helium coalesce into clouds that will give rise to stars and galaxies.

This time line follows the momentum produced by the big bang, which was sufficient, even when the universe was the size of a single atom, to produce the billions of galaxies visible today. They continue to be driven apart by the force of the initial unimaginable expansion. Many complex events have occurred since the beginning (whole books are devoted to describing just the first three minutes of creation), but for our purposes, it’s enough to view the rough outline.

Because we can all envision how a stick of dynamite or a volcano explodes, the big bang seems to fit our commonsense view of reality. But our grasp of what happened is fragile. In fact, the first seconds of creation call into question almost everything we perceive about time, space, matter, and energy. The great mystery about the emergence of our universe is how something was created out of nothing, and no one can truly comprehend how this occurred. On the one hand, “the nothing” is unreachable by any form of observation. On the other hand, the initial chaos of the infant universe is a totally alien state, being devoid of atoms, light, and perhaps even the four basic forces of nature.

This whole mystery can’t be avoided, because the same birthing process continues, right this minute and all the time, at the subatomic level. Genesis is now. The subatomic particles that the cosmos is built upon wink in and out of existence continually. Like a cosmic on/off switch, there is a mechanism that turns nothing (the so-­called vacuum state) into a teeming ocean of physical objects. Our commonsense view of reality sees the stars floating in a cold, empty void. In actuality, however, the void is rich with creative possibilities, which we see playing out all around us.

Already the argument feels like it’s getting abstract, ready to float away like a helium balloon. We don’t want that to happen. Every cosmic mystery has a human face. Imagine that you are sitting outside in a lawn chair on a summer day. A warm breeze makes you drowsy, and your mind is filled with half-­seen images and half-­realized thoughts. Suddenly someone asks, “What do you want for dinner?” You open your eyes and answer, ­“Lasagna.” In this little scenario the mystery of the big bang is encapsulated. Your mind is capable of being empty, a blank. Chaotic images and thoughts roam across it. But when you are asked a question and make a reply, this emptiness comes to life. Out of infinite possibilities, you pick a single thought, and it forms in your mind of its own accord.

This last part is crucial. When you say “lasagna”—­or any other word—­you don’t build it up from something smaller. You don’t construct it at all; it just comes to you. For example, words can be broken down into letters, the way matter can be broken down into atoms. But of course, this isn’t a true description of the creative process. All creation brings something out of nothing. It’s humbling to realize that even as we feel comfortable being creators, immersed in infinite words and thoughts, we have no idea where they come from. Do you know your next thought? Even Einstein looked upon his most brilliant thoughts as happy accidents. The point is that creating something out of nothing is a human process, not a faraway cosmic event.

The transition of nothing into something always achieves the same result: a possibility becomes actual. Physics dehumanizes the process and does so with incredible precision. In unimaginably small scales of time, vibrations of quanta come out of emptiness and quickly merge back into emptiness, but this quantum on/off cycle is totally invisible to us. The rules governing physical creation must be deduced. You can’t apply a stethoscope to the outside of the Superdome in order to discover the rules of football, and that’s essentially what cosmology is doing, in attempting to explain the origin of the universe. Logical deduction is a great tool, but this may be a case in which it creates as many problems as it solves.

A baffling beginning

There’s little doubt that the objects in space didn’t exist before the big bang. But did space and time (technically, the space-­time continuum) also emerge with them? The standard reply is yes. If there were once no objects, there was no space or time, either. So what was the pre-­created state like? It didn’t have an inside or outside, which are properties of space. As the infant universe expanded, it wasn’t expanding with anything around it, and now, while billions of galaxies operate in outer space, the universe isn’t like a balloon with a skin. Here again, the concepts of before and after, inside and outside simply don’t apply.

Are we left with anything to hold on to? Barely. “To exist” suggests the possibility that even without time and space, things might happen. Here’s a useful analogy. Imagine that you are sitting in a room where you notice that objects are moving slightly: the milk in your cereal bowl is jiggling, and you can feel a vibration coming up through the floor.

As it happens, you are deaf, so you have no way of knowing if something is pounding on the walls of the room from the outside. (Some people might be sensitive enough to feel a vibration in their bodies—­let’s leave this aside.) But you can measure the waves in your cereal bowl and the vibrations of other objects, including the floor, ceiling, and walls. This is roughly how cosmologists confront the big bang. The universe is full of vibrations and waves emitted billions of years ago. These can be measured and inferences drawn from them. But uneasiness appears if we ask a simple question: Can someone who is deaf from birth actually know what sound is? Though there are measurable vibrations associated with sound, feeling them is not the same experience as hearing a solo violin, the voice of Ella Fitzgerald, or a dynamite explosion.

In the same way, measuring the light from racing galaxies and the background microwave radiation in the current universe (this radiation is a residue of the big bang) doesn’t tell us what the beginning of the universe was like—­we are working from inferences, just like a deaf person observing waves in his cereal bowl, and this limitation could be a fatal flaw in any explanation of where the universe came from.

We can still try, from our standpoint here in our space-­time, to explore laws of nature that operate outside space and time. In particular, physics can resort to the language of mathematics in the hopes that its existence doesn’t depend on which universe you happen to live in. Most of the speculation that follows keeps faith with mathematics as something eternally valid. Even in an alien universe, where time goes backward and people walk on the ceiling, if you add one apple to another apple, the sum is two apples, right?

However, no one has ever proved that this faith is actually valid. The mathematics that’s applicable to black holes, for example, is locked in speculation, because a black hole is totally impenetrable. Mathematics could be the product of the human brain. Take the number zero. It hasn’t always been around. By 1747 BCE, the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians had a written symbol for zero as a concept, but it wasn’t used as a number for calculating purposes until around AD 800, in India, long past the heyday of Greek and Roman culture.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Harmony; First Edition (February 7, 2017)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 288 pages
Deepak Chopra
DEEPAK CHOPRA™ MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Dr. Chopra is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. He serves as a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, and hosts the podcast Daily Breath.The World Post and The Huffington Post global internet survey ranked “Chopra #17 influential thinker in the world and #1 in Medicine.”

He is the author of over 90 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. For the last thirty years, Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution and his book, Total Meditation (Harmony Book, September 22, 2020) will help to achieve new dimensions of stress-free living and joyful living. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”

https://apple.co/Daily Breath
Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars

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1.0 out of 5 stars Not convincing
Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2019
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I found very little evidence in this book that would convince a skeptic that its claims are true. Nothing was said about experimental violations of Bell's inequality in the 1980s, proving local objectivity does not exist, or the more recent experiments based on the Wigner's friend paradox, which go even further by proving non-local objectivity doesn't exist either. Highlighting the consequences those experiments would have provided some very powerful evidence pointing to consciousness-based reality. (Hint: reality is either objective or subjective, so if those experiments proved reality isn't objective, then it must be subjective.) But Instead of using solid experimental evidence, the authors relied on a lot of hand waving and worn-out anthropic arguments; e.g., the universe seems tailor-made for humans, therefore humans must have tailored it.

There are numerous scientific errors scattered throughout the book. One glaring example concerns gravity. The first chapter correctly notes that the key to understanding general relativity is to realize that gravity is not a "force." (Gravity defines geodesic paths through space-time, and the only way a "force" arises from gravity is by preventing an object possessing mass from following a geodesic path defined by gravity.) And yet immediately after the statement that gravity isn't a force, gravity is described in the same chapter as "one of the four forces of nature" (a common refrain found in the popular-science literary genre). The book goes further down this rabbit hole by lamenting that theoretical physicists have failed thus far to unify gravity with the other three forces. (Hint: if gravity isn't a force, then how could anyone "unify" it with "other" forces?)

The list of scientific errors and false assumptions goes on and on. Concerning the big bang, the authors assume this was an event of utter chaos and maximum disorder. How do they know this? Where is their evidence? If there truly was a "Big Bang" event, it could not have been like a huge July Fourth fireworks explosion. Logic dictates the initial stages of universal expansion had to be incredibly smooth and orderly, which points to an initial state of zero or near-zero entropy. Because otherwise, how could entropy have continually increased over the past 14 billion years or so from an initial state that was already maximally disorganized and chaotic?

Other common fallacies found in popular-science literature were regurgitated throughout this book. As those fallacies mounted up and the resulting paradoxes became untenable, the authors immediately jumped to the conclusion that since the prevailing physicalist paradigm can't properly account for reality, then humans must account for it. In other words, if A can't explain it, then it must be B. The problem with that argument in this case is that A and B aren't collectively exhaustive, so it's possible neither of them are true.

Despite the fact that both Idealism and Non-Dualism may be legitimate, this book is not at all convincing, and it needs to go much further in order to prove its case.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Arguing for a "Human Universe"
Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2017
Here's a science book that is of urgent interest to non-scientists, because it can change the way we live by helping us change the paradigm with which we see the world. Throughout Deepak Chopra's career, he has believed that many aspects of everyday life need to be re-examined. He was proved right when he argued for the mind-body connection thirty years ago, at a time when mainstream medicine either rejected or ridiculed the idea that our thoughts influence our bodies.

Mainstream physicists might reject or ridicule the concept that our thoughts influence the cosmos, which is the main theme of this book, but the book was written with physics professor Menas Kafatos, so the science is solid. You Are the Universe means what its title says. The reality we inhabit is shaped by our own experience, and if there is such a thing as another reality apart from our raw experience, we will never know it. And what would it even mean to say reality can be independent of experience? Such a radical thesis puts the physics establishment on notice, using its own methods. The book outlines the key mysteries that physics hasn't solved, such as what came before the big bang, which is like asking what happened before the beginning of time. Chopra and Kafatos are bold enough to broach forbidden and politically incorrect questions like whether there is design of the universe (while strictly distancing themselves from any religious view, especially Intelligent Design).

What surprised me is how deep the unsolved mysteries go and how credible a human universe actually is. In the tradition of quantum physics, as the authors point out, physical reality was radically revised, and some of the pioneers of quantum physics seriously doubted the things we take for granted about existence--matter, energy, space, and time--are even remotely like what our common-sense ideas of them are. Solid physical objects, for example, turn into clouds of energy at the quantum level before dissolving into probability waves and finally vanishing into the quantum void. The fact that the universe was born out of nothing--the quantum vacuum--opens the way for describing the pre-created state in many ways.

Chopra and Kafatos touch on some of the current theories in physics as well. They point out that modern physics theories provide descriptions that are based on arcane mathematics, such as superstring theory, and which have almost zero empirical evidence to prove the case one way or the other. The same holds true for the fashionable multiverse theory, which theorizes trillions of alternate universes that will never be seen or measured. The authors argue that the pre-created state of existence is consciousness, the source of not only everything physical but everything mental as well. While the idea of a conscious universe may not be new, even among some highly-respected cosmologists, but I don’t believe the case has been made anywhere else so thoroughly and so closely directed at personal transformation.

Despite the presence of Chopra's name, this isn't a spiritual book. It is highly readable pop science that exposes the hidden presumptions behind subject-object based knowledge, so that the role and presence of consciousness is recognized for what it is. The authors conclude with a plea for a new paradigm based on this reality that can save the planet and open the door to the next step in human evolution. Higher consciousness won't become widespread, they say, until we absorb a deep yet simple truth. Everything in creation is an activity in consciousness, and we humans sit at the center of a universe tailored to our awareness. We are thus co-creators of our own reality, at this very moment. It's an inspiring and an empowering message, that feels more relevant and urgent than ever.
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Cynthia Vero Beach
2.0 out of 5 stars Dr. Chopra hit his peak with Quantum Healing and ...
Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2017
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Dr. Chopra hit his peak with Quantum Healing and How to Know God. You Are the Universe goes on and on about scientific nonsense while really saying absolutely nothing. The entire book can be summarized as "You are the universe because you have consciousness." Disappointing. And yet, I keep reading. I recognize that Chopra is attempting to add new ways of thinking about science and metaphysics; there are sound points to ponder about energy, time, and eternity if you can get past the unnecessary detail.
38 people found this helpful
Expressed Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is a masterpiece ~ A spiritual and scientific journey into the reality of our own existence
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2017
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Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos have written a masterpiece in 'You Are the Universe.' This highly readable and infinitely intriguing book, offers a roadmap to our very existence. It combines spirituality with hard science, and addresses the pertinent questions about our very reason for being. What is our purpose, why are we here, what role do we play in the cosmos; these are important questions that are thoughtfully explored in this book. The material presented here is perhaps the most important and enlightening that you'll ever read.
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Mr D S Perkins
5.0 out of 5 stars Of Quarks & Qualia
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 13, 2017
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A Wonderful Book from Deepak Chopra whose back catalogue I must admit a bias in enjoying.
Many of Deepak's works have gone into variations and versioning of the Idea of Oneness and how modern Science and indeed ancient and mystic or even perceived as La-Di-Da Spirituality are often bringing peoples to forms of awareness / enlightenment in coming to similar conclusions.
In this work a further outlining is laid out for those following in such footsteps of seeking to identify the common ground and threads and indeed disputes between traditional science and alternate disciplines.
Most interesting for myself was the area of Consciousness and indeed Qualia laying out firmer foundations of how anyone can learn to make Subjective Reality work for themselves in an age where Science is Now perceived as a Religion in and of itself.
I should state that I LOVE OBJECTIVE SCIENCE for all the inanimate gadgets & technologies that have been developed, though as I have grown older I have developed something of an allergy to Objectivity within the realm of Humans, and in this I am seemingly in alignment or agreement with Deepak because he pretty much states conclusions that I myself have come to and in a highly accessible fashion for newcomers and fans alike.
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5.0 out of 5 stars And the Materialistic science is shown, limiting, describing, hollow!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 14, 2020
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This books achievement is exposing the limiting and narrow scope of science and moreover it's role in limiting thought and awareness.
I read a medical study of transcendental meditation (TM) it proved convincingly that the practise was the most effective solution to hypertension, outperforming chemical based drugs.
I asked a clinician why the medical industry wasn't promoting TM, he replied that "there no revenue stream to free solutions" QED

So, we build another particle accelerator and find what?

Some more gobbledygook that 0.00000000001% of humanity thinks about it and I suspect pretends to understand.

All these atheists looking for the God particle!
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michael powell
1.0 out of 5 stars Reads like a physics textbook
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 18, 2018
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Really disappointed in this. I quite like Chopra's work but this read like a text book from my psychics lessons at school. Great if you're into science but hard going if you're looking for spiritual inspiration. I'm not sure what to do with this copy. I've read 3 chapters and can't stand anymore so will probably donate it to the local library or charity shop....
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Nawid Jamaly
5.0 out of 5 stars Life changer!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 4, 2020
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This book is a life changer. Simple, comforting and enjoyable to read. I cannot express enough how useful this book is. The teachings of this book are not only amazing but absolutely genius. Get this book, if you want to be happy, this is for you.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing Read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 12, 2017
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Amazing book, easy to read, very well written and has a lot of depth to it. Looks at science from different perspectives and makes your brain think further into the field of science and spirituality. Once I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down. In fact, I would read it again.
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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams: Deepak Chopra

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams: Deepak Chopra: 9781878424112: Amazon.com: Books

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams Hardcover – November 9, 1994
by Deepak Chopra  (Author)
4.8 out of 5 stars    8,215 ratings

118 pages
The creation of wealth has always been regarded as a process that requires hard work and luck--often at the expense of others. In this remarkable book, the author of Quantum Healing and other bestsellers reveals how to align with the subtle yet powerful, unseen forces that affect the flow of money in our lives.

Editorial Reviews
Chopra's teachings are distilled into seven simple principles which can be applied to all elements of personal life to evoke success. The basic idea is that personal understanding and harmony promote fulfilling relationships and material abundance without extra effort: chapters tell how to achieve it. -- Midwest Book Review
From the Back Cover
Based on natural laws which govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition. In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: Once we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, energy and enthusiasm for life, and material abundance will spring forth easily and effortlessly. Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply right away, this is a book you will want to read and refer to again and again.
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ New World Library / Amber-Allen Publishing (November 9, 1994)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 118 pages

Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars    8,215 ratings

Deepak Chopra
DEEPAK CHOPRA™ MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Dr. Chopra is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. He serves as a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, and hosts the podcast Daily Breath.The World Post and The Huffington Post global internet survey ranked “Chopra #17 influential thinker in the world and #1 in Medicine.”

He is the author of over 90 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. For the last thirty years, Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution and his book, Total Meditation (Harmony Book, September 22, 2020) will help to achieve new dimensions of stress-free living and joyful living. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”

https://apple.co/Daily Breath
Top reviews from the United States
Steven Woloszyk
5.0 out of 5 stars Simple, yet Profound and Life-Changing with Discernment
Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2017
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I was prompted to pick up The Four Agreements and this one from my bookshelf just prior to heading out to Utah for The Reset Experience and the timing couldn’t have been more apropos.

Although the title reads The Seven Spiritual Laws of “Success,” it could also read a The Seven Spiritual Laws of “Life.”

At 111 pages, you have just around an hour to invest, but it’s worth every single minute.

Often times, the simplest and most concise messages are the ones that resonate with me the most, perhaps because of my monkey brain and the tendency for it to wander!

We have Seven Laws as follows;

• The Law of Pure Potentiality —>This law is about pure consciousness, something I didn’t fully grasp until AFTER The Reset Experience. More on this later.

• The Law of Giving —> This revolves around “intention” and it should be giving and receiving that is unconditional and from the heart.

• The Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect —> I believe we all understand this one!

• The Law of Least Effort —> Follow the path of no resistance. When you work in your Zone of GENIUS and find FLOW, everything becomes effortless.

• The Law of Intention and Desire —> When you place your attention on your intention, you will attain the desired outcome.

• The Law of Detachment —> A lack of knowing the TRUE “Self” creates attachments based on fear and insecurities. Let go of expectations and attachments to outcomes.

• The Law of “Dharma” or Purpose in Life —> This one really struck home. I took a picture of a page on the plane that I shall never forget. It’ll be the first comment below.

This book is simple, yet extraordinarily profound. If you’re able to discern the messages in this book AND apply the concepts, I guarantee you’ll find a better YOU and powerful way to live!

Amazon gives 4.7 stars after 1,204 reviews. Goodreads gives 4.08 stars after 43,967 ratings and 987 reviews. This one gets my seldom offered up 5-Star rating and it’s one I will read again and again should I ever need a reminder.

Much Love! ❤️🙏🏻

#FridaysFind #MIAGD #DeepakChopra #TheSevenSpiritualLawsOfSuccess #WeAreCreators #Karma #Dharma #UnconditionalLOVE #PurePotentiality #Consciousness
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Amy in PA
2.0 out of 5 stars I Don’t Buy Into This Stuff
Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2019
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I am Catholic, so it took awhile to get through this book because I was mentally “filtering” it through my Catholic viewpoint. Some of the things can be translated into God and some of it just cannot.
I finished the book feeling like it is a reference manual for how to make the universe my personal vending machine, which flies in the face of everything I’ve been taught about God and how He works.
In the future, I will be more cautious when I see “spiritual” in the title or description of a book because It obviously doesn’t mean that it is a book about God.
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1.0 out of 5 stars Not the real book
Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2018
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This book is much smaller than the original Inside the book it states it is an abridged copy, but does not say this on the cover. The back of the book also states For Sale in the Indian Subcontinent Only. It is not the same as the original.
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Benji Socket
5.0 out of 5 stars Alongside TM, this will change your life.
Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2015
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Life changing book. Write the days of the week on each chapter. Every day, re-read one of the very short chapters when you wake up. Pretty soon it will alter your worldview, make you a better person, keeps you focused and on track. Alongside transcendental meditation and your life will change for the better. Trust me. No therapy required. :)
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5.0 out of 5 stars Insightful book
Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2018
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Insightful and practical guidebook on aligning your consciousness, your being to the energy of the Universe, so that you can effortlessly release your wish to the Universe, and learn to let go of expectations, and let the Universe make things happen when the time is perfect.

The practice of not judging anything for the day, and the practice of silence are particularly useful to me. Thank you!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Short, simple go-to refresher book for day to day
Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2018
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I found this to be extremely simple, easy to read through quickly for much needed re-centering. I find his books to be very helpful, but needed something quick for a day to day refresher. I love the part about accepting things as they are NOW because they are exactly how they are supposed to be in this moment. I am forever trying to change and control everything in my environment due to fear. It creates such anxiety when I (of course) can't change everything. So, this saying helps so much. It helps me understand the fear that underlies the inability to accept things as they are, but gives me the ability to have faith and intend for things to be different when the time is right.

I also benefit from the non-judgement and non defensiveness. It is so helpful to go through my days with these reminders.

Simple, helpful and one of my go-to's.
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William Arsenis
4.0 out of 5 stars Great easy and super-fast read
Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2018
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Like most of us, I've seen Mr. Chopra on CNN. He's well spoken for sure, but I wasn't particularly interested in reading any of his books.

Then I attended my first Science & Nonduality conference and witnessed Mr. Chopra deliver a knockout talk in 16 minutes.

I searched online for the books he's written and I found this one: THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS. Integrating success with spirituality is a subject I'm very much interested in, so I got this book and read it in a matter of days.

From all the 7 laws outlined in the book, The Law of Giving resonated the most. This chapter alone made the entire book a worthwhile read.
I also found the Law of Pure Potentiality very interested. The remaining 5 laws were also intriguing, but not all of it worked for me.

Each chapter has steps to follow, but I feel Mr. Chopra sometimes goes to extremes by suggesting these steps be practiced all the time. I recommend starting with baby steps and moving on from there. That way, expectations can be met with less of a chance for disappointment.

I highlighted many passages through this book. There are precious gems everywhere.

THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS is a quick and easy read and I recommend it to anyone interested in more from life than just material success.
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Cleo Oz Albertie
5.0 out of 5 stars Game changer
Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2018
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This book is so enlightening . sometimes we can get all caught up in the gloom and doom that goes on around us in the media and forget to look up. God's thoughts alone matter and the rest are details ☺ thank you Mr. Deepak Chopra
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5.0 out of 5 stars Simple Guidance
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 11, 2019
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Having read many self-help type books over the years, I found this one to be very helpful and simple to apply. Publications like "The Power of Now" say the same thing, but are far more wordy and in-depth. What this book does it cut back to the core of what is pertinent when thinking about your calling in life. I work in the field of mental health as a therapist and I would certainly recommend this book to my clients.
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S. Rowe
5.0 out of 5 stars A short but very sweet and insightful read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 22, 2019
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I purchased this book yesterday and finished it today, it's a really short book but gets straight to the point of how to align your spiritual self in day-to-day life. At the end of each chapter Chopra gives you little steps that you can introduce into your daily life to help you, these are really simple steps that don't take time, just a willingness to attempt them and staying mindful. I have taken notes and will follow his steps, nothing to lose I suppose! And of course, I'll refer back to the book if I need to. I'm not sure this book would satisfy those who are knowledgeable and well read on LOA/spirituality, but for those of us who are starting out it's really easy to digest and understand. Happy reading.
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anusha akella
5.0 out of 5 stars Quick, easy yet an interesting read!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 13, 2020
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Now this is not a very chunky book. It is only about 130 pages but it is quite an effective one.

Deepak Chopra not only enumerates the 7 spiritual laws of success but also explains as to how to apply them in daily life, which I think is the best part of the book.

Another thing that I liked about this book was the fact that you can read it multiple times , whenever you are feeling lost or overwhelmed and it can give you a gentle nudge in the right direction.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Must read,
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 14, 2019
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If you understand it it will definitely change your life, I bought a dozen and give them to my friends. One of them finally had the courage and quit his job to do what he wanted for years and is so much happier now.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Must read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 20, 2021
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Wow! This book is amazing. It has helped me to overcome anxiety. I was constantly living in the future worry about things that haven’t even happened. Each of the 7 laws make so much sense and there are steps on how to put them into practice daily. Would recommend this book to everyone it is a must read!
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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
by Deepak Chopra (Goodreads Author)
 4.11  ·   Rating details ·  61,514 ratings  ·  1,769 reviews

This is a book you will cherish for a lifetime, for within is pages are the secrets of making all your dreams come true. Based on natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition.

Instead, Deepak Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: When we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, and material abundance spring forth easily and effortlessly.

Deepak Chopra is the bestselling author of numerous books and audio programs that cover every aspect of mind, body, and spirit. His groundbreaking books blend physics and philosophy, the practical and the spiritual, with dynamic results.

The Seven Laws of Success distills the essence of Chopra's teachings into seven simple, yet powerful, principles that can easily be applied to create success in all areas of your life. Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply right away, this is a book you will want to read and refer to again and again. (less)
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Hardcover, 115 pages
Published November 9th 1994 by Amber-Allen Publ., New World Library (first published 1993)

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 Average rating4.11  ·  Rating details ·  61,513 ratings  ·  1,769 reviews

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Mike W
Feb 28, 2012Mike W rated it it was ok
Shelves: philosophy
This book has some useful insights, but they are buried among a lot of vague mysticism and nonsense.

For instance, there is some truth in this:

"..if you have guilt, fear and insecurity over money, or success or anything else then these are reflections of guilt, fear and insecurity as basic aspects of your personality. No amount of money or success will solve these basic problems..."

One has only to look at Charlie Sheen or Lindsay Lohan to see that material goods will not solve deep psychological or spiritual problems. Choprah should add some caveats, as he almost never does, since clearly below a certain basic standard of living, a lack of material things can be a source of misery. But here the reader might reasonably think Choprah is imparting some wisdom. But then, all too frequently, he drifts off into never-never-land:

"...if you break your leg while playing sports, you might ask, `What can I learn from this experience? What is the message the universe is giving me?"

Maybe the universe is a silent void with no intention or message at all. Maybe a broken leg is just a broken leg. Choprah never mentions this as even a possibility.

"Money is really a symbol of the life energy we exchange and the life energy we use as a result of the service we provide to the universe."

Money is a means of exchange that allows for more efficient transactions than simple barter. It's a good thing, but let's leave the universe out of it.

"...at the level of the quantum field, there is nothing other than energy and information. The quantum field is just another label for the field of pure consciousness or pure potentiality."

This is rather different form the description in the Feynman Lectures.

"One characteristic of the field of all possibilities is infinite correlation."

Correlation between what and what? Correlation is by definition bounded between zero and one, so what in the world does "infinite correlation" mean?

"When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates--and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth."

No, it can't. We can't have unlimited wealth. We can't create anything we want. It's so obviously false that it's hard to understand how a thinking person could believe this.

Choprah draws on some grand old Eastern and Western traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Toaism and Christianity for his ideas. And because those traditions contain a great deal of wisdom, there is some wisdom in Chprah's teachings as well. But much of what he writes is absurd, and it's hard to tell whether he is a clever flim-flam man, or an honest guy whose thinking is deeply muddled. One thing is clear, he's making a lot of money off of this stuff. Not "infinite wealth", but several million, I'm sure.

For a much better book with some similar themes, read "Sacred Hoops" by Phil Jackson. (less)
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Dec 14, 2011Margie rated it did not like it
Shelves: abandoned, personal-development
Very disappointing. I mean, it's Deepak Chopra. Gotta love him, right? Turns out, not so much.

I agree with the laws he suggests. But they're cloaked in such hooey and psychobabble that I gagged. Why not just say that it's important to spend part of every day in stillness in order to connect with our inner selves and break free of the material world/rat race, rather than going on and on about our mystical connections to the universe?

It seemed to be very much pandering to Westerners who want to fe ...more
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Apr 15, 2008Tami rated it it was amazing
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a labelled as one hour of wisdom, a pocketbook guide to fulfilling your dreams. It is written by world-renowned author, Deepak Chopra. This little book may be small but it is filled with a lot of good common sense wisdom.

The work is divided into seven section, one chapter for each of the seven spiritual laws of success: The Law of Pure Potentiality, The Law of Giving and Receiving, The Law of Karma, The Law of Least Effort, The Law of Intention and Desire, The Law of Detachment, and The Law of Dharma. For those who have read other works by the author or who have begun their own spiritual journey, the concepts set out in this book are not ground-breaking. In fact, many are quite familiar. This is not surprising as Chopra's work has laid the groundwork for theoretical and practical work in these fields of study in the western world.

Nonetheless, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a handy little reference. It fits nicely in a purse or a backpack so it can easily serve as a handy little reminder when needed. (less)
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Mar 07, 2008Dana rated it it was amazing
I've been reading this book for a few weeks. It's somewhat more complex and requires time to unravel and let the concepts sink in. It's definitely readable, I have just had to read one chapter at a time and let the "laws" sink in one at a time before exploring the next. It shifts the thinking about the universe and our place in it. Rather than approach us as "stardust" or inconsequential, it challenges the individual to see that we are the center of OUR universe and we have to deliberately create what surrounds us and what is inside of us...it's a chicken/egg kind of thing that takes some philosophical thought to digest. Very fun reading! Pushes the envelope on spirituality. (less)
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Matthew Moes
Aug 09, 2012Matthew Moes rated it it was amazing
Shelves: philosophy-religion-spirituality
I resisted Deepak Chopra for many years until now, for no really good reason. Perhaps it's got something to do with The Love Guru (which I did not like) poking fun at new age cliches. But I needed an audio book for the commute and wasn't sure what to go with so I opted for something short. This was 90 minutes, read by the author and irresistibly "enlightening". So much so that I stayed with it and heard it over and over several times. I hope it sunk in. The really great thing about this book is that it is short so you can read it quickly or take your time to really process the concepts. The seven laws:

1. Pure potentiality
2. Giving
3. Cause-Effect (Karma)
4. Least Effort
5. Intention and Desire (Intention & Attention)
6. Detachment
7. Purpose (Dharma)

Maybe what is so appealing about this "spiritual" genre is that it usually presents universal concepts in simple terms. A person of faith can relate them back to the teaching of their own religious persuasion and enjoy the reminders in a fresh context. (less)
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Nov 09, 2012Mikell rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorite-books
This book changed my life. It found me at the perfect time and I've been reading it almost daily since then. It shifted me from viewing uncertainty as something unsettling to a gift - the law of potentiality. "Everything is as it should be" has become my mantra. Even after loosing my home and most of my possessions to a flood, I had faith that it was a blessing in disguise. It was. Each of the laws has lifted me to a better place, and more peaceful perspective. When I read the book, I could feel fear melt away, and it hasn't returned. This is a book I have no intention of finishing.

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Erika Birdsley
Feb 05, 2013Erika Birdsley rated it it was amazing
This is the first book I ever read by Deepak Chopra.

How I found this book was one day, outside of my apartment in San Jose, California, there was a very nice side table with a little drawer in front, abandoned at the sidewalk. I looked around, and it appeared that someone had put it there to get rid of it. I was looking for a small table as a meditation table, so cleaned it up and took it inside.

Through three moves, through two states, this little table wound up going between Washington, Oregon and back to California. A friend of mine in Washington had packed up all my belongings for me while I searched for an apartment in California, after deciding to move back there.

When all of my belonging had arrived back to California, including this little abandoned table that I had turned into a meditation table, inside the drawer, which previously had not contained anything save some mala beads and a couple pamphlets on Diamond Way Buddhism, was this book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The dustcover was gone, and someone had scrawled on the inside to a friend that, "This book changed my life."

I queried my friend in Washington who had helped me move and he denied putting the book in the drawer. He also wasn't one to read books like Deepak Chopra or anything simililar.

Since that time, back in 2008, I have incorporated this book almost on a daily basis in both my meditation practice, my massage therapy practice as well as my intuitive counseling practice.

Although the first book I read by Deepak Chopra, it is second on my list only to another of his: Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.

Both are must reads for those on the Spiritual Journey Path (less)
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Jul 19, 2007Melina rated it it was amazing

This ios my favorite gift book. It is simple straight forward advice of how to grow spiritually- advise we all can use daily
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Devangi (SpreadingBook)
Jan 08, 2021Devangi (SpreadingBook) rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I have got to know the book name "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra" nearly 5 years back. I would say this book is very handy and easy going to read. The author has written straightforward points along with how can resonates and relate with us. To be honest, I would say everyone should this positive book. (less)
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Chadwick Von Lexington
Apr 19, 2012Chadwick Von Lexington rated it it was amazing
Shelves: spirituality
Terrific book! An amazing friend of mine bought the pocket book version for me and I've referred to it every day. You can literally breeze through it in under one hour flat, and at the end of each "law", Deepak sums up everything he talked about, which makes skimming super easy and quick. Every time I look back and remind myself on what to practice everyday, I gain a great sense of calmness and relaxation knowing that these laws are easy to follow and extremely beneficial in yours and other people's daily lives. Deepak knows what's up! A must read for anyone who is looking to nurture their soul. (less)
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Oct 02, 2007Phayvanh rated it liked it
Recommends it for: self-helpers
Shelves: advice, reviews
What really helped me about this book was Deepak's "universal meditation" thing at the end where he asks everyone to focus on a specific spiritual law on a specific day. So for about a year, I did this. Sunday, being conscious of the Law of Pure Potentiality, for instance. This practice helped me to be more centered and aware of synchronicities. I also really appreciated life alot when I was in this practice. I don't know why I'm no longer doing this...

Other than that, this book is pretty slim and fluffy, like pastry. (less)
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Dec 28, 2011Naliniprasad rated it it was amazing
Read the book at a crucial time in my professional life.Finished the book in a day over three sittings.Planning to read it again several more times as this is not a book that we read and forget.To derive full benefit of all the seven laws described in the book we need to practice observing them on every day of the week in such a way that we start with the first law on sunday and finish with the seventh law on the saturday.
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May 31, 2007Katie rated it it was amazing
This is the one book I revisit time and time again. I downloaded it from itunes and listen to it on my commute. I would recommend the audio version. Deepak's voice is very soothing, there's not too much heavy content, and the audio makes it easy to jump back/forwards to concentrate on certain spiritual laws. (less)
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Apr 10, 2007Dana rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
A friend of my parents suggested I read this book while I was home for Christmas after she heard about my work situation. She suggested that I pick up the book immediately because I was in the "right frame of mind." This book reminds us of the importance of meditation, of being a good person and karma but it certainly was not what I was looking to read in order to address my work situation and to get through each day. Had I reminded myself of how important other things are as compared to work, this book may have had a more profound impact. Probably a book I will pick up again in a few years when I have, or least hope to have, a different perspective. (less)
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Jul 29, 2008Pamela rated it it was amazing
This is one of Chopra's best books. It inspired from me one of the best poems I've ever written. I am forever grateful... (less)
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Nov 14, 2017Karthick rated it really liked it
Shelves: philosophy-self-help, must-read
this is super cool book. simple laws but in depth meaning.
I love "Law of Dharma" :) (less)
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June Ahern
Oct 22, 2012June Ahern rated it it was amazing
Books such as "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams, by Deepak Chopra, are rarely reviewed by me because I am busy studying and practicing the information. I have to say with my many, many, years as an active spiritual student, I've enjoyed this short simple book. It is full of insightful information to encourage me to think beyond my experiences. I am in the process of practicing a few steps mentioned: write your intentions and read them every morning and night. In doing so I have found it is easier to stay on track with my goals. A challenge for me is "no judgement" for the day. I slip, but continuing to practice I am conscious when doing so and get back to my intentions. I plan to continue to study this book and in fact bought five and shared with the intention of a study group. So far, all have agreed. Let's see how that goes. Meanwhile, I can see small, ever so small, changes as I step across the creek to new levels of fulfillment.
The Timeless Counselor/A Complete Consumer's Guide to a Psychic Reading (less)
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Aug 21, 2007Kendra rated it it was amazing
Shelves: alwaysre-reading
It's an inspiring guide to creating a fulfilling life. Compared to The Secret, the hype of the moment, it's much more practical and focused on your part in the whole, rather than just receiving cars and mansions and millions. It is simple, inspiring, and humble. One law that is the most difficult and yet most important is the Law of Detachment: you must INTEND to create your goals, but you must let them go and happen when the time is right.

Anyway, for anyone interested in this stuff (I am), it's a must-read. (less)
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Jan 29, 2008Erin rated it really liked it
Shelves: spirituality
Chopra is a little overly flowy in his language, but he had some good points that made sense. It's difficult from a western point of view to really appreciate an eastern point of view, but i'm trying to adjust my mindset. Some of his laws seem above my head, but I've already applied one or two to my life and they've worked beautifully. He has some helpful, practical ways at the end of each chapter to make them work in your life. Thought-provoking stuff. (less)
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Jan 01, 2012Amanda rated it it was amazing
Shelves: healthy-living-books, happy-books
Reading this book on the cusp of a brand new year has me inspired, hopeful, and eager for twenty-twelve. By introducing the essence of each spiritual law and simple steps for living the laws, Chopra presents a most compelling manifesto to creating a life full of happiness, joy, and abundance...everything I intend to enjoy in the new year.
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Nopadol Rompho
Sep 12, 2019Nopadol Rompho rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: personal-development
This book is great. It shows you how to succeed. It's short but right into your heart. The laws look simple but it is so powerful. I really recommend it. (less)
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Jaideep Khanduja
Oct 08, 2012Jaideep Khanduja rated it really liked it

Book Review: Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra: Eastern Sprituality+Western Style = Deepak Chopra
A practical guide without any practicals!!!“A practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams” – this is what the cover page says. But as far as my learning goes, the people who know how to convert their dreams are not meant for such books (actually it is vice versa!). The book has been written more with the purpose of marketing and selling than delivering best valued and long lasting stuff.

Is it possible to get success just in Rs. 125/-!!!The book is a good read. Fill it shut it forget it. Don’t worry if Rs. 150/- goes waste and dreams do not get converted to reality. Otherwise you may need another book to get rid of worries!!!

Writer is smart enough to understand what will sell well!!!Deepak Chopra writes well. Concept or Style taken from literature liked by Western Community and Contents from our Vedas (and other ancient Hindu Holy Books). A mix juice produced has put its impact on many people. New York Times recommends it to people who have missed “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran. This would have been there in that news paper’s jokes section. Some other similar books authors have an agreement to recommend each other’s books and under this agreement there are recommendations on the back of cover page from Anthony Robbins author of “Awaken the Giant within and unlimited power”, Ken Blanchard, co-author of “the one minute manager”. This is a business or professional deal applicable in all countries.

It is not that BAD either!!!It is a good read but for once only. Infact I was too impressed when I opened the bottle and smelled it. I got an impression that the Desi bottle is having imported Wine and buying has been a good bargain. The first peg was larger than Patiala one. It gave a high kick-start and made me ensure myself that I am going to achieve something big by the time I finish this book.

Chapter one talks about SILENCE, MEDITATION and TALKING TO NATURE and BEING NON-JUDGEMENTAL – Be Silent for some time during the day (according to me when you think you are silent just check inside your body, brain and heart – there should be complete silence at that time, all silences fully synchronized), move towards meditation from silence. Frequently observe the power of nature by visiting a river, lake, sea, mountain or any other power (to me even a trees, birds, flowers are powerful signs of Nature). Most of the time, we are judgmental about people, incidents etc. which is wrong. Try being non-judgmental while listening, watching, reading, talking and learning (which is actually very difficult). I really loved Chapter one.
But subsequent chapters were more of a polished preaching rather than something coming out of heart or may be I was too involved in routine happenings and was not able to catch it or dwell into them appropriately.

Chapter 2 talks about Law of Giving – you give wrong and get wrong in return. And you give right you get right in return. You get what to give. If you want money – give money (hahaha this is against all other teachings of life that state – always save money). you want good wishes then always wish good for all.

Chapter 3 is Law of Karma. It talks about Cause and Effect. What we sow is what we reap. Boya ped babool ka to…

Chapter 4 talks about Law of Least efforts. This also went against the regular teachings in life that say more efforts and hard work is required to earn more and get more in life. But Mr. Chopra says reverse. He says most of the things in Life and Nature happen themselves without any or least efforts. Like flowing of river, growing of tree, chirping of birds…

Chapter 5 is Law of Intention and Desire – more spiritual rather than practical. It says if you intend sincerely and are positive with no harm to anyone attitude you have highest chances of getting your desires fulfilled. It guides to meditate and silently pray about your intentions…

Chapter 6 – Law of Detachment – don’t attach yourself to anything or anyone. Don’t govern, let the things move or happen on their own.

Chapter 7 – Law of Dharma or do and act. it talks about awakening your inner conscious or the Kundalini.

Some best things about the Book and the Law Maker- Just 111 pages, seven chapters, seven Laws of life- A summary at the end of each Chapter- The Laws have been named very intelligently to increase the curiosity and provoking (especially western readers) for reading/buying this book.
- Deepak Chopra is an Executive Director of one of the Institutes in US (I am not sure US or UK) and his lectures are attended by most of the Western Countries. (less)
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María Vargas
Apr 14, 2020María Vargas rated it it was amazing
I've been struggling so hard in the past three years for my mental health, that I don't know how much I've already tried to stay alive.
I've tried to search for as much help as I can get... I've searched for something or someone that can at least tell me how to end this vicious thoughts.
The last year was really challenging, and though I got to think I should've been dead by now... I'm not.
Since that last incident... I've been trying hard to hold on... to try at least and find a purpose or a reason for life. And... I know everyone gets through it... and that everyone have also ever in their lifes asked themselves what purpose their existence may have. But... my case... is another.
My case is... the kind of case someone would observe andfinally think that the probability that I'm mentally ill is around 90%.

I... don't know how to describe the feeling you get when at a determined moment you think you've made it... you've healed, you've been strong enough to carry on, that it was just a phase... that you weren't after all sick... and then suddenly, when you think you're on the right path, when you haven't had for such a long time cero suicidal thoughts or desires... it suddenly pops up again. It crepts silently through the darkness, without you having any suspicion about it... and it embraces you very coldly and strongly, planning to stay there maybe forever.

I somehow am still trying to understand what's wrong. Have I done something wrong in my past life, so that I must pay it back now?

I somehow am collecting my last strength to see if... at this that seems as a last battle, I can find the purpose on keeping living like this...

The reason.

So I met a guy this year that told me about Chopra. He told me how reading about this man, the principles this sort of religion follows... would change my life.

I felt something very strange that night while we were talking about all this suffering, and what he's experienced so far with all this concept or style of life, however you wanna call it.

Right now that of course I'm spending this time with my whole family, my patient has been put through fire. And now than ever I so need everything I can grab on to stay sound and safe and not to go mad and to do actually something that helps, for I'm still not sure if this could be the ultimate solution to my soul pain.

Chopra is very wise. I must admit it, even when this is the first book I've read from him.
I now understand why my mom has such a mild and patient temperament, how she's overcome life tests, and how charming she still is, even through this family chaos of ours. I admire her. And I admit all those kind of books like this one have been the ones that's got her right where she is, in some part. I wish I could be as strong as her... I wish I could love my own life as much as she does with mine and hers. What's the answer I find myself thinking daily...

For those who feel lost, and... think life is unfair... I think this spiritual laws are the key to start by ourselves and try to make the most of us by being in a spiritual and physical balance with everyone and our destinies. (less)
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Erika B. (SOS BOOKS)
Dec 06, 2012Erika B. (SOS BOOKS) rated it really liked it
Shelves: inspire-me, self-help
A fantastic book that inspires the spirit and inspires one to be a better person.

"We are travelers on a cosmic journey-stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. But the expressions of life are ephemeral, monetary, transient. Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, once said, "This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance. A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky, Rushing by like a torrent down a steep mountain." We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile." -pg. 111

"There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. Moreover, success is a journey, not a destination. Material abundance, in all its expressions, happens to be one of those thing that makes the journey more enjoyable. But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind. Even with the experience of all these things, we will remain unfulfilled unless we nurture the seeds of divinity inside us. In reality, we are divinity in disguise, and the gods and goddesses in embryo that are contained within us seek to be fully materialized. True success is therefore the experience of the miraculous. It is the perception of divinity wherever we go, in whatever we perceive-in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the flight of a bird. When we begin to experience our life as the miraculous expression of divinity-not occasionally, but all the time-then we will know the true meaning of success. -pg.3

"You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world-and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance." -pg.96

"The Law of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don't give up the intention , and you don;t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result." -pg.83 (less)
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Saquina Akanni
Oct 05, 2013Saquina Akanni rated it it was amazing


Seven Spiritual Laws is one of my all time favorites.

I loved this book. It took me some time to truly comprehend the depth of Deepak’s teachings. I finally got it! This book is filled with ancient wisdom; quantum thought and simple steps one can apply right away.

My first read was in 1995. It is a quick read with only 111 pages, a requirement while I was still in Chinese medical school. I loved the concept of creating wealth through effortless thought and that one could tap into abundance and success effortlessly. I have re-read it many times since then, and I have adopted the seven principals into my own “Ten Universal Spiritual Laws.”

Being an advocate of natural laws that govern creation, this book shattered myths that I had learned about success. Indeed, this book contributed to a life-altering perspective causing a change in my perception on the attainment of success. I realized, “The result of my success is not hard work and being driven by ambition, I am already successful.” I simply had to become awake, alert and aware of what I wanted. Next, I had to move toward that as my deep, driving desire. “It already is!” Then, watch it manifest and unfold.

Ditto: If you haven’t read Deepak, start with this one! Take the leap. Read it. Process it. Practice it.

Sending Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
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Oct 19, 2008Abby rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: everyone
Shelves: non-fiction, yoga
Deepak Chopra's little guide is filled with big information. In this big-little book, he outlines the seven laws of the universe and how we can actively and fully participate in them to bring out the best in ourselves and our lives.

The information wasn't too different from Ask and it is Given, but the method of delivery was light-years better. Seven Spiritual Laws is more about being a good person because if you're not, you're being an a**hole and no one likes a**holes. This works for me. I appreciate the straight-forward, up-front nature of the text, unlike Ask and it is Given, which was telling me "be a good person because my imaginary friend told me so." Sorry, can't buy into that.

If you have an hour to spare, a quick plane ride, a longer commute into work, or even just some downtime on quiet weekend, check out this book. I can guarantee you'll learn something. (less)
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Sammy Crimson
Jul 09, 2013Sammy Crimson rated it it was amazing
I received one of Deepak's book as a gift from my manager back in 2007 and since then, I have been following his work as much as I possibly can. The seven spiritual laws of success is a great book, The lessons learnt are so dear. If you ever struggled in understanding Galatians 5:22, this is the additional book that will drive the lessons home (less)
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Quinn da Matta
Aug 06, 2013Quinn da Matta rated it it was amazing
A profoundly life-changing book. Deepak Chopra simplifies these seven spiritual laws and gives guidelines on how to easily implement them into your daily life. Definitely worth multiple reads.
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Mehdi Khazaeian
Jun 22, 2020Mehdi Khazaeian rated it it was amazing
Concise and fluent. One of the best to lead you to reconstruct your thoughts in order to achieve your goals.
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Lady Raven RAVE!
Feb 21, 2014Lady Raven RAVE! rated it it was amazing
Shelves: non-romance-shelf, motivation-encouragement, non-fiction
I can only speak from a personal stand point , but for me, I loved this book/ audio book. Even if you're religious, it does not conflict with any of your beliefs, although, to let you know, I think some of what is said is mentioned in the bible. It's like a how to to change and go to with living a certain way. As he breaks down each law, he makes you think, reflect and look at you and the way you are living your life. It's not a how to get rich and money book, but a how to get rich with life, and your surroundings book. All the laws speak to me, however, the law of giving and karma, I believe it is so true.

If you are at a certain point in your life and seeking something or somewhere to start with a new you, then I think you will be able to receive this book and understand each law and apply it to everyday living. Of course, you may have heard some of these laws already, but put together in this way was good. I am a religious person, and I am also a big believer in the way the universe works, what you give you receive and for every action there is a reaction bad or good. I also think each individual will interpret this book the way they want to. Sometimes things doesn't need to be complicated in a 500 page book.

For a book with only 115 pages, its so simple but yet, packs a powerful message. This book will be apart of my daily living. (less)
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