
Shadowlands (1993 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shadowlands (1993 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shadowlands (1993 film)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the 1993 cinema film. For other uses, seeShadowlands (disambiguation).
Shadowlands ver2.jpg
UK theatrical release poster
Directed byRichard Attenborough
Produced byRichard Attenborough
Brian Eastman
Written byWilliam Nicholson
Music byGeorge Fenton
CinematographyRoger Pratt
Edited byLesley Walker
Distributed bySavoy Pictures (US)
Paramount Pictures(UK)
Release dates
  • 25 December 1993
Running time
131 minutes
CountryUnited Kingdom
Budget$22 million
Box office$25,842,377
Shadowlands is a 1993 Britishbiographical film about the love-relationship between Oxford academic C. S. Lewisand American poet Joy Davidman, her death from cancer, and how this challenged Lewis' Christian faith. It is directed by Richard Attenborough with a screenplay by William Nicholson based on his 1985 television production and 1989 stage adaptation of the same name. The original television film began life as a script entitled I Call It Joywritten for Thames Televisionby Brian Sibley and Norman Stone. Sibley later wrote the book, Shadowlands: The True Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman.


In the 1950s, the reserved, middle-aged bachelor C. S. Lewis is anOxford University academic at Magdalen College and author of The Chronicles of Narnia series of children's books. He meets the married American poet Joy Gresham and her young son Douglas on their visit to England, not yet knowing the circumstances of Gresham's troubled marriage.
What begins as a formal meeting of two very different minds slowly develops into a feeling of connection and love. Lewis finds his quiet life with his brother Warnie disrupted by the outspoken, feisty Gresham, whose uninhibited behaviour offers a sharp contrast to the rigid sensibilities of the male-dominated university. Each provides the other with new ways of viewing the world.
Initially their marriage is one of convenience, a platonic union designed to allow Gresham to remain in England. But when she is diagnosed with cancer, deeper feelings surface, and Lewis' faith is tested as his wife tries to prepare him for her imminent death.


Critical reception[edit]

Shadowlands received positive reviews from critics and maintains a 96% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 28 reviews.
Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times called the film "intelligent, moving and beautifully acted."[1]
Rita Kempley of the Washington Post described it as "a high-class tear-jerker" and a "literate hankie sopper" and added, "William Nicholson's screenplay brims with substance and wit, though it's essentially a soap opera with a Rhodes scholarship . . . [Winger] and Hopkins lend great tenderness and dignity to what is really a rather corny tale of a love that was meant to be."[2]
In Variety, Emanuel Levy observed, "It's a testament to the nuanced writing of William Nicholson ... that the drama works effectively on both personal and collective levels ... Attenborough opts for modest, unobtrusive direction that serves the material and actors ... Hopkins adds another laurel to his recent achievements. As always, there's music in his speech and nothing is over-deliberate or forced about his acting ... Coming off years of desultory and unimpressive movies, Winger at last plays a role worthy of her talent."[3]

Changes from the stage play or earlier television production[edit]

The stage play opens with Lewis giving a talk about the mystery of suffering, whereas this film intersperses a similar talk several times throughout the narrative. The television film opens with Lewis giving a radio broadcast about the sanctity of marriage.
In the stage play as in reality, Lewis and Davidman honeymoon in Greece. In the film, on their honeymoon they look for a "Golden Valley" in England, as depicted in a painting hanging in Lewis' study.
As in the stage play, though not the earlier television film, Joy has only one son. In the original television film, as in reality, Joy had two sons, Douglas and David.

Awards and honours[edit]


  1. Jump up^ Roger Ebert, "Shadowlands", Chicago Sun-Times.
  2. Jump up^ "‘Shadowlands’ (PG)"Washington Post (7 January 1994).
  3. 'Jump up to:^ Weissberg, Jay. (2 December 1993) "Review: 'Shadowlands'".Variety.

External links[edit]

Through the Shadowlands: The Love Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman: Brian Sibley: 9780800730703: Amazon.com: Books


Shadowlands Movie Review

Shadowlands Movie Poster



Anthony Hopkins as C. S. Lewis

Debra Winger as Joy Gresham

Edward Hardwicke as Warnie Lewis

John Wood as Prof. Riley

Directed by

Richard Attenborough

Written by

William Nicholson

Drama, Foreign, Romance

Rated PG

125 minutes

  |  Roger Ebert

January 7, 1994   |


For many years his life has followed the same comfortable patterns. He is a teacher and a writer, a pipe-smoking bachelor who lives in his booklined Oxford home with his brother. From his children's books, his science fiction and his pop theology, he has gained a following, and he gives comforting talks about man's place in God's plans. Then the most extraordinary thing takes place. He falls in love.


"Shadowlands" is the story, based on fact, of an autumnal romance involving the British writer C. S. Lewis and a divorced American woman named Joy Gresham. They met after she wrote him an admiring letter; their correspondence led to her first visit to England, with her young son. Lewis received her as a courtesy, and was so settled in his lifelong professorial routine that he hardly knew what to do when it became clear, even to him, that he was in love.

"Shadowlands" has found two perfect actors to play this unlikely couple, Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. He is shy sometimes to the point of being tongue-tied; he nods and hems and haws and looks away, and retreats behind formulas of courtesy. She is more direct, an outspoken woman who sometimes surprises him by saying out loud what they have both been thinking, but that he would never have said. She sees at a glance the comfortable rut he is in - the dinners at his college dining hall, the evenings in front of the fire, reading while the wireless provides classical music from the BBC. She isn't out to "catch" him. It's more that he discovers he cannot imagine her going away.

Their courtship is an odd one. He issues invitations lamely, as if sure she will not accept. He is so terrified of marriage that he has to couch his proposal in "practical" terms - if he marries her, she will not be forced to leave Britain. She has to negotiate the clouded waters of university politics, the annual dinners of the college head, the curiosity and pointed questions of his nosy colleagues. When it comes to sex, he hasn't a clue, and she talks him through it: "What do you do when you go to bed?" "I put on my pajamas and say my prayers and get under the covers." "Well, then, that's what I want you to do right now, except that when you get under the covers, I'll be there." Lewis has been confident in his writings and lectures that he knows the purpose of suffering and pain: It is God's way of perfecting us, of carving away the wrong parts, of leaving a soul ready to enter heaven. But when Joy contracts cancer, when she finds herself in terrible pain, he finds he is not at all sure of his theory. And, facing the possibility that they will be parted, together they create an idea of human life on earth that comforts him more than his theories.

"Shadowlands," directed by Richard Attenborough, based on the stage play by William Nicholson, is intelligent, moving and beautifully acted. It understands that not everyone falls into love through the avenue of physical desire; that for some, the lust may be for another's mind, for inner beauty. Anthony Hopkins, who last year in "Remains of the Day" gave a brilliant performance as a closed-off English butler who was afraid to love, here provides a companion performance, of a buttoned-down English intellectual who surprises himself by finding the courage to love.

Debra Winger, not afraid to look less than her best in early scenes (although her beauty glows later on in the film), is no less extraordinary: She projects a quiet empathy in creating Joy Gresham, a woman who has fallen in love with Lewis through his writings. Her character goes through a series of delicate adjustments as she meets him and realizes he is not as contented as he thinks. She believes that making one another happier is one of their purposes on earth.


Through the Shadowlands: The Love Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman: Brian Sibley


Through the Shadowlands: The Love Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Paperback – July 1, 2005

by Brian Sibley  (Author)

At first glance, they were an unlikely couple: C. S. Lewis, a distinguished author and Oxford scholar, and Joy Davidman, a Jewish-American divorcée, converted Christian, mother of two, and former Communist Party member. But together they walked through life's challenges, persevering despite having their faith tested in the face of suffering and death. This amazing true story reveals the many events that occurred in the lives of two astounding Christians to bring them together and spark their love for each other. Readers will experience both their tender moments and the darkest hours where faith was tested and shaken to its very foundations. More than a biography and more than a love story, this is a moving tribute to a couple whose faith, hope, and love grew through adversity. Previously published as C. S. Lewis Through the Shadowlands


4.3 out of 5 stars


3.0 out of 5 starsAn absorbing introduction to Lewis and Davidman's life together

By FaithfulReader.com on August 4, 2005

Format: Paperback

Of the making and reading of books about C.S. Lewis there seemingly is no end. But readers new to Lewis's life will likely appreciate this re-release, retitling, and re-jacketing of THROUGH THE SHADOWLANDS: The Love Story of C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman.

However, reader be warned: the subtitle is a bit misleading. Aside from a brief introduction set after Joy's funeral, the story of their relationship doesn't begin until page 77. Those who have read biographies of C.S. Lewis may wish to skip to this point, since Brian Sibley spends the early pages telling the story of Lewis's childhood, his time as a professor at Oxford and with the Inklings, and his publications. Although it's a good recap of Lewis's life, some of the observations are vague, such as allusions to sexual encounters Lewis had in his youth (mentioned without any further explanation) or the mysterious relationship Lewis developed with a Mrs. Moore and her daughter. Readers likely will want to consult other Lewis biographies and commentaries for more in-depth information.

Once Sibley gets down to the business of the relationship between Lewis and Helen Joy Davidman, things begin to pick up. Davidman, a Jewish convert to Christianity and a divorcee with two young sons, David and Douglas, is a complicated, fascinating person as viewed through Sibley's eyes. Compellingly, he sketches out her childhood years with an authoritarian father who alternately demanded his children respond to commands given on a whistle and then repeatedly slapped them about the face when they disobeyed. Joy was, as Sibley describes her, chubby, nearsighted, and overprotected by her mother. She loved animals, and became increasingly rebellious at home under the domineering influence of her father.

Her solace was books, and Davidman later became a poet, novelist and teacher --- and interestingly enough, a member of the Communist party. Delight in George MacDonald books such as PHANTASTES and THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND led her to the fantasy novels of Lewis, which would eventually, Sibley explains, point her toward religion and, of course, a marriage to Lewis.

Sibley chronicles in detail Davidman's difficult marriage to the alcoholic philanderer and novelist Bill Gresham and her own maturation as a mother and a writer. It's with this background that he begins the description of her correspondence with Lewis, starting in 1950, their subsequent meetings and relationship, through her diagnosis with cancer and eventual death.

Adeptly, Sibley shows how Lewis is left with his previous writings on pain, suffering, and faith, and the inadequacies of his own words in the face of his grief. "Many of Jack's admirers would have been deeply shocked if they had known that he had even entertained such doubts, or admitted such fears," writes Sibley. Lewis's doubts and sorrow eventually led to A GRIEF OBSERVED, one of his bestselling books. Sibley's account of the couple's time together, Lewis's response to Davidman's death, and his own acceptance of his illness and approaching demise make the last hundred pages of THROUGH THE SHADOWLANDS an absorbing read.

Sibley does an excellent job smoothly transitioning between excerpted materials and quotes, and his own narrative. However, one of the most serious faults of the books is its lack of crediting specific source material. Although the acknowledgments list the publications Sibley draws from, individual excerpts and quotes are not footnoted or endnoted. For anyone who is already a devotee of all things Lewis, this oversight means they cannot go off on the delightful tangents of extended reading inspired by specific citations. Since this book was originally released in 1985 as C.S. LEWIS: THROUGH THE SHADOWLANDS, it's disappointing that subsequent reprintings haven't included some revision to address this shortcoming.

This might be best read by readers who are newcomers to the life of C.S. Lewis and who desire an overview of his life and marriage, rather than by those already familiar with the numerous books about Lewis's life. With Lewis's THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE making another transition to the big screen in 2005, this will serve as a good introduction to Lewis and Davidman's life together.


3.0 out of 5 starsThrough The Shadowlands

By AK on July 13, 2005

Format: Paperback

Millions are familiar with the two movie versions and the theatrical drama Shadowlands. Even more people than that have read CS Lewis and will soon see the start of the Narnia saga on the big screen. To gain a greater appreciation of his work and be able to view further depths hidden inside the profound writings that have helped uncounted scores of Christans find their way, read this book. In a manner that almost reads like a novel itself, the author recounts how both Lewis and Joy became the people so adeptly portrayed by Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. You will see how much they truly loved each other. Even if you are not fan of CS Lewis, it is an incredible romance that will give hope to many who have spent their lives looking for, yet not finding, love.


5.0 out of 5 starsa gift to the bereaved

By Dione Anderson on November 27, 2005

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

I am buying this book again because I gave my last copy to a friend whose son had been killed. I found this book to be the most comforting book I read when my own son was killed. I almost find that strange beause reading lewis has never comforted me but reading ABOUT lewis and his crisis of faith during his loss helped me deal with my own grief.


4.0 out of 5 starsLoved this book

By C. Moon on October 13, 2012

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

AFter watching the movie which I believe was called "Shadowlands", I was anxious to learn more about Jack and Joy. I found "Through the Shadowlands" on Amazon, and ordered it. Although this is a non-fiction book, using the writings of both plus recollections of many friends, I couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in C.S. Lewis, his literary as well as his spiritual life. Joy Davidman is also a fascinating person, just about the opposite to Mr. Lewis. The book arrived in good time, and was brand new, as listed.


4.0 out of 5 starsVery detailed and extensive

By Teresa Affleck on December 14, 2012

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

My book club and I read Through the Shadowlands a year ago. Some of us thought there was not enough description of Lewis and Davidman's romance. I agreed, but I loved the extensive back-story of the two marvelous people and how they were shaped before they even met.


5.0 out of 5 starsAwesome book!!!!!!!!!

By Ransom Lewis on October 13, 2009

Format: Paperback

This was a fantastic book about CS Lewis and his wife Joy. It is all about their lives and then how they met and fell in love. The condition of the book was very good as well. And the cover itself was beautiful!


5.0 out of 5 starsA great book

By Marion Hurt on August 18, 2010

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

This book was a great addition to our church library where we have many of C S Lewis' books. Gives an interesting perspective on his own writings.


5.0 out of 5 starsIf you've read A Grief Observed, you should definitely read this.

By Kevin Gardner on July 29, 2014

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Thoroughly amazing book. I'd heard of "Jack" Lewis' and Joy Davidman's relationship from bits and pieces, as well as from A Grief Observed, but this book gave me a much clearer understanding of the pairs' trials and strength of their love.



Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born: Robert Schwartz: 9781583942727: Amazon.com: Books

Your Soul's Plan: 

Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born: 

Robert Schwartz


Would you like to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of physical illness, parenting handicapped children, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, accidents, deafness, and blindness?

Your Soul’s Plan (which was originally published under the title Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?) explores the premise that we are all eternal souls who plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, before we are born for the purpose of spiritual growth. Through compelling profiles of people who knowingly planned the experiences mentioned above, Your Soul’s Plan shows that suffering is not purposeless, but rather imbued with deep meaning. Working with four gifted mediums, author Robert Schwartz reveals the significance of each person’s life plan and allows us a fascinating look into the “other side.”

Each personal story focuses on a specific life challenge, organized by type for easy reference. Accessible both to those familiar with the metaphysical aspects of spirituality and to the general reader, the moving narratives that comprise Your Soul’s Plan help readers awaken to the reality that they are transcendent, eternal souls. With this stirring book as a guide, feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and victimization are healed and transformed into acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace.

Robert Schwartz is also the author of Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, which explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. There’s also a chapter about the pre-birth planning we do with our future pets.

Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who offers general Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions. Visit Robert online at www.yoursoulsplan.com.


Editorial Reviews


“The more we know about the meaning of life, the better we understand the important choices we must make. Robert Schwartz has done an excellent job of presenting the possible explanations of what we are doing here and why we are here. I highly recommend this book.”

—Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved by the Light and The Secrets of the Light

“Your Soul’s Plan is a deeply insightful guide as to why our lives unfold as they do and how to direct them to a deeper place. A powerful book . . . I highly recommend it.”

—Sonia Choquette, author of The Answer is Simple . . . Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!

“Your Soul’s Plan is one of the most detailed explorations I have seen into understanding why we have chosen certain paths in our lives and how we may use that information to continue our journey as a soul here and now. This book will help thousands of people. A book you HAVE to have in your library!"

—John Holland, author of Born Knowing and Power of the Soul

“Schwartz provides a very special sense of seeing divine order everywhere… Your Soul's Plan provides a fabulous and much-needed compass for those of us seeking to regain the deeper awareness of our core spiritual strength. Highly recommended!”

—New Consciousness Review

“Your Soul's Plan is highly recommended to anyone trying to understand the suffering, tragedy or loss that has caused them to question life, death and/or God. And who among us is not inflicted by such challenges and questions in our lifetime? In my eight years researching life after death, spirituality and life purpose, I have discovered no better explanation of why human challenges exist than what is so eloquently written in Robert Schwartz's book.”

—Bob Olson, OfSpirit.com Editor

"The serene cover of Your Soul's Plan belies the punch with which Robert Schwartz communicates the results of his research into pre-birth planning . . . Overall, it is one of the best books of this kind I have come across."

—Anna Jedrziewski, New Age Retailer magazine


From the Back Cover

So often, when something "bad" happens, it may appear to be meaningless suffering. But what if your most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose -- purpose you yourself planned before you were born? Could it be that you chose your life's circumstances, relationships, and events?

Within these pages are stories of ten individuals who -- like you -- planned before birth to experience great challenges. Working with four gifted mediums and channels, author Robert Schwartz discovers what they chose--and why.

Through these remarkable stories of pre-birth planning, you can:

*Learn why each of us decides to experience such challenges as illness, difficult relationships, the death of a loved one, and accidents

*Understand how you as a soul create your life blueprint

*Consciously use your challenges to foster spiritual growth and healing

About the Author

In a personal session with a medium in 2003, author Robert Schwartz was astonished to speak with nonphysical beings who knew everything about him—not just what he had done in life, but also what he had thought and felt. They told him that he had planned many of his most difficult experiences before he was born. Realizing that a knowledge of pre-birth planning would bring great healing to people and allow them to understand the deeper purpose of their life challenges, he devoted the next three years to studying the pre-birth plans of dozens of individuals. The extraordinary insights that emerged speak to our heartfelt, universal yearning to know . . . why.

Mr. Schwartz holds a BA in psychology from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. He has worked as a freelance journalist for publications such as Life, and initially self-published Your Soul's Plan under the title, Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?. He regularly speaks on the subject of pre-birth planning at venues across the United States and maintains a companion Web site at www.YourSoulsPlan.com.


Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

In May of 2003, I was leading an unfulfilling life as a self-employed marketing and communications consultant. Although I enjoyed some of my work, I did not derive deep satisfaction from any of it. I often felt that if I were to fall off the face of the Earth, my clients would hardly notice; they would simply plug someone else into my role. More important, my life was not a unique expression of my soul. A spiritual but not a religious person, I longed to make a contribution to the world that would be "uniquely me," but I had no idea what that might be.

I had exhausted the usual routes one explores to find meaning and purpose. I was lost and floundering. Then, an inspiration came to me: why not consult a medium? Although I had a strong belief in God, I had never (as far as I knew) directly experienced the metaphysical. I felt I had nothing to lose. I researched mediums and selected someone with whom I felt comfortable.

My session with the medium took place on May 7, 2003. I remember the exact date because on that day my life changed. I told the medium very little about myself, describing my circumstances only in the most general terms. She explained that each of us has spirit guides, nonphysical beings with whom we plan our lives prior to incarnation. Through her I was able to speak with mine. They knew everything about me—not only what I had done but also what I had thought and felt. For example, they referred to a specific prayer I had said to God some five years earlier. At a particularly difficult time I had prayed, "God, I can't do this alone. Please send help." My guides told me that additional nonphysical assistance had been provided. "Your prayer was answered," they said. I was astounded.

Eager to understand the suffering I had experienced, I asked my guides about the major challenges I had faced. They explained that I had planned these challenges before birth—not for the purpose of suffering, but for the growth that would result. I was shaken by this information. My conscious mind knew nothing of pre-birth planning, yet intuitively I sensed truth in their words.

Although I did not realize it at the time, my session with the medium triggered a profound spiritual awakening for me. I would later understand that this awakening was really a remembering—a remembering of who I am as an eternal soul and, more specifically, what I had planned to do on Earth.

For the next few weeks I continued with life as usual, although the information from my guides was constantly on my mind. I did not know what to do with it. One afternoon I took a break from work and went for a walk—and had an experience even more profound than my session with the medium. I suddenly felt overwhelming, unconditional love for every person I saw! No words can adequately convey the power of this love. It was of an intensity and depth I had never experienced and did not know was possible. For each person—the mother pushing her baby in a stroller, the cab driver waiting for a fare, the child playing at the corner, the barber cutting hair behind the window of his barbershop—I felt pure, limitless love.

Though I had never before heard of such an experience, I knew intuitively what was happening: I was in enhanced, immediate communion with my soul. In effect my soul was saying to me, "This love is who you are." I now believe my soul gifted me with this experience to facilitate the work I would soon begin.

I became obsessed with reading about spirituality and metaphysics. As I read I thought often about pre-birth planning. All my life I had viewed my challenges as nothing more than meaningless suffering and their occurrences as random and arbitrary. Had I known that I'd planned my challenges, I would have seen them rich with purpose. That knowledge alone would have greatly eased my suffering. Had I also known why I'd planned them, I could have consciously learned the lessons they offered. Feelings of fear, anger, resentment, blame, and self-pity would have been replaced by a focus on growth. Perhaps I might even have been grateful for the challenges.

During this period of intense study and inner exploration, I met a woman is able to channel her soul and who agreed to let me speak with her soul about pre-birth planning. I had no knowledge of channeling and was taken aback when she went into a trance and another consciousness, one clearly distinct from hers, began to speak through her. I spoke with her soul for fifteen hours over the course of five meetings.

These conversations were thrilling. They verified and complemented my reading and study. Her soul told me in detail about her own pre-birth planning: the various challenges that had been discussed and the reasons some were selected. Here I had direct, specific confirmation of a phenomenon of which very few people were aware. Because the pain in my life had made me extremely sensitive to—and intensely motivated to relieve—the suffering of others, I was excited by the potential healing an awareness of pre-birth planning could bring to people. I knew that the information I had discovered could lighten their suffering and imbue their challenges with new meaning and purpose. As a result I resolved to write a book about the subject and to share its significance with others.


Robert Schwartz Biography

Thank you for visiting my author page.

As a regression therapist (certified by the International Between Lives Regression Network), I offer Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions to help people heal, resolve life issues, and understand their life plan. I care very much about my clients and infuse my work with compassion and empathy. Please visit my web site at www.yoursoulsplan.com for information about these sessions and my schedule of speaking engagements. Should you choose to work with me, I will be honored to be one of the lights on your path.

My books Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (previously titled Courageous Souls) and Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born explore the premise that we are all eternal souls who plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, before we're born for purposes of spiritual growth.

Your Soul's Plan contains stories of people who planned physical illness (AIDS and breast cancer), having disabled children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, losing a loved one, and severe accidents. Your Soul's Plan won the following awards: Finalist, USABookNews.com Best Books Awards, New Age Nonfiction; Finalist, Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Awards, Mind/Body/Spirit Category; Finalist, National Indie Excellence Awards, New Age Nonfiction; and the Eric Hoffer Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

Your Soul's Gift explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. There's also a chapter about the planning we do with our future pets. Yes, our beloved animal companions are part of our plan! Your Soul's Gift won the following awards: Winner, Beverly Hills Book Awards, New Age Nonfiction; Finalist, Readers Favorite Book Awards, Nonfiction Self-Help; Finalist, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, New Age; Silver Medal Winner, Excellence eLit Awards, New Age/Mind-Body-Spirit.

In both books I learned about people's pre-birth plans by working with several exceptionally gifted mediums and channels. Both books present the actual conversations people had with their future parents, children, spouses, friends, and other loved ones when they planned their lives together.

For readers, suffering that once seemed purposeless becomes imbued with deep meaning. Wisdom may be acquired in a more conscious manner; feelings of anger, guilt, blame, and victimization are replaced by acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace.

I have two DVD's available on Amazon. Your Soul's Plan: The Spiritual Meaning of Your Life is an 80 minute presentation I gave about my first book, Your Soul's Plan. Please note that it's not an audio version of the book, but rather a talk about the book and about pre-birth planning in general. The other DVD, titled Your Soul's Journey to Healing and Enlightenment, is a 4-hour video of a workshop I did with Barbara Brodksy, one of the channels featured in Your Soul's Gift.

Many blessings to you.


5.0 out of 5 starsFor me, the most healing book I have read.

ByGranville W. Angellon January 17, 2010

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

What can I say in description of a book that has had more healing impact in my life than any I have read in a lifetime of 62 years? As a lifetime professional counselor, I have read and studied many books focused on the prospect of healing, but Robert Schwartz's Your Soul's Plan brought the events of my life more into focus than any I have read. I say this, not only as a healer, but also as a Vietnam Veteran, ex-helicopter ambulance pilot with a lifetime of challenge to overcome my own legacy of suffering.

Arranged in a series of case histories, tied together by the theme that there is an overarching life plan, planned pre-birth at a soul-level, we are made aware of how our own lives can fit the pattern he describes. With almost a hundred reviews here, I'll not go into repetition of the details so well described already. There are some things I would like to add.

For those of a skeptical scientific or conventional religious bent, the gentle narrative approach of Schwartz's writing will help you explore ideas that may seem unfamiliar or threatening to you. The consistencies in his discoveries that support his theme are particularly interesting. In my line of work, we might say that - while this may not be "good science" at this point, his discoveries have clinical validity when explored at the level he follows. My own life experiences and observations allow me to be open to the validity of psychic investigation, when it is genuine. Schwartz seems to have put together a good team of psychics to pursue his study. Obviously, it is difficult to establish validation, except on a personal level - but each of us ultimately can only establish truth on a personal level. Consensus and belief about truth can only take us so far.

What I find fascinating is how Schwartz is able to attain consistencies in details about each case he studies, when going from one psychic to another, without communication between the psychics. When one psychic reading of a person corroborates another of the same person, often elaborating or picking up where the other left off, even a skeptic would be hard-put to deny the significance! Such consistency in detail cannot just be made up! Beyond the attribution of clinical validity, where the person recognizes the healing/illuminating effect in his/her life, we now begin to approach the groundwork for scientific study.

Most of all, though, is the warmth and gentle compassion that Schwartz brings through in his work - done in a way that opens the reader to one of the most powerful insights we could have: that a Higher Power endlessly works through us, in total love and compassion, with an endless agenda to help us grow through the endless adventure we call life. Beyond being helpless victims of fate, we need only take responsibility for finding meaning in our experiences and for our endless God-given potential.

Granville Angell, author of The God-Shaped Hole - A Story of Comfort for The Child in All of Us

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5.0 out of 5 starssoul planning sessions for earth life

ByCactusladyon December 24, 2009

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Intelligently presented, fast-paced; here is your inside look at pre-birth planning sessions and why souls choose difficult earth journeys for soul growth purposes. It is script writing at the soul level for earth incarnations. This book was hard to put down.

The author has utilized talented mediums to access a soul's pre-birth planning sessions and the resulting stories have you right there watching the planning unfold. For me, this was the high point of each chapter; being present at the pre-birth planning sessions.

Some challenges a soul may wish to set up can be so great that other souls have doubts about being players, so often bargaining is done until agreement is either reached or another soul steps in to take the assignment, or the plan is re-written. This book has you right there, watching the planning unfold and hearing the actual soul conversations.

No abuse to, or affliction of, a soul on the earth level occurs without prior pre-birth agreement. You will learn the reasons why difficult lives are sought and how souls close to you participate in the planning process.

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5.0 out of 5 starsHoly Mac, this book is changing my perception, another leap forward in my spiritual growth

BySincerely YoursVINE VOICEon May 16, 2011

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

I find it amazing how your soul will reveal to you the lessons to remind who you are and why you are back here on earth. my spiritual growth has already introduced me to the material of reincarnation and lessons and about soul planning before we reincarnate, and what those steps might entail from life review once you are back, the meet and greet team, then healing.. So the material being introduced was not new, but I loved the case studies that the author used to provoke the question on why would souls take on such huge challenges like being gay, addictions, illnesses. I just gone through what I had already recognized a huge soul lesson with the passing of my father after a battle with cancer. To read this book and to affirm what I knew was true and then to read so many more fascinating cases of real life challenges and all to learn about love. It is amazing I wonder to myself, what else I have learnt in previous life to get me here. As it is in life, as I am reading this book, OWN was broadcasting its documentary on "becoming Chaz', Cher's daughter who transitioned, and this made the documentary so much more meaningful on what all the souls were trying to learn and teach the world! I was flabbergasted and shouldn't have been surprised with the timing! This book was an eye opening on a deeper level. It took me to another huge learning level and compassion is the lesson that I am facing.

I recommend the book 'souls destiny' by michael newton as a prequel to this book as this made more sense once you had the back ground to what happens to you once you exit your physical body. I am left with this profound awe of myself and the challenges that I have faced, the souls that have joined me on this journey and for all the souls who are here to learn! Why the hell is the earth school so bloody tough! It is all worth it in the end, this book helps you to get there. There is peace to be gleaned at the most challenging of our lessons, this is what I know for sure.


5.0 out of 5 starsA must read!

ByDiane Rinardon December 13, 2009

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Wow! I have been on my 'spiritual' journey for quite some time, and this is the one book that really made a huge change in my life, and how I live it! We all know there are numerous books out there meant for guidance and finding the one that really speaks to you can be frustrating. We all learn & grow at our own pace & what really helps one to see more clearly, may have the opposite affect on someone else. There are many pieces to the puzzle of life. This book is one piece of my puzzle that really touched me deeply......it has really given me a whole new way of looking at people, situations, nature, etc.. To everything there is a purpose.....you can learn from all of them! Enjoy!


5.0 out of 5 starsFood for thought

Bylvweson January 6, 2012

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

The second paragraph of the first chapter clearly defines the author's intent for this work. There is no desire to convince anyone of the absolute reality of pre-birth planning, he simply suggests that you consider the possibility. As I did that, a new level of awareness began to emerge. Present circumstances and past decisions began to have significantly more relevance and meaning. Read with an open mind this book will most certainly provide you posibilties for contemplation.

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe role of hardship in teaching lessons of great value

ByJerry L. Degregoryon June 4, 2013

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Robert Schwartz has done a thorough job illustrating the value of hardship in improving the character of both our temporary and more permanent self.. He documents the lessons learned by those who have suffered through severe physical illness, those who have parented severely handicapped children, those who have suffered drug addiction, the grief stricken, those who have suffered debilitating accidents. These are not the mundane lessons about how to fight depression or use a wheel chair or find a rewarding job despite handicaps. These are the lessons of a deeper, more lasting nature: developing a greater capacity to love, to emphathize with others, to have faith, patience, compassion. I emphasize this aspect of the book because it offers a lot even to those who might be skeptical of concepts such as a soul's pre-planning a life or even the notion of reincarnation itself. This book encourages everyone to learn these lessons that hardship offers, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs. I personally found great comfort in reading of the possibility that my loved one who has recently passed might have embraced the suffering that we both endured during a long-term illness. She might have even intended this suffering as a way of teaching us compassion and love. I hope and pray that is so. But even if it isn't, it is irrefutably the case that I learned a depth of love, empathy, and commitment that I do not think I could have learned any other way. That is to my benefit, to hers, and to everyone else's whose lives we touch now and forever. Do not let the hardships of life go to waste by neglecting to learn the larger lessons that life has to offer, no matter what the case may be regarding the afterlife. Reading this book will help you do that. For that reason, I sincerely hope that no one will let their personal beliefs regarding matters of religion stand in the way of learning these lessons that depend upon nothing more than our paying attention to them as they occur. i thank Robert Schwartz for doing such an excellent job and most sincerely recommend this book to everyone, because there is no one who does not suffer. Do not waste your suffering on mere suffering.

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5.0 out of 5 starsA GOD SEND!

ByHEARTSon April 28, 2013

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

By far the MOST healing book I have ever read to date... I have been an avid reader my entire life; 58 years now, and always searching for "THE ANSWERS" to life's biggest, most mysterious questions: "Who am I, really", "What is this existence all about", "What is my life-purpose", "What am I suppose to be doing, and why", "Am I on the 'right' path, or have I accidently taken a detour", "Why is life such a struggle for everyone, including those who appear to be calm, cool and collected by nature","Why does horrible things happen to good people", "Why does a good and lovng God allow such horrific events to happen to 'His own children', "Does He just turn his head and look the other way, and if so, why would He do that" and "What's the point"? (To name but a few of the billion questions that have at one time or another reared their ugly head....)

I've searched through; using my own quite evolved analytical mind, I've searched through hundreds upon hundreds of books, I've asked every old codger that I knew well enough to ask, if they knew the answers to the mysteries of life, I've searched within my heart and within myself, and I've searched through prayer...And FINALLY was lead by what could only have been considered "Divine Intervention" and at the 'right time in my life'; the Universal "Perfect timing" scenario when I would be ready for this information on a growth level since there are no "meaningless coincidences"; to this book, "Your Soul's Plan".... I have this 'knowingness' deep inside of me, in my heart and in my soul that the subject matter within these pages are of TRUTH, they 'ring' true to me, they resonate with me, and have made sense out of what prior to reading this book was a messed up, jumbled up, senseless, painful, confusing and upside-down world that seemed to be mostly cruel and filled with darkness that we were expected to "grit our teeth and bear". Robert's book with the help of his amazingly 'gifted' spiritual friends has given me the answers I have long searched for on a silver platter. His gift with words is so articulate and eloquent, his message so gentle yet so profound. Robert, this book knocked my socks off! and is everything I needed to not only proceed on my sojourn on this Earth plane with a new- found sanity, grace, faith and dignity but has given me the 'tools' to take off the proverbial blinders and look beneath the surface where the message and the lessons really exist. The greatest gift of all is making sense of any and all 'suffering', and that suffering is NOT required through a simple change in perception. Not only do I "suffer no more" but instead have through faith spread my wings and grown both personally as a human being and by quantum leaps on the soul level. I AM ORDERING YOUR OTHER BOOK and will possibly sit next to the mailbox awaiting its arrival. Thank you Robert for your gift to the world, and a thank you for those gifted souls who also played a part in this magnificent book creation. God Bless

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1.0 out of 5 starsNo New Info - Redundant, Cookie-Cuttter Approach (One Answer Applies to All Cases- You Incarnated for your Soul's Expansion)

ByDeborah R.on February 15, 2015

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I had high hopes for this book. I do not recommend it. First of all, the binding is super stiff and you can barely open the book - it takes physical effort to read it - but I would be willing to "fight" for the pages if the message was enlightening and it was not. The parents of alcoholics are advised that their reason for incarnating to the Hell of loving an alcoholic is to develop "compassion." After attending many Alanon meetings with parents, I can tell you that most of them are just completely devastated and are hanging on by mere threads - Compassion is not high on the list of what one develops when in relationship with an alcoholic. Maybe strength, fortitude, connection with Source, etc., and some compassion thrown in on good days . . . I found the "one answer fits all," so sophomoric.

Those of us who believe in Karma already know these relationships are Karmic and serve a higher purpose.

This book adds nothing to alleviate the pain of the experience - all of the intellectual ideas and theories in the world cannot penetrate the actual pain of the experiences.

In fairness, only the Introduction and the section on drug addicts and alcoholics was reviewed.

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5.0 out of 5 starsi love this guys work

ByA. Bohnon April 16, 2014

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

His work is really changing my life right now. I've practiced buddhism for 25 years, but his generosity of information and my connection to his work surpasses anything experienced in all my buddhist experiences, including Nepal and a degree in buddhist studies. Really helps letting go of past atrocities make sense. Well done, Robert Schwartz! Thank you!


1.0 out of 5 starsToo bad you can't judge a book by its beautiful cover!

Bylaura morrison May 2, 2015

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I really tried to like this book. I eagerly anticipated its arrival in the mail so I could begin reading it as soon as possible. Needless to say it didn't take long for disappointment to set in and I found myself becoming angry with what I was reading. I understand how karma, life lessons and free will is intertwined with each life we experience here on earth but this book really upset me as it seemed like it was FULL OF EXCUSES if you're a "bad" person.

It's okay if you hurt everyone you come into contact with! It's okay if you murder and/or abuse people, children and animals because they asked for it! REALLY??? I can understand that to an extent ONLY because another being needed to learn a life lesson (and this was agreed upon by the beings involved before incarnating)

but doesn't the "bad being" need to work on THEMSELVES at some point in that lifetime and grow as a human being?

 Shouldn't it be part of the soul's plan to try and WAKE UP from the miserable existence they're experiencing and inflicting on everyone else? This book angers me because it seems like it's saying if you're a really lousy excuse for a human being, don't worry, its okay. No matter how many you've hurt or destroyed, they asked for it so just continue being a jerk and lost soul for the rest of this lifetime.

Oh yeah, and for everyone that's been subjected to people doing awful things to you, make sure you THANK THEM for making the sacrifice to come here and subject you to years of abuse or whatever harm they may have caused you.

I usually don't write a review for books that I don't care for but this one just infuriated me!

It was donated to the local library in NEW condition.

鵜澤和宏研究室: 自己紹介 Uzawa Kazuhiro

鵜澤和宏研究室: 自己紹介

鵜澤 和宏 うざわ かずひろ

東亜大学 人間科学部 教授


1990 03 慶應義塾大学文学部史学科民族学考古学専攻卒業
1993 03 東京大学大学院理学系研究科人類学専攻修士課程修了
1996 03 東京大学大学院理学系研究科人類学専攻博士課程単位取得退学
1999 03 東京大学博士(理学)取得
2001 04 東亜大学総合人間・文化学部助教授
2010 04 東亜大学人間科学部教授


東亜大学 人間科学部
TEL: 083-256-1111 (代)
         083-256-5188 研究室

鵜澤和宏さん(44)=先史人類学 - 崔吉城との対話

鵜澤和宏さん(44)=先史人類学 - 崔吉城との対話



2011年03月03日 05時51分26秒 | エッセイ


平和世界を求めて : 新渡戸稲造「武士道」から見た日本精神

平和世界を求めて : 新渡戸稲造「武士道」から見た日本精神





新渡戸稲造著 大橋小太郎訳の 超訳「武士道」 あ・うん  である。



原題は Bushido:The Soul of Japan である。





































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 にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ 宗教へ











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2. キビコジ 2014年04月04日 19:16

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戦後70周年「真の愛国心 ~武士道と新渡戸裁定~」 新渡戸シリーズ 第4弾 - YouTube

戦後70周年「真の愛国心 ~武士道と新渡戸裁定~」 新渡戸シリーズ 第4弾 - YouTube

「真の愛国心 ~武士道と新渡戸裁定~」 新渡戸シリーズ 第4弾

조회수 11,483회
게시일: 2014. 2. 11.




